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Evolutionary psychologists argue that selective pressures in our ancestral environment yield a highly specialized set of modular cognitive capacities. However, recent papers in developmental psychology and neuroscience claim that evolutionary accounts of modularity are incompatible with the flexibility and plasticity of the developing brain. Instead, they propose cortical and neuronal brain structures are fixed through interactions with our developmental environment. Buller and Gray Hardcastle contend that evolutionary accounts of cognitive development are unacceptably rigid in light of evidence of cortical plasticity. The developing structure of the brain is both too random and too sensitive to external stimuli to be the product of a fixed genetic mechanism. They also claim that the complexity of the human brain cannot be explained in terms of our meager genetic endowment. There simply are not enough genes to program the intricate neuronal structures that are essential to cognition. I argue that neither of these arguments are persuasive. Small numbers of genes can function to determine diverse phenotypical outcomes through evolutionarily selected developmental systems. Similarly, theories of modularity do not rule out the possibility that innate cognitive systems exploit environmental regularities to guide the developing structure of the brain. Consequently, the anti-adaptionist consequences of these positions should be rejected.  相似文献   

<正>The deadly plant killer Phytophthora contains more than 100 species, which together attack a wide range of host plants to cause failure of crops and forest plants(Kamoun et al.,2015). During the infection, each Phytophthora secrets numerous effectors into plant cells to manipulate host cellular processes for successful colonization. How these effectors are evolved to target diverse host proteins and the underlying biochemical mechanisms are key to our understanding of the adaptation of ...  相似文献   

A central biological question is how natural organisms are so evolvable (capable of quickly adapting to new environments). A key driver of evolvability is the widespread modularity of biological networks—their organization as functional, sparsely connected subunits—but there is no consensus regarding why modularity itself evolved. Although most hypotheses assume indirect selection for evolvability, here we demonstrate that the ubiquitous, direct selection pressure to reduce the cost of connections between network nodes causes the emergence of modular networks. Computational evolution experiments with selection pressures to maximize network performance and minimize connection costs yield networks that are significantly more modular and more evolvable than control experiments that only select for performance. These results will catalyse research in numerous disciplines, such as neuroscience and genetics, and enhance our ability to harness evolution for engineering purposes.  相似文献   

Limb morphology across the arthropods is reviewed using external morphological and internal anatomical data from both recent and fossil arthropods. Evolutionary trends in limb structure are identified primarily by reference to the more rigorous of the many existing phylogenetic schemes, but no major new phylogenetic inferences are presented. Tagmosis patterns are not considered, although the origins and patterns of heteronomy within the postantennulary limb series are analysed. The phenomenon of annulation is examined and two basic types of annuli are recognised: terminal and intercalary. The annulation of the apical segment of a limb results in the formation of terminal flagella, and is typical of primarily sensory appendages such as insect and malacostracan antennules and maxillary palps of some hexapods. Intercalary annulation, arising by subdivision of existing subterminal segments, is common, particularly in the tarsal region of arthropodan walking limbs. Differentiating between segments and annuli is discussed and is recognised as a limiting factor in the interpretation of fossils, which usually lack information on intrinsic musculature, and in the construction of groundplans. Rare examples of secondary segmentation, where the criteria for distinguishing between segments and annuli fail, are also highlighted. The basic crown-group arthropodan limb is identified as tripartite, comprising protopodite, telopodite and exopodite, and the basic segmentation patterns of each of these parts are hypothesised. Possible criteria are discussed that can be used for establishing the boundary between protopodite and telopodite in limbs that are uniramous through loss of the exopodite. The subdivision of the protopodite, which is typical of the postantennulary limbs of mandibulates, is examined. The difficulties resulting from the partial or complete failure of expression of articulations within the mandibulate protopodite and subsequent incorporation of partial protopodal segments into the body wall, are also discussed. The development and homology between the various exites, including gills, on the postantennulary limbs of arthropods are considered in some detail, and the question of the possible homology between crustacean gills and insect wings is critically addressed. The hypothesis that there are only two basic limb types in arthropods, antennules and postantennulary limbs, is proposed and its apparent contradiction by the transformation of antennules into walking limbs by homeotic mutation is discussed with respect to the appropriate level of serial homology between these limbs.  相似文献   



Cellular metabolism is a fundamental biological system consisting of myriads of enzymatic reactions that together fulfill the basic requirements of life. The recent availability of vast amounts of sequence data from diverse sets of organisms provides an opportunity to systematically examine metabolism from a comparative perspective. Here we supplement existing genome and protein resources with partial genome datasets derived from 193 eukaryotes to present a comprehensive survey of the conservation of metabolism across 26 taxa representing the three domains of life.  相似文献   

