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足茎毛兰的欺骗性传粉研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一些兰科植物常常利用多种多样的欺骗性传粉机制吸引传粉者,唇瓣上的附属物就是其中之一.黄色被认为对昆虫具有吸引作用.在广西雅长兰科植物自治区级保护区内秋季开花的足茎毛兰(Eria coronaria)唇瓣上具有鲜明的黄色斑块,这种花部信号很可能与吸引昆虫有关系.为验证这一假设,我们在广西雅长保护区内对足茎毛兰的传粉过程进行了观察.研究发现,足茎毛兰的唯一传粉者是中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana).与足茎毛兰同在秋季开花的植物主要有光叶海桐(pittosporum glabratum).光叶海桐的花中有丰富的花蜜和花粉,吸引大量中华蜜蜂访问.足茎毛兰虽然不为中华蜜蜂提供任何报酬,但其唇瓣上的黄色斑块的颜色和形态大小与光叶海桐的黄色花相似.根据中华蜜蜂在足茎毛兰和光叶海桐花上的活动情况,我们认为足茎毛兰唇瓣上鲜明的黄色斑块对中华蜜蜂有吸引作用.中华蜜蜂访花时,通常降落在唇瓣的黄色斑块上,调整身体姿势后进入花内,在退出的过程中将花粉块带出或将所携带的花粉块授到柱头上,而药帽留在原来的位置.足茎毛兰的花部构造,特别是药帽的形状与中华蜜蜂的形态以及在花上的行为十分吻合,因此中华蜜蜂的传粉效率较高.人工授粉实验表明足茎毛兰需要依赖传粉者才能完成传粉过程.足茎毛兰在研究样地的自然结实率为20.72%,接近于食源欺骗性传粉兰科植物的平均结实率(20.7%).  相似文献   

陈玲玲  高江云 《植物生态学报》2011,35(11):1202-1208
芳香石豆兰(Bulbophyllum ambrosia)是分布于我国南方石灰岩山热带季节性雨林中的一种常见附生兰科植物, 附着生长于岩石或树干上, 野外监测发现其自然不结实。对芳香石豆兰繁殖生态学的研究表明, 不同于石豆兰属其他具有蝇类传粉综合征的种类, 其花具有香味和花蜜, 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)是芳香石豆兰唯一的有效传粉者, 具有较高的访问频率, 自然种群中有较高的花粉块移出率和柱头花粉块沉降率, 在中华蜜蜂的传粉过程中, 芳香石豆兰铰链结构的唇瓣起着重要作用。人工授粉试验表明, 芳香石豆兰自交授粉不结实, 异交授粉结实率达90%以上, 芳香石豆兰为自交不亲和的繁育系统。芳香石豆兰具有较强的克隆生长能力, 同一个体花期内有大量的花同时开放, 其传粉者中华蜜蜂平均单次访花(4.29 ± 0.40)朵( n= 66), 造成了严重的同株异花传粉。芳香石豆兰附生于石灰岩山顶岩石或树干上, 种群密度较低, 使得不同个体之间花粉交流困难, 自交不亲和的特性导致了芳香石豆兰自然不结实。本研究结果为开展芳香石豆兰的有效保护提供了依据。  相似文献   

