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Silvinichthys huachi new species, is described from a stream along the lower slope of the Andean Cordillera in the Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. It shares the distinctive modifications characteristic of Silvinichthys, but is distinguished from the four previously described congeners by the combination of a lack of the pelvic fin and the pelvic girdle, details of pigmentation and various meristic and morphometric features. Silvinichthys huachi is apparently endemic to the type locality situated within an arid region of western central Argentina in the Andino Cuyana Province. Major gaps in the range of species of Silvinichthys may indicate that the origin of the genus predates the uplift events that subdivided drainages along the eastern slopes of the Andean Cordillera in west central Argentina. Silvinichthys huachi is hypothesized to be the sister species of Silvinichthys bortayro.  相似文献   

Delineation of units below the species level is critical for prioritizing conservation actions for species at‐risk. Genetic studies play an important role in characterizing patterns of population connectivity and diversity to inform the designation of conservation units, especially for populations that are geographically isolated. The northernmost range margin of Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) occurs in British Columbia, Canada, where it is federally classified as threatened and restricted to five geographic regions. In these areas, Western Rattlesnakes hibernate (den) communally, raising questions about connectivity within and between den complexes. At present, Western Rattlesnake conservation efforts are hindered by a complete lack of information on genetic structure and degree of isolation at multiple scales, from the den to the regional level. To fill this knowledge gap, we used Genotyping‐in‐Thousands by sequencing (GT‐seq) to genotype an optimized panel of 362 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from individual samples (n = 461) collected across the snake's distribution in western Canada and neighboring Washington (USA). Hierarchical STRUCTURE analyses found evidence for population structure within and among the five geographic regions in BC, as well as in Washington. Within these regions, 11 genetically distinct complexes of dens were identified, with some regions having multiple complexes. No significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance and generally low levels of migration were detected among den complexes across regions. Additionally, snakes within dens generally were more related than those among den complexes within a region, indicating limited movement. Overall, our results suggest that the single, recognized designatable unit for Western Rattlesnakes in Canada should be re‐assessed to proactively focus conservation efforts on preserving total genetic variation detected range‐wide. More broadly, our study demonstrates a novel application of GT‐seq for investigating patterns of diversity in wild populations at multiple scales to better inform conservation management.  相似文献   

An understanding of recent evolutionary processes is essential for the successful conservation and management of contemporary populations, especially where they concern the introduction or invasion of species outside their natural range. However, the potentially negative implications of intraspecific introductions and invasions have attracted less attention, although they also represent a potential threat to biodiversity, and are commonly facilitated through human activities. The European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) is a small cyprinid fish that decreased greatly in its distribution during the 1970s and 1980s and was subsequently included on many European conservation lists. This decline appears to have reversed, and the extent of its distribution now exceeds its former range. We used a combination of 12 microsatellite markers and cytochrome b sequences on a large data set (693 individuals) across the current range of the European bitterling to investigate possible scenarios for its colonization of Europe. We show that the inferred history of colonization of Europe was largely congruent between mitochondrial and nuclear markers. The most divergent mtDNA lineages occur in the Aegean region but probably are not reproductively isolated as the Aegean populations also displayed mtDNA haplotypes from other lineages and nuclear data indicated their close relationship to Danubian populations. Much of Europe is currently populated by descendants of two main lineages that came to natural secondary contact in western Europe. An approximate Bayesian computation analysis indicates different dates for admixture events among western and central European populations ranging from the last deglaciation (natural) to the last few centuries (human-assisted translocations).  相似文献   

