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The structure of the cold-stable kinetochore fiber in metaphase PtK1 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conly L. Rieder 《Chromosoma》1981,84(1):145-158
When metaphase PtK1 cells are cooled to 6–8 ° C for 4–6 h the free, polar, and astral spindle microtubules (MTs) disassemble while the MTs of each kinetochore fiber cluster together and persist as bundles of cold-stable MTs. These cold-stable kinetochore fibers are similar to untreated kinetochore fibers in both their length (i.e., 5–6 m) and in the number of kinetochore-associated MTs (i.e., 20–45) of which they are comprised. Quantitative information concerning the lengths of MTs within these fibers was obtained by tracking individual MTs between serial transverse sections. Approximately 1/2 of the kinetochore MTs in each fiber were found to run uninterrupted into the polar region of the spindle. It can be inferred from this and other data that a substantial number of MTs run uninterrupted between the kinetochore and the polar region in untreated metaphase PtK1 cells.  相似文献   

Forces in the spindle that align and segregate chromosomes produce a steady poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules (MTs [kMTs]) in higher eukaryotes. In several nonmammalian systems, flux is driven by the tetrameric kinesin Eg5 (kinesin 5), which slides antiparallel MTs toward their minus ends. However, we find that the inhibition of kinesin 5 in mammalian cultured cells (PtK1) results in only minor reduction in the rate of kMT flux from approximately 0.7 to approximately 0.5 microm/min, the same rate measured in monopolar spindles that lack antiparallel MTs. These data reveal that the majority of poleward flux of kMTs in these cells is not driven by Eg5. Instead, we favor a polar "pulling-in" mechanism in which a depolymerase localized at kinetochore fiber minus ends makes a major contribution to poleward flux. One candidate, Kif2a (kinesin 13), was detected at minus ends of fluxing kinetochore fibers. Kif2a remains associated with the ends of K fibers upon disruption of the spindle by dynein/dynactin inhibition, and these K fibers flux.  相似文献   

PtK1 metaphase cells were treated with varying concentrations of nocodazole to reduce spindle microtubule number and spindle length. The range of concentrations employed reduced spindle length from approximately 47% to 82% of the original pole-pole distance. Electron microscopy of cells treated with the lowest concentration of nocodazole employed (0.01 microgram/ml) showed a small decrease in the number of non-kinetochore microtubules (nkMTs), particularly evident in the astral region, with no significant effect on kinetochore microtubule number. Metaphase cells treated with 1 microgram/ml nocodazole for 2 min demonstrated a reduction in spindle length and loss of most non-kinetochore microtubules with little effect on the number and arrangement of the kinetochore class of microtubules. Following nocodazole treatment, the cells were perfused with 0.5 M sucrose dissolved in tissue culture medium, a treatment which has previously been shown to induce spindle elongation in metaphase cells. In cells where nocodazole effected a large decrease in non-kinetochore microtubule number with a concomitant decrease in spindle length, sucrose treatment had a reduced effect in inducing spindle elongation. In cells treated with lower concentrations of nocodazole, where numerous non-kinetochore microtubules remained, sucrose had a greater effect in inducing spindle elongation. These data suggest that the non-kinetochore population of microtubules is responsible for the extent of sucrose-induced spindle elongation. An explanation of these data is provided which suggests that the role of non-kinetochore microtubules is to trap energy in the developing spindle, such that it can be used to separate spindle poles during anaphase B.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) that copurify with tubulin through multiple cycles of in vitro assembly have been implicated as regulatory factors and effectors in the in vivo activity of microtubules. As an approach to the analysis of the functions of these molecules, a collection of lymphocyte hybridoma monoclonal antibodies has been generated using MAPs from HeLa cell microtubule protein as antigen. Two of the hybridoma clones secrete IgGs that bind to distinct sites on what appears to be a 200,000-dalton polypeptide. Both immunoglobulin preparations stain interphase and mitotic apparatus microtubules in cultured human cells. One of the clones (N-3B4.3.10) secretes antibody that reacts only with cells of human origin, while antibody from the other hybridoma (N-2B5.11.2) cross-reacts with BSC and PtK1 cells, but not with 3T3 cells. In PtK1 cells the N-2B5 antigen is associated with the microtubules of the mitotic apparatus, but there is no staining of the interphase microtubule array; rather, the antibody stains an ill-defined juxtanuclear structure. Further, neither antibody stains vinblastine crystals in either human or marsupial cells at any stage of the cell cycle. N-2B5 antibody microinjected into living PtK1 cells binds to the mitotic spindle, but does not cause a rapid dissolution of either mitotic or interphase microtubule structures. When injected before the onset of anaphase, however, the N-2B5 antibody inhibits proper chromosome partition in mitotic PtK1 cells. N-2B5 antibody injected into interphase cells causes a redistribution of MAP antigen onto the microtubule network.  相似文献   

