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Key pecking of pigeons was maintained by a fixed-interval (FI) 61-s schedule. The effects of resetting and nonresetting unsignaled delays of reinforcement then were examined. The resetting delay was programmed as a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior schedule, and the nonresetting delay as a fixed-time schedule. Three delay durations (0.5, 1 and 10 s) were examined. Overall response rates were decreased by one and 10-s delays and increased by 0.5-s delays. Response patterns changed from positively accelerated to more linear when resetting or nonresetting 10-s delays were imposed, but remained predominantly positively accelerated when resetting and nonresetting 0.5- and 1-s delays were in effect. In general, temporal control, as measured by quarter-life values, changed less than overall response rates when delays of reinforcement were in effect. The response patterns controlled by FI schedules are more resilient to the nominally disruptive effects of delays of reinforcement than are corresponding overall response rates.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of d-amphetamine on sensitivity to reinforcement amount under concurrent schedules were examined using a rapid-acquisition procedure. Four pigeons key pecked under single concurrent variable-interval 30-s schedules of grain presentation. Two different reinforcer-amount ratios (7:1 and 1:7) changed across sessions according to a 31-step pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS). After at least four times through the PRBS, response ratios generally tracked the session-to-session changes in amount ratios; estimates of sensitivity ranged from 0.26 to 0.31 across the four pigeons. Effects of a range of doses of d-amphetamine (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) then were determined. For 3 of 4 pigeons, at least one dose, which did not dramatically alter overall response output or bias, decreased sensitivity to reinforcement amount. These results suggest that reducing sensitivity of responding to reinforcement amount may be one behavioral mechanism of stimulants, which may have implications for interpreting drug effects on self-control.  相似文献   

We report two experiments which test whether resistance to prefeeding and satiation for a variable-interval (VI) schedule that delivers a constant rate of reinforcement varies inversely with the reinforcement rate for an alternative schedule. In Experiment 1, eight pigeons responded in a multiple schedule in which the red key was always associated with a VI 90-s schedule and the green key with either a richer (VI 18s) or leaner (VI 540s) schedule in different conditions. After baseline training in each condition, prefeeding test sessions were conducted in which 10g, 20g, 30g, 40g, and 50g food were provided one-hour prior to test. Additional baseline training was given between each test session. In Experiment 2, two groups of pigeons responded in a multiple schedule similar to Experiment 1. After baseline training, pigeons were exposed to a 5-h satiation test session in which the VI 90-s schedule was available continuously. Test sessions were conducted when pigeons were maintained at 85%, 95%, and 85% of their body weights in an ABA design. Results of both experiments showed that responding in the VI 90-s schedule that alternated with a leaner schedule during baseline was more resistant to prefeeding and satiation. These data rule out alternative explanations for results of previous studies, and confirm that resistance to change varies inversely with reinforcement context.  相似文献   

Human choice behavior was assessed in a concurrent-chain schedule, where two equal initial links (IL) each led to a distinct terminal-link (TL). One TL was associated with a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, while the other was associated with a bi-valued mixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, whose arithmetic mean equaled the Fixed TL schedule. The fixed component (FR50; FR25; FR5) was arranged to be equal to the alternative mixed component in each condition (FR1/99; FR1/49; FR1/9), and choice behavior was measured by proportion of responses to each IL. In addition, the IL duration varied across conditions (VI 30 s; VI 15 s; FI 1 s). Preference for the mixed option was observed with longer durations (e.g., when IL = VI 30 s and TL = FR1/99). Participants were relatively indifferent in other conditions, though the results suggested a monotonic increase in preference as either durations or programmed efforts increased. It is concluded that both choice and the conditioned reinforcement value of the mixed option is contextually based, so that the value of a stimulus correlated with an immediate reward (i.e., FR 1) is enhanced the greater the temporal context in which the FR1 is embedded.  相似文献   

Differential resurgence and response elimination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resurgence refers to the transient recovery of previously reinforced, but presently not reinforced, responding when more recently reinforced responding is extinguished. The primary purpose of our research was to determine how differential resurgence results from the procedures used to eliminate that responding. There were three conditions in each of five experiments. In Condition 1, key pecking by pigeons was maintained under a two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 30-s VI 30-s schedule. In Condition 2, this pecking was eliminated in different ways across components. In Condition 3, extinction was in effect for all responses, and resurgence of key pecking was compared across components. These three conditions were repeated for most pigeons, and the procedures used to eliminate responding in Condition 2 varied across experiments. In Experiment 1, there was greater resurgence, and an earlier onset of it, after a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior (DRO) schedule than after a VI schedule was correlated with pecking an alternative key. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the differential resurgence in Experiment 1 probably was not due to conditional stimulus control or the periodicity of food delivery, respectively. In Experiment 4, there was no systematic difference in resurgence after either a DRO schedule or a VI schedule correlated with treadle pressing. In Experiment 5, there was greater resurgence, and/or an earlier onset of it, after a VI schedule correlated with treadle pressing than after a VI schedule correlated with pecking an alternative key. Taken together, the results showed that the reinforcement of an alternative key-peck response was the most effective means of reducing subsequent key-peck resurgence. The relation of these results to an understanding of resurgence is discussed.  相似文献   