春兰(兰科)传粉生物学的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨兰属Cymbidium建兰亚属subgen.Jensoa植物与传粉者之间的关系,对湖南省西南部野生春兰Cymbidiumgoeringii的传粉生物学进行了研究.结果表明春兰花期近40天,多数花(60%左右)在30天内开放.春兰的花开放与气温有直接的关系,当温度明显升高时,春兰的花会大量开放;春兰的花唇瓣3裂,中裂片强烈外弯成90°至180°不等,且少数花的中裂片上有紫褐色斑点;花能够散发出浓郁的香气,距离花1m左右就可以闻到香气.春兰唯一的传粉者为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana,主要在晴天1000-1700气温较高的时间段活动.中华蜜蜂访花时,直接落在唇盘上,后腿蹬在唇瓣中裂片上.头部直接进入花内.当中华蜜蜂头部接近合蕊柱基部时便不能继续进入,开始挣扎退出.退出过程中有时中胸会随着挣扎而拱起,接触到合蕊柱上部,蹭到粘盘(viscidium).当中华蜜蜂中胸背部蹭到粘盘后,花粉块连同药帽就粘到蜜蜂的背部被一起带出.中华蜜蜂访花后,如果没有带出花粉块,则继续访花或者飞离居群;访花后若带出花粉块,则会立即飞离该居群.黑颚条蜂Anthophora melanognatha只是春兰的访问者.春兰不会为传粉者提供花蜜、花粉等报酬,也没有模仿同期开花植物花的形态特征,因而可能是通过其强烈的香味来吸引传粉者.自然条件下,春兰的结实率仅为6.67%.人工异花授粉、自花授粉、同克隆内授粉的结实率分别为100%、90%和100%,表明春兰是高度自交亲和的.而套袋后不采取措施、去雄的花均不结实,表明春兰不存在自动的自花授粉、无融合生殖,因而,春兰必须通过一定的媒介传粉才能繁衍后代.  相似文献   

传粉是植物繁殖和进化的一个关键环节,为探讨中国产多花兰(Cymbidiumfloribundum)的传粉生物学特性,对其开花物候、繁育系统、花的挥发性成分、传粉昆虫行为学实验进行了研究。结果表明,多花兰不存在自动自交和无融合生殖,种子的形成有赖于传粉媒介。其自然结实率远低于人工授粉,存在严重的传粉限制。中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)为多花兰的有效传粉昆虫,但未能从中获得报酬,在传粉过程中将花粉块连药帽一起带出。通过昆虫的行为学实验发现,多花兰气味对中华蜜蜂具有显著性吸引作用,而颜色对中华蜜蜂无显著性吸引作用。花朵的主要挥发性成分为醛类与醇类物质,一天之中在种类和量上几乎没有变化,只有芳樟醇含量的变化与传粉昆虫活动频率相关。本研究可为兰多花兰的野生保护和杂交育种提供一定依据。  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera folisa)的繁育系统与传粉生物学特征,对其开花物候、花粉活力与柱头可授性、人工授粉、花的挥发性成分以及昆虫传粉行为进行了研究。结果表明,多叶斑叶兰的唇瓣黄色,萼片白色或白色带红褐色;单花花期为(9.4±0.8)d;花粉在开花后第1天具备活力,柱头在开花后第2天具备可授性,花粉活力和柱头可授性都在开花后第5天达到峰值。去雄套袋和不去雄套袋都不能结实,人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的结实率分别为93.3%、95.0%和96.7%,自然结实率为43.3%。花朵的主要挥发性成分为1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺。多叶斑叶兰传粉者为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)。多叶斑叶兰具有自交亲和能力,但在自然界不具有主动自交现象,必须依赖中华蜜蜂传粉,花色及花香气味为吸引传粉者的主要因素。  相似文献   

蚂蚁在高山鸟巢兰中的传粉作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蚂蚁和被子植物之间存在广泛、普遍和多样的关系,但蚂蚁为被子植物传粉的现象却比较少见.在中国四川省黄龙寺自然保护区黄龙沟内发现了一个蚂蚁传粉现象.蚂蚁(包括细胸蚁Leptothoras sp.和立毛蚁Paratrechina sp.)是黄龙沟内高山鸟巢兰Neottia listeroides最主要的传粉者.其单花访问次数、携粉次数以及授粉次数在所有的访问昆虫中是最高的.黄龙沟内高山鸟巢兰居群水平的花期可持续40天,大量开花期(~60%)在7月中下旬.该植物具暴露的花蜜,花蜜位于唇瓣中央不明显的蜜槽内,但花蜜量很小.蚂蚁沿唇瓣蜜槽取食花蜜,到达唇瓣基部后,一般情况下蚂蚁头部不能接触到蕊喙先端,只有当蚂蚁头部向上抬起,才能触碰到蕊喙,花粉团通过蕊喙先端释放的黏滴粘在蚂蚁头部最顶端.蕊喙先端被触碰后,立即向下运动盖住柱头,17-24 h后重新抬起至药帽位置.蕊喙的这种运动可以避免蚂蚁重复访问引起自花授粉.繁育系统实验表明,高山鸟巢兰是自交亲和的,但必须依靠昆虫进行传粉.自然条件下,高山鸟巢兰的自然结实率为19.77%.由细胸蚁和立毛蚁作为主要传粉者形成的高山鸟巢兰传粉系统传粉效率不高,可能是由于高山鸟巢兰与细胸蚁和立毛蚁之间形态上的不完全适应造成的.虽然2007年两种蚂蚁是高山鸟巢兰最有效的传粉者,但与这两种蚂蚁之间的相互关系也可能只是在特定时间,在黄龙这样一个独特生态环境中形成发展的,在其他时间、其他地区高山鸟巢兰是否同样主要由蚂蚁传粉还需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

