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Age-dependent changes in the concn (nmol g d. wt–1) andrelative proportion of polar lipid fatty acids in potato tubertissue were characterized over a 32-month storage period. Astubers advanced in age from 2 to 14 months, a decrease (approximately22%) in concn of both saturated (16:0, 18:0) and unsaturated(18:2, 18:3) fatty acids was evident. This decrease was followedby an exponential increase through 32 months. Electrolyte leakagestudies with excised tissue revealed age-dependent differencesin membrane permeability. The relationship between maximum electrolyteleakage (% total) and tissue age was described by a cubic polynomial.Leakage declined approximately 4% as tissues aged from 2 to7 months; however, from 7 to 24 months, leakage increased 21%.These trends were followed by partial restoration of membranefunction in 24 to 32-month-old tissues, as indicated by attenuatedleakage. Similarly, the trend in double bond index (DBI) withage was defined by a cubic polynomial; however, the minima andmaxima were the opposite of those for electrolyte leakage vs.age. The regression of DBI upon leakage was inverse and linear(r = –0·97, P < 0.01). Furthermore, the effectof decreasing temperature from 5 to –2 °C on tissuepermeability (after equilibration with the bathing medium) wasalso dependent upon DBI. The higher the DBI, the greater theresistance of the tissue to increased electrolyte leakage inducedby chilling temperatures (r = 0·99, P < 0·05).Although the evidence is largely correlative, it appears thatchanges in the degree of saturation of membrane lipids are relatedto age-dependent fluctuations in membrane integrity and maybe important in dictating chilling sensitivity in potato Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), tuber age, electrolyte leakage, membrane fatty acids  相似文献   

OPARKA  K. J. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(5):705-713
Potato plants were labelled with 14CO2 at six stages duringtuber bulking and changes in current assimilate partitioning(20 h after 14CO2 assimilation) were examined in relation toincreasing tuber size on a plant. There was no relationshipbetween the node of origin of a tuber and the amount of 14Cwhich entered it, and those tubers on a plant which importedthe most 14C did not all belong to the same stem. However, competitionwithin a node was evident as many tubers borne on second-orderstolons were smaller and contained significantly lower concentrationsof 14C than those on primary stolons. Two weeks after tuberinitiation there was an almost linear relationship between thefresh weights of the tubers and their 14C content but the correlationbecame less good at subsequent harvests. Within the tubers theratio of 14C starch: soluble fell over the course of the experimentand was reflected in an increase in the percentage of 14C sucroseappearing in the tubers at each harvest. At any one harvest,however, the 14C starch: soluble ratios were similar but notrelated to the rates of 14C import of the tubers. The data areconsistent with the view that sucrose is compartmentalized inpotato tubers. Assimilate, 14Carbon, potato, sugars, tuber  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake and partitioning have been studied in field-grownpotato crops which were subjected to N deficiency (no fertilizerN applied), or received large applications of N (20 g N m–2)at planting. Isolation of part of the root system of the plantsallowed pulses of 1SN to be applied at three different stagesof crop development. Partitioning of 15N throughout the plantswas followed during a subsequent chase, to distinguish betweenthe use in tuber growth of recently absorbed N, and redistributionof N from the existing N capital of the plant When a pulse of 15N was applied 26 d after emergence (DAE),the distribution of 15N within the plant closely followed thatof total N for the duration of the chase, which finished 110DAE. Application of fertilizer N decreased the proportion of15N recovered in the tubers, while increasing that found inthe canopy, because of an increase in leaf growth, particularlyat the top of the canopy, after 69 DAE. When fertilized plantswere supplied with 18N 69 DAE, a greater proportion of 15N wasrecovered in new leaf growth during the subsequent chase, thanwhen the 15N was supplied earlier in the season. It appearsthat current uptake of N is used to augment N pools within thecanopy and, where appropriate, support leaf growth at the endof the season. In contrast, transfer of N into the tubers isby remobilization of the existing N capital, as leaves senesce.The results are discussed in relation to studies of N partitioningin potatoes and other crops Solatium tuberosum, nitrogen-15, uptake, partitioning, pulse-chase  相似文献   

