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The discovery of a letter intentionally filled with dried Bacillus anthracis spores in the office of a United States senator prompted the collection and quarantine of all mail in congressional buildings. This mail was subsequently searched for additional intentionally contaminated letters. A microbiological sampling strategy was used to locate heavy contamination within the 642 separate plastic bags containing the mail. Swab sampling identified 20 bags for manual and visual examination. Air sampling within the 20 bags indicated that one bag was orders of magnitude more contaminated than all the others. This bag contained a letter addressed to Senator Patrick Leahy that had been loaded with dried B. anthracis spores. Microbiological sampling of compartmentalized batches of mail proved to be efficient and relatively safe. Efficiency was increased by inoculating culture media in the hot zone rather than transferring swab samples to a laboratory for inoculation. All mail sampling was complete within 4 days with minimal contamination of the sampling environment or personnel. However, physically handling the intentionally contaminated letter proved to be exceptionally hazardous, as did sorting of cross-contaminated mail, which resulted in generation of hazardous aerosol and extensive contamination of protective clothing. Nearly 8 x 10(6) CFU was removed from the most highly cross-contaminated piece of mail found. Tracking data indicated that this and other heavily contaminated envelopes had been processed through the same mail sorting equipment as, and within 1 s of, two intentionally contaminated letters.  相似文献   

