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In the Northern California Current (NCC), zooplankton communities show interannual and multiyear shifts in species dominance that are tracked by survival of salmon populations. These zooplankton community changes correlate with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index: a ‘warm‐water’ copepod species group is more abundant during warm (positive) phases of the PDO and less abundant during cold (negative) phases; the reverse occurs for a ‘cold‐water’ species group. The observed relationship led to the hypothesis that the relative dominance of warm/cold‐water copepods in the NCC is driven by changes in the horizontal advection of surface water over different phases of the PDO. To test this hypothesis, variation in surface water advection to coastal regions of the NCC over the period of 1950–2008 was investigated using a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and passive tracer experiments, then was compared with zooplankton collected off Oregon since 1996. Results showed that surface water advection varied with the phase of the PDO; the low‐frequency component of advection anomalies strongly correlated with copepod species composition (R>0.9). During positive phases of the PDO, current anomalies were northward and onshore, resulting in transport of warmer waters and the associated copepods into the region. During negatives phases, increased equatorward current anomalies led to a copepod community that was dominated by cold‐water taxa. Our results support the hypothesis that climate‐driven changes in basin‐scale circulation controls copepod community composition in the NCC, and demonstrate that large‐scale climate forcings downscale to influence local and regional ecosystem structure.  相似文献   

Forty-two urine and 96 blood and serum samples were obtained from California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) pups from the Gulf of California during the 2000 reproductive season. Antibody prevalence to 13 serovars of Leptospira interrogans was determined by microagglutination tests (MAT); presence of pathogenic leptospires was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Samples with antibody titers > or = 1:25 or 115 bp fragments on ethidium bromidestained 1.5% agarose gels were considered positive. Antibody prevalence was 54% overall with highest prevalence against serovar cynopteri (50% of all positive reactions). Highest antibody titers (1:50) were detected against serovars cynopteri and pomona. Polymerase chain reaction products were observed in two of 42 urine samples, six of 96 blood samples, and one of 96 serum samples. Presence of PCR products in blood and serum was demonstrated in pups that were seronegative. Kruskall-Wallis tests and corresponding post hoc Tukey tests (alpha = 0.05) showed that prevalence of leptospirosis was significantly different among all rookeries. The high seroprevalence (54%), low antibody titers (maximum 1:50), absence of pups showing clinical signs indicative of the disease, and lack of recent reports of increased mortality of sea lions in the Gulf of California are suggestive of the presence of enzootic host-adapted serovars. Crowding in rookeries as well as the presence of bats and rodents on some of the islands may explain infection by L. interrogans (sensu lato) and some of the differences in seroprevalence among reproductive rookeries.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-five serum samples from California sea lion (Zalophus californianus californianus) pups, and one from an adult female from eight reproductive rookeries located in seven islands in the Gulf of California (Mexico), were collected during the 1994-96 reproductive seasons. These were tested for antibodies to 19 serovars of Leptospira interrogans using a Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). Forty-one samples (32%) had antibody levels from 1:20 to 1:320 to one or more serovars. The most frequently detected serotypes were Leptospira interrogans hardjo (n = 13), cynopteri (8), ballum (6), and szwajizak (5). Serovars with the highest prevalence were Leptospira interrogans hardjo and serjoe (1:320), ballum (1:160), and cynopteri, girppotyphosa, and tarassovi (1:80). Based on these results, exposure of sea lions to L. interrogans serovar hardjo seems to be relatively common among colonies located in the islands of the Gulf of California in contrast with those located on the Pacific coast, where the most frequently detected serovar is L. interrogans serovar pomona.  相似文献   

The combined effects of vitamin E and selenium were studied in native Anatolian horses subject to strenuous exercise. The concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium were determined in serum by atomic absorption spectrometry in two study groups (n = 25 each), one of which served as untreated controls. After exercising the horses by running 1,500 m in about 7 min, only the copper level and the copper/zinc ratio significantly increased (p < 0.05), but the concentrations of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium remained unchanged. In horses treated with vitamin E and selenium, the calcium and potassium levels decreased to levels lower than those of untreated controls before and after exercise. The iron levels were not changed by exercise or treatment alone but increased when the horses had been supplemented and exercised. The copper level and the copper/zinc ration increased as a result of exercise in both treated and untreated horses. These changes suggest that supplementation with vitamin E and selenium had an important effect on the serum concentrations of calcium, potassium, copper, iron, and the copper/zinc ratio.  相似文献   

