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To test the hypothesis that the folding pathways of evolutionarily related proteins with similar three-dimensional structures but widely different sequences should be similar, the folding pathway of apoleghemoglobin has been characterized using stopped-flow circular dichroism, heteronuclear NMR pulse labeling techniques and mass spectrometry. The pathway of folding was found to differ significantly from that of a protein of the same family, apomyoglobin, although both proteins appear to fold through helical burst phase intermediates. For leghemoglobin, the burst phase intermediate exhibits stable helical structure in the G and H helices, together with a small region in the center of the E helix. The A and B helices are not stabilized until later stages of the folding process. The structure of the burst phase folding intermediate thus differs from that of apomyoglobin, in which stable helical structure is formed in the A, B, G and H helix regions.  相似文献   

Sequences related to mouse intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes have been isolated from rat and Syrian hamster gene libraries as recombinants in lambda phage. The sequences are moderately reiterated in both these genomes but their sequence organization in the hamster genome is different from that in the rat genome. Restriction analysis and electron microscopy indicate that the Syrian hamster IAP sequences represent a family of relatively homogeneous well-conserved units; in this, they resemble the mouse IAP genes. The rat sequences, in contrast, are heterogeneous. Both the hamster and rat IAP sequences contain regions homologous to mouse IAP genes interspersed with regions of apparent non-homology. The interspersed regions range in size from 0.5-1.0 kilobases (Kb). The regions of homology among the mouse, rat and Syrian hamster IAP sequences have been mapped to a 5-6 Kb internal region on the mouse IAP genes. Mouse IAP long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences were not detected in the rat and Syrian hamster genomes. We used the thermal stability of hybrids between cloned and genomic IAP sequences to measure family homogeneity. Mouse and Syrian hamster IAP sequences are homogeneous by this criterion, but the rat IAP sequences are heterogeneous with a Tm 6 degrees C below the self-hybrid. The contrasting organization of IAP-related elements in the genomes of these rodents indicates that amplification or homogenization of this sequence family has occurred independently and at different periods of time during their evolution.  相似文献   

The need for efficient molecular interplay in time and space within a cell imposes strong constraints that could be partially relaxed if relative gene positions along chromosomes were appropriate. Comparative genomics studies have demonstrated the short-scale conservation of gene proximity along bacterial chromosomes. Additionally, the long-range periodic positioning of evolutionarily correlated genes within Escherichia coli has recently been highlighted. To gain further insight into these different genetic organizations, we examined the compromise between chromosomal proximity and periodicity for all available eubacterial genomes by evaluating groups of evolutionarily correlated genes from a benchmark data set. In enterobacteria, strict chromosomal proximity is found to be limited to groups under 20 genes, whereas periodicity is significant in all groups over 50. The E. coli K12 genome bears 511 periodic genes (12% of the genome), whose orthologs are found to be periodic in all eubacterial phyla. These periodic genes predominantly function in macromolecular synthesis and spatial organization of cellular components. They are enriched in essential and housekeeping genes and tend to often be constitutively expressed. On this basis, it is argued that chromosomal proximity and periodicity are ubiquitous complementary genomic strategies that favor the build-up of local concentrations of co-functional molecules. In particular, the periodic layout may facilitate chromosome folding to spatially organize the construction of major cell components. The transition at 20 genes is reminiscent of the size of the longest operons and of topological microdomains. The range for which DNA neighborhood optimizes biochemical interactions might therefore be defined by DNA topology.  相似文献   

Y H Lee  X Y Huang  D Hirsh  G E Fox  R M Hecht 《Gene》1992,121(2):227-235
The genes encoding body-wall-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Caenorhabditis briggsae were sequenced and compared to the homologous genes from Caenorhabditis elegans. The direct tandem organization of these genes, gpd-2 and gpd-3, and the size and location of the two introns in each gene are the same in C. elegans and C. briggsae. Primer-extension studies demonstrated that the two genes in C. briggsae are trans-splice differentially with the same splice leader (SL) RNAs as are observed in C. elegans. The gdp-2 gene is trans-spliced with SL1 while gdp-3 is trans-spliced with SL2. Significant sequence conservation was observed within the promoter regions of each species and may indicate those regions responsible for body-wall-muscle-specific gene expression and/or differential trans-splicing. Comparisons of the sequences suggest that the tandem repeat of the genes has been subjected to concerted evolution and that C. briggsae and C. elegans diverged much earlier than would be anticipated based on morphological similarities alone. Finally, an open reading frame found several hundred nucleotides upstream from gpd-2, in both species, appears to be homologous to the ATP synthase subunit, ATPase inhibitor protein, from bovine mitochondria.  相似文献   