In 2001, envelopes loaded with Bacillus anthracis spores were mailed to Senators Daschle and Leahy as well as to the New York Post and NBC News buildings. Additional letters may have been mailed to other news agencies because there was confirmed anthrax infection of employees at these locations. These events heightened the awareness of the lack of understanding of the mechanism(s) by which objects contaminated with a biological agent might spread disease. This understanding is crucial for the estimation of the potential for exposure to ensure the appropriate response in the event of future attacks. In this study, equipment to simulate interactions between envelopes and procedures to analyze the spread of spores from a “payload” envelope (i.e., loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) onto neighboring envelopes were developed. Another process to determine whether an aerosol could be generated by opening contaminated envelopes was developed. Subsequent generations of contaminated envelopes originating from a single payload envelope showed a consistent two-log decrease in the number of spores transferred from one generation to the next. Opening a tertiary contaminated envelope resulted in an aerosol containing 103 B. anthracis spores. We developed a procedure for sampling contaminated letters by a nondestructive method aimed at providing information useful for consequence management while preserving the integrity of objects contaminated during the incident and preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies.In September and October of 2001, letters containing Bacillus anthracis spores were distributed through the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), resulting in contamination of the mail processing and distribution center in Hamilton, NJ, as well as affiliated processing centers in Washington, DC, in New York City, NY, and in Wallingford, CT, as well as postal facilities along the path transited by letters mailed to a targeted media company in Florida. Subsequently, 22 individuals, including postal workers, persons who received or handled the contaminated letters, and persons exposed to environments contaminated by the letters, developed cases of anthrax, including both the inhalation and cutaneous forms of the disease (5, 18-20). Five of these cases of anthrax resulted in death (4, 7). There have been investigations into the relationships of infection and exposure in areas where known exposures occurred (1, 6, 8). However, for two of the individuals who developed inhalational anthrax, an elderly woman in Connecticut and a nurse in New York City, no B. anthracis spores were detected (based on environmental sampling) on their mail or in their homes (2, 17, 19, 20). A third individual, a bookkeeper from New Jersey, survived a cutaneous anthrax infection, and only a single positive environmental sample in her workplace was identified (19).For the three specific cases mentioned above, the authors of the corresponding studies hypothesized that infection may have resulted from exposure to mail cross contaminated by mail that went through the same sorting equipment around the time that the letters to Senators Leahy and Daschle were processed. Without evidence of B. anthracis spores in their homes and other areas they were known to have frequented and the lack of additional cases in these geographic areas, there is no way to confirm the route of their exposure. We hypothesize that these people may have been exposed by inhaling spores released from envelopes that they tore open and then discarded. The delay between exposure and disease would have been sufficient to permit the discarded items to enter into the solid waste or recycling stream, and any residual spores may have been removed by normal housekeeping activities. Alternatively, the true source of exposure may have been undetectable due to a low concentration of spores.Those cases of anthrax raise the question of what, if any, hazards may have been encountered in handling mail with secondary and tertiary contamination. These cases raise particular questions concerning the ability of disease-causing organisms to spread through cross contamination of second- and even third-generation fomites in sufficient numbers to cause infection and possible death.Following the attacks, numerous studies were conducted in the contaminated postal buildings to assess the degree of contamination and to better understand sampling methodologies. Subsequent laboratory studies have been performed to improve B. anthracis sample collection and detection (11, 16, 22, 24, 30). Programs have monitored aerosols within federal buildings, hospitals, and mail facilities (10, 15, 25, 27). Additionally, studies of mail sorting machinery and the potential of this machinery to cross contaminate mail have been done (3, 10). However, to date, no laboratory studies that examined the potential for cross contamination of mail through contact or mixing with contaminated letters have been published.Reaerosolization in general is a poorly studied phenomenon. Characterization of reaerosolization under a variety of circumstances was undertaken following the B. anthracis incidents in 2001 (21, 29). The concept of fomite-to-fomite transference of powdered pathogen residues has been even less well studied.The settling of a primary aerosol comprised of charged particles may be due at least in part to an increase in the mass of these charged particles that occurs when they interact with oppositely charged particles. Once deposited on a surface, several factors may act against reaerosolization. Charged particles that have interacted with oppositely charged particles and have effectively increased in mass may be substantially more difficult to entrain in an aerosol than the initial particles. For charged particles that have not interacted with other particles, there may be a direct electrostatic interaction between the charged particle and the surface on which it has landed which would tend to hold these particles onto the surface. Both of these effects should reduce the potential for reaerosolization.Particulate preparations have a variety of properties, such as hydrophobicity, zeta potential, particle shape, and other characteristics that may also affect the potential for reaerosolization. It would be interesting to characterize a large number of powders, to create a database of the characteristics and their potential for aerosol formation and reaerosolization of these powders, and to use this database of information for comparison of unknown powders. Knowing this information may assist in the public health and risk management decision making processes. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive database for these characteristics, nor is there any well-accepted unifying theory for deriving the likelihood of reaerosolization from the characteristics of powders that are commonly measured. In addition, there may be unknown variables that have an impact on aerosolization or reaerosolization that become known over time with improvements in understanding the theory of aerosolization and technology for measurement of these variables. A further confounding factor would be the inability to collect this information from the actual material used in any incident. In the case of the 2001 attacks (and likely in future incidents), there was (and will likely be) little material available for such study. The material used in the attacks is inherently hazardous and must be handled in highly controlled settings. The material is therefore difficult and expensive to work with (23). Material used in an attack is also generally sequestered as evidentiary material, and information concerning preparation of a biological weapon used in an attack may be considered too sensitive for public release. This sensitivity may include unwillingness to provide access to information on the efficacy of a specific preparation method to malevolent individuals and the requirement to preserve information for use in successful identification and prosecution of the perpetrator of such an attack. However, it may be possible to collect fomites contaminated with trace amounts of the agent in the course of public health investigations. The current study details a method for dealing with these contaminated fomites to yield information useful for public health protection.A confounding factor in these cases may be the necessity to treat as much of the available bulk material as can be collected as evidence. As evidence, even small amounts of this material may not be available for scientific testing. There may also be restrictions on the handling and treatment of fomites contaminated with residual traces of biological threat agents. For instance, the owners of the fomites may value them highly and may not wish to see them destroyed in the hope that the object may be somehow decontaminated and returned or the owner may wish to prevent public disclosure of the nature or contents of a contaminated object, such as a letter. It is therefore incumbent upon researchers to develop methods that are as minimally invasive and destructive as possible to investigate the potential for fomite-to-fomite transmission.We constructed a device designed to expose uncontaminated fomites to envelopes bearing a powdered preparation of spores or to fomites that had been exposed to other fomites contaminated by the initial powder-bearing envelope. Specifically, fomites used in this study were envelopes containing a piece of paper. This device was designed to conduct the exposure in a consistent, reproducible manner and to allow investigation of the interaction and cross contamination that might be encountered between a “payload” letter (a letter that had been loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) and other pieces of mail. Uncontaminated envelopes were tumbled with a single envelope containing a payload of milled Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores. After tumbling three successive generations of envelopes, CFU counts from the outsides of the envelopes were taken. These estimates of spore loads on the outside of these envelopes may be compared to published human 50% lethal dose (LD50) estimates for aerosolized B. anthracis spores (12, 13). An additional series of envelopes was exposed to envelopes that had been contaminated during this first round of exposures, and those envelopes were found to be externally contaminated as well. We also studied opening an envelope that had been exposed to a payload envelope with either a finger or a letter opener to determine if these activities caused an aerosolization or reaerosolization of a sufficient number of spores to pose a risk of disease through inhalation.It is difficult to balance the concerns of making information public during a public health response and providing sufficient information for information risk management decision making while at the same time preserving the evidence for use by law enforcement agencies for eventual prosecution of individuals accused of committing crimes. We identified a nondestructive procedure by which contaminated mail can be analyzed and biological material collected while still preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies, allowing the payload envelope to be used as evidence while still permitting an assessment of its biological contaminant burden.  相似文献   

