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谈多媒体课件的制作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄伟 《生物学杂志》2001,18(6):39-41
随着以计算机为基础的现代教育技术的网络化和多媒体化,人们越来越重视应用这一技术去实现指导思想、教学模式和教学方法的改革。问题解决式学习是认识领域学习的最高阶段,它对于开发学生的创造力,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力具有重要意义。本文以现代教育和计算机软件理论为依据,以《果实和种子的形成》为例来介绍生物多媒体课件的制作过程。  相似文献   

《工业微生物学》多媒体网络课件的设计和实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡谨  邱德诚  柴红   《微生物学通报》2003,30(6):127-130
《工业微生物学》是生物工程专业本科和研究生教学中的主干课程。生物类课程的计算机辅助教学的研究和开发仍处于起步阶段。文中就《工业微生物学》课程实现多媒体网络教学课件的设计思路和运行的效果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术被广泛应用到各个领域,在教育中的重要作用引起了教师们的重视,而生物学科的特点决定了更适合采用多媒体教学,它可以极大的丰富学生的各种感官认识,改善和培养学生的形象思维能力。  相似文献   

遗传是生物普遍存在的极其复杂的生命现象 ,是学生很感兴趣的问题 ,但也是中师《生物学》教学的重点和难点。本节涉及到很多陌生而抽象的基本概念、基本原理。采用“模型、挂图”等教具按常规教学手段进行教学 ,初学者往往感到杂乱无章 ,无从着手 ,难以理解生命的真正奥妙。为此 ,笔者编制了《遗传的物质基础—染色体、DNA和基因》这一节的多媒体教学课件 ,通过“文、图、形、色、声、动画”等形式 ,变静为动 ,变微观为宏观 ,变抽象为形象 ,生动而直观地完成新知识的教学 ,从而提高了教学效果。下面是我在该节中采用多媒体课件进行教学的…  相似文献   

《设施果树栽培学》多媒体教学课件的制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养高级专门人才是高等学校的根本使命。设施农业科学与工程专业主要为培养从事设施农业及相关领域的高级专门人才,《设施果树栽培学》为该专业的专业基础课。为提高该课程教学与学习效率,本课题组运用Microsoft Word、Photoshop、Author Ware、Powerpoint和Flash等软件制作了该课程的多媒体教学课件。尝试利用多媒体教学来弥补传统教学中的一些不足,促进教学手段现代化,提升教学效果。  相似文献   

儿科护理学采用多媒体课件教学已经深入课堂,相比传统教学方式,它有很多优势,可是在课件的制作中却存在着很多的问题,譬如:图片不多,视频更少;没有链接,交互性弱等,针对这些问题,笔者给出一些对策,以期制作出更符合教学需要的多媒体课件。  相似文献   

根据自己在制作"染色体畸变综合征"网络课件所积累的实践经验和一些制作体会,着重介绍如何用FlashMX制作"染色体畸变综合征"的网络型多媒体课件,以及如何使用制作技巧。  相似文献   

“微生物学实验多媒体试卷”的设计制作、应用及效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从提高学生的基本操作技能出发, 针对微生物学实验技术与方法的特点, 创造性地采用一种新的微生物学实验考试方式——微生物学实验多媒体试卷, 在我校生物技术、生物科学专业两届学生中进行了微生物学实验考试。分析两届学生实验考试成绩和理论考试成绩, 结果表明实验与理论成绩的不协调或不一致有所改善, 学生对实验更加重视, 实验操作更加认真和 准确。  相似文献   

黄丹丹 《蛇志》2007,19(3):234-235
长期昏迷病人的临床治疗是一个复杂的过程,其中临床护理显得特别重要,包括心脑护理、呼吸系统护理、泌尿系统护理、消化系统护理、皮肤护理等,而这些护理均与生活护理密切相关,直接关系着患者的生存质量。我们对1例长期昏迷病人的护理过程中,深深体会到科学、合理和周到的基础护理,在昏迷病人临床治疗中的作用重大,现将基础护理干预体会报道如下。1临床资料患者,男,96岁,2000年6月28日因在家中跌倒,急诊入院,入院时检查发现头部右侧有一大血肿,患者意识清楚,予采取保守治疗。伤后26 h再度出血,即进行开颅术,手术时见出血量约200 ml,系蛛网膜…  相似文献   

末端病是运动损伤中常见的一种慢性疾病.在运动员中发病率尤高,治疗困难,严重影响运动员的训练和运动成绩的提高.甚至缩短运动寿命.近年来,在末端病研究方面虽然已取得了一些突出成就,对末端区的解剖结构及病理变化的研究比较透彻,大部分学者已达成共识.但对末端病的病因、发病机制还了解较少,临床治疗也多为非手术疗法,疗效大多不肯定,并缺乏系统的机理研究;手术治疗虽见效快,但都不同程度地存在负面影响.预防和治疗仍感到是一个棘手的问题.因此,目前尚需运用组织学、细胞学、酶化学和生物力学等多学科相结合的方法,进一步完善末端病的病因病理及发病机制等基础研究和加强临床治疗的作用机理研究,从而研制出疗效肯定的损伤预防和临床治疗方法.本文通过阅读近年来有关末端病的研究报道.对末端病的基础研究和临床治疗的国内外研究现状做一综述,以期为今后该方面的研究提供方向.  相似文献   

