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Material obtained from the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (the anterior section of the nasal cavity, the fauces) in young children, both healthy and suffering with different forms of acute pneumonia, has been analyzed with due regard to the structure of the microflora, its specific composition and the size of populations formed by different species constituting the microflora. This analysis has made it possible to determine the species constituting normal microflora, to detect its dysbiotic changes, and to determine their degree (partial or complete dysbacteriosis). The degree of pathologic changes in the microecological balance of the upper respiratory tract has been shown to reflect the severity of acute pneumonia and to be determined by the characteristics of the natural resistance system in young children.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants and the elderly. While the primary infection is the most serious, reinfection of the upper airway throughout life is the rule. Although relatively little is known about either RSV infection of the upper respiratory tract or host mucosal immunity to RSV, recent literature suggests that RSV is the predominant viral pathogen predisposing to bacterial otitis media (OM). Herein, we describe mouse and chinchilla models of RSV infection of the nasopharynx and Eustachian tube. Both rodent hosts were susceptible to RSV infection of the upper airway following intranasal challenge; however, the chinchilla proved to be more permissive than the mouse. The chinchilla model will likely be extremely useful to test the role of RSV in bacterial OM and the efficacy of RSV vaccine candidates designed to provide mucosal and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte immunity. Ultimately, we hope to investigate the relative ability of these candidates to potentially protect against viral predisposal to bacterial OM.  相似文献   

The results of the inoculation of material taken from the anterior section of the nasal cavity and from the pharyngeal mucosa of 50 healthy young children and 298 acute pneumonia patients were analyzed. 23 microbial species were isolated. In the samples taken from the anterior section of the nasal cavity, monocultures were detected in 86 samples and 54 variants of associations including 2-4 species, in 139 samples. In the samples taken from the pharynx, monocultures were detected in 59 samples and 180 variants of associations including 2-6 species, in 282 samples. Differences in the contamination of the nasal cavity and the pharynx in healthy children and in pneumonia patients were revealed. These differences were manifested in the structure of the microflora (monocultures, associations, their composition), the assortment of microbial species and their concentration. In young children with pneumonia the microflora of the upper respiratory tract was found to reflect the severity of acute pneumonia and the intensity of the pathological process in the lungs (uncomplicated, pyodestructive pneumonia, pyodestructive pneumonia with fatal termination, acute purulent pleurisy).  相似文献   

Thirty preschool children presenting with recurrent respiratory infections and their unaffected siblings were observed prospectively for a year. The index children experienced more episodes of acute respiratory infection than their siblings. Respiratory viruses were the major cause of respiratory infections. The index children had lower respiratory tract disease, predominantly wheeze, during 34% of proved respiratory virus infections compared with 11% of such infections experienced by the control children (p less than 0.02). Atopic children had an increased tendency to wheeze that did not reach significance, but atopy was not associated with increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.  相似文献   

We surveyed Utah general internists (N = 134) regarding their attitudes toward and practices associated with telephone management of upper respiratory tract infections. The questionnaire contained 3 case vignettes--viral upper respiratory tract infection, streptococcal pharyngitis, and acute infectious epiglottitis--and a series of questions were asked about telephone diagnosis, management preferences (clinic versus telephone), and telephone management practices. The 53 respondents (40%) were able to make important diagnostic distinctions about upper respiratory tract infections from a written vignette. As the likelihood of a complicated or serious condition increased, patients would be appropriately triaged for clinical evaluation. Most internists would make a written record of the telephone conversation. Only 1 internist of the 53 would charge for telephone management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the intrinsic effects of individually prescribed homoeopathic medicines. DESIGN--Randomised double blind placebo controlled study. SETTING--Paediatric outpatient department of university hospital. PATIENTS--175 children with frequently recurring upper respiratory tract infections. Of the 170 children evaluable, 86 were randomised to homoeopathic medicines (47 boys, 39 girls; median age at start 4.2 years; median number of episodes in past year 4) and 84 to placebo (43 boys, 41 girls; median age at start 3.6 years; median number of episodes in past year 4). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mean score for daily symptoms, number of antibiotic courses, and number of adenoidectomies and tonsillectomies over one year of follow up. RESULTS--The mean daily symptom score was 2.61 in the placebo group and 2.21 in the treatment group (difference 0.41; 95% confidence interval -0.02 to 0.83). In both groups the use of antibiotics was greatly reduced compared with that in the year before entering the trial (from 73 to 33 in the treatment group and from 69 to 43 in the placebo group). The proportion of children in the treatment group having adenoidectomies was lower in the treatment group (16%, 8/50) than in the placebo group (21%, 9/42). The proportion having tonsillectomies was the same in both groups (5%). CONCLUSION--Individually prescribed homoeopathic medicines seem to add little to careful counselling of children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infection in reducing the daily burden of symptoms, use of antibiotics, and need for adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