Four new crystal packings of Escherichia coli porins are presented (phosphoporin, maltoporin, and two crystal forms of matrix porin). These were determined by molecular replacement methods using a polyalanine trial model acquired from the refined coordinates of porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus. The successful molecular replacement shows that the dominant motif found in R. capsulatus porin (a 16-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel) also applies to the E. coli porins, despite the lack of significant amino acid sequence homology. A 30 degrees-40 degrees tilt of the beta-strands with respect to the membrane normal was derived from the intensity distributions in the X-ray diffraction patterns for each porin studied, stressing their similarity. In view of the evolutionary distance between enteric and photosynthetic bacteria, the antiparallel beta-barrel may have significance as a basic structural motif for the formation of bacterial membrane channel structures.  相似文献   

The B class genes, including homologs of the Arabidopsis loci APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI ), appear to play a conserved role in the determination of petal and stamen identity across core eudicot angiosperms. Understanding how and when these functions evolved is a critical component of elucidating the evolution of flowers, particularly the appearance of petaloid perianth organs. Before comparisons of gene expression patterns or functions can be made, however, it is necessary to establish the orthology of AP3 and PI homologs from basal angiosperms. Here, we report the identification and analysis of 29 new representatives of the B gene lineage from basal ANITA and magnoliid dicot angiosperms. These studies indicate that gene duplications have occurred at every phylogenetic level, both before and after the duplication that produced the separate AP3 and PI lineages. Comparison of genomic structure among PI homologs indicates that a 12-nucleotide deletion that had been considered synapomorphic for the whole PI lineage actually arose within the ANITA grade, after the split of the Nymphaeales but before the separation of the Austrobaileyales. Evidence for alternative splicing of the Nymphaea AP3 homolog is also presented. The implications of these findings for angiosperm systematics, the conservation of AP3 and PI gene function, and the evolution of the ABC program are discussed.  相似文献   

The NAD(+)-dependent cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, EC, which is recognized as a key to central carbon metabolism in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and as an important allozymic polymorphic biomarker, was purified from muscles of two marine species: the skeletal muscle of Sardina pilchardus Walbaum (Teleost, Clupeida) and the incompressible arm muscle of Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Comparative biochemical studies have revealed that they differ in their subunit molecular masses and in pI values. Partial cDNA sequences corresponding to an internal region of the GapC genes from Sardina and Octopus were obtained by polymerase chain reaction using degenerate primers designed from highly conserved protein motifs. Alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences were used to establish the 3D structures of the active site of two enzymes as well as the phylogenetic relationships of the sardine and octopus enzymes. These two enzymes are the first two GAPDHs characterized so far from teleost fish and cephalopod, respectively. Interestingly, phylogenetic analyses indicated that the sardina GAPDH is in a cluster with the archetypical enzymes from other vertebrates, while the octopus GAPDH comes together with other molluscan sequences in a distant basal assembly closer to bacterial and fungal orthologs, thus suggesting their different evolutionary scenarios.  相似文献   

In six different angiosperms, mitochondrial genes for 18S and 5S rRNAs were found to be closely linked but distant from mitochondrial 26S rRNA genes.This is paper no. 5 in the series Organization and Expression of the Mitochondrial Genome of Plants  相似文献   

Host blood protein digestion plays a pivotal role in the ontogeny and reproduction of hematophagous vectors. The gut of hematophagous arthropods stores and slowly digests host blood and represents the primary gateway for transmitted pathogens. The initial step in blood degradation is induced lysis of host red blood cells (hemolysis), which releases hemoglobin for subsequent processing by digestive proteolytic enzymes. The activity cycles and characteristics of hemolysis in vectors are poorly understood. Hence, we investigated hemolysis in two evolutionarily distant blood-feeding arthropods: The mosquito Culex pipiens and the soft tick Argas persicus, both of which are important human and veterinary disease vectors. Hemolysis in both species was cyclical after blood meal ingestion. Maximum digestion occurs under slightly alkaline conditions in females. Hemolytic activity appears to be of lipoid origin in C. pipiens and enzymatic activity (proteolytic) in A. persicus. We have assessed the effect of pH, incubation time, and temperature on hemolytic activity and the hemolysin. The susceptibility of red blood cells from different hosts to the hemolysin and the effect of metabolic inhibition of hemolytic activity were assessed. We conclude that in C. pipiens and A. persicus midgut hemolysins control the amplitude of blood lysis step to guarantee an efficient blood digestion.  相似文献   

