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1. The effects of CNS depressants (methadone and alcohol) and natural neurotransmitters (NA and ACh) are studied in O. degus. 2. O. degus shows resistance to methadone in the formalin algesiometric test and EEG. 3. Ethanol elimination profile suggest the presence of an atypical alcohol dehydrogenase in O. degus 4. O. degus is extremely resistant to the pressor effects of noradrenaline 5. the isolated atrium of this rodent is 40 times more sensitive to the negative chronotropic effect of methadone, than the rat atrium. 6. These effects could be explained in terms of an important catecholamine and endorphin co-secretion from adrenal glands in O. degus.  相似文献   

Octodon degus shows greater tolerance to pentobarbital as compared with the Wistar rat. Mixed function oxidase activities in liver microsomes were higher in Octodon degus than in the Wistar rat. The reactions assayed were: aminopyrine N-demethylation, aniline and naphthalene hydroxylation and p-nitroanisole O-demethylation. These higher activities seem to be due mainly to the greater cytochrome P-450 content of liver microsomes of Octodon degus. Glutathione S-transferase activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was 30 times higher in Octodon degus than in the Wistar rat. These results may explain the tolerance of Octodon degus to pentobarbital and other drugs.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa from the cauda epididymidis and vas deferens of Octodon degus-a Chilean hystricomorph rodent-is presented. The head of spermatozoa measured 7.7 micrometer long by 5.9 micrometer wide and the tail was 41 micrometer long. The head was flattened dorso-ventrally and ovate in outline. The acrosome was the most distinctive feature of O. degus spermatozoa. In a frontal view of the head, the rim of the acrosome surrounding the nucleus had the shape of an inverted U. The acrosomal region covering the plane of the flattened head exhibited dome-shaped protrusions. Transverse or sagittal sections of acrosomal protrusions showed that the plasma membrane and outer acrosomal membrane were evaginated, while the inner acrosomal membrane followed the contour of the nucleus. The protrusions were not distributed at random and they were absent in the equatorial segment and in the rim of the acrosome. In frontal views, near the boundary between the acrosome and post-acrosomal region, fine rods about 170 nm long ran obliquely on the caudal part of the equatorial segment. Behind the same boundary, the post-acrosomal region showed a serrated border. Phosphotungstic acid treatment at pH 0.3 produced staining at the surface of the sperm as well as within a superficial layer of the marginal thickening of the acrosome and on the acrosomal protuberances.  相似文献   

The possibility that social foragers adjust and coordinate their scanning activity when in the presence of close relatives to attain inclusive fitness benefits remains controversial and scarcely examined. To this aim, we first tested the null hypothesis of no association between foraging individuals of the diurnal rodent, Octodon degus and their pairwise relatedness (six microsatellite loci), under natural conditions. Secondly, we examined the influence of relatedness on scan effort (percent overlapping) and temporal distribution of scanning using linear regression. Finally, we evaluated whether temporal distributions of scanning were significantly lower (coordination) or higher (synchrony) than random expectations using bootstrapping. We found that pairwise relatedness between focal degus and their foraging partner did not influence the scan effort or the temporal distribution of scanning. These original, field-based findings imply that vigilance behavior in socially foraging degus is unlikely to be kin-selected and adds to results from previous lab studies in that kinship remains a poor predictor of social behavior in these animals. Overall, our study adds to others revealing that kin selection may not have had an impact on aspects of social behavior such as vigilance during social foraging.  相似文献   

The behavior of male and female Octodon degus (Hystricognathi; Octodontidae) was studied in captivity to examine the occurrence of non-parental infanticide, which involves the killing of immature infants by adult conspecifics other than the genetic parents. Sexually inexperienced male and female, and lactating female degus were tested for their behavior toward genetically unrelated, and socially unfamiliar, degu pups in a neutral arena. No male or female degu showed any sign of aggression toward the pups. Lactating females tended to exhibit the shortest latency to first behavioral interaction with the pup and the highest rate of social interactions with the pup, and they spent a relatively high proportion of their time in proximity with the pup. In contrast, males tended to show the longest latency to first pup contact and a reduced rate of interactions with the pup, and they spent a relatively small fraction of their time with the pup. The behavior of non-breeding females seemed intermediate between that of males and lactating females. Given that social and ecological conditions posed to promote non-parental infanticide in other rodents seemed not particularly different from what is known of degu biology, ecology, and social behavior, lack of degu infanticide may reflect phylogenetic inertia instead of an absence of conditions favoring infanticide. Received: 8 January 2000 / Received in revised form: 16 June 2000 / Accepted: 20 June 2000  相似文献   

