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The two closely related ash species Fraxinus excelsior L. (common ash) and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (narrow-leaved ash) have a broad contact zone in France where they hybridize. However, little is known about the local structure of hybrid zone populations and the isolation mechanisms. We assessed the potential effect of floral phenology on the structure of a riparian ash hybrid zone population in central France. The distribution of flowering times was unimodal and lay between the flowering periods of the two species. Using microsatellite markers, we detected isolation by time, which has possibly originated from assortative mating. Multivariate analyses indicated that morphological variation is not distributed at random with respect to flowering times. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that temporal and spatial patterns were tightly linked. Interestingly, despite the fact that the population shows isolation by time, neighbourhood size and historical dispersal variance (sigma = 63 m) are similar to those detected in pure stands of F. excelsior where individuals flower rather synchronously and hermaphrodites are not the most frequent sexual type. Trees flowering at intermediate dates, which comprised the majority of the population, produced on average more flowers and fruits. We detected no significant differences in floral parasite infections relative to reproductive timing, although there was a tendency for late flowering trees to suffer from more gall attack. We discuss the impact of temporal variation in fitness traits and their possible role in the maintenance of the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

In order to be able to forecast the beginning of the ash pollen season, several meteorological factors have been considered. During these research activities it appeared that the ash pollen release is closely linked to frost periods happening during the months of February and March. For 24 years over a period of 29 consecutive years, a daily concentration of 30 ash pollen grains/m3/day has been reached when the cumulated mean daily temperatures starting on the last day when the absolute minimum temperature is lower or equal to −2 °C amounts on average to 214 °C – admitting a variation of plus or minus 42 °C. As for the five remaining years, rain is three times responsible for the delay of the pollen release. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the growth-inhibiting substances presentin the embryo and endosperm of F. excelsior are not removedduring pretreatment or during the actual germination process.On the other hand, evidence is presented that the inhibitormay be physiologically effective in preventing germination.A biological assay technique using embryos of the same speciesfrom which the growth substances were extracted was used todemonstrate the production of a germination and growth-promotingsubstance during the process of low temperature after-ripeningand its apparent counteraction of the effect of the endogenousinhibitor.  相似文献   

Bacles CF  Ennos RA 《Heredity》2008,101(4):368-380
Paternity analysis based on microsatellite marker genotyping was used to infer contemporary genetic connectivity by pollen of three population remnants of the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree Fraxinus excelsior, in a deforested Scottish landscape. By deterministically accounting for genotyping error and comparing a range of assignment methods, individual-based paternity assignments were used to derive population-level estimates of gene flow. Pollen immigration into a 300 ha landscape represents between 43 and 68% of effective pollination, mostly depending on assignment method. Individual male reproductive success is unequal, with 31 of 48 trees fertilizing one seed or more, but only three trees fertilizing more than ten seeds. Spatial analysis suggests a fat-tailed pollen dispersal curve with 85% of detected pollination occurring within 100 m, and 15% spreading between 300 and 1900 m from the source. Identification of immigrating pollen sourced from two neighbouring remnants indicates further effective dispersal at 2900 m. Pollen exchange among remnants is driven by population size rather than geographic distance, with larger remnants acting predominantly as pollen donors, and smaller remnants as pollen recipients. Enhanced wind dispersal of pollen in a barren landscape ensures that the seed produced within the catchment includes genetic material from a wide geographic area. However, gene flow estimates based on analysis of non-dispersed seeds were shown to underestimate realized gene immigration into the remnants by a factor of two suggesting that predictive landscape conservation requires integrated estimates of post-recruitment gene flow occurring via both pollen and seed.  相似文献   