The current experiment investigates whether an active time model can account for anomalous results that have emerged from multiple schedule, concurrent variable-interval (VI) VI experiments. The model assumes that (1) during concurrent VI VI training pigeons learn a function that relates time since the most immediate response, i.e., active time, to changeover probabilities and (2) that molar preference is the result of an interaction between inter-response time frequencies and the learned active time changeover functions. Pigeons were trained under a concurrent VI 30-s VI 30-s schedule and a concurrent VI 60-s VI 60-s schedule. Probes were conducted in which VI 30-s and VI 60-s stimuli were paired. During these probes, birds allocated choices equally to the stimuli. The active time model accurately fit individual subject data. In contrast data were not fit by a variant of scalar expectancy theory proposed by Gibbon [Gibbon, J., 1995. Dynamics of time matching: arousal makes better seem worse. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 2, 208-215].  相似文献   

Nicotine has been found to produce dose-dependent increases in impulsive choice (preference for smaller, sooner reinforcers relative to larger, later reinforcers) in rats. Such increases could be produced by either of two behavioral mechanisms: (1) an increase in delay discounting (i.e., exacerbating the impact of differences in reinforcer delays) which would increase the value of a sooner reinforcer relative to a later one, or (2) a decrease in magnitude sensitivity (i.e., diminishing the impact of differences in reinforcer magnitudes) which would increase the value of a smaller reinforcer relative to a larger one. To isolate which of these two behavioral mechanisms was likely responsible for nicotine's effect on impulsive choice, we manipulated reinforcer delay and magnitude using a concurrent, variable interval (VI 30 s, VI 30 s) schedule of reinforcement with 2 groups of Long-Evans rats (n = 6 per group). For one group, choices were made between a 1-s delay and a 9-s delay to 2 food pellets. For a second group, choices were made between 1 pellet and 3 pellets. Nicotine (vehicle, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.56 and 0.74 mg/kg) produced dose-dependent decreases in preference for large versus small magnitude reinforcers and had no consistent effect on preference for short versus long delays. This suggests that nicotine decreases sensitivity to reinforcer magnitude.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of cue competition on timing in both overshadowing and blocking operant procedures with pigeons. A white center key delivered reward when pecked 30 s after a red or green sidekey was presented and 10 s after presentation of the alternate color on the other sidekey. In Experiment 1, key presentations were concurrent during training trials for overshadow-condition pigeons, while side key presentations were separated across training trials for control birds. In Experiment 2, half of the birds (Blocking group) were given pre-exposure trials to either the 10-s or 30-s sidekey condition. Both blocking-condition and control birds were then given trials of concurrent side key presentations. Peak time curves were compared between experimental and control conditions. The results showed blocking of timing accuracy of a long (30-s) stimulus by a short (10-s) stimulus, but no evidence for overshadowing of timing accuracy.  相似文献   

Pigeons responded on a concurrent-chains schedule with two equal variable-interval (VI) schedules as initial links and delays to food of 3 and 12s as the two terminal links. In even-numbered sessions, no other reinforcement schedule was present, and all pigeons showed a strong preference for the response key that had the shorter, 3-s terminal-link delay. In odd-numbered sessions, the initial links were interrupted at random times by one of three different types of events. When the interruptions were immediate food deliveries, the response percentages increased on the key that had the 3-s delay. When the interruptions were 30-s delays followed by food, the response percentages remained approximately unchanged. When the interruptions were 30-s delays with no food, the response percentages decreased. The results were used to compare the predictions of different mathematical models of concurrent-chains performance. The results favored models that assume that preference is determined by the relative amount of advantage that is gained when a terminal link is entered.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded under a 7-component mixed schedule in which each component arranged a different left:right reinforcer ratio (27:1, 9:1, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:9, 1:27). Components were unsignaled, and the order within each session was randomly determined. After extensive exposure to these contingencies, effects of a range of doses of d-amphetamine (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) on estimates of sensitivity to reinforcement at several levels of analysis were assessed. Under non-drug conditions, the structure of choice was similar to that previously reported under this procedure. That is, responding adjusted within components to the reinforcer ratio in effect (i.e., sensitivity estimates were higher in the 2nd than in the 1st half of components), and individual reinforcers produced “preference pulses” (i.e., each food presentation produced an immediate, local, shift in preference toward the response that just produced food). Although there was a general tendency for d-amphetamine to reduce overall sensitivity to reinforcement, the size of this effect and its reliability varied across pigeons. Further analysis, however, revealed that intermediate d-amphetamine doses consistently reduced sensitivity immediately following reinforcer presentations; that is, these doses consistently attenuated preference pulses.  相似文献   

