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The non-enzymatic modification of proteins through the Maillard reaction plays an important role in the loss of seed viability during seed storage. In the present study we examined whether the Maillard reaction reduces the activities of scavenging enzymes in Vigna radiata (mung bean) seeds during storage. Seeds were stored under various conditions for different duration. Maillard products were monitored by measuring protein fluorescence, and the activities of glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POX) were determined. The accumulation of Maillard products in seed axes increased during storage with increasing moisture content and temperature, and was correlated with the decline in seed vigour. The activities of GR, CAT and APX decreased in proportion to the increase in Maillard products at all the moisture contents and temperatures tested. These enzymatic changes were also correlated with seed vigour. However, the activities of SOD and POX remained unchanged and appeared to be less sensitive to the Maillard reaction.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for identification of interaction partners and structural characterization of protein interactions because of its high sensitivity, mass accuracy and tolerance towards sample heterogeneity. Several tools that allow studies of protein interaction are now available and recent developments that increase the confidence of studies of protein interaction by mass spectrometry include quantification of affinity-purified proteins by stable isotope labeling and reagents for surface topology studies that can be identified by mass-contributing reporters (e.g. isotope labels, cleavable cross-linkers or fragment ions. The use of mass spectrometers to study protein interactions using deuterium exchange and for analysis of intact protein complexes recently has progressed considerably.  相似文献   

Dong G  Callegari E  Gloeckner CJ  Ueffing M  Wang H 《Proteomics》2012,12(12):2060-2064
Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by a CAG triplet repeat expansion in exon 1 of the Huntingtin (Htt) gene, encoding an abnormal expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tract that confers toxicity to the mutant Htt (mHtt) protein. Recent data suggest that posttranslational modifications of mHtt modulate its cytotoxicity. To further understand the cytotoxic mechanisms of mHtt, we have generated HEK293 cell models stably expressing Strep- and FLAG-tagged Htt containing either 19Q (wild-type Htt), 55Q (mHtt), or 94Q (mHtt) repeats. Following tandem affinity purification, the tagged Htt and associated proteins were subjected to tandem mass spectrometry or 2D nano-LC tandem mass spectrometry and several novel modification sites of mHtt containing 55Q or 94Q were identified. These were phosphorylation sites located at Ser431 and Ser432, and ubiquitination site located at Lys444. The two phosphorylation sites were confirmed by Western blot analysis using phosphorylation site-specific antibodies. In addition, prevention of phosphorylation at the two serine sites altered mHtt toxicity and accumulation. These modifications of mHtt may provide novel therapeutic targets for effective treatment of the disorder.  相似文献   