Changes in the malate and mannitol composition of ash leaf (Fraxinus excelsior L.) xylem sap were studied in response to water deficit. Xylem sap was collected by the pressure method from the petiole of leaves sampled on irrigated and non-irrigated ash seedlings. As the leaf water potential decreased from -0.3 to -3.0 MPa, there was a significant increase in malate and mannitol xylem concentrations, and a concomitant decrease in maximal stomatal conductance. The functional significance of the increased malate and mannitol concentrations was investigated by using a transpiratory bioassay with mature detached leaves which exhibited, for stomatal conductance, the typical pattern showed by expanded leaves during dark/light transitions. Supplying detached leaves with mannitol in a range of concentrations found in the xylem sap had no effect on stomatal movements, but malate, for concentrations between 0.5 and 3 mM, was effective in preventing stomatal opening. The ability of malate to inhibit stomatal opening appeared to be rather non-specific. Two structural malate analogues, citrate and aspartate or an unrelated anion, shikimate, also inhibited this process. Given the drought-induced increase in xylem malate concentrations, and the fact that the range of malate levels required to close stomata was very similar to that of the concentrations found in the xylem sap, it has been hypothesized that malate is involved in the stomatal closure of ash leaves under drying conditions.Key words: Fraxinus excelsior: L., malate, mannitol, xylem sap, stomata, water deficit.   相似文献   

Micropropagation of a mature ash tree has been achieved forthe first time. The main obstacle encountered was contaminationof the initial explants with microorganisms. However, once apparentlysterile shoots had been obtained, shoot proliferation was achievedmost effectively by culturing nodes on Driver and Kuniyuki walnutmedium containing 22.2 µM benzyladenine. After severalsubcultures, a species of Bacillus appeared with the matureculture line, but it did not affect shoot or root developmentadversely. With successive subculturing, shoots of the matureash clone became progressively easier to root. Pinnately compoundleaf explants from micropropagated shoots of two seedlings andthe mature tree, placed on to Murashige and Skoog-based culturemedia supplemented with 4.4µM-phenyl-N-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-ylurea,produced shoot buds. Most buds developed from the rachis atthe points of attachment of the leaflets. When transferred toDriver and Kuniyuki walnut medium, buds from one of the seedlinglines and from the mature tree, elongated into shoots, and weresubsequently transferred to media for micropropagation and rooting.Shoot initiation is discussed in relation to possible occurrenceof vestigial meristems in the axils of leaflets and the partialshoot theory of leaf structure. Key words: Forestry, leaf structure, partial shoot theory, thidiazuron, tree  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat (SSR or microsatellites) analyses were performed to detect chloroplast DNA polymorphisms between two ash species, Fraxinus excelsior and F. angustifolia. Only one SSR locus was found to be polymorphic, confirming the very close relatedness of these species. Inheritance of this marker was studied in hybrids obtained from controlled crosses between the two tree species. Results indicated, for the first time in Oleaceae, that chloroplasts are maternally inherited. This chloroplast SSR marker is now used concomitantly with nuclear markers to analyse ash populations in sympatric areas.  相似文献   

We examined large‐scale patterns of morphology, genetic structure and ecological correlates of Fraxinus excelsior and the closely related species Fraxinus angustifolia in France, in order to determine the degree of hybridization between them. We sampled 24 populations in two putative hybrid zones (Loire and Saône), and five control populations of each species. We measured foliar characteristics of adult trees and used five nuclear microsatellites as molecular markers. Canonical discriminant analysis indicated that the two species differ in morphology, but that intermediate types are common in the Loire region but less frequent in the Saône region. Bayesian population assignment identified one F. angustifolia and two F. excelsior gene pools. Most Loire individuals clustered genetically with the F. angustifolia gene pool. In contrast, the Saône region presented individuals belonging mostly to F. excelsior pools, although the F. angustifolia type was frequent in certain populations. The lowest FST values were found between the Loire and F. angustifolia controls that also exhibited no significant isolation by distance. The proportion of the F. angustifolia gene pool in each locality was negatively correlated with winter temperatures, suggesting that a cold climate may be limiting. Hybridization is probably favoured by the intermediate climatic conditions in the Loire region that allow both species to occur, but is somewhat hampered by the harsher winters in the Saône area where morphological introgression has apparently not yet occurred.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at microsatellite markers was used to quantify genetic structure and mating behavior in a severely fragmented population of the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed temperate tree Fraxinus excelsior in a deforested catchment in Scotland. Remnants maintain high levels of genetic diversity, comparable with those reported for continuous populations in southeastern Europe, and show low interpopulation differentiation (E = 0.080), indicating that historical gene exchange has not been limited (Nm = 3.48). We estimated from seeds collected from all trees producing fruits in three of five remnants that F. excelsior is predominantly outcrossing (t(m) = 0.971 +/- 0.028). Use of a neighborhood model approach to describe the relative contribution of local and long-distance pollen dispersal indicates that pollen gene flow into each of the three remnants is extensive (46-95%) and pollen dispersal has two components. The first is very localized and restricted to tens of meters around the mother trees. The second is a long-distance component with dispersal occurring over several kilometers. Effective dispersal distances, accounting for the distance and directionality to mother trees of sampled pollen donors, average 328 m and are greater than values reported for a continuous population. These results suggest that the opening of the landscape facilitates airborne pollen movement and may alleviate the expected detrimental genetic effects of fragmentation.  相似文献   