To investigate the association of calmodulin (CaM) with microtubules (MTs) in the mitotic apparatus (MA), the distributions of CaM and tubulin were examined in cells in which the normal spindle organization had been altered. A fluorescent CaM conjugate with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (CaM-TRITC) and a dichlorotriazinyl aminofluorescein conjugate with tubulin (tubulin-DTAF) were injected into cells that had been treated with the MT inhibitor nocodazole. With moderate nocodazole concentration (0.3 micrograms/ml, 37 degrees C, 4 h) in live cells, CaM-TRITC and tubulin-DTAF concentrated identically on or near the centrosomes and kinetochores. In serial sections of these cells, small MT segments were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the regions where fluorescent protein had concentrated. When a higher drug concentration was used (3.0 micrograms/ml, 37 degrees C, 4 h), no regions of CaM-TRITC or tubulin-DTAF localization were observed, and no MTs were observed when serial sections were examined by TEM. However, following release from the high-concentration nocodazole block, CaM-TRITC colocalized with newly formed MTs at the kinetochores and centrosomes. Later in the recovery period, when chromosome-to-pole fibers had formed, CaM association with kinetochores diminished, ultimately attaining its normal pole-proximal association with kinetochore MTs in cells that progressed through mitosis. We interpret these observations as supporting the hypothesis that in the MA, CaM attains a physical association with kinetochore MTs and suggest that CaM-associated MTs may be inherently more stable.  相似文献   

Group locomotion of PtK1 cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PtK1 cells were found to form groups of variable size which locomoted in unison. A continuous spectrum of net displacements during two days of observation ranged from no displacement to about 150 μm/day. The majority of single cells migrated less than 50 μm/day. The phenomenon demonstrates in tissue culture the existence of a form of cellular migration which appears intermediary between single cell locomotion and the deformations of extended sheets of cells [8] in the sense that more than one single cell but less than an entire sheet displace themselves. It also suggests coordination of locomotion between individual cells.  相似文献   

Motor proteins play a fundamental role in the congression and segregation of chromosomes in mitosis as well as the formation of the mitotic spindle. In particular, the dynein/dynactin complex is involved in the maintenance of the spindle, formation of astral microtubules, chromosome motion, and chromosome segregation. Dynactin is a multisubunit, high molecular weight protein that is responsible for the attachment of cargo to dynein. There are a number of major subunits in dynactin that are presumed to be important during mitosis. Arp1 is thought to be the attachment site for cargo to the complex while p150(Glued), a side arm of this complex regulates binding to MTs and the binding of dynactin to dynein. We performed colocalization studies of Arp1 and p150(Glued) to spindle microtubules. Both Arp1 and p150(Glued) colocalize with spindle MTs as well as cytoplasmic components. When treated with cytochalasin J, Arp1 concentrates at the centrosomes and is less co-localized with spindle MTs. Cytochalasin J has less of an effect on the colocalization of p150(Glued) with spindle MTs, suggesting that Arp1 may have a cytochalasin J sensitive site.  相似文献   

Mitotic PtK1 cells were treated at furrow initiation with microtubule poisons to determine the role of microtubules in the regulation of terminal cytokinetic events. The administration of anti-microtubule agents in late anaphase accelerated the rate of cytokinesis by approx. 60% as measured by changes in furrow diameter. Application of colcemid, nocodazole, or vinblastine sulfate to cells at furrow initiation all increased the rate of furrowing. Nocodazole, applied at various concentrations, demonstrated a dose-dependent relationship with furrowing rate. These results suggest a coupling between the disorganization and depolymerization of microtubules and the acceleration of furrowing. Electron microscopic analysis of cells treated with microtubule inhibitors show approx. 70% fewer microtubule profiles in the constricted region between the daughter cells. Microtubules may play a restraining role in the rate of furrowing.  相似文献   