Xinjiang is at the crossroads between East and West Eurasia, and it harbors a relatively complex genetic history. In order to better understand the population movements and interactions in this region, mitochondrial and Y chromosome analyses on 40 ancient human remains from the Tianshanbeilu site in eastern Xinjiang were performed. Twenty‐nine samples were successfully assigned to specific mtDNA haplogroups, including the west Eurasian maternal lineages of U and W and the east Eurasian maternal lineages of A, C, D, F, G, Z, M7, and M10. In the male samples, two Y chromosome haplogroups, C* and N1 (xN1a, N1c), were successfully assigned. Our mitochondrial and Y‐chromosomal DNA analyses combined with the archaeological studies revealed that the Di‐qiang populations from the Hexi Corridor had migrated to eastern Xinjiang and admixed with the Eurasian steppe populations in the early Bronze Age. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:71–80, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic structural patterns of human populations are usually a combination of long‐term evolutionary forces and short‐term social, cultural, and demographic processes. Recently, using mitochondrial DNA and Y‐chromosome loci, various studies in northern Spain have found evidence that the geographical distribution of Iron Age tribal peoples might have influenced current patterns of genetic structuring in several autochthonous populations. Using the wealth of data that are currently available from the whole territory of the Iberian Peninsula, we have evaluated its genetic structuring in the spatial scale of the Atlantic façade. Hierarchical tree modeling procedures, combined with a classic analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), were used to model known sociocultural divisions from the third century BCE to the eighth century CE, contrasting them with uniparental marker data. Our results show that, while mountainous and abrupt areas of the Iberian North bear the signals of long‐term isolation in their maternal and paternal gene pools, the makeup of the Atlantic façade as a whole can be related to tribal population groups that predate the Roman conquest of the Peninsula. The maintenance through time of such a structure can be related to the numerous geographic barriers of the Iberian mainland, which have historically conditioned its settlement patterns and the occurrence of genetic drift processes. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:617–626, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Aim It has long been assumed that deteriorating climate (cooling and warming above the norm) could shrink the carrying capacity of agrarian lands, depriving the human population of sufficient food. Population collapses (i.e. negative population growth) follow. However, this human–ecological relationship has rarely been verified scientifically, and evidence of warming‐caused disaster has never been found. This research sought to explore quantitatively the temporal pattern, spatial pattern and triggers of population collapses in relation to climate change at the global scale over 1100 years. Location Various countries/regions in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the pre‐industrial era. Methods We performed time‐series analysis to examine the association between temperature change and country‐wide/region‐wide population collapses in different climatic zones. All of the known population collapse incidents in the NH in the period ce 800–1900 were included in our data analysis. Results Nearly 90% of population collapses in various NH countries/regions occurred during periods of climate deterioration characterized by shrinking carrying capacity of the land. In addition, we found that cooling dampened the human ecosystem and brought about 80% of the collapses in warmer humid, cooler humid and dry zones, while warming adversely affected the ecosystems in dry and tropical humid zones. All of the population collapses and growth declines in periods of warm climate occurred in dry and tropical humid zones. Malthusian checks (famines, wars and epidemics) were the dominant triggers of population collapses, which peaked dramatically when climate deteriorated. Main conclusions Global demographic catastrophes and most population collapse incidents occurred in periods with great climate change, owing to overpopulation caused by diminished carrying capacity of the land and the resultant outbreak of Malthusian checks. Impacts of cooling or warming on land carrying capacity varied geographically, as a result of the diversified ecosystems in different parts of the Earth. The observed climate–population synchrony challenges Malthusian theory and demonstrates that it is not population growth alone but climate‐induced subsistence shortage and population growth working synergistically, that cause large‐scale human population collapses on the long‐term scale.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, continues to be a major threat to populations worldwide. Whereas the disease is treatable, the drug regimen is arduous at best with the use of four antimicrobials over a six‐month period. There is clearly a pressing need for the development of new therapeutics. One potential target for structure‐based drug design is the enzyme RmlA, a glucose‐1‐phosphate thymidylyltransferase. This enzyme catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of l ‐rhamnose, which is a deoxysugar critical for the integrity of the bacterium's cell wall. Here, we report the X‐ray structures of M. tuberculosis RmlA in complex with either dTTP or dTDP‐glucose to 1.6 Å and 1.85 Å resolution, respectively. In the RmlA/dTTP complex, two magnesium ions were observed binding to the nucleotide, both ligated in octahedral coordination spheres. In the RmlA/dTDP‐glucose complex, only a single magnesium ion was observed. Importantly, for RmlA‐type enzymes with known three‐dimensional structures, not one model shows the position of the magnesium ion bound to the nucleotide‐linked sugar. As such, this investigation represents the first direct observation of the manner in which a magnesium ion is coordinated to the RmlA product and thus has important ramifications for structure‐based drug design. In the past, molecular modeling procedures have been employed to derive a three‐dimensional model of the M. tuberculosis RmlA for drug design. The X‐ray structures presented herein provide a superior molecular scaffold for such endeavors in the treatment of one of the world's deadliest diseases.  相似文献   

