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Neuronal plasticity allows an animal to respond to environmental changes by modulating its response to stimuli. In the honey bee (Apis mellifera), the biogenic amine octopamine plays a crucial role in appetitive odor learning, but little is known about how octopamine affects the brain. We investigated its effect in the antennal lobe, the first olfactory center in the brain, using calcium imaging to record background activity and odor responses before and after octopamine application. We show that octopamine increases background activity in olfactory output neurons, while reducing average calcium levels. Odor responses were modulated both upwards and downwards, with more odor response increases in glomeruli with negative or weak odor responses. Importantly, the octopamine effect was variable across glomeruli, odorants, odorant concentrations and animals, suggesting that the octopaminergic network is shaped by plasticity depending on an individual animal’s history and possibly other factors. Using RNA interference, we show that the octopamine receptor AmOA1 (homolog of the Drosophila OAMB receptor) is involved in the octopamine effect. We propose a network model in which octopamine receptors are plastic in their density and located on a subpopulation of inhibitory neurons in a disinhibitory pathway. This would improve odor-coding of behaviorally relevant, previously experienced odors.  相似文献   

Antennal afferent pathway topography was studied in the queen honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera : Apidae) by staining with cobalt chloride applied directly to the cut antennal axons. Antennal lobe organization in the queen was compared with those in worker and drone bees. The organization is similar in queen and worker bees. For the first time in a female insect the possible existence of a macroglomerulus is shown, which may be involved in the processing of species-specific information. A comparative quantitative neuromorphological study of the glomeruli was performed between young queens (8-day old) and 1-yr-old queens. The mean volume of the glomeruli is 46% greater in the older queens.  相似文献   

Gascuel J  Masson C 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(3):341-355
This paper describes the ultrastructural organization of the honeybee antennal lobe, including the distribution of synapses within the antennal lobe neuropile and the distribution of the afferent fibres in the antennal nerve and its afferent tracts. We show that: 1) The antennal nerve and tracts T3-T6 are composed of a heterogeneous population of fibres, with respect to their diameters, whereas two afferent tracts (T1 and T2) are composed of fibres of almost homogeneous diameter. 2) Synapses are mainly localized in the glomeruli with a higher frequency in the cortical layer than in the core of the glomerulus. Nevertheless a few synapses are found in the coarse neuropile. 3) Reciprocal synapses have been identified in the cortical layer. At the ultrastructural level, the organization of the bee antennal lobe was largely unknown and these results bring the anatomical background needed in order to carry out a developmental study related to the bee antennal lobe structures.  相似文献   

Summary The sensillum coelocapitulum, a hygro- and thermoreceptive sensillum of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, was investigated by electron microscopy. The cuticular apparatus of the sensillum is a mushroomshaped protrusion, devoid of pores, set in a narrow cylindrical pit positioned centrally within a cuticular, shallow depression. There may be three or four receptor cells. Three receptor cells have unbranched sensory cilia, containing densely packed microtubules, which extend distally into the cuticular apparatus and completely fill its cavity. These connecting cilia are of the usual 9+0 type. The fourth receptor, if present, has a thin sensory cilium which terminates beneath the cuticular apparatus. Its connecting cilium has armed outer doublets. The outer cavity is formed by two enveloping cells and is completely sealed off. Lipid deposits are present within the cavity and the tormogen cell. The thecogen cell has scolopale rod-like structures around the inner cavity. Features common to the insect hygro- and thermoreceptive sensilla are discussed in comparison with those of other insects.  相似文献   

The role of antennal sensory projections on the ontogeny of the bee antennal lobe was analyzed using both light and transmission electron microscopy. Normal and deafferented developing antennal lobes were examined. The results obtained show that (1) initiation of synaptogenesis in the antennal lobe is independent of the arrival of sensory inputs; (2) sensory inputs are necessary for setting up the glomerular antennal lobe organization; (3) regressive events, such as the reduction of synapse density, occur during the development of the antennal lobe; and (4) glomeruli formation appears as related to glia development.  相似文献   

Antennal movements of the honey bee can be conditioned operantly under laboratory conditions. Using this behavioural paradigm we have developed a preparation in which the activity of a single antennal muscle has been operantly conditioned. This muscle, the fast flagellum flexor muscle, is innervated by an identified motoneuron whose action potentials correlate 1:1 with the muscle potentials. The activity of the fast flagellum flexor muscle was recorded extracellularly from the scapus of the antenna. The animal was rewarded with a drop of sucrose solution whenever the muscle activity exceeded a defined reward threshold. The reward threshold was one standard deviation above the mean spontaneous frequency prior to conditioning. After ten conditioning trials, the frequency of the muscle potentials had increased significantly compared to the spontaneous frequency. The conditioned changes of frequency were observed for 30 min after conditioning. No significant changes of the frequency were found in the yoke control group. The firing pattern of the muscle potentials did not change significantly after conditioning or feeding. Fixing the antennal joints reduces or abolishes associative operant conditioning. The conditioned changes of the frequency of muscle potentials in the freely moving antenna are directly comparable to the behavioural changes during operant conditioning. Accepted: 29 March 2000  相似文献   

