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The N‐degron pathway determines the half‐life of proteins in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes by precisely recognizing the N‐terminal residue (N‐degron) of substrates. ClpS proteins from bacteria bind to substrates containing hydrophobic N‐degrons (Leu, Phe, Tyr, and Trp) and deliver them to the caseinolytic protease system ClpAP. This mechanism is preserved in organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Bacterial ClpS adaptors bind preferentially to Leu and Phe N‐degrons; however, ClpS1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtClpS1) shows a difference in that it binds strongly to Phe and Trp N‐degrons and only weakly to Leu. This difference in behavior cannot be explained without structural information due to the high sequence homology between bacterial and plant ClpS proteins. Here, we report the structure of AtClpS1 at 2.0 Å resolution in the presence of a bound N‐degron. The key determinants for α‐amino group recognition are conserved among all ClpS proteins, but the α3‐helix of eukaryotic AtClpS1 is significantly shortened, and consequently, a loop forming a pocket for the N‐degron is moved slightly outward to enlarge the pocket. In addition, amino acid replacement from Val to Ala causes a reduction in hydrophobic interactions with Leu N‐degron. A combination of the fine‐tuned hydrophobic residues in the pocket and the basic gatekeeper at the entrance of the pocket controls the N‐degron selectivity of the plant ClpS protein.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase 4A1 (ALDH4A1) catalyzes the final steps of both proline and hydroxyproline catabolism. It is a dual substrate enzyme that catalyzes the NAD+‐dependent oxidations of L‐glutamate‐γ‐semialdehyde to L‐glutamate (proline metabolism), and 4‐hydroxy‐L‐glutamate‐γ‐semialdehyde to 4‐erythro‐hydroxy‐L‐glutamate (hydroxyproline metabolism). Here we investigated the inhibition of mouse ALDH4A1 by the six stereoisomers of proline and 4‐hydroxyproline using steady‐state kinetics and X‐ray crystallography. Trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L‐proline is the strongest of the inhibitors studied, characterized by a competitive inhibition constant of 0.7 mM, followed by L‐proline (1.9 mM). The other compounds are very weak inhibitors (approximately 10 mM or greater). Insight into the selectivity for L‐stereoisomers was obtained by solving crystal structures of ALDH4A1 complexed with trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L‐proline and trans‐4‐hydroxy‐D‐proline. The structures suggest that the 10‐fold greater preference for the L‐stereoisomer is due to a serine residue that hydrogen bonds to the amine group of trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L‐proline. In contrast, the amine group of the D‐stereoisomer lacks a direct interaction with the enzyme due to a different orientation of the pyrrolidine ring. These results suggest that hydroxyproline catabolism is subject to substrate inhibition by trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L‐proline, analogous to the known inhibition of proline catabolism by L‐proline. Also, drugs targeting the first enzyme of hydroxyproline catabolism, by elevating the level of trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L‐proline, may inadvertently impair proline catabolism by the inhibition of ALDH4A1.  相似文献   

Small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) is an established technique for structural analysis of biological macromolecules in solution. During the last decade, inline chromatography setups coupling SAXS with size exclusion (SEC‐SAXS) or ion exchange (IEC‐SAXS) have become popular in the community. These setups allow one to separate individual components in the sample and to record SAXS data from isolated fractions, which is extremely important for subsequent data interpretation, analysis, and structural modeling. However, in case of partially overlapping elution peaks, inline chromatography SAXS may still yield scattering profiles from mixtures of components. The deconvolution of these scattering data into the individual fractions is nontrivial and potentially ambiguous. We describe a cross‐platform computer program, EFAMIX, for restoring the scattering and concentration profiles of the components based on the evolving factor analysis (EFA). The efficiency of the program is demonstrated in a number of simulated and experimental SEC‐SAXS data sets. Sensitivity and limitations of the method are explored, and its applicability to IEC‐SAXS data is discussed. EFAMIX requires minimal user intervention and is available to academic users through the program package ATSAS as from release 3.1.  相似文献   

The majority of crystal structures are determined by the method of molecular replacement (MR). The range of application of MR is limited mainly by the need for an accurate search model. In most cases, pre‐existing experimentally determined structures are used as search models. In favorable cases, ab initio predicted structures have yielded search models adequate for MR. The ORF8 protein of SARS‐CoV‐2 represents a challenging case for MR using an ab initio prediction because ORF8 has an all β‐sheet fold and few orthologs. We previously determined experimentally the structure of ORF8 using the single anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing method, having been unable to find an MR solution to the crystallographic phase problem. Following a report of an accurate prediction of the ORF8 structure, we assessed whether the predicted model would have succeeded as an MR search model. A phase problem solution was found, and the resulting structure was refined, yielding structural parameters equivalent to the original experimental solution.  相似文献   

