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The ability of mathematical models to simulate competition for nutrients between three algal species, the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, a marine raphidophyte Heterosigma carterae and the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum, was investigated. Transient growth models were parameterized and tested using a number of closely controlled laboratory data sets including batch monocultures, batch competition experiments and semi-continuous culture competition experiments. The cell quota model of algal growth was found to be adequate to simulate growth of both the raphidophyte and the dinoflagellate. Batch monoculture data for diatom growth obtained under either nitrogen (N) or silicon (Si) limitation could also be simulated with a quota-style model, which in this case included feedback inhibition of nutrient uptake. However, to simulate both batch and semi-continuous culture experiments (and competition between the species), it was necessary to consider diatom Si-N metabolism. A model was derived which contains a representation of both intracellular N ad Si, and of the interaction of these nutrients within the cell. The model used a co-nutrient limitation based on the perceived functional and structural role of N and Si, respectively, within the cell. Simulations indicated that models capable of adequately representing monoculture growth in batch culture may produce erroneous results when incorporated into models of competition. The co-nutrient model is a first step to producing tractable algal growth models which will represent multiple nutrient stress in transient growth conditions.   相似文献   

The convective transport of concentrated suspension of bacteria in porous media is of interest for several processes such as microbial enhanced oil recovery and in situ bioremediation. The parameters which affect the transport of the bacterium Bacillus licheniformis JF-2, a candidate microorganism for microbial enhanced oil recovery, were investigated experimentally in sandpacks. Bacteria retention and permeability reduction occurred primarily in the first few centimeters upon entering the porous medium. In downstream sections of the sandpack, the permeability reduction was low, even in cases in which high cell concentrations (10(8) cfu/mL) were detected in the effluent. The effect of (i) addition of a dispersant, (ii) linear velocity of injection, (iii) cell concentration, (iv) salinity (v) temperature, and (vi) the presence of a residual oleic phase were determined experimentally. A lower reduction in permeability and a higher effluent bacterial concentration were obtained in the presence of dispersant, high injection velocities, low salinities, and at a higher temperature. Macroscopic measurements at different linear velocities and in the presence or absence of dispersants suggest that the formation of reversible microaggregates and multiparticle hydrodynamic exclusion may be the primary mechanisms for bacterial retention and permeability reduction. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary We investigate a new continuous input ideal free distribution model which removes the assumption that resources are consumed as soon as they enter a patch. The model makes predictions about the standing crop of resources and allows consideration of the effects of simultaneous exploitation and interference competition. Using a group of cichlid fish competing for food items, we show that consistent with the model, standing crops can vary in continuous input situations. As predicted, higher standing crops are associated with increased intake rates. Furthermore, with greater numbers of competitors, standing crops are higher, suggesting that there is interference as well as exploitation competition in our system. An experiment to investigate the effects of fish density on the level of movement revealed that the reported interference competition could not be attributed to increased fish movement at higher density.  相似文献   

Mice of the kdkd strain predictably develop a spontaneous tubulointerstitial nephritis after 8 wk of life. In this report we have examined several aspects of the nephritogenic immune response that seemed potentially relevant to the expression of this progressively destructive renal lesion. Of particular interest is that by direct immunofluorescence we were unable to demonstrate the presence of antibodies to determinants in the tubulointerstitium. Serum and kidney eluates from nephritic mice, furthermore, did not stain any renal structures in normal kidney. We did observe, however, that disease could be transferred through kdkd----CBA/Ca bone marrow chimeras, and prevented, in the reverse direction, by CBA/Ca----kdkd chimeras. The development of the interstitial lesion was markedly inhibited by thymectomy with T cell depletion, but disease could not be adoptively transferred with cells or serum from nephritic mice. The interstitial lesions also did not appear in (kdkd X CBA/Ca)F1 hybrids, and the development of disease in kdkd mice could be inhibited by treatment with adoptively transferred T cells from CBA/Ca mice. With these new findings we now hypothesize that susceptibility to the expression of interstitial nephritis in kdkd mice involves the cellular limb of the immune system, and may be related, in part, to alterations in regulatory T cell function.  相似文献   

Growth of calvarial width. An experimental investigation in rabbits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P Alberius 《Acta anatomica》1986,125(4):263-267
This investigation was conducted to analyze growth in width of the rabbit calvarium. 15 male New Zealand white rabbits were subjected to regular stereometric examinations from 31 to 141 days of age after implantation of tantalum bone markers. The sagittal suture complex, i.e. the interfrontal and interparietal sutures, and the bilateral temporal sutures demonstrated similar growth rates in magnitude which moderately decelerated throughout the observation period. Transverse growth exhibited local growth fluctuations and short-term negative growth values in a well-balanced manner.  相似文献   

A marine-sand, closed-circuit, ecosystem was successfully maintained for 16 months by the regular addition of soluble amino acids (205 g C/m2/yr). The nitrogen was rapidly and totally mineralized, no organic matter accumulating within the sand. The changes in density of the nematode and bacterial populations were similar with stabilization, at an in situ-like level, after 7 months. About one half of the 130 offshore species of nematodes developed in the experimental sand, some being dominant in both biotopes. The copepod population, after a 12 months exponential growth, started to fluctuate dramatically around a mean level much higher than that in nature.  相似文献   

The two-iron-sulphur co-ordination centre in plant and algal ferredoxins is considered as a collection of charged ions whose net negative charge is twice that of the one-iron-sulphur protein rubredoxin. Calculation of the electrostatic free-energy changes for reduction of the two types of proteins indicates that the redox potential of the two-iron-sulphur proteins should be more negative than that of the one-iron-sulphur protein and that in biological systems the ferredoxins should function as one-electron transfer proteins.  相似文献   