In normal anaphase of crane fly spermatocytes, the autosomes traverse most of the distance to the poles at a constant, temperature-dependent velocity. Concurrently, the birefringent kinetochore fibers shorten while retaining a constant birefringent retardation (BR) and width over most of the fiber length as the autosomes approach the centrosome region. To test the dynamic equilibrium model of chromosome poleward movement, we abruptly cooled or heated primary spermatocytes of the crane fly Nephrotoma ferruginea (and the grasshopper Trimerotropis maritima) during early anaphase. According to this model, abrupt cooling should induce transient depolymerization of the kinetochore fiber microtubules, thus producing a transient acceleration in the poleward movement of the autosomal chromosomes, provided the poles remain separated. Abrupt changes in temperature from 22 degrees C to as low as 4 degrees C or as high as 31 degrees C in fact produced immediate changes in chromosome velocity to new constant velocities. No transient changes in velocity were observed. At 4 degrees C (10 degrees C for grasshopper cells), chromosome movement ceased. Although no nonkinetochore fiber BR remained at these low temperatures, kinetochore fiber BR had changed very little. The cold stability of the kinetochore fiber microtubules, the constant velocity character of chromosome movement, and the observed Arrhenius relationship between temperature and chromosome velocity indicate that a rate-limiting catalyzed process is involved in the normal anaphase depolymerization of the spindle fiber microtubules. On the basis of our birefringence observations, the kinetochore fiber microtubules appear to exist in a steady-state balance between comparatively irreversible, and probably different, physiological pathways of polymerization and depolymerization.  相似文献   

Microscopic observation of fluorescently-stained intracellular molecules within a living cell provides a straightforward approach to understanding their temporal and spatial relationships. However, exposure to the excitation light used to visualize these fluorescently-stained molecules can be toxic to the cells. Here we describe several important considerations in microscope instrumentation and experimental conditions for avoiding the toxicity associated with observing living fluorescently-stained cells. Using a computer-controlled fluorescence microscope system designed for live observation, we recorded time-lapse, multi-color images of chromosomes and microtubules in living human and fission yeast cells. In HeLa cells, a human cell line, microtubules were stained with rhodamine-conjugated tubulin, and chromosomes were stained with a DNA-specific fluorescent dye, Hoechst33342, or with rhodamine-conjugated histone. In fission yeast cells, microtubules were stained with alpha-tubulin fused with the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP), and chromosomes were stained with Hoechst33342.  相似文献   

We report here a procedure allowing to select micronuclei corresponding to defined individualized chromosomes in conditions which preserve their synthetic activity. The mammalian PtK1 cells, which possess six chromosome pairs, were micronucleated by colchicine. DNA of the micronucleated cells was labeled by the Hoechst 33342 fluorochrome under vital conditions. The micronuclei were isolated by a gentle procedure and their fluorescence was analysed by flow cytometry. The flow-cytometry parameters were determined for the analysis of non-fixed subdiploid fractions. We obtained five distinct peaks of fluorescence which have been sorted. The sorted micronuclei are different in each peak exhibiting different fluorescence intensity. Peak 3 contains the micronuclei with nucleoli and chromocenters that correspond to the X chromosome in this cell line.  相似文献   

Injection of CREST antikinetochore antiserum (AKA) containing antibodies to the kinetochore into living prometaphase PtK2 cells decreased chromosome velocity to near zero. Injection of either phosphate-buffered saline or CREST antiserum without antikinetochore antibodies (antikinetochore negative: AKN) had no effect on prometaphase oscillations. AKA antiserum injected into anaphase cells at the beginning of chromatid separation had no effect on anaphase chromosome velocity, spindle elongation, or cytokinesis. Visible binding of antikinetochore antibodies in prometaphase cells at room temperature occurred between 5 and 15 minutes after injection. Anaphase cells injected at the beginning of chromatid separation had bound antibody at the end of anaphase. AKA antiserum recognizes in Western blots proteins associated with the primary constriction: CENP-B, -C, and -D, as reported by other workers. The control antiserum, AKN, does not recognize these proteins. These results imply that the antigens recognized by CREST antibodies are important for chromosome movement. Whether or not these antigens are themselves motor molecules cannot be addressed by the present data. In addition, the results suggest that these antigens are not involved in an important way in anaphase movement.  相似文献   

