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The article considers morpho-functional organization of cilia—the infusorian locomotion organs—and shows a great complexity of motor behavior of these unicellulars. The problem of control of locomotor activity of infusorian as the single organism is discussed, and the conclusion is made that the system of control of movements is to be multilevel and to include receptor, afferent, central, efferent, and effector links. The role of central integrator and coordinator of motor behavior can be played by the cell nucleus (macronucleus) closely connected with periphery by cytoskeleton dynamic elements. The problem of fight with infusoria parasitizing in the human and animal bodies by impairing motor activity of these unicellulars is also discussed.  相似文献   

The generation and control of animal locomotion is believed to involve central pattern generators — networks of neurons which are capable of producing oscillatory behavior. In the present work, the quadrupedal locomotor central pattern generator is modelled as four distinct but symmetrically coupled nonlinear oscillators. We show that the typical patterns for two such networks of oscillators include 2:1 frequency-locked oscillations. These patterns, which arise through symmetry-breaking Hopf bifurcation, correspond in part to observed patterns of 2:1 frequency-locking of limb movements during electrically elicited locomotion of decerebrate and spinal quadrupeds. We briefly describe how our theoretical predictions could be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

There are dramatic quantitative and qualitative differences in the locomotor behavior of larval and juvenile frogs. Larvae (tadpoles) are primarily herbivourous and rely heavily on locomotion via undulations to acquire food and avoid predation. After metamorphosis, juvenile frogs adopt a carnivorous lifestyle and capture prey and avoid predators by remaining motionless in a place of concealment. When they must move, frogs locomote by means of ballistic hops or by more conventional walking. However, locomotion of both tadpoles and frogs can be considered of two fundamental functional types: (a) startle and escape; and (b) sustained locomotion. Neural mechanisms underlying startle responses and sustained locomotion in larvae and juveniles are described and possible ontogenetic relationships those behaviors are proposed. The role of different parts of the nervous system in the ontogeny of locomotion, as well as nonneuronal factors, are described. Results show that the transition from tadpole-like behavior to frog-like behavior is not a simple function of maturation of central locomotor controls. Rather, it results from a complex interaction of central nervous system maturation, morphological change, and a change in habitat preference. Examples of similar multidimensional control of behavioral ontogeny in other species are described, and it is argued that to understand the ontogeny of behavior, one must investigate contributions made at all levels, from the neuronal to the environmental.  相似文献   

There are dramatic quantitative and qualitative differences in the locomotor behavior of larval and juvenile frogs. Larvae (tadpoles) are primarily herbivourous and rely heavily on locomotion via undulations to acquire food and avoid predation. After metamorphosis, juvenile frogs adopt a carnivorous lifestyle and capture prey and avoid predators by remaining motionless in a place of concealment. When they must move, frogs locomote by means of ballistic hops or by more conventional walking. However, locomotion of both tadpoles and frogs can be considered of two fundamental functional types: (a) startle and escape; and (b) sustained locomotion. Neural mechanisms underlying startle responses and sustained locomotion in larvae and juveniles are described and possible ontogenetic relationships those behaviors are proposed. The role of different parts of the nervous system in the ontogeny of locomotion, as well as nonneuronal factors, are described. Results show that the transition from tadpole-like behavior to frog-like behavior is not a simple function of maturation of central locomotor controls. Rather, it results from a complex interaction of central nervous system maturation, morphological change, and a change in habitat preference. Examples of similar multidimensional control of behavioral ontogeny in other species are described, and it is argued that to understand the ontogeny of behavior, one must investigate contributions made at all levels, from the neuronal to the environmental. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The sequential stepping of left and right limbs is a fundamental motor behavior that underlies walking movements. This relatively simple locomotor behavior is generated by the rhythmic activity of motor neurons under the control of spinal neural networks known as central pattern generators (CPGs) that comprise multiple interneuron cell types. Little, however, is known about the identity and contribution of defined interneuronal populations to mammalian locomotor behaviors. We show a discrete subset of commissural spinal interneurons, whose fate is controlled by the activity of the homeobox gene Dbx1, has a critical role in controlling the left-right alternation of motor neurons innervating hindlimb muscles. Dbx1 mutant mice lacking these ventral interneurons exhibit an increased incidence of cobursting between left and right flexor/extensor motor neurons during drug-induced locomotion. Together, these findings identify Dbx1-dependent interneurons as key components of the spinal locomotor circuits that control stepping movements in mammals.  相似文献   