Rates of responding by rats were usually higher during the variable interval (VI) 30-s component of a multiple VI 30-s fixed interval (FI) 30-s schedule than during the same component of a multiple VI 30-s VI 30-s schedule (Experiment 1). Response rates were also usually higher during the FI 30-s component of a multiple VI 30-s FI 30-s schedule than during the same component of a multiple FI 30-s FI 30-s schedule (Experiment 2). The differences in response rates were not observed when the components provided VI or FI 120-s schedules. These results were predicted by the idea that differences in habituation to the reinforcer between multiple schedules contribute to behavioral interactions, such as behavioral contrast. However, differences in habituation were not apparent in the within-session patterns of responding. Finding differences in response rates in both experiments violates widely-held assumptions about behavioral interactions, including that behavioral contrast does not occur for rats and that improving the conditions of reinforcement decreases, rather than increases, response rate in the alternative component.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded in a concurrent-chains procedure in which terminal-link schedules were fixed-interval (FI) 10 s and FI 20 s. Across sessions, the location of the shorter terminal-link changed according to a pseudorandom binary sequence. Each session, the variable-interval initial-link schedule value was sampled from a uniform distribution that ranged from 0.01 to 30 s. On some terminal links, food was withheld to obtain measures of temporal control. Terminal-link delays determined choice (log initial-link response ratios) and timing (start and stop times on no-food trials) measures, which stabilized within the 1st half of each session. Preference for the shorter terminal-link delay was a monotonically decreasing function of initial-link duration. There was no evidence of control by initial-link durations from previous sessions.  相似文献   

In this experiment we show that the active time model (ATM) accurately predicts probe data from multiple concurrent VI VI schedules. Subjects were trained under a concurrent VI 30-s VI 60-s and a concurrent VI 60-s VI 120-s schedule. Two types of unreinforced probes were then conducted. The first paired the two VI 60-s stimuli. These stimuli, while equivalent in their associated absolute rates of reinforcement, differed in their relative rates of reinforcement. The second probe paired the VI 30-s stimulus with the relatively rich VI 60-s stimulus. In contrast with the first probe, these stimuli differed in their absolute rates of reinforcement, while being similar in their relative rates. During the first set of probes, birds preferred the VI 60-s stimulus trained with the VI 120-s schedule. During the second set of probes, birds were indifferent to the two stimuli. These results are less extreme than others reported in the literature. Nonetheless, we found that ATM accurately fit individual subject data in both sets of probes. In contrast a variant of scalar expectancy theory did not fit the data at either the individual or group level.  相似文献   

Procedural variants in estimating delay discounting (DD) have been shown to yield significant differences in estimated degree of DD as well as variations in individual patterns of choice. For example, a recent study found significantly different degrees of DD between groups assessed using either an ascending or descending order of presentation of the immediately available rewards. The purpose of this study was to test for within-subject effects of order of presentation of the immediate rewards in a DD task. In a single session, college students (N = 29) were asked to complete two DD tasks, one with the immediate rewards presented in ascending order and one in descending order. Consistent with previous results, significantly larger mean area under the discounting curve (AUC) was observed when the descending sequence was used compared to the ascending order of presentation; and the correlation between both measurements was moderate. These results suggest that some DD assessment tasks may be sensitive to contextual variables such as order and range of the reward and delay values.  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and cold exposure on diapause termination, post-diapause development and reproduction in Loxostege sticticalis were examined. Larvae were reared at diapause inducing condition (22 °C, L:D 12:12) consistently or transferred to long day photoperiod (L:D 16:8) and darkness (L:D 0:24) respectively, after entering into diapause. Diapause was terminated in approximately 40% of the larvae after 36 days, and no significant differences were observed between photoperiods, suggesting larval diapause was terminated spontaneously without being induced by photoperiods. Cold exposure significantly hastened diapause termination. The diapause termination incidence increased significantly with peaks of 98% at both 5 °C and 0 °C exposure for 30 days, as compared to 42% in controls not exposed to cold, while the mortality and number of days required for diapause termination decreased dramatically. The optimal low temperature exposure periods under 5 °C or 0 °C were 20 days and 30 days, showing a higher termination incidence and shorter time for diapause termination. This suggests that the low temperatures in winter play an important role in diapause termination under natural conditions. The threshold temperatures for post-diapause development in prepupae and pupae were 9.13 °C and 10.60 °C respectively, with corresponding accumulations of 125 and 200 degree-days. Adults that experienced larval diapause significantly delayed their first oviposition, oviposition period was prolonged, and the lifetime number of eggs laid was decreased, however both males and females have significantly longer longevity. The field validation of diapause termination, the degree-days model, and the relationship between diapause and migration in L. sticticalis were also discussed.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates a wide variety of social behaviors across diverse species. However, the types of behaviors that are influenced by this hormone are constrained by the species in question and the social organization that a particular species exhibits. Therefore, the present experiments investigated behaviors regulated by oxytocin in a eusocial mammalian species by using the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). In Experiment 1, adult non-breeding mole-rats were given intraperitoneal injections of either oxytocin (1 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) or saline on alternate days. Animals were then returned to their colony and behavior was recorded for minutes 15–30 post-injection. Both doses of oxytocin increased huddling behavior during this time period. In Experiment 2, animals received intraperitoneal injections of either oxytocin (1 mg/kg), an oxytocin-receptor antagonist (0.1 mg/kg), a cocktail of oxytocin and the antagonist, or saline across 4 testing days in a counterbalanced design. Animals were placed in either a 2-chamber arena with a familiar conspecific or in a small chamber with 1 week old pups from their home colony and behaviors were recorded for minutes 15–30 post-injection. Oxytocin increased investigation of, and time spent in close proximity to, a familiar conspecific; these effects were blocked by the oxytocin antagonist. No effects were seen on pup-directed behavior. These data suggest that oxytocin is capable of modulating affiliative-like behavior in this eusocial species.  相似文献   

