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Traditionally, sexual selection has been seen as a process in which choosy females select non‐choosy males. Recent studies, however, have challenged this view by showing that males can also be choosy in many species. We assessed the sexual preferences in males of the tropical jumping spider Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1826). We measured mating effort in males and determined how female quality influences offspring quality, quantity, and survival. We also estimated total sperm load and how much sperm was invested in a mating with a particular female. We found no evidence of male mating effort in terms of mating frequency nor sperm investment. Similarly, there was no relationship between female quality (i.e., size and condition) and offspring quality (i.e., survival and feeding performance) or quantity. We found strong evidence that the sperm invested in a particular female is a function of the amount of sperm the male had available for usage at that particular mating. The fact that males probably find females sequentially, along with the lack of relationship between female quality and offspring quality/quantity, likely explains the lack of differences in mating effort by males.  相似文献   


Instances are documented of finding individuals of Portia africana in the field living aggregated in the webs of other spiders, in the nest complexes of other salticids, around solitary nests of other salticids, and around the nests of oecobiid spiders. Aggregation members included all active juvenile stages of P. africana, as well as adult males and females. More than one individual of P. africana sometimes fed on the same prey. Small juveniles of P. africana were more often than other stages found aggregated and more often observed feeding together. Small juveniles of P. africana surrounded the nests occupied by other salticid genera and nests occupied by oecobiid spiders. When the resident salticid or oecobiid attempted to leave or enter the nest, one of the P. africana juveniles lunged and captured it, after which other P. africana individuals sometimes joined to feed.  相似文献   

The distinctions between a predator's diet, its prey-choice behaviour and its preference are illustrated in a study of Aelurillus m-nigrum Kulczyn'ski, a salticid spider from Azerbaijan. The natural diet of A. m-nigrum was determined from records of individuals feeding in the field (N=58). Ten arthropod orders were represented. Nine were from the class Insecta (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Psocoptera) and one from the class Arachnida (Araneae). Of 50 insects among the prey, 21 (42%) were Hymenoptera, with ants (family Formicidae) alone accounting for 31% of all prey records. Although the majority (69%) of the natural prey were not ants, results from prey-choice testing in the laboratory implied that A. m-nigrum preferred ants as prey. However, this preference was evident only when the testing environment included sand and a small stone. Our findings illustrate the importance of not conflating the concept of a predator's preference with the concept of a predator's natural diet and illustrate that physical features of a predator's habitat may be an important factor in influencing how strongly preference is expressed.  相似文献   


The display and predatory behaviour of Tauala lepidus Wanless, an abundant salticid in north Queensland rainforests, was investigated in the laboratory and, to a lesser extent, in nature. T. lepidus leapt and walked into alien webs to catch spiders and insects, and was captured and fed on by other spiders. Females ate each other’s eggs. During intraspecific interactions, a complex repertoire of displays was used. Courtship versatility occurred, each individual male having a conditional strategy of different behaviours depending on whether the female is at or away from her nest, and whether she is adult or subadult. Yet other combinations of displays occurred during male-male and female-female interactions. Apparently, pheromones on nests and draglines of females released male courtship. Abdomen twitching, a behaviour common to the display repertoires of many salticids, was an especially complex and pervasive behaviour of T. lepidus. T. lepidus also twitched its abdomen when it contacted alien webs and preyed on other species of spiders. The behaviour of T. lepidus is compared to that of Jacksonoides queenslandica Wanless, a species from the same group (Astieae).  相似文献   

Batesian and aggressive mimicry are united by deceit: Batesian mimics deceive predators and aggressive mimics deceive prey. This distinction is blurred by Myrmarachne melanotarsa, an ant-like jumping spider (Salticidae). Besides often preying on salticids, ants are well defended against most salticids that might target them as potential prey. Earlier studies have shown that salticids identify ants by their distinctive appearance and avoid them. They also avoid ant-like salticids from the genus Myrmarachne. Myrmarachne melanotarsa is an unusual species from this genus because it typically preys on the eggs and juveniles of ant-averse salticid species. The hypothesis considered here is that, for M. melanotarsa, the distinction between Batesian and aggressive mimicry is blurred. We tested this by placing female Menemerus sp. and their associated hatchling within visual range of M. melanotarsa, its model, and various non-ant-like arthropods. Menemerus is an ant-averse salticid species. When seeing ants or ant mimics, Menemerus females abandoned their broods more frequently than when seeing non-ant-like arthropods or in control tests (no arthropods visible), as predicted by our hypothesis that resembling ants functions as a predatory ploy.  相似文献   

