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The arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) is one of the most long‐lived bird species. In 2010, we captured in Finland an adult, female arctic skua which had been ringed as a nestling in 1987. We tagged it also with a color ring. The bird has last been seen in July 2020 at the age of 33 years, making it most likely the oldest known arctic skua of the world. In 2010–2011 the bird carried a light‐level measuring geolocator, the data of which revealed that the bird had spent the nonbreeding season in the Canary Current area on the west coast of Africa. Breeding populations of arctic skuas have declined recently especially in British Isles, thus it is useful to get longevity data of this species with a high breeding site fidelity.  相似文献   

In the microspore tetrad period the exine begins as rods that originate from the plasma membrane. These rods are exine units that on further development become columellae as well as part of the tectum, foot layer and “transitory endexine”. The primexine matrix is very thin in the future sites of the pores. At these sites the plasma membrane and its surface coating (glycocalyx) are without exine units and adjacent to the callose envelope. The exine around the aperture margin is characterized by units of reduced height. After the exine units and primexine matrix have become ca 0.2 μm in height a fibrillar zone forms under the aperture margin. It is the exine units around the aperture that are templates for exine processes on apertures of mature pollen. Oblique sections of the early exine show that the tectum consists of the distal portions of close-packed exine units. The exine enlarges in the free microspore period but initially its substructure (tectum, columellae, foot layer and transitory endexine) is not homogeneous and unit structures are visible until after the vacuolate microspore period. There are indications of a commissural line/plane (junction plane) which separates the foot layer from the endexine during early development. Our observations of development in Echinodorus pollen extend a growing number of reports of “transitory endexines” in monocot pollen. The exine unit-structures become 0.2 μm or more in diameter and many columellae are composed of only one exine unit. Spinules become exceptionally tall, many protruding ca 0.7 μm above the level of the tectum as units only ca 0.1 μm in diameter. The outer portion of the tectum fills in around spinules and by maturity they are microechinate with their bases spread out to ca 1 μm or more. Unit structures can be seen with SEM in mature pollen following oxidation by plasma ashing and in the tapetum these units are arranged both radially, as in spinules, and parallel with the tapetal surfaces. There are clear indications of such an arrangement of units in untreated fresh pollen. Units comprising the basal part of the exine are not completely fused by sporopollenin accumulated during development. This would seem to be a characteristic feature, based on published work, of the alismacean pollen. Our use of a tracer shows, however, that there is considerable space within or between exine structure of mature Echinodorus pollen. Based upon the ca 0.1 μm size of exine-units formed early in development and exine components seen after oxidative treatment it seems that the early (primary) accumulated sporopollenin has greater resistance to oxidation than sporopollenin added, secondarily, around and between units later in development. Both primarily and secondarily accumulated sporopollenin are resistant to acetolysis but published work indicates that acetolysis alters exine material. At the microspore tetrad time and until the vacuolate stages tapetal cells are arranged as in secretory tapetums. During early microspore stages there are orbicules at the inner surface of tapetal cells. At free microspore period tapetal cells greatly elongate into the loculus and surround the microspores. By the end of the microspore vacuolate period tapetal cells release their cellular contents and microspores are for a time enveloped by tapetal organelles and translocation material.  相似文献   

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