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In this paper we attack the problem of understanding the localization of the main structures involved in the motor circadian rhythm of crayfish by analysing its ontogeny. We present experimental results giving the properties of this rhythm in young and adult crayfish. Then we construct a mathematical model (based on a previous one for the electroretinogram circadian rhythm in the same species) simulating those properties. In the process of constructing the model we clarified and made precise various hypotheses about the biological structures involved in them and about the characteristics of the oscillators present in those structures. We also formulate some hypotheses about the general properties of circadian rhythms. Finally, we propose some experiments suggested by the mathematical model.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The objective of the present work was to study the ontogeny of the ERG circadian rhythm in crayfish.
  • 2.2. Long-term recordings of ERG and shielding retinal pigments position measured from the instar, the second instar, the third instar and the adult crayfish were obtained.
  • 3.3. In the youngest animals (1–8 days old) an ultradian rhythm (15min-4hr periods) in the ERG amplitude was detected.
  • 4.4. Older animals showed a progressive increment in the period length before they exhibited a circadian pattern. This last appeared, the first time, in 30-day-old animals and showed noticeable differences in the adult crayfish. At the same time, the crayfish began to show photomotor reflex. Later on (140-day-old crayfish) the circadian rhythm attained its final parameters.
  • 5.5. The SD was used as a measure of lability in periods. The 4 hr ultradian rhythm and the 22.4 hr circadian rhythm showed the lowest SD indicating that they are the most precise period values.
  • 6.6. Our results support the idea that the ERG circadian rhythm results from the coupling among high frequency (ultradian) oscillators, particularly those of 4 hr periods and that the coupling depends on the action of neurosecretions released from the sinus gland.

Based on experimental work on the ontogeny of the electroretinogram circadian rhythm in crayfish, we present a mathematical model simulating changes in both frequency and amplitude of the electroretinogram oscillation during several developmental stages until shortly before the adult age. Simultaneously, we propose a hypothetical oscillation in the hormonal release whose frequency is imposed on the electroretinogram oscillation. The model consists of two coupled nonlinear oscillators in which a dynamical response is obtained mainly through an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. Through the construction of the model, a biological hypothesis about the essential elements underlying the ERG circadian rhythm and their interrelations is formulated and discussed.  相似文献   

Oscillations of the period (per) and timeless (tim) gene products are an integral part of the feedback loop that underlies circadian behavioral rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster. Resetting this loop in response to light requires the putative circadian photoreceptor cryptochrome (CRY). We dissected the early events in photic resetting by determining the mechanisms underlying the CRY response to light and by investigating the relationship between CRY and the light-induced ubiquitination of the TIM protein. In response to light, CRY is degraded by the proteasome through a mechanism that requires electron transport. Various CRY mutant proteins are not degraded, and this suggests that an intramolecular conversion is required for this light response. Light-induced TIM ubiquitination precedes CRY degradation and is increased when electron transport is blocked. Thus, inhibition of electron transport may "lock" CRY in an active state by preventing signaling required either to degrade CRY or to convert it to an inactive form. High levels of CRY block TIM ubiquitination, suggesting a mechanism by which light-driven changes in CRY could control TIM ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Persistent oscillation in constant conditions is a defining characteristic of circadian rhythms. However, in plants transferred into extended dark conditions, circadian rhythms in mRNA abundance commonly damp in amplitude over two or three cycles to a steady state level of relatively constant, low mRNA abundance. In Arabidopsis, catalase CAT3 mRNA oscillations damp rapidly in extended dark conditions, but unlike catalase CAT2 and the chlorophyll a/b binding protein gene CAB, in which the circadian oscillations damp to low steady state mRNA abundance, CAT3 mRNA oscillations damp to high steady state levels of mRNA abundance. Mutational disruption of either phytochrome- or cryptochrome-mediated light perception prevents damping of the oscillations in CAT3 mRNA abundance and reveals strong circadian oscillations that persist for multiple cycles in extended dark conditions. Damping of CAT3 mRNA oscillations specifically requires phytochrome A but not phytochrome B and also requires the cryptochrome1 blue light receptor. Therefore, we conclude that synergistic signaling mediated through both phytochrome A and cryptochrome1 is required for damping of circadian CAT3 mRNA oscillations in extended dark conditions.  相似文献   

