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环境因子对叶氮、磷含量异速生长关系的属水平差异的影响植物叶片中氮(N)、磷(P)含量的异速生长关系表明了植物对这两种元素的相对投入。而,现有的研究很少关注这一关系在分类单元之间的差异及其成因。本研究基于来自全国1733个样地,属于46个木本被子植物属的2483个叶片样品,利用异速生长方程([N] = α[P]β)分别计算了各属的叶氮、磷含量异速生长指数(βL)。然后利用谱系路径分析检验了这些属的气候和土壤生态位条件如何影响属间的βL的差异。生活在贫磷土壤中的属更可能表现出更高的βL,即相对于氮而言更强的磷积累,这可能表明了植物对磷限制的抵抗倾向。此外,各属的βL与相对应的土壤氮、磷含量异速生长指数(βS)正相关,这可能表明了叶养分的变化受制于作为来源的土壤养分的变化。最后,包括温度和湿度在内的气候因子不会直接影响βL的属间变化,但可能通过调节土壤养分水平发挥间接的作用。谱系关系不会影响各属βL随环境梯度的变化。这些结果揭示了植物对氮、磷摄取的权衡关系可能受属生态位,特别是土壤生态位的影响,表明了βL可以作为一项反映植物养分利用特征如何响应生态位差异的功能属性。  相似文献   

Extensive studies have focused on assessing leaf chlorophyll content through spectral indices; however, the accuracy is weakened by limited wavebands and coarse resolution. With hundreds of wavebands, hyperspectral data can substantially capture the essential absorption features of leaf chlorophyll; however, few such studies have been conducted on same species in various degraded vegetations. In this investigation, complete combinations of either original reflectance or first‐order derivative spectra we conducted a complete combination on either original reflectance or its first‐order derivative value from 350 to 1000 nm to quantify leaf total chlorophyll (Chll), chlorophyll‐a (Chla), and chlorophyll‐b (Chlb) contents. This was performed using three hyperspectral datasets collected in situ from lightly, moderately, and severely degraded vegetations in temperate Helin County, China. Suitable combinations were selected by comparing the numbers of significant correlation coefficients with leaf Chll, Chla, and Chlb contents. The combinations of reflectance difference (Dij), normalized differences (ND), first‐order derivative (FD), and first‐order derivative difference (FD(D)) were found to be the most effective. These sensitive band‐based combinations were further optimized by means of a stepwise linear regression analysis and were compared with 43 empirical spectral indices, frequently used in the literature. These sensitive band‐based combinations on hyperspectral data proved to be the most effective indices for quantifying leaf chlorophyll content (R2 > 0.7, p < 0.01), demonstrating great potential for the use of hyperspectral data in monitoring degraded vegetation at a fine scale.  相似文献   

为进一步了解氮添加条件下群落功能多样性如何驱动生物量变化, 该研究在位于天山山脉的巴音布鲁克高寒草地开展氮添加实验, 通过连续两年调查群落物种组成并测量常见物种的功能性状, 分析物种多样性、功能多样性及群落水平功能性状的响应模式及其在驱动生物量变化中的相对贡献。结果表明, 短期氮添加同时增加群落地上和地下生物量, 且地上生物量的增加比例高于地下生物量, 氮添加导致功能多样性降低但是物种多样性未发生显著变化; 氮添加增加群落水平上的植株高度和叶片碳含量, 但导致比叶面积、种子质量及叶片磷含量下降; 物种多样性对生物量变化解释非常有限, 而功能多样性与群落水平功能性状可以很好地解释生物量变化, 以上研究结果支持质量比假说。综上, 该研究表明功能多样性与群落水平功能性状比物种多样性对短期氮添加的响应更加迅速, 且两者在解释高寒草地群落生物量对氮添加的响应中起到关键作用。  相似文献   

夏、秋季长江口及毗邻海域浮游动物的分布与变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
浮游动物在整个海洋生态系统中起着非常重要的调控作用,它通过摄食控制浮游植物的数量和分布,同时又是许多经济鱼类的主要饵料,因而其分布与变化可以直接影响渔业资源状况[1,2].  相似文献   

