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Using a polyclonal antiserum against the hinge region of the recently cloned human mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and indirect peroxidase immunohistochemistry, we have shown MR-like immunoreactivity (LI) in superficial nephron segments, including distal convoluted tubule, connecting piece and initial cortical collecting duct. The absence of staining in cells tentatively identified as intercalated cells on light microscopy was confirmed by pre-embedding electron microscopy. Though the intracellular distribution of immunostaining varied with the fixative used, the cellular distribution of MR-LI is in good general agreement with earlier micropuncture and autoradiographic studies.  相似文献   

Cytosolic aldosterone-protein complexes are isolated from rat kidney slices after incubation with [3H]aldosterone and dexamethasone. Activated and unactivated forms of the complex are characterized by gel electrophoresis and hydroxyapatite chromatography after incubation at 4 degrees C and 25 degrees C respectively. It is found that the activated form reaches a maximum after 30 min at 25 degrees C and can be separated as an homogeneous peak by electrophoresis. Intermediate forms can also be identified. In the presence of 10 mM ATP, activation immediately occurs at 4 degrees C and is almost complete. In the presence of 10 mM molybdate, the activation is strongly enhanced and the increase in activated form may be about fifteen-fold whether molybdate is added during kidney homogenization or just before incubation at 25 degrees C. On the other hand molybdate reduces to one third the binding of the aldosterone-receptor complexes to nuclei. In the presence of the steroid RU 26988 which is a pure glucocorticoid, experiments done on aldosterone-receptors complexes and their binding to nuclei are confirmed. This proves that aldosterone is specific for mineralocorticoid sites. The general pattern of the mineralocorticoid receptor activation is discussed and its resemblance to the case of other steroid hormones is emphasized.  相似文献   

The kinetics of saturation, as well as of denaturation, confirm the existence of two distinct mineralocorticoid receptor populations one each for the agonist aldosterone (MR2) and the antagonist RU 26752 (MR3) in rat kidney. Receptor activation in vitro was dependent upon the buffer, progressed just as well in the presence of the agonist and the antagonist, and was inhibited by molybdate. These necessitate a reassessment of both the importance of receptor activation in vitro and its possible contribution to hormone action in vivo.  相似文献   

Effect of aldosterone on vascular angiotensin II receptors in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of aldosterone on the density and affinity of binding sites for 125I-labelled angiotensin II was investigated in a particulate fraction prepared from the rat mesenteric arteriolar arcades. The infusion of aldosterone 6.6 micrograms/h intraperitoneally via Alzet osmotic minipumps for 6 d produced an increase in the density of binding sites for 125I-labelled angiotensin II without change in affinity. After sodium depletion, mesenteric artery angiotensin II receptors were down-regulated as expected. An increase in the number of binding sites could be found when aldosterone was infused into sodium-depleted rats with no change in the elevated plasma renin activity. The intraperitoneal infusion of angiotensin II (200 ng X kg-1 X min-1 for 6 d) simultaneously with aldosterone resulted in down-regulation of vascular angiotensin II receptors, whereas after intravenous angiotensin II infusion (at 60 ng X kg-1 X min-1) the density of angiotensin II binding sites rose with aldosterone infusion. Plasma renin activity (PRA) was reduced and plasma angiotensin II increased in a dose-dependent fashion after angiotensin II infusion. An aldosterone concentration of 3 ng/mL for 18 h produced an increase in the number of angiotensin II binding sites in rat mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells in culture. We conclude that increased plasma aldosterone may result in up-regulation of vascular angiotensin II receptors independently of changes in plasma renin activity, and may in certain physiological states effectively antagonize the down-regulating action of angiotensin II.  相似文献   

An increase of the sodium concentration produced a diminished binding of labeled aldosterone to kidney receptors in both in vivo and in vitro conditions. The elevation of potassium level did not change the binding capacity of kidney nuclear receptors for aldosterone. Hypernatraemia-induced decrease of aldosterone uptake was significant in the nuclear fraction of both medullary and cortical region of the kidney but did not show remarkable changes in the uptake of cytosol fraction. The transfer of aldosterone from cytosol into the nuclear compartment seems to be changed by the alteration of extracellular sodium concentration.  相似文献   