Five groups of 20 juvenile instars of crayfish each, were submitted to five experimental photoperiodic cycles of different photophase and scotophase characteristics during 13 weeks. The animals' total length and weight were measured weekly. When the size and maturation of the first animals were adequate, all the animals were sacrificed, and the histological study of gonads was performed. The results indicate that animals submitted to a light-dark (LD) cycle 12:12 with light interruptions in the scotophase, showed the greatest gonadal induction. However the greatest growth induction appeared in animals submitted to control condition (LD 12:12). These results could indicate for both functions two different models of photoperiodic induction.  相似文献   

The field of Chronobiology, the study of the rhythms in plants and animals, was restricted to botanists for centuries. Only recently during the last decades research could be broadened to include animals and later even human beings. Rhythms have been documented and related to the alternation of day and night and to the succession of the seasons. Nowadays chronobiology has developed into a multidisciplinary field in which scientists are involved in basic research as well as in applied topics. This paper gives an introduction to the field, especially dealing with the aspect of rhythm development and the way in which the different 24 hour rhythms in children become apparent.  相似文献   

One of the most important functions modulated by melatonin is the synchronization of circadian rhythms. In crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), we have obtained evidence that the amplitude of the electrical response to light of the retinal photoreceptors the receptor potential, is modified by the action of melatonin and that the magnitude of this action depends on the circadian time of melatonin application. In contrast, the electroretinogram (ERG) circadian rhythm can be synchronized by either single or periodic melatonin application. In this work we hypothesized that, in crayfish, melatonin acts on effectors and on pacemaker of ERG circadian rhythm as a non-photic synchronizer. Melatonin could be a hormone that sends a signal of darkness to the ERG circadian system.  相似文献   

Drosophila cryptochrome (CRY) is a key circadian photoreceptor that interacts with the period and timeless proteins (PER and TIM) in a light-dependent manner. We show here that a heat pulse also mediates this interaction, and heat-induced phase shifts are severely reduced in the cryptochrome loss-of-function mutant cryb. The period mutant perL manifests a comparable CRY dependence and dramatically enhanced temperature sensitivity of biochemical interactions and behavioral phase shifting. Remarkably, CRY is also critical for most of the abnormal temperature compensation of perL flies, because a perL; cryb strain manifests nearly normal temperature compensation. Finally, light and temperature act together to affect rhythms in wild-type flies. The results indicate a role for CRY in circadian temperature as well as light regulation and suggest that these two features of the external 24-h cycle normally act together to dictate circadian phase.  相似文献   

Cryptochromes are flavoproteins that are evolutionary related to the DNA photolyases but lack DNA repair activity. Drosophila cryptochrome (dCRY) is a blue light photoreceptor that is involved in the synchronization of the circadian clock with the environmental light-dark cycle. Until now, spectroscopic and structural studies on this and other animal cryptochromes have largely been hampered by difficulties in their recombinant expression. We have therefore established an expression and purification scheme that enables us to purify mg amounts of monomeric dCRY from Sf21 insect cell cultures. Using UV-visible spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography, we show that insect cell-purified dCRY contains flavin adenine dinucleotide in its oxidized state (FAD(ox)) and residual amounts of methenyltetrahydrofolate. Upon blue light irradiation, dCRY undergoes a reversible absorption change, which is assigned to the conversion of FAD(ox) to the red anionic FAD(.) radical. Our findings lead us to propose a novel photoreaction mechanism for dCRY, in which FAD(ox) corresponds to the ground state, whereas the FAD(.) radical represents the light-activated state that mediates resetting of the Drosophila circadian clock.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that from the early stages of postnatal life up to adult age, gradual development of circadian amplitudes invariably takes place which may lead up to a complete absence of the diurnal rhythm in senile organisms. These changes are observed at various levels of organization of homeostatic systems (from cellular to organismic ones). A discussion is made of a possibility of evaluation of the level of adaptability and reliability of biological systems, as well as of their functional optimum via the analysis of circadian organization in ontogenesis, including gerontological problems (differentiation into age periods, biological age).  相似文献   