The release of biological agents, including those which could be used in biowarfare or bioterrorism in large urban areas, has been a concern for governments for nearly three decades. Previous incidents from Sverdlosk and the postal anthrax attack of 2001 have raised questions on the mechanism of spread of Bacillus anthracis spores as an aerosol or contaminant. Prior studies have demonstrated that Bacillus atrophaeus is easily transferred through simulated mail handing, but no reports have demonstrated this ability with Bacillus anthracis spores, which have morphological differences that may affect adhesion properties between spore and formite. In this study, equipment developed to simulate interactions across three generations of envelopes subjected to tumbling and mixing was used to evaluate the potential for cross-contamination of B. anthracis spores in simulated mail handling. In these experiments, we found that the potential for cross-contamination through letter tumbling from one generation to the next varied between generations while the presence of a fluidizer had no statistical impact on the transfer of material. Likewise, the presence or absence of a fluidizer had no statistically significant impact on cross-contamination levels or reaerosolization from letter opening.  相似文献   

Gruinard Island was heavily contaminated with the spores of virulent Bacillus anthracis during biological weapons trials in World War II. However, an extensive survey in 1979 showed that most of the island was not contaminated. In the early 1980s, a more intensive survey revealed that the contamination was largely confined to the top 8 cm of the soil in a 2.6-ha area of the 211-ha island. Small-scale tests showed that the spores could be inactivated by drenching the soil with fluid biocides. A solution of 5% formaldehyde in seawater applied by surface spray to each square meter of ground was shown to be the most effective treatment and was utilized for large-scale decontamination of the affected areas. Following this treatment, extensive sampling revealed that most of the spores of B. anthracis had been inactivated. Isolated pockets of surviving spores were treated further. A flock of sheep was then allowed to graze over the entire island for 5 months; none contracted anthrax.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) mail facility in Landover, Maryland, was contaminated with Bacillus anthracis spores as a result of the 2001 anthrax bioterrorism attacks through the U.S. postal system. Surface environmental sampling within the facility indicated that the contamination was due to receipt of mail that had come in contact with Bacillus anthracis spores from the source letters at the Brentwood postal facility in Washington, DC. The DOJ adopted a two-pronged approach for remediating the facility, using aqueous chlorine dioxide to decontaminate hard, nonporous surfaces and paraformaldehyde to fumigate two pieces of mail equipment. Before the start of the remediation activities, all porous materials were removed from the mail area. Since all postremediation environmental samples were negative for growth of Bacillus anthracis spores, the remediation was judged to be effective. The facility remained closed for almost 4(1/2) months. The cleanup activities took about 2(1/2) months, with source reduction activities being the most time-consuming. Of the seven facilities that performed fumigations to remediate Bacillus anthracis contamination, the DOJ mail facility was the second building to be reopened.  相似文献   

The ability to reliably and reproducibly sample surfaces contaminated with a biological agent is a critical step in measuring the extent of contamination and determining if decontamination steps have been successful. The recovery operations following the 2001 attacks with Bacillus anthracis spores were complicated by the fact that no standard sample collection format or decontamination procedures were established. Recovery efficiencies traditionally have been calculated based upon biological agents which were applied to test surfaces in a liquid format and then allowed to dry prior to sampling tests, which may not be best suited for a real-world event with aerosolized biological agents. In order to ascertain if differences existed between air-dried liquid deposition and biological spores which were allowed to settle on a surface in a dried format, a study was undertaken to determine if differences existed in surface sampling recovery efficiencies for four representative surfaces. Studies were then undertaken to compare sampling efficiencies between liquid spore deposition and aerosolized spores which were allowed to gradually settle under gravity on four different test coupon types. Tests with both types of deposition compared efficiencies of four unique swabbing materials applied to four surfaces with various surface properties. Our studies demonstrate that recovery of liquid-deposited spores differs significantly from recovery of dry aerosol-deposited spores in most instances. Whether the recovery of liquid-deposited spores is overexaggerated or underrepresented with respect to that of aerosol-deposited spores depends upon the surface material being tested.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from around fresh and year-old bison carcasses and areas not associated with known carcasses in Wood Buffalo National Park during an active anthrax outbreak in the summer of 2001. Sample selection with a grid provided the most complete coverage of a site. Soil samples were screened for viable Bacillus anthracis spores via selective culture, phenotypic analysis, and PCR. Bacillus anthracis spores were isolated from 28.4% of the samples. The highest concentrations of B. anthracis spores were found directly adjacent to fresh carcasses and invariably corresponded to locations where the soil had been saturated with body fluids escaping the carcass through either natural body orifices or holes torn by scavengers. The majority of positive samples were found within 2 m of both year-old and fresh carcasses and probably originated from scavengers churning up and spreading the body fluid-saturated soil as they fed. Trails of lesser contamination radiating from the carcasses probably resulted from spore dissemination through adhesion to scavengers and through larger scavengers dragging away disarticulated limbs. Comparison of samples from minimally scavenged and fully necropsied carcass sites revealed no statistically significant difference in the level of B. anthracis spore contamination. Therefore, the immediate area around a suspected anthrax carcass should be considered substantially contaminated regardless of the condition of the carcass.  相似文献   

