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Phosphate availability regulates root system architecture in Arabidopsis   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Plant root systems are highly plastic in their development and can adapt their architecture in response to the prevailing environmental conditions. One important parameter is the availability of phosphate, which is highly immobile in soil such that the arrangement of roots within the soil will profoundly affect the ability of the plant to acquire this essential nutrient. Consistent with this, the availability of phosphate was found to have a marked effect on the root system architecture of Arabidopsis. Low phosphate availability favored lateral root growth over primary root growth, through increased lateral root density and length, and reduced primary root growth mediated by reduced cell elongation. The ability of the root system to respond to phosphate availability was found to be independent of sucrose supply and auxin signaling. In contrast, shoot phosphate status was found to influence the root system architecture response to phosphate availability.  相似文献   

We characterized the response of root hair density to phosphorus (P) availability in Arabidopsis thaliana. Arabidopsis plants were grown aseptically in growth media with varied phosphorus concentrations, ranging from 1 mmol m3 to 2000 mmol m3 phosphorus. Root hair density (number of root hairs per mm of root length) was analysed starting at 7 d of growth. Root hair density was highly regulated by phosphorus availability, increasing significantly in roots exposed to low-phosphorus availability. The initial root hairs produced by the radicle were not sensitive to phosphorus availability, but began to respond after 9 d of growth. Root hair density was about five times greater in low phosphorus (1 mmol m3) than in high phosphorus (1000 mmol m3) media. Root hair density decreased logarithmically in response to increasing phosphorus concentrations within that range. Root hair density also increased in response to deficiencies of several other nutrients, but not as strongly as to low phosphorus. Indoleacetic acid (IAA), the auxin transport inhibitor 2-(p-chlorophenoxy)-2-methylpropionic acid (CMPA), the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), and the ethylene synthesis inhibitor amino-oxyacetic acid (AOA) all increased root hair density under high phosphorus but had very little effect under low phosphorus. Low phosphorus significantly changed root anatomy, causing a 9% increase in root diameter, a 31% decrease in the cross-sectional area of individual trichoblasts, a 40% decrease in the cross-sectional area of individual atrichoblasts, and 45% more cortical cells in cross-section. The larger number of cortical cells and smaller epidermal cell size in low phosphorus roots increased the number of trichoblast files from eight to 12. Two-thirds of increased root hair density in low phosphorus roots was caused by increased likelihood of trichoblasts to form hairs, and 33% of the increase was accounted for by changes in low phosphorus root anatomy resulting in an increased number of trichoblast files. These results show that phosphorus availability can fundamentally alter root anatomy, leading to changes in root hair density, which are presumably important for phosphorus acquisition.  相似文献   

