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Concentration-dependent changes of perceived odor quality   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
In order to assess the dependence of perceived odor qualityon odorant concentration, we studied 21 subjects. For eightsubjects all possible pairs from a pool of six odorants at threedecimal dilutions were presented, and subjects were requestedto state whether members of the pair were qualitatively ‘similar’or ‘different’ It was found that while pairs withthe same odorant at identical concentrations were judged ‘similar’in >90% of the cases by all subjects, scores went down to10% ‘similar’ judgements in some cases when thesame odorant was presented at a 100-fold concentration difference.Large time-invariable differences were found among subjectsand among odorants. For the additional 13 subjects, all possiblepairs from a pool of four odorants at three decimal dilutionswere presented. Subjects were instructed to state whether membersof the pair were qualitatively ‘same’ or ‘different’,and were also requested to rank the degree of difference ona visual analogue scale. Results for this group were, in general,similar to the results of the former group of subjects and goodagreement between the two tasks was found. The results suggestthat variations in olfactory stimulus magnitude may be perceivedas quality differences, as previously shown for vision and audition.  相似文献   

When flies explore their environment, they encounter odors in complex, highly intermittent plumes. To navigate a plume and, for example, find food, they must solve several challenges, including reliably identifying mixtures of odorants and their intensities, and discriminating odorant mixtures emanating from a single source from odorants emitted from separate sources and just mixing in the air. Lateral inhibition in the antennal lobe is commonly understood to help solving these challenges. With a computational model of the Drosophila olfactory system, we analyze the utility of an alternative mechanism for solving them: Non-synaptic (“ephaptic”) interactions (NSIs) between olfactory receptor neurons that are stereotypically co-housed in the same sensilla.We find that NSIs improve mixture ratio detection and plume structure sensing and do so more efficiently than the traditionally considered mechanism of lateral inhibition in the antennal lobe. The best performance is achieved when both mechanisms work in synergy. However, we also found that NSIs decrease the dynamic range of co-housed ORNs, especially when they have similar sensitivity to an odorant. These results shed light, from a functional perspective, on the role of NSIs, which are normally avoided between neurons, for instance by myelination.  相似文献   

The changes in area and receptor cell density of olfactory epitheliumwere examined in 0.5- to >400-day-old rats. In a parallelstudy the absolute olfactory detection threshold for ethyl acetateof 50- to >400-day-old rats was determined. The area of theolfactory epithelium increased throughout the range of agesexamined. The density of olfactory receptor neurons (determinedfrom counts of olfactory knobs) showed a rapid increase in thefirst 20 days, a lesser increase until day 220, and decreasedin older (>4O0 days) animals. Changes in olfactory sensitivitywere related to changes in receptor density with maximal sensitivityoccurring at approximately 200 days. Because it is known thatthe number of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb remains thesame at these ages, these results suggest that sensitivity maybe closely related to the convergence ratio of primary to secondaryneurons in the olfactory system.  相似文献   

P Nielsen  F Rasmussen 《Life sciences》1975,17(10):1495-1512
Drugs and their metabolites are usually eliminated from the body by excretion in the urine or bile or sometimes both, but other pathways may be used, such as milk, saliva, sweat or the expired air. The excretion can take place by passive or by active processes, and is influenced by the physico-chemical properties of the drug.  相似文献   

Gottfried JA  Winston JS  Dolan RJ 《Neuron》2006,49(3):467-479
The relationship between odorant structure and odor quality has been a focus of olfactory research for 100 years, although no systematic correlations are yet apparent. Animal studies suggest that topographical representations of odorant structure in olfactory bulb form the perceptual basis of odor quality. Whether central olfactory regions are similarly organized is unclear. Using an olfactory version of fMRI cross-adaptation, we measured neural responses in primary olfactory (piriform) cortex as subjects smelled pairs of odorants systematically differing in quality and molecular functional group (as one critical attribute of odorant structure). Our results indicate a double dissociation in piriform cortex, whereby posterior regions encode quality (but not structure) and anterior regions encode structure (but not quality). The presence of structure-based codes suggests fidelity of sensory information arising from olfactory bulb. In turn, quality-based codes are independent of any simple structural configuration, implying that synthetic mechanisms may underlie our experience of smell.  相似文献   