We used chloroplast polymerase chain reaction-restriction-fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and chloroplast microsatellites to assess the structure of genetic variation and postglacial history across the entire natural range of the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), a broad-leaved wind-pollinated and wind-dispersed European forest tree. A low level of polymorphism was observed, with only 12 haplotypes at four polymorphic microsatellites in 201 populations, and two PCR-RFLP haplotypes in a subset of 62 populations. The clear geographical pattern displayed by the five most common haplotypes was in agreement with glacial refugia for ash being located in Iberia, Italy, the eastern Alps and the Balkan Peninsula, as had been suggested from fossil pollen data. A low chloroplast DNA mutation rate, a low effective population size in glacial refugia related to ash's life history traits, as well as features of postglacial expansion were put forward to explain the low level of polymorphism. Differentiation among populations was high (GST= 0.89), reflecting poor mixing among recolonizing lineages. Therefore, the responsible factor for the highly homogeneous genetic pattern previously identified at nuclear microsatellites throughout western and central Europe (Heuertz et al. 2004) must have been efficient postglacial pollen flow. Further comparison of variation patterns at both marker systems revealed that nuclear microsatellites identified complex differentiation patterns in south-eastern Europe which remained undetected with chloroplast microsatellites. The results suggest that data from different markers should be combined in order to capture the most important genetic patterns in a species.  相似文献   

The sectioned thin cell layers (TCL) of flower stalk of Cichorium intybus L. were cultured in MS medium supplemented with NAA and BA or IAA and BA where floral and vegetative buds were developed from the explant. Endogenous IAA, DHZ+DHZR, iPA increased significantly during the floral bud formation, while Z+ZR remained changed. The levels of cytokinins, DHZ +DHZR, iPA, and Z-f-ZR all increased significantly during the vegetative bud formation, however IAA level was reduced during the first 7 days of culture and increased to two-thirds of initial values on the day when the bud primordia were formed. The results suggested that the initiation of floral buds was associated with a high IAA/CTK ratio, whereas the induction of vegetative bud differentiation was related to a low IAA/CTK ratio.  相似文献   

Summary Four clones of Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima (Vahl) Fern. were planted in replicated trials at two sites in Manitoba (Morden and Winnipeg) to investigate shoot growth and leaf neoformation in relation to genotype, environment and pruning treatment over a 3 year period. Significant differences were found among clones, years and sites for shoot length and numbers of neoformed leaves. Neoformation was highest shortly after transplanting and then declined. An increase in neoformation was evident following cold related winter injury or loss of terminal buds by late spring frosts. Pruning and terminal bud removal treatments both increased neoformed leaf production relative to control trees. The trees were able to quickly re-establish photosynthetic surface area after injury or treatment and neoformed leaf production was an important component in this recovery strategy. The capacity for neoformation also varied in relation to genotype but appeared to be very plastic, being affected by a wide variety of factors. In addition, the rate or pattern of change in amounts of neoformed leaves over time and locations was variable. Numbers of neoformed leaves increased with shoot length but variation in the relationship suggested that there were differences in internode length as well. Neoformed leaves were highest in the upper part of the crown indicating that there was differential allocation of resources within the crown.  相似文献   