The palladium catalysed coupling reactions of 1-iodo-cyclohexene have been investigated with the aim of the synthesis of model compounds towards unsaturated aryl-alkenyl ketones of practical interest in carbonylative Suzuki reaction. In addition to the target compounds, the formation of 1-aryl-cyclohexene derivatives, 1,1'-bi(cyclohex-1-en-1-yl), 1,2-dicyclohex-1-en-1-yl-ethane-1,2-dione, dicyclohex-1-en-1-yl-ketone and 1-aryl-2-cyclohexenyl-cyclohexene derivatives, as well as their isomerization products, have been observed in parallel and consecutive reactions, respectively. The complex reaction mixtures have been analysed with GC-MS providing valuable information to the investigation of the homogeneous catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MGO), glypxal (GO) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG) are reactive alpha,beta-dicarbonyl intermediates in advanced Maillard reaction, which form advanced glycation and oxidation end products (AGEs) by reaction with both lysine and arginine residues in protein. We measured these three dicarbonyl compound levels in human plasma to estimate the relationship between accumulation of alpha, beta-dicarbonyl compounds and AGE formation reactions in uremia and diabetes in human plasma by a highly selective and specific assay, electrospray ionization liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (ESI/LC/MS). We show that 3-DG and MGO levels are significantly higher in uremia and diabetes compared with age-matched healthy controls. Only the GO level in uremic plasma is significantly higher compared to diabetes and healthy controls. In both diabetic and uremic patients, these dicarbonyl compounds promote AGE accumulation in vivo, and especially in uremic patients, increased accumulation of GO could result from accelerating oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Protein glycation in biological systems occurs predominantly on lysine, arginine and N-terminal residues of proteins. Major quantitative glycation adducts are found at mean extents of modification of 1–5 mol percent of proteins. These are glucose-derived fructosamine on lysine and N-terminal residues of proteins, methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone on arginine residues and Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine residues mainly formed by the oxidative degradation of fructosamine. Total glycation adducts of different types are quantified by stable isotopic dilution analysis liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Metabolism of glycated proteins is followed by LC-MS/MS of glycation free adducts as minor components of the amino acid metabolome. Glycated proteins and sites of modification within them – amino acid residues modified by the glycating agent moiety - are identified and quantified by label-free and stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) high resolution mass spectrometry. Sites of glycation by glucose and methylglyoxal in selected proteins are listed. Key issues in applying proteomics techniques to analysis of glycated proteins are: (i) avoiding compromise of analysis by formation, loss and relocation of glycation adducts in pre-analytic processing; (ii) specificity of immunoaffinity enrichment procedures, (iii) maximizing protein sequence coverage in mass spectrometric analysis for detection of glycation sites, and (iv) development of bioinformatics tools for prediction of protein glycation sites. Protein glycation studies have important applications in biology, ageing and translational medicine – particularly on studies of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, neurological disorders and cancer. Mass spectrometric analysis of glycated proteins has yet to find widespread use clinically. Future use in health screening, disease diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring, and drug and functional food development is expected. A protocol for high resolution mass spectrometry proteomics of glycated proteins is given.  相似文献   

Zu XL  Besant PG  Imhof A  Attwood PV 《Amino acids》2007,32(3):347-357
Summary. Protein histidine phosphorylation is now recognized as an important form of post-translational modification. The acid-lability of phosphohistidine has meant that this phosphorylation has not been as well studied as serine/threonine or tyrosine phosphorylation. We show that phosphohistidine and phosphohistidine-containing phosphopeptides derived from proteolytic digestion of phosphohistone H4 are detectable by ESI-MS. We also demonstrate reverse-phase HPLC separation of these phosphopeptides and their detection by MALDI-TOF-MS.  相似文献   

Tetranectin, a plasminogen-binding trimeric C-type lectin-like protein primarily involved in tissue remodeling and development, was scanned for covalent modifications and sequence heterogeneity, using a combination of mass spectrometric and classical protein chemical analytical methods. Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry showed the presence of eight components of different mass and abundance in plasma tetranectin, all of higher mass than that calculated from the cDNA sequence. To identify and locate residues accounting for the heterogeneity, samples of tetranectin were subjected to proteolytic cleavage. Peptide fragments, in mixtures or in purified form, were analysed by matrix-assisted-laser-desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry and, where required, by Edman sequencing and compared to the cDNA sequence. Our results show that the mass heterogeneity in plasma tetranectin is due to sequence heterogeneity at position 85 and the presence of a partially sialylated oligosaccharide prosthetic group attached to Thr-4. Residue 85 is encoded in the cDNA as a Ser residue, but plasma tetranectin is a 1:1 mixture of Ser85 and Gly-85 sequence variants. Mass spectrometric analysis of enzymatic and mild acid hydrolysates of an N-terminal glycopeptide showed that the composition and partial covalent structure of the O-linked oligosaccharide prosthetic group is < or =N-acetylhexosamine < or =[hexose, (sialic acid)0-3].  相似文献   

