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向刚  容丽 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):99-104
自2017年参加“国家标本资源共享平台”植物子平台以来,贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本室除了数字化植物标本以外,还挖掘、整理了贵州师范大学植物分类学、植物地理学的建设和发展历程。经过3年的艰苦努力,最后向中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)提供了10 044份信息齐全的植物标本。通过此次植物标本数字化工作,彻底摸清了贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本的家底,盘活了标本室的库存,使得老一辈植物地理学家黄威廉等老先生60余年的科研成果重新展现在世人面前。通过植物标本的数字化工作,挖掘整理出老一辈精彩的植物标本采集史和学术故事。在标本数字化的过程中,学生和老师都对植物标本以及植物标本背后的故事有了新的认识,对植物标本数字化的重要性和必要性也有了更深的体会。  相似文献   

害虫天敌的植物支持系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
保护天敌,使天敌长期有效地控制害虫是保护性生物防治的核心内容。其中,植物在维持和促进天敌控制害虫中的重要性和作用越来越受到关注。本文概述了各种支持天敌发挥效能的植物类群,论述了蜜源植物、储蓄植物、栖境植物、诱集植物、指示植物、护卫植物等在支持天敌生存和繁殖方面的生物功能,评述了研究和应用这些植物时需注意的问题,提出了科学利用这些植物以维持和增强农业生态系统中天敌发挥控害作用的植物支持系统,并指出了由于对这些植物类别的界定和定义模糊所带来的不便,给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

大洪山位于湖北省中北部,地处中纬度北亚热带季风气候带,植物种类非常丰富。初步统计大洪山共有野生资源植物1137种,隶属于132科、529属。对大洪山的野生植物资源按其性质和用途分为观赏植物、能源植物、药用植物、油脂植物、蜜源植物、纤维植物、淀粉及糖类植物、芳香植物、鞣料植物、饲用植物、土农药植物、树脂及树胶植物,并对其进行了统计和分析。文中列举了一些有代表性、经济价值较高的植物种类,分析了该地区野生植物资源的特点及存在问题,提出了合理开发利用植物资源的建议。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较引种植物和本土植物的生长状况,主要是果熟现象,讨论了引种植物对引种目的地的适应性。中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,引种和保存了国内外万种以上的热带和亚热带植物,并对多种引种植物进行了长期连续生长监测。本文统计分析了其中观测4年以上的569个编号的引种植物生长适应状况。结果表明:1)引种植物基本适应植物园的环境,但是不同气候区来源的植物适应性表现不同,不同地区来源植物适应性顺序为:热带亚洲植物〉亚热带和热带北缘植物/热带非洲植物〉热带澳洲植物〉热带美洲植物;2)不同科属植物个体适应表现也有差别,无患子科,蝶形花科,楝科和紫葳科等的植物个体适应性和本土植物比较相似,而大戟科植物个体适应性和本土植物差异最大;3)分析表明引种植物对植物园的适应受到来源地气候和区系起源两个因素的影响;4)紫蒇科,桃金娘科和含羞草科的一些引种植物个体果熟年比高于本土植物,其入侵性有待于进一步入评估。  相似文献   

玉龙雪山种子植物资源评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南西北部玉龙雪山地处中国三大生物多样性中心之一。基于植物数据库和种子植物名录并结合野外采集的植物标本资料,我们得出玉龙雪山地区有超过2 815种的种子植物,其中96种为濒危物种的结论。同时完善和补充了丽江高山植物园种子植物名录,并基于植物的用途和特性分析和评价了资源植物;讨论了植物资源保护与开发间存在的矛盾与冲突,并且对植物资源的保护和可持续开发利用提供了意见和建议。  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂的研究与应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
主要综述了植物生长调节剂的概况、植物生长调节剂的种类及其作用、植物生长调节剂的应用以及植物生长调节剂的安全使用原则,并展望了植物生长调节剂的应用前景。  相似文献   

