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The population structure of the edible Atlanto-Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is described by analysing sequence variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I in 127 individuals from 12 localities across south-west Europe. The study revealed high levels of genetic diversity but low levels of genetic structure, suggesting a large degree of gene flow between populations and panmixis within each, the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. However, we found significant genetic differentiation between the two basins probably due to restricted gene flow across the geographical boundary imposed by the area of the Strait of Gibraltar. Populations of P. lividus appeared to have experienced a recent demographic expansion in the late Pleistocene. We provide new evidence on the population structure of this commercial species, predicting a healthy stock of this sea urchin on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

Along the Moroccan coasts, the systematic status of Mytilus populations have been for a long time uncertain and confused, due to the use of unreliable morphometric criteria. In the present study, allozyme markers reveal the exclusive existence of M. galloprovincialis on Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Nei's genetic distances are low and reflect a high gene flow between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. However, a significant multilocus discontinuity revealed by F-statistics separate southern Atlantic populations from Mediterranean and north Atlantic ones and could be explained by a gene flow breaking because of a larval dispersal decrease, due to a sea surface current direction change from Cap Ghir towards the Canaries archipelago, and probably by differential selection effects in these two geographic areas.  相似文献   

Ancient managed landscapes provide ideal opportunities to assess the consequences of habitat fragmentation on the patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow in long-lived plant species. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and allozyme markers, we quantified seed-mediated gene flow and population genetic diversity and structure in 14 populations of Myrtus communis (myrtle), a common endozoochorous shrub species of forest patches in lowland agricultural Mediterranean areas. Overall, allozyme diversity for myrtle was low (P95   =   25%; A   =   1.411; He = 0.085) compared to other known populations, and a significant portion of populations (57%) had lower levels of allelic diversity and/or heterozygosity than expected at random, as shown by simulated resampling of the whole diversity of the landscape. We found significant correlations between allozyme variability and population size and patch isolation, but no significant inbreeding in any population. Genetic differentiation among populations for both allozyme and AFLP markers was significant (ΦST = 0.144 and ΦST = 0.142, respectively) but an isolation-by-distance pattern was not detected. Assignment tests on AFLP data indicated a high immigration rate in the populations ( ca. 20–22%), likely through effective seed dispersal across the landscape by birds and mammals. Our results suggest that genetic isolation is not the automatic outcome of habitat destruction since substantial levels of seed-mediated gene flow are currently detectable. However, even moderate rates of gene flow seem insufficient in this long-lived species to counteract the genetic erosion and differentiation imposed by chronic habitat destruction.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, differential gene exchange between partially reproductively isolated taxa can result in introgression that extends over long distances due to high larval dispersal potential. However, the degree to which this process contributes to interlocus variance of genetic differentiation within introgressed populations remains unclear. Using a genome-scan approach in the Indo-Pacific eel Anguilla marmorata, we investigated the degree of interpopulation genetic differentiation, the rate of introgression, and within-population genetic patterns at 858 AFLP markers genotyped in 1117 individuals. Three divergent populations were identified based on clustering analysis. Genetic assignments of individuals revealed the existence of different types of hybrids that tended to co-occur with parental genotypes in three population contact zones. Highly variable levels of genetic differentiation were found between populations across the AFLP markers, and reduced rates of introgression were shown at some highly differentiated loci. Gene flow across semipermeable genetic barriers was shown to generate spatial introgression patterns at some loci which define within-population structure over long distances. These results suggest that differential introgression in subdivided populations may be relevant when interpreting spatial variation patterns displayed by outlying loci in other marine fish populations.  相似文献   

Along the Moroccan coasts, the systematic status of Mytilus populations have been for a long time uncertain and confused, due to the use of unreliable morphometric criteria. In the present study, allozyme markers reveal the exclusive existence of M. galloprovincialis on Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Nei’s genetic distances are low and reflect a high gene flow between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. However, a significant multilocus discontinuity revealed by F-statistics separate southern Atlantic populations from Mediterranean and north Atlantic ones and could be explained by a gene flow breaking because of a larval dispersal decrease, due to a sea surface current direction change from Cap Ghir towards the Canaries archipelago, and probably by differential selection effects in these two geographic areas.  相似文献   

