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分析了中国蛱蝶科已知324种昆虫的分布与区系组成,主要由古北区、东洋区、古北一东洋区共有种类组成,共计309种,占总数的95.37%;其种类组成与澳洲区、新北区有明显差异;特有种类较少,占总数的12.65%;广布种很少,仅占1.74%。同时统计分析了324种蛱蝶在我国各省的贫富指数。  相似文献   

Study on rugose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation(early Telyehian)and Daluzhai Formation (mid-late Telychian)in Daguan area,northeast Yunnan Province,China was carded out.Rugose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation included 18 genera and 34 species,while Daluzhai Formation with nine genera,ten species.We described rugose coral fauna(12 genera,19 species)including one new genus and five new species,i.e.Protoketophyllum daguanense gen.et sp.nov..Crassilasma huanggexiense sp.nov.,Pseudophaulactis heae sp.nov.,P.convolutus sp.nov.,and Shensiphyllum minor sp.nov..The characteristics and geological significance of rugose coral fauna of Sifengya Formation and Daluzhai Formation were analyzed.Particularly,mgose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation represent early Telychian rugosan fauna in the Upper Yangtze region and improve the sequences of early Silurian(Llandovery)mgose coral assemblages in Yangtze region.It is therefore very meaningful to further analyze radiation period of rugose coral fauna in such epoch.  相似文献   


Two surveys of Rarotonga, Cook Islands (21°20'S, 160°16'W) were made to determine the mosquito fauna of the island, and to identify the habitats required for breeding by searching for larvae. The first survey was made during the “dry season” in May 2001, the second during the “wet season” in February 2002. The mosquito fauna comprised four species Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say, Culex (Culex) annulirostris Skuse, Aedes (Stego‐myia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes (Stegomyia) polynesiensis Marks. Larvae of the Culex species were most often found in larger natural and artificial water bodies. The Aedes species bred in both natural and artificial containers of all sizes. Ae. polynesiensis was the most widespread species, using natural holes in all regions as well as artificial containers in the urban areas. Most larvae of Ae. aegypti were located in small artificial containers. The two Aedes species are the vectors of dengue fever on the island. Mosquito control during outbreaks should specifically target the artificial containers preferred by Aedes sp. for breeding habitats.  相似文献   

Summary A continuous cell line of a nonhematophagous mosquito was obtained by using partially incapacitated but living larvae as the source The cells were predominantly epithelioid and diploid (2N=6). Syncytia were occasionally observed in the normal cell cultures.  相似文献   

清水江的鱼类区系及生态类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了系统研究清水江的鱼类区系和生态类型,在2002-2004年对清水江进行了鱼类标本的采集和生态学调查.共采集鱼类标本2 500余号,经鉴定为71种(亚种).其中中华花鳅、拟尖头鲌、长身鳜和长吻鮠等52种(亚种)鱼类为清水江鱼类新记录,而红尾副鳅、长薄鳅、海南拟、福建纹胸鮡和长须黄颡鱼则首次被发现分布于沅江水系.结合文献记录与调查表明:清水江共有鱼类4目13科57属86种(亚种),其中仅胡子鲇为外来种;清水江鱼类区系具有土著鱼类占优势、特有种类和易(濒)危种类较多、区系组成较复杂和与珠江水系之间存在着鱼类跨水系分布的现象等特点.清水江鱼类在洄游、食性、繁殖和栖息习性等方面分别属于不同的生态类型.  相似文献   

通过对中国简管蓟马族Haplothripini物种的模式标本和定名标本及地理分布文献资料的整理,分析了该族13属53种在中国的物种组成及区系分布特点。结果发现,简管蓟马属物种丰富度最高;中国简管蓟马族在东洋界和古北界均有分布,无特有属,特有种比例低,具有广布种;该族物种在中国动物地理区划中有22个分布型,以华南区为主。最后,初步分析和讨论了该族昆虫的区系特点。  相似文献   