独花兰(Changnienia amoena Chien)为我国特有的单种属植物,近年因生境破碎化和过度采挖,其野生资源日渐减少.迄今对独花兰极为有限的研究表明,其结实率很低或根本不结实,其传粉媒介也一直未被发现.2002年3~4月,我们对神农架2个移植居群和5个天然居群进行了传粉生物学的定点观察,发现雌性三条熊蜂(Bombus(Diversobombus)trifasciatus Smith)、仿熊蜂(Bombus(Tricornibombus)imitator Pittion)和蜜蜂均访问独花兰,但只有三条熊蜂身体粘有花粉块,是独花兰的有效传粉者.三条熊蜂的访问频率很低,在113 h的观察中只有9次访问,但在一个天然居群(population 3)中曾观察到一天4次的最高访问频率;访问主要在12:00~15:00出现,但在花上停留时间很短,不超过10 s.在未被授粉的情况下,独花兰花朵大约3周后自然枯萎,但受粉后3、4 d内即出现一系列形态和颜色的变化,包括花梗逐渐伸长,子房在花梗逐渐停止伸长后开始膨大等,表明花梗伸长可作为结实(授粉成功)的指标.人工授粉实验表明,自花、异花受粉后花梗均伸长,而套袋隔离花的则花梗不伸长,说明独花?兰是自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉.根据传粉者的访问频率、居群中果实的分布,尤其是花距内无花蜜等特征,我们认为独花兰是种欺骗性传粉的兰花.相对于其他欺骗性传粉的兰花,独花兰的自然结实率并不很低(26.98%),这与居群规模小会提高欺骗性传粉兰花结实率这一观点吻合.花粉块的输出数远高于结实数,这说明独花兰存在一定的花粉浪费.  相似文献   

濒危植物独花兰的传粉生物学初步观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
独花兰(Changnienia amoena Chien)为我国特有的单种属植物,近年因生境破碎化和过度采挖,其野生资源日渐减少。迄今对独花兰极为有限的研究表明,其结实率很低或根本不结实,其传粉媒介也一直未被发现。2002年3~4月,我们对神农架2个移植居群和5个天然居群进行了传粉生物学的定点观察,发现雌性三条熊蜂(Bombus (Diversobombus)trifasciatus Smith)、仿熊蜂(Bombus (Tricornibombus) imitator Pittion)和蜜蜂均访问独花兰,但只有二条熊蜂身体粘有花粉块,是独花兰的有效传粉者。三条熊蜂的访问频率很低,在113h的观察中只有9次访问,但在一个天然居群(population 3)中曾观察到一天4次的最高访问频率;访问主要在12:00~15:00出现,但在花上停留时间很短,不超过10s。在末被授粉的情况下,独花兰花朵大约3周后自然枯萎,但受粉后3、4d内即出现~系列形态和颜色的变化,包括花梗逐渐伸长,子房在花梗逐渐停止伸长后开始膨大等,表明花梗伸长可作为结实(授粉成功)的指标。人工授粉实验表明,自花、异花受粉后花梗均伸长,而套袋隔离花的则花梗不伸长,说明独花兰是自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉。根据传粉者的访问频率、居群中果实的分布,尤其是花距内无花蜜等特征,我们认为独花兰是一种欺骗性传粉的兰花。相对于其他欺骗性传粉的兰花,独花兰的自然结实率并不很低(26.98%),这与居群规模小会提高欺骗性传粉兰花结实率这一观点吻合。花粉块的输出数远高于结实数,这说明独花兰存在一定的花粉浪费。  相似文献   