A primary hepatic carcinoma with a neuroendocrine pattern was detected in an adult female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) found dead on Granito Island in the Gulf of California (Mexico) in January 1996. At necropsy, several light yellow nodules of different sizes were observed on the entire surface of the liver and spleen. Microscopic examination of these nodules using routine haematoxylin-eosin stain, revealed cubic, polyhedral and pleomorphic cells with three to four bizarre mitotic figures per field (40X). An immunohistochemistry test revealed a positive reaction of indirect immunoperoxide to cytokeratin (CK2). This is the first known case of a primary hepatic carcinoma in free-ranging California sea lions from Mexican waters.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and effectiveness of direct determination of trace and major element concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from Holstein calves with Mycoplasma bronchopneumonia (n = 21) and healthy controls (n = 20). The samples were obtained during bronchoscopy using a standard examination method. A total of 18 elements (aluminum, bromine, calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorous, sulfur, silicon, strontium, titanium, and zinc) were detected by particle-induced X-ray emission. The average bromine, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous concentrations were higher in calves with bronchopneumonia than in controls (p < 0.05). They were found to have higher amounts of calcium and zinc, and a higher zinc–copper ratio than that in healthy calves (p < 0.001). Based on the receiver operating characteristics curves, we propose a diagnostic cutoff point for zinc–copper ratio for identification of Mycoplasma pneumonia of 8.676. Our results indicate that assessment of the elemental composition of broncholaveolar lavage fluid is a promising diagnostic tool for Mycoplasma bronchopneumonia.  相似文献   

In the Jequetepeque basin (Peru), gold extraction activity has been performed in the last decades, leading to a release of metals and metalloids into the environment. Sediment samples were taken in the vicinity of two mines and analyzed. Extraction of metals and metalloids from sediments was carried out using single extraction procedures, acidic (HNO3), and complexation (EDTA) leaching, in order to determine the mobility of trace elements. Results indicated that acidic extraction at low pH values increased the leachability of trace elements. EDTA showed a higher bioavailability of metals in sediments than acidic extraction under similar pH conditions because of its greater leaching capacity. This is an important issue in view of risk assessment analysis. The highest extractability was observed for Cd in all sediments with up to 90% of extraction after 1 h. The mobility index analysis indicated that faster kinetic leachability of some trace elements leads to a higher mobility in sediments, especially those near the active gold extraction mine. The ecological risk assessment suggested that the four river sediments were at high and very high risk levels, indicating that sediment contamination is an issue of environmental concern in the Jequetepeque basin of northern Peru.  相似文献   

From an ecosystem management perspective, analysis of the functional roles of species is a challenge. It is valuable to determine which species are irreplaceable within a given community based on their contribution to the system’s organization. This study relates the emergent functional and structural indices of biological groups estimated from a trophic model of the Northern Gulf of California to identify the roles of these groups in the ecosystem context, with a particular focus on the role of the vaquita, an endemic porpoise in critically endangered status. The simulation of removing each group allowed the analysis of the removal’s functional effect on the ecosystem’s global attributes and organization (based on Ulanowicz’s ascendency concept). Groups from lower trophic levels (TL) were more related to complexity indicators, suggesting their contribution to the organization and structure of energy flows in the food web. Groups from intermediate TL had higher values of structural indexes, indicating their function in the control of flows throughout the network. The vaquita along with other marine mammals, aquatic birds, and some species of fish with a high TL contribute in a similar way to the order (for example, ascendency/capacity-of-development ratio) of the system, showing a relatively high value of ascendency (contribution of the group to the organization inherent to the ecosystem) and the change in ecosystem ascendency when they were removed. The vaquita, like marine and coastal birds, plays a small role in the ecosystem. But like them, it does contribute substantially to ecosystem organization. This study thus provides information potentially useful for management in understanding the species’ role and in reducing uncertainty in decision-making.  相似文献   

Spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) is one of the most common inshore reef fishes in the northern Gulf of California (GOC), Mexico, but has rarely been studied. Objectives of this study were to estimate age and growth parameters of this species from two areas in the northern GOC and use an age-structured model to assess fishery yield and Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) over a wide range of exploitations. Samples yielded fish up to age 8, although most were between age 2 and 5. Growth was extremely rapid, with most of the growth in length achieved in the first year, followed by much slower growth. Conditional rates of natural mortality averaged 0.37. Yield models predicted that spotted sand bass in the GOC were less vulnerable to fishing than those in the Pacific Ocean, likely due to faster growth and higher natural mortality. Growth overfishing and SPR values below 0.20 were only predicted at the lowest natural mortality and high (>0.50) exploitation rates. Results suggested that the species could support a commercial fishery in the GOC that might alleviate some of the conservation issues currently facing biologists in this unique marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Plankton and surface sediment samples from the Gulf of California were examined to determine the present geographic distribution of silicoflagellate species in this area. Variations in the species composition of the silicoflagellate assemblage were found to be related to water mass distributions. Eight species were identified in these samples. Octactis pulchra is associated with high levels of primary productivity in the surface waters and is found in greatest abundance in the central Gulf of California. Dictyocha messanensis dominates the silicoflagellate assemblage in stations outside the Gulf of California and increases in relative abundance with decreasing amounts of Octactis pulchra. Dictyocha calida, Dictyocha sp. A, and Dictyocha sp. B are associated with equatorial waters and have the highest relative abundance near the mouth of the Gulf. Dictyocha epiodon and Distephanus speculum are associated with cold California Current Water, and Dictyocha epiodon is present in minor abundance in Gulf samples. Dictyocha sp. 2 has a patchy distribution with low relative abundance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between the bronchopneumonia and mean concentrations of those trace elements in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Twenty-nine dogs were included this study (17 healthy dogs and 12 dogs with respiratory disease). Each BALF sample had been obtained during bronchoscope examination by use of a standardized method. The concentrations of Al, Br, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Ni, P, Si, Sr and Zn in BALF were measured by the particle-induced X-ray emission method. We found no relationship between the bronchopneumonia and the levels of elements in the BALF, except Ca, P and Zn. The dogs with respiratory disease were found to have a large amount of Ca and Zn, and a high Ca/P and Zn/Cu ratios in BALF compared to those without respiratory disease.  相似文献   

Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributional diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in the Gulf of California indicated two main seasonal stages and two transitional periods: in winter, the tropical water mass is confined to the south‐east portion of the mouth of the Gulf and larval fish assemblages are dominated by subtropical and temperate‐subarctic species; in summer; tropical water invades the Gulf and assemblages are dominated by tropical species. Both seasonal stages are separated by transitional periods coinciding with strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During the autumn and spring transitional periods, the Gulf of California splits into three regions: a northern region where temperate and subarctic species spawn from autumn to spring, a southern region dominated by tropical and subtropical species year round and a central region where tropical and temperate assemblages merge. Seasonal changes in the location of the regions, as well as the borders between them, show expansion and contraction of the northern and southern faunas related to the general oceanic circulation patterns during the year.  相似文献   

A systematic list of the echinoderms of the Gulf of California, based on museum specimens of the Colección Nacional de Equinodermos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. is presented. A total of 193 echinoderm species is recorded, distributed in 108 genera, 51 families and 19 orders. 12 new records for the Gulf of California are presented: Asteroidea (four), Ophiuroidea (three) and Holothuroidea (five).  相似文献   

The ecological effects of harvesting were investigated for two species, the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and Eucheuma uncinatum, by using harvest records and aerial surveys that show yield changes and by using studies of recruitment, survivorship and community interactions. There were no ecological effects found for M. pyrifera harvested with contemporary methods, and there are no recommendations for changing current management practices for this species. It is recommended that E. uncinatum, which on occasion produces commercially significant standing crops, not be harvested unless special precautions are taken to leave some plants for regeneration of the harvested populations.  相似文献   