Summary Shoot preformation was investigated in buds of four clones of Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima (Vahl) Fern. at two sites in Manitoba in the second (1988) and third (1989) growing seasons after grafting. More preformed primordia were produced in terminal buds in 1989 compared to 1988 at each site. Both terminal and lateral buds at Morden contained significantly more primordia than those at Winnipeg. The numbers of preformed primordia were significantly different among clones. Clone 3 produced the most and clone 1 the fewest primordia in terminal buds. Despite quantitative variation, the pattern was similar among clones for terminal buds at each site and in each year. A similar pattern was evident for lateral buds at the Winnipeg site in 1989 but at Morden, clones 4 and 1 had the largest number of preformed primordia. Data from 1989 revealed that numbers of primordia were correlated with bud dimensions, parent shoot length, diameter and number of leaves, and location of the bud on the parent. Shoot dry weight was also related to these variables and revealed a non-linear increase in dry weight with shoot length. Multiple regression, with parent shoot length and location of buds along the parent axis as independent variables provided a reliable indicator of preformation in the crown. Although there is a genotypic component to preformation, variation between sites, years and crown locations suggests plasticity in bud development.  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of many plants, such as pea (Pisum sativum),is increased by exposure to low temperature or abscisic acidtreatment, although the physiological basis of this phenomenonis poorly understood. The freezing tolerance of pea shoot tips,root tips, and epicotyl tissue was tested after cold acclimationat 2C, dehydration/rehydration, applications of 10–4M abscisic acid (ABA), and deacclimation at 25C. Tests wereconducted using the cultivar ‘Alaska’, an ABA-deficientmutant ‘wil’, and its ‘wildtype’. Freezinginjury was determined graphically as the temperature that caused50% injury (T50) from electrical conductivity. Endogenous ABAwas measured using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay,and novel proteins were detected using 2-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The maximum decrease in T50 for root tissuewas 1C for all genotypes, regardless of treatment. For ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyl tissue, exogenous ABA increased thefreezing tolerance by –1.5 to –4.0C, while coldtreatment increased the freezing tolerance by –7.5 to–14.8C. Cold treatment increased the freezing toleranceof shoot tips by –9 and –15C for ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’, respectively. Cold acclimationincreased endogenous ABA concentrations in ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyls 3- to 4-fold. Immunogold labeling increasednoticeably in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epicotyl after7 d at 2C and was greatest after 30 d at the time of maximumfreezing tolerance and soluble ABA concentration. Cold treatmentinduced the production of seven, three, and two proteins inshoot, epicotyl, and root tissue of ‘Alaska’, respectively.In ‘Alaska’ shoot tissue, five out of seven novelproteins accumulated in response to both ABA and cold treatment.However, only a 24 kDa protein was produced in ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’ shoot and epicotyl tissues aftercold treatment. Abscisic acid and cold treatment additivelyincreased the freezing tolerance of pea epicotyl and shoot tissuesthrough apparently independent mechanisms that both resultedin the production of a 24 kDa protein. Key words: Pisum sativum, cold acclimation, immuno-localization  相似文献   