K. Ueda  T. Matsuyama  T. Hashimoto 《Protoplasma》1999,206(1-3):201-206
Summary Microtubules (MTs) were visualized in living cells of several tissues in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana. The transformed Arabidopsis plant was obtained by infecting it withAgrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the GFP-TUA6 plasmid. The fluorescence of the MTs was due to the fluorescence of GFP-TUA6 that was polymerized into the MTs. The distribution patterns of the visualized MTs in the living epidermal cells of leaves was similar to that in fixed epidermal cells. The actual destruction of MTs by oryzalin was observed in a living cell. Cytochalasin B exerts no effect on the distribution pattern of MTs. The fluorescence intensity of MTs was different among cells in different tissues.  相似文献   

The concentration dependent effects of griseofulvin (GF) on mitosis in PtK1 cells were studied using a combination of time lapse cinematography and polarization and electron microscopy. Low concentrations of GF (4×10–5 M) allowed a substantial number of cells to enter and complete an apparently normal mitosis. At higher concentrations of GF (1×10–4 M and 2.5×10–4 M) all cells entering mitosis were arrested. Typical c-mitotic chromosome arrays were observed at 1×10–4 M GF with microtubules present but no spindle formed. At 2.5×10–4 M GF chromosomes did not orient toward a common center to form a c-mitotic figure, but instead remained in a loosely clustered grouping at the center of the cell. Electron microscopy showed microtubules to be absent but revealed an irregularly shaped electron dense cloud around the centrioles. Quantitative polarization microscopy of metaphase cells perfused with GF showed rapid loss of spindle birefringence after exposure to the drug. Coinciding with loss of birefringence the spindle shrank rapidly with a pronounced shortening of pole to pole distance.  相似文献   

The relationship between progression through anaphase and furrow establishment was investigated in PtK1 cells using the anti-mitotic agent Nocodazole to arrest cells at different points in anaphase. The capacity of cells to furrow was compared to the kinetochore-kinetochore separation attained at the time of arrest. For the stages of anaphase examined, furrowing capacity increased directly with kinetochore-kinetochore separation until complete furrows were formed after kinetochore-kinetochore separations of 14 m or more were reached. Furrow establishment thus occurs during a definite interval during anaphase in PtK1 cells. Results from electron microscopy of both Nocodazole-treated and control cells suggest that a population of astral microtubules may be important for furrow establishment.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody (AC88) that was raised against the 88-kDa heat-shock protein of the water mold, Achlya ambisexualis, and that cross-reacts with the 90-kDa mammalian heat-shock protein (hsp90), and an antibody against tubulin were used to localize hsp90 and microtubules, respectively, in the same cultured rat endothelial and PtK1 epithelial cells by indirect immunofluorescence. AC88 and tubulin antibodies labeled the same structures in cells at all stages of the cell cycle, regardless of whether cells were permeabilized before or after fixation. Labeling of cell structures by both AC88 and anti-tubulin antibodies was identically affected by treating cells with colcemid. Double labeling with AC88 and anti-tubulin antibodies in interphase and mitotic cells is consistent with the conclusion that all microtubules are labeled and that no subclass of microtubules is preferentially labeled. Fluorescent labeling by AC88 was prevented by preabsorption of the antibody with purified rat hsp90 but was unaffected by preabsorption with purified 6S tubulin dimer. In contrast to AC88, fluorescent labeling by an anti-tubulin antibody was prevented by preabsorption with tubulin dimer but was unaffected by preabsorption with rat hsp90. Western-blot analysis demonstrated no cross-reactivity of AC88 for tubulin and no cross-reactivity of the anti-tubulin antibody for hsp90. A polyclonal antiserum fraction from a rabbit immunized with the 89-kDa heat-shock protein from chicken also labeled the mitotic apparatus in dividing cells and, somewhat less distinctly, fibrous structures in interphase cells. Labeling by hsp89 anti-serum was prevented by absorption with hsp90. AC88 also labeled microtubules in cultured mouse (L929 and 3T3), rat (endothelium and TRST), hamster (CHO) and primate (BSC, COS-1 and HeLa) cell lines. The demonstration of colocalization of hsp90 with microtubules should provide a valuable clue to eventual understanding of the cellular function of this ubiquitous, conserved and abundant stress-response protein.  相似文献   