A common and widespread disease of honey bees, Apis mellifera, is caused by an unoccluded, Feulgen-positive, filamentous nuclear virus. Ovoid viral particles seen in diseased bee hemolymph consisted of a folded nucleocapsid within a viral envelope and were 0.40 by 0.10 μm. Virions with unfolded nucleocapsids were about 3060 by 60 nm. The disease was transmissible to bees both per os and by injection, but efforts to infect oriental cockroaches, Blatta orientalis, and the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, failed. The disease is apparently the same as that described as a rickettsial disease of European bees.  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the primary structure within the locust’s brain that receives information from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) within the antennae. Different odors activate distinct subsets of ORNs, implying that neuronal signals at the level of the antennae encode odors combinatorially. Within the AL, however, different odors produce signals with long-lasting dynamic transients carried by overlapping neural ensembles, suggesting a more complex coding scheme. In this work we use a large-scale point neuron model of the locust AL to investigate this shift in stimulus encoding and potential consequences for odor discrimination. Consistent with experiment, our model produces stimulus-sensitive, dynamically evolving populations of active AL neurons. Our model relies critically on the persistence time-scale associated with ORN input to the AL, sparse connectivity among projection neurons, and a synaptic slow inhibitory mechanism. Collectively, these architectural features can generate network odor representations of considerably higher dimension than would be generated by a direct feed-forward representation of stimulus space.  相似文献   

The role of antennal sensory projections on the ontogeny of the bee antennal lobe was analyzed using both light and transmission electron microscopy. Normal and deafferented developing antennal lobes were examined. The results obtained show that (1) initiation of synaptogenesis in the antennal lobe is independent of the arrival of sensory inputs; (2) sensory inputs are necessary for setting up the glomerular antennal lobe organization; (3) regressive events, such as the reduction of synapse density, occur during the development of the antennal lobe; and (4) glomeruli formation appears as related to glia development.  相似文献   

Using uniplex RT-PCR we screened honey bee colonies for the presence of several bee viruses, including black queen cell virus (BQCV), deformed wing virus (DWV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), and sacbrood virus (SBV), and described the detection of mixed virus infections in bees from these colonies. We report for the first time that individual bees can harbor four viruses simultaneously. We also developed a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of multiple bee viruses. The feasibility and specificity of the multiplex RT-PCR assay suggests that this assay is an effective tool for simultaneous examination of mixed virus infections in bee colonies and would be useful for the diagnosis and surveillance of honey bee viral diseases in the field and laboratory. Phylogenetic analysis of putative helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) encoded by viruses reveal that DWV and SBV fall into a same clade, whereas KBV and BQCV belong to a distinct lineage with other picorna-like viruses that infect plants, insects and vertebrates. Results from field surveys of these viruses indicate that mixed infections of BQCV, DWV, KBV, and SBV in the honey bee probably arise due to broad geographic distribution of viruses.  相似文献   

The behavioral maturation of adult worker honey bees is influenced by a rising titer of juvenile hormone (JH), and is temporally correlated with an increase in the volume of the neuropil of the mushroom bodies, a brain region involved in learning and memory. We explored the stability of this neuropil expansion and its possible dependence on JH. We studied the volume of the mushroom bodies in adult bees deprived of JH by surgical removal of the source glands, the corpora allata. We also asked if the neuropil expansion detected in foragers persists when bees no longer engage in foraging, either because of the onset of winter or because colony social structure was experimentally manipulated to cause some bees to revert from foraging to tending brood (nursing). Results show that adult exposure to JH is not necessary for growth of the mushroom body neuropil, and that the volume of the mushroom body neuropil in adult bees is not reduced if foraging stops. These results are interpreted in the context of a qualitative model that posits that mushroom body neuropil volume enlargement in the honey bee has both experience-independent and experience-dependent components.  相似文献   

