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Organogenesis in pepper tissue cultures   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Knowledge concerning in vitro growth and developmental responses of bell and chile peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) has been limited. Shoot and root organogenesis in cultures of seedling explants was restricted to primary cultures or those less than three months old under 12-and 16-h photoperiod at 25°C. Shoot organogenesis was extended to 5 months under continuous light at 25°C, and to 8 months under continuous light at 28.5°C. Murashige and Skoog basal media containing 0.05mg/l each of IAA and BA promoted shoot elongation and rooting of some explant sources, while 0.05-4 mg/l IAA with 10–50 mg/l BA promoted adventitious shoot bud formation. Glucose was superior to sucrose as the carbon source. Leaf discs collected from greenhouse-grown plants regenerated shoots for at least 2 months. Incubation environment, carbon source, explant source, growth regulator treatment and passage number were not independent variables as demonstrated by statistical analysis. The plant regeneration techniques described here have useful but limited applications, not extending to unorganized callus or cell suspension cultures.Journal article no. 1151 of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary Embryonic shoots of 15- to 20-year-oldAbies balsamea (balsam fir) trees were soaked in (a) water for 15 min or 24 hr and (b) water with 1000 mg per l indolebutyric acid (IBA), N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (Alar-85), or 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PPZ), singly or in combination with 100 mg per 1 caffeic acid, for 15 min. After the soaking, the embryonic shoots were transferred to a nutrient medium. Nonsoaked (control) embryonic shoots elongated and often formed a basal callus but never showed organogenesis. The soaked embryonic shoots formed new apical buds, with or without bud scales, adventitious dwarf needles or shoots, and root- and embryo-like structures. One of the embryos germinated and formed an irregular shoot. No differences were found between the various soak treatments, except that the 15-min water soak was ineffective. The 24-hr water soak was as effective as the 15-min growth regulator treatments.  相似文献   

Scaled-up hairy root culture of Artemisia annua L. was established in three-liter Erlenmeyer flask. Both artemisinin and stigmasterol that derive from the common precursors of isopentenyl diphosphate and farnesyl pyrophosphate were isolated from hairy roots. The production rate of artemisinin isolated by column chromatography from hairy root cultures was 0.54% (mg.gDW−1). Stigmasterol was identified by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. The production of stigmasterol isolated by column chromatography from hairy root cultures was 108.3% (mg.gDW−1). In hairy root cultures, the production rate of stigmasterol was estimated to be 201 times greater than that of artemisinin. Our results suggest that investigation of secondary metabolites may provide a new insight to study artemisinin production in hairy root cultures. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Anthers of O. hookeri containing uninucleate microspores were cultured, in vitro, at 25°C (16 hours photoperiod) on solid MS medium. After 10–15 days, on media with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine, anthers developed friable calluses. After unsuccessful treatments on embryogenic-and/or organogenic-induction media, calluses were placed on a hormone-free MS medium for 24 months with routine transfers every 3 weeks. After this period, the calluses developed buds and subsequently plants. Ro generation plants, were morphologically distinct.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxiacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Artemisinin, an anti-malarial drug isolated from the annual wormwood Artemisia annua L., has a marked activity against chloroquine-resistant and chloroquine-sensitive strains of Plasmodium falciparum, and is useful in treatment of cerebral malaria. Shoot cultures of Artemisia annua L. were established on Murashige and Skoog basal medium which contained (per litre) 30 g sucrose, 0.5 mg 6-benzyladenine and 0.05 mg naphthaleneacetic acid. Using an optimized combination of sucrose (30 g/l), nitrate (45 mM), inorganic phosphate (200 mg/l), gibberellic acid (7 mg/l) and the ratio of NH4 +-N to NO3 -N of 1:3, artemisinin production reached 26.7 mg/l after 30 days. This procedure provides a potential alternative for production of artemisinin from in vitro tissue cultures.  相似文献   

Murashige & Skoog medium was modified for enhancing artemisinin production in Artemisia annua hairy root cultures by altering the ratio of NO 3 /NH 4 + and the total amount of initial nitrogen. Increasing ammonium to 60 mM decreased both growth and artemisinin accumulation in hairy root cultures. With NO 3 /NH 4 + at 5:1 (w/w), the optimum concentration of total initial nitrogen for artemisinin production was 20 mM. After 24 days of cultivation with 16.7 mM nitrate and 3.3 mM ammonium, the maximum artemisinin production of hairy roots was about 14 mg l–1, a 57% increase over that in the standard MS medium.  相似文献   