Low phosphorus availability stimulates root hair elongation in many plants, which may have adaptive significance in soil phosphorus acquisition. We investigated the effect of low phosphorus on the elongation of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs. Arabidopsis thaliana plants were grown in plant culture containing high (1000 mmol m?3) or low (1 mmol m?3) phosphorus concentrations, and root hair elongation was analysed by image analysis. After 15d of growth, low-phosphorus plants developed root hairs averaging 0.9 mm in length while high-phosphorus plants of the same age developed root hairs averaging 0.3 mm in length. Increased root hair length in low-phosphorus plants was a result of both increased growth duration and increased growth rate. Root hair length decreased logarithmically in response to increasing phosphorus concentration. Local changes in phosphorus availability influenced root hair growth regardless of the phosphorus status of the plant. Low phosphorus stimulated root hair elongation in the hairless axr2 mutant, exogenously applied IAA stimulated root hair elongation in wild-type high-phosphorus plants and the auxin antagonist CM PA inhibited root hair elongation in low-phosphorus plants. These results indicate that auxin may be involved in the low-phosphorus response in root hairs.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development of plants is dependent on both intrinsic genetic programs and environmental factors. The plasticity of root hair patterning in response to environmental signals was investigated in the Columbia-0 wild type and 19 Arabidopsis mutants carrying lesions in various parts of the root hair developmental pathway by withholding phosphate or iron (Fe) from the nutrient medium. In the aging primary root and in laterals of the wild type, the number of root hairs increased in response to phosphate and Fe deficiency in a manner typical of each growth type. Although an increase in root hair density in -phosphorus plants was mainly achieved by the formation of extra hairs over both tangential and radial wall of underlying cortical cells, roots of -Fe plants were characterized by a high percentage of extra hairs with two tips. Root hair patterning and hair length was differentially affected by the presence or absence of phosphate and Fe among the genotypes under investigation, pointing to separate cascades of gene activation under all three growth conditions. Divergence in root hair patterning was most pronounced among mutants with defects in genes that affect the first stages of differentiation, suggesting that nutritional signals are perceived at an early stage of epidermal cell development. During elongation of the root hairs, no differences in the requirement of gene products between the growth types were obvious. The role of genes involved in root hair development in the aging primary root of Arabidopsis under the various growth conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Mineral nutrients are distributed in a non-uniform manner in the soil. Plasticity in root responses to the availability of mineral nutrients is believed to be important for optimizing nutrient acquisition. The response of root architecture to heterogeneous nutrient availability has been documented in various plant species, and the molecular mechanisms coordinating these responses have been investigated particularly in Arabidopsis, a model dicotyledonous plant. Recently, progress has been made in describing the phenotypic plasticity of root architecture in maize, a monocotyledonous crop. This article reviews aspects of phenotypic plasticity of maize root system architecture, with special emphasis on describing (1) the development of its complex root system; (2) phenotypic responses in root system architecture to heterogeneous N availability; (3) the importance of phenotypic plasticity for N acquisition; (4) different regulation of root growth and nutrients uptake by shoot; and (5) root traits in maize breeding. This knowledge will inform breeding strategies for root traits enabling more efficient acquisition of soil resources and synchronizing crop growth demand, root resource acquisition and fertilizer application during crop growing season, thereby maximizing crop yields and nutrient-use efficiency and minimizing environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Coumarin is a highly active allelopathic compound which plays a key role in plant–plant interactions and communications. It affects root growth and development of many species, but its mode of action has not been clarified yet. It has been hypothesized that auxin could mediate coumarin-induced effects on root system. Through morphological and pharmacological approaches together with the use of Arabidopsis auxin mutants, a possible interaction between coumarin and auxin in driving root system development has been investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0). Coumarin strongly affected primary root elongation and lateral root development of Arabidopsis seedlings. In particular, 10?4 M coumarin significantly inhibited primary root elongation increasing lateral root number and root hairs length. Further, coumarin addition was able to restore the negative effects of TIBA and NPA, two auxin transport inhibitors, which caused a complete inhibition of lateral root formation. Arabidopsis auxin mutants differently responded to coumarin compared to wild type (Col-0). In particular, lax3 mutant showed the lowest (42 %) inhibition of primary root length, whereas, eir1-4 mutant had higher inhibition (53 %) compared to Col-0; conversely, aux1-22 mutant did not show any effect in response to coumarin. An increase of lateral root number was observed in pin1 mutant only. Finally, coumarin increased the root hairs length in eir1-4, lax3, pin1 and pin3-5 mutants, but not in aux1-22. These results suggested a functional interaction between coumarin and auxin polar transport in driving root development in A. thaliana.  相似文献   



Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and development but it is often a limiting nutrient in soils. Hence, P acquisition from soil by plant roots is a subject of considerable interest in agriculture, ecology and plant root biology. Root architecture, with its shape and structured development, can be considered as an evolutionary response to scarcity of resources.


This review discusses the significance of root architecture development in response to low P availability and its beneficial effects on alleviation of P stress. It also focuses on recent progress in unravelling cellular, physiological and molecular mechanisms in root developmental adaptation to P starvation. The progress in a more detailed understanding of these mechanisms might be used for developing strategies that build upon the observed explorative behaviour of plant roots.