Viruses are frequent causes of upper respiratory tract infections in children. We investigated the viral aetiology of community-acquired upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) in young children treated as outpatients in community settings. During November 2008, nasal swab specimens were taken from children with recent onset of upper respiratory tract infections. The patients attended day care or primary schools; the specimens were randomly obtained by pediatricians from schools and childcare institutions and sent for identification by PCR method. A total of 300 specimens were collected. From all samples, 40.67% were positive for at least 1 virus, viz. adenovirus 11.76%, rhinovirus 9.8%, respiratory syncytial virus 6.08%, influenza virus 5.56%, parainfluenza virus 4.9%, enterovirus 2.94% and a combination of 2 viruses 2%. Clinical manifestations of the respiratory infections were as follows: 70.7% of the patients had coryza, 69.3% cough, 26% sneezing, 19.7% sore throat, 2.7% headache, 7.7% fever, 2.3% conjunctivitis, 1.3% abdominal pain and 1% hoarseness. The results of this study demonstrate that adenoviruses and rhinoviruses are the two most common viral agents isolated from pediatric outpatients with acute URIs in autumn in Arak City. Coryza and cough were the most common symptoms in children. Sore throat and hoarseness were more prevalent in infections caused by influenza virus, conjunctivitis in parainfluenza, and coryza in rhinovirus infections.  相似文献   

Age-specific incidences for upper respiratory tract infections in children from a new-town population during 1975-7 were studied, and 965 consecutive upper respiratory tract infections in children aged under 10 during two winters were analysed in detail. Significantly different management plans made by seven doctors did not correlate with the clinical outcome as judged by complications, recall rates, and demand for treatment for similar episodes in the future. Two hundred and thirty-two children (24%) returned for another consultation for the same episode of upper respiratory tract infection. The main reason for these repeat consultations seemed to be that parental expectations about the natural history of the illness were not fulfilled. More realistic parental expectations might be set and safer clinical standards maintained if doctors warned parents about symptoms such as cough and occasional diarrhoea or vomiting that are commonly associated with upper respiratory tract infections in children.  相似文献   

Acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are the most common cause of childhood morbidity and an important public health problem. The aim of this study was to identify the significant risk factors for ARTI in children. The study took place in Ivankovo which is a rural area of Eastern Slavonia and with small socio-economic differences. The study population were 159 children who were 3-5 years old at the time of the study, and who were registrated at doctor's office Ivankovo. The study was conducted retrospectively through a questionnaire from January 2008 to December 2008. The risk factors studied were the gender, breastfeeding history, any atopic manifestation in the form of atopic eczema, rhinoconjuctivitis and/or asthma, the size of the family, parents smoking habits and main form of childcare. The number of ARTI requiring the consultation of a doctor throughout 2007 were measured; and whether ARTI had been treated with antibiotic or there were recommendation for symptomatic treatment only. Results of this research show that the risk factor for consulting a doctor because ofARTI in children was passive exposure to cigarette-smoke. For receiving antibiotics because of ARTI in children, the risk factors were passive exposure to cigarette-smoke and atopic manifestation. By giving the available evidence, parents must be told that ceasing smoking offers a significant opportunity to reduce the risk of ARTI in their children.  相似文献   

This open prospective study aims to evaluate whether a therapy with a polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate (PMBL) could be associated to the enhancement of the locoregional immunoresponse in patients with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. Forty patients (23 females and 17 males) were enrolled, 33 of whom concluded the study. The duration of the study was six months and each patient was visited five times. Twenty-six patients had an objective improvement in clinical and medical locoregional conditions, while in seven patients the treatment did not result in an objective amelioration. Twenty-five out of 27 patients with clinical response were characterized by an increase of specific antibodies against PMBL antigens in salivary fluids. Only two patients, with a non-significant clinical result, had a slight increase in the concentration of salivary specific IgA. The association between PMBLspecific immunoglobulin titers and clinical results was significant for IgG and IgA, but not significant for IgM. Th1 switch was detected only in patients with clinical amelioration, while the Th0 phenotype was observed in three responder and four non-responder patients. Weak Th2 polarization was also observed in one clinical responsive patient. The capacity of effectively opsonizing living bacteria was detected in samples derived from responder patients. These results suggest that PMBL treatment was able to trigger an efficient and well-targeted immune-response resulting in positive clinical outcome of the patients treated.  相似文献   

