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Summary In order to examine the possibility of parathyroid hormone-mediated ultrastructural rearrangements in target epithelium, isolated canine renal proximal tubular cells were grown on a collagen-coated semipermeable membrane in a defined medium. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of these monolayers revealed abundant microvilli. Exposure of the proximal tubular cells to parathyroid hormone resulted in a biphasic changes involving: (1) dramatic shortening and rarefaction of microvilli within 1 min; and (2) recovery of microvillar topography after 5 min. A similar shortening of microvilli was observed following exposure to ionomycin, whereas incubation with cyclic AMP resulted in an elongation of microvilli. Parathyroid hormone stimulated cyclic AMP production and increased cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in cultured proximal tubular cells. Pretreatment of cells with a calmodulin inhibitor abolished the effect of parathyroid hormone on brush border topography. Shortening of microvilli was associated with a disappearance of microvillar core filaments. Staining of F-actin with fluoresceinphalloidin showed that parathyroid hormone resulted in fragmentation of stress fibers. It is concluded that parathyroid hormoneinduced cell activation involves cytoplasmic-free calcium, calmodulin, and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Summary Myosin was localized in rat intestinal epithelium by means of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy (unlabeled antibody peroxidase method), using a specific antibody to myosin from chicken gizzard. Immunoreactivity was localized in the apical cytoplasm, where it was concentrated along the rootlets of the microvillar filament bundles and in the terminal web. A model of microvillar contraction is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary The small intestinal brush border membrane is endowed with a number of transport systems. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against integral membrane proteins and tested for their ability to bind to such membranes. For this purpose papain-digested, deoxycholate-extracted BBMVs from rabbit small intestine were used to immunize mice. Of the 765 hybridoma supernatants tested, 119 gave a significantly higher extent of binding to the crude antigen preparation as compared with the background. The monoclonal antibodies were also tested for their ability to influence the sodium-dependent uptake of solutes into intact BBMVs. Two monoclonal antibodies clearly showed stimulation of secondary actived-glucose transport, whereas sodium-dependent uptake ofl-alanine andl-proline was not affected. Hydrophobically labeled, i.e. intrinsic, membrane proteins of 175, 78 and 65 kilodaltons could be immunoprecipitated by both monoclonal antibodies, the 78 kDa band corresponding in all likelihood to the Na+/glucose cotransporter.  相似文献   


Confocal scanning immunofluorescent microscopy and monoclonal antibodies were used to examine the route of uptake of vitellogenin (VG) by vitellogenic follicles and the ooplasmic localization of vitellin (VN) in the cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the stick insect, Carausius morosus. Uptake and cytoplasmic regionalization of a non-vitellogenic sulfated protein, sp 157/85, by C. morosus oocytes were also examined. By indirect immunofluorescence VG in both species and sp 157/85 were visualized in spaces between follicle cells and in peripheral yolk spheres. One cricket VG polypeptide had a regionalized distribution in the folliclular epithelium, and VN polypeptides in both species and sp 157/85 in C. morosus had regionalized distributions within the ooplasm. Localization of sp 157/85 to the anterior pole of the oocyte appeared to be stage-specific.  相似文献   

We have produced and characterised five monoclonal antibodies against myosin isolated from chicken intestinal epithelial brush border cells. The binding sites of the antibodies on the rod portion of brush border myosin were localised using rotary shadowing/electron microscopy of myosin-antibody complexes. Two antibodies were shown to bind to the tip of the myosin tail, two antibodies to sites about two thirds down the length of the rod, and one antibody about one third down the length of the rod. Brush border myosin was digested with papain, trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin, and they myosin fragments obtained were analysed by western blots with the monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antiserum, and by gel overlay with 125I-labelled light chains. Using this approach we were able to identify and map the protease cleavage sites and thus characterise the proteolytic substructure of brush border myosin. Solid-phase assays, western blots and immunofluorescence were used to study the cross-reactivity of these monoclonal antibodies against a variety of myosins from different species and cell types, to assess the immunological relatedness between brush border myosin and homologous molecules present in different tissues and species. Finally, we used a competitive solid-phase assay to measure the 'relative affinities' of the antibodies towards the three possible conformational states of brush border myosin, i.e. filament, extended monomer and folded monomer.  相似文献   

Ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (ex vivo CLSM) provides rapid, high-resolution imaging and immunofluorescence examinations of the excised tissues. We aimed to evaluate the applicability of ex vivo CLSM in histomorphological and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) examination of pemphigus vulgaris (PV). 20 PV sections were stained with fluorescent-labeled anti-IgG and anti-C3 using various dilutions and incubation periods. Subsequently, the determined ideal staining protocol was applied on 20 additional PV and 20 control sections. Ex vivo CLSM identified intraepidermal blisters and acantholytic cells in 80% and 60% of PV patients, respectively. The sensitivity of ex vivo CLSM in detecting intraepidermal fluorescence was 90% both with IgG and C3. The specificity of staining for IgG and C3 was 70% and 90%, respectively. Histomorphological and immunofluorescence features of PV could be detected within the same ex vivo CSLM session showing a comparable performance to conventional histopathology and DIF microscopy.  相似文献   

The distribution of 2 nuclear antigens in the interphase nuclei of liver of Pleurodeles waltl was determined with the help of monoclonal antibodies, using immunofluorescence for light microscopy and indirect immunoperoxidase and immunogold labeling procedures for electron microscopic localization. The antibodies C36/1 and A33/22 label antigens with relative molecular masses of 270 kDa and 80 kDa, and isoelectric points of 7.0 and 6.4, respectively. The liver of urodels is characterized by the presence of a peripheral layer of hematopoietic cells around the parenchymatous tissue formed by typical hepatocytes. The antibody C36/1 labels the nuclei of both types of cells, whereas the antibody A33/22 labels the nuclei of hepatocytes but not those of the peripheral hematopoietic cells. With both these antibodies, labeling, whenever observed, is restricted to fibrillar structures in the interchromatin space, i.e., to peri- and inter-chromatin fibrils; condensed chromatin, nucleoli, and nuclear envelope are not labeled.  相似文献   

Yeast killer toxins coded by determined and undetermined killer plasmids or presumptive nuclear gene(s) in various genera (Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces, Pichia and Candida) have been serologically investigated by a monoclonal antibody (KT4), produced against the yeast killer toxin of Pichia (Hansenula) anomala UCSC 25F. Double immunodiffusion with the killer toxins as antigens and indirect immunofluorescence on whole cells of the corresponding killer yeast have been used. In both the serological procedures, monoclonal antibody KT4 proved to be reacting only with the killer toxins and the whole cells of yeasts belonging to the genus Pichia.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies binding to distinct epitopes on the tail of brush border myosin were used to modulate the conformation and state of assembly of this myosin. BM1 binds 1:3 of the distance from the tip of the tail to the head and prevents the extended-tail (6S) monomer from folding into the assembly-incompetent folded-tail (10S) state, whereas BM4 binds to the tip of the myosin tail, and induces the myosin to fold into the 10S state. Thus, at physiological ionic strength BM1 promotes and BM4 blocks the assembly of the myosin into filaments. Using BM1 and BM4 together, we were able to prevent both folding and filament assembly, thus locking myosin molecules in the extended-tail 6S monomer conformation at low ionic strength where they normally assemble into filaments. Using these myosin-antibody complexes, we were able to investigate independently the effects of folding of the myosin tail and assembly into filaments on the myosin MgATPase. The enzymatic activities were measured from the fluorescent profiles during the turnover of the ATP analogue formycin triphosphate (FTP). Extended-tail (6S) myosin molecules had an FTPase activity of 1-5 X 10(-3) s-1, either at high ionic strength as a monomer alone or when complexed with antibody, or at low ionic strength as filaments or when maintained as extended-tail monomers by the binding of BM1 and BM4. Folding of the molecules into the 10S state reduced this rate by an order of magnitude, effectively trapping the products of FTP hydrolysis in the active sites.  相似文献   

Ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (ex vivo CLSM) offers an innovative diagnostic approach through vertical scanning of skin samples with a resolution close to conventional histology. In addition, it enables fluorescence detection in tissues. We aimed to assess the applicability of ex vivo CLSM in the detection of vascular immune complexes in cutaneous vasculitis and to compare its diagnostic accuracy with direct immunofluorescence (DIF) microscopy. Eighty‐two sections of 49 vasculitis patients with relevant DIF microscopy findings were examined using ex vivo CLSM following staining with fluorescent‐labeled IgG, IgM, IgA, C3 and fibrinogen antibodies. DIF microscopy showed immunoreactivity of vessels with IgG, IgM, IgA, C3 and Fibrinogen in 2.0%, 49.9%, 12.2%, 59.2% and 44.9% of the patients, respectively. Ex vivo CLSM detected positive vessels with the same antibodies in 2.0%, 38.8%, 8.2%, 42.9% and 36.7% of the patients, respectively. The detection rate of positive superficial dermal vessels was significantly higher in DIF microscopy as compared to ex vivo CLSM (P < .05). Whereas, ex vivo CLSM identified positive deep dermal vessels more frequently compared to DIF microscopy. In conclusion, ex vivo CLSM could identify specific binding of the antibodies in vessels and showed a comparable performance to conventional DIF microscopy in diagnosing vasculitis.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated to antigens on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Spleen cells from BALB/c mice, immunized with low passage cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, were fused with the non-secretory myeloma line, P3 x 63Ag 8.653. Hybridoma supernatants were screened for the desired immunological reactivity using ELISA binding assays. Hybridomas secreting antibodies reacting with the immunizing endothelial cells, but not with peripheral blood mononuclear cells, were cloned by limiting dilution and three stable clones were chosen for study. Further testing by ELISA revealed that each antibody displayed a unique pattern of reactivity. One antibody, 14E5, reacted with the macrophage-like cell line DHL-2, cultured macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes, and macrophages derived from malignant effusions. The antibody failed to react with fibroblasts or bovine endothelial cells. The second antibody, 12C6, reacted with human and primate fibroblasts and endothelial cells derived from bovine arteries, but not with mature macrophages. The third clone, 10B9, reacted only with the immunizing endothelial cells and the immature-macrophage line U-937. All three antibodies failed to react with long-term human B or T lymphoblastoid cell lines, leukemic cell lines, or murine macrophage lines. None of the antibodies reacted with a battery of human epithelial derived cell lines or primary cultures of human epithelial cells. Indirect immunofluorescence assays revealed that the antigens were expressed on the cell surface. These antibodies should prove useful as differentiation markers of human endothelial cells and in studies of endothelial cell function.  相似文献   

Light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy work at such different scales that some components of cells may be too small to detect using light microscopy but too dispersed among cells within tissues to be discovered using electron microscopy. We have used reflectance mode confocal laser scanning microscopy to detect single-domain magnetite crystals in both live and resin-embedded preparations of magnetotactic bacteria. We show that reflections from bacterial cells are uniquely associated with the magnetite, which underpins the magnetotactic response of the bacteria. En bloc viewing shows that relatively large volumes of material can be searched with sufficient resolution to enable detection of submicroscopic particles. The techniques reported here may be of interest to others wishing to detect submicroscopic objects dispersed in large volumes of tissue.  相似文献   

