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Seasonal changes in the abiotic factors and cyclical events – with the reproduction diagnosed by the gonadosomatic index and the energy status diagnosed by the condition index – were estimators of seasonal growth for juvenile and adult lebranche mullets, Mugil liza, during the rainy and dry seasons in a tropical estuarine system of the western south Atlantic. Fish were collected monthly by gillnets of different mesh sizes. Salinity, water temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen (%) were measured using a multiparameter. Daily rainfall data (mm) were obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology. Seasonal rings were identified and counted in the sagittae otoliths. Relative Marginal Increment (RMI) was calculated to determine the seasonal growth rate. Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and Condition Index (CI) were assessed separately for juveniles and adults by anova , with time (month) M. liza growth is controlled by annual cycles of biological and abiotic processes. Using general linear models, the seasonal growth rate of M. liza was well predicted by body condition and rainfall for juveniles, and by salinity for adults. Seasonal variation was observed in the Mundaú Lagoon, with rainfall directly or indirectly being the main seasonal factor influencing the cyclical biological fish processes of M. liza.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing levels of dietary dextrin on growth performance, body composition, blood chemistry and hepatic triglycerides and glycogen levels were evaluated for juvenile Lebranche mullet, Mugil liza Valenciennes 1836, Mugilidae). Five diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (350 g kg?1) and isolipidic (6 g kg?1) with increasing dextrin levels (D150: 150 g kg?1; D200: 200 g kg?1; D250: 250 g kg?1; D300: 300 g kg?1; D350: 350 g kg?1). The experimental diets were offered to the fish for 34 days, four times per day, until apparent satiation. Each treatment was tested in triplicate, with nine fish per tank (mean weight 4.69 ± 0.31 g). Fish were reared in a recirculating aquatic system of 15 fibreglass tanks each containing 50 L of saltwater. Growth parameters and body composition of the mullets were not significantly affected (P > 0.05) by the dietary treatments. Plasma glucose concentration declined (P < 0.05) when dietary dextrin increased from D250 to D300, but recovered to the previous values (in reference to D150 and D200) when fish were fed with D350. Glycated haemoglobin, plasma proteins, triglycerides and cholesterol showed no significant differences among these treatments. Hepatic glycogen reached a maximum in treatment D250, followed by D350, D200 and D300, with the lowest concentration of liver glycogen found in D150 (P < 0.05). The concentration of liver triglycerides showed an increase (P < 0.05) in treatments D300 and D350 compared with D200. In conclusion, Mugil liza juveniles can be fed diets with high levels of dietary dextrin with no deleterious effects to their growth or plasma biochemistry, hepatic glycogen or triglycerides.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the reproductive biology of Liza subviridis , a little studied mullet species. The fish is heterosexual, exhibiting external fertilization. Six maturity stages can be macroscopically identified in the testes and seven in the ovaries. The macroscopic changes in the gonads are manifestations of histological changes occurring in the development of sperm cells and oocytes. First sexual maturity is attained in the length ranges of 9.5–11.5 cm and 10.5–11.5 cm in male and female fish respectively. The fecundity for fish measuring 10.3–13.9 cm in standard length ranged from 40 000–145 000 eggs. The relationship between fecundity ( F ) and length ( L ) can be represented as: F = 1.9044 L 4.2998. The spawning duration in L. subviridis is restricted to a short and definite period, with all ripe ova being released within a single spawning act. A pronounced spawning season can be detected to extend from June to November. However, during off-seasons, some spawning also occurs. The correlations between spawning, rainfall and air temperature is discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed the ratios Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca in the otoliths of 55 adults of the southern population of Mugil liza in Brazil (Paraná to Rio Grande do Sul) to investigate its coastal zone use and migratory behaviour. All individual M. liza analysed had Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca values indicating that their birth was in the marine environment, which is consistent with the southern population migration to spawn in the ocean,. Juveniles exhibited at least three coastal use and recruitment strategies (contingents): the majority (89%) of M. liza juveniles migrated toward brackish water. They entered the estuary before completing the first year of life (64%) or after (25%) their first year of life. The remaining 11% did not appear to enter brackish or freshwater water as a nursery or at any point in their life cycle. Some adults returned to the estuary after spawning in the ocean but others (of both sexes) never returned to the estuary after spawning, remaining in the marine environment. The pattern of juvenile habitat use in the Brazilian southern population of M. liza seems to be recurrent throughout the extent of its distribution as a consequence of the reproductive spawning aggregation behaviour, which mixes all contingents (with marine or estuarine preferences).  相似文献   

