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The presence of Ixodes neuquenensis (Ringuelet, Notas Mus la Plata 12:207–216, 1947) (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing populations of Dromiciops gliroides Thomas, 1894 (Microbiotheria: Microbiotheriidae) at Chiloé Island confirms that this tick species is established in Chile. No preference of the ticks for sex or age of the host was observed.  相似文献   

The argasid tick Ornithodoros marinkellei Kohls, Clifford, and Jones, 1969 was described 4 decades ago based on larval specimens collected from bats (Pteronotus spp.) in Colombia and Panama. Thereafter, larval O. marinkellei parasitizing bats were reported from Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil. Herein, we describe the adults and nymph, and redescribe the larva of O. marinkellei based on specimens recently collected in the western Brazilian Amazon region. In contrast to all other known adult argasids, the idiosoma of both males and females of O. marinkellei is covered with sclerotized plaques. The idiosoma of the nymph of O. marinkellei is entirely micromamillated, and differs from the adults by the absence of plaques. The larva of O. marinkellei is morphologically similar to the larvae of the 2 other species belonging to the subgenus Subparmatus , i.e., Ornithodoros viguerasi Cooley and Kohls, 1941 and Ornithodoros mormoops Kohls, Clifford, and Jones, 1969 . Because of the long and narrow dorsal plate, the larva of O. marinkellei is readily distinguished from O. viguerasi and O. mormoops. Comparison of our larvae from Brazil with O. marinkellei paratype specimens from Colombia confirmed their taxonomic identification. However, a few morphological differences, particularly in the size of the gnathosoma, were observed. Further studies are necessary to clarify whether O. marinkellei is a complex of different species, or a single species represented by morphologically polymorphic, and geographically distinct populations. Partial mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene sequences were generated for O. marinkellei specimens from Brazil, and compared with available homologous sequences in GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses revealed O. marinkellei to be distinct from the remaining argasid species available in GenBank, including other bat-associated tick species that are found in sympatry with O. marinkellei in the Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Ixodes (Exopalpiger) ghilarovi was found in 4 separated localities of the Great Caucasus at a height of 1000 to 2200 m above sea level. Female differs from palaearctic I. (Exopalpiger) trianguliceps in 4-4 pairs of setae of the anal valve, shape of scutum, longer setae of alloscutum, more round peritreme, correlation between the length of peritreme longitudinal diameter and the length of longitudinal diameter of the anal ring, presence of auricles and shape of palps. Larva differs from I. trianguliceps in longer setae of alloscutum, longer ventrolateral tooth of 1st palpal joint and longer medial tooth of coxae I.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution in the vegetation of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks was investigated in two different vegetation types (high and low vegetation) at two localities in south-central Sweden during 1992-1993 (Toro) and 1995 (Bogesund). Significant correlations were found between the vertical distribution of immature ticks and the height of the vegetation. The greatest mean availabilities of the larvae and nymphs in low vegetation were in the intervals 0-9 and 30-39 cm, respectively. The larval numbers were greatest close to the ground (0-29 cm) in both high and low vegetation. The larval : nymphal ratio, at ground level at localities free of ground vegetation, varied between 8 : 1 and 32 : 1. In high vegetation, the greatest mean numbers of nymphal and adult ticks were at height intervals of 50-59 and 60-79 cm, respectively. These ranges are within the estimated height interval (40-100 cm) of the main part of the body surface of their preferred host, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The presence of most questing I. ricinus larvae at ground level would favour the transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., since this is where the highly reservoir-competent rodents and shrews usually occur.  相似文献   

The midgut hemolysin of Ixodes dammini (Acari:Ixodidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Midgut homogenates of the hard tick, Ixodes dammini, lyse erythrocytes from rabbits, rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs. The activity displays sigmoidal kinetics, has an alkaline pH optimum, and is activated by temperature. Hemolytic activity is lost when homogenates are incubated with trypsin or heated for 1 hr at 60 C. Activity is not detectable in nonfed ticks as well as ticks attached for up to 2 days to a host, but increases during the growth phase of feeding. Such activity is postulated to help the initial process of the blood meal digestion by releasing the contents of erythrocytes for further enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Abstract. The larva, nymph, and female of Ixodes (Ixodes) venezuelensis are diagnosed using scanning electron microscopy, and the larva is described for the first time. This ixodid tick is recorded from the northern neotropics as a parasite of five species of didelphid marsupials and eighteen species of rodents (one sciurid, two heteromyids, eleven murids, two dasyproctids, and two echimyids). Collection records of I. venezuelensis are presented for Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, with the Costa Rican records being new and extending the known range of this tick by at least 300 km. Altitudinally, I. venezuelensis has been collected between elevations of 24 and 2410 m with most collections between 100 and 800m. The possibility that I. venezuelensis may be partheno-genetic is discussed.  相似文献   

