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蕨类植物叶绿体rps4基因的适应性进化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽君  陈洁  王艇 《植物研究》2010,30(1):42-50
在原核生物和植物叶绿体中,RPS4(ribosomal protein small subunit4)在核糖体30S小亚基形成起始过程中发挥重要作用;该蛋白在植物中由叶绿体rps4基因编码。为验证蕨类植物在白垩纪适应被子植物兴起而发生分化的观点,本文以23种蕨类植物为研究对象,利用分支模型、位点模型和分支位点模型对其叶绿体rps4基因进化适应性进行分析。分支模型检测到4个可能存在正选择的分支;位点模型和分支位点模型虽然没有检测出正选择位点,但是位点模型检测出了85个负选择位点。通过研究我们仅仅得出a、b两个代表水龙骨类的分支处于正选择压力下,这与水龙骨类在白垩纪发生辐射式演化的理论相一致。同时rps4基因处于强烈的负选择压力这一事实表明该基因的功能与结构已经趋于稳定。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨忍冬属的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)为外类群,运用MEGA软件对20种忍冬属植物进行系统发育分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建系统发育树,从分子系统学角度探讨忍冬属下的亲缘关系.结果表明:(1)在NJ和MP系统树中,没有形成系统树的基部分支,忍冬亚属(Subg.Chamaecerasus)和轮花亚属(Subg.Lonicera)没有形成姐妹群关系.(2)在各系统树中,囊管组内的各种没有聚为一支,故认为对囊管组的划分应进一步探讨.(3)忍冬属ITS区(ITS1+ITS2)的信息位点达到11.0%,信息位点比较丰富,证明ITS序列可以为解决忍冬属植物的系统发育问题提供较强的证据.  相似文献   

Veronica (Veroniceae; Scrophulariaceae) and segregated genera, such as Hebe from New Zealand has been debated intensively in the past. We conducted an analysis of sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) to evaluate the validity of segregate genera and the monophyly of Veronica. According to the results presented here, Veronica is paraphyletic, with the Hebe complex, Synthyris, and Paederota nested within the larger Veronica clade. Pseudolysimachion is in a basal polytomy of the expanded Veronica clade in the strict consensus tree and might be nested within Veronica as well. Clades within Veronica do not correspond to sections traditionally recognized. This study provides a first estimation of the phylogeny of Veroniceae using molecular data and can serve as a starting point for future investigations of Veronica and relatives. Received 24 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 19 October 2000  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Ptychostomum was first spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA DNA rps4 sequences. Maximum parsimony, maximum undertaken based on analysis of the internal transcribed and by combining data from nrDNA ITS and chloroplast likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all support the conclusion that the reinstated genus Ptychostomum is not monophyletic. Ptychostomum funkii (Schwagr.) J. R. Spence (≡ Bryum funkii Schwaigr.) is placed within a clade containing the type species of Bryum, B. argenteum Hedw. The remaining members of Ptychostomum investigated in the present study constitute another well-supported clade. The results are congruent with previous molecular analyses. On the basis of phylogenetic evidence, we agree with transferring B. amblyodon Mull. Hal. (≡ B. inclinatum (Brid.) Turton≡ Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp.), Bryum lonchocaulon Mull. Hal., Bryum pallescens Schleich. ex Schwaigr., and Bryum pallens Sw. to Ptychostomum.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨法落海的系统分类学地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究法落海的系统分类地位,检测了法落海以及当归属和独活属共12种代表植物的核糖体DNA ITS序列,并结合GenBank中独活属4种代表植物的ITS序列,以羌活属的羌活(Notopterygium incisum)作为外类群,应用序列特征、遗传距离与系统树分析等方法对法落海的系统分类地位进行了分析。结果表明,依据不同的ITS区序列会得出不同甚至截然相反的结论:若依据ITS1序列,法落海应该归属到当归属;若依据ITS2序列,法落海应该归属到独活属。进一步分析法落海与当归属、独活属植物ITS区序列的碱基组成时发现,法落海在ITS1区拥有当归属植物的序列特征,而其ITS2区拥有独活属植物的序列特征。综上分析,支持法落海是介于当归属与独活属之间的一个分类群的系统分类观点。  相似文献   