The construction of artificial seaweed beds in the intertidal zone is a challenge due to extreme levels of physical stress. In order to provide a basis for the construction using the dispersal of microscopic juveniles, a three-way factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the tolerance of Sargassum thunbergii germlings shortly released from fertile thalli to temperature, salinity and desiccation in this study. Results revealed that temperature, salinity and desiccation significantly affected the growth and survival of germlings. Germlings showed rapid growth with relative growth rate (RGR, % day−1) over 16% when cultured at 25 °C and full immersion in normal seawater. Although growths of germlings subjected to moderate conditions were significantly inhibited, RGRs over 13% were obtained. The RGRs of germlings below 10% were observed only at 35 °C and 9 h desiccation treatments. In comparison to growth, survival was less affected by physical stress. Germlings showed low mortalities below 10% under appropriate conditions (25 °C and 30 °C combined with full immersion), and below 60% under moderate conditions, by the end of experiment. However, the mortality rates increased to over 90% under extreme conditions (9 h desiccation and 35 °C combined with full immersion in salinity of 12). These results showed that S. thunbergii germlings had high tolerance to physical stresses. In addition to the main effects, both two-way and three-way interactions between temperature, salinity and desiccation were significant. Based on the magnitude of effect, desiccation was the predominant factor affecting both growth and survival. According to the results, construction of artificial tanks in natural habitat to minimize desiccation may be an effective strategy for S. thunbergii restoration using germlings.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained on concurrent variable-interval 30-s schedules. Relative reinforcer amounts arranged across the two alternatives were varied across sessions according to a pseudorandom binary sequence [cf., Hunter, I., Davison, M., 1985. Determination of a behavioral transfer function: white-noise analysis of session-to-session response-ratio dynamics on concurrent VI schedules. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 43, 43-59]; the ratios (left/right) were either 1/7 or 7/1. Reinforcer amount was manipulated by varying the number of 1.2s hopper presentations. Sessions ended after 30 reinforcers (15 for each alternative). After approximately 30 sessions, response ratios for all pigeons began to track the changes in amount ratio (i.e., subjects' responding showed a moderate increase in sensitivity of responding to reinforcer amount). Characteristics of responding were similar to procedures in which reinforcer rate and immediacy have been manipulated, although sensitivity estimates for amount were lower than those previously obtained with rate and immediacy. This procedure may serve as a useful method for studying the effects of certain environmental manipulations (e.g., drug administration) on sensitivity to reinforcer amount.  相似文献   

The effect of a concurrent task on timing performance of pigeons was investigated with the peak interval procedure. Birds were trained to peck a side key on a discrete-trial schedule that included reinforced fixed-interval (FI) 30-s trials and nonreinforced extended probe trials. Then, in separate sessions, birds were trained to peck a 6-s center key for food. In a subsequent test phase, the FI procedure was in effect along with dual-task probe test trials. On those test trials, the 6-s center key (task cue) was presented at 3, 9, or 15s after probe trial onset. During another test phase, a 6-s gap (the FI keylight was extinguished) was presented at 3, 9, or 15s after probe trial onset. Peak time increased with center key time of onset, and was greater under task than gap conditions. Moreover, peak time under task conditions exceeded values predicted by stop and reset clock mechanisms. These results are at variance with current attentional accounts of timing behavior in dual-task conditions, and suggest a role of nontemporal factors in the control of timing behavior.  相似文献   

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