Octodon degus is a desert rodent of northern Chile, adapted to survive with a limited supply of water. This rodent has a high degree of fecal dehydration, related to colon water absorption. With the hypothesis that aquaporins (AQPs) might be present in the colon epithelium of O. degus and involved in fluid absorption, we studied colon water absorption in vivo and the distribution of AQPs and Na(+) transporters by immunocytochemistry. AQP-1 was found in apical and basolateral membranes of surface-absorptive and crypt epithelial cells. AQP-8 was found in the cytoplasm of enterocytes of surface colon. AQP-3 immunolabeling, on the other hand, was absent from the epithelium but present in a subepithelial fibroblast layer, pericryptal cells, and muscularis mucosae. The hydration state did not modify the amount of immunostaining for any of the AQPs. Colon water absorption was markedly decreased by the mercurial agent p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and was not affected by water deprivation. The NHE3 isoform of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and alpha-1 subunit of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were found in apical and basolateral membranes of surface-absorptive cells, respectively. These results suggest that colon water absorption is mostly transcellular and mediated by water channels like AQP-1. Apical Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in surface cells could be part of the Na(+) absorption pathway. It is hypothesized that this transport is necessary to provide an osmotic gradient for water absorption. The roles of AQP-8 and AQP-3 in water absorption remain to be established.  相似文献   

This study examined the placentation in the degu, the origin of the extrasubplacental trophoblast (EST) (extravillous trophoblast in human), and the activity of Na+/K+ ATPase in the placental barrier during different gestational ages, as part of a wider effort to understand the reproductive biology of this species. Fifteen degus at the first stage of gestation, midgestation and at term of pregnancy were studied. At day 27 of gestation, the subplacenta is formed under the wall of the central excavation. Simultaneously, the outermost trophoblast of the ectoplacental cone differentiated into secondary trophoblast giant cells that lie on the outside of the placenta, forming an interface with the maternal cells in the decidua. These giant cells immunostained positive for cytokeratin (CK) and placental lactogen (hPL) until term. During this period, the EST merged from the subplacenta to the decidua and immunostained negative for CK, but at term, immunostained for CK and hPL in the maternal vessels. The vascular mesenchyme of the central excavation invaded the chorioallantoic placenta during this period, forming two fetal lobules of labyrinthine-fine syncytium, the zone of the placental barrier. The activity of Na+/K+ ATPase in the placental barrier was constant during the gestational period. The residual syncytium at the periphery of the placental disc and between the lobules was not invaded by fetal mesenchyme and formed the marginal and interlobular labyrinthine syncytium that immunostained first for CK, and later for hPL, as in the labyrinthine fine syncytium. The presence of intracytoplasmic electron-dense material in the interlobular labyrinthine syncytium suggested a secretory process in these cells that are bathed in maternal blood. Placentas obtained from vaginal births presented a large, single lobe, absence of the subplacenta, and a reduced interlobular labyrinthine syncytium. At day 27, the inverted visceral yolk sac is observed and its columnar epithelium immunostained for CK and hPL. This suggests that the yolk sac is an early secretory organ. The epithelium of the parietal yolk sac covers the placenta. The origin of the EST in the degu placenta and its migration to maternal vessels allows us to present this animal model for the study of pregnancy pathologies related to alterations in the migration of the extravillous trophoblast.  相似文献   

Light exposure during the early and late subjective night generally phase delays and advances circadian rhythms, respectively. However, this generality was recently questioned in a photic entrainment study in Octodon degus. Because degus can invert their activity phase preference from diurnal to nocturnal as a function of activity level, assessment of phase preference is critical for computations of phase reference [circadian time (CT) 0] toward the development of a photic phase response curve. After determining activity phase preference in a 24-h light-dark cycle (LD 12:12), degus were released in constant darkness. In this study, diurnal (n = 5) and nocturnal (n = 7) degus were randomly subjected to 1-h light pulses (30-35 lx) at many circadian phases (CT 1-6: n = 7; CT 7-12: n = 8; CT 13-18: n = 8; and CT 19-24: n = 7). The circadian phase of body temperature (Tb) onset was defined as CT 12 in nocturnal animals. In diurnal animals, CT 0 was determined as Tb onset + 1 h. Light phase delayed and advanced circadian rhythms when delivered during the early (CT 13-16) and late (CT 20-23) subjective night, respectively. No significant phase shifts were observed during the middle of the subjective day (CT 3-10). Thus, regardless of activity phase preference, photic entrainment of the circadian pacemaker in Octodon degus is similar to most other diurnal and nocturnal species, suggesting that entrainment mechanisms do not determine overt diurnal and nocturnal behavior.  相似文献   