? It has been suggested that autumn-migrating insects drive the evolution of autumn leaf colours. However, evidence of genetic variation in autumn leaf colours in natural tree populations and the link between the genetic variation and herbivore abundances has been lacking. ? Here, we measured the size of the whole aphid community and the development of green-yellow leaf colours in six replicate trees of 19 silver birch (Betula pendula) genotypes at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of autumn colouration. We also calculated the difference between green leaf and leaf litter nitrogen (N) and estimated the changes in phloem sap N loading. ? Autumn leaf colouration had significant genetic variation. During the last survey, genotypes that expressed the strongest leaf reflectance 2-4 wk earlier had an abundance of egg-laying Euceraphis betulae females. Surprisingly, the aphid community size during the first surveys explained N loss by the litter of different birch genotypes. ? Our results are the first evidence at the tree intrapopulation genotypic level that autumn-migrating pests have the potential to drive the evolution of autumn leaf colours. They also stress the importance of recognizing the role of late-season tree-insect interactions in the evolution of herbivory resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Many species of Eucalyptus, one of the dominant genera in Australian forests and woodlands, contain high levels of tannins and other phenols and are also heavily damaged by grazing insects. These phenols do not appear to affect insect attack because a wide range of concentrations of condensed tannins and other phenols in leaves of 13 Eucalyptus sp. influenced neither feeding rates of Paropsis atomaria larvae, nor their nitrogen use efficiencies. We discuss reasons why tannins may not appreciably reduce the availability of nitrogen (N) to these insects. Performance was directly related to leaf N concentration, and growth rates, N gains, and N use efficiencies all increased as leaf N content increased, although absolute feeding rates remained constant. These relationships differ from those found in insects feeding on other plants, and we suggest that the low N contents common in Eucalyptus leaves may be responsble. We propose that the extensive damage observed in many eucalypts is in part related to the high feeding rates maintained by individual larvae.To whom offprint requests shouid be sent  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the key biophysical parameters for understanding land surface photosynthesis, transpiration, and energy balance processes. Estimation of LAI from remote sensing data has been a premier method for a large scale in recent years. Recent studies have revealed that the within-canopy vertical variations in LAI and biochemical properties greatly affect canopy reflectance and significantly complicate the retrieval of LAI inversely from reflectance based vegetation indices, which has yet been explicitly addressed. In this study, we have used both simulated datasets (dataset I with constant vertical profiles of LAI and biochemical properties, dataset II with varied vertical profile of LAI but constant vertical biochemical properties, and dataset III with both varied vertical profiles) generated from the multiple-layer canopy radiative transfer model (MRTM) and a ground-measured dataset to identify robust spectral indices that are insensitive to such within canopy vertical variations for LAI prediction. The results clearly indicated that published indices such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) had obvious discrepancies when applied to canopies with different vertical variations, while the new indices identified in this study performed much better. The best index for estimating canopy LAI under various conditions was D(920,1080), with overall RMSEs of 0.62–0.96 m2/m2 and biases of 0.42–0.55 m2/m2 for all three simulated datasets and an RMSE of 1.22 m2/m2 with the field-measured dataset, although it was not the most conservative one among all new indices identified. This index responded mostly to the quantity of LAI but was insensitive to within-canopy variations, allowing it to aid the retrieval LAI from remote sensing data without prior information of within-canopy vertical variations of LAI and biochemical properties.  相似文献   

Variation in photosynthetic parameters was observed between eight contrasting cacao (Theobroma cacao) genotypes. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) ranged from 3.4 to 5.7 μmol(CO2) m−2 s−1 for the genotypes IMC 47 and SCA 6, respectively. Furthermore, genotypic differences were detected in quantum efficiency ranging from 0.020 to 0.043 μmol(CO2) μmol−1(photon) for UF 676 and AMAZ 15/15, respectively. Differences in PN were correlated with both stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf nitrogen per unit area. Some variation in water use efficiency was observed between genotypes, both intrinsic (PN/gs) and instantaneous (PN/transpiration rate). Both measures of water use efficiency were a negative function of specific leaf area. Evidence was found for a trade-off mechanism between cacao genotypes in photosynthesis and leaf structure. High photosynthetic rate, expressed on a mass basis was associated with smaller leaves. Furthermore, thinner leaves were compensated for by a higher nitrogen content per unit mass.  相似文献   