作者通过野外调查,报道了香港西贡牛尾海邻近岛屿的植被概况和物种多样性。结果表明:该地区共有维管束植物108科254属345种。作者将其植物资源按用途分为10类:药用植物、观赏植物、材用植物、纤维植物、油脂植物、饲用植物、有毒植物、食用植物、鞣料植物和芳香植物,并论述了各类资源植物的主要种类。并对合理开发、利用和保护该地区植物资源提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文从生态学角度对植物医学和植物健康进行了深度思考,论述了同时从宏观和微观角度进行研究对植物医学学科的重要性,强调了植物群体健康在植物医学中的作用,分析植物医学观念下的自然生态系统与农田生态系统的功能,给出了基于生态学的植物健康和植物医学的新定义.  相似文献   

植物蛋白质组学的研究取得了重要进展。全面介绍了植物器官蛋白质组、植物组织蛋白质组及植物亚细胞蛋白质组的研究进展。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌在外来植物入侵演替中的作用与机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外来植物入侵不仅是环境、经济和社会问题,也是一个生理学和生态学问题,尤其是入侵植物与本地植物、入侵植物和本地土壤生物之间的相互作用决定外来植物入侵程度。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)作为土壤中一类极为重要的功能生物,在外来植物入侵演替过程中发挥多种不同作用。文章系统总结了AMF对入侵植物个体和群体的影响,入侵植物与本地植物竞争中AMF发挥的促进和抑制作用;探讨了AMF与入侵植物的相互作用关系,以及环境因子对AMF一入侵植物关系的影响:对AMF在外来植物入侵演替中的作用机制进行了讨论。旨在为探索控制生物入侵的新途径、为我国开展外来植物入侵研究与防控实践提供新思路。  相似文献   

The chromsomal number and karyotype of Cupressus gigantea Cheng et L. K. Fu is reported for the first time. The number of somatic chromosome in root tip cell of the species was found to be 2n=22. According to the terminology defined by Levan et al, the karyotype is 2n=22= 4m(SC)+16m+2sm, belonging to Stebbin's "A" type of karyotypic symmetry which is generally considered as primitive one. By comparing karyotypes of Cupressus gigantean with other four species of Cupressaceae, the author discovered that Cupressus gigantea is a primitive species in Cupressaceae.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国西北地区豆科山羊豆族2属5种植物的核型.结果表明,这5种豆科植物均为二倍体,其核型公式分别为:单叶黄耆(Astragalus efoliolatus),2n=16=12m 4sm,2A"核型;鸡峰山黄耆(A.kifonsanicus),2n=16=12m 4sm,2A"核型;太原黄耆(A.taiyuanensis),2n=16=8m 6sm 2t(2SAT),2B"核型;变异黄耆(A.variabilis),2n=16=14sm 2t(2SAT),3A"核型;贺兰山岩黄耆(Hedysarum petrovii),2n=16=12m 4sm(2SAT),2A"核型.除变异黄芪外,其余各种的染色体数目及核型均为首次报道.  相似文献   

四种云杉的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初  王刚  苏苏  徐阿生 《广西植物》2001,21(1):43-46,T001,T002
首次报道了中国珍稀濒危保护植物长叶云杉 ( P. smithiana ( Wall.) Boiss.)和康定云杉 ( P. likian-gensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.montigena( Mast.) Cheng ex Chen)及我国特产的青海云杉 ( P.crassif oliaKom.)和林芝云杉 ( P.likiangensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.linzhiensis Cheng et L.K.Fu)的核型。它们的核型公式都是 K( 2 n) =2 4 =2 2 m+2 sm (林芝云杉有 1条 B染色体 ) ,染色体相对长度组成分别为 2 n=1 4 M2 +8M1 +2 S,2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S,2 L +1 0 M2 +1 0 M1 +2 S,和 2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S.均为 2 A (除青海云杉 1 A外 )核型类型。  相似文献   

