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Measurements of muscle dimensions that affect respiration in relation to body weight were carried out in a tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus . The fish used in all measurements weighed 0.65–812.3 g. The data were analysed with respect to body weight using logarithmic transformations (log Y=log a + b log W ).
The slopes (b) of the log/log regression lines for weight of body trunk red muscle, average cross-sectional area of muscle fibre, average number of capillaries in direct contact with a muscle fibre, average capillary contact length with a fibre as a fraction of average fibre circumference and number of capillaries mm2 of fibre cross-sectional area [NA(cƒ)] were 1.16, 0.221, 0.084, 0.015, and −0.137 respectively.
These results show that there is an increase in muscle cross-sectional fibre area and number of capillaries in contact with muscle fibres whereas number of capillaries supplying a unit area of muscle fibre decreases during development. There is development of new capillaries with increase in cross-sectional area of red muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exposure of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (mean weight, 55.72 ± 4.30 g), to two sublethal NO2–N concentrations was studied for 24 and 48 h in a static test. In nitrite exposure tests, the percentages of methemoglobin, external nitrite, plasma nitrite, hemoglobin and hematocrit were assessed. Nitrite exposure in the range of 0.50 and 1.38 mg l−1 NO2–N caused an increase in methemoglobin levels; however, methemoglobin percentages ranging from 16% to 42% represented a mild methemoglobinemia. Levels of methemoglobin were unrelated to environmental and plasmatic nitrite concentrations. The nitrite concentration in the blood did not seem to be linked to time of exposure. Nitrite exposure in Nile tilapia was associated with a marked reduction in hemoglobin and hematocrit.  相似文献   

Morphometric measurements were carried out on some of the structural parameters affecting oxygen diffusing capacity in red muscle of 15 specimens of O. niloticus body weight (b.w.) 0.65–812.3 g. Total capillary length and surface area and total morphometric oxygen diffusing capacity in body trunk red muscle had average values of 4792·7 (± 1740.7 s.e.) m, 415·4 (± 157·3 s.e.) cm2 and 0·0213 (± 0·0075 s.e.) ml−1 min−1 cm−2 mmHg respectively. When expressed as functions of b.w. these parameters had scaling values of 1·02, 1·07 and 0·993 respectively. These figures show a slight increase or almost no change in these structural parameters (which affect diffusion of oxygen to mitochondria in red muscle) per unit weight of fish. This should be important as the role of sustained swimming (by red muscle) becomes more important in larger tilapia. Oxygen diffusion distances were short [3·11 (±0·16 s.e.) μm] which facilitates diffusion of oxygen to mitochondria. The scaling value for oxygen diffusion distances of 0·067 (with respect to body weight) shows a slight increase in this parameter with development. This value is significantly different from zero.  相似文献   

The present study revealed a relationship between the kinetic change of apoptosis and the inflammatory response during experimental intraperitoneal infection with Edwardsiella tarda as a septicemic model. The morphological changes of apoptotic cells including cellular shrinkage, condensed nuclear chromatin, nuclear fragmentation and membrane blebbing were detected by light and transmission electron microscopy. TUNEL and agarose gel electrophoresis confirmed the fragmentation of DNA in the apoptotic cells. Apoptosis was highly detected in lymphoid organs prior to the inflammatory process and gradually decreased after an extensive inflammatory response. Apoptosis in thymus and spleen was extensive and an in vitro study revealed that lymphocytes were the major cell population which underwent apoptosis. The result suggests that E. tarda-induced systemic immunosuppression via lymphocyte apoptosis as determined by suppression of the systemic inflammatory response during an initial step of generalized septicemia.  相似文献   