The role of root architecture in alleviation of P stress is well documented. However, this paper describes how plants adjust their root architecture to low-P conditions through inhibition of primary root growth, promotion of lateral root growth, enhancement of root hair development and cluster root formation, which all promote P acquisition by plants. The mechanisms for activating alterations in root architecture in response to P deprivation depend on changes in the localized P concentration, and transport of or sensitivity to growth regulators such as sugars, auxins, ethylene, cytokinins, nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and abscisic acid (ABA). In the process, many genes are activated, which in turn trigger changes in molecular, physiological and cellular processes. As a result, root architecture is modified, allowing plants to adapt effectively to the low-P environment. This review provides a framework for understanding how P deficiency alters root architecture, with a focus on integrated physiological and molecular signalling.  相似文献   


Background & Aims

Searching for root traits underpinning efficient nutrient acquisition has received increased attention in modern breeding programs aimed at improved crop productivity. Root models provide an opportunity to investigate root-soil interactions through representing the relationships between rooting traits and the non-uniform supply of soil resources. This study used simulation modelling to predict and identify phenotypic plasticity, root growth responses and phosphorus (P) use efficiency of contrasting Lupinus angustifolius genotypes to localised soil P in a glasshouse.


Two L. angustifolius genotypes with contrasting root systems were grown in cylindrical columns containing uniform soil with three P treatments (nil and 20 mg P kg?1 either top-dressed or banded) in the glasshouse. Computer simulations were carried out with root architecture model ROOTMAP which was parameterized with root architectural data from an earlier published hydroponic phenotyping study.


The experimental and simulated results showed that plants supplied with banded P had the largest root system and the greatest P-uptake efficiency. The P addition significantly stimulated root branching in the topsoil, whereas plants with nil P had relatively deeper roots. Genotype-dependent root growth plasticity in response to P supply was shown, with the greatest response to banded P.


Both experimental and simulation outcomes demonstrated that 1) root hairs and root proliferation increased plant P acquisition and were more beneficial in the localised P fertilisation scenario, 2) placing P deeper in the soil might be a more effective fertilisation method with greater P uptake than top dressing, and 3) the combination of P foraging strategies (including root architecture, root hairs and root growth plasticity) is important for efficient P acquisition from a localised source of fertiliser P.  相似文献   

Regulation of Arabidopsis root development by nitrate availability   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
When the root systems of many plant species are exposed to a localized source of nitrate (NO3- they respond by proliferating their lateral roots to colonize the nutrient-rich zone. This study reviews recent work with Arabidopsis thaliana in which molecular genetic approaches are being used to try to understand the physiological and genetic basis for this response. These studies have led to the conclusion that there are two distinct pathways by which NO3- modulates root branching in Arabidopsis. On the one hand, meristematic activity in lateral root tips is stimulated by direct contact with an enriched source of NO3- (the localized stimulatory effect). On the other, a critical stage in the development of the lateral root (just after its emergence from the primary root) is highly susceptible to inhibition by a systemic signal that is related to the amount of NO3- absorbed by the plant (the systemic inhibitory effect). Evidence has been obtained that the localized stimulatory effect is a direct effect of the NO3- ion itself rather than a nutritional effect. A NO3(-)-inducible MADS-box gene (ANR1) has been identified which encodes a component of the signal transduction pathway linking the external NO3- supply to the increased rate of lateral root elongation. Experiments using auxin-resistant mutants have provided evidence for an overlap between the auxin and NO3- response pathways in the control of lateral root elongation. The systemic inhibitory effect, which does not affect lateral root initiation but delays the activation of the lateral root meristem, appears to be positively correlated with the N status of the plant and is postulated to involve a phloem-mediated signal from the shoot.  相似文献   