Bathymetric and regional variation in condition of Icelandic cod Gadus morhua in autumn is compared to that previously observed in spring. Once again, contradicting patterns in the hepato-somatic index and a morphometric index of fish condition were observed. The relevance of this persistent spatial variation in condition in relation to emerging evidence of behavioural types is discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf photosynthetic characteristics, distribution patterns of nitrogen content per unit leaf area (nL) and leaf area production per unit nLwere measured in natural stands of a C4 grass (Hyparrhenia rufa) from the seasonal savannas and of a C4grass (Paspalum fasciculatum) and two C3grasses (Leersia hexandra and Hymenachne amplexicaulis) from the flooded savannas in central Venezuela. Daily rates of canopy photosynthesis (PcD) as well as the optimal leaf area production per unit nLat which PcDfor a given total amount of nitrogen in the canopy (i.e., canopy-PNUE) is maximized were also calculated. The C3and C4species from the flooded savannas had similar light saturated rates of photosynthesis per unit nL(i.e. leaf-PNUE) and similar canopy-PNUEs which was in strong contrast with previous studies. Especially H. rufa but also L. hexandra and H. amplexicaulis had leaf- and canopy-PNUEs which were considerably higher than the values calculated for most other species with the same photosynthetic pathway (i.e., C3or C4). In contrast to previous studies, differences in the light gradient in the canopy between stands only partially explained differences in N distribution. Measured leaf area indices were greater and the average nL values were consequently smaller than the calculated optima. There was, however, a very strong linear correlation between the optimal and actual average nLindicating that even though the model overestimated average nL, it did predict the differences in leaf area production per unit nitrogen – the inverse average nL– very well. This result strongly indicates that leaf area production per unit of leaf nitrogen increases with leaf-PNUE and decreases with the extinction coefficient for light. Grass species from seasonal savannas have extremely high leaf-PNUEs and thus optimally produce large amounts of leaf area per unit nL. This helps explain how stands of these species may have high leaf area indices and achieve high photosynthetic productivity despite the very low nutrient availability at which they grow.  相似文献   

Seasonal, ontogenetic, and diel variations in the diets of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, were examined by analyzing the stomach contents of 1398 fish (300–755 mm fork length) collected in the Bering Sea during summer and early autumn of 2002. Whereas mesozooplankton, including euphausiids, hyperiids, and gastropods, constituted the greatest portion of the stomach contents during the summer, forage fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus and Atka mackerel, Pleurogrammus monopterygius) were the most important items during early autumn. Although no apparent diel trend was found in feeding intensity, distinct diel differences in prey composition were observed. Chum salmon caught in the morning contained Stenobrachius leucopsarus, whereas those caught in the afternoon had mainly fed on euphausiids. Thus, chum salmon diets change temporally because of changes in prey availability that result from differences in the annual life cycles and diurnal vertical migrations of prey species.  相似文献   

Identifying conservation units below the species level is becoming increasingly important, particularly when limited resources necessitate prioritization for conservation among such units. This problem is exemplified with caribou, a mammal with a circum-Arctic distribution that is exposed to a broad spectrum of ecological conditions, but is also declining in many parts of its range. We used microsatellite markers to evaluate the suitability of existing intra-specific taxonomic designations to act as population units for conservation and contrasted this with landscape features that were independent of taxonomy. We also quantified the relationship between genetic differentiation and subpopulation size, a factor that has been under-represented in landscape genetic research. Our data set included three subspecies and three ecotypes of caribou that varied in population size by five orders of magnitude. Our results indicated that genetic structure did not correspond to existing taxonomic designation, particularly at the level of ecotype. Instead, we found that major valleys and population size were the strongest factors associated with substructure. There was a negative exponential relationship between population size and F(ST) between pairs of adjacent subpopulations, suggesting that genetic drift was the mechanism causing the structure among the smallest subpopulations. A genetic assignment test revealed that movement among subpopulations was a fraction of the level needed to stabilize smaller subpopulations, indicating little chance for demographic rescue. Such results may be broadly applicable to landscape genetic studies, because population size and corresponding rates of drift have the potential to confound interpretations of landscape effects on population structure.  相似文献   