Disporum cantoniense (Lour.) Merr. is widely distributed in the area from the Himalayas to Indonesia, via south China, Indo-China and Taiwan, especially in the various parts of Yunnan Province. In this paper, the karyotype variation of six populations of the apecies from southeastern, middle and northwestern part of Yunnan are studied. The result shows that the chromosome number of all the populations are 2n= 14. The species was reported to have 2n= 16, 30 (Hasegawa 1932, Mehra and Pathamia 1960, Kurosawa 1966, 1971, Tang et al. 1984) and 2n= 14 (Kurosawa 1971, Mehra and Sachdeva 1976a). 2n= 14, 2n= 16 and 2n=32 were observed in the material from Taiwan (Chuang, et al. 1962, Chao, 1963, Hsu, 1971, 1972, Chang, 1974). Based on the cytological study of D. megalanthum Wang et Tang and seven other species in this genus reported by other authors, Hong and Zhu (1990) consider that the basic number of this genus is x= 8, because species with 2n= 16 was more than those with 2n= 14, despite some number variation of chromosomes in this genus. Based on the results of the present paper, we consider that x= 7 might be one of the basic numbers of this genus. In the karyotypes studied here, the relative chromosome lengths and the ratio of the longest/the shortest chromosomes of the six populations are rather approximate. Moreover, all the karyotypes belong to Stebbins’3B type. However, karyotype variation was detected in these populations. The homologues of the 2nd, 3rd and 6th pair of chromosomes are different from each other, the numbers and popsition of satellites are found very different, among the populations except for the Lijiang population, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th pair of all the populations exhibited heterozygosity. Although all the karyotypes belong to Stebbins ‘3B type, the homologues were more regular in the Lijiang population than in the other populations, and the most irregular in the Wenshan population, because it hadfour pairs of heterozygous chromosomes.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the karyotypic analysis of Taxodium ascendens Brongn. The somatic chromosomes in root-tip cells of the plant are found to be 2n =22, all with median and submedian constrictions. A character of the karyotype is that the chromosome 10 has a long kinetochore region (Plate 1:1). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.[18], the karyotype formula is k(2n)=22=20m+2sm, which is different to Huang et Hsu’s[8] K(2n)=24=22m+2B(m). The karyotype belongs to “lA” of Stebbins’[24] karyotypic symmetry and is generally regarded as a relatively primitive one. The species’ chromosome complement is 2n=22=2L+8M2+12M1 according to I.R.L.difined by Kuo et al.[15] based on relative length. The lengths, arm ratios and types of chromosomes of the species are given in Table 1-I. The morphology of the chromosomes and the karyotype, are given in Plate 1:1. In the light of the works of Schlarbaum et al.[21] and Mehra et al.[17], K(2n)=22=20m (2SAT)+2sm and 2n=22=2L+6M2+14M1 are for T. distichum (L.) Rich. (see Table 1-II), K(2n)=20m+2sm and 2n=22=4L+4M2+12M1+2S for T. mucronatum Tenore (see Table 1-III, Plate 1:2), which belong to “lA” and “2A” respectively. The differences between three species in the ratio of the longest to the shortest chromosome, I.R.L. and the proportion of chromosomes with arm ratio >2 show that the karyotype of T. mucronatum is the most advanced and that of T. distichum the most primitive. The present author suggests that the sequence of evolutionary advance be T. distichum, T. ascendens, T. mucronatum. Based on the evidence from the karyotype analyses, ecology and geographical distribution (including fossil), the secondary center of genetic diversity (Fig. 1) and the probable evolu-tionary pattern (Fig. 2) of Taxodium are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight species in eight genera of Liliaceae from Zhejiang were cytotaxonomically studied in this work. The karyotypes of Chinese materials of these species are mostly reported for the first time. The results are shown as follows (see Table 2-4 for chromosome parameters of them): 1. Disporum sessile D. Don Sixteen chromosomes are counted at metaphase of roottip cells.The Karyotype formula is 2n=16=2lm+2sm+4st+2sm+3sm+ 1sm(SAT)+2st (Plate 1: 2-3, see Fig. 1:1 for its idiogram). The Karyotype belongs to 3B in Stebbins’ (1971) karyotype classification, and consists of four pairs of larger chromosomes (1-4) and four pairs of smaller chromosomes (5-8). One SAT-chromosome is situated at the sixth pair. The chromosomes range between 4.85-16.63μm. The karyotypic constitution is similar to that of Japanese material reported by Noguchi (1974). Chang and Hsu (1974) reported 2n=14=13st+1sm and 2n= 16=2m + 13st + 1sm for the material from Taiwan under the name of D. shimadai Hay. (=D. sessile D. Don). Compared with our result of D. sessile, the differences are obvious. 2. Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce PMCs diakinesis shows eleven bivalents, n = 11, 5 large and 6 small (Plate 2:5). The meiosis is normal. The majority of reports of this species are 2n=20, with a few 2n=22 and 30 (see Table 1). The materials from southen Siberia and the Far East in USSR are all of 2n= 20. Our result is the same as recorded by Jinno (1966) in the Japanese material and by Li (1980) from Beijing. Ge (1987) reported 2n=20 in the cultivated individuals of Shandong, China, showing that both 2n=20 and 22 exist in China. 3. Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce This species has the somatic chromosome number 2n=18 (Plate 1: 4-6, see Fig. 1:2 for its idiogram), of which two groups of chromosomes can be recognized, i.e. the 1 st -5 th pairs of large and the 6 th-9th pairs of small chromosomes. A distinct character of the karyotype is that two satellites are attached to the short arms of the 1st pair of chromosomes. The degree of asymmetry is of 3C. The karyotype formula is 2n = 18 = 2sm (SAT) + 6st + 2t+ 6m + 2sm. The chromosomes range from 2.02 to 11.93 μm. The Previous counts on the species are 2n = 16, 18, 26, 34, 35, 36 and 43 (see Table 1). The present investigation confirms Noda’s and Haga’s results. The species is considered to be of two genomes, namely A(x = 8) and B(x = 9). Our result shows a genome composition of BB, having a pair of large SAT-chromosomes. Chang and Hsu (1974) reported 2n = 34 from a population of Taiwan, an amphidiploid (AABB), Karyotypes of other Chinese populations are worth further researches. 4. Tricyrtis macropoda Miq. The chromosome number of somatic cells is 2n= 26, and PMCs MII shows 13 bivalents (n= 13) (Plate 3:1-3, see Fig. 1:3 for its idiogram). The karyotype formula is 2n= 26= 6m + 10sm + 6st + 4st (or t), which is composed of chromosomes: 4L + 22S in size. The degree of asymmetry is of 3B. No centromeres of the 12th and 13th pairs of chromosomes were observed at metaphase, and the chromosomes may be of st or t. Nakamura (1968) reported 2n= 26(4L+ 22S)= 2sm+ 2sm-st+ 14st-sm+ 8st for T. macropoda Miq. and 2n= 26(4L+ 22S)= 8m+ 2sm+2sm-st+ 2st-sm+ 12st for its ssp. affinis, both from Japan. It is clear that the major character of their karyotypes, i. e. 4L + 22S, is consistent with that reported here. Based on the previous and present reports, all Tricyrtis species studied are remarkably uniform in the basic karyotype, i. e. 4L + 22S. 5. Allium macrostemon Bunge. The present observation on the root-tip cells of the species shows 2n = 32 (Plate 3: 4-5, see Fig. 1:4 for its idiogram). The karyotype formula is 2n (4x)= 32= 26m + 6sm, which belongs to 2B, being of high symmetry. Except the 6th, 10th and 13th pairs of chromosomes all the are metacentric. Chromosomes of this species are large, ranging from 5.94 to 18.06 μm. Our result agrees with Kawano’s (1975) report under the name of A. grayi Regel ( = A. macrostemon, Wang and Tang 1980). 6. Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. Ten bivalents were observed in PMCs MI, n=10 (Plate 1: 1). The present result confirms the number of a population of Taiwan recorded by Hsu (1971). 7. Ophiopogon japonicus (L. f.) Ker-Gawl. The species from Mt. Taogui, Hangzhou, is found to have 2n (2x)=36=22m + 14sm (Plate 2: 1,5, see Fig. 1:5 for its idiogram) which belongs to 2B. The karyotype is composed of 2 medium-sized chromosomes with metacentric centromeres and 34 small chromosomes, ranging from 1.34 to 4.92 μm. The populations from Mt. Tianzhu and Mt. Yuling, Zhejiang, are found to be aneuploids at tetraploid level (2n=64-70). It is interesting that Nagamatsu (1971) found the karyotypes of Japanese materials to be 2n= 67 and 68, also showing unsteady 4x karyotypes of this species. In the previous. reports (see Table 1), the chromosome numbers of this species are mainly 2n = 72, besides 2n = 36 recorded by Sato (1942) from Japan. 8. Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang The somatic complement of the species collected from Mt. Tianzhu, Hangzhou, is 2n = 36 (Plate 2: 3-4, see Fig. 1:6 for its idiogram). The karyotype is 2n(2x) = 36 = 16m + 20sm, belonging to 2B type. The chromosomes are small except the medium-sized, 1st pair and the range is from 1.27 to 5.19μm. The material from Mt. Yuling, Zhejiang, is found to have a variety of chromosome numbers (2n= 60-71), as observed in Ophiopogon japonicus. Hasegawa (1968) reported the karyotype of 2n = 72 (4x) from Japan The 2x karyotype is first recorded. This genus is closely related to Ophiopogon. Based on the Hasegawa’s and present studies, all the species in these two genera are remarkably uniform in karyo-type. Therefore, the taxonomy of the two genera is worth further researches.  相似文献   