正封面图片由内江师范学院四川省高等学校特色农业资源研究与利用重点实验室陈发军老师2015年1月摄于四川省内江城区,展示了中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)对开花园林植物的采集行为.蜜蜂是极为重要的传粉昆虫,其数量的多少关系到自然生态系统的稳定和作物生产.目前,蜜蜂等传粉昆虫数量的下降趋势引起了世界各国的广泛关注.中华蜜蜂为我国土著蜂种,分布广泛,拜访的植物种类繁多.由于栖息地破坏、蜜粉源植物减少和西方蜜蜂引入等原因,中华蜜蜂种群受到  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物的三个新记录种,裂唇卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum picturatum),长柄虾脊兰(Calan-the allizettei)和绿花毛兰(Eria lanigera)。裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物,唇瓣基部两侧具耳。长柄虾脊兰的中裂片非常小并具三条褶片。黄花毛兰的花黄绿色,唇瓣不裂。  相似文献   

Calanthe striata has nectarless flowers that are self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. Field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans, although the bees occasionally wasted pollen by delivering to the stigmatic surface pollinaria that retained their anther caps. Fruit set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally, but were generally low (8.3–17.3%). Calanthe striata blooms in spring when post‐overwintering carpenter bees have not yet started foraging for brood production. It can therefore exploit an abundance of opportunistic/naïve foragers. This timing may also increase the possibility of pollinator visits, because no rewarding co‐flowering plants are available in the orchid habitats. A literature review of Orchidaceae pollinated by carpenter bees revealed that at least 14 species of Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae have evolved flowers specialized for carpenter bee pollination. They typically have shallow pink/magenta flowers with a foothold for pollinators; pollinaria are attached to the head, ventral thorax or base of the middle legs of carpenter bees when they insert their heads and/or proboscises into flowers; pollination success is generally low, a probable consequence of the deceptive pollination systems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 730–743.  相似文献   

塔落岩黄芪主要传粉蜂的传粉效率研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔落岩黄芪 (Hedysarum laeve)是毛乌素沙地重要豆科植物, 在我国西部生态系统恢复与重建中起着重要作用, 但其自交率非常低, 必须依靠传粉昆虫授粉才能结实。野生传粉蜂是其主要传粉者。为了明确塔落岩黄芪的主要传粉蜂组成及优势传粉蜂的传粉效率, 2004–2006年, 我们设置了4个2 m×2 m样方观测访花昆虫的组成并对主要传粉蜂的访花频率、花粉移出率和柱头花粉沉降数目及单花停留时间进行了观测。结果表明白脸条蜂(Anthophora albifronella)、海切叶蜂(Megachile maritima)和散熊蜂(Bombus sporsdicus)是塔落岩黄芪的主要传粉蜂, 其中白脸条蜂在数量和访花频率上占有明显优势, 但其花粉移出率比海切叶蜂和散熊蜂的低, 3种蜂的柱头花粉沉降数目没有显著区别。通过对这3种蜂的花粉移出率、柱头花粉沉降数目和访花频率综合分析后, 我们认为白脸条蜂是塔落岩黄芪最有效的传粉蜂。  相似文献   