Extracts from rots of potato tubers caused by Erwinia atrosepticaand Corticium praticola were fractionated by precipitation withammonium sulphate and by gel filtration. For the various fractionsof the E. atroseptica extracts there was a close relation betweenthe activity of pectate franj-eliminase and capacity to increasethe permeability of protoplasts as assessed by loss of electrolytes.There was no such relation with phosphatidase acting on lecithin. For certain fractions of C. praticola extracts there was a similarclose relation between increase in permeability and activityof a polygalacturonase but for other fractions with low polygalacturonaseactivity there was a better relation with phosphatidase thoughall fractions that caused increase in permeability did havesome polygalacturonase activity. Phosphatidases which probablyplay no part in the killing of cells in E. atroseptica rotsmay, therefore, have some role in the killing of cells in C.praticola rots though they are likely to be less important thanpectic enzymes. Extracts from E. atroseptica rots caused marked increases inuptake of oxygen by tuber discs. Dialysis decreased and heatingeliminated this increase and had corresponding effects on permeability.However, after fractionation with ammonium sulphate, fractionswith high trans-eliminase activity had little effect on oxygenuptake whereas fractions with low trans-eliminase had littleeffect on permeability and greatly increased oxygen uptake. Similar results were obtained with C. praticola rot extracts.In contrast, nigericin and Triton X-100 both increased permeabilityand caused large increases in oxygen uptake The significance of these results is discussed especially inrelation to the killing of protoplasts by extracts from bothtypes of rot.  相似文献   

Several Fusarium strains produce the cyclohexadepsipeptide enniatin, a host-nonspecific phytotoxin. Enniatins are synthesized by the 347-kDa multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase. In the present study, 36 Fusarium strains derived from a wide range of host plants were characterized with respect to enniatin production in different media. Thirteen of these strains produced enniatins on one or more of these media. To determine whether enniatin production affected virulence, an assay on potato tuber tissue was performed. Seven enniatin-producing and 16 nonproducing strains induced necrosis of potato tuber tissue, so that enniatin synthesis is not essential for the infection of potato tuber tissue. The application of a mixture of enniatins to slices of potato tuber, however, caused necrosis of the tissue. Therefore, enniatin production by the enniatin-synthesizing strains may affect their pathogenicity. The enniatin synthetase gene (esyn1) of Fusarium scirpi ETH 1536 was used as a probe to determine if similar sequences were present in the strains examined. In Southern blot analyses, DNA sequences hybridizing with the esyn1 probe were present in all but two of the strains examined. In some cases, enniatin-nonproducing strains had the same hybridization pattern as enniatin producers.  相似文献   

Aging and Mitochondrial Development in Potato Tuber Tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Respiratory activity of mitochondria isolated from fresh and aged potato tuber tissue has been determined. No significant change in activity of the particles (expressed per unit N) was observed as a result of aging. However, the yield of mitochondrial material increased with aging. It has been suggested that the commonly observed stimulation of respiration that accompanies aging of potato tissue can be attributed largely to an inerease in the mitochondrial population rather than to a stimulation of the particles per se, and that this increase results from a fission of pre-existing mitochondria. The respiratory activity of mitochondria isolated from unaged tissue was found to decline following storage of the tubers in the cold for extended periods. This decline was attributed to a loss of cristae structure in the particles, as observed microscopically. The possibility that this reduction in structural organization might be associated with changes in the state of dormancy of the tissue was considered.  相似文献   

Sulfate uptake in potato tuber discs is inhibited by cysteine and methionine with an 8 h lag period. Cysteine, but not methionine, inhibition can be reversed by washing the treated discs. During the experimental period cysteine is rapidly metabolized, while methionine persists as a free amino acid. Amino acid inhibition of sulfate uptake is overcome by increasing sulfate concentration. The kinetic parameters change suggesting a loss of flexibility of the sulfate uptake system caused by sulfur amino acids.  相似文献   

Plantlets of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Sirtema were used to studythe regulation of the long-distance transport of potassium.The effects of polyamines and two plant hormones, abscisic acid(ABA) and benzyladenine (BA), on this process were investigated.Foliar sprays of putrescine or BA increased the transport of(K) 86Rb to the upper part of the plant. In contrast, spermidinetreatment enhanced the translocation into the growing tuber,as did ABA. These specific effects were partially correlatedto the distribution of endogenous polyamines within the plant.Spermidine was the predominant polyamine in the tuber whileputrescine was as abundant as spermidine in the leaves. Thetotal amount of putrescine, spermidine and spermine decreasedwith the physiological age of the leaves and tubers. Moreover,from heat-girdling experiments, it was shown that the polyamine,14C-putrescine, supplied to a leaf, was transported via thephloem. It is suggested that polyamines like phytohormones havea regulatory role in long-distance transport. Key words: Hormone-directed-transport, K, phloem, polyamines, potato, 14C-putrescine transport  相似文献   

Tubers of six commercially available potato cultivars were placed in bright light (140 jUmol“1 m”2), approximately equivalent to dull daylight, for a continuous period of up to seven days. The tubers were sampled at intervals, scored for degree of greening, freeze-dried and subsequently assessed for glycoalkaloid and chlorophyll content. There were significant differences between the cultivars in their rates of greening and increase in glycoalkaloid content. There was an apparent relationship between the two characters. Increases in the individual glycoalkaloids a–chaconine and a-solanine were also assessed. The results are discussed in terms of the implications for the potato industry.  相似文献   