The role of nutrient availability in regulating root architecture   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
The ability of plants to respond appropriately to nutrient availability is of fundamental importance for their adaptation to the environment. Nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, sulfate and iron act as signals that can be perceived. These signals trigger molecular mechanisms that modify cell division and cell differentiation processes within the root and have a profound impact on root system architecture. Important developmental processes, such as root-hair formation, primary root growth and lateral root formation, are particularly sensitive to changes in the internal and external concentration of nutrients. The responses of root architecture to nutrients can be modified by plant growth regulators, such as auxins, cytokinins and ethylene, suggesting that the nutritional control of root development may be mediated by changes in hormone synthesis, transport or sensitivity. Recent information points to the existence of nutrient-specific signal transduction pathways that interpret the external and internal concentrations of nutrients to modify root development. Progress in this field has led to the cloning of regulatory genes that play pivotal roles in nutrient-induced changes to root development.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana provides a scientifically attractive and simple model for studying root growth and architecture and, subsequently, for discovering new genes involved in the control of these characters in plants. We have used the natural variation available in Arabidopsis accessions and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for primary root length (PRL), lateral root number (LRN) and density (LRD) and for total length of the lateral root system (LRL) in the Bay-0 × Shahdara population. Total phenotypic variation was very large, and despite the importance of the environmental component we were able to map 13 QTLs and one epistatic interaction between QTLs. Our results highlight the biological relevance and genetic control of lateral root density in this material. We were also able to show that variation in the extent of the lateral root system depends mainly on the growth of the existing lateral roots rather than in a change in LRN. Factors controlling lateral root growth seemed to have no major effect on primary root growth. Moreover, Shahdara QTL alleles always increased the length of the lateral roots, which may be taken as an adaptation to its very dry natural environment in Tadjikistan. A QTL for PRL was confirmed using a type of near-isogenic line called a heterogeneous inbred family (HIF), and this QTL is a candidate for further fine-mapping and cloning.  相似文献   

以7个马尾松(Pinus massoniana)一代种子园自由授粉家系为材料, 设置同质低磷(P)胁迫和异质低P胁迫模拟的盆栽试验, 系统研究马尾松家系对不同类型低P胁迫的适应机制和P效率变异规律。结果表明, 参试马尾松家系的苗高、地径和生物量等P效率指标均表现出显著的家系变异, 主要P效率指标的家系遗传力均较高, 干物质积累量的广义遗传力大于0.80, 揭示了马尾松P营养效率的较大遗传改良潜力。马尾松对不同类型低P胁迫的适应机制有所差异。在同质低P胁迫下, ‘3201’、‘1217’等高P效率家系的根系主要参数均高于低P效率家系, 表明整体根系参数的适应性变化是P效率和生物量形成的决定因素。在异质低P胁迫下, 高P效率马尾松家系在表层富P介质的根系分布量、分布比例均显著增加, 表层根系参数与马尾松家系P效率呈显著正相关, 揭示根系空间构型的适应性变化是决定马尾松高P效率的重要生物学基础。表层根系生物量、表层根相对比例的家系遗传力达0.88和0.72, 证实了以马尾松根构型的适应变化为突破口, 选育具有理想根构型和较高P效率的马尾松家系。  相似文献   

The postembryonic developmental program of the plant root system is plastic and allows changes in root architecture to adapt to environmental conditions such as water and nutrient availability. Among essential nutrients, phosphorus (P) often limits plant productivity because of its low mobility in soil. Therefore, the architecture of the root system may determine the capacity of the plant to acquire this nutrient. We studied the effect of P availability on the development of the root system in Arabidopsis. We found that at P-limiting conditions (<50 microM), the Arabidopsis root system undergoes major architectural changes in terms of lateral root number, lateral root density, and primary root length. Treatment with auxins and auxin antagonists indicate that these changes are related to an increase in auxin sensitivity in the roots of P-deprived Arabidopsis seedlings. It was also found that the axr1-3, axr2-1, and axr4-1 Arabidopsis mutants have normal responses to low P availability conditions, whereas the iaa28-1 mutant shows resistance to the stimulatory effects of low P on root hair and lateral root formation. Analysis of ethylene signaling mutants and treatments with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid showed that ethylene does not promote lateral root formation under P deprivation. These results suggest that in Arabidopsis, auxin sensitivity may play a fundamental role in the modifications of root architecture by P availability.  相似文献   