The clonal composition of biramous and uniramous arthropod limbs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the first comparative cell lineage analysis of uniramous and biramous limbs of an arthropod, the crustacean Orchestia cavimana. Via single cell labelling of the cells that are involved in limb development, we are able to present the first complete clonal composition of an arthropod limb. We show that the two main branches of crustacean limbs, exopod and endopod, are formed by a secondary subdivision of the growth zone of the main limb axis. Additional limb outgrowths such as exites result from the establishment of new axes. In contrast to general belief, uniramous limbs in Orchestia are not formed by the loss of the exopod but by suppression of the split into exopod and endopod. Our results offer a developmental approach to discriminate between the different kinds of branches of arthropod appendages. This leads to the conclusion that a 'true' biramous limb comprising an endopod and an exopod might have occurred much later in euarthropod evolution than has previously been thought, probably either in the lineage of the Mandibulata or that of the Tetraconata.  相似文献   

The evolutionary role of modularity and integration in the hominoid cranium   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Patterns of morphological integration and modularity among shape features emerge from genetic and developmental factors with varying pleiotropic effects. Factors or processes affecting morphology only locally may respond to selection more easily than common factors that may lead to deleterious side effects and hence are expected to be more conserved. We briefly review evidence for such global factors in primate cranial development as well as for local factors constrained to either the face or the neurocranium. In a sample comprising 157 crania of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla gorilla, we statistically estimated common and local factors of shape variation from Procrustes coordinates of 347 landmarks and semilandmarks. Common factors with pleiotropic effects on both the face and the neurocranium account for a large amount of shape variation, but mainly by extension or truncation of otherwise conserved developmental pathways. Local factors (modular shape characteristics) have more degrees of freedom for evolutionary change than mere ontogenetic scaling. Cranial shape is similarly integrated during development in all three species, but human evolution involves dissociation among several characteristics. The dissociation has probably been achieved by evolutionary alterations and by the novel emergence of local factors affecting characteristics that are controlled at the same time by the common factors.  相似文献   

Serially repeated pattern elements on butterfly wings offer the opportunity for integrating genetic, developmental, and functional aspects towards understanding morphological diversification and the evolution of individuality. We use captive populations of Bicyclus anynana butterflies, an emerging model in evolutionary developmental biology, to explore the genetic and developmental basis of compartmentalized changes in eyespot patterns. There is much variation for different aspects of eyespot morphology, and knowledge about the genetic pathways and developmental processes involved in eyespot formation. Also, despite the strong correlations across all eyespots in one butterfly, B. anynana shows great potential for independent changes in the size of individual eyespots. It is, however, unclear to what extent the genetic and developmental processes underlying eyespot formation change in a localized manner to enable such individualization. We use micromanipulations of developing wings to dissect the contribution of different components of eyespot development to quantitative differences in eyespot size on one wing surface. Reciprocal transplants of presumptive eyespot foci between artificial selection lines and controls suggest that while localized antagonistic changes in eyespot size rely mostly on localized changes in focal signal strength, concerted changes depend greatly on epidermal response sensitivities. This potentially reflects differences between the signal-response components of eyespot formation in the degrees of compartmentalization and/or the temporal pattern of selection. We also report on the phenotypic analysis of a number of mutant stocks demonstrating how single alleles can affect different eyespots in concert or independently, and thus contribute to the individualization of serially repeated traits.  相似文献   