Studies on the Isolation of Mitochondria from Potato Tuber Tissue   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  

On exposure to light the outer parenchyma layers of mature potatobecame green as amyloplasts are converted to chloroamyloplasts.This tissue was sampled during greening, and analysed for nuclearand plastid DNA content. There was an increase in the proportionof plastid DNA in total DNA from 15% in white tuber tissue to22% in greened tissue, while the nuclear ploidy distributionand average nuclear ploidy was similar in both. Key words: Solatium tuberosum, greening, amyloplast  相似文献   

The effects of natural growth inhibitors in potato tuber periderm on respiration were studied. The following results are presented in this paper: 1. The respiratory rate of potato tuber slices increased by application of inhibitors at concentration suppressing the growth of wheat coleoptile sections. This fraction of respiration induced by inhibitors was insensitive to DNP. According to inhibiting ex- periments with iodoacetic acid, malonic acid and KCN, it seems that this induced respiration is mediated by the EMP-TCA pathway and the CN-sensitive electron transfer chain. 2. The effects of various growth regulators on respiration are different depending on whether they are used in single or in combination. When the endogenous inhibitors at Rf 0.4—0.8 plus IAA or GA were studied, the inhibitors induced respiration rise was partially reduced by IAA, but completely depressed by GA. It seems reasonable to consider that the manner and the site of action of various growth zegulators on, respiration are not same.  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎发育机理及其基因表达   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
柳俊  谢从华 《植物学通报》2001,18(5):531-539
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)块茎是有块茎马铃薯植物的地下变态器官,它由匍匐茎顶端膨大形成,对于马铃薯块茎形成的生理机制已有许多研究,这些研究表明,块茎发生受许多因素的影响,总体来讲短日 照,较低的温度以及离体条件下培养基较高的蔗糖浓度等有利于块茎形成,同时,块茎形成过程中内源激素亦发生一系列变化,然而,对于块茎形成中相关基因表达,进而调控块茎形成的系统研究目前还较滞后,已有研究显示,块茎形成与膨大涉及到一系列基因的表达与关闭,同时它也与淀粉合成和块茎储藏蛋白基因的表达有关,综述了这一领域现有的研究进展。  相似文献   

丙酮酸对陈化马铃薯块茎切片线粒体抗氰呼吸的激活作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用从陈化马铃薯切片纯化的线粒体进行实验发现:丙酮酸对总呼吸只有微弱的刺激作用,但可明显激活抗氰呼吸,并显著增强抗氰呼吸对总呼吸的贡献;丙酮酸对抗氰呼吸的激活作用可通过洗涤线粒体除去,重新加入丙酮酸又对抗氰呼吸产生激活作用;丙酮酸对抗氰呼吸的半最大激活浓度约为1.0mmol/L。上述结果表明丙酮酸对植物线粒体抗氰呼吸的激活作用可能具有普遍性。  相似文献   

Aging and the Development of Enhanced Respiration in Potato Tuber Tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disks of potato tissue were aged by two separate methods. The resulting enhaiicetl respirations differed both qualitatively and quantitativety. It is suggested that the diverse results previously reported indicating changes in the terminal oxidative steps and/or in the relative contributions by competing metabolic pathways to the total respiration reflect variations in the methods employed to age the tissues. The nature of the stimulated respiration is discussed in terms of removal or retention of metabolites within the tissue during aging.  相似文献   

Factors controlling growth and tuberization of axillary budsin shoots of plantlets of potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) culturedin vitro were investigated. Correlative inhibition restrainedgrowth and tuberization of the axillary buds. Exposure of intactplantlets for various periods (4 to 48 h) to low (2 or 12C)or high (30 C) temperatures as comparedto 18C, did not alleviatecorrelative inhibition. Removal of the apical part of the shoot,the roots or both was generally ineffective Elevating sucroseconcentration from 30 to 80 g dm–3 promoted tuberizationon axillary buds, and the cytokinin 6-(-dimethylallylamino)purine (2iP), alleviated correlative inhibition and enhancedtuberization in intact plantlets. In the whole plantlet mostof the tubers were formed on the basal nodes, however, oncecorrelative inhibition was eliminated by the dissection of theshoot to single node sections, tubers were formed on every axillarybud. The single most effective factor inducing tuberizationin single node sections was the growth retardant ancymidol,an inhibitor of giberellin biosynthesis. Key words: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., in vitro tuberization, correlative inhibition  相似文献   

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