The effects of floral morphology on rates of pollen removal and deposition by different pollinators in generalist plant species are not well known. We studied pollination dynamics in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, a plant visited by four groups of pollinators: honey bees, small native bees, butterflies, and syrphyd flies. The effects of anther position and other factors on pollen removal during single visits by all four pollinator taxa were measured. Flowers with high anther exsertion (i.e., anthers placed higher above the opening of the corolla tube) tended to have the highest numbers of pollen grains removed, but this effect was strongest for honey bees and butterflies. For all pollinator taxa, pollen removal increased with the number of pollen grains available on a flower and whowed a positive, decelerating relationship with the duration of the visit. The effects of stigma position and other factors on pollen deposition during single visits by honey bees and butterflies were also studied. The nectar-feeding butterflies had a higher pollination efficiency (percentage of pollen grains removed from anthers that were subsequently deposited on a stigma) than the nectar- and pollen-feeding honey bees. Flowers with intermediate stigma exsertion had the highest numbers of pollen grains deposited on their stigmas by butterflies, but stigma exsertion had no effect on deposition by honey bees. For both butterflies and honey bees, pollen deposition on the recipient flower increased with the amount of pollen removed from the donor flower, and there was a positive, decelerating relationship between deposition and time spent at the flower; these results are analogous to those for pollen removal. The effects of anther and stigma exsertion on pollen removal and denosition did not fit predictions based on patterns of floral correlations, but results for morphology, pollen availability, time spent per visit, and pollinator efficiency are in broad agreement with previous studies, suggesting the possible emergence of some general rules of pollen transfer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollination by insects that spend long periods visiting many flowers on a plant may impose a higher risk of facilitated self-pollination. Orchids and asclepiads are particularly at risk as their pollen is packaged as pollinia and so can be deposited on self-stigmas en masse. Many orchids and asclepiads have adaptations to limit self-deposition of pollinia, including gradual reconfiguration of pollinaria following removal. Here an unusual mechanism--anther cap retention--that appears to prevent self-pollination in the South African orchid Eulophia foliosa is examined. METHODS: Visits to inflorescences in the field were observed and pollinators collected. Visitation rates to transplanted inflorescences were compared between a site where putative pollinators were abundant and a site where they were rare. Anther cap retention times were determined for removed pollinaria and atmospheric vapour pressure deficit was recorded concurrently. Anther cap anatomy was examined using light microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Eulophia foliosa is pollinated almost exclusively by Cardiophorus obliquemaculatus (Elateridae) beetles, which remain on the deceptive inflorescences for on average 301 s (n = 18). The anther cap that covers the pollinarium is retained for an average of 512 s (n = 24) after pollinarium removal by beetles. In all populations measured, anther cap dimensions are greater than those of the stigmatic cavity, thus precluding the deposition of self-pollinia until after the anther cap has dropped. An anatomical investigation of this mechanism suggests that differential water loss from regions of the anther cap results in opening of the anther cap flaps. This is supported by observations that as atmospheric vapour pressure deficits increased, the duration of anther cap retention was reduced. CONCLUSIONS: Flowers of E. foliosa are specialized for pollination by elaterid beetles. Retention of anther caps for a period exceeding average visit times by beetles to inflorescences appears to prevent facilitated self-pollination in E. foliosa effectively.  相似文献   