《微生物工程》CAI课件的研制与教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了生物工程专业《微生物工程》课程CAI课件的设计、制作和应用效果评价。课件的设计力求课程知识体系完整、内容丰富、重点突出, 适当结合图片、动画和视频、音频效果的运用, 以达到激发学生的学习兴趣、提高教学效果的目的。重点介绍发酵参数检测与自动控制和发酵设备等课程核心内容。利用Powerpoint 软件进行课件制作, 利用Flash 4软件编制动画, 利用Adobe photoshop软件进行编辑扫描图, 并采用“课件大师”软件对已编好的章节进行统一管理。对2届学生的调查表明, 学生对此课件的满意度达到85%。  相似文献   

现代医学模式对发展整体护理的要求   总被引:1,自引:16,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
探讨现代医学模式的转变以及整体护理的发展与现代医学模式的内在联系。  相似文献   

The TRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase (TNIK) has been proposed to play a role in cytoskeletal organization and synaptic plasticity and has been linked, among others, to neurological disorders. However, target validation efforts for TNIK have been hampered by the limited kinase selectivity of small molecule probes and possible functional compensation in mouse models. Both issues are at least in part due to its close homology to the kinases MINK1 (or MAP4K6) and MAP4K4 (or HGK). As part of our interest in validating TNIK as a therapeutic target for neurological diseases, we set up a panel of biochemical and cellular assays, which are described herein. We then examined the activity of known amino-pyridine-based TNIK inhibitors (1, 3) and prepared structurally very close analogs that lack the ability to inhibit the target. We also developed a structurally orthogonal, naphthyridine-based TNIK inhibitor (9) and an inactive control molecule of the same chemical series. These validated small-molecule probes will enable dissection of the function of TNIK family in the context of human disease biology.  相似文献   

Abstract: Incubation of highly purified human myelin at 25° and pH 8 in ammonium bicarbonate buffer resulted in the conversion of the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) to a smaller derivative (dMAG) with an apparent molecular weight about 10,000 less. dMAG was stable and was not degraded to lower-molecular-weight breakdown products. Incubation of myelin under these conditions also resulted in the degradation of basic protein, but at a much slower rate. Half of the MAG was converted to dMAG in about 30 min, whereas degradation of half of the basic protein required 18 h of incubation. There was no significant loss of proteolipid, the Wolfgram doublet, or other myelin proteins during incubation for up to 18 h under these conditions. The formation of dMAG and the degradation of basic protein appear to be mediated by similar enzymatic activities; both processes exhibited broad pH optima in the neutral range, were prevented by briefly heating the myelin to 70° before incubation, and were stimulated by ammonium bicarbonate and other salts. Incubation of purified rat myelin also resulted in the formation of dMAG and the degradation of basic protein, but the conversion to dMAG occurred much more slowly than in human myelin preparations. In the rat, the percentage decreases in intact MAG and in basic protein were similar to each other and proceeded at rates comparable to the loss of basic protein in human myelin. These studies confirm and extend earlier demonstrations of neutral protease activity in purified myelin, and show that cleavage of MAG is one of the effects of this activity. The proteolytic activity affecting MAG and basic protein was not significantly reduced by further purification of the myelin on sucrose or CsCl gradients, suggesting that the neutral protease may be a myelin-related enzyme. The very high susceptibility of human MAG to this enzyme indicates that the effect of neutral protease on this glycoprotein should be considered in connection with demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

再生医学是一个具有巨大潜力的新兴医学领域。该文以此为方向讨论了再生医学研究中的三个关键问题,并以非神经外胚层器官的干细胞行为为例做进一步的探讨。第一,如何获取干细胞,介绍了包括胚胎干细胞、组织干细胞和诱导性多能干细胞的获得途径,以及若干组织细胞重编程的成功范例;第二,如何将干细胞转化为组织和器官,这需要了解干细胞分化以及形态发生的机制,并以羽毛的形态发生为模型,引入了千细胞拓扑生物学的概念以及干细胞微环境调控塑造器官形态的机制;第三,如何将干细胞及其转化产物置于患者体内,并以鼠毛生长周期波为例,阐明了宏观环境因素如何调控干细胞的活性:最后,还分析了在器官发生中干细胞的自组织对于新生毛发组织工程的重要意义。该文的许多原则不仅限于皮肤,同时也适用于其它体内器官。通过对生物再生的过程的基础研究,我们可以受到生物再生之道的启发,逐渐理解组织修复及再生的机制,并提高分子和细胞水平上的干细胞操作技术,希望在不久的将来将干细胞研究成果应用于临床医学。  相似文献   