Abstract: Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed for 44 Artemisia species (46 populations) representing all the five classical subgenera and the geographical range of the genus, 11 species from 10 genera closely related to Artemisia, and six outgroup species from five other genera of the Anthemideae. The results definitely support the monophyly of the genus Artemisia in its broadest sense (including some taxa segregated as independent genera, like Oligosporus and Seriphidium ). Eight main clades are established in this molecular phylogeny within Artemisia; they agree in part with the classical subdivision of the genus, but they also suggest that some infrageneric groups must be redefined, especially the subgenus Artemisia. The subgenera Tridentatae and Seriphidium are independent from each other. Some of the satellite genera are clearly placed within Artemisia ( Artemisiastrum, Filifolium, Mausolea, Picrothamnus, Sphaeromeria, Turaniphytum ), whereas some others fall outside the large clade formed by this genus (Brachanthemum, Elachanthemum, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria). Our results, correlated to other data such as pollen morphology, allow us to conclude that the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently defined is a very heterogeneous group. Affinities of the largest genus of the subtribe and tribe, Artemisia, and of other genera of the subtribe to some genera from other subtribes of the Anthemideae strongly suggest that subtribe Artemisiinae needs a deep revision and redefinition. Phylogenetic utility of region trnL-F of the plastid DNA in the genus Artemisia and allies was also evaluated: sequences of the trnL-F region in Artemisia do not provide phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

Acer. ITS 1 sequences in twenty-eight species of Acer and a species of Dipteronia in the family Aceraceae ranged from 220 to 242 bp and ITS 2 sequences from 215 to 251 bp. The size of the 5.8S coding region was 164 bp for all species examined in the family. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences placed a very robust clade of section Palmata at the base of the tree. Three species of section Parviflora sensu de Jong (1994), A. spicatum, A. distylum and A. nipponicum, did not form a monophyletic clade. Acer spicatum was separated from the robust clade of A. distylum and A. nipponicum. Molecular tree strongly supports the close relationship among section Platanoidea, Glabra series Arguta, and section Macrantha. The close relationship between sections Pentaphylla and Trifoliata was also strongly suggested in ITS tree. Sections Rubra and Hyptiocarpa appeared to be closely allied with each other. The average rate of nucleotide substitution was estimated as (8.0±1.9)×10−11 substitutions per site per year for ITS 1 and (9.0±1.6) ×10−11 for ITS 2. Received 17 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 10 March 2000  相似文献   

王弯  杨文利  窦平  张钢民 《植物学报》2015,50(3):310-320
碎米蕨属(Cheilosoria Trevis.)隶属碎米蕨类, 由于形态上的趋同进化, 使得该类群的系统分类一直存在争议。该研究对该碎米蕨属植物的4种叶绿体DNA序列片段(rbcL/matK/rps4/rps4-trnS)进行PCR扩增和序列分析, 再结合其它相关类群, 用贝叶斯法和最大似然法构建系统树并探讨其系统发育关系。结果表明, 碎米蕨属不是一个单系类群, 旧世界分布的碎米蕨属植物(薄叶碎米蕨除外)均聚在亚洲Cheilanthes群内, 与粉背蕨属(Aleuritopteris Fée)等类群形成不同亚支。该属孢子形态具有明显异质性。薄叶碎米蕨(Cheilosoria tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Trevis.)与亚洲其它碎米蕨属植物的系统位置相距甚远, 且与隐囊蕨(Notholaena hirsuta (Poir.) Desv.)聚为完全支持的分支, 两者可能均为大洋洲起源, 并属于另一类群。美洲和旧世界分布的碎米蕨属植物关系较远, 二者可能代表了不同的演化路线。  相似文献   

选用叶绿体基因trnL-F,rbc-L序列和核核糖体ITS序列对蓼属头状蓼组的分类和系统发育进行了分析。以药用大黄为外类群,用最大简约法对3个片段的单独和联合矩阵分别构建系统发育树。结果表明,头状蓼组是一个较自然的类群,与春蓼组、刺蓼组和金线草属的亲缘关系较近;支持头状蓼组作为一组放在春蓼属,细茎蓼和蓝药蓼从头状蓼组转移至冰岛蓼属;不支持将刺蓼组并入头状蓼组;对于小叶蓼的系统学位置有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