To know basic information about the stingless bee, Trigona minangkabau, and the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, as pollinator of strawberry, we set three greenhouse areas: the honey bee introduced area, the stingless bee introduced area and the control area. Foraging and pollination efficiencies of the two bee species were studied comparatively. During the experimental period (10 days), the stingless bee foraged well and the nest weight did not change, though the honey bee often foraged inefficiently and the nest weight decreased by 2 kg. The average nectar volume of a flower was lower in the honey bee area (0.02 μl) and nearly the same in the other two areas (0.1 μl). We make a numerical model to describe pollination and fertilization process. This model shows that one visit of the honey bee pollinated 11% of achenes and one visit of the stingless bee did 4.7% on average and that 11 visits of the honey bee or 30 visits of the stingless bee are required per flower to attain normal berry (fertilization rate, 87%). In this study, the rate of deformed berries in the stingless bee area (73%) was lower than that of the control area (90%), but higher than that of the honey bee area (51%). From our numerical model, we conclude the stingless bee could pollinate strawberry as well as the honey bee if we introduced 1.8 times of bees used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Classical experiments demonstrated that honey bee foragers trained to collect food at virtually any time of day will return to that food source on subsequent days with a remarkable degree of temporal accuracy. This versatile time-memory, based on an endogenous circadian clock, presumably enables foragers to schedule their reconnaissance flights to best take advantage of the daily rhythms of nectar and pollen availability in different species of flowers. It is commonly believed that the time-memory rapidly extinguishes if not reinforced daily, thus enabling foragers to switch quickly from relatively poor sources to more productive ones. On the other hand, it is also commonly thought that extinction of the time-memory is slow enough to permit foragers to ‘remember’ the food source over a day or two of bad weather. What exactly is the time-course of time-memory extinction? In a series of field experiments, we determined that the level of food-anticipatory activity (FAA) directed at a food source is not rapidly extinguished and, furthermore, the time-course of extinction is dependent upon the amount of experience accumulated by the forager at that source. We also found that FAA is prolonged in response to inclement weather, indicating that time-memory extinction is not a simple decay function but is responsive to environmental changes. These results provide insights into the adaptability of FAA under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Honey bees are a key-model in the study of learning and memory, because they show considerable learning abilities, their brain is well described and is accessible to a wide range of physiological recordings and treatments. We use in vivo calcium imaging to study olfactory perception in the bee brain, and combine this method to appetitive olfactory conditioning to unravel the neural substrates of olfactory learning. Odours are detected by receptor neurons on the antennae. Each receptor neuron projects to the first-order neuropile of the olfactory pathway, the antennal lobe, connecting to projection neurons in one of its 160 functional units, the glomeruli. In calcium imaging experiments, each odour elicits a particular activity pattern of antennal lobe glomeruli, according to a code conserved between individuals. The antennal lobe is also a site where the olfactory memory is formed. Using optical imaging, two studies have shown modulations of odour representation in the antennal lobe after learning, with different effects depending on the type of conditioning used. While simple differential conditioning (A + B- training) showed an increased calcium response to the reinforced odour, side-specific conditioning (A + B-/B + A- training) decorrelated the calcium responses of odours between brain sides. This difference may owe to the formation of different memories, which will be addressed in future work. By specifically staining antennal lobe neuronal subpopulations, we hope to be able in the future to study synaptic plasticity in the honey bee.  相似文献   

As a first step towards unravelling some of the complexity of the signalling and modulatory mechanisms in the antennal lobe (AL) of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, I analysed the immunocytochemical identity of AL interneurons. Antibodies against serotonin, histamine, locustatachykinin, leucokinin and FMRFamide were used to reveal the morphology of interneurons ramifying in the AL. In addition, double-labelling experiments were performed in order to demonstrate colocalisation of GABA and locustatachykinin and to investigate the ramification patterns of immunolabelled interneurons and physiologically characterised olfactory projection neurons (PNs) injected with Lucifer yellow. Immunoreactivity to these antibodies revealed six different types of interneurons with different patterns of ramification within the glomerular neuropil: (1, 2) Centrifugal interneurons displaying serotonin immunoreactivity, which arborised extensively within the AL and extended varicose fibres into the microglomerular core where close associations with dendrites of AL PNs could be distinguished. (3) Histamine-immunoreactive centrifugal interneurons with arborisations in the protocerebrum and the dorsal non-glomerular regions of the AL and the lobus glomerulatus (LG). (4) Locustatachykinin-immunoreactive local interneurons, colocalising GABA, arborising throughout the AL and extending varicose fibres throughout the glomerular neuropil where close associations with dendrites of AL PNs could be distinguished. (5) Leucokinin-immunoreactive descending neurons connecting the protocerebrum, the AL, the LG and all ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. These neurons displayed sparse innervation of the AL and extended varicose fibres into the interglomerular space. (6) FMRF-amide-immunoreactive centrifugal interneurons, connecting the lateral protocerebrum with the AL and the LG, which arborised sparsely within these neuropils and displayed similar innervation of the microglomeruli as (1) and (2).  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1985,15(5):597-600
Makisterone A, a 28-carbon moulting hormone, has been identified as the major free pupal ecdysteroid in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. The pupal ecdysteroid was isolated and identified by normal and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography in conjunction with a radioimmune assay. The compound was further characterized physico-chemically by both mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. No C27 ecdysteroids (i.e. 20-hydroxyecdysone or ecdysone) were detected at this stage of development. This is the first isolation and identification of a 28-carbon ecdysteroid in an insect species from the order Hymenoptera. Utilization of dietary sterols by honey bees is also discussed.  相似文献   

Levels of the biogenic amines dopamine, serotonin, and octopamine were measured in different brain regions of adult worker honey bees as a function of age-related division of labor, using social manipulations to unlink age and behavioral state. In the antennal lobes, foragers had higher levels of all three amines than nurses, regardless of age. Differences were larger for octopamine than serotonin or dopamine. In the mushroom bodies, older bees had higher levels of all three amines than younger bees, regardless of behavioral state. These correlative results suggest that increases in octopamine in the antennal lobes may be particularly important in the control of age-related division of labor in honey bees. Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

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