After the 2001 anthrax incidents, surface sampling techniques for biological agents were found to be inadequately validated, especially at low surface loadings. We aerosolized Bacillus anthracis Sterne spores within a chamber to achieve very low surface loading (ca. 3, 30, and 200 CFU per 100 cm2). Steel and carpet coupons seeded in the chamber were sampled with swab (103 cm2) or wipe or vacuum (929 cm2) surface sampling methods and analyzed at three laboratories. Agar settle plates (60 cm2) were the reference for determining recovery efficiency (RE). The minimum estimated surface concentrations to achieve a 95% response rate based on probit regression were 190, 15, and 44 CFU/100 cm2 for sampling steel surfaces and 40, 9.2, and 28 CFU/100 cm2 for sampling carpet surfaces with swab, wipe, and vacuum methods, respectively; however, these results should be cautiously interpreted because of high observed variability. Mean REs at the highest surface loading were 5.0%, 18%, and 3.7% on steel and 12%, 23%, and 4.7% on carpet for the swab, wipe, and vacuum methods, respectively. Precision (coefficient of variation) was poor at the lower surface concentrations but improved with increasing surface concentration. The best precision was obtained with wipe samples on carpet, achieving 38% at the highest surface concentration. The wipe sampling method detected B. anthracis at lower estimated surface concentrations and had higher RE and better precision than the other methods. These results may guide investigators to more meaningfully conduct environmental sampling, quantify contamination levels, and conduct risk assessment for humans.Anthrax, the spectrum of diseases caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis, is not considered a communicable disease but is generally acquired via environmental exposures. Many anthrax cases through history have been the result of agricultural or industrial exposure to B. anthracis spores (33). The disease most often presents itself as a cutaneous infection; however, there are both gastrointestinal and inhalational forms of the disease. Inhalational anthrax is typically rapidly fatal, even with treatment. In general, inhalation exposures require specific conditions, such as poor ventilation and activities that disturb dust containing B. anthracis spores (13).Because diagnosing anthrax in its early stages in human and animal hosts is difficult and B. anthracis spores are extremely stable in the environment, this microorganism has been investigated, developed, and deployed as a biological weapon throughout the 20th century. Use of this microorganism has seen varied success during World War I (9) and subsequently. It is generally accepted that there was an accidental release of B. anthracis spores from a weapons manufacturing or development facility in 1979 in Sverdlovsk, USSR (now Yekaterinaburg, Russia) (10, 26). In 1993, an attempt by a civilian group, Aum Shinrikyo, to use this microorganism to attack a civilian population in a Tokyo suburb did not result in any casualties (22, 28).In 2001, envelopes containing a powder formulation of B. anthracis were mailed in the United States to several individuals. These letters were the presumed cause of 22 cases of clinical anthrax, 11 inhalational and 11 cutaneous, with 5 fatalities, all of whom suffered from inhalational disease (34). According to congressional testimony, the powdered spore suspension was “easily dispersed into the air” (29). Of the 11 individuals with inhalational disease, 2 had no history of handling mail or having any other direct contact with these threat letters (11, 21). Of the remaining nine individuals, eight were thought to have been exposed through handling or processing mail (20) but may never have picked up or directly handled the actual threat letters. Thus, some individuals who contracted inhalational disease may have been exposed to aerosols that were generated from residual spore material deposited on contaminated surfaces. This conclusion was borne out by a study conducted on the scene of one contamination incident, which demonstrated that spores could be reaerosolized from surfaces during simulated office activities—e.g., paper handling, foot traffic, moving containers—after a period of no entry and no ventilation for several days (38). McCleery et al. (25) found that reaerosolization of spores is possible in postal facilities.In the mail-related instance of 2001, aerosol exposures occurred. Since spore-contaminated surfaces can become sources for aerosol generation, nonporous surfaces (walls, desks, lockers, etc.) were decontaminated to reduce risk while porous surfaces (draperies and sofas) were removed. To determine the efficacy of decontamination, contaminated buildings were first sampled for the presence of B. anthracis spores followed by treatment by a variety of techniques. Postdecontamination sampling was used to determine efficacy (37) and to assess the safety for reoccupancy.The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that additional methodological validation of sampling collection and analytical methods should be conducted to enhance the interpretation of negative sampling results because initial samples from two postal facilities were negative, but later samples were positive (17). The GAO (17) report defined validation as “… a formal and independently administered empirical process. For validation, the overall performance characteristics of a given method must be certified as meeting the specified requirements for intended use and as conforming with applicable standards.” Currently, there is no preexisting standard for a presumable safe level of surface contamination with B. anthracis spores that may be assessed through sampling and analysis.Development of independent standards for assessing the requirements for surface sampling methods requires an understanding of the rate at which spores leave surfaces to become entrained in aerosols, the potential for aerosol exposure by humans, and the infectivity of inhaled spores. Inhalation infectivity has been researched, but estimates of a lethal dose vary (14, 15). Bartrand et al. (5) conducted a risk analysis on the mortality of guinea pigs and rhesus monkeys exposed to B. anthracis spores and found a 50% lethal dose (LD50; i.e., the dose at which 50% of subjects die) of about 100,000 spores inhaled for 1-μm particles. Limitations of relating exposure to inhalation infectivity include quantification of the ability of spores to move from stasis on a surface to entrainment as an aerosol, quantification of exposures to the resultant aerosol, uptake by humans, room size and ventilation characteristics, and exposure time. Despite these limitations, it is necessary to standardize the performance of surface sampling methods.Brown et al. evaluated wipe (6), swab (7), and vacuum (8) spore collection methods with B. atrophaeus. These studies have added significant information to the understanding of recovery efficiencies for these three sampling methods; however, sampling performance was not evaluated at very low spore surface loading concentrations. Sampling performance measures at very low surface loading of B. anthracis are needed to aid in the decision making for decontamination and other interventions (31, 38).The goal of this study was to evaluate the current CDC environmental surface sampling methods for B. anthracis (12) as slightly modified based on subsequent CDC research (19, 30). We estimated B. anthracis Sterne sampling limit of detection (LOD), recovery efficiency (RE), and measurement precision for three sampling methods (swab, wipe, and vacuum) and two surfaces (steel and carpet) by allowing spores to settle from an aerosol in a controlled environment. In addition, we compared sample analyses performed at three laboratories to determine the level of interlaboratory variability.  相似文献   