Patterns of seed dispersal in the wild sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima) are predicted to be influenced by marine currents because populations are widely distributed along the European Atlantic coast. We investigated the potential influence of marine currents on the pattern of spatial genetic structuring in natural populations of sea beet. Populations were located along the French coasts of the Anglo-Norman gulf that features peculiar marine currents in the Channel. Thirty-three populations were sampled, among which 23 were continental and 10 were insular populations located in Jersey, Guernsey and Chausey, for a total of 1224 plants genotyped. To validate the coastal topography influence and the possibility of marine current orientated gene flow on the genetic features of sea beet populations, we assessed patterns of genetic structuring of cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity by: (i) searching for an isolation-by-distance (IBD) pattern using spatial autocorrelation tools; (ii) using the Monmonier algorithm to identify genetic boundaries in the area studied; and (iii) performing assignment tests that are based on multilocus genotype information to ascertain population membership of individuals. Our results showed a highly contrasted cytoplasmic and nuclear genetic differentiation and highlighted the peculiar situation of island populations. Beyond a classical isolation-by-distance due to short-range dispersal, genetic barriers fitting the orientation of marine currents were clearly identified. This suggests the occurrence of long-distance seed dispersal events and an asymmetrical gene flow separating the eastern and western part of the Anglo-Norman gulf.  相似文献   

Avicennia germinans L. is a widespread mangrove species occupying the west coast of Africa and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Americas from the Bahamas to Brazil and Baja California to Peru. An amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular analysis was carried out to assess genetic architecture within this species and to evaluate the effects of the Atlantic Ocean and the Central American Isthmus (CAI) on population and regional genetic diversity and differentiation. In total, 349 polymorphic AFLP fragments were identified among 144 individuals from 14 populations from the east Atlantic, west Atlantic and east Pacific. Levels of genetic diversity varied considerably among populations, but were generally higher in populations from the east Atlantic. Regional differentiation between the Pacific coast and Atlantic populations was greater than between east and west Atlantic populations, suggesting that the CAI has had an important influence on population genetic structure in this species. The lower level of divergence of east Atlantic from west Atlantic populations suggests some dispersal across the Atlantic Ocean, although migration rates are probably low; Nm from GST equal to 0.41 and accumulation of private and rare alleles in the east Atlantic. Population differentiation did not appear to follow an isolation by distance model and has probably resulted from complex patterns of population bottlenecks, and founder events due to landscape changes during the Pleistocene, particularly in the west Atlantic. The molecular data provide no support for the treatment of east Atlantic populations as a separate species A. africana.  相似文献   

The Atlantic sand fiddler crab Uca pugilator is an extremely abundant crab found along the eastern coast of the United States. Fiddler crabs have a life cycle with an obligatory planktonic larval phase of 30-90 days, which might be expected to lead to widespread larval dispersal and consequent genetic homogeneity over considerable distances. However, a large amount of morphological and behavioral variation is found between northern and southern populations along the eastern coast. This study was undertaken to determine the population genetic structure of U.pugilator and to determine whether these differences may have a genetic basis. The population structure of the fiddler crab was analyzed using 472 individuals collected from 12 sites along the eastern coast. PCR-based single stand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) was used to investigate between-site variation in the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of these individuals. Analysis of genetic variation indicated frequent gene flow between nearby localities, but much reduced levels between populations separated by larger geographic distances. Thus, despite the potential for high dispersal by planktonic larvae, population differentiation and isolation by distance is evident between northern and southern populations of U.pugilator. A high amount of genetic differentiation (FST=0.3468) was found between northern and southern regions suggesting that the morphological and behavioral differences between these two regions have a genetic basis and may represent subspecies [Current Zoology 55(2):150-157,2009].  相似文献   

Dispersal is critically linked to the demographic and evolutionary trajectories of populations, but in most seabird species it may be difficult to estimate. Using molecular tools, we explored population structure and the spatial dispersal pattern of a highly pelagic but philopatric seabird, the Cory''s shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Microsatellite fragments were analysed from samples collected across almost the entire breeding range of the species. To help disentangle the taxonomic status of the two subspecies described, the Atlantic form C. d. borealis and the Mediterranean form C. d. diomedea, we analysed genetic divergence between subspecies and quantified both historical and recent migration rates between the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. We also searched for evidence of isolation by distance (IBD) and addressed spatial patterns of gene flow. We found a low genetic structure in the Mediterranean basin. Conversely, strong genetic differentiation appeared in the Atlantic basin. Even if the species was mostly philopatric (97%), results suggest recent dispersal between basins, especially from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean (aprox. 10% of migrants/generation across the last two generations). Long-term gene flow analyses also suggested an historical exchange between basins (about 70 breeders/generation). Spatial analysis of genetic variation indicates that distance is not the main factor in shaping genetic structure in this species. Given our results we recommend gathering more data before concluded whether these taxa should be treated as two species or subspecies.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of marine populations is greatly influenced by the dispersal ability of the organisms, and it is intuitive that a limited dispersal capability would result in greater genetic differentiation. Octopus variabilis is a typical cephalopod species that shows limited dispersal potential, and previous genetic surveys by a mitochondrial DNA analyses revealed high levels of genetic differentiation among its populations, suggesting the existence of cryptic or subspecies. To test this hypothesis, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and the cytochrome oxidase II (COII) gene sequence were used to re-evaluate the spatial genetic structure of five populations of O. variabilis along the coast of China. Four distinct groups were identified within these five populations: the Dalian + Qingdao, Zhoushan, Wenzhou, and Dongshan groups. A deep genetic break among the Dongshan, Wenzhou, and other two groups were specifically recognized by both genetic markers. A considerable number of distinct alleles for AFLP and a deep divergence of 13.9–19.4% in the COII gene sequences were found among them, suggesting the occurrence of potential cryptic or subspecies of O. variabilis. A genetic structure of isolation by distance was identified in O. variabilis by a Mantel test, with the geographic distance explaining 62% of the variation in genetic differentiation. This result suggests that gene flow is geographically restricted for this species and that limited dispersal may be the main reason for the genetic differentiation among O. variabilis populations. The present results indicate that special care should be taken in future fishery exploitation and conservation efforts for this species and that conservation management should include populations representing all lineages.  相似文献   

