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Clostridium perfringens, a Gram-positive anaerobic pathogen, is a causative agent of human gas gangrene that leads to severe rapid tissue destruction and can cause death within hours unless treated immediately. Production of several toxins is known to be controlled by the two-component VirR/VirS system involving a regulatory RNA (VR-RNA) in C. perfringens. To elucidate the precise regulatory network governed by VirR/VirS and VR-RNA, a series of microarray screening using VirR/VirS and VR-RNA-deficient mutants was performed. Finally, by qRT-PCR analysis, 147 genes (30 single genes and 21 putative operons) were confirmed to be under the control of the VirR/VirS-VR-RNA regulatory cascade. Several virulence-related genes for alpha-toxin, kappa-toxin, hyaluronidases, sialidase, and capsular polysaccharide synthesis were found. Furthermore, some genes for catalytic enzymes, various genes for transporters, and many genes for energy metabolism were also found to be controlled by the cascade. Our data indicate that the VirR/VirS-VR-RNA system is a global gene regulator that might control multiple cellular functions to survive and multiply in the host, which would turn out to be a lethal flesh-eating infection.  相似文献   

The 5'-flanking region of the metB-cysK-ygaG operon, whose expression is negatively regulated by the VirR/VirS system in C. perfringens, was analyzed. The region contained the ycgJ, mscL, and colA genes encoding a hypothetical protein, a large conductance mechanosensitive channel protein, and kappa-toxin (collagenase), respectively. Northern analysis revealed that the ycgJ gene was transcribed as a 4.9-kb operon together with the metB-cysK-ygaG genes and that this operon was negatively regulated by the VirR/VirS system. It is indicated that the pfoA (theta-toxin or perfringolysin O), colA, and ycgJ-metB-cysK-ygaG genes that belong to the VirR/VirS regulon are situated very close together in a 26.5-kb region of the chromosome, but do not form a pathogenic island.  相似文献   



Clostridium perfringens is a Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium causing severe diseases such as gas gangrene and pseudomembranosus colitis, that are generally due to the secretion of powerful extracellular toxins. The expression of toxin genes is mainly regulated by VirR, the response regulator of a two-component system. Up to now few targets only are known for this regulator and mainly in one strain (Strain 13). Due to the high genomic and phenotypic variability in toxin production by different strains, the development of effective strategies to counteract C. perfringens infections requires methodologies to reconstruct the VirR regulon from genome sequences.  相似文献   

The response regulator VirR and its cognate sensor histidine kinase, VirS, are responsible for toxin gene regulation in the human pathogen Clostridium perfringens. The C-terminal domain of VirR (VirRc) contains the functional FxRxHrS motif, which is involved in DNA binding and is conserved in many regulatory proteins. VirRc was cloned, purified, and shown by in vivo and in vitro studies to comprise an independent DNA binding domain. Random and site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify further amino acids that were required for the functional integrity of the protein. Random mutagenesis identified a unique residue, Met-172, that was required for biological function. Site-directed mutagenesis of the SKHR motif (amino acids 216 to 219) revealed that these residues were also required for biological activity. Analysis of the mutated proteins indicated that they were unable to bind to the DNA target with the same efficiency as the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis serotype 2 (SS2) is an important zoonotic pathogen that infects pigs and sporadically causes serious infections in humans. Two recent large-scale outbreaks of human streptococcal toxic-shock-like syndrome with high mortality occurred in China, posing new challenges for global public health. However, the global regulation of the virulence of epidemic SS2 isolates lacks a systematic understanding. In this study, we performed a mutational and functional analysis of an SS2 two-component system that is orthologous to the VirR/VirS regulatory system of Clostridium perfringens. An isogenic knockout mutant of VirR/VirS (ΔvirRS) was found to exhibit marked phenotypic changes, including the formation of shorter chains and thinner capsular walls, more easily cleared in whole blood, and decreased oxidative stress tolerance. Furthermore, the ΔvirRS mutant was greatly attenuated in a mouse model. Comparative proteome analysis of the expression profiles of the wild-type strain with the ΔvirRS mutant allowed us to identify 72 proteins that are differentially expressed in the absence of the VirR/VirS system and that are directly responsible for the pleiotropic phenotype of the ΔvirRS mutant.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium meliloti exoS gene is involved in regulating the production of succinoglycan, which plays a crucial role in the establishment of the symbiosis between R. meliloti Rm1021 and its host plant, alfalfa. The exoS96::Tn5 mutation causes the upregulation of the succinoglycan biosynthetic genes, thereby resulting in the overproduction of succinoglycan. Through cloning and sequencing, we found that the exoS gene is a close homolog of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvG gene, which has been proposed to encode the sensor protein of the ChvG-ChvI two-component regulatory system, a member of the EnvZ-OmpR family. Further analyses revealed the existence of a newly discovered A. tumefaciens chvI homolog located just upstream of the R. meliloti exoS gene. R. meliloti ChvI may serve as the response regulator of ExoS in a two-component regulatory system. By using ExoS-specific antibodies, it was found that the ExoS protein cofractionated with membrane proteins, suggesting that it is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. By using the same antibodies, it was shown that the exoS96::Tn5 allele encodes an N-terminal truncated derivative of ExoS. The cytoplasmic histidine kinase domain of ExoS was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified, as was the R. meliloti ChvI protein. The ChvI protein autophosphorylated in the presence of acetylphosphate, and the ExoS cytoplasmic domain fragment autophosphorylated at a histidine residue in the presence of ATP. The ChvI protein was phosphorylated in the presence of ATP only when the histidine kinase domain of ExoS was also present. We propose a model for regulation of succinoglycan production by R. meliloti through the ExoS-ChvI two-component regulatory system.  相似文献   

Preliminary observations in a large-scale fermentation process suggested that the lipase expression of Pseudomonas alcaligenes can be switched on by the addition of certain medium components, such as soybean oil. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of induction of lipase expression, we have set up a search method for genes controlling lipase expression by use of a cosmid library containing fragments of P. alcaligenes genomic DNA. A screen for lipase hyperproduction resulted in the selection of multiple transformants, of which the best-producing strains comprised cosmids that shared an overlapping genomic fragment. Within this fragment, two previously unidentified genes were found and named lipQ and lipR. Their encoded proteins belong to the NtrBC family of regulators that regulate gene expression via binding to a specific upstream activator sequence (UAS). Such an NtrC-like UAS was identified in a previous study in the P. alcaligenes lipase promoter, strongly suggesting that LipR acts as a positive regulator of lipase expression. The regulating role could be confirmed by down-regulated lipase expression in a strain with an inactivated lipR gene and a threefold increase in lipase yield in a large-scale fermentation when expressing the lipQR operon from the multicopy plasmid pLAFR3. Finally, cell extracts of a LipR-overexpressing strain caused a retardation of the lipase promoter fragment in a band shift assay. Our results indicate that lipase expression in Pseudomonas alcaligenes is under the control of the LipQR two-component system.  相似文献   

A tryptone-salts medium for continuous growth and alpha toxin production of Clostridium perfringens type A in an adapted chemostat is described. In such steady-state cultures, fermentative and biochemical activity of C. perfringens remained unchanged. Toxigenic ability to produce alpha, theta, and nu toxins was preserved.  相似文献   

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