Timing of circadian activities is controlled by rhythmic expression of clock genes in pacemaker neurons in the insect brain. Circadian behavior and clock gene expression can entrain to both thermoperiod and photoperiod but the availability of such cues, the organization of the brain, and the need for circadian behavior change dramatically during the course of insect metamorphosis. We asked whether photoperiod or thermoperiod entrains the clock during pupal and pharate adult stages by exposing flies to different combinations of thermoperiod and photoperiod and observing the effect on the timing of adult eclosion. This study used qRT-PCR to examine how entrainment and expression of circadian clock genes change during the course of development in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis. Thermoperiod entrains expression of period and controls the timing of adult eclosion, suggesting that the clock gene period may be upstream of the eclosion pathway. Rhythmic clock gene expression is evident in larvae, appears to cease during the early pharate adult stage, and resumes again by the time of adult eclosion. Our results indicate that both patterns of clock gene expression and the cues to which the clock entrains are dynamic and respond to different environmental signals at different developmental stages in S. crassipalpis.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular system performs key physiological functions even as it develops and grows. The ontogeny of cardiac physiology was studied throughout embryonic and larval development in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii using videomicroscopic dimensional analysis. The heart begins to contract by day 13 of development (at 25°C, 20 kPa O2). Prior to eclosion, heart rate (ƒH) decreases significantly. Previous data suggests that the decrease in cardiac parameters prior to hatching may be due to an oxygen limitation of the embryo. Throughout development, metabolizing mass and embryonic oxygen consumption primarily increased while egg surface area remains constant. The limited area for gas exchange of the egg membrane, in combination with the increasing oxygen demand of the embryo could result in an inadequate diffusive supply of oxygen to developing tissues. To determine if the decrease in cardiac function was the result of an internal hypoxia experienced during late embryonic development, early and late stage embryos were exposed to hyperoxic water (PO2 =40 kPa O2). The ƒH in late stage embryos increased significantly over control values when exposed to hyperoxic water suggesting that the suppression in cardiac function observed in late stage embryos is likely due to a limited oxygen supply.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of cryptochrome2 cDNA in the rat.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cryptochromes (CRY) are blue-light photoreceptors that regulate the circadian rhythm in animals and plants. In mammals, two types of CRY are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm, but rat cryptochromes have not yet been identified. Therefore, we isolated and characterized cry2 cDNA from the rat brain. The cloned rat cry2 cDNA consists of 2,131 nucleotides and has a single open-reading frame that encodes the rat CRY2 of 594 amino acids with start and stop codons. The deduced amino acid sequence of the rat CRY2 was 97% identical with that of mice and 93% with humans, but it showed a relatively low identity of 64% with that of zebrafish. It also exhibited a high homology (about 70%) with CRY1 of mice and humans. A Northern blot analysis showed that rat cry2 was expressed in all of the tissues examined. Rat cry2 was expressed at a relatively higher level in peripheral tissues than in the brain. In situ hybridization in the whole brain indicated that the strong signal of cry2 mRNA is mainly present in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) region, but very weak in other brain regions. Therefore, present results indicate that rat cry2 may function in circadian photoreception in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Recent studies in mammals have demonstrated a central role for the circadian clock in maintaining metabolic homeostasis. In spite of these advances, however, little is known about how these complex pathways are coordinated. Here, we show that fundamental aspects of the circadian control of metabolism are conserved in the fruit fly Drosophila. We assay feeding behavior and basic metabolite levels in individual flies and show that, like mammals, Drosophila display a rapid increase in circulating sugar following a meal, which is subsequently stored in the form of glycogen. These daily rhythms in carbohydrate levels are disrupted in clock mutants, demonstrating a critical role for the circadian clock in the postprandial response to feeding. We also show that basic metabolite levels are coordinated in a clock-dependent manner and that clock function is required to maintain lipid homeostasis. By examining feeding behavior, we show that flies feed primarily during the first 4 hours of the day and that light suppresses a late day feeding bout through the cryptochrome photoreceptor. These studies demonstrate that central aspects of feeding and metabolism are dependent on the circadian clock in Drosophila. Our work also uncovers novel roles for light and cryptochrome on both feeding behavior and metabolism.  相似文献   

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