The force driving the conversion from the acyl intermediate to the tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation reaction of serine proteases remains unclear. The crystal structure of 6‐guanidinohexanoyl trypsin was determined at pH 7.0, near the optimum reaction pH, at 1.94 Å resolution. In this structure, three water molecules are observed around the catalytic site. One acts as a nucleophile to attack the acyl carbonyl carbon while the other two waters fix the position of the catalytic water through a hydrogen bond. When the acyl carbonyl oxygen oscillates thermally, the water assumes an appropriate angle to catalyze the deacylation. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Historically our ability to identify genetic variants underlying complex behavioral traits in mice has been limited by low mapping resolution of conventional mouse crosses. The newly developed Diversity Outbred (DO) population promises to deliver improved resolution that will circumvent costly fine‐mapping studies. The DO is derived from the same founder strains as the Collaborative Cross (CC), including three wild‐derived strains. Thus the DO provides more allelic diversity and greater potential for discovery compared to crosses involving standard mouse strains. We have characterized 283 male and female DO mice using open‐field, light–dark box, tail‐suspension and visual‐cliff avoidance tests to generate 38 behavioral measures. We identified several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits with support intervals ranging from 1 to 3 Mb in size. These intervals contain relatively few genes (ranging from 5 to 96). For a majority of QTL, using the founder allelic effects together with whole genome sequence data, we could further narrow the positional candidates. Several QTL replicate previously published loci. Novel loci were also identified for anxiety‐ and activity‐related traits. Half of the QTLs are associated with wild‐derived alleles, confirming the value to behavioral genetics of added genetic diversity in the DO. In the presence of wild‐alleles we sometimes observe behaviors that are qualitatively different from the expected response. Our results demonstrate that high‐precision mapping of behavioral traits can be achieved with moderate numbers of DO animals, representing a significant advance in our ability to leverage the mouse as a tool for behavioral genetics .  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests in South‐East Asia have been affected by climatic fluctuations during past glacial eras. To examine how the accompanying changes in land areas and temperature have affected the genetic properties of rainforest trees in the region, we investigated the phylogeographic patterns of a widespread dipterocarp species, Shorea leprosula. Two types of DNA markers were used: expressed sequence tag‐based simple sequence repeats and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequence variations. Both sets of markers revealed clear genetic differentiation between populations in Borneo and those in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra (Malay/Sumatra). However, in the south‐western part of Borneo, genetic admixture of the lineages was observed in the two marker types. Coalescent simulation based on cpDNA sequence variation suggested that the two lineages arose 0.28–0.09 million years before present and that following their divergence migration from Malay/Sumatra to Borneo strongly exceeded migration in the opposite direction. We conclude that the genetic structure of S. leprosula was largely formed during the middle Pleistocene and was subsequently modified by eastward migration across the subaerially exposed Sunda Shelf.  相似文献   

The methylation of U1498 located in the 16S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli is an important modification affecting ribosomal activity. RsmE methyltransferases methylate specifically this position in a mechanism that requires an S‐adenosyl‐L‐methionine (AdoMet) molecule as cofactor. Here we report the structure of Apo and AdoMet‐bound Lpg2936 from Legionella pneumophila at 1.5 and 2.3 Å, respectively. The protein comprises an N‐terminal PUA domain and a C‐terminal SPOUT domain. The latter is responsible for protein dimerization and cofactor binding. Comparison with similar structures suggests that Lpg2936 is an RsmE‐like enzyme that can target the equivalent of U1498 in the L. pneumophila ribosomal RNA, thereby potentially enhancing ribosomal activity during infection‐mediated effector production. The multiple copies of the enzyme found in both structures reveal a flexible conformation of the bound AdoMet ligand. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements suggest an asymmetric two site binding mode. Our results therefore also provide unprecedented insights into AdoMet/RsmE interaction, furthering our understanding of the RsmE catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The UvrA–UvrB (AB) protein complex operates in the bacterial nucleotide excision repair pathway as the main sensor of DNA damage. Crystallographic analysis of the AB complex revealed a linear UvrB–UvrA–UvrA–UvrB arrangement of subunits with an internal two‐fold axis that became incorporated into the crystal. Here, we have used small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) to show close correspondence between the crystal structure and the entity in solution. This result confirms the number and disposition of subunits in the crystallographic model and rules out other possible arrangements suggested by packing in the crystal. The current SAXS analysis failed to detect significant changes to the structure as a function of nucleotide. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ecological factors often shape demography through multiple mechanisms, making it difficult to identify the sources of demographic variation. In particular, conspecific density can influence both the strength of competition and the predation rate, but density‐dependent competition has received more attention, particularly among terrestrial vertebrates and in island populations. A better understanding of how both competition and predation contribute to density‐dependent variation in fecundity can be gained by partitioning the effects of density on offspring number from its effects on reproductive failure, while also evaluating how biotic and abiotic factors jointly shape demography. We examined the effects of population density and precipitation on fecundity, nest survival, and adult survival in an insular population of orange‐crowned warblers (Oreothlypis celata) that breeds at high densities and exhibits a suite of traits suggesting strong intraspecific competition. Breeding density had a negative influence on fecundity, but it acted by increasing the probability of reproductive failure through nest predation, rather than through competition, which was predicted to reduce the number of offspring produced by successful individuals. Our results demonstrate that density‐dependent nest predation can underlie the relationship between population density and fecundity even in a high‐density, insular population where intraspecific competition should be strong.  相似文献   

A number of procedures have been developed that allow the genetic parameters of natural populations to be estimated using relationship information inferred from marker data rather than known pedigrees. Three published approaches are available; the regression, pair‐wise likelihood and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sib‐ship reconstruction methods. These were applied to body weight and molecular data collected from the Soay sheep population of St. Kilda, which has a previously determined pedigree. The regression and pair‐wise likelihood approaches do not specify an exact pedigree and yielded unreliable heritability estimates, that were sensitive to alteration of the fixed effects. The MCMC method, which specifies a pedigree prior to heritability estimation, yielded results closer to those determined using the known pedigree. In populations of low average relationship, such as the Soay sheep population, determination of a reliable pedigree is more useful than indirect approaches that do not specify a pedigree.  相似文献   

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