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Summary The endoplasmic reticulum in granulosa cells of primary, secondary, and small tertiary follicles of the porcine ovary is sparse and largely of the granular type.In granulosa cells of large tertiary follicles the endoplasmic reticulum shows distinct signs of proliferation. Some cells even contain whorls of endoplasmic reticulum membranes, essentially of the agranular variety.Direct continuity between endoplasmic reticulum membranes of the granular and agranular type as well as the continuous increase in agranular membranes suggest that these membranes may originate from the granular membranes.Granulosa cells isolated from large tertiary follicles by microdissection and keptin vitro show essentially the same ultrastructure as granulosa cells of intact large tertiary follicles.Some lipid droplets appear to be localized in cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the droplets contain precursor material for steroid hormone synthesis.Finally, the development of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum including the appearance of whorls in some granulosa cells of large tertiary follicles indicates that steroid synthesis may occur in such follicular granulosa cells.Read at the Meeting of the Swedish Society for Pathology in Umeå, September 25, 1965 (Bjersing, 1966).This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Projects No. 13 X-78-01, 12 X-78-02, and 12 X-78-03).  相似文献   

The amounts of [1-5]-bradykinin in ovary extracts were determined using gonadotropin-treated immature female mice. The bradykinin levels in the ovary were high at 2, 6, and 48 hr after injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-treated mice. Northern blot analysis of total RNAs isolated from the PMSG/hCG-treated mouse ovaries indicated that the B(2) receptor mRNA was constitutively expressed. Bradykinin B(2) receptor protein was detected by Western blot analysis of the ovary extracts. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that the B(2) receptor mRNA is expressed in the granulosa cells of all growing follicles of ovaries from both gonadotropin-treated immature and mature female mice. The effect of bradykinin on the expression of the B(2) receptor gene was examined by RT-PCR analysis with the ovary previously cultured in the presence of bradykinin. Bradykinin treatment of immature female, gonadotropin-treated immature female, and mature female mouse ovaries brought about no apparent changes in the B(2) receptor mRNA level. The present data indicate that the level of B(2) receptor expression in the ovary is fairly constant, and that the biological effect elicited by bradykinin in this organ may be dependent upon concentrations of the ligand produced by operation of the kinin-kallikrein system.  相似文献   

Rat bradykinin B2 receptor from unstimulated Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the corresponding cDNA has been isolated, and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis of multiple phosphorylated species and of the palmitoylation attachment site is described. Bradykinin B2 receptor was isolated on oligo(dT)-cellulose using N-(epsilon-maleimidocaproyloxy)succinimide-Met-Lys-bradykinin coupled to a protected (dA)30-mer. This allowed a one-step isolation of the receptor on an oligo(dT)-cellulose column via variation solely of salt concentration. After enzymatic in-gel digestion, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray ion trap mass spectrometric analysis of the isolated rat bradykinin B2 receptor showed phosphorylation at Ser365, Ser371, Ser378, Ser380, and Thr374. Further phosphorylation at Tyr352 and Tyr161 was observed. Rat bradykinin receptor B2 receptor is also palmitoylated at Cys356. All of the phosphorylation sites except for Tyr161 cluster at the carboxyl-terminal domain of the receptor located on the cytoplasmic face of the cell membrane. Surprisingly, many of the post-translational modifications were shown by MSn mass spectroscopic analysis to be correlated pairwise, e.g. diphosphorylation at Ser365 and Ser371, at Ser378 and Ser380, and at Thr374 and Ser380 as well as mutually exclusive phosphorylation at Tyr352 and palmitoylation at Cys356. The last correlation may be involved in a receptor internalization motif. Pairwise correlations and mutual exclusion of phosphorylation and palmitoylation suggest critical roles of multiple post-translational modifications for the regulation of activity, coupling to intracelluar signaling pathways, and/or sequestration of the bradykinin receptor.  相似文献   