In order to test whether histopathological changes of gills demonstrated a good dose–response relationship with water copper levels, juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, of both sexes and similar mass (36·3 + 7·7 g), were kept in dechlorinated tap water (temperature 25° C, range ±1° C; pH 6·5–7·5; hardness 74·5 mg l?1 CaCO3) and exposed to 40 and 400 μg l?1 of copper. Gill samples were collected after 3, 7, 14 and 21 days. Six major histopathological changes (oedema, lifting, changes in filament epithelium thickness, lamellar fusion, vasodilatation and aneurisms) and three minor ones (proliferation of the lamellar epithelium, necrosis and adjacent lamellar fusion) were found and their prevalence estimated. The extent and severity of each histopathological change were used to develop a severity gradation scale (SGS). Semi‐quantitative analysis of the histopathological changes and measurements of gill copper deposition levels revealed a good dose– and time–response relationship. Oedemas and aneurisms were significantly correlated with acute exposure periods and lamellar fusion with chronic exposure. Epithelial lifting and changes in filament epithelial thickness were seen at lower and higher metal concentrations, respectively. The data also revealed that the SGS profile of each lesion was dependent of gill copper burden.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty 45-day-old fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), sexually reverted with an initial average weight of 1.25 +/- 0.14 g, distributed in a totally casualized delineation, during 330 days. The effect of the substitution of 10%, 20% and 30% of the ration by distillery yeast (Saccharomiyces cerevisae) in balanced experimental rations on the development in the breeding of tilapias did not show a harmful effect up to the maximum tested level of 30%, showing that the choice of the yeast in the ration for these fishes depends on the availability and occasional cost. The yeast provides fish with good resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions, which could be verified since there were no statistical differences among the treatments with different levels of yeast and the witness. The long growth rate in terms of length and weight can be attributed to the little available space for each specimen, not obeying the limit of populational density, as well as reduction of food ingestion, which coincide with the winter season, above of the absence of natural feeding.  相似文献   

Measurement of chitinase activity in extracts from stomach, intestine, and serum of Nile tilapia with the artificial substrates 4-methylumbelliferil beta-D-N,N'-diacetylchitobioside and 4-methylumbelliferil beta-D-N,N'N"-triacetylchitotrioside (4MU[GlcNAc](2,3)) showed that an endochitinase was involved in the liberation of the fluorophore 4-methylumbelliferone (MU). Enzymes were isolated from tilapia serum by a combination of gel filtration, ion exchange, and reverse-phase chromatography. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 75 kDa by SDS-PAGE, suggesting that the enzyme occurs as a monomer. The partially purified enzyme showed maximal activity at pH 7.0 when assayed with 4MU[GlcNAc](2) and lost its activity below pH 5.0 and above pH 8.0. The optimal pH of the purified enzyme toward the substrate 4MU[GlcNAc](3) was pH 9.0 and activity was lost below pH 8.0 and above pH 9.0. Our study has revealed the presence of a chitinolytic enzyme in the gastrointestinal tract and serum that may play a role in digestion and/or defense.  相似文献   

Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) kept in 15 ppt sea water (roughly iso-osmotic salinity) had higher growth rates than fish kept in 0 ppt (freshwater) or 30 ppt seawater, but circulating level of growth hormone was highest in fish exhibiting the poorest growth rate (30 ppt seawater). Serum thyroxine concentration was highest in 15 ppt seawater. Intestinal trypsin may play a role in promoting growth in iso-osmotic salinity since its activity was highest in fish cultured in 15 ppt seawater. The results indicate that changes in the digestive power, coupled with changes in thyroxine secretion, may account for the variations in growth rate in tilapia reared under different salinities.  相似文献   

We have constructed a genetic map for a tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, using DNA markers. The segregation of 62 microsatellite and 112 anonymous fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) was studied in 41 haploid embryos derived from a single female. We have identified linkages among 162 (93.1%) of these markers. 95% of the microsatellites and 92% of the AFLPs were linked in the final map. The map spans 704 Kosambi cM in 30 linkage groups covering the 22 chromosomes of this species. Twenty-four of these linkage groups contain at least one microsatellite polymorphism. From the number of markers 15 or fewer cM apart, we estimate a total map length of approximately 1000-1200 cM. High levels of interference are observed, consistent with measurements in other fish species. This map is a starting point for the mapping of single loci and quantitative traits in cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

