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S T Kalinowski 《Heredity》2011,106(4):625-632
One of the primary goals of population genetics is to succinctly describe genetic relationships among populations, and the computer program STRUCTURE is one of the most frequently used tools for doing so. The mathematical model used by STRUCTURE was designed to sort individuals into Hardy–Weinberg populations, but the program is also frequently used to group individuals from a large number of populations into a small number of clusters that are supposed to represent the main genetic divisions within species. In this study, I used computer simulations to examine how well STRUCTURE accomplishes this latter task. Simulations of populations that had a simple hierarchical history of fragmentation showed that when there were relatively long divergence times within evolutionary lineages, the clusters created by STRUCTURE were frequently not consistent with the evolutionary history of the populations. These difficulties can be attributed to forcing STRUCTURE to place individuals into too few clusters. Simulations also showed that the clusters produced by STRUCTURE can be strongly influenced by variation in sample size. In some circumstances, STRUCTURE simply put all of the individuals from the largest sample in the same cluster. A reanalysis of human population structure suggests that the problems I identified with STRUCTURE in simulations may have obscured relationships among human populations—particularly genetic similarity between Europeans and some African populations.  相似文献   

The program structure has been used extensively to understand and visualize population genetic structure. It is one of the most commonly used clustering algorithms, cited over 11 500 times in Web of Science since its introduction in 2000. The method estimates ancestry proportions to assign individuals to clusters, and post hoc analyses of results may indicate the most likely number of clusters, or populations, on the landscape. However, as has been shown in this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources by Puechmaille ( 2016 ), when sampling is uneven across populations or across hierarchical levels of population structure, these post hoc analyses can be inaccurate and identify an incorrect number of population clusters. To solve this problem, Puechmaille ( 2016 ) presents strategies for subsampling and new analysis methods that are robust to uneven sampling to improve inferences of the number of population clusters.  相似文献   

spag e d i version 1.0 is a software primarily designed to characterize the spatial genetic structure of mapped individuals or populations using genotype data of codominant markers. It computes various statistics describing genetic relatedness or differentiation between individuals or populations by pairwise comparisons and tests their significance by appropriate numerical resampling. spag e d i is useful for: (i) detecting isolation by distance within or among populations and estimating gene dispersal parameters; (ii) assessing genetic relatedness between individuals and its actual variance, a parameter of interest for marker based inferences of quantitative inheritance; (iii) assessing genetic differentiation among populations, including the case of haploids or autopolyploids.  相似文献   

The computer program Structure implements a Bayesian method, based on a population genetics model, to assign individuals to their source populations using genetic marker data. It is widely applied in the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, human genetics and conservation biology for detecting hidden genetic structures, inferring the most likely number of populations (K), assigning individuals to source populations and estimating admixture and migration rates. Recently, several simulation studies repeatedly concluded that the program yields erroneous inferences when samples from different populations are highly unbalanced in size. Analysing both simulated and empirical data sets, this study confirms that Structure indeed yields poor individual assignments to source populations and gives frequently incorrect estimates of K when sampling is unbalanced. However, this poor performance is mainly caused by the adoption of the default ancestry prior, which assumes all source populations contribute equally to the pooled sample of individuals. When the alternative ancestry prior, which allows for unequal representations of the source populations by the sample, is adopted, accurate individual assignments could be obtained even if sampling is highly unbalanced. The alternative prior also improves the inference of K by two estimators, albeit the improvement is not as much as that in individual assignments to populations. For the difficult case of many populations and unbalanced sampling, a rarely used parameter combination of the alternative ancestry prior, an initial ALPHA value much smaller than the default and the uncorrelated allele frequency model is required for Structure to yield accurate inferences. I conclude that Structure is easy to use but is easier to misuse because of its complicated genetic model and many parameter (prior) options which may not be obvious to choose, and suggest using multiple plausible models (parameters) and K estimators in conducting comparative and exploratory Structure analysis.  相似文献   

Zhu J  Xie L  Honig B 《Proteins》2006,65(2):463-479
In this article, we present an iterative, modular optimization (IMO) protocol for the local structure refinement of protein segments containing secondary structure elements (SSEs). The protocol is based on three modules: a torsion-space local sampling algorithm, a knowledge-based potential, and a conformational clustering algorithm. Alternative methods are tested for each module in the protocol. For each segment, random initial conformations were constructed by perturbing the native dihedral angles of loops (and SSEs) of the segment to be refined while keeping the protein body fixed. Two refinement procedures based on molecular mechanics force fields - using either energy minimization or molecular dynamics - were also tested but were found to be less successful than the IMO protocol. We found that DFIRE is a particularly effective knowledge-based potential and that clustering algorithms that are biased by the DFIRE energies improve the overall results. Results were further improved by adding an energy minimization step to the conformations generated with the IMO procedure, suggesting that hybrid strategies that combine both knowledge-based and physical effective energy functions may prove to be particularly effective in future applications.  相似文献   

The Utah prairie dog (Cynomys parvidens), listed as threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act, was the subject of an extensive eradication program throughout its range during the 20th century. Eradication campaigns, habitat destruction/fragmentation/conversion, and epizootic outbreaks (e.g., sylvatic plague) have reduced prairie dog numbers from an estimated 95,000 individuals in the 1920s to approximately 14,000 (estimated adult spring count) today. As a result of these anthropogenic actions, the species is now found in small isolated sets of subpopulations. We characterized the levels of genetic diversity and population genetic structure using 10 neutral nuclear microsatellite loci for twelve populations (native and transplanted) representative of the three management designated “recovery units,” found in three distinct biogeographic regions, sampled across the species' range. The results indicate (1) low levels of genetic diversity within colonies (He = 0.109–0.357; Ho = 0.106‐ 0.313), (2) high levels of genetic differentiation among colonies (global FST = 0.296), (3) very small genetic effective population sizes, and (4) evidence of genetic bottlenecks. The genetic data reveal additional subdivision such that colonies within recovery units do not form single genotype clusters consistent with recovery unit boundaries. Genotype cluster membership support historical gene flow among colonies in the easternmost West Desert Recovery Unit with the westernmost Pausaugunt colonies and among the eastern Pausaugunt colonies and the Awapa Recovery unit to the north. In order to maintain the long‐term viability of the species, there needs to be an increased focus on maintaining suitable habitat between groups of existing populations that can act as connective corridors. The location of future translocation sites should be located in areas that will maximize connectivity, leading to maintenance of genetic variation and evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Characterizing the spatial variation of allele frequencies in a population has a wide range of applications in population genetics. This article introduces a new nonparametric method, which provides a two-dimensional representation of a structural parameter called the genetical bandwidth, which describes genetic structure around arbitrary spatial locations in a study area. This parameter corresponds to the shortest distance to areas of significant allele variation, and its computation is based on the Womble's systemic function. A simulation study and application to data sets taken from the literature give evidence that the method is particularly demonstrative when the fine-scale structure is stronger than the large-scale structure, and that it is generally able to locate genetic boundaries or clines precisely.  相似文献   

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