Amidation of highly methoxylated citrus pectin with primary amines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Partially amidated pectin derivatives (N-alkyl pectinamides) were prepared from highly methoxylated citrus pectin by treatment with different primary amines in methanol. The characterisation of reaction products was made by elemental analysis, photometry and diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy. N-alkyl pectinamides (secondary amides) had two intense infrared bands (amide I and amide II) shifted to lower wave numbers in comparison with the corresponding bands of commercial amidated pectins (primary amides). In some cases aminolysis of HM pectin caused the appearance of infrared bands from N-substituents. Multiple Gaussian decomposition of the characteristic bands in an IR spectrum in the region of 1850–1500 cm−1 were applied for evaluation of the degrees of amidation and methylation. The aminolysis of pectins appears to be an interesting way to produce pectin derivatives with new properties.  相似文献   

Mugil curema, M. liza, and M. platanus were collected from the southeastern and southern coast of Brazil. The second gill arches were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and histology. The highest density of chloride and mucus-secreting cells was observed in the gill filaments of M. liza and M. platanus. Spines are scarce and were found only in the pharyngeal region of M. curema. The dorsal angle of curvature of the simple projections is most reduced in the rakers of M. liza and M. platanus. The raker borderline on the internal side of the arches of M. curema has grooves that do not occur in the other two species. On the external side of the branchial arches, the borders of the rakers of M. liza and M. platanus are smooth. The shape of the rakers is characteristic for each species: in M. curema, it resembles the letter "D"; in M. liza, it is trapezoidal, and in M. platanus, it is triangular. Thus there is a morphologic similarity between M. liza and M. platanus, and both differ from M. curema. All three species show elongated and extremely elaborated rakers that are placed next to each other and turned toward the opercular cavity. There are few taste buds and only several mucus-secreting cells along the whole pharyngeal region. These characteristics suggest that these species do not select food chemically but obtain it mechanically with the rakers and aggregate it with mucus.  相似文献   

DNA sequence analysis confirms the distinction between Parablennius ruber and Parablennius gattorugine , simultaneously validating the presence of the former species in Western Europe where it has been reported for >150 years. A possible scenario involving speciation of P. ruber at the Azores and subsequent transport of larvae to Europe, a process that may be still occurring nowadays, could explain this pattern of occurrence.  相似文献   

Metamicrocotyla macracantha (Alexander, 1954) from a new host, Mugil liza (Pisces, Mugilidae) from the Atlantic coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is redescribed using light and scanning electron microscopy. The type-specimens of Metamicrocotyla inoblita Buhrnheim, 1970, from Mugil platanus from Espirito Santo, Brazil, were re-examined and compared with the parasites from M. liza. Discrepancies in the original measurements of the penis spines of Metamicrocotyla inoblita were discovered and comments are made on its possible synonymy with M. macracantha.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to find out whether feeding acidifying preparation with diets containing crystalline tryptophan (Trp) affects availability of this amino acid for protein and serotonin (5-HT) synthesis in young pigs. Two experiments were performed. Supplementation of Trp-deficient diet with 3 g/kg of acidifier (A) (mixture of phosphoric, citric and fumaric acids) did not affect the coefficients of ileal apparent digestibility (CIAD) of protein and protein-bound amino acids except CIAD of Trp which was increased from about 0.65 to 0.73. In pigs of initial body weight 16 kg, the increase of digestible dietary Trp level from 0.77 to 1.39 and 1.85 g/kg improved growth performance, nitrogen retention and utilization of nitrogen absorbed, while the increase from 0.77 to 1.39 g/kg enhanced 5-HT concentration in all six analyzed brain structures. Supplementation with A did not affect blood Trp level in animals fed on Trp-deficient diet while it decreased it considerably on diet supplemented with Trp to 1.85 g/kg. Feeding A affected 5-HT metabolism: decreased its level in five of six brain structures in pigs fed on Trp-deficient diet, changed 5-HT metabolite 5-hydroxy-indolo-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA) and 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio, and modified response of 5-HT to Trp supplementation.It is concluded that feeding A both with Trp-deficient and Trp-supplemented diets has positive net effect on growth and protein deposition in pigs while it seems to affect negatively 5-HT synthesis and, probably, accelerates its turnover. The mechanism of this action is not known, and it was not proved that it is related to destructive effect of acids on crystalline Trp.  相似文献   