The central pattern generators (CPGs) in the spinal cord strongly contribute to locomotor behavior. To achieve adaptive locomotion, locomotor rhythm generated by the CPGs is suggested to be functionally modulated by phase resetting based on sensory afferent or perturbations. Although phase resetting has been investigated during fictive locomotion in cats, its functional roles in actual locomotion have not been clarified. Recently, simulation studies have been conducted to examine the roles of phase resetting during human bipedal walking, assuming that locomotion is generated based on prescribed kinematics and feedback control. However, such kinematically based modeling cannot be used to fully elucidate the mechanisms of adaptation. In this article we proposed a more physiologically based mathematical model of the neural system for locomotion and investigated the functional roles of phase resetting. We constructed a locomotor CPG model based on a two-layered hierarchical network model of the rhythm generator (RG) and pattern formation (PF) networks. The RG model produces rhythm information using phase oscillators and regulates it by phase resetting based on foot-contact information. The PF model creates feedforward command signals based on rhythm information, which consists of the combination of five rectangular pulses based on previous analyses of muscle synergy. Simulation results showed that our model establishes adaptive walking against perturbing forces and variations in the environment, with phase resetting playing important roles in increasing the robustness of responses, suggesting that this mechanism of regulation may contribute to the generation of adaptive human bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   

 Rhythmic motor output is generally assumed to be produced by central pattern generators or, more specific, central oscillators, the rhythmic output of which can be entrained and modulated by sensory input and descending control. In the case of locomotor systems, the output of the central system, i.e., the output obtained after deafferentation of sensory feedback, shows many of the temporal characteristics of real movements. Therefore the term fictive locomotion has been coined. This article concentrates on a specific locomotor behavior, namely walking; in particular walking in invertebrates. In contrast to the traditional view, an alternative hypothesis is formulated to interpret the functional sense of these central oscillations which have been found in many cases. It is argued that the basic function of the underlying circuit is to avoid cocontraction of antagonistic muscles. Such a system operates best with an inherent period just above the maximum period observed in real walking. The circuit discussed in this article (Fig. 2) shows several properties in common with results described as “fictive walking”. It furthermore could explain a number of properties observed in animals walking in different situations. According to this hypothesis, the oscillations found after deafferentation are side effects occurring in specific artificial situations. If, however, a parameter called central excitation is large enough, the system can act as a central oscillator that overrides the sensory input completely. Received: 18 May 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 20 November 2001  相似文献   

In guiding adaptive behavior, efference copy signals or corollary discharge are traditionally considered to serve as predictors of self-generated sensory inputs and by interfering with their central processing are able to counter unwanted consequences of an animal??s own actions. Here, in a speculative reflection on this issue, we consider a different functional role for such intrinsic predictive signaling, namely in stabilizing gaze during locomotion where resultant changes in head orientation in space require online compensatory eye movements in order to prevent retinal image slip. The direct activation of extraocular motoneurons by locomotor-related efference copies offers a prospective substrate for assisting self-motion derived sensory feedback, rather than being subtracted from the sensory signal to eliminate unwanted reafferent information. However, implementing such a feed-forward mechanism would be critically dependent on an appropriate phase coupling between rhythmic propulsive movement and resultant head/visual image displacement. We used video analyzes of actual locomotor behavior and basic theoretical modeling to evaluate head motion during stable locomotion in animals as diverse as Xenopus laevis tadpoles, teleost fish and horses in order to assess the potential suitability of spinal efference copies to the stabilization of gaze during locomotion. In all three species, and therefore regardless of aquatic or terrestrial environment, the head displacements that accompanied locomotor action displayed a strong correlative spatio-temporal relationship in correspondence with a potential predictive value for compensatory eye adjustments. Although spinal central pattern generator-derived efference copies offer appropriately timed commands for extraocular motor control during self-generated motion, it is likely that precise image stabilization requires the additional contributions of sensory feedback signals. Nonetheless, the predictability of the visual consequences of stereotyped locomotion renders intrinsic efference copy signaling an appealing mechanism for offsetting these disturbances, thus questioning the exclusive role traditionally ascribed to sensory-motor transformations in stabilizing gaze during vertebrate locomotion.  相似文献   

The neural control system for generation of locomotion is an important system for analysis of neural mechanisms underlying complex motor acts. In these studies, a novel experimental model using neonatal rat brain stem and spinal cord in vitro was developed for investigation of the locomotor system in mammals. The in vitro brain stem and spinal cord system was shown to retain functional circuitry for locomotor command generation, motor pattern generation, and sensorimotor integration. This system was exploited to investigate neurochemical mechanisms involved in neurogenesis of locomotion. Evidence was obtained for peptidergic and gamma-amino-butyric acid-mediated mechanisms in brain-stem circuits generating locomotor commands. Cholinergic, dopaminergic, and excitatory amino acid-mediated mechanisms were shown to activate spinal cord circuits for locomotor pattern generation. Endogenous N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors in spinal networks were found to play a central role in the generation of locomotion. The chemically induced patterns of motor activity and rhythmic membrane potential oscillations of spinal motoneurons were characteristic of those during locomotion in other mammals in vivo. The in vitro brain stem and spinal cord model provides a versatile and powerful experimental system with potentially broad application for investigation of diverse aspects of the neurobiology of mammalian motor control systems.  相似文献   