Climate feedbacks from soils can result from environmental change followed by response of plant and microbial communities, and/or associated changes in nutrient cycling. Explicit consideration of microbial life-history traits and functions may be necessary to predict climate feedbacks owing to changes in the physiology and community composition of microbes and their associated effect on carbon cycling. Here we developed the microbial enzyme-mediated decomposition (MEND) model by incorporating microbial dormancy and the ability to track multiple isotopes of carbon. We tested two versions of MEND, that is, MEND with dormancy (MEND) and MEND without dormancy (MEND_wod), against long-term (270 days) carbon decomposition data from laboratory incubations of four soils with isotopically labeled substrates. MEND_wod adequately fitted multiple observations (total C–CO2 and 14C–CO2 respiration, and dissolved organic carbon), but at the cost of significantly underestimating the total microbial biomass. MEND improved estimates of microbial biomass by 20–71% over MEND_wod. We also quantified uncertainties in parameters and model simulations using the Critical Objective Function Index method, which is based on a global stochastic optimization algorithm, as well as model complexity and observational data availability. Together our model extrapolations of the incubation study show that long-term soil incubations with experimental data for multiple carbon pools are conducive to estimate both decomposition and microbial parameters. These efforts should provide essential support to future field- and global-scale simulations, and enable more confident predictions of feedbacks between environmental change and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

An allosteric model of hemoglobin. I. Kinetics   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is responsible for many systemic growth hormone (GH) functions although it has an extensive number of inherent activities (anabolic, cytoprotective, and anti-inflammatory). The potential options for IGF-1 therapy arise as a promising strategy in a wide list of human diseases. However, deeper studies are needed from a suitable animal model. All human conditions of IGF-1 deficiency consist in partially decreased IGF-1 levels since total absence of this hormone is hardly compatible with life. The aim of this work was to confirm that heterozygous Igf-1 +/? mice (Hz) may be considered as an appropriate animal model to study conditions of IGF-1 deficiency, focusing on early ages. Heterozygous Igf-1 +/? mice were compared to homozygous Igf-1 +/+ by assessing gene expression by quantitative PCR, serum circulating levels by ELISA, and tissue staining. Compared to controls, Hz mice (25 days old) showed a partial but significant reduction of IGF-1 circulating levels, correlating with a reduced body weight and diminished serum IGFBP-3 levels. Hz mice presented a significant decrease of IGF-1 gene expression in related organs (liver, bone, testicles, and brain) while IGF-1 receptor showed a normal expression. However, gene expression of growth hormone receptor (GHR) was increased in the liver but reduced in the bone, testicles, and brain. In addition, a significant reduction of cortical bone thickness and histopathological alterations in the testicles were found in Hz mice when compared to controls. Finally, the lifelong evolution of IGF-1 serum levels showed significant differences throughout life until aging in mice. Results in this paper provide evidence for considering heterozygous mice as a suitable experimental model, from early stages, to get more insight into the mechanisms of the beneficial actions induced by IGF-1 replacement therapy.  相似文献   

Among the wide variety of clinicopathological manifestations of intestinal amebiasis, amebomas occur rarely and their pathogenesis is not well understood. When cholesterol-fed, 2- to 4-week-old guinea pigs were infected intracecally with a virulent, monoaxenic strain of Entamoeba histolytica, gross and histologically characteristic amebomas developed in 85% of the animals by the 3rd day, in 94% by the 9th day, and in 96% by the 12th day postinfection, by which time most of them had died. Amebomas were confirmed by histopathology. Thus, a model of consistent production of amebomas was documented.  相似文献   

A wild-type strain of Klebsiella oxytoca growing aerobically in batch culture has exhibited intermittent or oscillatory growth while growing on lactose at concentrations on the order of 1 g/L or less. In two-substrate experiments, preferred growth on glucose followed by growth on lactose also produced oscillatory growth behavior during the lactose growth phase at lactose concentrations of 1 g/L or less. Only oscillations in cell density have currently been observed. Alkalinization of the medium during growth on lactose indicated the presence of lactose active transport. The observed intermittent growth was reduced or removed during growth on lactose after preferred growth on galactose or in a medium containing 50 mM NaCl. Results suggested that the presence of an intracellular energy source or a sufficient DeltapH buffer may alleviate growth inhibition when transport and growth processes compete for essential energy resources during growth on lactose.  相似文献   

Yehuda Kott 《Hydrobiologia》1968,32(1-2):161-169
Summary Concentrations of 50 mg/l nitrate (as NO3 ) and 20 mg/l phosphate (as PO4---) were found to be optimal for algal growth in experimental citrus waste oxidation ponds.Reliable results were only obtained after three weeks of detention. Nitrogen or phosphorus alone did not suffice for stimulating algal growth but had to be used together. Dilution of the waste resulted in very poor growth.Several inexpensive fertilizers were compared with sodium nitrate and phosphate and were found to give an equivalent algal yield.
Résumé Pour le développement des algues dans des ponds d'oxidation expímentales du dechet de l'industrie des agrumes les concentrations ci dessous ont été trouvées optimales: 50 mg/1 de nitrate (NO3 ) et 20 mg/1 phosphate (PO4---). On n'a obtenu des réesultats satisfaisants qu'apres trois semaines de detention.Seulement l'azote or le phosphore ne stimule pas le développement des algues: il faut les utiliser en conjunction.La prolifération des algues dans des eaux résiduaires diluées est très faible.Plusieurs engrais moins chers ont été comparés au nitrate de soude et au phosphate et ont donné des résultats équivalents aux développement des algues.

This study was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture — Water Commission.  相似文献   

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