Aldosterone and cortisol, the major mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid hormones in humans, are structurally very closed. Both hormones bind to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) with the same affinity. Nevertheless MR is preferentially activated by aldosterone, suggesting that the binding of these two hormones to MR involved some distinct contacts. We constructed a tridimensional model of the ligand-binding domain of the human MR, by taking as a template the structural data of the retinoid receptor associated with its ligand. The MR model allowed the identification of several residues involved in the interaction with aldosterone and cortisol. The residues Gln 776 and Arg 817 make hydrogen bonds with the 3-keto function and the residue Asn 770 with the C21-hydroxyl group. Analyses of the wild type and mutant MRs activities in response to corticosteroids bearing hydroxyl groups at various steroid skeleton position led to the following conclusions: 1) the interaction between the residue Asn 770 and the C21-hydroxyl group of corticosteroids is determinant for stabilizing the active MR conformation and 2) the stability of this conformation is enhanced by the 11-18 hemiketal group of aldosterone whereas it is decreased by the 11 beta- and 17 alpha-hydroxyl groups of cortisol. These results are discussed in the light of a model for the MR activation process.  相似文献   

The numbers of type I and type II aldosterone receptors in the kidney cytosol of adrenalectomized rats were estimated after animals were treated with various steroids, or fed with high or low potassium diets. Oestradiol and 5 beta-pregnane-3,20 dione, which exhibited no affinity for aldosterone receptors, did not modify the levels of type I or type II receptors. Cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and spirolactones, which all competed with aldosterone for both types of receptor, reduced the number of type I sites, as does aldosterone itself. Steroid treatment has no appreciable effect on type II receptors. We conclude that type I receptors are modulated by steroids able to bind to aldosterone receptors and that steroid-receptor interaction is an essential step in the receptor modulation process. The effects of potassium on aldosterone receptor modulation were tested in adrenalectomized rats on hypo- or hyperkalaemic diets. No change in receptor levels was observed in the rats on a low potassium diet, but the number of type I receptors increased in animals on a high potassium diet. However, the effects of potassium on receptor modulation were of lesser magnitude than those of aldosterone agonists and antagonists.  相似文献   

The binding of the natural mineralocorticoid aldosterone and the glucocorticoid corticosterone to macromolecules in rat liver and kidney cytoplasmic fractions was compared by various chromatographic procedures. Equilibration of kidney cytosol with 10nM-aldosterone, either alone or in the presence of a competing steroid, was ideal for ionexchange chromatography of DEAE-cellulose DE-52, and revealed the presence of four sorts of binding components. One of these, eluted in the 0.001M-phosphate pre-wash, and another, less abundant, forming a peak at 0.006M-phosphate, did not bind corticosterone at equimolar concentrations, and appear to constitute the mineralocorticoid-specific 'MR' receptor in rat kidney. They could not be detected in the liver. Radioactivity eluted in the 0.02 and 0.06M-phosphate regions on DEAE-cellulose DE-52 appears to be due to [3H]aldosterone binding to glucocorticoid-specific 'GR' receptors and to transcortin respectively, since labelling was greater with corticosterone even at 10 nM than with the mineralocorticoid at 100nM and since [14C]corticosterone bound to blood serum transcortin was always co-chromatographed in the 0.06M-phosphate region. These two components appear to be identical with those in the liver and could be labelled maximally only by 100nM-corticosterone. The separation between specific mineralo- and glucocorticoid-binding species was less clear when chromatography was attempted on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 columns, possibly because of disaggregation into subunits in the presence of the high KC1 concentrations required for elution. Competitive binding followed by filtration through Sephadex G-200 gel indicated that cellular MR binders, unlike GR receptors, exist mostly as high-molecular-weight aggregates, although both appear to exhibit a comparable monomeric molecular weight of approx. 67000.  相似文献   