Animals possess conserved mechanisms to detect pathogens and to improve survival in their presence by altering their own behavior and physiology. Here, we utilize Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host to ask whether bacterial volatiles constitute microbe‐associated molecular patterns. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we identify six prominent volatiles released by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We show that a specific volatile, 1‐undecene, activates nematode odor sensory neurons inducing both flight and fight responses in worms. Using behavioral assays, we show that worms are repelled by 1‐undecene and that this aversion response is driven by the detection of this volatile through AWB odor sensory neurons. Furthermore, we find that 1‐undecene odor can induce immune effectors specific to P. aeruginosa via AWB neurons and that brief pre‐exposure of worms to the odor enhances their survival upon subsequent bacterial infection. These results show that 1‐undecene derived from P. aeruginosa serves as a pathogen‐associated molecular pattern for the induction of protective responses in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins use a variety of thiols to rapidly reduce hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite. While the oxidation kinetics of peroxiredoxins have been studied in great detail, enzyme‐specific differences regarding peroxiredoxin reduction and the overall rate‐limiting step under physiological conditions often remain to be deciphered. The 1‐Cys peroxiredoxin 5 homolog PfAOP from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is an established model enzyme for glutathione/glutaredoxin‐dependent peroxiredoxins. Here, we reconstituted the catalytic cycle of PfAOP in vitro and analyzed the reaction between oxidized PfAOP and reduced glutathione (GSH) using molecular docking and stopped‐flow measurements. Molecular docking revealed that oxidized PfAOP has to adopt a locally unfolded conformation to react with GSH. Furthermore, we determined a second‐order rate constant of 6 × 105 M−1 s−1 at 25°C and thermodynamic activation parameters ΔH , ΔS , and ΔG of 39.8 kJ/mol, −0.8 J/mol, and 40.0 kJ/mol, respectively. The gain‐of‐function mutant PfAOPL109M had almost identical reaction parameters. Taking into account physiological hydroperoxide and GSH concentrations, we suggest (a) that the reaction between oxidized PfAOP and GSH might be even faster than the formation of the sulfenic acid in vivo, and (b) that conformational changes are likely rate limiting for PfAOP catalysis. In summary, we characterized and quantified the reaction between GSH and the model enzyme PfAOP, thus providing detailed insights regarding the reactivity of its sulfenic acid and the versatile chemistry of peroxiredoxins.  相似文献   

Homomers are prevalent in bacterial proteomes, particularly among core metabolic enzymes. Homomerization is often key to function and regulation, and interfaces that facilitate the formation of homomeric enzymes are subject to intense evolutionary change. However, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that drive evolutionary variation in homomeric complexes is still lacking. How is the diversification of protein interfaces linked to variation in functional regulation and structural integrity of homomeric complexes? To address this question, we studied quaternary structure evolution of bacterial methionine S‐adenosyltransferases (MATs)—dihedral homotetramers formed along a large and conserved dimeric interface harboring two active sites, and a small, recently evolved, interdimeric interface. Here, we show that diversity in the physicochemical properties of small interfaces is directly linked to variability in the kinetic stability of MAT quaternary complexes and in modes of their functional regulation. Specifically, hydrophobic interactions within the small interface of Escherichia coli MAT render the functional homotetramer kinetically stable yet impose severe aggregation constraints on complex assembly. These constraints are alleviated by electrostatic interactions that accelerate dimer‐dimer assembly. In contrast, Neisseria gonorrhoeae MAT adopts a nonfunctional dimeric state due to the low hydrophobicity of its small interface and the high flexibility of its active site loops, which perturbs small interface integrity. Remarkably, in the presence of methionine and ATP, N. gonorrhoeae MAT undergoes substrate‐induced assembly into a functional tetrameric state. We suggest that evolution acts on the interdimeric interfaces of MATs to tailor the regulation of their activity and stability to unique organismal needs.  相似文献   