The present study had three goals: (i) to evaluate the relative quantities of aerosolized Bacillus atrophaeus spores deposited on the vertical, horizontal top, and horizontal bottom surfaces in a chamber; (ii) to assess the relative recoveries of the aerosolized spores from glass and stainless steel surfaces with a polyester swab and a macrofoam sponge wipe; and (iii) to estimate the relative recovery efficiencies of aerosolized B. atrophaeus spores and Pantoea agglomerans using a foam spatula at several different bacterial loads by aerosol distribution on glass surfaces. The majority of spores were collected from the bottom horizontal surface regardless of which swab type and extraction protocol were used. Swabbing with a macrofoam sponge wipe was more efficient in recovering spores from surfaces contaminated with high bioaerosol concentrations than swabbing with a polyester swab. B. atrophaeus spores and P. agglomerans culturable cells were detected on glass surfaces using foam spatulas when the theoretical surface bacterial loads were 2.88 × 104 CFU and 8.09 × 106 CFU per 100-cm2 area, respectively. The median recovery efficiency from the surfaces using foam spatulas was equal to 9.9% for B. atrophaeus spores when the recovery was calculated relative to the theoretical surface spore load. Using a foam spatula permits reliable sampling of spores on the bioaerosol-exposed surfaces in a wide measuring range. The culturable P. agglomerans cells were recovered with a median efficiency of 0.001%, but staining the swab extracts with fluorescent dyes allowed us to observe that the viable cell numbers were higher by 1.83 log units than culturable organisms. However, additional work is needed to improve the analysis of the foam extracts in order to decrease the limit of detection of Bacillus spores and Gram-negative bacteria on contaminated surfaces.Surface sampling is performed on a frequent basis in all situations where clean environment monitoring is needed, e.g., in health care facilities and in the pharmaceutical industry and food industry. An anthrax bioterrorist event in the fall of 2001 has emphasized the importance of efficient sampling methods for detection of pathogenic microorganisms on surfaces within intentionally contaminated locations (22). Unfortunately, our knowledge on the most effective sampling methodology as well as the level of confidence we may have in the results obtained by wiping, swabbing, and other sample collection strategies is still limited (1). Moreover, in most of the studies performed so far, bacteria and/or spores were collected from test samples or coupons of various materials, inoculated with a suspension of microorganisms that had been placed and spread over the surface, and then dried (14, 15). This may not mimic the true situation of surface contamination by a pathogen that has been intentionally released. Edmonds et al. (12) recently reported lower swabbing efficiencies of different types of swab materials used for sampling glass, polycarbonate, and vinyl surfaces contaminated with dry aerosol-deposited Bacillus atrophaeus spores compared to the surfaces inoculated by spore suspensions. Solid surface contamination from exposure to aerosolized spores fits the real world better than the previous models.Therefore, in our study we decided to generate aerosols of various concentrations of B. atrophaeus spores as well as the vegetative cells of Pantoea agglomerans inside a chamber where the bioaerosol particles were allowed to gravitationally settle on solid surfaces. The aerosolization of P. agglomerans was performed to verify the recovery of Gram-negative bacteria according to the recommendations of Budowle et al. (5). The main goal of our study was to establish the range of detection when bioaerosol-contaminated surfaces were swabbed using a commercially available foam spatula.  相似文献   