Routine screening of lung transplant recipients and hospital patients for respiratory virus infections allowed to identify human rhinovirus (HRV) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, including immunocompromised hosts chronically infected with the same strain over weeks or months. Phylogenetic analysis of 144 HRV-positive samples showed no apparent correlation between a given viral genotype or species and their ability to invade the lower respiratory tract or lead to protracted infection. By contrast, protracted infections were found almost exclusively in immunocompromised patients, thus suggesting that host factors rather than the virus genotype modulate disease outcome, in particular the immune response. Complete genome sequencing of five chronic cases to study rhinovirus genome adaptation showed that the calculated mutation frequency was in the range observed during acute human infections. Analysis of mutation hot spot regions between specimens collected at different times or in different body sites revealed that non-synonymous changes were mostly concentrated in the viral capsid genes VP1, VP2 and VP3, independent of the HRV type. In an immunosuppressed lung transplant recipient infected with the same HRV strain for more than two years, both classical and ultra-deep sequencing of samples collected at different time points in the upper and lower respiratory tracts showed that these virus populations were phylogenetically indistinguishable over the course of infection, except for the last month. Specific signatures were found in the last two lower respiratory tract populations, including changes in the 5'UTR polypyrimidine tract and the VP2 immunogenic site 2. These results highlight for the first time the ability of a given rhinovirus to evolve in the course of a natural infection in immunocompromised patients and complement data obtained from previous experimental inoculation studies in immunocompetent volunteers.  相似文献   

目的对儿童下呼吸道感染病原菌分布情况及耐药情况进行分析。方法选取延安大学附属医院儿科2012年8月至2014年8月明确诊断的385例下呼吸道感染患儿,对其痰标本的培养结果进行统计,分析其病原菌分布及耐药情况。结果患儿痰培养阳性菌株134例,其中革兰阴性菌91株,以大肠埃希菌为主,占20.9%;革兰阳性菌40株,以金黄色葡萄球菌为主,占9.7%;真菌3株,占2.2%。对5种主要病原菌检出年度情况分析,显示大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、鲍曼不动杆菌检出率逐年增加,肺炎链球菌检出率逐年降低,而金黄色葡萄球菌三年无明显变化。婴儿组、幼儿组病原菌检出率显著高于学龄前及学龄组,病原菌检出率在年龄分布上差异有统计学意义(χ2=43.445,P0.01)。不同病原菌对常用抗菌药物呈现不同程度的耐药,革兰阴性菌对亚胺培南、美罗培南均敏感,对氨苄西林耐药率最高;金黄色葡萄球菌及肺炎链球菌对利奈唑胺及万古霉素敏感,对苄青霉素耐药率最高。结论儿童下呼吸道感染病原菌以革兰阴性菌为主,检出率在性别上无差异,婴儿、幼儿检出率高于学龄前及学龄儿童。治疗时应根据药敏试验结果,合理使用抗生素,降低耐药菌株的产生。  相似文献   

Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (THI), defined as prolongation of physiological hypogammaglobulinemia normally seen between the initial 3rd and 6th months of life, is one of the most common immune deficiencies of childhood. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are rather common in this group of patients, and generally, antibiotic treatment is the usual choice, although viruses involved in most cases. Pelargonium sidoides extract a herbal drug with known immunmodulator, antiviral and antibacterial effects. In this randomized, placebo controlled, prospective, monocentric pilot study, 14 of 28 patients with a diagnosed THI, were given Pelargonium sidoides, while 14 were given placebo during the period of URTI. Before and after the treatment period of one week, complete blood count, prothrombin time, activated prothromboplastin time, serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, total and direct bilirubin levels were measured. Mothers were asked to fill in a questionnaire for the recovery of the clinical symptoms during the treatment. The results were evaluated and compared in both group to assess the effect of Pelargonium sidoides. As a conclusion, the Pelargonium sidoides group showed increased appetite. The Pelargonium sidoides were found to beneficial for the nasal congestion, recovery of daily and nocturnal cough but not found be significant. Further studies with large number of participants are necessary to highlight the effect of Pelargonium sidoides in children with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy.  相似文献   

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