山西产9种野生植物的染色体观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于山西的4科5属9种野生植物的染色体观察结果。其中有2种植物作了核型分析,5种植物的染色体为首次报道。  相似文献   

A report of chromosome numbers for eight species endemic to China is made in the paper, including first counts for 4 genera and 4 species and first karyotypic analyses of two species. Sinojohnstonia chekiangensis (Migo) W. T. Wang (Boraginaceae) 2n=24*; Coptis chinenis Franch (Ranunculaceae) 2n=18**; Dichocarpum dalzielii (Drumm. et Hutch.) W. T. Wang et Hsiao (Ranunculaceae) 2n=24*; Eomecon chionantha Hance (Papaveraceae) 2n=18; Camptotheca acuminata Dcne. (Nyssaceae) 2n=44; Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang (Calycanthaceae) 2n=22**; Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. (Eucommiaceae) n=17; Pinellia pedatisecta Schott (Araceae) 2n=26; The previous reports of chromosome numbers of the same groups are compared with our own (See Table 1). The vouchers for the present study are preserved in the Herbarium of Futan University.  相似文献   

本文首次报道3种北美冷杉Abies amabilis、A.grandis和A.lasiocarpa的根尖体细胞核型、染色体参数及核型模式图。核型公式分别是K(2n)=24=16m(4SC)+8sm、14m(2SC)+10sm和18m(4SC)+6sm,染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=2L+12M2+6M1+4S、2L+12M2+8M1+2S和2L+8M2+12M1+2S。均为2A核型类型。文中还讨  相似文献   

山东地区药用植物染色体数目的观察(Ⅲ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对17科35种药用植物体细胞染色体作了计数,并就有关的细胞学和分类学问题略作了讨论。  相似文献   

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