Anthrax is a disease of herbivores caused by the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can affect cattle, sheep, swine, horses and various species of wildlife. The routes for the spread among wildlife are reviewed. There are three kinds of human anthrax – inhalation, cutaneous, and intestinal anthrax – which differ in their routes of infection and outcomes. In the United States, confirmation of cases is made by the isolation of B. anthracis and by biochemical tests. Vaccination is not recommended for the general public; civilians who should be vaccinated include those who, in their work places, come in contact with products potentially contaminated with B. anthracis spores, and people engaged in research or diagnostic activities. After September 11, 2001, there were bioterrorism anthrax attacks in the United States: anthrax-laced letters sent to multiple locations were the source of infectious B. anthracis. The US Postal Service issued recommendations to prevent the danger of hazardous exposure to the bacterium. B. anthracis spores can spread easily and persist for very long times, which makes decontamination of buildings very difficult. Early detection, rapid diagnosis, and well-coordinated public health response are the key to minimizing casualties. The US Government is seeking new ways to deter bioterrorism, including a tighter control of research on infectious agents, even though pathogens such as B. anthracis are widely spread in nature and easy to grow. It is necessary to define the boundary between defensive and offensive biological weapons research. Deterring bioterrorism should not restrict critical scientific research. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Chlorine Inactivation of Bacterial Bioterrorism Agents   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Seven species of bacterial select agents were tested for susceptibility to free available chlorine (FAC). Under test conditions, the FAC routinely maintained in potable water would be sufficient to reduce six species by 2 orders of magnitude within 10 min. Water contaminated with spores of Bacillus anthracis spores would require further treatment.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, anthrax, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, is considered an endemic disease affecting ruminants with sporadic zoonotic occurrences in humans. Due to the lack of knowledge about risks from an incorrect removal of infected carcasses, the disease is not properly monitored, and because of the socio-economic conditions, the situation is under-reported and under-diagnosed. For sensitive species, anthrax represents a fatal outcome with sudden death and sometimes bleeding from natural orifices. The most common source of infection for ruminants is ingestion of spores during grazing in contaminated pastures or through grass and water contaminated with anthrax spores. Domestic cattle, sheep and goats can also become infected through contaminated bone meal (used as feed) originating from anthrax-infected carcasses. The present investigation was conducted to isolate B. anthracis organisms from 169 samples (73 soil, 1 tissue, 4 bone and 91 bone meal samples) collected from 12 different districts of Bangladesh. The sampling was carried out from 2012 to 2015. Twelve samples resulted positive for B. anthracis. Biomolecular analyses were conducted starting from the Canonical Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (CanSNP) to analyze the phylogenetic origin of strains. The analysis of genotype, obtained through the Multiple Locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) with the analysis of 15 Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR), demonstrated four different genotypes: two of them were previously identified in the district of Sirajganj. The sub-genotyping, conducted with Single Nucleotide Repeats analysis, revealed the presence of eight subgenotypes. The data of the present study concluded that there was no observed correlation between imported cattle feed and anthrax occurrence in Bangladesh and that the remarkable genetic variations of B. anthracis were found in the soil of numerous outbreaks in this country.  相似文献   

Decontamination of bacterial endospores such as Bacillus anthracis has traditionally required the use of harsh or caustic chemicals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a chlorine dioxide decontaminant in killing Bacillus anthracis spores in solution and on a human skin simulant (porcine cadaver skin), compared to that of commonly used sodium hypochlorite or soapy water decontamination procedures. In addition, the relative toxicities of these decontaminants were compared in human skin keratinocyte primary cultures. The chlorine dioxide decontaminant was similarly effective to sodium hypochlorite in reducing spore numbers of Bacillus anthracis Ames in liquid suspension after a 10 minute exposure. After five minutes, the chlorine dioxide product was significantly more efficacious. Decontamination of isolated swine skin contaminated with Bacillus anthracis Sterne with the chlorine dioxide product resulted in no viable spores sampled. The toxicity of the chlorine dioxide decontaminant was up to two orders of magnitude less than that of sodium hypochlorite in human skin keratinocyte cultures. In summary, the chlorine dioxide based decontaminant efficiently killed Bacillus anthracis spores in liquid suspension, as well as on isolated swine skin, and was less toxic than sodium hypochlorite in cultures of human skin keratinocytes.  相似文献   