Wang JW  Wang LJ  Mao YB  Cai WJ  Xue HW  Chen XY 《The Plant cell》2005,17(8):2204-2216
The plant root cap mediates the direction of root tip growth and protects internal cells. Root cap cells are continuously produced from distal stem cells, and the phytohormone auxin provides position information for root distal organization. Here, we identify the Arabidopsis thaliana auxin response factors ARF10 and ARF16, targeted by microRNA160 (miR160), as the controller of root cap cell formation. The Pro(35S):MIR160 plants, in which the expression of ARF10 and ARF16 is repressed, and the arf10-2 arf16-2 double mutants display the same root tip defect, with uncontrolled cell division and blocked cell differentiation in the root distal region and show a tumor-like root apex and loss of gravity-sensing. ARF10 and ARF16 play a role in restricting stem cell niche and promoting columella cell differentiation; although functionally redundant, the two ARFs are indispensable for root cap development, and the auxin signal cannot bypass them to initiate columella cell production. In root, auxin and miR160 regulate the expression of ARF10 and ARF16 genes independently, generating a pattern consistent with root cap development. We further demonstrate that miR160-uncoupled production of ARF16 exerts pleiotropic effects on plant phenotypes, and miR160 plays an essential role in regulating Arabidopsis development and growth.  相似文献   

The changes in root system architecture (RSA) triggered by phosphate (P) deprivation were studied in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants grown for 14 d on 1 mM or 3 microM P. Two different temporal phases were observed in the response of RSA to low P. First, lateral root (LR) development was promoted between days 7 and 11 after germination, but, after day 11, all root growth parameters were negatively affected, leading to a general reduction of primary root (PR) and LR lengths and of LR density. Low P availability had contrasting effects on various stages of LR development, with a marked inhibition of primordia initiation but a strong stimulation of activation of the initiated primordia. The involvement of auxin signaling in these morphological changes was investigated in wild-type plants treated with indole-3-acetic acid or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid and in axr4-1, aux1-7, and eir1-1 mutants. Most effects of low P on RSA were dramatically modified in the mutants or hormone-treated wild-type plants. This shows that auxin plays a major role in the P starvation-induced changes of root development. From these data, we hypothesize that several aspects of the RSA response to low P are triggered by local modifications of auxin concentration. A model is proposed that postulates that P starvation results in (1) an overaccumulation of auxin in the apex of the PR and in young LRs, (2) an overaccumulation of auxin or a change in sensitivity to auxin in the lateral primordia, and (3) a decrease in auxin concentration in the lateral primordia initiation zone of the PR and in old laterals. Measurements of local changes in auxin concentrations induced by low P, either by direct quantification or by biosensor expression pattern (DR5::beta-glucuronidase reporter gene), are in line with these hypotheses. Furthermore, the observation that low P availability mimicked the action of auxin in promoting LR development in the alf3 mutant confirmed that P starvation stimulates primordia emergence through increased accumulation of auxin or change in sensitivity to auxin in the primordia. Both the strong effect of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid and the phenotype of the auxin-transport mutants (aux1, eir1) suggest that low P availability modifies local auxin concentrations within the root system through changes in auxin transport rather than auxin synthesis.  相似文献   