DNA‐binding proteins from starved cells (Dps) are small multifunctional nanocages expressed by prokaryotes in acute oxidative stress conditions or during the starvation‐induced stationary phase, as a bacterial defense mechanism. Dps proteins protect bacterial DNA from damage by either direct binding or by removing precursors of reactive oxygen species from solution. The DNA‐binding properties of most Dps proteins studied so far are related to their unordered, flexible, N‐ and C‐terminal extensions. In a previous work, we revealed that the N‐terminal tails of Deinoccocus grandis Dps shift from an extended to a compact conformation depending on the ionic strength of the buffer and detected a novel high‐spin ferrous iron center in the proximal ends of those tails. In this work, we further explore the conformational dynamics of the protein by probing the effect of divalent metals binding to the tail by comparing the metal‐binding properties of the wild‐type protein with a binding site‐impaired D34A variant using size exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism, and small‐angle X‐ray scattering. The N‐terminal ferrous species was also characterized by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The results herein presented reveal that the conformation of the N‐terminal tails is altered upon metal binding in a gradual, reversible, and specific manner. These observations may point towards the existence of a regulatory process for the DNA‐binding properties of Dps proteins through metal binding to their N‐ and/or C‐terminal extensions.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a widely‐used method for characterizing the secondary structures of proteins. The well‐established and highly used analysis website, DichroWeb (located at: http://dichroweb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/html/home.shtml) enables the facile quantitative determination of helix, sheet, and other secondary structure contents of proteins based on their CD spectra. DichroWeb includes a range of reference datasets and algorithms, plus graphical and quantitative methods for determining the quality of the analyses produced. This article describes the current website content, usage and accessibility, as well as the many upgraded features now present in this highly popular tool that was originally created nearly two decades ago.  相似文献   

The SpeG spermidine/spermine N‐acetyltransferase (SSAT) from Escherichia coli belongs to the Gcn5‐related N‐acetyltransferase (GNAT) superfamily of proteins. In vitro characterization of this enzyme shows it acetylates the polyamines spermine and spermidine, with a preference toward spermine. This enzyme has a conserved tyrosine residue (Y135) that is found in all SSAT proteins and many GNAT functional subfamilies. It is located near acetyl coenzyme A in the active center of these proteins and has been suggested to act as a general acid in a general acid/base chemical mechanism. In contrast, a previous study showed this residue was not critical for E. coli SpeG enzymatic activity when mutated to phenylalanine. This result was quite different from previous studies with a comparable residue in the human and mouse SSAT proteins, which also acetylate spermine and spermidine. Therefore, we constructed several mutants of the E. coli SpeG Y135 residue and tested their enzymatic activity. We found this conserved residue was indeed critical for E. coli SpeG enzyme activity and may behave similarly in other SSAT proteins.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF), the prototypical neurotrophic factor, is involved in the maintenance and growth of specific neuronal populations, whereas its precursor, proNGF, is involved in neuronal apoptosis. Binding of NGF or proNGF to TrkA, p75NTR, and VP10p receptors triggers complex intracellular signaling pathways that can be modulated by endogenous small‐molecule ligands. Here, we show by isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR that ATP binds to the intrinsically disordered pro‐peptide of proNGF with a micromolar dissociation constant. We demonstrate that Mg2+, known to play a physiological role in neurons, modulates the ATP/proNGF interaction. An integrative structural biophysics analysis by small angle X‐ray scattering and hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry unveils that ATP binding induces a conformational rearrangement of the flexible pro‐peptide domain of proNGF. This suggests that ATP may act as an allosteric modulator of the overall proNGF conformation, whose likely distinct biological activity may ultimately affect its physiological homeostasis.  相似文献   

An efficient downstream process without prior desalination was developed for recovering 1,3‐propanediol (1,3‐PDO) with high purity and yield from broth of a highly productive fed‐batch fermentation of raw glycerol by Clostridium pasteurianum. After removal of biomass and proteins by ultrafiltration, and concentration by water evaporation, 1,3‐PDO was directly recovered from the broth by vacuum distillation with continuous addition and regeneration of glycerol as a supporting agent. Inorganic salts in the fermentation broth were crystallized but well suspended by a continuous flow of glycerol during the distillation process, which prevented salt precipitation and decline of heat transfer. On the other hand, ammonium salt of organic acids were liberated as ammonia gas and free organic acids under vacuum heating. The latter ones formed four types of 1,3‐PDO esters of acetic acid and butyric acid, which resulted in yield losses and low purity of 1,3‐PDO (< 80%). In order to improve the efficiency of final 1,3‐PDO rectification, we examined alkaline hydrolysis to eliminate the ester impurities. By the use of 20% (w/w) water and 2% (w/w) sodium hydroxide, > 99% reduction of 1,3‐PDO esters was achieved. This step conveniently provided free 1,3‐PDO and the sodium salt of organic acids from the corresponding esters, which increased the 1,3‐PDO yield by 7% and prevented a renewed formation of esters. After a single stage distillation from the hydrolyzed broth and a followed active carbon treatment, 1,3‐PDO with a purity of 99.63% and an overall recovery yield of 76% was obtained. No wastewater with high‐salt content was produced during the whole downstream process. The results demonstrated that the monitoring and complete elimination of 1,3‐PDO esters are crucial for the efficient separation of highly pure 1,3‐PDO with acceptable yield from fermentation broth of raw glycerol.  相似文献   