The olfactory receptor (OR) gene cluster on human chromosome 17p13.3 was subjected to mixed shotgun automated DNA sequencing. The resulting 412 kb of genomic sequence include 17 OR coding regions, 6 of which are pseudogenes. Six of the coding regions were discovered only upon genomic sequencing, while the others were previously reported as partial sequences. A comparison of DNA sequences in the vicinity of the OR coding regions revealed a common gene structure with an intronless coding region and at least one upstream noncoding exon. Potential gene control regions including specific pyrimidine:purine tracts and Olf-1 sites have been identified. One of the pseudogenes apparently has evolved into a CpG island. Four extensive CpG islands can be discerned within the cluster, not coupled to specific OR genes. The cluster is flanked at its telomeric end by an unidentified open reading frame (C17orf2) with no significant similarity to any known protein. A high proportion of the cluster sequence (about 60%) belongs to various families of interspersed repetitive elements, with a clear predominance of LINE repeats. The OR genes in the cluster belong to two families and seven subfamilies, which show a relatively high degree of intermixing along the cluster, in seemingly random orientations. This genomic organization may be best accounted for by a complex series of evolutionary events.  相似文献   

For the development of a biomimetic odor-sensing system, we investigated the effects of replacing the N-terminus of an olfactory receptor (OR) on its functional expression in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using the mouse olfactory receptor OR226 (mOR226), three types of chimeric ORs were constructed by replacing N-terminal regions of mOR226 with the corresponding regions of the rat I7 receptor, which is known to be functionally expressed in yeast. The replacement of the N-terminal region of mOR226 dramatically affected the expression and localization of the receptor and improved the sensing ability of the yeast cells for the odorant. Furthermore, the replacement of the endogenous yeast G-protein α subunit (Gpa1) by the OR-specific G(olf) drastically elevated the odorant-sensing ability of the yeast cells and caused the cells to display a dose-dependent responsiveness to the odorant. Because of the suitability of yeast cells for screening large-scale libraries, the strategy presented here would be useful for the establishment of advanced biomimetic odor-sensing systems.  相似文献   

昆虫非典型嗅觉受体Orco的功能和分子结构研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹淑艳  周成刚  刘庆信 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1208-1216
嗅觉受体是参与昆虫嗅觉识别过程的一类重要蛋白。在昆虫的众多嗅觉受体中, 有一类受体明显不同于其他受体, 被称为Orco。该受体基因在不同昆虫种间高度保守, 且表达广泛。Orco在昆虫嗅觉识别过程中发挥关键作用。采用基因突变或RNAi等技术使Orco基因沉默后, 昆虫会出现严重的嗅觉缺陷, 但Orco本身不与气味配体结合, 它与传统嗅觉受体形成复合体Or-Orco, 促进传统嗅觉受体在神经元树突膜上的定位并维持其稳定性, 提高传统嗅觉受体对气味反应的效率。昆虫嗅觉受体的结构与脊椎动物的G蛋白偶联受体相似, 均有7个跨膜区, 但二者的膜拓扑结构相反, 昆虫嗅觉受体的N末端位于细胞质膜内, C末端在细胞质膜外, Orco与传统嗅觉受体通过保守的C末端区域相互作用形成一种新型的配体门控离子通道--Or-Orco复合体。阐明Orco在昆虫嗅觉识别中的功能机制, 可为开创基于昆虫嗅觉行为干扰的新的害虫防治措施提供基础。  相似文献   