从甘蓝型油菜 (Brassicanapuscv .H1 65)叶绿体基因组克隆得到了编码核糖体蛋白的基因rps7。经序列分析得知 ,该基因编码区包含 468个核苷酸 ,编码一个分子量为 2 0 1 0 9D、由 1 55个氨基酸组成的蛋白质。该基因的核苷酸和编码的氨基酸序列与烟草对应基因的同源性皆高达 97% ;而与水稻对应基因的同源性分别为 90 %和 84%。该基因不含内含子 ,没有典型的SD序列 ,但在 5’端 - 2 5~- 2 2位发现一个与烟草psbA基因的顺式作用元件RBS2完全相同的TGAT框。与烟草和水稻的同源序列比较 ,该基因在 3’端非编码区变异较大 ,发生了多次插入和缺失。构建了包含该基因在内的一个 1 .0kbDNA的限制性内切酶图谱。所报告的基因序列已登录GenBank。  相似文献   

中国苋属nrDNA的ITS序列分析及其系统学意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用PCR直接测序法,对苋属(Amaranrhus L.)15个种及外类群鸡冠花(Celosia cristata L.)nrDNA的ITS区(包括ITS-1,5.85rDNA和ITS-2)进行序列测定。结果表明苋属植物的ITS序列总长度为629-632bp,长度变异仅发生在ITS-1区(250-253bp)。采用PAUP软件进行系统发育分析表明:分布于中国的苋属植物可分为3组,即刺苋组(secg  相似文献   

The sequences of the ITS region (including ITS-1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 15 species of the genus Amaranthus L. and outgroup Celosia cristata L. were determined. The result shows that the size of the ITS region of Amaranthus is from 629 to 632 bp, and the length variation is only found in ITS-1 (250-253 bp). On the basis of phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences, the Amaranthus species in China may be devided into three sections, viz., sect. Spinosus, sect. Amaranthus and sect. Paucestamen; the cultivated species, viz., Amaranthus paniculatus L., A. cruentus L., A. caudatus L. and A. hypochondriacus L. can be treated as the subsp. of A. hybridus L.; A. taishanensis F.Z.Li and A. tenuifolius Willd are both closely related to species in the sect. Paucestamen. The study also indicated that the number of stamens has more phylogenetic information than other characters, such as the number of sepals and dehiscence/indehiscence of fruits in Amaranthus.  相似文献   

用直接测序法对国产黑果山姜Alpinia nigra(Gaertn.)Burtt以及“水山姜Alpinia aquatica (Koen.)Rose”。的核糖体DNA中的内转录间隔区(ITS)序列进行了测定,结果显示两者序列完全一致;ITS1长度为178bp,ITS2长度为232bp,5.8S编码区长度为164bp,GC含量为56.9%,形态学特征结合DNA分子证据,认为《中国植物志》记载的水山姜实为黑果山姜。  相似文献   

以旱雀麦为外类群,用PAUP 4.0b10软件并采用最大简约法和邻接法对11份仲彬草属物种的ITS区序列进行系统发育分析,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。结果表明:(1)整个ITS序列长度变异范围为596~601 bp;G C含量在所有ITS中的变化范围为61.20%~62.44%;序列间的遗传分化距离为0.003~0.033,平均值为0.015;(2)疏花仲彬草和塔克拉干仲彬草2个物种聚为一支,位于系统发育树的底部,在最大简约法和邻接法分析中分别获得78%和82%的自展支持率,它们之间的亲缘关系较近;(3)形态相似、地理分布一致的物种有聚在一起的倾向,表现出较近的亲缘关系;(4)ITS区序列分析的结果与细胞学、形态学的研究结果基本一致,因此ITS区序列分析能反映仲彬草属种间关系。  相似文献   

基于细胞核rDNA ITS片段的水青冈属的分子系统发育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对山毛榉科水青冈属6种、1亚种、1栽培变种的ITS区片段进行了测序和分析,并对其中2个具有ITS序列多态性的分类群进行了ITS区克隆。水青冈属ITS系统发育树聚成两支,位于基部的是分布于北美的大叶水青冈,另一分支则包括了欧洲和东亚的类群。在欧洲和东亚分支中,又包括两支,其中日本北部的波叶水青冈位于基部,台湾水青冈和欧亚大陆的水青冈形成另外一支。ITS区分析与现行的水青冈属基于形态学性状的属下分类系统有一定差异,而与本属现存物种的地理分布格局较为一致。各类群间TIS区序列差异较小,显示属内现存物种的分化时间不是太长。  相似文献   