Nine tilapia Oreochromis niloticus group B streptococcus (GBS) strains differing in serotype and genotype were selected and paired. Two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) and matrix‐assisted laser‐desorption ionization time‐of‐flight‐mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF‐MS) were used to analyse the protein profiles of the strain pairs. Forty‐three proteins corresponding to 66 spots were identified, of which 35 proteins were found in the seven selected strain pairs that represented pairs differing in genotype and serotype. Among the 35 proteins, numbers of differentially expressed proteins in strains of different serotypes were greater than found in strains of different genotypes, suggesting that serotype plays a more essential role than genotype in the differential protein expression among GBS strains. No distinct pattern was found with respect to genotype and the protein expression profile of GBS strains. Several proteins were identified as surface‐associated cytoplasmic proteins that possessed the typical immunity‐eliciting characteristics of surface proteins. The identified proteins were found to be involved in 16 biological processes and seven Kyoto encyclopaedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathways. The data, for the first time, identified differentially expressed proteins in O. niloticus GBS strains of different serotypes, which play a major role in immunogenicity of O. niloticus GBS than does genotype, offering further information for design of a vaccine against O. niloticus GBS.  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the persistence and expression of a plasmid-enclosed reporter gene construct after intramuscular injection into the somatic muscle tissue of juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and also the effect of injecting a potentially growth-promoting gene construct. The plasmid-enclosed DNA proved stable at the site of injection, lasting in some cases for up to 6 months, and was, at a very low frequency, detected in gonad tissue, indicating occasional substantial movement from the injected muscle site. It was observed that the reporter gene and regulatory sequences were also functional within the somatic cells. In a comparison of expression levels by direct somatic injection, the 1·6 kb tilapia β-actin regulatory sequence (tiβAP) resulted in c. three-fold higher β-galactosidase activity than the 4·7 kb carp β-actin regulatory sequence (cβAP) when spliced to the lacZ gene. The enhancer element near the end of first intron in the tiβAP, when co-injected with tiβAP/lacZ plasmid at a 3:1 ratio, drove significantly higher reporter activity in somatic cells than the tiβAP/lacZ sequence alone. The introduction of a growth-promoting construct, the Nile tilapia growth hormone gene driven by a tiβAP, yielded no detectable growth enhancement.  相似文献   

Four substrata were offered to groups of adult Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (one male and two females) simultaneously: pure sand, a mixture of sand and shells, stones and no substratum. The results showed that males chose to dig nests in a lighter and more homogeneous substratum.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is a widely applied insecticide that permeates on most waterways and affects aquatic organisms. The growth performances, hematological and histological impacts on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus following a 60 day of exposure to varying concentrations of chlorpyrifos 20 EC (T1 08 µgL?1, T2 16 µgL?1, and T3 32 µgL?1) were compared to a control Tc 0 µgL?1. The 96-hour LC50 of chlorpyrifos 20 EC was calculated as 46.80 μgL?1. The water quality parameters were recorded regularly. The value of dissolved O2 and NH3 stayed rather steady, although temperature varied considerably. It was revealed that as chlorpyrifos levels go up, the percentage of weight gain (WG %), specific growth rates (SGR), and survival rate decreases. The control group Tc had the highest percentages of SGR weight (1.16 ± 0.58) and the T3 group had the lowest percentages of SGR weight (0.25 ± 0.77). The hematological assessment showed significant differences of hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell counts and red blood cell numbers between chlorpyrifos treatment and control group (P < 0.05). Histological alterations in the liver, gills, and muscle tissues reported to be worse for T3 as compared to others. There were no statistical differences in GSI, HSI values between control and treatment groups. The chlorpyrifos 20 EC was shown to be highly toxic to O. niloticus at sub-lethal dosages.  相似文献   