A practical sperm cryopreservation protocol using a dry-shipper and a diluent of simple composition is described for the neotropical fish Leporinus obtusidens (Valenciennes, 1836). The cooling rate of the dry-shipper and its period of useful time, established under laboratory conditions, were respectively 25.7-30.8 degrees C/min (between 0 and -60 degrees C) and 9 days after charging. Sperm donors were selected on the basis of their hyperemic genital papilla and the ability to ooze milt under gentle manual pressure, during the reproductive months of November to January. Milt volume (1.3+/-0.3 mL; n=9 fish), fresh sperm motility rate (93.3+/-2.5%; n=6 fish), and sperm concentration (10.9+/-3.0 x 10(9)spermatozoa/mL of milt) were obtained. The sperm cryopreservation experiments were conducted with the following cryoprotectants (all at 10%, before mixing with milt): dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO; n=10 fish), methanol (n=6 fish), propanediol (n=6 fish) and ethylene glycol (n=5 fish). Glucose (5%) and hen's egg yolk (10%) made up the diluents containing DMSO, ethylene glycol or propanediol. Milk powder (10%) replaced hen's egg yolk in the diluent containing methanol. Distilled water (up to 100%) completed the diluent solutions. Milt freezing (in 0.5-mL straws) was performed in the dry-shipper after 1:5 (milt:diluent) dilution. Thawed sperm cryopreserved in DMSO-containing diluent and activated by 119 mM NaHCO(3) gave the highest motility rate (62+/-14%). The fertilizing capacity of L. obtusidens sperm was tested using the combination of DMSO-containing diluent as the cryoprotectant and 119 mM NaHCO(3) as the activating solution. Oocytes were obtained from artificial spawning and fertilized with different proportions of spermatozoa. The greatest rate of fertilization (74%) occurred when the ratio of about 112,000 motile spermatozoa:oocyte was used. Thus, a protocol to freeze L. obtusidens sperm can be elaborated as follows. Milt (<1.5 mL fish(-1)) was readily available only in November to January; a simple solution, composed of 10% DMSO (concentration before adding milt), 5% glucose, and 10% hen yolk egg, in distilled water, was used as sperm diluent; cooling rate of 25-30 degrees C/min, yielded in a portable dry-shipper, was adequate to freeze diluted milt (1:5; milt:diluent), in 5-mL straws; about 112,000 thawed motile spermatozoa:oocyte activated by 119 mM NaHCO(3) assured a fertilization rate of 74%.  相似文献   