Progress on the evolutionary origin and diversification of feathers has been hampered by conceptual problems and by the lack of plesiomorphic feather fossils. Recently, both of these limitations have been overcome by the proposal of the developmental theory of the origin of feathers, and the discovery of primitive feather fossils on nonavian theropod dinosaurs. The conceptual problems of previous theories of the origin of feathers are reviewed, and the alternative developmental theory is presented and discussed. The developmental theory proposes that feathers evolved through a series of evolutionary novelties in developmental mechanisms of the follicle and feather germ. The discovery of primitive and derived fossil feathers on a diversity of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs documents that feathers evolved and diversified in nonavian theropods before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight. The morphologies of these primitive feathers are congruent with the predictions of the developmental theory. Alternatives to the theropod origin of feathers are critique and rejected. Hypotheses for the initial function of feathers are reviewed. The aerodynamic theory of feather origins is falsified, but many other functions remain developmentally and phylogenetically plausible. Whatever their function, feathers evolved by selection for a follicle that would grow an emergent tubular appendage. Feathers are inherently tubular structures. The homology of feathers and scales is weakly supported. Feathers are composed of a suite of evolutionary novelties that evolved by the duplication, hierarchical organization, interaction, dissociation, and differentiation of morphological modules. The unique capacity for modular subdivision of the tubular feather follicle and germ has fostered the evolution of numerous innovations that characterize feathers. The evolution of feather keratin and the molecular basis of feather development are also discussed.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in evolutionary biology asks whether organisms experiencing similar selective pressures will evolve similar solutions or whether historical contingencies dominate the evolutionary process and yield disparate evolutionary outcomes. It is perhaps most likely that both shared selective forces as well as unique histories play key roles in the course of evolution. Consequently, when multiple species face a common environmental gradient, their patterns of divergence might exhibit both shared and unique elements. Here we describe a general framework for investigating and evaluating the relative importance of these contrasting features of diversification. We examined morphological diversification in three species of livebearing fishes across a predation gradient. All species (Gambusia affinis from the United States of America, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from Costa Rica, and Poecilia reticulata from Trinidad) exhibited more elongate bodies, a larger caudal peduncle, and a relatively lower position of the eye in predator populations. This shared response suggests that common selective pressures generated parallel outcomes within three different species. However, each species also exhibited unique features of divergence, which might reflect phylogenetic tendencies, chance events, or localized environmental differences. In this system, we found that shared aspects of divergence were of larger magnitude than unique elements, suggesting common natural selective forces have played a greater role than unique histories in producing the observed patterns of morphological diversification. Assessing the nature and relative importance of shared and unique responses should aid in elucidating the relative generality or peculiarity in evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Morphology and post-embryonic development of the pleopodal rami of the amphipod crustacean Gammarus roeselii Gervais, 1835 are described, with particular reference to the differentiation of limb articles. An article is the part of a limb between two complete arthrodial membranes and, in the pleopodal rami, most arthrodial membranes are accompanied by two plumose setae on the opposite faces of the article. During post-embryonic development, the rami acquire new plumose setae and new arthrodial membranes proximal to the already differentiated part; this implies that new articles are produced by the division of the most proximal article only. On the proximal article of the inner ramus there are also some bifid setae, whose number increases post-embryonically, most likely by proximal addition of new setae. Data from different limb types of different arthropod groups suggest that during post-embryonic development new articles are also produced from one or more specific zone(s) of the limbs. General aspects of these “growth zones” in arthropod limbs are discussed and their distribution, in respect to both different limb types and different taxa, is reviewed. The available data do not allow unambiguous conclusions about the evolution of growth zones and limb patterning, but the most relevant questions are nevertheless outlined.  相似文献   

We address the problem of cultural diversification by studying selection on cultural ideas that colonize human hosts and using diversification of religions as a conceptual example. In analogy to studying the evolution of pathogens or symbionts colonizing animal hosts, we use models for host-pathogen dynamics known from theoretical epidemiology. In these models, religious content colonizes individual humans. Rates of transmission of ideas between humans, i.e., transmission of cultural content, and rates of loss of ideas (loss of belief) are determined by the phenotype of the cultural content, and by interactions between hosts carrying different ideas. In particular, based on the notion that cultural non-conformism can be negative frequency-dependent (for example, religion can lead to oppression of lower classes and emergence of non-conformism and dissent once a religious belief has reached dominance), we assume that the rate of loss of belief increases as the number of humans colonized by a particular religious phenotype increases. This generates frequency-dependent selection on cultural content, and we use evolutionary theory to show that this frequency dependence can lead to the emergence of coexisting clusters of different cultural types. The different clusters correspond to different cultural traditions, and hence our model describes the emergence of distinct descendant cultures from a single ancestral culture in the absence of any geographical isolation.  相似文献   

The phylotypic stage is the developmental stage at which vertebrates most resemble each other. In this study we test the plausibility of the hypotheses of Sander [1983, Development and Evolution, Cambridge University Press] and Raff [1994, Early Life on Earth, Columbia University Press; 1996, The Shape of Life, University of Chicago Press] that the phylotypic stage is conserved due to the intense and global interactivity occurring during that stage. First, we test the prediction that the phylotypic stage is much more vulnerable than any other stage. A search of the teratological literature shows that disturbances at this stage lead to a much higher mortality than in other stages, in accordance with the prediction. Second, we test whether that vulnerability is indeed caused by the interactiveness and lack of modularity of the inductions or, alternatively, is caused by some particularly vulnerable process going on at that time. From the pattern of multiple induced anomalies we conclude that it is indeed the interactiveness that is the root cause of the vulnerability. Together these results support the hypotheses of Sander and Raff. We end by presenting an argument on why the absence of modularity in the inductive interactions may also be the root cause of the conservation of the much discussed temporal and spatial colinearity of the Hox genes. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 291:195-204, 2001.  相似文献   