Locomotor behavior and substrate use of cage-reared golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), newly released and free-ranging on the grounds of the National Zoological Park, were studied to determine if locomotion changed following exposure to naturalistic conditions. The animals employed a predominantly quadrupedal locomotor profile, incorporating leaping and vertical climbing to a lesser degree. There was no clear evidence of a change in locomotion due to the high degree of variability in these behaviors. The locomotor repertoire of the free-ranging group differed from that of groups occupying unenriched but relatively large conventional enclosures, indicating that whereas locomotion is plastic with respect to environment, substrate characteristics influence locomotor behavior and may promote stereotypical behavior. However, due to anatomical constraints, the locomotor repertoire tended to be less variable than substrate use. Similar behaviors were used in moving through a variety of habitat features in spite of strong associations between specific locomotor styles and substrate classes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of parts of the subthalamus and mesencephalon produces coordinated stepping movements, and for this reason these areas are sometimes referred to as the subthalamic and mesencephalic "locomotor" regions. In this study we contrast the sexual behavioral effect of electrolytic destruction of these two regions in the male rat. Lesions of the mesencephalic locomotor region had no significant effect on male sexual behavior. In contrast, subthalamic lesions centered on the caudal zona incerta just dorsal to the subthalamic nucleus eliminated sexual behavior in 6 of 15 males. The sexual behavior of the remaining males was affected to a lesser degree, for the most part in accord with the extent of destruction to this "critical zone." Subthalamic lesions produced no obvious impairment in locomotion, posture, limb use, muscle tone or sensorimotor orientation. Even so, the fact that electrical stimulation of the subthalamus elicits coordinated stepping suggests that the region is linked with systems directly concerned with movement and locomotion. These links could be particularly important in the process by which sexual motivation is translated into sexual behavior.  相似文献   

During locomotion sensory information from cutaneous and muscle receptors is continuously integrated with the locomotor central pattern generator (CPG) to generate an appropriate motor output to meet the demands of the environment. Sensory signals from peripheral receptors can strongly impact the timing and amplitude of locomotor activity. This sensory information is gated centrally depending on the state of the system (i.e., rest vs. locomotion) but is also modulated according to the phase of a given task. Consequently, if one is to devise biologically relevant walking models it is imperative that these sensorimotor interactions at the spinal level be incorporated into the control system.  相似文献   

From biochemical studies of the hindlimb locomotor cycle in the cat, it appears that joint angle excursions are more simple at hip than at more distal joints. The pattern of EMG activity for the different hindlimb muscles is not simple but detailed and is roughly kept the same in the deafferented preparation and in the chronic spinal preparation too: these results show the central and spinal origin of the basic rhythm generation of the locomotor pattern. What is added to this basic mechanism by the supraspinal levels is: (1) a tonic activation which is necessary for the locomotor bursting to be initiated and maintained; (2) an adjustment of four limb posture to ensure equilibrium throughout a locomotor episode. The cerebellum is likely a leader in latter control. The basic spinal pattern is also controlled by peripheral feed-back signals which operate at spinal level and can delay the next locomotor cycle as long as the limb is loaded. On the other hand, a gain control of simple spinal reflexes is achieved by the spinal locomotion generator versus the phase of the locomotor cycle.  相似文献   

This paper reviews findings on the adaptive changes of locomotion in cats after spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesions. From the results obtained after lesions of the ventral/ventrolateral pathways or the dorsal/dorsolateral pathways, we conclude that with extensive but partial spinal lesions, cats can regain voluntary quadrupedal locomotion on a treadmill. Although tract-specific deficits remain after such lesions, intact descending tracts can compensate for the lesioned tracts and access the spinal network to generate voluntary locomotion. Such neuroplasticity of locomotor control mechanisms is also demonstrated after peripheral nerve lesions in cats with intact or lesioned spinal cords. Some models have shown that recovery from such peripheral nerve lesions probably involves changes at the supra spinal and spinal levels. In the case of somesthesic denervation of the hindpaws, we demonstrated that cats with a complete spinal section need some cutaneous inputs to walk with a plantigrade locomotion, and that even in this spinal state, cats can adapt their locomotion to partial cutaneous denervation. Altogether, these results suggest that there is significant plasticity in spinal and supraspinal locomotor controls to justify the beneficial effects of early proactive and sustained locomotor training after central (Rossignol and Barbeau 1995; Barbeau et al. 1998) or peripheral lesions.  相似文献   