The kinin peptides are released during inflammation and are amongst the most potent known mediators of vasodilatation, pain, and oedema. A role in the modulation or induction of healthy breast tissue growth has been postulated for tissue kallikrein present in human milk. Moreover, tissue kallikrein was found in malignant human breast tissue and bradykinin (BK) stimulates the proliferation of immortalised breast cancer cells. Aim of the present article was to investigate whether BK also exerts mitogenic activity in normal breast epithelial cells and partially characterise the signalling machinery involved. Results show that BK increased up to 2-fold the 24 h proliferation of breast epithelial cells in primary culture, and that the BK B2 receptor (not B1) inhibitor alone fully blocked the BK response. Intracellular effects of B2 stimulation were the following: (a) the increase of free intracellular Ca(2+) concentration by a mechanism dependent upon the phospholipase C (PLC) activity; (b) the cytosol-to-membrane translocation of conventional (PKC)-alpha and -beta isozymes, novel PKC-delta, -epsilon, and -eta isozymes; (c) the phosphorylation of the extracellular-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2); and (d) the stimulation of the expression of c-Fos protein. EGF, a well known stimulator of cell proliferation, regulated the proliferative response in human epithelial breast cells to the same extent of BK. The effects of BK on proliferation, ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and c-Fos expression were abolished by GF109203X, which inhibits PKC-delta isozyme. Conversely, G?6976, an inhibitor of PKC-alpha and -beta isozymes, and the 18-h treatment of cells with PMA, that led to the complete down-regulation of PKC-alpha, -beta, -epsilon, and -eta, but not of PKC-delta, did not have any effect, thereby indicating that the PKC-delta mediates the mitogenic signalling of BK. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), tyrosine kinase of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and mitogen activated protein kinase kinases (MEK) inhibitors were also tested. The results suggest that EGFR, PI3K, and ERK are required for the proliferative effects of BK. In addition, the BK induced cytosol-to-membrane translocation of PKC-delta was blocked by PI3K inhibition, suggesting that PI3K is upstream to PKC-delta. In conclusion, BK has mitogenic actions in cultured human epithelial breast cells; the activation of PKC-delta through B2 receptor acts in concert with ERK and PI3K pathways to induce cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Previously, we prepared an IgM monoclonal antibody(PFG-1) which specifically recognized a cell-membraneglycoprotein (PFG-1 antigen; 55 kD, pI 5.9),immunohistochemically reacted with granulosa cells ofhealthy follicles but not of atretic follicles, andinduced granulosa cell apoptosis. In the presentstudy, an IgM monoclonal antibody (PFG-3) capable ofinducing granulosa cell apoptosis and an IgGmonoclonal antibody (PFG-4) not capable of inducingapoptosis were produced against granulosa cellsprepared from healthy antral follicles of porcineovaries. Two-dimensional Western blotting analysisrevealed that PFG-3 specifically recognized twocell-membrane proteins (named PFG-3-1 andPFG-3-2/PFG-1 antigens; 42 kD, pI 5.2 and 55 kD, pI5.9, respectively) of healthy granulosa cells, andthat PFG-4 recognized the same two cell-membraneproteins. In atretic granulosa cells, PFG-3-2/PFG-1antigen disappeared. Immunochemical reactions of theseantibodies were only detected in follicular granulosacells but not any other ovarian tissues or organs.PFG-3 and PFG-4 immunohistochemically reacted withgranulosa cells of healthy and atretic follicles. Whenthe isolated granulosa cells prepared from healthyfollicles were cultured in medium containing PFG-3,the cells underwent apoptosis, and co-incubation withPFG-4 inhibited PFG-3-inducible apoptosis. Theseobservations suggested that PFG-3-2/PFG-1 antigen isa novel cell death receptor which is different fromthe apoptosis-mediating receptors (Fas/Apo-1/CD95 orTNF receptor), and that PFG-3-1 antigen may act as adecoy receptor and inhibit apoptotic signal transmission.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major cause of human liver disease, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The prognosis for HCC is largely dependent on the clinicopathological characteristics regarding invasion and metastasis. Enhanced matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression has been implicated as playing an important role in metastasis and invasion of HCC. However, the relationship between HBV infection and MMP-9 expression in HCC is currently poorly understood. We report here on a study of the levels of MMP-9 and MMP-2 expression in human fetal liver tissue, rat liver tissue, and Chang, HepG2, and Hep3B cells by gelatin zymography. Among these sources, Hep3B cells, which contain the integrated hepatitis B viral genome, continuously secrete the hepatitis B viral surface antigen, and express HBV genomic RNA, expressed high levels of proMMP-9, and a small amount of active MMP-9 was detected in Hep3B cells as assayed by zymography. We investigated the issue of whether HBV infection affects MMP-9 expression, which is known to play an important role in HCC invasion and metastasis. As a first step, human fetal hepatocyte (HFH) and HepG2 (HCC origin, HBV not detected) cells were subjected to infection with HBV, and the resulting infected cells successfully established are hereafter referred to as HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV. The expression of MMP-9 was upregulated by the infected HBV in HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV cells, as assayed by zymography, Northern blot, and Western blot analysis, and small amounts of active MMP-9 were detected in HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV cells as assayed by zymography. The activation of the immature proMMP-9 to the mature MMP-9 could be induced by plasmin treatment. The activation of proMMP-9 was increased to a greater extent with plasmin treatment than without plasmin in HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV cells but the addition of recombinant TIMP-1 inhibited the activation of proMMP-9. Finally, the addition of plasmin to the invasion assay using Matrigel resulted in an increase in invasiveness of HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV cells, as well as MMP-9 activation, but the treatment with TIMP-1 inhibited the invasiveness of HFH-T2 and HepG2-HBV cells as well as MMP-9 activation. We conclude from these findings that HBV infection of hepatocytes and HepG2 cells affected the upregulation of MMP-9 expression and MMP-9 activation and, thus, increased the invasion potential by plasmin. To our knowledge, this is a first report showing that an HBV infection is linked to the upregulation of MMP-9 in HCC.  相似文献   