Growth rates of cultured first-year bonefish Albula sp. averaged 0·32 mm day−1. Maximum theoretical growth (±95% CI) was 278 (±11·2) mm L S (sexes combined), confirming that Albula sp. from the Gulf of California grow less than other species in the' vulpes 'complex.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and respiratory responses (P–E curves) of Gracilaria parvispora from the southeast Gulf of California were studied at four temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35 °C) and salinity (25, 30, 35, 40 psu) combinations. The alga showed acclimation in its photosynthetic and respiratory responses to tropical temperature as well as to oceanic salinity. A positive effect of temperature on photosynthetic rate (P max) was observed for all salinities. Photosynthetic rates for treatments at 20 and 25 °C were lower (<9.2 mg O2?g dry weight (dw)?1?h?1) than for treatments at 30 and 35 °C (>12 mg O2 g dw?1?h?1). G. parvispora showed limited tolerance to low salinities (25 psu) and low temperatures (20 °C) and the interaction between temperature and salinity was significant (analysis of variance, P?<?0.05). Responses to salinity indicated adaptation to oceanic salinity. Photosynthetic responses were lower at 25 psu than at higher salinities. The lowest P max values (6.2–8.2 mg O2?g dw?1?h?1) were observed at the lowest salinity (25 psu) regardless of temperature. Compensation and saturation irradiances (26–170 and 57–149 μmol photons m?2?s?1, respectively) indicate adaptation to lower irradiances in shallow (1–2 m depth) habitats, where turbidity can be high, and the capacity of shade adaptation has been developed. Results suggest distribution of this species is mainly related to salinity or temperature. The potential mariculture efforts of G. parvispora would be limited by low temperatures in winter, and indicate that this species will probably not be able to spread further due to low temperatures (<15 °C) in the upper part of the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

Quantitative zooplankton samples were obtained at four regular stations and one irregular station in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland between mid June 1974 and mid May 1976. Sampling was attempted fortnightly as regularly as weather conditions and competition from other ship users would allow. The results are compared with those obtained and previously published in a similar study from Conception Bay, Newfoundland in 1977 to 1978. There was a greater diversity of species in Placentia Bay, and for most species the numbers/m3 were greater. The two bays are influenced by somewhat different current systems, and climatic conditions are a little milder and foggier in Placentia Bay. The same species were common in both bays, with copepods usually being the most important. Among copepods, two of the most important species namely Pseudocalanus sp. and Oithona similis were less abundant in Placentia Bay, but this was offset by a greater abundance of Temora longicornis. A few of the problems that require further investigation are outlined.  相似文献   

目的:了解本院就诊儿童血微量元素水平,并分析其影响因素.方法:取儿童末梢血,采用原子吸收分光光度法检测,用统计软件进行分析.结果:男女儿童之间铅含量有差异,但铜、锌、钙、镁、铁、镉含量无差别.不同年龄组儿童之问微量元素含量有显著性差异,其中儿童锌、铁含量随着年龄的增长呈上升趋势,钙呈下降趋势.除镁外,不同年龄组儿童之间微量元素异常率有显著性差异,其中儿童钙、铁缺乏率随着年龄的增长分别呈上升、下降趋势,缺锌率呈波动状态,而儿童铜、镁缺乏率较低;儿童铅超标率在18.88%~29.37%之间,在4~5岁儿童时达到峰值;镉超标率在0.60~4.37%之间.结论:本院就诊儿童缺锌、钙、铁较普遍,但儿童铅中毒平均发生率低于全国平均水平.通过微量元素的检测,并有针对性地进行补充和排毒,将大大有利于儿童的健康成长.  相似文献   


Honey is a natural product made by honey bees from the nectar of flowers or secretions produced by other living plant parts. The metal content of the honeys is related to the levels of metals in the environment. Due to the importance of honey in the human diet and the increase of environmental pollution, it is necessary to determine the content of metals in honey to evaluate the toxicological risk derived from its consumption. The objective of this study was to determine the content of 20 metals (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, and Zn) in different samples of artisanal honey from the Canary Islands (Spain) in order to evaluate the dietary intake derived from the consumption of these honeys. A total of 161 samples of different types of Canary honey were analyzed by ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry). K (825 mg/kg) was the macroelement found in highest concentration, while B (4.25 mg/kg) was the trace element with the highest mean concentration. Al (3.33 mg/kg) was the most abundant toxic metal, followed by Pb (0.040 mg/kg) and Cd (0.002 mg/kg). A mean consumption of 25 g/day of honey mainly contributes to the recommended daily intake of Cu (1.34% adults) and K (0.67% adults). As regards the toxic metals, the contribution percentage to the TDI (tolerable daily intake) of Pb at 2.92% for adults is noteworthy. However, the consumption of honey does not imply a high intake of metals and, therefore, does pose a risk to the health of adult men and women.


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