为探讨强化护理干预在肝硬化肝性脑病患者治疗中的应用效果及对护理满意度的影响,本研究选取我院2014年1月至2016年1月收治的80例肝硬化肝性脑病患者,采用随机数字表法分为强化组和对照组各40例,两组患者均给予相同的基础治疗方案,强化组患者治疗期间给予强化的护理干预,对照组仅给予常规护理指导,对比两组的临床治疗效果、护理满意度。结果显示,治疗前,两组患者的丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransferase, ALT)、血清白蛋白(serum albumin, ALB)、总胆红素(total bilirubin, TBIL)、血氨(NH3)差异不具有统计学意义(p>0.05);治疗1周后,强化组的ALT、TBIL、NH3测定值均低于对照组(p<0.05),ALB高于对照组(p<0.05);治疗1周后,强化组的躯体健康、心理障碍、社会功能、物质生活四个维度评分均高于对照组(p<0.05);强化组护理非常满意72.50%、满意22.50%、一般5.00%、不满意0.00%,对照组非常满意50.00%、满意20.00%、一般17.50%、不满意2.50%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05)。本研究初步表明,强化护理干预应用于肝硬化肝性脑病患者的治疗中有利于提高临床治疗效果、改善患者的生存质量、提高护理满意度。  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study compares the effects of chronic administration of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) on various hippocampal cholinergic parameters in rats with partial unilateral fimbrial transections. Lesions resulted in marked reductions of several presynaptic cholinergic parameters: choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity (by 50%), [3H]-acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) synthesis (by 59%), basal and ve-ratridine (1 μM)-evoked [3H]ACh release (by 44 and 57%, respectively), and [3H]vesamicol binding site densities (by 35%). In addition, [3H]AF-DX 116/muscarinic M2 binding site densities were also modestly decreased (by 23%). In contrast, [3H]pirenzepine/muscarinic M1 and [3H]AF-DX 384/muscarinic M2/M4 binding site densities were not altered by the lesions, nor were they affected by any of the treatments. Intracerebroventricular administration of bFGF (10 ng, every other day, for 21 days) partially prevented the lesion-induced deficit in hippocampal ChAT activity, an effect that was not markedly different from that measured in the NGF-treated (1 μg intracerebroventricularly, every other day, for 21 days) rats. In rats treated with a combination of bFGF and NGF, ChAT activity was not different from that in rats treated with the individual factors alone. In contrast, the lesion-induced deficits in the other cholinergic parameters were not attenuated by bFGF treatment, although they were at least partially prevented by NGF administration. To determine whether higher concentrations of bFGF are necessary to affect cholinergic parameters other than hippocampal ChAT activity, rats were treated with 1 μg (every other day, 21 days) of the growth factor. In this group of rats, detrimental effects of bFGF, manifested by an increased death rate (46%), and marked reductions in body weight of the survivors, were observed. In addition, this concentration of bFGF appeared to exacerbate the lesion-induced reduction in [3H]ACh synthesis by hippocampal slices; [3H]ACh synthesis in lesioned hippocampi represented 36 and 52% of that in contralateral unlesioned hippocampi for the bFGF-treated and control groups, respectively. In conclusion, although bFGF administration attenuates the deficit in hippocampal ChAT activity induced by partial fimbrial transections, this does not appear to translate into enhanced functional capacity of the cholinergic terminals. This is clearly in contrast to NGF, which enhances not only hippocampal ChAT activity, but also other parameters indicative of increased function in the cholinergic terminals.  相似文献   

多重PCR技术广泛应用于多个研究领域,其中引物设计及扩增条件是提高多重PCR实验效率的关键因素.为探讨优化多重PCR实验的方法,以小鼠5个看家基因为研究对象,使用实验室新近开发的MPprimer程序设计多重PCR引物,并通过改变多种反应条件来优化多重PCR实验.结果表明,MPprimer程序能够设计出理想的多重PCR引物,并且通过对退火温度及延伸时间进行优化,可显著提高多重PCR实验效率,对于提高基因表达的规模化检测能力具有积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) genes have been identified in various tissues and species, and recently associated with several important human diseases such as tumor and asthma. Although various biological processes have been known for the ADAM family in different species including fertilization, neurogenesis, infection and inflammation, little is known about its detailed phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary history. In this study, the ADAMs of Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Homo sapiens were collected and analyzed by using the Bayesian analysis and gene synteny analysis to establish a comprehensive phylogenetic relationship and evolutionary drive of this gene family. It was found that there were more ADAMs in the two rodents than in the amphibian, suggesting an expansion of the ADAM gene family during the early evolution of mammals. All ADAMs from this expansion were retained in both the rodents, but other duplication events occurred subsequently in the two rodents, respectively, leading to the classification of rodent ADAMs as classes I, II and III. Moreover, these duplicated ADAM genes in the rodents were found to be driven by positive selection, which might be the major force to retain them in the genome. Importantly, it was also found that orthologs of ADAM3 and 5 have been lost in humans. These results not only provide valuable information of the evolution of ADAM genes, but may also help in understanding the role of ADAM genes in the pathobiology of relevant diseases.  相似文献   

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