Auxin is a phytohormone essential for plant development. Due to the high redundancy in auxin biosynthesis, the role of auxin biosynthesis in embryogenesis and seedling development, vascular and flower development, shade avoidance and ethylene response were revealed only recently. We previously reported that a vitamin B6 biosynthesis mutant pdx1 exhibits a short-root phenotype with reduced meristematic zone and short mature cells. By reciprocal grafting, we now have found that the pdx1 short root is caused by a root locally generated signal. The mutant root tips are defective in callus induction and have reduced DR5::GUS activity, but maintain relatively normal auxin response. Genetic analysis indicates that pdx1 mutant could suppress the root hair and root growth phenotypes of the auxin overproduction mutant yucca on medium supplemented with tryptophan (Trp), suggesting that the conversion from Trp to auxin is impaired in pdx1 roots. Here we present data showing that pdx1 mutant is more tolerant to 5-methyl anthranilate, an analogue of the Trp biosynthetic intermediate anthranilate, demonstrating that pdx1 is also defective in the conversion from anthranilate to auxin precursor tryptophan. Our data suggest that locally synthesized auxin may play an important role in the postembryonic root growth.Key words: auxin synthesis, root, PLP, PDX1The plant hormone auxin modulates many aspects of growth and development including cell division and cell expansion, leaf initiation, root development, embryo and fruit development, pattern formation, tropism, apical dominance and vascular tissue differentiation.13 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the major naturally occurring auxin. IAA can be synthesized in cotyledons, leaves and roots, with young developing leaves having the highest capacity.4,5Auxin most often acts in tissues or cells remote from its synthetic sites, and thus depends on non-polar phloem transport as well as a highly regulated intercellular polar transport system for its distribution.2The importance of local auxin biosynthesis in plant growth and development has been masked by observations that impaired long-distance auxin transport can result in severe growth or developmental defects.3,6 Furthermore, a few mutants with reduced free IAA contents display phenotypes similar to those caused by impaired long-distance auxin transport. These phenotypes include defective vascular tissues and flower development, short primary roots and reduced apical dominance, or impaired shade avoidance and ethylene response.715 Since these phenotypes most often could not be rescued by exogenous auxin application, it is difficult to attribute such defects to altered local auxin biosynthesis. By complementing double, triple or quadruple mutants of four Arabidopsis shoot-abundant auxin biosynthesis YUCCA genes with specific YUCCA promoters driven bacterial auxin biosynthesis iaaM gene, Cheng et al. provided unambiguous evidence that auxin biosynthesis is indispensable for embryo, flower and vascular tissue development.8,13 Importantly, it is clear that auxin synthesized by YUCCAs is not functionally interchangeable among different organs, supporting the notion that auxin synthesized by YUCCAs mainly functions locally or in a short range.6,8,13The central role of auxin in root meristem patterning and maintenance is well documented,1,2,16 but the source of such IAA is still unclear. When 14C-labeled IAA was applied to the five-day-old pea apical bud, the radioactivity could be detected in lateral root primordia but not the apical region of primary roots.17 Moreover, removal of the shoot only slightly affected elongation of the primary root, and localized application of auxin polar transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the primary root tip exerted more profound inhibitory effect on root elongation than at any other site.18 These results suggest that auxin generated near the root tip may play a more important role in primary root growth than that transported from the shoot. In line with this notion, Arabidopsis roots have been shown to harbor multiple auxin biosynthesis sites including root tips and the region upward from the tip.4Many steps of tryptophan synthesis and its conversion to auxin involve transamination reactions, which require the vitamin B6 pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) as a cofactor. We previously reported that the Arabidopsis mutant pdx1 that is defective in vitamin B6 biosynthesis displays dramatically reduced primary root growth with smaller meristematic zone and shorter mature cortical cells.19 In the current investigation, we found that the root tips of pdx1 have reduced cell division capability and reduced DR5::GUS activity, although the induction of this reporter gene by exogenous auxin was not changed. Reciprocal grafting indicates that the short-root phenotype of pdx1 is caused by a root local rather than shoot generated factor(s). Importantly, pdx1 suppresses yucca mutant, an auxin overproducer, in root hair proliferation although it fails to suppress the hypocotyl elongation phenotype.20 Our work thus demonstrated that pdx1 has impaired root local auxin biosynthesis from tryptophan. To test whether the synthesis of tryptophan is also affected in pdx1 mutant, we planted pdx1 together with wild-type seeds on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5-mehtyl-anthranilate (5-MA), an analogue of the Trp biosynthetic intermediate anthranilate.21 Although pdx1 seedlings grew poorly under the control conditions, the growth of wild-type seedlings was more inhibited than that of the pdx1 seedlings on 10 µM 5-MA media (Fig. 1A–D). Compared with the elongated primary root on MS, wild-type seedlings showed very limited root growth on 5-MA (Fig. 1E). The relatively increased tolerance to 5-MA of pdx1 thus indicates that the pdx1 mutant may be defective in Trp biosynthesis, although amino acid analysis of the bulked seedlings did not find clear changes in Trp levels in the mutants (our unpublished data).Open in a separate windowFigure 1The pdx1 mutant seedlings are relatively less sensitive to toxic 5-methyl anthranilate (5-MA). (A and C) Five-day-old seedlings of the wild type (Col-0) (A) or pdx1 (C) on MS medium. (B and D) Five-day-old seedlings of the wild type (B) or pdx1 (D) on MS medium supplemented with 10 µM 5-MA. (E) Eight-day-old seedlings of the wild type or pdx1 on MS medium without or with 10 µM 5-MA supplement. Sterilized seeds were planted directly on the indicated medium and after two days of cold treatment, the plates were incubated under continuous light at 22–24°C before taking pictures.We reported that PDX1 is required for tolerance to oxidative stresses in Arabidopsis.19 Interestingly, redox homeostasis appears to play a critical role in Arabidopsis root development. The glutathione-deficient mutant root meristemless1 (rml1) and the vitamin C-deficient mutant vitamin C1 (vtc1) both have similar stunted roots.22,23 Nonetheless, pdx1 is not rescued by either glutathione or vitamin C19 suggesting that the pdx1 short-root phenotype may not be resulted from a general reduction of antioxidative capacity. Interestingly, ascorbate oxidase is found to be highly expressed in the maize root quiescent center.24 This enzyme can oxidatively decarboxylate auxin in vitro, suggesting that the quiescent center may be a site for metabolizing auxin to control its homeostasis.25 It is therefore likely that the reduced auxin level in pdx1 root tips could be partially caused by increased auxin catabolism resulted from reduced vitamin B6 level. We thus conducted experiments to test this possibility. A quiescent center-specific promoter WOX5 driven bacterial auxin biosynthetic gene iaaH26 was introduced into pdx1 mutant. The transgenic seeds were planted on media supplemented with different concentrations of indoleacetamide (IAM), the substrate of iaaH protein. Although promotion of lateral root growth was observed at higher IAM concentrations, which indicates increased tryptophan-independent auxin production from the transgene, no change in root elongation was observed between pdx1 with or without the WOX5::iaaH transgene at any concentration of IAM tested (data not shown), suggesting that the pdx1 short-root phenotype may not be due to increased auxin catabolism.Taken together, in addition to auxin transport; temporally, spatially or developmentally coordinated local auxin biosynthesis defines the plant growth and its response to environmental changes.8,14,15  相似文献   