Tano M  Minegishi T  Kishi H  Kameda T  Abe Y  Miyamoto K 《Life sciences》1999,64(12):1063-1069
The acquisition of FSH receptors during folliculogenesis is believed to be a key event in the subsequent development of the follicle. The regulation by FSH of FSH receptor expression and function were further studied using cultured granulosa cells of diethylstilbestrol (DES)-primed immature rats. Incubation of rat granulosa cells with FSH led to a reduction in FSH receptor levels for a short time (6 h), followed by an increase in FSH receptor levels that reached maximum of around 150% of the initial level within 3 days after the addition of FSH. FSH stimulation caused a reduced cAMP response to subsequent FSH treatment and a time course experiment demonstrated that this response was detectable within 30 min of exposure to FSH and reached a plateau after 4 h to 24 h. The recovery of FSH responsiveness in cAMP production of granulosa cells was seen after 48 h of FSH-free interval. Treatment with forskolin (FSK) enhanced the effect of subsequent FSH on the production of intracellular cAMP. Treatment with PMA did not affect the response to subsequent FSH treatment. These data showed that the FSH is essential for the suppression of the FSH receptor function in the adenylyl cyclase pathway. Desensitization of cellular response to continuous agonist stimulation may occur because of changes in the numbers of FSH receptor, as well as changes in the functional properties of the effector system.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells harvested from pro-estrous follicles of porcine ovary were grown in medium 199 supplemented with 0.4, 1 and 10% of growth-promoting calf serum proteins (GPP), and their multiplication and hormonal activity were compared with those of sister cultures carried in medium 199 supplemented with 10% calf serum. The medium containing the growth-promoting proteins was always superior to the whole-serum medium with regard to cell multiplication, activity of Δ5,3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase detected histochemically in the cells, and production of progesterone estimated by radioimmunoassay in the medium. It was inferior when it came to estrogen secretion in the beginning of the cultivation when calculated on a per cell basis.  相似文献   