Specific insulin binding with insulin receptors of fatty acid plasma membranes is established to be intensified 10 days after adrenalectomy in rats due to an increase in the receptor number. Hydrocortisone administered for 10 days in a dose of 1 mg per 100 g of body mass to adrenalectomized rats for substitution therapy and to intact ones for 14 days in a dose of 5 mg per 100 g of body mass to induce hypercorticism inhibits the expression of insulin receptors of fatty plasma membranes because of their number and affinity for the hormone. The data obtained confirm information on an inhibitory effect of glucocorticoids on the expression of insulin receptors.  相似文献   

Specific [3H]aldosterone binding activity in swine kidney cytosol was inactivated by pretreatment of the cytosol with monoiodoacetamide (pH 8.5), N-ethylmaleimide (pH 7.0), or 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (pH 7.5). Dithiothreitol restored the specific binding activity inactivated by the nitrobenzoate, but not that inactivated with ethylmaleimide. Incubation of the cytosol with aldosterone prior to pretreatment with ethylmaleimide protected the receptors from inactivation. The rank order of steroids for the protection was: aldosterone greater than hydrocortisone greater than or equal to dexamethazone = progesterone greater than triamcinolone greater than estradiol. The initial velocity of the specific hormone binding could be determined by the binding reaction for 60 sec at 30 degrees. Double reciprocal plots of the initial velocity versus the hormone concentration with or without the nitrobenzoate showed a typical pattern of competition between the hormone and the inactivator. The results indicated the presence of functional sulfhydryl groups on the hormone binding sites of aldosterone receptors.  相似文献   

1. The mineralcorticoid receptor (MR) from rat kidney was purified within 8 hr by the following, successive steps: stabilization with synthetic, tritiated steroids (RU 26752 or R 5020), phosphocellulose passage, heat activation (25 degrees C), and DNA-cellulose batch elution. 2. The purified preparation was resolved as a single, 75 KDa band on SDS-PAGE electrophoresis although the exact degree of purity was difficult to assess by the charcoal assay due to denaturation. 3. The natural hormone, aldosterone, was unsuitable for receptor purification and characterization. 4. The MR purified with different ligands behaved identically during ion exchange and gel permeation analyses, suggesting post-translational modifications of the native receptor in whole cytosol that exhibits molecular heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary The possible induction of renal citrate synthase (E.C., by aldosterone was evaluated in the adrenalectomized rat. Three hours after administration of aldosterone (0.8 g/100 g body wt), renal cortical and medullary citrate synthase activity was significantly increased as reported previously by Kinne and Kirsten (Kinne, R., Kirsten, R. 1968.Pfleugers Arch. 300:244). In contrast, no change in this activity was detected in the renal papilla or the liver, under the same conditions. Kinetic analysis revealed that injection of aldosterone had no effect on theK m s for acetyl-CoA and oxalacetate but augmentedV max of renal medullary citrate synthase activity by 40%. The aldosterone-dependent increase in medullary citrate synthase activity was proportionate to the associated increase in the quantity of antiserum (specific for citrate synthase) required for half-maximal immuno-precipitation.The possibility that aldosterone induced the synthesis of citrate synthase was evaluated in two sets of experiments. In the first set, adrenalectomized rats were injected intraperitoneally with either aldosterone (0.8 g/100 g body wt) or the diluent, and simultaneously with3H or35S methionine (500 Ci/rat). The isotopes were reversed in about half of the experiments. Three hours after the injection, renal citrate synthase was isolated by ATP-sepharose column chromatography and immuno-precipitation with the specific antiserum. Aldosterone augmented methionine incorporation into renal citrate synthase by 55% but had no effect on incorporation into the hepatic enzyme. In the second set, adrenalectomized rats were injected with either aldosterone (0.8 g/100 g body wt) or the diluent, the kidneys were removed 1 hr later and medullary slices were incubated in either3H-or35S-methionine at 20° for 2 hr. Mitochondrial citrate synthase was isolated either by ATP-sepharose column chromatography and immuno-precipitation, or by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Aldosterone increased methionine incorporation into the immuno-precipitates by 30% and into the enzyme peak resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by 43%. The latter increase was eliminated by prior administration of either actinomycin D (70–80 g/100 g body wt) or spirolactone (SC-26304) (80 g/100 g body wt). An equimolar dose of dexamethasone (0.8 g/100 g body wt) had no effect on the isotope ratio associated with citrate synthase activity in the polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

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