Relationships among East Asian, North American and European Laetiporus sulphureus s. lat., a cosmopolitan brown rot species complex, were assessed with phylogenetic analyses and incompatibility tests. Three East Asian taxa, Laetiporus cremeiporus sp. nov., Laetiporus montanus and Laetiporus versisporus, are described and illustrated as well as compared with related taxa from Southeast Asia, North America and Europe. Phylogenetic analyses showed that L. cremeiporus and L. versisporus are clearly distinct species among Laetiporus taxa. The three conifer inhabiting species, Laetiporus conifericola, Laetiporus huroniensis and L. montanus, are closely related to each other. The European population of L. montanus exhibits two sequence variants of the EF1α: one is the same as observed in L. sulphureus in Europe and the other is that observed in East Asian population of L. montanus. A key to the known species of Laetiporus in the northern hemisphere is provided.  相似文献   

在围栏条件下,观测北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)的交配过程,分析其行为模式,旨在建立北草蜥交配行为谱,探讨雄性交配成功率与个体特征的关系。北草蜥交配行为的一般模式为:雌雄接近→咬尾→咬腹→交媾。该行为过程的持续时间分别为0.53m、1.77m、0.47m和141.3m。所观察到的51对成功交配中,70%的配对为雄体>雌体,且雄体平均体长和体重显著大于配对雌体。雄体的交配成功率与其体长成正相关,但与头长、头宽、尾长、体重及体色均无显著相关性。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of nestmateship and body size on mate selection through a choice based assay in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata. A recent study has shown that male and female R. marginata mate with their nestmates and non-nestmates with equal probability if no choice is available. That study could also not detect any influence of body size on mating probability in the absence of choice. To confirm that the same results can be obtained even when the wasps have a choice, we offered a choice of two virgin partners either to a virgin test male or to a virgin test female and measured the probability that the test individual would mate with any particular partner based on nestmateship or body size. We show here that even when a choice is available, neither male nor female test wasps base their mate choice on the nestmateship or body size of the partner. We therefore suggest that the natural mating habit of these wasps is sufficiently promiscuous and not constrained by such factors as nestmateship and body size.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour and spermatophore morphology of the south-east Asian whip spider Phrynichus orientalis is described. During courtship there is less bodily contact between mates than in other studied species of the same genus. However, a peculiarity for the species is that the pair often pauses for minutes, sitting front to front without any movement. For spermatophore formation, the male shifts his body under that of the female like in many other species. However, after spermatophore formation, the male lures the female to the spermatophore instead of pulling her as in most other species studied. The spermatophore differs from those of most other species of the genus by the fact that the cushions in front of the sperm masses are replaced by a hard, transparent mass which has the same function as the cushions. Mating behaviour and spermatophore morphology of P. orientalis thus show peculiarities that so far have not been described for other species of the genus. It is not clear whether these characters should be considered plesiomorphic or apomorphic. But it does clearly show that there is more diversity within this genus than expected.  相似文献   

The mating strategy of Halicarcinus cookii was investigated to ascertain how males maximised their fitness through mate choice. An intertidal population at Kaikoura, New Zealand, was dominated by mature crabs of both sexes in summer and by immature crabs in the colder months. More than 95% of mature females were ovigerous with early stage and late stage broods found in almost every month, indicating that egg production and larval release is continuous. The operational sex ratio was less than 1 male/female in summer, but often more than 1.0 in the colder months. The gonosomatic index increased along with brood development so that as soon as zoeae were released, the next clutch of eggs was ready to be fertilised. Males searched for receptive females and began pre-copulatory mate guarding without any courtship display. They mated preferentially with late stage or non-ovigerous females: copulation duration was longest for stage 5 females as was post-copulatory guarding (mean 18.3 h). Late stage females were up to 14% of the female population. Mate attraction seems to be the result of an ovarian signal rather than from the developing brood. Manipulation of the sex ratio had effects upon copulation duration and post-copulatory guarding: presence of a rival male increased duration of guarding. Females showed precocious mating in the penultimate instar and were able to lay fertilised eggs after their pubertal moult in the absence of males. H. cookii females have many mates, but males attempt to ensure paternity by preferentially pursuing mature females close to egg laying and by guarding these females after copulation. These behaviours are all elements of a competitive strategy to ensure that a male loses (not wins) the race to copulate because females have a ventral seminal receptacle, giving sperm precedence to the last male to mate. Male mating behaviour is a consequence and evolutionary response to female morphology.  相似文献   