土壤动物多样性地理分布及其生态功能研究已成为地学和生态学等领域共同关注的科学前沿。本文在介绍相关研究最新进展的基础上, 讨论已有研究的局限性或不确定性, 展望未来研究的重点方向。近10年来, 代表性土壤动物类群的全球分布研究取得突破性进展; 国内土壤动物研究的尺度和采样区域也有明显拓展, 尤其在蚯蚓和线虫相关研究上取得了系列成果。结果表明, 土壤动物多样性随纬度的变化模式主要有两种, 即在低纬度的热带最高或在中纬度的温带最高; 而土壤动物多度与多样性可能同步变化、无明显关系、截然不同甚至相反; 降水、植物生产力和土壤有机质是土壤动物分布格局的关键驱动力, 但它们的影响力因土壤动物类群不同而异。土壤动物具有改善土壤物理结构、促进养分循环和有机碳稳定、提高作物健康水平等多重功能; 土壤动物的多功能性评估方兴未艾, 但仍面临诸多挑战。简单分析土壤动物随经纬度等的变化规律存在较大局限性, 考虑在基于地质-生态历史及“经纬度-海拔-离海岸距离”等构建的多维时空框架内, 探究土壤动物分布特征及其驱动力。土壤动物分布格局对其潜在的生态功能有关键影响, 但是目前对土壤动物分布格局的预测和模拟仍主要依靠经验模型; 代谢生态学等理论在土壤动物群落研究中的应用值得关注。探究分类多样性的冗余机制, 突出功能多样性, 可以将生物多样性与生态功能更好地联系起来; 同时, 需要在特定条件和时空下, 从整个土壤食物网及其与植物的联系中理解土壤动物多样性与多功能性的联系。建议未来关注两个研究方向: (1)量化人类活动和气候变化给土壤动物多样性和生态功能带来的巨大不确定性; (2)完善土壤动物群落特征预测的理论框架和开展土壤动物群落的精准调控, 综合评价其多功能性, 进而将土壤动物与人类福祉更紧密地联系起来。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify the mosquito species that currently exist and their distributions in Kosovo in order to determine current potential endemic zones and areas at a higher risk for future epidemics. These scientific data will be shared with public health authorities for implementing mosquito control programs. During a two‐year period of monitoring in 48 localities in 23 provinces in Kosovo, a total of 1,604 mosquitoes representing 13 species and six genera were collected and morphologically identified. Members of species complexes were also classified to species using DNA barcoding. In total, 13 species were identified with Culex pipiens s.l., the predominant species with an abundance rate of 39%. The remaining 12 species identified were grouped into five genera: Anopheles, Aedes, Coquillettidia, Culiseta, Uranotaenia, including species that are vectors of arboviruses in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The diversity of Diplopoda in caves of southern China is remarkably high, often 5–6 species per cave, consisting mostly of local endemics and presumed troglobionts. These are evidently biased to just a few lineages, mainly members of the orders Chordeumatida and Callipodida, the families Cambalopsidae (Spirostreptida) and Haplodesmidae (Polydesmida) or the genera Pacidesmus, Epanerchodus and Glenniea (all Polydesmida, Polydesmidae), Trichopeltis (Polydesmida, Cryptodesmidae), Dexmoxytes (Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) and Hyleoglomeris (Glomerida, Glomeridae). All these taxa, especially the Paradoxosomatidae and Cambalopsidae (usually amounting to about 60% and 10% of the total species diversity in the Oriental fauna, respectively), are moderately to highly speciose across Southeast Asia, being largely epigean. However, the epigean Diplopoda of southern China are yet badly understudied, since much of the collecting and taxonomic exploration efforts still focus on cavernicoles. The Oriental Region is the only biogeographic realm globally that harbours all 16 orders of Diplopoda, of which 14 have already been encountered in China and/or the immediately adjacent parts of Indochina. Thus, China may actually prove to support no less than 1,000 millipede species of various origins, mainly Oriental and Palaearctic.  相似文献   

Tang Y J  Yu S X 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1703-1714
The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