d-Glycero-β-d-manno-heptose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase from Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpHldC) is the fourth enzyme in the ADP‐lglycero‐β‐dmanno‐heptose biosynthesis pathway producing a lipopolysaccharide core. Therefore, BpHldC is an anti-melioidosis target. Three ChemBridge compounds purchased from ChemBridge Corporation (San Diego, CA) were found to have an effective inhibitory activity on BpHldC. Interestingly, ChemBridge 7929959 was the most effective compound due to the presence of the terminal benzyl group. The enzyme kinetic study revealed that most of them show mixed type inhibitory modes against ATP and βG1P. The induced-fit docking indicated that the medium affinity of ChemBridge 7929959 is originated from its benzyl group occupying the substrate-binding pocket of BpHldC. The inhibitory role of terminal aromatic groups was proven with ChemBridge 7570508. Combined with the previous study, ChemBridge 7929959 is found to work as a dual inhibitor against both HldC and HddC. Therefore, three ChemBridge compounds can be developed as a potent anti-melioidosis agent with a novel inhibitory concept.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space protein AIFM1 has been reported to mediate the import of MIA40/CHCHD4, which forms the import receptor in the mitochondrial disulfide relay. Here, we demonstrate that AIFM1 and MIA40/CHCHD4 cooperate beyond this MIA40/CHCHD4 import. We show that AIFM1 and MIA40/CHCHD4 form a stable long‐lived complex in vitro, in different cell lines, and in tissues. In HEK293 cells lacking AIFM1, levels of MIA40 are unchanged, but the protein is present in the monomeric form. Monomeric MIA40 neither efficiently interacts with nor mediates the import of specific substrates. The import defect is especially severe for NDUFS5, a subunit of complex I of the respiratory chain. As a consequence, NDUFS5 accumulates in the cytosol and undergoes rapid proteasomal degradation. Lack of mitochondrial NDUFS5 in turn results in stalling of complex I assembly. Collectively, we demonstrate that AIFM1 serves two overlapping functions: importing MIA40/CHCHD4 and constituting an integral part of the disulfide relay that ensures efficient interaction of MIA40/CHCHD4 with specific substrates.  相似文献   

Mannosidases are a diverse group of glycoside hydrolases that play crucial roles in mannose trimming of oligomannose glycans, glycoconjugates, and glycoproteins involved in numerous cellular processes, such as glycan biosynthesis and metabolism, structure regulation, cellular recognition, and cell–pathogen interactions. Exomannosidases and endomannosidases cleave specific glycosidic bonds of mannoside linkages in glycans and can be used in enzyme-based methods for sequencing of isomeric glycan structures. α1-6-mannosidase from Xanthomonas manihotis is known as a highly specific exoglycosidase that removes unbranched α1-6 linked mannose residues from oligosaccharides. However, we discovered that this α1-6-mannosidase also possesses an unexpected β1-4-galactosidase activity in the processing of branched hybrid and complex glycans through our use of enzymatic reactions, high performance anion-exchange chromatography, and liquid chromatography mass spectrometric sequencing. Our docking simulation of the α1-6-mannosidase with glycan substrates reveals potential interacting residues in a relatively shallow pocket slightly differing from its homologous enzymes in the glycoside hydrolase 125 family, which may be responsible for the observed higher promiscuity in substrate binding and subsequent terminal glycan hydrolysis. This observation of novel β1-4-galactosidase activity of the α1-6-mannosidase provides unique insights into its bifunctional activity on the substrate structure-dependent processing of terminal α1-6-mannose of unbranched glycans and terminal β1-4-galactose of hybrid and complex glycans. The finding thus suggests the dual glycosidase specificity of this α1-6-mannosidase and the need for careful consideration when used for the structural elucidation of glycan isomers.  相似文献   

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