Social interactions are important factors determining and regulating individual behaviors. Testosterone has been related to agonistic interactions, while glucocorticoids have been related to social stress, especially during interactions of dominance. We compared testosterone and cortisol concentrations in male degus (Octodon degus, Rodentia) under laboratory conditions without male social interactions, with data from wild males in nature. Under natural conditions, males should present higher levels of testosterone during the breeding season due to social interactions (Challenge Hypothesis). Alternatively, intense social instability could act as a stressing environment, raising glucocorticoids, which inhibit testosterone concentrations. Our results show a significant increase in agonistic interactions between males during the breeding season, and disappearance of non-agonistic male interactions during this period. Hormone levels in breeding season show nonsignificant differences between laboratory groups, but testosterone concentrations in field males were significantly higher than in laboratory males. Testosterone levels were similar among pre-breeding and breeding periods, but in field animals the concentration was approximately 30% higher than in laboratory degus. In field animals, we found two different mating strategies: resident males, with territorial behavior, and transient males, displayed an opportunistic approach to females. Finally, cortisol presents a similar pattern in both laboratory and field animals; pre-breeding values of cortisol are higher than during the breeding season. This suggests that social interactions in O. degus activate a rise in testosterone, supporting the Challenge Hypothesis, and could be considered as partial support of the Social Stress Hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that a main benefit of group‐living in the hystricognath rodent, Octodon degus (common degu), is to decrease individual risk of predation. During a first series of field observations, we contrasted group size of degus when using covered microhabitats with that of degus using exposed patches. During a second set of field observations, we assessed how distance to detection and to escape by degus varied with group size upon the approach of a potential human predator. Degus in exposed patches formed larger groups than degus in covered microhabitats. After excluding the influence of nearest burrow to focal subjects, we found that degus of larger groups detected an approaching human predator at a greater distance than degus of smaller groups. Likewise, degus of larger groups escaped to nearby burrows at a greater distance from the approaching predator than degus of smaller groups. All these pieces of evidence support the predatory risk hypothesis according to which group‐living in degus functions to reduce the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Petrosaspongiolides M-R (PM-PR, 1-5) are marine sesterterpenes structurally characterised by a gamma-hydroxybutenolide moiety. They have shown an in vitro and in vivo potent anti-inflammatory activity, mediated by specific inhibition of secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2) enzymes). The molecular mechanism underlying the sub-micromolar irreversible inhibition of the bee-venom PLA(2) (bvPLA(2)) by PM has been clarified combining mass spectrometry (MS) and molecular modelling approaches. The N-terminal amino group (Ile-1 residue), recently identified as the unique PM covalent binding site on this enzyme, selectively delivers a nucleophilic attack onto the masked aldehyde at C-25 of the pharmacophoric gamma-hydroxybutenolide ring of PM, giving rise to a Schiff base. In the attempt of broadening the knowledge of the mechanism at molecular level of PLA(2) inactivation by this family of compounds, we performed a comparative analysis on petrosaspongiolides M-R, whose results are discussed in this paper. Firstly, the amount of bvPLA(2) enzyme covalently modified after incubation with each of petrosaspongiolides M-R was measured and resulted to be in good agreement with pharmacological in vitro data. Then, a full characterisation of the bvPLA(2) adduct with PR, one of the least active and most structurally different among petrosaspongiolides, by LC-MS, MS(n), and computational methods, confirmed the same inhibition mechanism and covalent binding site already found for PM. Finally, extensive molecular docking studies performed in comparison on the PM-PLA(2) and PR-PLA(2) complexes provided critical insight on how the balance between non-covalent and covalent inhibitor-enzyme interactions may affect the final potency exhibited by the various compounds of the petrosaspongiolide family.  相似文献   

As in perhaps all eukaryotes, schistosomes use a supplementary information transmitting system, the epigenetic inheritance system, to shape genetic information and to produce different phenotypes. In contrast to other important parasites, the study of epigenetic phenomena in schistosomes is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, we are beginning to grasp what goes on behind the epigenetic scene in this parasite. We have developed techniques of native chromatin immunoprecipitation (N-ChIP) and associated the necessary bioinformatics tools that allow us to run genome-wide comparative chromatin studies on Schistosoma mansoni at different stages of its life cycle, on different strains and on different sexes. We present here an application of such an approach to study the genetic and epigenetic basis for a phenotypic trait, the compatibility of S. mansoni with its invertebrate host Biomphalaria glabrata. We have applied the ChIP procedure to two strains that are either compatible or incompatible with their intermediate host. The precipitated DNA was sequenced and aligned to a reference genome and this information was used to determine regions in which both strands differ in their genomic sequence and/or chromatin structure. This procedure allowed us to identify candidate genes that display either genetic or epigenetic difference between the two strains.  相似文献   

The effects of vertebrate predation have been monitored since 1989 on 16 replicated 0.56 ha study plots in a semiarid thorn scrub community in north-central Chile. Using fences of different heights with and without holes and suspended game netting to alter principal predator (foxes and raptors) and large rodent herbivore (Octodon degus) access, four grids each have been assigned to the following treatments: 1) low fencing and holes allowing free access of predators and small mammals; 2) low fencing without holes to exclude degus only; 3) high fencing and netting with holes to exclude predators only; and 4) high fencing and netting without holes to exclude predators and degus. Small mammal population censuses are conducted monthly using mark-recapture techniques. Degu population trends during 1989 and 1990 showed strongly but nonsignificantly lower numbers in control plots during months when densities were characteristically low (September–November) for this seasonally reproductive species; since March 1991, differences have become persistent and increasingly significant. Predators appear to have greater numerical effects when their prey populations are low. Survival times of degus, particularly established adults, were significantly longer in predator exclusion grids during the 2 1/2 years of observation; thus, predation also affects prey population structure.  相似文献   

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