Study on rugose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation (early Telychian) and Daluzhai Formation (mid-late Telychian) in Daguan area, northeast Yunnan Province, China was carried out. Rugose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation included 18 genera and 34 species, while Daluzhai Formation with nine genera, ten species. We described rugose coral fauna (12 genera, 19 species) including one new genus and five new species, i.e. Protoketophyllum daguanense gen. et sp. nov., Crassilasma huanggexiense sp. nov., Pseudophaulactis heae sp. nov., P. convolutus sp. nov., and Shensiphyllum minor sp. nov. The characteristics and geological significance of rugose coral fauna of Sifengya Formation and Daluzhai Formation were analyzed. Particularly, rugose coral fauna of the Sifengya Formation represent early Telychian rugosan fauna in the Upper Yangtze region and improve the sequences of early Silurian (Llandovery) rugose coral assemblages in Yangtze region. It is therefore very meaningful to further analyze radiation period of rugose coral fauna in such epoch. __________ Translated from Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2005, 44(2): 229–246 [译自: 古生物学报, 2005, 44(2): 229–246]  相似文献   

Adult mosquito surveillance was conducted using black light traps in August of 2006 and 2007 at Wangging county and Yanji city, Jilin Province, China to identify the distribution of anopheline mosquitoes in northern China. A total of 2459 female mosquitoes comprising three genera and eight species including Anopheles (Anopheles) lesteri, An. (Ano.) kleini, An. (Ano.) pullus, Culex inatomii, Cx. orientalis, Cx. pipiens, Cx. bitaeniorhynchus and Aedes vexans nipponii were collected. The most commonly collected species was An. kleini which had not been previously reported from China. Anopheles sinensis sensu stricto is commonly collected throughout China, but was not collected from these areas.  相似文献   

2003-2005年,先后6次对湖南小溪国家级自然保护区境内的蝗虫进行了标本采集,共鉴定出44种,隶属于3总科8科34属.其区系成分以东洋界种类占绝对优势(65.90%),广布种也占一定的比例(29.55%),而古北界的种类很少(4.55%).这说明小溪国家级自然保护区的蝗虫区系具有明显的东洋界特征,但也体现了两界交汇混杂的过渡性质.造成这一区系特征的主要原因是该区具有特殊的历史地理条件.  相似文献   

An investigation of gamasid mites on the body surface of small mammals was carried out in Yunnan Province of China from 1990 to 2004. The small mammal hosts were captured from 25 counties which represent five geographical subregions, namely Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Southern Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Eastern Plateau Subregion of Yunnan, Western Plateau Subregion of Yunnan and Southern Moun- tainous Subregion of Yunnan. The captured 10 803 small mammal hosts belong to nine families, 29 genera and 52 species in four orders (Rodentia, Insectivora, Scandentia and Lagomorpha). A total of 68 571 gamasid mites were collected from the body surface of the captured small mammal hosts and all the gamasid mites were identified to 10 families, 33 genera and 112 species. This paper lists all the mite species, together with their taxonomic position (genera and families) and their corresponding hosts. Much more mite species were found in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains than in other geographical subregions. The total individuals of mites and small mammals in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains are also the most plentiful in the five geographical subregions. Three dominant mite species and three dominant small mammal hosts were determined as the dominant species in the investigated areas of Yunnan Province. The dominant hosts are Rattus flavipectus (which accounts for 34.85% of the total individuals), Apodemus chevrieri (13.43%) and Rattus norvegicus (10.40%) while the dominant gamasid mite species are Laelaps nuttalli (Hirst, 1915) (27.84%), Laelaps echidninus (Berlese, 1887) (18.38%) and Laelaps guizhouensis (Gu et Wang, 1981) (14.79%). The results showed the high species diversity of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province and the uneven distribution feature in different subregions.  相似文献   

湛江高桥红树林湿地底栖动物粒径谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,红树林湿地底栖动物粒径谱研究很少。根据2010年1月、4月、7月、10月在湛江高桥红树林湿地获得的大型和小型底栖动物数据,构建了底栖动物生物量粒径谱,以期为湛江高桥红树林湿地的生态保护和持续利用提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)高桥红树林湿地生物量粒径谱基本为3峰模式。第一峰在-2粒级,主要由线虫构成;第二峰在4—12粒级,主要由寡毛类、多毛类和小个体甲壳类构成;第三峰在13—22粒级,主要由大个体腹足类、双壳类和甲壳类构成。(2)木榄、桐花树和无瓣海桑生境在0—4粒级之间出现一个明显的波谷,这个波谷介于线虫和寡毛类之间,是大型与小型底栖动物粒级交汇区。(3)高桥红树林湿地底栖动物正态化生物量粒径谱的斜率大于-1,截距为16.533—18.150。桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)生境的截距、最小粒级的生物量(BMS)高于木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)和盐地鼠尾粟(Sporobolus virginicus)生境,说明桐花树和无瓣海桑生境的底栖动物生产力水平较木榄和盐地鼠尾粟生境的高;秋季的截距、BMS较其他季节高,说明秋季的底栖动物生产力水平较其他季节高。  相似文献   