This survey was performed to characterize the embryogenesis of Prochilodus lineatus. Seven stages of embryo development were identified--zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, larval and hatching--after a period of incubation of 22 h (24 degrees C) or 14 h (28 degrees C). The following cleavage pattern was identified: the first plane was vertical (2 blastomeres); the second was vertical and perpendicular to the first (4 blastomeres); the third was vertical and parallel to the first (4 x 2); the fourth cleavage was vertical and parallel to the second (4 x 4); the fifth was vertical and parallel to the first (4 x 8); and the sixth cleavage was horizontal (64 blastomeres). At the blastula stage (3.0-4.0 h (24 degrees C); 1.66-2.0 h (28 degrees C)) irregular spaces were detected and periblast structuring was initiated. At the gastrula stage (4.0-8.0 h (24 degrees C); 3.0-6.0 h (28 degrees C)) the epiboly, convergence and cell movements, as well as the formation of embryonic layers, had begun. The segmentation stage (10.0-15.0 h (24 degrees C); 7.0-10.0 h (28 degrees C)) was characterized by a rudimentary formation of organs and systems (somites, optic vesicle and intestinal delimitation). The embryo at the larval stage (16.0-21.0 h (24 degrees C); 11.0-13.0 h (28 degrees C)) showed a free tail, more than 25 somites, an optic vesicle and a ready-to-hatch larval shape. The blastomeres at cleavage stage had disorganized nuclei indicating high mitotic activity. At gastrula, the blastomeres and the periblast had euchromatic nuclei and a large number of mitochondria and vesicles. The yolk was organized into globose sacs, which were dispersed into small pieces prior to absorption.  相似文献   

The yolk syncytial layer (YSL) has been regarded as one of the main obstacles for a successful cryopreservation of fish embryos. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the YSL in Prochilodus lineatus, a fish species found in southeastern Brazil and considered a very important fishery resource. Embryos were obtained through artificial breeding by hormonal induction. After fertilization, the eggs were incubated in vertical incubators with a controlled temperature (28 degrees C). Embryos were collected in several periods of development up to hatching and then fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde and 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.3). Morphological analyses were carried out under either light, transmission or scanning electron microscopy. The formation of the YSL in P. lineatus embryos starts at the end of the cleavage stage (morula), mainly at the margin of the blastoderm, and develops along the embryo finally covering the entire yolk mass (late gastrula) and producing a distinct intermediate zone between the yolk and the endodermal cells. The YSL was characterized by the presence of microvilli on the contact region with the yolk endoderm. A cytoplasmic mass, full of mitochondria, vacuoles, ribosomes, endomembrane nets and euchromatic nuclei, indicated a high metabolic activity. This layer is shown as an interface between the yolk and the embryo cells that, besides sustaining and separating the yolk, acts as a structure that makes it available for the embryo. The structural analyses identified no possible barriers to cryoprotectant penetration.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop feeding strategies to prevent the adverse effect of concentrate feeding in high-performance horses fed energy-dense diets aiming to maintain their health and welfare. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of a VistaEQ product containing 4% live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), with activity 5 × 108 colony-forming unit/g and fed 2 g/pony per day, on faecal microbial populations when supplemented with high-starch and high-fibre diets using Illumina next generation sequencing of the V3-V4 region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The four treatments were allocated to eight mature Welsh section A pony geldings enrolled in a 4-period × 8 animal crossover design. Each 19-day experimental period consisted of an 18-day adaptation phase and a single collection day, followed by a 7-day wash out period. After DNA extraction from faeces and library preparation, α-diversity and linear discriminant analysis effect size were performed using 16S metagenomics pipeline in Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME™) and Galaxy/Hutlab. Differences between the groups were considered significant when linear discriminant analysis score was >2 corresponding to P < 0.05. The present study showed that S. cerevisiae used was able to induce positive changes in the equine microbiota when supplemented to a high-fibre diet: it increased relative abundance (RA) of Lachnospiraceae and Dehalobacteriaceae family members associated with a healthy core microbiome. Yeast supplementation also increased the RA of fibrolytic bacteria (Ruminococcus) when fed with a high-fibre diet and reduced the RA of lactate producing bacteria (Streptococcus) when a high-starch diet was fed. In addition, yeast increased the RA of acetic, succinic acid producing bacterial family (Succinivibrionaceae) and butyrate producing bacterial genus (Roseburia) when fed with high-starch and high-fibre diets, respectively. VistaEQ supplementation to equine diets can be potentially used to prevent acidosis and increase fibre digestibility. It may help to meet the energy requirements of performance horses while maintaining gut health.  相似文献   