Shen B  English AM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(42):14030-14044
Although biologically active, nitroxyl (HNO) remains one of the most poorly studied NO(x). Protein-based thiols are suspected targets of HNO, forming either a disulfide or sulfinamide (RSONH2) through an N-hydroxysulfenamide (RSNHOH) addition product. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) is used here to examine the products formed during incubation of thiol proteins with the HNO donor, Angeli's salt (AS; Na2N2O3). Only the disulfide, cystine, was formed in incubates of 15 mM free Cys with equimolar AS at pH 7.0-7.4. In contrast, the thiol proteins (120-180 microM), human calbindin D(28k) (HCalB), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and bovine serum albumin (BSA) gave four distinct types of derivatives in incubates containing 0.9-2.5 mM AS. Ions at M + n x 31 units were detected in the ESI mass spectra of intact HCalB (n = 1-5) and GAPDH (n = 2), indicating conversion of thiol groups on these proteins to RSONH2 (+31 units). An ion at M + 14 dominated the mass spectrum of BSA, and intramolecular sulfinamide cross-linking of Cys34 to one of its neighboring Lys or Arg residues would account for this mass increase. Low abundant M + 14 adducts were observed for HCalB, which additionally formed mixed disulfides when free Cys was present in the AS incubates. Cys149 and Cys153 formed an intramolecular disulfide in the AS/GAPDH incubates. Since AS also produces nitrite above pH 5 (HN2O3(-) --> HNO + NO2(-)), incubation with NaNO2 served to confirm that protein modification was HNO-mediated, and prior blocking with the thiol-specific reagent, N-ethylmaleimide, demonstrated that thiols are the targets of HNO. The results provide the first systematic characterization of HNO-mediated derivatization of protein thiols.  相似文献   

We previously reported that AGEs can induce macrophage growth. In this paper, we examined whether advanced glycation end products (AGE) of protein induced GM-CSF production of macrophages. AGE of bovine serum albumin markedly stimulated not only the expression of GM-CSF mRNA, but also GM-CSF secretion in macrophage supernatant. Thus GM-CSF is suggested to be an endogenous signal for macrophage growth induction by AGEs.  相似文献   

Given the extensive efforts applied toward proteomics and research in biomarkers, methods for the simultaneous measurement of proteins, peptides, metabolic intermediates, hormones, etc. in a complex sample may be required in the foreseeable future. Assays based on mass spectrometric detection may be suitable for meeting the demands of such complex samples with sensitivity and specificity. An analytical method for the quantitation of C-reactive protein (CRP), a well-known marker of inflammation, is described. Exact quantities of two synthetic (13)C-labeled CRP tryptic peptides were added as internal standards directly to the sample prior to chemical treatment, trypsinization, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry quantitation. C-reactive protein levels based on isotopic response ratios were measured. Intact C-reactive protein was spiked into blank rat urine for chemical and enzymatic treatment, producing linear response ratios of labeled to unlabeled peptides. For rigorous quantitation, standard curves, and quality control samples were prepared in rat urine with highly purified labeled and unlabeled peptides over the 50 pg-5 ng/muL concentration range. Using the same chemical and enzymatic treatment used for digestion of intact CRP, data from these samples demonstrated excellent analytical performance. The method was successfully applied toward the quantitation of urinary C-reactive protein from a study of drug-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

The field of Maillard/glycation reactions in vivo has grown enormously during the past 20 years, going from 25 to 500 publications per year. It is now well recognized that many of the “advanced” products form oxidatively or anaerobically and can have deleterious effects on macromolecular and biological function. The feasibility of developing pharmacological agents with beneficial in vivo properties, based on in vitro inhibition of glycation, has been surprisingly successful. This Editorial sets the stage for a series of articles by experts in the field, who have made key contributions to our understanding of the Maillard reaction in vivo.  相似文献   