Bradykinin is a potent mediator of inflammation that has been shown to participate in allergic airway inflammation. The biologic effects of bradykinin are mediated by binding and activation of its cognate receptor, the B(2) receptor (B(2)R). In the lung fibroblast cell line IMR-90, binding of bradykinin to B(2)R triggers down-regulation of receptor surface expression, suggesting that bradykinin-induced inflammation is transient and self-limited. Notably, subjects with chronic airway inflammation continue to respond to BK following a first challenge. B(2)Rs are expressed on many different lung cell types, including airway epithelial cells. We therefore compared IMR-90 cells with the human lung epithelial cell line BEAS2B and found that B(2)R expression in the two cell types is differently regulated by BK. Whereas BK induces down-regulation of B(2)R in IMR-90 cells, the same treatment leads to up-regulation of the receptor in BEAS2B cells. These results provide a possible explanation for the potency of bradykinin in inducing ongoing airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Fang Y  Li GG  Peng J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(28):6365-6374
The spatial and temporal targeting of proteins or protein assemblies to appropriate sites is crucial to regulate the specificity and efficiency of protein-protein interactions, thus dictating the timing and intensity of cell signaling and responses. The resultant dynamic mass redistribution could be manifested by label free optical biosensor, and lead to a novel and functional optical signature for studying cell signaling. Here we applied this technology, termed as mass redistribution cell assay technology (MRCAT), to study the signaling networks of bradykinin B(2) receptor in A431 cells. Using MRCAT, the spatial and temporal relocation of proteins and protein assemblies mediated by bradykinin was quantitatively monitored in microplate format and in live cells. The saturability to bradykinin, together with the specific and dose-dependent inhibition by a B(2) specific antagonist HOE140, suggested that the optical signature is a direct result of B(2) receptor activation. The sensitivity of the optical signature to cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin argued that B(2) receptor signaling is dependent on the integrity of lipid rafts; disruption of these microdomains hinders the B(2) signaling. Modulations of several important intracellular targets with specific inhibitors suggested that B(2) receptor activation results in signaling via at least dual pathways - G(s)- and G(q)-mediated signaling. Remarkably, the two signaling pathways counter-regulate each other. Several critical downstream targets including protein kinase C, protein kinase A, and epidermal growth factor receptor had been identified to involve in B(2) signaling. The roles of endocytosis and cytoskeleton modulation in B(2) signaling were also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Calreticulin is an endoplasmic reticulum protein important in cardiovascular development. Deletion of the calreticulin gene leads to defects in the heart and the formation of omphaloceal. These defects could both be due to changes in the extracellular matrix composition. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 are two of the MMPs which are essential for cardiovascular remodelling and development. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the defects observed in the heart and body wall of the calreticulin null embryos are due to alterations in MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity. Our results demonstrate that there is a significant decrease in the MMP-9 and increase in the MMP-2 activity and expression in the calreticulin deficient cells. We also showed that there is a significant increase in the expression level of membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP). In contrast, there was no change in the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 or -2 in the calreticulin deficient cells as compared to the wild type cells. Interestingly, the inhibition of the MEK kinase pathway using PD98059 attenuated the decrease in the MMP-9 mRNA with no effect on the MMP-2 mRNA level in the calreticulin deficient cells. Furthermore, PI3 kinase inhibitor decreased the expression of both the MMP-2 and MMP-9. This study is the first report on the role of calreticulin in regulating MMP activity.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous proteases mu- and m-calpain are Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine endopeptidases. Besides involvement in a variety of physio(patho)logical processes, recent studies suggest a pivotal role of calpains in differentiation of hematopoietic cells and tumor cell invasion. However, the precise actions of calpains and their endogenous inhibitor, calpastatin, in these processes are only partially understood. Here we have studied the role of the calpain/calpastatin system in the invasion of leukemic cells under basal and differentiation-stimulating conditions. To further differentiate the human leukaemic cell line THP-1 (monocytic), the cells were treated for 24 hours with the differentiation-stimulating reagents phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Macrophage- and granulocyte-like differentiation was confirmed by induction of vimentin expression as well as by microscopic and fluorescence-assisted cytometric analysis. Extracellular matrix (ECM) invasion of both the basal and differentiation-stimulated cells in a Matrigel assay was inhibited by pre-incubation of the cells with the specific calpain inhibitor CP1B for 24 hours. Inhibition of invasiveness correlated with decreased mRNA expression and secretion of the matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9. In contrast, addition of CP1B only during the invasion process did neither influence transmigration nor MMP release. This is the first report showing that the calpain/calpastatin system mediates MMP-mRNA expression of the leukemic THP-1 cells and as a consequence their invasiveness.  相似文献   

Oocyte-cumulus complexes and granulosa cells were harvested from small (1–2 mm), medium (3–5 mm), and large (6–12 mm) porcine antral follicles and cultured for 2 and 3 days. The effects of various doses of purified hCG and human FSH on progesterone secretion and monolayer formation were examined. After a 2-day culture period it was found that FSH was more effective in stimulation of progesterone secretion by cultured oocyte-cumulus complexes than in granulosa cells harvested from small follicles (P < 0.01), whereas hCG was more effective in stimulating progesterone secretion in granulosa cells than in oocytecumulus complexes harvested from large follicles. In contrast, after a 3-day culture period, granulosa cells secreted more progesterone compared to oocytecumulus complexes under control conditions or in the presence of hCG or FSH. After 3 days both FSH and hCG stimulated progesterone secretion by oocytecumulus complexes and granulosa cells; however, the hormone effect was greater upon granulosa cells than oocyte-cumulus complexes. After 3 days of culture in the case of both follicular cell types, there was a greater response to FSH in the case of cells harvested from small compared to large follicles. The reverse was true in the case of hCG responsiveness. Monolayer formation ability of oocyte-cumulus complexes was greater in the case of complexes harvested from small and medium than complexes harvested from large follicles. Addition of hCG to the cultures led to a dose-dependent decrease in monolayer formation by oocyte-cumulus complexes harvested from all sizes of follicles.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of endogenously produced bradykinin in modulating renal function during postnatal maturation, various parameters of glomerular and tubular function were measured for 1 h before and after intravenous injection of 12.5 microg/kg of the specific B(2)-receptor antagonist icatibant to conscious, chronically instrumented lambs aged approximately 1 (n = 7) and approximately 6 wk (n = 7). In response to icatibant, and in the absence of any changes in renal hemodynamics, there was an approximately 80% decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 20 min in 1-wk-old lambs that was sustained for 60 min; in 6-wk-old lambs, there was an approximately 70% decrease in GFR by 20 min, with control levels being reached by 40 min. Icatibant administration was also associated with significant decreases in urinary flow, Cl(-), and K(+) excretion rates that were similar in both groups of lambs, whereas Na(+) excretion decreased only in 6-wk-old lambs. We conclude that bradykinin modulates glomerular and tubular function in an age-dependent manner.  相似文献   

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