Pelagic fish that are distributed circumtropically are characterised by a low population structure level as a result of a high capacity for dispersion and large population sizes. Nevertheless, historical and contemporary processes, including past demographic and/or range expansions, secondary contact, dispersal, gene flow, and the achievement of large effective population sizes, may play a part in the detection of divergence signals, especially in the case of tropical pelagic species, whose distribution range depends strongly on the sea surface temperature. The connectivity and historical demography of Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Mediterranean populations of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) was studied using partial sequences of the mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1). AMOVA analyses revealed significant inter-oceanic divergence with three phylogroups located in the Indo-Pacific, Eastern Atlantic, and Mediterranean Sea, the last one being the most divergent. However, it was not possible to clearly observe any genetic differentiation between the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic populations, as has been reported for most tropical pelagic species of tuna and billfishes. This supports the assumption of recent dispersal among basins facilitated by the actual continuous distribution of dolphinfish populations. Moreover, the lack of a divergence signal for populations separated by the Panamanian Isthmus reveals that genetic drift does not exert a strong influence on tropical pelagic species with large effective population sizes.  相似文献   

This study aimed at assessing the genetic structure and the state of the stocks of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius). To this end, 15 samples were taken from the whole range of the species and analysed using allozymes. Since 11 samples were taken from the poorly studied Mediterranean Sea, the results obtained provided a complete picture of the hake's genetic structure and an initial insight into its relationships with environmental features. Atlantic and Mediterranean hake populations are separated by the Almeria-Oran front. This area has been proved to be the boundary between Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks of many marine organisms, but some doubt exists concerning the efficaciousness of the local gyres as barriers to the gene flow. Our data have evidenced a latitudinal cline at loci Gapdh and Gpi-2 within the Mediterranean Sea, with a further steep change across the Almeria-Oran front. The genetic pattern showed a strong correlation with the values of the salinity both at the surface and at -320 m and of the salinity + temperature at the surface, suggesting a role for these parameters in maintaining the genetic differentiation among the two population groups through selective processes. Finally, the levels of genetic variability were found to be slightly lower in the depleted Atlantic stock than in the Mediterranean one.  相似文献   

Aim Based on extensive range‐wide sampling, we address the phylogeographical history of one of the most widespread and taxonomically complex sedges in Europe, Carex nigra s. lat. We compare the genetic structure of the recently colonized northern areas (front edge) and the long‐standing southern areas (rear edge), and assess the potential genetic basis of suggested taxonomic divisions at the rank of species and below. Location Amphi‐Atlantic, central and northern Europe, circum‐Mediterranean mountain ranges, central Siberia, Himalayas. Methods A total of 469 individuals sampled from 83 populations, covering most of the species’ range, were analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers. Bayesian clustering, principal coordinates analysis, and estimates of diversity and differentiation were used for the analysis of AFLP data. CpDNA data were analysed with statistical parsimony networks and maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees. Results Overall genetic diversity was high, but differentiation among populations was limited. Major glacial refugia were inferred in the Mediterranean Basin and in western Russia; in addition, there may have been minor refugia in the North Atlantic region. In the southern part of the range, we found high levels, but geographically quite poorly structured genetic diversity, whereas the levels of genetic diversity varied among different areas in the north. North American populations were genetically very similar to the European populations. Main conclusions The data are consistent with extensive gene flow, which has obscured the recent history of the taxon. The limited differentiation in the south probably results from the mixing of lineages expanding from several local refugia. Northward post‐glacial colonization resulted in a leading‐edge pattern of low diversity in the Netherlands, Belgium, Scotland and Iceland, whereas the observed high diversity levels in Fennoscandia suggest broad‐fronted colonization from the south as well as from the east. The patterns found in the American populations are consistent with post‐glacial colonization, possibly even with anthropogenic introduction from Europe. Our data also suggest that the tussock‐forming populations of C. nigra, often referred to as a distinct species (Carex juncella), represent an ecotype that has originated repeatedly from different populations with creeping rhizomes.  相似文献   