Nine sediment cores of 8–26 cm in length were collected from two basins of Daya Bay, the South China Sea, by Tokyo University Fisheries Oceanography Laboratory core sampler in August 2001 to investigate the distribution of dinoflagellate resting cysts. In the present study, 51 different cyst morphotypes representing 22 genera were identified from 65 sediment samples. Among them, there were 21 autotrophic species and 30 heterotrophic ones. Cyst species richness in each sample varied from 12 to 29, while the values of Shannon‐Weaver diversity index (H′) were between 0.15 and 4.13. There were an obvious increase in both species richness and values of H′in 2–6 cm sediments. Cyst concentrations varied from 154 to 113 483 cysts per gram dry weight sediment, and were much higher in upper sediments. Scrippsiella trochoidea was the most dominant cyst type, which took up over 90% of cyst assemblages in the upper sediments. The abrupt increase of S. trochoidea cysts in the surface sediments reflected the bloom of this species in Daya Bay in 2000. The results from cyst assemblages showed some trend of changes in water quality in this area, and indicated a typical type of pollution caused by cultural eutrophication, which started in the 1980s and greatly accelerated in the middle of 1990s. Cysts of Alexandrium, mainly those of Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium tamarense complex, occurred frequently and abundantly in this area, with the highest concentration and relative frequency of 503 cysts per gram dry weight sediment and 22.3%, respectively. The high abundance of Alexandrium cysts provided rich ‘seed bed’ for Alexandrium blooms and was also an important source of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins, especially in winter.  相似文献   

  1. Inflorescences of some Curcuma and Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in tropical Asia provide an unique aquatic habitat being discrete, small, and made of numerous smaller compartments (the bracts).
  2. The aquatic community in inflorescences of Curcuma in northern Thailand was composed of immature Diptera, of which the biting midge Dasyhelea and the mosquito Armigeres theobaldi were the commonest. No important competitors, predators or pathogenic parasites for the mosquito were confirmed.
  3. Inter-inflorescence distribution of the mosquito was contagious. Within each inflorescence, the fourth-instar larvae or pupae usually occupied bracts singly.
  4. The k-value analysis detected density-dependent mortality due to contest competition in the mosquito larvae.
  5. Variations in the larval and pupal mosquito size were density-independent and remarkably small as compared with size variations known for other mosquitoes.
  6. These population attributes (large density-dependent mortality with density-independent, minimally variable individual size) appear unique among mosquitoes, arising from conspecific killing, efficient foraging (inter-bract movement by crawl and single occupation of bracts), and availability of host plant tissues as supplementary food.
  7. A simple population model suggested that a small proportion of adult females lay eggs.

Previous studies have used C and N isotope ratios to investigate the use of different food resources such as plant and animal detritus by container‐breeding mosquitoes. This study is the first to report on the potential food resources assimilated by larval mosquitoes in agricultural and reference wetlands. Larval mosquitoes (Diptera: Culcidae) were sampled, along with their potential food resources, from agricultural and reference wetland habitats throughout a seasonal hydroperiod. IsoSource mixing model results indicated that food resources had greater δ15N isotope values in agricultural wetlands compared with cypress‐gum swamps. In February, Aedes vexans (Meigen) and Culex territans Walker larvae fed primarily on lower quality food resources (coarse particulate organic matter and sediment) based on C:N. In contrast, higher quality food resources (fine particulate organic matter) were utilized by Anopheles spp. throughout the study and by Psorophora columbiae (Dyer and Knab) in May. This research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the food resources available and assimilated by larval mosquitoes in agricultural wetlands.  相似文献   

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