The 6.8-kb rDNA intergenic spacer region of F. excelsior was isolated from a CsCl/actinomycin-D gradient and cloned into pUC18 for further characterization. We observed the presence of subrepeats delimited by HaeIII enzyme sites. These subrepeats were sub-cloned and 11 clones were sequenced. These corresponded to subrepeated elements of either 32 bp or 41 bp that shared a 23-bp common sequence in the 5 end. Within each family of subrepeats, the percentage of common nucleotides was 84.4% for the 5 32-bp subrepeats and 67.4% for the 640-bp subrepeats. Non-repeated HaeIII fragments of 450 bp and 650 bp were also sub-cloned. To compare homology at the IGS region between the rDNA spacers of F. excelsior and the three related species (F. oxyphylla, F. americana, F. ornus), we conducted Southern hybridization analyses using each member of the 32-bp and 40-bp subrepeat families and the unique 450-bp and 650-bp fragments as probes. These analyses indicated that (1) the American ash is more genetically distant from the other three species that the latter are from each other and (2) F. oxyphylla and F. excelsior are more closely related to each other than to F. ornus.  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA repeat units of two closely related species of the genus Fraxinus, F. excelsior and F. oxyphylla, were characterized. The physical maps were constructed from DNA digested with BamHI, EcoRI, EcoRV and SacI, and hybridized with three heterologous probes. The presence or the absence of an EcoRV restriction site in the 18s RNA gene characterizes two ribosomal DNA unit types found in both species and which coexist in all individuals. A third unit type appeared unique to all individuals of F. oxyphylla. It carries an EcoRI site in the intergenic spacer. Each type of unit displayed length variations. The rDNA unit length of F. excelsior and F. oxyphylla was determined with EcoRV restriction. It varied between 11kb and 14.5kb in F. excelsior and between 11.8kb to 13.8kb in F. oxyphylla. Using SacI restriction, at least ten spacer length variants were observed in F. excelsior, for which a detailed analysis was conducted. Each individual carries 2–4 length variants which vary by a 0.3-kb step multiple. This length variation was assigned to the intergenic spacer. By using the entire rDNA unit of flax as probe in combination with EcoRI restriction, each species can be unambiguously discriminated. The species-specific banding pattern was used to compare trees from a zone of sympatry between the two species. In some cases, a conflicting classification was obtained from morphological analysis and the use of the species-specific rDNA polymorphism. Implications for the genetic management of both species are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken in S.W. England to study epiphyte differentiation between free-standing oak (Quercus petraea) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) trunks. Epiphyte cover was measured on 23 trees in 87 15×15 cm quadrats positioned on the north, east, south and west faces of each trunk at a height of 1.52 m. Measurements of 20 environmental factors were made at each quadrat position. Analysis of the vegetation data by reciprocal averaging showed that floristic variation is continuous and corresponds only partially to phorophyte identity. Rank correlation coefficients were calculated between the floristic axis obtained by reciprocal averaging, and individual environmental factors including a variate, obtained by principal components analysis of the environmental data, which expressed the major differences between the oak and ash environments. The most significant correlation was obtained with bark pH. Values of bark pH for oak and ash samples overlapped considerably although the mean for ash (5.1) is higher than for oak (4.7). It is concluded that the epiphytic flora is responding to variations in bark acidity or some closely related factor and not to other, closely phorophyte dependent nutritional factors. Factors influencing bark acidity in oak and ash are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Winter wheat plants ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Urban), grown in nutrient solution, were exposed to differential shoot/root temperatures (i.e., 4/4, 4/20, 20/4 and 20/20 C) for six weeks. Leaves grown at 4C showed an increase in frost tolerance from - 4C down to - 11 C, irrespective of root temperature. In 4/20 C plants, high root temperature decreased the rate of hardening of the leaves, but did not influence the final level of frost tolerance. In roots grown at 4C frost tolerance increased from - 3 C down to - 4 C, independently of shoot temperature. An accumulation of soluble sugars in the leaves was only observed when both shoot and root were grown at 4C and was not correlated with final frost tolerance achieved. However, the rate of hardening was correlated with the soluble sugar concentration. An increase in root soluble sugar concentration was exclusively observed in roots exposed to a temperature of 4C, irrespective of shoot temperature. Proline concentration only increased in plant parts exposed to a temperature of 4C. The present results indicate that the importance of root temperature in low-temperature hardening of winter wheat is limited, even though exposure to differential root and shoot temperatures brought about pronounced changes in growth, soluble sugar concentration, insoluble sugar concentration and proline concentration in roots and leaves.  相似文献   

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