Summary The widely held assumption that very few arthropods feed on ferns was questioned following field observations of arthropod damage on ferns in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The extent and type of damage was recorded and it was found that in a measured locality, ferns were no less attacked than the angiospermous flora. As chemistry and arthropod host relationships have been shown to be so closely intertwined, plants collected in the field were analysed for both condensed tannins and cyanogenic glycosides, compounds known to be effective deterrents in temperate climates. Although all ferns tested contained tannins these did not appear to inhibit predation. Cyanogenic glycosides were present in only 3% of the fern species analysed, and it is, therefore, unlikely that they play a significant role as defensive compounds in the ferns examined.A literature search revealed a large number of ferns cited as being arthropod hosts. Approximately 420 named species of arthropods have been recorded, the majority of which are from the orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera. Both evolutionary primitive (sawflies) and advanced (moths) arthropods are reported to be present on ferns suggesting possible coevolution of arthropods and ferns both before and after the radiation of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The circular, double-stranded 8-kb DNA genome of papillomaviruses (PVes) consists mainly of 4 large genes, E1, E2, L2, and L1. Approximately 150 papillomavirus genomes have been sequenced to date. We analyzed a representative sample of 53 PVes genomes using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony, and distance-based methods both on nucleotide (nt) and on amino acid (aa) alignments. When the 4 genes were analyzed separately, aa-inferred phylogenies contradicted each other less than nt-inferred trees (judged by partition homogeneity tests). In particular, gene combinations including the L2 gene generated significant incongruence (P < 0.001). Combined analyses of the remaining genes E1-E2-L1 produced a well-supported phylogeny including supertaxon beta + gamma + pi + xi-PVes (infecting Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Primates, and Rodentia) and supertaxon kappa + lambda + mu + nu + sigma-PVes (infecting Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Primates, and Rodentia). Based on the tree topology, host-linked evolution appears plausible at shallow, rather than deeper, taxonomic levels. Diversification within PVes may also involve adaptive radiation establishing different niches (within a single-host species) and recombination events (within single-host cells). Heterogeneous groups of closely related PVes infecting, for example, humans and domestic animals such as hamster, dog, and cattle suggest multiple infections across species borders. Additional evolutionary phenomena such as strong codon usage preferences, and computational biases including reconstruction artifacts and insufficient taxon sampling, may contribute to the incomplete resolution of deep phylogenetic nodes. The molecular data globally supports a complex evolutionary scenario for PVes, which is driven by multiple mechanisms but not exclusively by coevolution with corresponding hosts.  相似文献   

Nosil P  Sandoval CP 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e1907
The degree of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation between taxon pairs can vary quantitatively, and often increases as evolutionary divergence proceeds through various stages, from polymorphism to population differentiation, ecotype and race formation, speciation, and post-speciational divergence. Although divergent natural selection promotes divergence, it does not always result in strong differentiation. For example, divergent selection can fail to complete speciation, and distinct species pairs sometimes collapse ('speciation in reverse'). Widely-discussed explanations for this variability concern genetic architecture, and the geographic arrangement of populations. A less-explored possibility is that the degree of phenotypic and reproductive divergence between taxon pairs is positively related to the number of ecological niche dimensions (i.e., traits) subject to divergent selection. Some data supporting this idea stem from laboratory experimental evolution studies using Drosophila, but tests from nature are lacking. Here we report results from manipulative field experiments in natural populations of herbivorous Timema stick insects that are consistent with this 'niche dimensionality' hypothesis. In such insects, divergent selection between host plants might occur for cryptic colouration (camouflage to evade visual predation), physiology (to detoxify plant chemicals), or both of these niche dimensions. We show that divergent selection on the single niche dimension of cryptic colouration can result in ecotype formation and intermediate levels of phenotypic and reproductive divergence between populations feeding on different hosts. However, greater divergence between a species pair involved divergent selection on both niche dimensions. Although further replication of the trends reported here is required, the results suggest that dimensionality of selection may complement genetic and geographic explanations for the degree of diversification in nature.  相似文献   

Developmental exaptation and evolutionary change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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