Several molecular methods have been employed for Borrelia species identification. Newly developed technology, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), combines simultaneous amplification, detection and differentiation of strains in one PCR run. The aim of the study was to perform and evaluate RT-PCR for Borreliaburgdorferi sensu lato species identification. Borrelia species identification was accomplished on 374 Borrelia strains using two approaches: 1.) MluI restriction of entire borrelial chromosome (MluI-large restriction fragment patterns, LRFP), and 2.) RT-PCR targeting hbb gene and specific melting temperature (Tm) detection. The results of the two molecular methods were compared. With MluI-RFLP we were able to differentiate all Borrelia species and their subtypes within particular species. RT-PCR based on Tm determination identified unique strains within the species Borreliaafzelii (Tm 66.11 °C), B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (Tm 68.18 °C), Borreliaspielmanii (Tm 59.45 °C) and Borreliavalaisiana (Tm 59.62 °C). We were not able to distinguish the last two species that shared almost identical Tm. The large majority of Borreliagarinii strains shared Tm 51.42 °C, while subtype Mlg4 was characterized by Tm 56.87 °C. Strains of Borrelialusitaniae species also were heterogeneous; human isolate had Tm 63.47 °C while two tick isolates shared Tm 61.77 °C. Differences inside hbb gene enabled differentiation of the majority of Borrelia species, and revealed two clusters within B. garinii and B. lusitaniae species, respectively, but it was not possible to distinguish B. spielmanii form B. valaisiana. The major advantage of RT-PCR was that it was easy to perform and that the results were obtained within a few hours.  相似文献   

The African fungal tree pathogen, Ceratocystis albifundus, undergoes uni-directional mating type switching, giving rise to either self-fertile or self-sterile progeny. Self-sterile isolates lack the MAT1-2-1 gene and have reduced fitness such as slower growth and reduced pathogenicity, relative to self-fertile isolates. While it has been hypothesized that there is a 1:1 ratio of self-fertile to self-sterile ascospore progeny in relatives of C. albifundus, some studies have reported a significant bias in this ratio. This could be due to the fact that either fewer self-sterile ascospores are produced or that self-sterile ascospores have low viability. We quantified the percentage of self-sterile and self-fertile ascospores from ascospore masses in C. albifundus using real-time PCR. Primers were designed to distinguish between spores that contained the MAT1-2-1 gene and those where this gene had been deleted. A significant bias towards the self-fertile mating type was observed in all single ascospore masses taken from sexual structures produced in haploid-selfed cultures. The same result was observed from a disease outbreak situation in an intensively managed field of cultivated native trees, and this was coupled with very low population diversity in the pathogen. This was in contrast to the results obtained from ascospore masses taken from the crosses performed under laboratory conditions or ascomata on native trees in a non-disease situation, where either self-fertile or self-sterile ascospores were dominant. The results suggest that reproductive strategies play a significant role in the infection biology and genetic structure of C. albifundus populations.  相似文献   

Morphological markers as well as two types of molecular markers, inter-sample sequence repeat (ISSR) and start codon targeted (SCoT) are suitable for species identification of the polygonati rhizoma germplasms. In this paper, we adopted these methods for the identification of rhizomes collected from 47 areas in China. Based on their morphological characters, the collected germplasms were classified into two populations, one with alternate leaf arrangement and the other with verticillate leaf arrangement, and they were comprised of five species and fourteen subgroups. Of the five species identified: Polygonatum kingianum, P. cirrhifolium, P. alternicirrhosum, and P. sibiricum belonged to one cluster, and P. cyrtonema belonged to a different cluster. According to the analysis of both ISSR and SCoT markers, all germplasms with greater genetic similarity were classified into one group. Especially, P. sibiricum and P. cirrhifolium, which shared ~80% similarity, were clustered together, whereas the germplasms identified as P. kingianum with ~86% similarity formed a separate clade. P. kingianum showed a much greater genetic similarity with P. cyrtonema than with P. sibiricum. The multidimensional scaling analysis further verified the accuracy and reliability of the molecular marker-based results. Thus, both morphological and molecular methods should be combined for the differentiation of germplasms such as those of polygonati rhizoma.  相似文献   

We describe a combined macro and microscopic criteria for rapid presumptive differentiation between Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) evaluated by two independent observers. This strategy achieved rapid MTC identification in most cases (95.8% expert observer and 91.6% novice observer) with significant savings compared to more expensive and unnecessary tests.  相似文献   

We carried out a population genetic analysis of five southern African gemsbok (Oryx gazella) populations based on 530 bp of the mitochondrial control region and ten microsatellites in 75 individuals. Both markers show the high variability often observed in African bovids. Three of the populations which can be traced back to very small founding or current sizes do not show any signs of reduced variability compared to the remaining populations. The mitochondrial haplotypes form three distinct lineages which most likely originated in the Pleistocene when climate fluctuations led to periodical reduction and spreading of gemsbok habitat and which, today, are found throughout the distribution range. Bayesian microsatellite analyses yielded two groups, suggesting a more recent geographical differentiation following the admixture of the mtDNA lineages. Combining our sequences with available published data of the remaining oryx species allowed for a direct molecular comparison of O. gazella and O. beisa which have sometimes been considered a single species. The average genetic divergence between haplotypes from the two taxa was very high (39.9%), supporting their classification into two different species.  相似文献   

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