This article summarizes previous laboratory studies to characterize the performance of methods for collecting, storing/transporting, processing and analysing samples from surfaces contaminated by Bacillus anthracis or related surrogates. The focus is on plate culture and count estimates of surface contamination for swab, wipe and vacuum samples of porous and nonporous surfaces. Summaries of the previous studies and their results were assessed to identify gaps in information needed as inputs to calculate key parameters critical to risk management in biothreat incidents. One key parameter is the number of samples needed to make characterization or clearance decisions with specified statistical confidence. Other key parameters include the ability to calculate, following contamination incidents, the (i) estimates of B. anthracis contamination, as well as the bias and uncertainties in the estimates and (ii) confidence in characterization and clearance decisions for contaminated or decontaminated buildings. Gaps in knowledge and understanding identified during the summary of the studies are discussed. Additional work is needed to quantify (i) the false‐negative rates of surface‐sampling methods with lower concentrations on various surfaces and (ii) the effects on performance characteristics of: aerosol vs liquid deposition of spores, using surrogates instead of B. anthracis, real‐world vs laboratory conditions and storage and transportation conditions. Recommendations are given for future evaluations of data from existing studies and possible new studies.  相似文献   

A comparison of Most-Probable-Number Rapid Viability (MPN RV) PCR and traditional culture methods for the quantification of Bacillus anthracis Sterne spores in macrofoam swabs from a multi-center validation study was performed. The purpose of the study was to compare environmental swab processing methods for recovery, detection, and quantification of viable B. anthracis spores from surfaces. Results show that spore numbers provided by the MPN RV-PCR method were typically within 1-log of the values from a plate count method for all three levels of spores tested (3.1 × 104, 400, and 40 spores sampled from surfaces with swabs) even in the presence of debris. The MPN method tended to overestimate the expected result, especially at lower spore levels. Blind negative samples were correctly identified using both methods showing a lack of cross contamination. In addition to detecting low levels of spores in environmental conditions, the MPN RV-PCR method is specific, and compatible with automated high-throughput sample processing and analysis protocols, enhancing its utility for characterization and clearance following a biothreat agent release.  相似文献   

While anthrax is typically associated with bioterrorism, in many parts of the world the anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) is endemic in soils, where it causes sporadic disease in livestock. These soils are typically rich in organic matter and calcium that promote survival of resilient B. anthracis spores. Outbreaks of anthrax tend to occur in warm weather following rains that are believed to concentrate spores in low-lying areas where runoff collects. It has been concluded that elevated spore concentrations are not the result of vegetative growth as B. anthracis competes poorly against indigenous bacteria. Here, we test an alternative hypothesis in which amoebas, common in moist soils and pools of standing water, serve as amplifiers of B. anthracis spores by enabling germination and intracellular multiplication. Under simulated environmental conditions, we show that B. anthracis germinates and multiplies within Acanthamoeba castellanii. The growth kinetics of a fully virulent B. anthracis Ames strain (containing both the pX01 and pX02 virulence plasmids) and vaccine strain Sterne (containing only pX01) inoculated as spores in coculture with A. castellanii showed a nearly 50-fold increase in spore numbers after 72 h. In contrast, the plasmidless strain 9131 showed little growth, demonstrating that plasmid pX01 is essential for growth within A. castellanii. Electron and time-lapse fluorescence microscopy revealed that spores germinate within amoebal phagosomes, vegetative bacilli undergo multiplication, and, following demise of the amoebas, bacilli sporulate in the extracellular milieu. This analysis supports our hypothesis that amoebas contribute to the persistence and amplification of B. anthracis in natural environments.  相似文献   

Any release of anthrax spores in the U.S. would require action to decontaminate the site and restore its use and operations as rapidly as possible. The remediation activity would require environmental sampling, both initially to determine the extent of contamination (hazard mapping) and post-decon to determine that the site is free of contamination (clearance sampling). Whether the spore contamination is within a building or outdoors, collecting and analyzing what could be thousands of samples can become the factor that limits the pace of restoring operations. To address this sampling and analysis bottleneck and decrease the time needed to recover from an anthrax contamination event, this study investigates the use of composite sampling. Pooling or compositing of samples is an established technique to reduce the number of analyses required, and its use for anthrax spore sampling has recently been investigated. However, use of composite sampling in an anthrax spore remediation event will require well-documented and accepted methods. In particular, previous composite sampling studies have focused on sampling from hard surfaces; data on soil sampling are required to extend the procedure to outdoor use. Further, we must consider whether combining liquid samples, thus increasing the volume, lowers the sensitivity of detection and produces false negatives. In this study, methods to composite bacterial spore samples from soil are demonstrated. B. subtilis spore suspensions were used as a surrogate for anthrax spores. Two soils (Arizona Test Dust and sterilized potting soil) were contaminated and spore recovery with composites was shown to match individual sample performance. Results show that dilution can be overcome by concentrating bacterial spores using standard filtration methods. This study shows that composite sampling can be a viable method of pooling samples to reduce the number of analysis that must be performed during anthrax spore remediation.  相似文献   



To prove effectiveness of wrapping tablet computers in order to reduce microbiological contamination and to evaluate whether a plastic bag-covered tablet leads to impaired user satisfaction or touchscreen functionality.