Two proteins, FKBP, and Spo0F, were expressed in bacteria as histidine-tagged fusion proteins and isolated under native conditions. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis revealed that each protein preparation contained two components, neither of which corresponded to the molecular weights predicted from DNA sequences. The difference in molecular weight between the two FKBP components and two Spo0F components was approximately 178 +/- 14 Da. Site-specific proteolytic cleavage resulted in the release of histidine-tagged peptide from the recombinant proteins. MALDI mass spectra of the cleaved proteins showed a single molecular ion peak for each species with the predicted molecular weights. The histidine-tagged peptide released from both fusion proteins displayed two distinct peaks by MALDI-FT-MS corresponding to monoisotopic molecular weights of 2269. 027 Da and 2447.087 Da, respectively, which were both inconsistent with the predicted peptide sequence M-G-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-S-S-G-H-I-E-G-R of 2400.055 Da. The peptide at 2269.027 Da was sequenced by ESI-MS-MS and found to be a truncated histidine tag resulting from an initiator methionine deletion. ESI-MS-MS analysis of the peptide at 2447.087 Da indicated a moiety of 178.0 Da attached to the second residue glycine of the histidine tag. This alteration of the N-terminus does not fit any known modifications. A synthetic peptide with the identical sequence of the isolated his-tag M-G-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H remained unmodified during the protein purification process, suggesting that modification of the initiator methionine was carried out in vivo, rather than the result of a chemical reaction from the isolation procedure.  相似文献   

Non enzymatic glycosylation( glycation) of proteins, described by L. C. Maillard in 1912, results in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE-s). These exhibit a number of harmful reactions, increasing with age and involved in several age-associated pathologies. In ocular pathology, their role was demonstrated at several levels of age-associated eye-diseases, such as the rigidification of cornea, in the separation of vitreous fibers from the hyaluronan jelly, which might result in retinal detachment. AGE-s are involved also in retinal microvascular alterations in diabetics as well as in age-related macular degeneration. We compared the cytotoxic effect of several AGE-s on human skin fibroblasts and corneal keratocytes. Keratocytes were shown to be much more resistant to the cytotoxic effect of several AGE-products than fibroblasts. This higher resistance of keratocytes to the free radical mediated cytotoxic effect of AGE-s might be the result of the constant exposure of cornea to UV-light possibly mediating the appearance of more efficient protective mechanisms during evolution.  相似文献   

Formation of flavour compounds in the Maillard reaction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper discusses the importance of the Maillard reaction for food quality and focuses on flavour compound formation. The most important classes of Maillard flavour compounds are indicated and it is shown where they are formed in the Maillard reaction. Some emphasis is given on the kinetics of formation of flavour compounds. It is concluded that the essential elements for predicting the formation of flavour compounds in the Maillard reaction are now established but much more work needs to be done on specific effects such as the amino acid type, the pH, water content and interactions in the food matrix. It is also concluded that most work is done on free amino acids but hardly anything on peptides and proteins, which could generate peptide- or protein-specific flavour compounds.  相似文献   

R E Feeney 《Biochimie》1988,70(9):1171-1177
Proteolytic enzymes and their protein inhibitors have been studied by chemical modification for over four decades. Modifications have helped to identify the active (and reactive) sites and to understand their mechanisms of interaction. Inactive derivatives of the enzymes form stable complexes with some inhibitors. These inactive enzymes have also been used for affinity chromatographic adsorptions.  相似文献   

Carven GJ  Stern LJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(42):13625-13637
Peptide binding induces conformational changes in class II MHC proteins that have been characterized using a variety of hydrodynamic and spectroscopic approaches, but these changes have not been clearly localized within the overall class II MHC structure. In this study, empty and peptide-loaded complexes of HLA-DR1, a common class II MHC variant, were chemically modified using the side chain-specific chemical modifiers p-hydroxyphenylglyoxal (arginine), tetranitromethane (tyrosine), N-bromosuccinimide (tryptpophan), and NHS-biotin (lysine). Modified proteins were subjected to in-gel digestion with trypsin and subsequent analysis by MALDI/MS. Three arginine residues and two lysine residues were differentially reactive, modified in the empty form but not the peptide-loaded form of the protein, indicating that the chemical reactivity of these regions differs in the two conformations. Three of the differential modifications were located on a single lateral face of the protein, indicating that this region is involved in the conformational change. Additionally, a number of lysine and tyrosine modification sites were present in both protein conformations. Overall, the pattern of reactivity is inconsistent with the idea that empty MHC molecules exist as molten globules or other partially unfolded intermediates, and suggests that the peptide-induced conformational change is localized to only a few regions of the protein.  相似文献   

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