Freshwater (FW)-adapted tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) were treated with estradiol (E(2)) for 4 days to stimulate protein synthesis and sampled at 0, 4, and 24 h after exposure to 50% seawater (SW). E(2) increased circulating vitellogenin (VTG) levels in large amounts, indicative of unusually high rates of hepatic protein synthesis. E(2) treatment prevented the recovery of plasma osmolality in 50% SW that was evident in the sham group. Plasma sodium concentration was significantly elevated with E(2) in FW, but the levels did not change in 50% SW. Gill Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was significantly lower in the E(2) group compared with sham-injected tilapia in 50% SW. No significant differences were noted in plasma cortisol, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, or glucose concentration with E(2) in 50% SW. E(2) significantly lowered several key liver enzyme activities and also decreased gill lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase activities over a 24-h period. Together, our results suggest that E(2) impairs ion regulation in tilapia, partially mediated by a decreased metabolic capacity in liver and gill. The decreased tissue metabolic capacity is likely due to E(2)-induced energy repartitioning processes that are geared toward VTG synthesis at the expense of other energy-demanding pathways.  相似文献   

应用腹腔注射染毒法,研究不同作用时间下微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)在罗非鱼各组织器官的动态分布。结果表明:除罗非鱼肌肉中MC-LR含量低于检出限(用ND表示未检出)外,罗非鱼肝脏、血清、胆囊、鳃、肠道都有MC-LR检出;且各组织器官MC-LR残留量的分布有明显的区别,其中以肝脏中残留量的平均值为最高,其变化区间为0.902~4.938mg·kg-1,血清、胆囊、鳃、肠道的MC-LR残留量变化区间分别为ND~0.390mg·L-1、ND~0.236mg·kg-1、0.0134~0.0369mg·kg-1、0.007~0.016mg·kg-1;染毒后84h,罗非鱼肝脏、鳃、血清、胆囊中的MC-LR残留量都显著降低,且血清和胆囊中的MC-LR含量低于检出限,表明罗非鱼对MC-LR具有很强的解毒机能;染毒后36h,胆囊和肝脏中的MC-LR残留量骤然下降,由此推测胆囊和肝脏可能是罗非鱼对MC-LR的主要解毒器官;试验期间,肌肉中MC-LR含量始终低于检出限,表明低剂量的MC摄入不会在罗非鱼肌肉中造成明显的残留。  相似文献   

Gonadal development and sexual maturation of fish are often related to photic conditions. We attempted to utilise the direct application of melatonin to elicit similar effects in the absence of photoperiod manipulation. We found no significant differences in somatic growth between melatonin-treated groups and controls, indicating that melatonin administration did not negatively affect the growth of the experimental fish. Treatment with low-dose melatonin (0.3 mg/kg BW) resulted in a decrease in spawning frequency, number of spawned eggs and gonadosomatic index in female tilapia. In male tilapia, low-dose melatonin was associated with a decrease in sperm count, spermatocrit and spermatozoa activity index, implying that exogenous melatonin might mimic the effects of shortened light photoperiod, which suppresses reproductive activity in this species. These results suggest the possibility that an optimised dose of melatonin treatment could be used to control the spawning behaviour of this species.  相似文献   

A Foxl2 cDNA was cloned from the Nile tilapia ovary by RT-PCR and subsequent RACE. Alignment of known Foxl2 sequences from vertebrates confirmed the conservation of the Foxl2 open reading frame and protein sequences, especially the forkhead domain and C-terminal region, while some homopolymeric runs of amino acids are found only in mammals but not in non-mammalian vertebrates. RT-PCR revealed that Foxl2 is expressed in the tilapia brain (B), pituitary (P), gill, and gonads (G), with the highest level of expression in the ovary, reflecting the involvement of Foxl2 in B-P-G axis. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization also revealed an evident sexual dimorphic expression pattern in the gonads. Foxl2 mRNA was mainly detected in the granulosa cells surrounding the oocytes. The ovarian expression of Foxl2 in tilapia begins early during the differentiation of the gonads and persists until adulthood, implying the involvement of Foxl2 in fish gonad differentiation and the maintenance of ovarian function.  相似文献   

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