The contribution of brush border cytoskeletal proteins (actin, villin, fimbrin, and brush border myosin-1) to organization of the cytoskeletal network underlying apical plications of oxynticopeptic cells was examined by immunohistochemical techniques in frozen sections of gastric mucosa from the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Apical localization of F-actin with phalloidin in oxynticopeptic cells inhibited with cimetidine revealed small, punctate domains within the apical cytoplasm that were consistent with the presence of short microvilli revealed by electron microscopy. Localization of F-actin in cells stimulated with forskolin was limited to a wide continuous band of cytoplasm corresponding to the location of numerous long surface folds. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide did not prevent acid secretion or formation of actin filaments within surface folds in stimulated oxynticopeptic cells, suggesting that the formation of filaments does not require actin synthesis. Staining of gastric mucosae with fluorescent DNase-1 demonstrated that oxynticopeptic cells possess an unusually large pool of non-filamentous actin. Taken together, these results suggest that actin-filament formation in stimulated cells occurs by polymerization of an existing pool of non-filamentous actin. Localization of antibodies specific for villin and fimbrin revealed that these proteins were present within intestinal absorptive cells and gastric surface and neck cells but were not present within inhibited or stimulated oxynticopeptic cells. Brush border myosin-1, present in intestinal absorptive cells, was not present in gastric epithelium. Thus, we propose that actin-containing projections in oxynticopeptic cells are not organized like intestinal microvilli and that filament formation occurs after stimulation by modulating intracellular pools of filamentous and non-filamentous actin.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the passive release of monoclonal antibodies (MCAB) from hybridoma cells grown in either batch or continuous-flow culture. This release is promoted at room temperature. Passively released MCAB is indistinguishable from that released by actively growing cells, as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The significance of these observations in relation to the continuous culture of hybridoma cells is discussed.Maximum MCAB content of TB/C3 hybridoma cells is about 55pg per cell, any additional MCAB produced is secreted.Abbreviations MCAB monoclonal antibodies - PBS phosphate buffered saline - RT room temperature - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

With whole U87MG cells used as antigenic stimulant, two clones 1A5G6 and 1D3A3 secreted monoclonal antibodies which gave intense staining in monolayer cultures of the cells as ascertained by indirect immunofluorescence. Antibodies from clone 1A5G6 stained both the cytoplasm and the processes, and that from clone 1D3A3 stained only the cytoplasm and not the processes. 1A5G6 elicited no cross-reactivity towards human fetal and adult brain and lungs, liver, kidney or spleen, mouse neuroblastoma and melanoma, rat C6 glioma, neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid and normal rat kidney cells. It gave 58–60% cross reactivity with the human neuroblastoma and T-cell leukemia cells. The antigenic comPonent has been identified to be a membrane protein of molecular weight 25–30 kilodaltons by immunoblotting. Using C6 glioma cells as antigenic stimulant 19 clones which were positive for C6 glioma cells, but negative for rat liver cells as inferred by indirect immunofluorescence were selected. Antibodies secreted by all these gave positive reaction towards normal rat kidney and fetal rat kidney cells in culture. Distinct identity of these clones were ascertained by discernible staining patterns in indirect immunofluorescence on C6 glioma cells.  相似文献   

The brush border of pig small intestine is a local hotspot for β-galactoside-recognizing lectins, as evidenced by its prominent labeling with fluorescent lectin PNA. Previously, galectins 3-4, intelectin, and lectin-like anti-glycosyl antibodies have been localized to this important body boundary. Together with the membrane glycolipids these lectins form stable lipid raft microdomains that also harbour several of the major digestive microvillar enzymes. In the present work, we identified a lactose-sensitive 14-kDa protein enriched in a microvillar detergent resistant fraction as galectin-2. Its release from closed, right-side-out microvillar membrane vesicles shows that at least some of the galectin-2 resides at the lumenal surface of the brush border, indicating that it plays a role in the organization/stabilization of the lipid raft domains. Galectin-2 was released more effectively from the membrane by lactose than was galectin-4, and surprisingly, it was also released by the noncanonical disaccharides sucrose and maltose. Furthermore, unlike galectin-4, galectin-2 was preferentially coimmunoisolated with sucrase-isomaltase rather than with aminopeptidase N. Together, these results show that the galectins are not simply redundant proteins competing for the same ligands but rather act in concert to ensure an optimal cross-linking of membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins. In this way, they offer a maximal protection of the brush border against exposure to bile, pancreatic enzymes and pathogens.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a screening strategy and technology to produce monoclonal antibodies with specificity for human lung cancer cells. Mice and rats were immunized with well-characterized tissue culture lines of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC), mouse myeloma x spleen hybrids formed by the technique of Kohler and Milstein, and the resulting culture fluids were screened for antibody binding phenotype using a radioimmunoassay. To facilitate testing large numbers of culture fluids, a 96-well, microtiter based, resuable, replicating device was designed. Using this, many hybridoma culture fluids were replica plated for antibody binding tests on a series of human target cell plates. Hybrids producing antibodies that reacted with the immunizing SCLC line and another independent SCLC line, but not with autologous B-lymphoblastoid cells derived from one of the patients, were identified, selected, and then repeatedly recloned using the same screening strategy. With this technology, hybridomas representing less than 0.5% of all hybrids generated could be isolated and stable antibody producing cultures derived. Such antibodies reacted with a panel of well-characterized SCLC lines and SCLC samples taken directly from patients but not with a variety of normal tissues. Using these antibodies we can demonstrate: tumor cell contamination of bone marrow specimens, marked heterogeneity of antigen expression on cells within individual SCLC lines and individual patients, and inhibition of clonal growth of SCLC lines in soft agarose assays. All of these findings have potential clinical and cell biologic application. Presented in the symposium on The Biology of Hybridomas at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 1981. This symposium was supported in part by the following organizations: Bethesda Research Laboratories, Cetus Corporation, Hybritech Incorporated, MAB-Monoclonal Antibodies, Inc., National Capital Area Branch of the Tissue Culture Association, New England Nuclear Corporation, and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation.  相似文献   