线蕨属Colysis 植物主要分布于亚洲热带和亚热带地区,少数种类分布至非洲、澳大利亚(昆士兰)及新几内亚地区.自1849年成立以来,线蕨属的分类范畴和系统位置一直有待确定.本文利用叶绿体基因组的rbcL、rps4基因和rps4-trnS基凶间隔区序列,运用最大简约法和贝叶斯方法分析了线蕨属及其近缘类群的系统演化关系.研究结果显示:(1)线蕨属和薄唇蕨属Leptochilus(含似薄唇蕨属Paraleptochilus)组成一个支持率很高的单系分支(C-L Clade),但是薄唇蕨属的成员位于线蕨属的不同支系内,支持线蕨属和薄唇蕨属合并为一个属;(2)瘤蕨属Phymatosorus单独形成一个单系分支;(3)星蕨属Microsorum是一个多系类群,除Microsorium linguiforme、M.varians和M.pustulatum与马来群岛的Lecanopteris聚在一起外,其他的星蕨属成员均位于不同的支系上.本文的系统发育分析结果为线蕨属和薄唇蕨属的分类处理提供了分子系统学的证据.  相似文献   

A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 13 agronomically important plant pathogenic Basidiomycetes was sequenced, including several Puccinia spp., Uromyces appendiculatus, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, Hemileia vastatrix and Rhizoctonia solani. The deduced amino acid sequences (residues 142–266) were used to study the relatedness of these pathogens as compared to other species of the Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes and Oomycetes. The relatedness was also studied at nuclear level using the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) in the ribosomal DNA. Phylogenic trees were constructed with the maximum parsimony (MP) and the neighbour‐joining (NJ) methods. On the basis of both cytochrome b and ITS sequences, the Puccinia species pathogenic to graminaceous crop plants, such as Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, Puccinia hordei, P. recondita f. sp. secalis and Puccinia sorghi, together with Puccinia horiana from Chrysanthemum, were very closely related to each other, whereas Puccinia arachidis (from peanut) was closely related to U. appendiculatus (from beans) but more distant from the other Puccinia species. Both rusts on soybean (P. pachyrhizi) and coffee (H. vastatrix) were outside the Puccinia cluster. All rusts were separated from other Basidiomycetes such as R. solani and the strobilurin producing species Strobilurus tenacellus and Mycena galopoda. Our results demonstrate that the amino acid sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b is a valid tool to study phylogenic relatedness among plant pathogenic Basidiomycetes and supports taxonomic grouping based on morphological structures and host specificity. Because of their high variability, ITS sequences were able to discriminate Puccinia species, which were identical on the basis of the cytochrome b amino acid sequence. Thus, ITS sequences could better show differences among species or within a species, whereas cytochrome b is more suitable than ITS for phyologenic inference at family or genus level. In addition, the sequence data obtained during this study represent essential information for easy isolation of the cyt b gene and detection of point mutations conferring resistance to Qo Inhibitor fungicides that eventually may evolve.  相似文献   

测定了山羊草属(Aegilops)二倍物种核rDNA ITS区序列,发现其碱基粉介于601-607之间,比报道的小riuceae)其他属的ITS区我略长,G+C含量达61.1%~62.9%,序列间的分化距离为0.0050~0.0468。用PHYLIP3.5e软件包对所测得的DNA数据进行聚类分析,结果显示:1.Ae.speltoides与该组其他种相距很远,支持将其从Sitopsis组中独立出来,  相似文献   

五针白皮松(Pinus squamata X. W. Li)是上世纪90年代描述的一种中国特有松树,目前野外只有立木32株,处于极度濒危状态.前人认为这个种可能是白松亚属(subgen. Strobus)的白皮松(P. bungeana Zucc. ex Endl.)与松亚属(subgen. Pinus)的云南松(P. yunnanensis Franch.)的过渡类型,并将其归入白皮松组狐尾松亚组(subsect. Balfourianae).本文试图在前人分子系统学工作的基础上,检测五针白皮松5个DNA片段,叶绿体基因rbcL、matK、rpl20-rps18间隔区和trnV 内含子以及核糖体ITS,将五针白皮松放在整个松属中探讨其系统位置.4个叶绿体基因单独分析结果和它们的联合数据分析结果以及根据ITS得到的系统树均表明,五针白皮松是白皮松亚组(subsect. Gerardianae)的一个稳定成员,其可能的姐妹群是西藏白皮松(P. gerardiana Wall.).对白皮松亚组的地理分布作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

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