The family Mugilidae consists mainly of diadromous species, whose reproduction occurs in offshore waters. Pre-juveniles shift their diet in the surf zone (zooplanktophagous to iliophagous). Later, during their recruitment into estuaries, huge changes take place in their digestive system. However, digestive and metabolic characteristics and some morphological traits at recruitment are unknown for Mugilidae. We performed comparative studies on early and late pre-juveniles of Mugil liza recruited in Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (37°32′–37°45′S, 57°19′–57°26′W, Argentina). We determined digestive enzyme activities (intestine), energy reserves (liver/muscle), total/standard length, total weight, intestinal coefficient, hepatosomatic index and retroperitoneal fat. Pre-juveniles exhibited amylase, maltase, sucrase, lipase, trypsin and aminopeptidase-N (APN) activities, which were maintained over a wide range of pH and temperature, and exhibited Michaelis–Menten kinetics. In late pre-juveniles, amylase (422 ± 131 μmol maltose min−1 mgprot−1), sucrase (86 ± 14 mg glucose min−1 mgprot−1), trypsin (84 ± 9 μmoles min−1 mgprot−1) and APN (0.58 ± 0.08 μmoles min−1 mgprot−1) activities were higher (42%, 28%, 35% and 28%, respectively) than in the early stage. Also, the intestinal coefficient was higher in late (3.04) compared to early (2.06) pre-juveniles. Moreover, the liver appeared to be a main site of glycogen and triglyceride storage in late pre-juveniles, muscle being the site of storage in early pre-juveniles, exhibiting higher glycogen, free glucose and protein concentrations (92%, 82%, 32%, respectively). The results suggest that pre-juveniles of M. liza exhibit an adequate digestive battery to perform complete hydrolysis of various dietary substrates, availability of energy reserves and morphological characteristics to support their feeding habit and growth after recruitment. Our results represent an important contribution to knowledge of the ecology and digestive physiology of pre-juveniles of Mugilidae in the wild.  相似文献   

The activity of pectin esterase and cellulase in abscission of citrus explants was studied. No relation was established between pectin esterase and abscission, while cellulase activity was markedly increased before abscission and for a certain period after excision. IAA and cycloheximide delay abscission and cellulase activity, while ethylene and, to a lesser extent, GA3 accelerate them. Application of cycloheximide during the lag period and before cellulase activity can be measured, inhibits to a certain extent the formation of cellulase. An escape from the inhibitory effect of cycloheximide is detected when inhibitor is supplied at the end of the lag period.  相似文献   

In this study, a brown macroalgae species, Saccharina latissima, processed to increase its protein concentration, and a red macroalgae species, Porphyra spp., were used to evaluate their in vivo digestibility, rumen fermentation and blood amino acid concentrations. Four castrated rams were used, whose diets were supplemented with a protein-rich fraction of S. latissima, a commercial Porphyra spp. and soybean meal (SBM). Our results show that the protein digestibility of a diet with S. latissima extract was lower (0.55) than those with Porphyra spp. (0.64) and SBM (0.66). In spite of the higher nitrogen (N) intake of diets containing Porphyra spp. and SBM (20.9 and 19.8 g N/day, respectively) than that with S. latissima (18.6 g N/day), the ratio of N excreted in faeces to total N intake was significantly higher in the diet with S. latissima than those with Porphyra spp. and SBM. This reflects that the utilization of protein in S. latissima was impaired, possibly due to reduced microbial activity. The latter statement is corroborated by lower volatile fatty acid composition (25.6, 54.8 and 100 mmol/l for S. latissima, Porphyra spp. and SBM, respectively) and a non-significant tendency for lower ammonia concentration observed in diets with S. latissima and Porphyra spp. compared to SBM. It is important to note that the S. latissima used in this trial was rinsed during processing to remove salt. This process potentially also removes other water-soluble compounds, such as free amino acids, and may have increased the relative fraction of protein resistant to rumen degradation and intestinal absorption. Furthermore, the phlorotannins present in macroalgae may have formed complexes with protein and fibre, further limiting their degradability in rumen and absorption in small intestines. We recommend that further studies explore the extent to which processing of macroalgae affects its nutritive properties and rumen degradability, in addition to studies to measure the intestinal absorption of these macroalgae species.  相似文献   