Plants employ a specialized transport system composed of separate influx and efflux carriers to mobilize the plant hormone auxin between its site(s) of synthesis and action. Mutations within the permease-like AUX1 protein significantly reduce the rate of carrier-mediated auxin uptake within Arabidopsis roots, conferring an agravitropic phenotype. We are able to bypass the defect within auxin uptake and restore the gravitropic root phenotype of aux1 by growing mutant seedlings in the presence of the membrane-permeable synthetic auxin, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. We illustrate that AUX1 expression overlaps that previously described for the auxin efflux carrier, AtPIN2, using transgenic lines expressing an AUX1 promoter::uidA (GUS) gene. Finally, we demonstrate that AUX1 regulates gravitropic curvature by acting in unison with the auxin efflux carrier to co-ordinate the localized redistribution of auxin within the Arabidopsis root apex. Our results provide the first example of a developmental role for the auxin influx carrier within higher plants and supply new insight into the molecular basis of gravitropic signalling.  相似文献   

Plant root systems can respond to nutrient availability and distribution by changing the three-dimensional deployment of their roots: their root system architecture (RSA). We have compared RSA in homogeneous and heterogeneous nitrate and phosphate supply in Arabidopsis. Changes in nitrate and phosphate availability were found to have contrasting effects on primary root length and lateral root density, but similar effects on lateral root length. Relative to shoot dry weight (DW), primary root length decreased with increasing nitrate availability, while it increased with increasing phosphate supply. Lateral root density remained constant across a range of nitrate supplies, but decreased with increasing phosphate supply. In contrast, lateral root elongation was suppressed both by high nitrate and high phosphate supplies. Local supplies of high nitrate or phosphate in a patch also had different effects. Primary root growth was not affected by a high nitrate patch, but growth through a high phosphate patch reduced primary root growth after the root left the patch. A high nitrate patch induced an increase in lateral root density in the patch, whereas lateral root density was unaffected by a high phosphate patch. However, both phosphate- and nitrate-rich patches induced lateral root elongation in the patch and suppressed it outside the patch. This co-ordinated response of lateral roots also occurs in soil-grown plants exposed to a nutrient-rich patch. The auxin-resistant mutants axrl, axr4 and aux1 all showed the wild-type lateral root elongation responses to a nitrate-rich patch, suggesting that auxin is not required for this response.  相似文献   

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