Materials and Methods

Within a period of 11 days 115 patients were provided with a tablet computer while waiting for their magnetic resonance imaging examination. Every day the contamination of the surface of the tablet was determined before the first and after the final use. Before the device was handed over to a patient, it was enclosed in a customized single-use plastic bag, which was analyzed for bacterial contamination after each use. A questionnaire was applied to determine whether the plastic bag impairs the user satisfaction and the functionality of the touchscreen.


Following the use by patients the outside of the plastic bags was found to be contaminated with various bacteria (657.5 ± 368.5 colony forming units/day); some of them were potentially pathogenic. In contrast, the plastic bag covered surface of the tablet was significantly less contaminated (1.7 ± 1.9 colony forming units/day). Likewise, unused plastic bags did not show any contamination. 11% of the patients reported problems with the functionality of the touchscreen. These patients admitted that they had never used a tablet or a smartphone before.


Tablets get severely contaminated during usage in a clinical setting. Wrapping with a customized single-use plastic bag significantly reduces microbiological contamination of the device, protects patients from the acquisition of potentially pathogenic bacteria and hardly impairs the user satisfaction and the functionality of the touchscreen.  相似文献   

The spores of six strains of Bacillus anthracis (four virulent and two avirulent) were compared with those of four other types of spore-forming bacteria for their resistance to four liquid chemical sporicides (sodium hypochlorite at 5,000 ppm available chlorine, 70,000 ppm accelerated H2O2, 1,000 ppm chlorine dioxide, and 3,000 ppm peracetic acid). All test bacteria were grown in a 1:10 dilution of Columbia broth (with manganese) incubated at 37°C for 72 h. The spore suspensions, heat treated at 80°C for 10 min to rid them of any viable vegetative cells, contained 1 × 108 to 3 × 108 CFU/ml. The second tier of the quantitative carrier test (QCT-2), a standard of ASTM International, was used to assess for sporicidal activity, with disks (1 cm in diameter) of brushed and magnetized stainless steel as spore carriers. Each carrier, with 10 μl (≥106 CFU) of the test spore suspension in a soil load, was dried and then overlaid with 50 μl of the sporicide being evaluated. The contact time at room temperature ranged from 5 to 20 min, and the arbitrarily set criterion for acceptable sporicidal activity was a reduction of ≥106 in viable spore count. Each test was repeated at least three times. In the final analysis, the spores of Bacillus licheniformis (ATCC 14580T) and Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6051T) proved to be generally more resistant than the spores of the strains of B. anthracis tested. The use of one or both of the safe and easy-to-handle surrogates identified here should help in developing safer and more-effective sporicides and also in evaluating the field effectiveness of existing and newer formulations in the decontamination of objects and surfaces suspected of B. anthracis contamination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify reaerosolization of microorganisms caused by walking on contaminated flooring to assess the risk to individuals accessing areas contaminated with pathogenic organisms, for example, spores of Bacillus anthracis. Industrial carpet and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floor coverings were contaminated with aerosolized spores of Bacillus atrophaeus by using an artist airbrush to produce deposition of ∼103 to 104 CFU · cm−2. Microbiological air samplers were used to quantify the particle size distribution of the aerosol generated when a person walked over the floorings in an environmental chamber. Results were expressed as reaerosolization factors (percent per square centimeter per liter), to represent the ratio of air concentration to surface concentration generated. Walking on carpet generated a statistically significantly higher reaerosolization factor value than did walking on PVC (t = 20.42; P < 0.001). Heavier walking produced a statistically significantly higher reaerosolization factor value than did lighter walking (t = 12.421; P < 0.001). Height also had a statistically significant effect on the reaerosolization factor, with higher rates of recovery of B. atrophaeus at lower levels, demonstrating a height-dependent gradient of particle reaerosolization. Particles in the respirable size range were recovered in all sampling scenarios (mass mean diameters ranged from 2.6 to 4.1 μm). The results of this study can be used to produce a risk assessment of the potential aerosol exposure of a person accessing areas with contaminated flooring in order to inform the choice of appropriate respiratory protective equipment and may aid in the selection of the most suitable flooring types for use in health care environments, to reduce aerosol transmission in the event of contamination.  相似文献   

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