The coding of odor intensity by an olfactory receptor neuron model was studied under steady-state stimulation. Our model neuron is an elongated cylinder consisting of the following three components: a sensory dendritic region bearing odorant receptors, a passive region consisting of proximal dendrite and cell body, and an axon. First, analytical solutions are given for the three main physiological responses: (1) odorant-dependent conductance change at the sensory dendrite based on the Michaelis-Menten model, (2) generation and spreading of the receptor potential based on a new solution of the cable equation, and (3) firing frequency based on a Lapicque model. Second, the magnitudes of these responses are analyzed as a function of odorant concentration. Their dependence on chemical, electrical, and geometrical parameters is examined. The only evident gain in magnitude results from the activation-to-conductance conversion. An optimal encoder neuron is presented that suggests that increasing the length of the sensory dendrite beyond about 0.3 space constant does not increase the magnitude of the receptor potential. Third, the sensivities of the responses are examined as functions of (1) the concentration at half-maximum response, (2) the lower and upper concentrations actually discriminated, and (3) the width of the dynamic range. The overall gain in sensitivity results entirely from the conductance-to-voltage conversion. The maximum conductance at the sensory dendrite appears to be the main tuning constant of the neuron because it determines the shift toward low concentrations and the increase in dynamic range. The dynamic range of the model cannot exceed 5.7 log units, for a sensitivity increase at low odor concentration is compensated by a sensitivity decrease at high odor concentration.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) in mice express only 1 of a possible 1,100 odor receptors (OR) and axons from OSNs expressing the same odor receptor converge into approximately 2 of the 1,800 glomeruli in each olfactory bulb (OB) in mice; this yields a convergence ratio that approximates 2:1, 2 glomeruli/OR. Because humans express only 350 intact ORs, we examined human OBs to determine if the glomerular convergence ratio of 2:1 established in mice was applicable to humans. Unexpectedly, the average number of human OB glomeruli is >5,500 yielding a convergence ratio of approximately 16:1. The data suggest that the initial coding of odor information in the human OB may differ from the models developed for rodents and that recruitment of additional glomeruli for subpopulations of ORs may contribute to more robust odor representation.  相似文献   

In order to study the problem how the olfactory neural system processes the odorant molecular information for constructing the olfactory image of each object, we present a dynamic model of the olfactory bulb constructed on the basis of well-established experimental and theoretical results. The information relevant to a single odor, i.e. its constituent odorant molecules and their mixing ratios, are encoded into a spatio-temporal pattern of neural activity in the olfactory bulb, where the activity pattern corresponds to a limit cycle attractor in the mitral cell network. The spatio-temporal pattern consists of a temporal sequence of spatial firing patterns: each constituent molecule is encoded into a single spatial pattern, and the order of magnitude of the mixing ratio is encoded into the temporal sequence. The formation of a limit cycle attractor under the application of a novel odor is carried out based on the intensity-to-time-delay encoding scheme. The dynamic state of the olfactory bulb, which has learned many odors, becomes a randomly itinerant state in which the current firing state of the bulb itinerates randomly among limit cycle attractors corresponding to the learned odors. The recognition of an odor is generated by the dynamic transition in the network from the randomly itinerant state to a limit cycle attractor state relevant to the odor, where the transition is induced by the short-term synaptic changes made according to the Hebbian rule under the application of the odor stimulus. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