The genus Cymbidium comprises three subgenera with ca. 50 species. Interactions between pollinators and plants have been studied in the two subgenera Cymbidium and Cyperorchis, but only a few studies in the subgenus Jensoa have been reported. Here we report on the reproductive characteristics of C. goeringii (in sub-genus Jensoa) in three populations in the southwest of Hunan Province, China, during the winter from December 2005 to March 2006. Floral phenological and morphological features, behavior of visitors, the breeding system, and fruit sets under natural conditions were studied. The flowers of C. goeringii were strongly fragrant, but did not present any rewards to the visitors. The flowering period of C. goeringii in the studied populations lasted about 40 days, and most flowers (about 60%) opened within 30 days. Flowers opened immediately when temperature increased obviously and reached to about 16 ℃. The flowering time of the pollinated flowers, unpollinated flow-ers and the flowers with pollinarium removed were similar. Two bees of Apidae, Apis cerana cerana (honeybee) and Anthophora melanognatha, were observed visiting flowers of C. goeringii, but only the honeybees performed as pollinators. The honeybees mostly visited the orchid flowers at 10:00–17:00 on sunny days with temperature above 10 ℃. A total of only thirteen visits were observed during 20 days of observation, indicating pollinators were rare. Honeybees directly landed on the upper surface of the labellum and inserted their heads into the flowers between column and labellum, while the hind legs trod on the surface of the curved downward mid-lobe of label-lum. When a honeybee landed on the labellum of a flower, the labellum moved up and down slightly. After the honeybee entered the flower further, its head might touch the foot of the column. At this time, the body of the honeybee was parallel with the upper surface of the labellum. Then the honeybee used its front legs to scratch on the callus ridges on the upper surface of the labellum, and its hind legs hooked the edges of the side lobe of label-lum, trying to exit forcibly from the flower. During exiting process, sometimes the honeybee’s body was arched owing to tension. In this case, the surface of the scutellum came into close contact with the viscidium and then pollinaria, together with the anther cap, were removed. When this honeybee visited next flower, the pollinaria would be adhered to the stigma when it arched its body during the exiting process. Three plant species flowered synchronously with C. goeringii in the studied areas, but their flowers were different with C. goeringii in color or shape. Because C. goeringii is rewardless to pollinators, the flowers probably attract visitors by olfactory stimu-lus. Breeding system experiments showed no spontaneous autogamy and pollination success relying on pollinators in C. goeringii. Artificial pollination resulted in 90% fruit set by induced autogamy, 100% by pollinating within clone, and 100% by xenogamous pollination, respectively. These results indicate that C. goeringii is highly self-compatible and the fruit production is pollen limited. Because pollinators are essential for fruit set of C. goeringii in natural habitats, protection of wild honeybee populations or apiculture is likely a simple but effective strategy to maintain the orchid populations.  相似文献   

Floral orientation may affect pollinator attraction and pollination effectiveness, and its influences may differ among pollinator species. We, therefore, hypothesized that, for plant species with a generalized pollination system, changes in floral orientation would affect the composition of pollinators and their relative contribution to pollination. Geranium refractum, an alpine plant with downward floral orientation was used in this study. We created upward-facing flowers by altering the flower angle. We compared the pollinator diversity, pollination effectiveness, and pollinator importance, as well as female reproductive success between flowers with downward- and upward-facing orientation. Results indicated that the upward-facing flowers were visited by a wider spectrum of pollinators (classified into functional groups), with higher pollinator diversity than natural flowers. Moreover, due to influences on visitation number and pollen removal, the pollinator importance exhibited by the main pollinator groups differed between flower types. Compared with natural flowers, the pollination contribution of principal pollinators (i.e., bumblebees) decreased in upward-facing flowers and other infrequent pollinators, such as solitary bees and muscoid flies, removed more pollen. Consequently, stigmatic pollen loads were lower in upward- than in downward-facing flowers. These findings reveal that floral orientation may affect the level of generalization of a pollination system and the relative importance of diverse pollinators. In this species, the natural downward-facing floral orientation may increase pollen transfer by effective pollinators and reduce interference by inferior pollinators.  相似文献   