Quinacrine, an acridine derivative which competitively binds to ATP binding sites, has previously been shown to cause the reorganization of metaphase spindle microtubules (MTs) due to changes in interactions of non-kinetochore microtubules (nkMTs) of opposite polarity (Armstrong and Snyder: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 7:10-19, 1987). In the study presented here, mitotic PtK1 cells were treated in early anaphase with concentrations of quinacrine ranging from 2 to 12 microM to determine energy requirements for chromosome motion. The rate and extent of chromosome-to-pole movements (anaphase A) were not affected by these quinacrine treatments. The extent of anaphase B (kinetochore-kinetochore separation) was reduced with increasing concentrations of quinacrine. Five micromolar quinacrine reduced the extent of kinetochore-kinetochore separation by 20%, and addition of 12 microM quinacrine reduced the kinetochore-kinetochore separation by 40%. To determine the role of nkMTs in anaphase spindle elongation, quinacrine-treated metaphase cells were treated with hyperosmotic sucrose concentrations, and spindle elongation was measured (Snyder et al.: Eur J. Cell Biol. 39:373-379, 1985). Metaphase cells treated with 2-10 microM concentrations of quinacrine for 2-5 min reduced spindle lengths by 10-50% prior to 0.5 M sucrose treatment for 5 min. This treatment showed a significant reduction in the ability of sucrose to induce spindle elongation in cells pretreated with quinacrine. As spindle length and birefringence was reduced by quinacrine treatment, sucrose-induced elongation was concomitantly diminished. These data suggest that quinacrine-sensitive linkages are necessary for anaphase B motions. Reduction in these linkages and/or MT length in the nkMT continuum may reduce the ability of the nkMTs to hold compression at metaphase. This form of energy is thought to drive a significant proportion of normal anaphase B in PtK1 cells and sucrose-induced metaphase spindle elongation.  相似文献   

Actin and the light chains of myosin were labeled with fluorescent dyes and injected into interphase PtK2 cells in order to study the changes in distribution of actin and myosin that occurred when the injected cells subsequently entered mitosis and divided. The first changes occurred when stress fibers in prophase cells began to disassemble. During this process, which began in the center of the cell, individual fibers shortened, and in a few fibers, adjacent bands of fluorescent myosin could be seen to move closer together. In most cells, stress fiber disassembly was complete by metaphase, resulting in a diffuse distribution of the fluorescent proteins throughout the cytoplasm with the greatest concentration present in the mitotic spindle. The first evidence of actin and myosin concentration in a cleavage ring occurred at late anaphase, just before furrowing could be detected. Initially, the intensity of fluorescence and the width of the fluorescent ring increased as the ring constricted. In cells with asymmetrically positioned mitotic spindles, both protein concentration and furrowing were first evident in the cortical regions closest to the equator of the mitotic spindle. As cytokinesis progressed in such asymmetrically dividing cells, fluorescent actin and myosin appeared at the opposite side of the cell just before furrowing activity could be seen there. At the end of cytokinesis, myosin and actin were concentrated beneath the membrane of the midbody and subsequently became organized in two rings at either end of the midbody.  相似文献   

Tyrphostin AG-1714 and several related molecules with the general structure of nitro-benzene malononitrile (BMN) disrupt microtubules in a large variety of cultured cells. This process can be inhibited by the stabilization of microtubules with taxol or by pretreatment of the cells with pervanadate, which inhibits tyrosine phosphatases and increases the overall levels of phosphotyrosine in cells. Unlike other microtubule-disrupting drugs such as nocodazole or colchicine, tyrphostin AG-1714 does not interfere with microtubule polymerization or stability in vitro, suggesting that the effect of this tyrphostin on microtubules is indirect. These results imply an involvement of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the regulation of overall microtubule dynamics. Tyrphostins of AG-1714 type could thus be powerful tools for the identification of such microtubule regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

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