A method for the calculation of odor character from molecular structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between molecular structure and odor character is one of the most complex structure-activity problems in biology. Despite over a century of effort, it remains unsolved, and synthesis of new odorants still proceeds largely by trial and error. In previous work, I have argued that the reason for this failure lies in a mistaken assumption, namely that molecular shape determines odor character. Instead, I have taken up and extended an old idea (Dyson, 1938) according to which vertebrate olfactory receptors detect odorants by their molecular vibrations. I propose that the detection mechanism is inelastic electron tunnelling. If this is correct, there should be a correlation between the tunnelling vibrational spectra of odorants and their odor character. Here, using semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods and a simple calculation method for tunnelling mode intensities, I calculate the spectra of structurally diverse odorants belonging to various odor categories. With few exceptions, the calculated spectra of bitter almonds, musks, ambers, woods, sandalwoods and violets strongly correlate with odor character.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to improve the bioluminescence‐based signaling assay system to create a practical application of a biomimetic odor sensor using an engineered yeast‐expressing olfactory receptors (ORs). Using the yeast endogenous pheromone receptor (Ste2p) as a model GPCR, we determined the suitable promoters for the firefly luciferase (luc) reporter and GPCR genes. Additionally, we deleted some genes to further improve the sensitivity of the luc reporter assay. By replacing the endogenous yeast G‐protein α‐subunit (Gpa1p) with the olfactory‐specific Gαolf, the optimized yeast strain successfully transduced signal through both OR and yeast Ste2p. Our results will assist the development of a bioluminescence‐based odor‐sensing system using OR‐expressing yeast. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 3143–3151. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Responses of 75 single units in the goldfish olfactory bulb were analyzed in detail for their relationship to the time-course of the change in odor concentration during each odor stimulus. Odor stimuli were controlled for rise time, duration, and peak concentration by an apparatus developed for the purpose. This apparatus enabled aqueous odor stimuli to be interposed into a constant water stream without changes in flow rate. The time-course of the concentration change within the olfactory sac was inferred from conductivity measurements at the incurrent and excurrent nostrils. Temporal patterns of firing rate elicited by stimuli with relatively slow rising and falling phases could be quite complex combinations of excitation and suppression. Different temporal patterns were produced by different substances at a single concentration in most units. Statistical measures of the temporal pattern of response for a small number of cells at a given concentration were more characteristic of the stimulus substance than any of three measures of magnitude of response. The temporal patterns change when the peak concentration, duration, and rise time of the stimuli are varied. The nature of these changes suggests that the different patterns are due primarily to the combined influence of two factors: (a) a stimulus whose concentration varies over time and (b) a relationship between concentration and impulse frequency which varies from unit to unit. Some units produce patterns suggestive of influence by neural events of long time constant. The importance of temporal patterns in odor quality and odor intensity coding is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between chemical structure and odor characteristics of aroma compounds is interesting in terms of establishing a fundamental understanding and, in the long term, a perspective for the prediction of odor qualities and intensities of unknown compounds; on the other hand, such studies provide a useful tool to analytically elucidate compounds that are exceptionally potent odor contributors to a specific smell. In this respect, a broad knowledge of compounds with regard to their odor threshold and smell specificities compiled in a comprehensive odor library would drastically simplify the chemoanalytical process in identifying aromas and smells. Whereas numerous odor-active substance classes have been investigated intensively, such relationships and fundamental data have hitherto not been established for volatile phenols. In this study, a homologous series and isomers of 30 volatile phenols, including monoalkylated phenols and di- and trimethylphenols, were evaluated by determining their aroma attributes and their odor detection thresholds in air. The investigation demonstrates that the odor qualities, among them leather-like, horse stable-like, and medicinal, as well as the respective threshold values clearly depend on the arrangement of the alkyl substituents at the phenol ring. In particular, phenols with monoalkyl groups in the meta-position were found with very low odor detection thresholds of <1 ng/L air. A comparison of some selected phenols and their corresponding toluenes, which were found to be almost odorless, showed in addition that the phenolic hydroxyl group is obviously an important factor for the odor characteristic of this substance class.  相似文献   

Design and synthesis of potent MC4 selective agonists based on cyclohexylpiperidine derived cyclic urea, oxazolidinones, and sulfonamide based privileged structures are disclosed.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the role of the recently identified Drosophila seven transmembrane receptor family, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular localization of a member of this family, OR43b. The OR43b receptor is expressed exclusively in a subset of olfactory neurons in the third antennal segment. Consistent with a direct role in odorant transduction, receptor protein is concentrated within the dendrites, but is also present in the axons of the olfactory neurons in which it is expressed. OR43b protein is only detectable relatively late in development suggesting it may not be required for synaptic target choice of the olfactory neurons in which it is expressed. Flies carrying deletions removing one copy of OR43b have the same number of OR43b positive cells in the antenna as flies with two copies, suggesting that simple allelic exclusion of odor receptors may not occur in Drosophila. We show the OR43b gene on the balancer chromosome SM5 is expressed at reduced levels and contains nucleotide polymorphisms predicted to alter two amino acids in the receptor, including an arginine(128) to proline substitution in the first extracellular loop. The subcellular localization of OR43b in olfactory neurons supports the idea that some of the recently identified family of seven transmembrane receptors are odor receptors, and that Drosophila and vertebrates may differ in the developmental processes used to establish the neuronal architecture of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

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