The genus Phaius is distributed mainly in pantropical areas, and most species reported are autogamous. In contrast, Phaius delavayi, an alpine plant endemic to temperate zones of China, is strictly pollinator dependent. Only female workers and males of the bumblebee species B. hypnorum and B. lepidus are effective pollinators. The pollinaria are deposited on top of the head or the prothorax of the pollinators. The different depositions of pollinaria are regarded as an adaptation of the chamber dimensions of the flower to the size of the pollinator. The natural fruit set reported here (24.6–37.1%) suggests that pollination is successful in the deceptive P. delavayi. The yellow perianth and sweet floral scent of P. delavayi are important cues in attracting pollinators, while flowering time and mass population are associated with the process of “learning and avoidance” of the rewardless flowers. This orchid, therefore, employs a deceptive pollination strategy with diverse pollinators and pollinaria depositions rather than autogamy as do its congeners.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative contributions of wild and managed pollinators, and the functional contributions made by a diverse pollinator community, is essential to the maintenance of yields in the 75% of our crops that benefit from insect pollination. We describe a field study and pollinator exclusion experiments conducted on two soft-fruit crops in a system with both wild and managed pollinators. We test whether fruit quality and quantity is limited by pollination, and whether different pollinating insects respond differently to varying weather conditions. Both strawberries and raspberries produced fewer marketable fruits when insects were excluded, demonstrating dependence on insect pollinators. Raspberries had a short flowering season which coincided with peak abundance of bees, and attracted many bees per flower. In contrast, strawberries had a much longer flowering season and appeared to be much less attractive to pollinators, so that ensuring adequate pollination is likely to be more challenging. The proportion of high-quality strawberries was positively related to pollinator abundance, suggesting that yield was limited by inadequate pollination on some farms. The relative abundance of different pollinator taxa visiting strawberries changed markedly through the season, demonstrating seasonal complementarity. Insect visitors responded differently to changing weather conditions suggesting that diversity can reduce the risk of pollination service shortfalls. For example, flies visited the crop flowers in poor weather and at the end of the flowering season when other pollinators were scarce, and so may provide a unique functional contribution. Understanding how differences between pollinator groups can enhance pollination services to crops strengthens the case for multiple species management. We provide evidence for the link between increased diversity and function in real crop systems, highlighting the risks of replacing all pollinators with managed alternatives.  相似文献   

Pollination biology of the deceptive orchid Changnienia amoena   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pollination biology of Changnienia amoena , an endangered terrestrial orchid, was investigated at two sites in the Shennongjia Mountains, Hubei, central China. The results show that the orchid is exclusively pollinated by bumblebees. In Longmenhe, Bombus ( Diversobombus ) trifasciatus is the primary effective pollinator, whereas B.  ( Tricornibombus ) imitator is the only pollinator in Guanmenshan. These two bumblebees can be treated as a functional group because they carry pollinaria on the same position on their bodies and have similar pollinating behaviours. The morphological traits of the flower adapt precisely to the pollinators. Visitation by bumblebees is mainly in the first half of the flowering period of C. amoena . Pollinarium removal and pollinia deposition take place when bumblebees withdraw from the flower. Crossing experiments show that C. amoena is a self-compatible and outcrossing species. Fruit set in this species is low and may result from limited pollinators because 87.5% of individuals set fruits under hand-pollination, but only 6–12% of individuals set fruits under natural conditions. These results imply that it is important to conserve the pollinator community together with the plants when conservation management for this endangered species is undertaken. Artificial pollination would also be a useful measure to facilitate restoration of the small populations.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 165–175.  相似文献   

Animal-mediated pollination is essential for the production and quality of fruits and seeds of many crops consumed by humans. However, crop pollination services might be compromised when wild pollinators are scarce. Managed pollinators are commonly used in crops to supplement such services with the assumption that they will enhance crop yield. However, information on the spatiotemporal pollinator-dependence of crops is still limited. We assessed the contribution of commercial bumble bee colonies compared to the available pollinator community on strawberry (‘Fortuna’ variety) flower visitation and strawberry quality across a landscape gradient of agricultural intensification (i.e. polytunnel berry crop cover). We used colonies of bumble bees in winter and in spring, i.e. when few and most wild pollinators are in their flight period, respectively. The placement of colonies increased visits of bumble bees to strawberry flowers, especially in winter. The use of bumble bee colonies did not affect flower visitation by other insects, mainly honey bees, hoverflies and other Diptera. Flower visitation by both honey bees and wild insects did not vary between seasons and was unrelated to the landscape gradient of berry crop cover. Strawberries were of the highest quality (i.e. weight) when insect-mediated pollination was allowed, and their quality was positively related to wild flower visitors in winter but not in spring. However, increased visits to strawberry flowers by managed bumble bees and honey bees had no effect on strawberry weight. Our results suggest that the pollination services producing high quality strawberry fruits are provided by the flower visitor community present in the study region without the need to use managed bumble bees.  相似文献   

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