Citrus pectin (CP) and pH-modified citrus pectin (MCP) are highly branched and non-branched complex polysaccharides, respectively, rich in galactoside residues, capable of combining with the carbohydrate-binding domain of galectin-3. We reported previously that intravenous injection of B16-F1 murine melanoma cells with CP or MCP into syngeneic mice resulted in a significant increase or decrease of lung colonization, respectively (Platt D, Raz A (1992)J Natl Cancer Inst 84:438–42). Here we studied the effects of these polysaccharides on cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions mediated by carbohydrate-recognition. MCP, but not CP, inhibited B16-F1 melanoma cells adhesion to laminin and asialofetuin-induced homotypic aggregation. Both polysaccharides inhibited anchorage-independent growth of B16-F1 cells in semisolid medium, i.e. agarose. These results indicate that carbohydrate-recognition by cell surface galectin-3 may be involved in cell-extracellular matrix interaction and play a role in anchorage-independent growth as well as thein vivo embolization of tumour cells.Abbreviations CP natural citrus pectin - MCP pH-modified CP - EHS Englebreth-Holm Swarm - CMF-PBS Ca2+-and Mg2+-free phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.2 - HRP horseradish peroxidase - ABTS 2,2-azino-di(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonic acid - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's minimal essential medium - BSA bovine serum albumin  相似文献   

Fibre is essential to maintain healthy gut; however, energy demands of performance horses can be too high to be met by forages alone. Yeast may support the function of cellulolytic bacteria to digest fibre. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of an oral supplement (VistaEQ) containing 4% live yeast on the in vitro and in vivo digestibility of high-starch (HS) and high-fibre diets (HF). Eight ponies were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design consisting of 4- × 19-day periods and four diets: HF, HF + yeast (HFY), HS and HS + yeast (HSY). In vivo apparent digestibility (AD) was estimated using total collection technique, and faecal particle size was measured using NASCO digestive analyser. Faeces from the ponies were subsequently used as an inoculum in ANKOM RF gas production system to assess fermentation kinetics in vitro. Each module contained 1 g of feed substrate DM in the following combinations: 50% grass hay and 50% alfalfa (HF_50 : 50) or concentrate (HS_50 : 50), and 75% grass hay and 25% alfalfa (HF_75 : 25) or concentrate (HS_75 : 25) with or without yeast. Yeast was able to induce more gas production from HF_75 : 25, HS_75 : 25 and HF_50 : 50 feed substrates incubated with respective faecal inoculum base. Yeast did not affect pH in vitro when the substrates were incubated in 50 : 50 ratio, while the pH was higher for HF_75 : 25 incubated with correspondent faecal inoculum compared to HS_75 : 25 and HSY_75 : 25. Yeast had no effects on ADF and CP AD of either diet. Yeast addition increased DM (HF: 0.2%, HS: 0.4%), organic matter (HF: 0.7%, HS: 1.3%), NDF (HF: 0.5%, HS: 1.5%), total detergent fibre (HF: 0.7%; HS: 0.4%) (P < 0.05) and also tended to increase hemicellulose AD (HF: 0.9%, HS: 1.2%) (P < 0.10). Faecal pH in vivo was higher for both HF diets compared to HS diet without yeast supplementation (P < 0.001, HF and HFY: 6.8; HS: 6.6, HSY: 6.7). However, no difference was observed in faecal pH when HSY was compared to both HF diets. Yeast had no effect on the size of the faecal particles (P > 0.05). Yeast increased in vitro gas production, suggesting more energy could be extracted from the feed, and the in vivo AD of some of the nutrients when HF and HS diets were fed.  相似文献   

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