Eryngium alpinum L. is an endangered species found across the European Alps. In order to obtain base-line data for the conservation of this species, we investigated levels of genetic diversity within and among 14 populations from the French Alps. We used the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique with three primer pairs and scored a total of 62 unambiguous, polymorphic markers in 327 individuals. Because AFLP markers are dominant, within-population genetic structure (e.g. FIS) could not be assessed. Analyses based either on the assumption of random-mating or on complete selfing lead to very similar results. Diversity levels within populations were relatively high (mean Nei's expected heterozygosity = 0.198; mean Shannon index = 0.283), and a positive correlation was detected between both genetic diversity measurements and population size (Spearman rank correlation: P = 0. 005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Moreover, FST values and exact tests of differentiation revealed high differentiation among populations (mean pairwise FST = 0.40), which appeared to be independent of geographical distance (nonsignificant Mantel test). Founder events during postglacial colonizations and/or bottlenecks are proposed to explain this high but random genetic differentiation. By contrast, we detected a pattern of isolation by distance within populations and valleys. Predominant local gene flow by pollen or seed is probably responsible for this pattern. Concerning the management of E. alpinum, the high genetic differentiation leads us to recommend the conservation of a maximum number of populations. This study demonstrates that AFLP markers enable a quick and reliable assessment of intraspecific genetic variability in conservation genetics.  相似文献   

Distinguishing natural versus anthropogenic dispersal of organisms is essential for determining the native range of a species and implementing an effective conservation strategy. For cryptogenic species with limited historical records, molecular data can help to identify introductions. Nematostella vectensis is a small, burrowing estuarine sea anemone found in tidally restricted salt marsh pools. This species’ current distribution extends over three coast lines: (i) the Atlantic coast of North America from Nova Scotia to Georgia, (ii) the Pacific coast of North America from Washington to central California, and (iii) the southeast coast of England. The 1996 IUCN Red List designates N. vectensis as “vulnerable” in England. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting of 516 individuals from 24 N. vectensis populations throughout its range and mtDNA sequencing of a subsample of these individuals strongly suggest that anthropogenic dispersal has played a significant role in its current distribution. Certain western Atlantic populations of N. vectensis exhibit greater genetic similarity to Pacific populations or English populations than to other western Atlantic populations. At the same time, F-statistics showing high degrees of genetic differentiation between geographically proximate populations support a low likelihood for natural dispersal between salt marshes. Furthermore, the western Atlantic harbors greater genetic diversity than either England or the eastern Pacific. Collectively, these data clearly imply that N. vectensis is native to the Atlantic coast of North America and that populations along the Pacific coast and in England are cases of successful introduction.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):29-29
Kusumo, H., Pfister, C., & Wootton, T. Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 USA Available experimental and observational data suggest that the sea palm, Postelsia palmaeformis, has short spore dispersal distances. We hypothesized that this dispersal pattern would produce substantial genetic structuring in local populations and identifiable genetic lineages. We sampled individuals from populations 30 m to 2 km apart using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP). We present methods for successfully carrying out AFLP on Postelsia, and give an overview of our initial analyses. As predicted by the life-history of Postelsia, we find evidence of significant geographic differentiation (Fst) of Postelsia populations from as little as 30 m apart. In addition, we outline an experiment to determine parent-offspring relationships.  相似文献   

Juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from Atlantic nesting populations migrate into the western Mediterranean, where they share feeding grounds with turtles originating in the Mediterranean. In this scenario, male-mediated gene flow may lead to the homogenization of these distant populations. To test this hypothesis, we genotyped 7 microsatellites from 56 Atlantic individuals sampled from feeding grounds in the western Mediterranean and then compared the observed allele frequencies with published data of 112 individuals from Mediterranean nesting beaches. Mediterranean populations were found to be genetically differentiated from the Atlantic stock reaching the western Mediterranean (F(st) = 0.029, P < 0.001); therefore, the possible mating events between Atlantic and Mediterranean individuals are not sufficient to homogenize these 2 areas. The differentiation observed between these 2 areas demonstrates that microsatellites are sufficiently powerful for mixed stock analysis and that individual assignment (IA) tests can be performed in combination with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. In a set of 197 individuals sampled in western Mediterranean feeding grounds, 87% were robustly assigned to Atlantic or Mediterranean groups with the combined marker, as compared with only 52% with mtDNA alone. These findings provide a new approach for tracking the movements of these oceanic migrants and have strong implications for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The morphological features of pollen and seed of Araucaria angustifolia have led to the proposal of limited gene dispersal for this species. We used nuclear microsatellite and AFLP markers to assess patterns of genetic variation in six natural populations at the intra- and inter-population level, and related our findings to gene dispersal in this species. Estimates of both fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) and migration rate suggest relatively short-distance gene dispersal. However, gene dispersal differed among populations, and effects of more efficient dispersal within population were observed in at least one stand. In addition, even though some seed dispersal may be aggregated in this principally barochorous species, reasonable secondary seed dispersal, presumably facilitated by animals, and overlap of seed shadows within populations is suggested. Overall, no correlation was observed between levels of SGS and inbreeding, density or age structure, except that a higher level of SGS was revealed for the population with a higher number of juvenile individuals. A low estimate for the number of migrants per generation between two neighbouring populations implies limited gene flow. We expect that stepping-stone pollen flow may have contributed to low genetic differentiation among populations observed in a previous survey. Thus, strategies for maintenance of gene flow among remnant populations should be considered in order to avoid degrading effects of population fragmentation on the evolution of A. angustifolia.  相似文献   

We assessed the genetic structure of populations of the widely distributed sea cucumber Holothuria (Holothuria) mammata Grube, 1840, and investigated the effects of marine barriers to gene flow and historical processes. Several potential genetic breaks were considered, which would separate the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, the isolated Macaronesian Islands from the other locations analysed, and the Western Mediterranean and Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). We analysed mitochondrial 16S and COI gene sequences from 177 individuals from four Atlantic locations and four Mediterranean locations. Haplotype diversity was high (H=0.9307 for 16S and 0.9203 for COI), and the haplotypes were closely related (π=0.0058 for 16S and 0.0071 for COI). The lowest genetic diversities were found in the Aegean Sea population. Our results showed that the COI gene was more variable and more useful for the detection of population structure than the 16S gene. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes, the pairwise F(ST) values and the results of exact tests and amova revealed: (i) a significant genetic break between the population in the Aegean Sea and those in the other locations, as supported by both mitochondrial genes, and (ii) weak differentiation of the Canary and Azores Islands from the other populations; however, the populations from the Macaronesian Islands, Algarve and West Mediterranean could be considered to be a panmictic metapopulation. Isolation by distance was not identified in H. (H.) mammata. Historical events behind the observed findings, together with the current oceanographic patterns, were proposed and discussed as the main factors that determine the population structure and genetic signature of H. (H.) mammata.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study sought genetic evidence of long-term isolation in populations of Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana (Araceae), a herbaceous, probably outbreeding, humid forest hemi-epiphyte, in the brejo forests of Ceará (north-east Brazil), and clarification of their relationships with populations in Amazonia and the Atlantic forest of Brazil. METHODS: Within-population genetic diversity and between-population dissimilarity were estimated using AFLP molecular markers in 75 individuals from eight populations located in Ceará, the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Amazonia. KEY RESULTS: The populations showed a clinal pattern of weak genetic differentiation over a large geographical region (F(ST) = 0.1896). A strong correlation between genetic and geographical distance (Mantel test: r = 0.6903, P = 0.002) suggests a historical pattern of isolation by distance. Genetic structure analysis revealed at least two distinct gene pools in the data. The two isolated Ceará populations are significantly different from each other (pairwise Phi(PT) = 0.137, P = 0.003) and as diverse (Nei's gene diversity, average H(e) = 0.1832, 0.1706) as those in the Atlantic and Amazon forest regions. The population in southern Brazil is less diverse (Nei's gene diversity, average H(e) = 0.127) than the rest. The Ceará populations are related to those of the Atlantic forest rather than those from Amazonia (AMOVA, among-groups variation = 11.95 %, P = 0.037). CONCLUSIONS: The gene pools detected within an overall pattern of clinal variation suggest distinct episodes of gene flow, possibly correlated with past humid forest expansions. The Ceará populations show no evidence of erosion of genetic diversity, although this was expected because of their isolation. Their genetic differentiation and relatively high diversity reinforce the importance of conserving the endangered brejo forests.  相似文献   

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