A selection of 16 monoclonal antibodies has been produced against a fresh Ewing's sarcoma (ES) tumor mixed with a permanent ES cell line. The majority of antibodies identify an 80-kDa molecule, which is not detected on healthy tissues except on certain cultured monocytes. One antibody recognize the CD2 ligand MIC2 and 2 antibodies (numbers 13 and 16) define a higher-molecular-mass antigen. Antibody 16 is also expressed on mesenchymal fibroblasts of bone marrow or fetal origin. Tumorspecific antigen expression is potentially linked to the chromosome 22 abnormality decribed in Ewing's sarcoma.  相似文献   

Full appreciation of the roles of the plant cuticle in numerous aspects of physiology and development requires a comprehensive understanding of its biosynthesis and deposition; however, much is still not known about cuticle structure, trafficking and assembly. To date, assessment of cuticle organization has been dominated by 2D imaging, using histochemical stains in conjunction with light and fluorescence microscopy. This strategy, while providing valuable information, has limitations because it attempts to describe a complex 3D structure in 2D. An imaging technique that could accurately resolve 3D architecture would provide valuable additions to the growing body of information on cuticle molecular biology and biochemistry. We present a novel application of 3D confocal scanning laser microscopy for visualizing the architecture, deposition patterns and micro-structure of plant cuticles, using the fluorescent stain auramine O. We demonstrate the utility of this technique by contrasting the fruit cuticle of wild-type tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum cv. M82) with those of cutin-deficient mutants. We also introduce 3D cuticle modeling based on reconstruction of serial optical sections, and describe its use in identification of several previously unreported features of the tomato fruit cuticle.  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatases present on isolated brush border and basal lateral membranes of rat duodenal epitheilum were examined by means of a variety of biochemical assays and physical methods. The two alkaline phosphatases have similar pH optima of 9.6–9.8, similar substrate km's for p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) of 71 micromolar, similar responses to the inhibitors 2-mercaptoethanol, theophylline, phenylalanine, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), similar sensitivities to calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium, and similar insensitivities to digestion with trypsin or papain. The two enzymes also exhibit similar molecular weights on SDS-polyacrylamide gels in the range 124,000–150,000, and both enzymes show an Rf value of 0.092 on Triton X-100 polyacrylamide gels, indicating similar intrinsic charges. The Vmax of the brush border enzyme is ten times greater than that of the basal lateral enzyme, 140 μmoles/mg-h as opposed to 14 μmoles/mg-h. The differences in Vmax are a reflection of the known distribution of alkaline phosphatase in rat duodenum, there being more alkaline phosphatase activity present on the brush border than on the basal lateral surface. One other major difference was observed between the two enzymes, the stimulation of the basal lateral and not the brush border alkaline phosphatase by SDS, Triton X-100, or cholate. We conclude that the enzymes are very similar to one another and probably perform similar membrane functions.  相似文献   

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