The fungal elicitor-induced ELI12 gene from parsley has been previously shown to encode a divergent form of the Delta12-oleic acid desaturase. In this report, we show that the ELI12 gene product is a fatty acid acetylenase or a triple-bond-forming enzyme. Expression of this enzyme in transgenic soybean seeds was accompanied by the accumulation of the Delta12-acetylenic fatty acids, crepenynic and dehydrocrepenynic acids. Using PCR with degenerate oligonucleotides, we also show that homologs of the ELI12 gene are present in other members of the Apiaceae family. In addition, cDNAs for divergent forms of the Delta12-oleic acid desaturase were detected among the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from English ivy, an Araliaceae species, and sunflower, an Asteraceae species. As with the ELI12 gene, expression of these cDNAs in transgenic soybean embryos was accompanied by the accumulation of crepenynic and dehydrocrepenynic acids. Homologs of the sunflower acetylenase gene were also detected in other Asteraceae species, as revealed by PCR analysis of isolated genomic DNA. Results from Northern blot and EST analyses indicated that the expression of the sunflower gene, like ELI12, was induced by fungal elicitation. Overall, these results demonstrate that expressed genes for Delta12-fatty acid acetylenases occur in at least three plant families, and are responsive to fungal pathogenesis. Natural products derived from crepenynic and dehydrocrepenynic acids that display antifungal, insecticidal, and nematicidal properties are distributed through at least 15 plant families. The acetylenases described here provide probes for chemotaxonomists, and facilitate functional genomic and molecular investigations of these defensive mechanisms.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of the intron of the mitochondrial gene coding for cytochrome oxidase susbunit II has been investigated by sequence analysis in eight angiosperm orders. Comparison of the overall primary structure of the intron, made with respect to Magnoliales, the ancestor group of all the angiosperms, reveals a high conservation among dicot plants. On the contrary, the introns of both ancient and advanced monocot orders show relevant divergences represented by insertions and deletions in conserved specific regions of the introns. As a consequence of some of these rearrangements, a structure similar to a transposable element is generated in advanced monocots. This specific structure, common in all the analyzed species of Poales, seems to be generated by a stepwise process and it is not dependent on an insertion event.  相似文献   

The Muscleblind (MBL) protein family is a deeply conserved family of RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative splicing, alternative polyadenylation, RNA stability and RNA localization. Their inactivation due to sequestration by expanded CUG repeats causes symptoms in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy. MBL zinc fingers are the most highly conserved portion of these proteins, and directly interact with RNA. We identified putative MBL homologs in Ciona intestinalis and Trichoplax adhaerens, and investigated their ability, as well as that of MBL homologs from human/mouse, fly and worm, to regulate alternative splicing. We found that all homologs can regulate alternative splicing in mouse cells, with some regulating over 100 events. The cis-elements through which each homolog exerts its splicing activities are likely to be highly similar to mammalian Muscleblind-like proteins (MBNLs), as suggested by motif analyses and the ability of expanded CUG repeats to inactivate homolog-mediated splicing. While regulation of specific target exons by MBL/MBNL has not been broadly conserved across these species, genes enriched for MBL/MBNL binding sites in their introns may play roles in cell adhesion, ion transport and axon guidance, among other biological pathways, suggesting a specific, conserved role for these proteins across a broad range of metazoan species.  相似文献   

Summary Among the four seemingly adjacent loci of the argECBH cluster of E. coli K-12, the last three are shown to belong to the same unit of coordinated expression; the latter exhibits a clockwise polarity in contrast to all other known E. coli operons, except the cluster governing the synthesis of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.The analysis of several deletion and nonsense mutants suggests that argE (the expression of which is not strictly correlated with the functioning of the argCBH group) has the same polarity but is not integrated with the three other genes into one operon.Between polar argC B and B mutants the coefficient of repressibility of enzyme H synthesis varies widely. This feature resembles the reduced repressibility of distal gene activity found in polar mutants in the tryptophan operons of E. coli and S. typhimurium but not in the lac, gal (E. coli) and his (S. typhimurium) operons.Possible implications of the present results and some relevant data that have appeared in the recent literature are discussed.Research fellow of the Institute for the Encouragement of Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture, Belgium.Research fellow of the National Fund of Scientific Research, Belgium.  相似文献   

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