The microbiotherid marsupial Dromiciops gliroides inhabits the temperate forests of the Southern hemisphere, facing seasonal nutritional and energetic bottlenecks due to its apparently facultative insectivory/frugivory. In order to understand the physiological processes behind this ecological pattern, we studied the morpho-physiological changes that D. gliroides exhibits after dietary acclimation, in a sample of 21 wild-caught individuals fed over 1 month with ad libitum diet of: (1) fruit, (2) insects or (3) a mix of insects and fruit. In addition, we measured oxygen consumption (VO(2)) at resting conditions. We also performed enzyme assays (sucrase, maltase, trehalase and aminopeptidase N) and measurements of organ morphology. We found that D. gliroides cannot fulfil its nutrient requirements only from insects or fruit. It needs a mixed diet in order to maintain its body mass and energy balance. However, as a response of diet acclimation, individuals showed several-fold changes in the activities of aminopeptidase-N, maltase and sucrase (but not trehalase). This result, both the magnitude of change and the simultaneous effects on three enzymes suggests that D. gliroides could exhibit adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the activity of intestinal enzymes. This study suggests also that D. gliroides, the only living representative of the Microbiotheria order, exhibits physiological adaptations to a generalist diet.  相似文献   


Ixodes soarimalalae n. sp., Ixodes uilenbergi n. sp. and Ixodes uncus n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), are described based on females ex various species of tenrecs (Afrosoricida: Tenrecidae) from Madagascar. Females of all of these new species are similar to those of other species of the subgenus Afrixodes Morel, 1966 known from Madagascar, from which they can be distinguished and from one other by the size of scutum, size of scutal setae, shape of alloscutal setae, shape of genital aperture, development of genital apron, size of auriculae, size of anterior angle of basis capituli, size of palpi, dental formula on hypostome and size and development of spurs on coxa I.


The sex ratio is an important parameter which characterizes the state and dynamics of natural populations of animals. Although ixodid ticks are specialized ectoparasites, most species are bisexual and are characterized by a 1:1 sex ratio for their progeny. In natural populations and even in laboratory colonies, biased sex ratios are often observed. Ixodes rubicundus, the Karoo paralysis tick, parasitizes domestic stock and wild ungulates in South Africa. Adults quest from vegetation, can mate off or on the host and males are seldom parasitic. We hypothesized that the sex ratio for I. rubicundus would be 1:1 when observed directly in the progeny but that it would be strongly biased towards females in samples of parasitic adults. The results mostly supported the hypothesis but it was also shown that unexplained and unpredictable variations can occur. On hosts, females dominated strongly, except on adult angora goats where the sex ratio was biased in favour of the males. This disparity may be related to a greater retention of males in the coarse, curly hair of angora goats compared to the other hosts. Monthly variations in the sex ratios of the tick on hosts are believed to be related to the large fluctuations in sex ratios of questing ticks.  相似文献   

A sample of 110 lactating dairy cows was examined to describe the attachment sites of female Ixodes ricinus ticks and to assess whether counts on one or two body areas can predict infestation and its level. Seventy per cent of the cows were infested by I. ricinus and the average tick burden on the infested cows was 15, ranging from 1 to 136. Preferred attachment sites were the axilla, udder/groin, neck, dewlap and flank. Udder/groin and axilla carryied respectively 35.3% and 44.1% of the total tick burden. To predict infestation (yes/no), sensitivity of counts on axilla, on udder/groin and on both areas was respectively, 76.6%, 80.6% and 94.8%. Total burden prediction equations based on count on axilla and udder/groin are presented.  相似文献   

A study of regeneration in nymphs and adults of the South African tick Ixodes (Afrixodes) rubicundus, from which the forelegs had been amputated during the previous instar, revealed that the structural changes in regenerated Haller's sensory organs resemble those observed in other ixodid ticks, in particular in another prostriate tick, Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinus. The adult regenerates re-establish their atavistic features in terms of the increased number of different sensilla on the distal knoll, in the anterior pit and the capsule. The nymphal regenerates, in contrast, re-establish the features of the previous instar through a reduction in the number of some sensilla on the distal knoll and in the post-capsular area. The structural changes in different compartments of the organ appear independent. The phenomenon of regenerative induction through the appearance of specific changes in Haller's organ of the contralateral non-treated foreleg is probably characteristic only of prostriate ticks. A unique modification in the regenerated Haller's organ as revealed by duplication of the Haller's organ capsule was discovered in both I. rubicundus nymphs and adult ticks.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was detected in one out of five cement plugs of female Ixodes persulcatus ticks. The spirochetes were found by dark field microscopy as early as 18 h after attachment of the ticks to the skin of a white mouse. The relevance of this finding is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of Lyme Borreliosis.  相似文献   

The male of Ixodes tapirus Kohls, 1956 (Acari: Ixodidae) is described for the first time and the female is redescribed in greater detail. Adults of I. tapirus are similar to those of Ixodes guatemalensis Kohls, 1956, Ixodes lasallei Méndez & Ortiz, 1958, Ixodes montoyanus Cooley, 1944 and Ixodes venezuelensis Kohls, 1953 but can be distinguished by their overall size, the amount of sclerotisation of the conscutum and accessory plates, the shape of the scutum, the number of punctations and their pattern on the conscutum and scutum, the depth of the punctations on the basis capituli dorsally, the shape and size of the porose areas and the size and shape of the auriculae. Adults of I. tapirus were collected from tapirs and vegetation in the mountains of Colombia, Panama and recorded from Costa Rica for the first time.  相似文献   

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