Penrose  Beth  Lovatt  J. Alan  Palmer  Sarah  Thomson  Russell  Broadley  Martin R. 《Plant and Soil》2020,457(1-2):43-55
Plant and Soil - An Italian ryegrass cultivar (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Bb2067), selected and bred for increased leaf magnesium (Mg) concentration in the 1970s, reduced the incidence of...  相似文献   

Transport and turnover of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is important in the C cycle of organic soils. The concentration of DOC in soil water is buffered by adsorption to the soil matrix, and has been hypothesized to depend on the pool size of adsorbed DOC. We have studied the effect of frequent artificial excessive leaching events on concentration and flux of DOC in shallow, organic rich mountain soils. Assuming a constant Kd value for DOC adsorption to the soil matrix, we used these data to assess the change in the pool of adsorbed (or potential) DOC in the soil. The study involved manipulation of precipitation amount and frequency in summer and autumn in small, heathland catchments at Storgama, southern Norway. The shallow soils (16–34 cm deep on average) limit the possibility for changes in water flow paths during events. The mini-catchments range in size from 75 to 98 m2. Our data show that after leaching of about 1.2 g DOC m−2 the DOC concentration in runoff declines by approximately 50%. From this we conclude that the pool size of adsorbed potential DOC in the shallow soils at any time is of the order 2–3 g m−2. Frequent episodes suggest that the replenishment rate, which depends on the decomposition rate of soil organic matter, is fast and the potential DOC pool could be fully restored probably within days during summer, but with some more time required in autumn, due to lower temperatures. Both pool size of potential DOC and replenishment rate are seasonally dependent. The pool of potential DOC, and thus the DOC concentration in discharge, is at their maximum in the growing season. However, under non-leaching conditions, the concentration of DOC in soil water and thus the pool size of potential DOC seems to level off, possibly due to conversion of DOC to less reversibly bound forms, or to further decomposition to CO2.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species produce oxidized bases, deoxyribose lesions and DNA strand breaks in mammalian cells. Previously, we demonstrated that aldehydic DNA lesions (ADLs) were induced in mammalian cells by 10 mM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Interestingly, a bimodal H2O2 dose–response relationship in cell toxicity has been reported for Escherichia coli deficient in DNA repair as well as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that H2O2 causes single-strand breaks in purified DNA in the presence of iron and induces mitochondrial DNA damage in CHO cells with a biphasic dose–response curve. Here we show that H2O2 produces ADLs at concentrations as low as 0.06 mM in HeLa cells and that lower concentrations of H2O2 were much more efficient at inducing ADLs than higher concentrations. This dose–response curve is strikingly similar to that for cell killing effects in E.coli deficient in DNA repair exposed to H2O2. Interestingly, serial treatment of submillimolar levels of H2O2 induced a massive accumulation of ADLs. The toxicity arising from H2O2 determined by intracellular NAD(P)H in cells correlated well with the formation of ADLs. The addition of dipyridyl, an iron (II)-specific chelator, significantly protected against DNA damage and cell toxicity from submillimolar, but not millimolar, amounts of H2O2. These results suggest that ADLs induced by submillimolar levels of H2O2 may be due to a Fenton-type reaction between H2O2 and intracellular iron ions in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

测定了松嫩平原草甸3种主要植物羊草(Leymus chinensis)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)和尖叶胡枝子(Lespedeza hedysaroides)叶片全氮、全磷浓度,并分析了它们与土壤全氮、全磷浓度的关系.结果表明:3种植物叶片全氮浓度种间差异显著(P<0.05),而全磷浓度种间差异不显...  相似文献   

Whiteley  Jonathan A.  Gonzalez  Andrew 《Oecologia》2016,181(4):1243-1258
Oecologia - The boreal forest is of particular interest to climate change research due to its large circumpolar distribution and accumulated soil carbon pool. Carbon uptake in this ecosystem is...  相似文献   

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