In the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, a firm phase-locked coupling of pneumostome movements to the locomotor cycle was observed during terrestrial locomotion, thus demonstrating that the coordination between locomotor and respiratory rhythms is a natural behavioral event in this animal. The results of computational modelling suggest a possible scheme of coordination between these motor rhythms which is based on inhibitory projection from the central pattern generator for locomotion to that for respiration. These findings allow the neuronal mechanisms underlying coordination of two rhythmic behaviors to be investigated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a dynamic exercise model in the rat that could be used to study central nervous system control of the cardiovascular system. Rats of both sexes were decerebrated under halothane anesthesia and prepared for induced locomotion on a freely turning wheel. Electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) elicited locomotion at different speeds and gait patterns and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Two maneuvers were performed to illustrate the potential use of the preparation. The first maneuver consisted of muscular paralysis, which prevents excitation of muscle mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors resulting from exercise. MLR stimulation still increased blood pressure. The second maneuver was performed to determine whether the blood pressure response obtained during paralysis was an artifact of electrical stimulation of the MLR. After microinjection of gamma-aminobutyric acid into the MLR, electrical current thresholds for blood pressure and locomotion increased in parallel. gamma-Aminobutyric acid injection also reduced the pressor response to suprathreshold electrical stimulation by 76%. The injection results suggest that electrical stimulation of the MLR activates cells rather than fibers of passage. The blood pressure response of the exercise model is probably not an artifact of stimulation. The decerebrate rat locomotor preparation should offer another approach to investigate difficult problems in exercise physiology.  相似文献   

Vertebrate animals exhibit impressive locomotor skills. These locomotor skills are due to the complex interactions between the environment, the musculo-skeletal system and the central nervous system, in particular the spinal locomotor circuits. We are interested in decoding these interactions in the salamander, a key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It exhibits both swimming and stepping gaits and is faced with the problem of producing efficient propulsive forces using the same musculo-skeletal system in two environments with significant physical differences in density, viscosity and gravitational load. Yet its nervous system remains comparatively simple. Our approach is based on a combination of neurophysiological experiments, numerical modeling at different levels of abstraction, and robotic validation using an amphibious salamander-like robot. This article reviews the current state of our knowledge on salamander locomotion control, and presents how our approach has allowed us to obtain a first conceptual model of the salamander spinal locomotor networks. The model suggests that the salamander locomotor circuit can be seen as a lamprey-like circuit controlling axial movements of the trunk and tail, extended by specialized oscillatory centers controlling limb movements. The interplay between the two types of circuits determines the mode of locomotion under the influence of sensory feedback and descending drive, with stepping gaits at low drive, and swimming at high drive.  相似文献   

The effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) injected into the dorsal neostriatum on the open-field and shuttle-box behavior were studied in rats with high (Koltushi high avoidance, KHA) and low (Koltushi low avoidance, KLA) capability for avoidance learning. The effects of this hormone on the behavior of these rat strains were different. In KLA rats with passive strategy of behavior the CRH injection led to a rapid locomotor activation in the open field, while the rats with active behavioral strategy (KHA) reacted to the injection by a significant decrease in locomotion and change for the passive mode of behavior. The same CRH effects on locomotion were obtained in the shuttle-box experiments. Moreover, in the KLA rats the neurohormone injection resulted in an improvement of avoidance learning in contrast to the KHA rats, in which CRH substantially impaired avoidance learning. The obtained evidence is discussed in terms of the important role of striatal CRH in the choice of behavioral strategy in stress.  相似文献   

Odors elicit a number of behavioral responses, including attraction and repulsion in Drosophila. In this study, the authors used a T-maze apparatus to show that wild-type Drosophila melanogaster exhibit a robust circadian rhythm in the olfactory attractive and repulsive responses. These responses were lower during the day and began to rise at early night, peaking at about the middle of the night and then declining thereafter. They were also independent of locomotor activity. The olfactory response rhythms were lost in period or timeless mutant flies (per0, tim0), indicating that clock genes control circadian rhythms of olfactory behavior. The rhythms in olfactory response persisted in the absence of the pigment-dispersing factor neuropeptide or the central pacemaker lateral neurons known to drive circadian patterns of locomotion and eclosion. These results indicate that the circadian rhythms in olfactory behavior in Drosophila are driven by pacemakers that do not control the rest-activity cycle and are likely in the antennae.  相似文献   

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