Summary Establishment of fast-growing, highly regenerable callus cultures was examined in Muscari armeniacum Leichtl. ex Bak. in order to develop an efficient genetic transformation system. High-frequency callus formation was obtained from leaf explants of cv. Blue Pearl on media containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram, PIC). Fast-growing, yellowish nodular callus lines and white friable callus lines containing a few somatic embryos were established on initiation medium supplemented with 4.5 μM 2,4-D and with 54 μM NAA, respectively. The yellowish nodular calluses vigorously produced shoot buds after transfer to media containing 0.44–44 μM 6-benzyladenine (BA), whereas the white friable calluses produced numerous somatic embryos upon transfer to plant growth regulator-free (PGR-F) medium. Histological observation of shoot buds and somatic embryos indicated that the former consisted of an apparent shoot meristem and several leaf primordia, and the latter had two distinct meristematic regions, corresponding to shoot and root meristems. Both shoot buds and somatic embryos developed into complete plantlets on PGR-F medium. Regenerated plants showed no observable morphological alterations. High proliferation and regeneration ability of these calluses, were maintained for over 2 yr.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究草珊瑚叶和根中萜类化合物的组织特异性分布差异,解析其药效品质差异形成的分子机制。采用液相色谱-质谱联用技术(liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, LC-MS)和Illumina HiSeqTM高通量测序技术获得草珊瑚[Sarcandra glabra (thunb) naka]叶和根的代谢组学和转录组学数据。代谢组学结果表明参与叶和根中萜类合成的差异代谢物有50个,包括法尼西基半胱氨酸、甘油醛-3-磷酸、甲羟戊酸-5-磷酸等。转录学结果表明差异代谢酶基因有57条,包括ACTCHMGCRMVKDXSKS等,并预测了MYBC2H2AP2/ERF-ERF等7个转录因子参与调控草珊瑚不同组织部位中萜类的合成和积累差异。实时荧光定量PCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR)结果显示,随机选取的8个参与萜类合成的酶基因在草珊瑚不同组织部位中的表达趋势与转录组学测序结果一致。本研究有助于阐明草珊瑚叶和根临床疗效差异形成的分子机制,同时为草珊瑚的资源开发利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Cotyledon explants of Brassica tournefortii L. were excised from germinated seedlings and cultured on Murashige & Skoog's [6] basal medium supplemented with various combinations of cytokinins and auxins, Both cytokinin and auxin were required for induction of shoot organogenesis. Of the three cytokinins tested (in combination with a low concentration of IAA), kinetin was found to be the best for shoot regeneration. On this medium, cotyledonary explants invariably underwent callusing followed by multiple shoot formation. NAA in combination with any of the three cytokinins yielded a reduced number of shoots or none, but favoured good callus growth. Callus so produced also regenerated shoots when subcultured on media containing high concentration of KIN or ZEA and low concentration of IAA. Shoots were rooted during prolonged incubation on the same medium or on MS medium free of growth regulators. Mature plants were grown in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Riassunto Sono state allestite le schede palinologiche diArtemisia vulgaris L.,Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte eArtemisia annua L. su polline fresco e acetolizzato. Le tre specie hanno interesse aerobiologico e allergologico. Vengono anche riportati dati sulla loro distribuzione in Italia, con particolare riferimento adArtemisia annua.   相似文献   

Summary Cell suspension cultures developed from Artemisia annua exhibited antimalarial activity against Plasmodium faldparum in vitro both in the n-hexane extract of the plant cell culture medium and in the chloroform extract of the cells. Trace amounts of the antimalarial sesquiterpene lactone artemisinin may account for the activity of the n-hexane fraction but only the methoxylated flavonoids artemetin, chrysoplenetin, chrysosplenol-D and cirsilineol can account for the activity of the chloroform extract. These purified flavonoids were found to have IC50 values at 2.4 – 6.5 × 10–5M against P. falciparum in vitro compared with an IC50 value of about 3 × 10–8M for purified artimisinin. At concentrations of 5 × 10–6M these flavonoids were not active against P. falciparum but did have a marked and selective potentiating effect on the antiplasmodial activity of artemisinin.  相似文献   

When (22S, 23S)-homobrassinolide (SSHB) was added at 1 g l–1 to hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua, the production of artemisinin reached to 14 mg l–1, an increment of 57% over the control. SSHB treatment led concomitantly to an increased biomass production of 15 g l–1. A stimulatory activity of SSHB on nucleic acids and soluble protein content in hairy roots was also observed at the growth stage.  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from node and internode segments of Dioscorea floribunda Mart. & Gal. Both Murashige and Skoog's and modified White's medium supported callusing as well as organogenesis when supplemented with either 2,4-D or NAA in combination with BAP or Kn. On development of shoot primordia, calli were transferred to unsupplemented, half strength MS basal medium. This procedure led to the increase in formation of shoots. Several crops of shoots were obtained from single differentiating callus cultures by excising the shoots and subculturing the residual part. Seventy percent of plantlets survived rooting and transfer to soil.When they were maintained in half-strength MS basal medium and 0.5 mg1-1 of NAA, 70% of plantlets formed aerial tubers at nodes. These tubers produced both roots and shoots and could be detached from the mother plant.  相似文献   

The formation of the definitive excretory system (nephridium and bladder complex) in Hirudo medicinalis during the last two thirds of embryonic development was observed with light- and electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, and nuclear labeling. In jawed leeches, two excretory systems develop and function successively. The nephridia of the cryptolarva are associated with the larval sac and persist until the definitive nephridia are sufficiently developed to be functional. Development of the definitive excretory system begins with the differentiation of the (ectodermal) bladder and urethra. The cells from which they arise incorporate bacteria and are thereby recognizable at day 8. The (mesodermal) urine-forming tissues of the nephridium (canalicular cells and central canal cells) appear a day later. By day 17, the nephridia are in contact with the outlet region and structurally able to function. Each nephridium is individually innervated by a peripheral neuron, the nephridial nerve cell, which expresses FMR Famide-like immunoreactivity and begins growing into the nephridium on day 11. Organogenesis of the leech nephridium is compared with the formation of excretory organs in other species. The temporal correlation of innervation and the development of the transporting cells is discussed. Correspondence to: A. Wenning  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua L were cultivated for 30 days under either white, red, blue, yellow or green light. Red light at 660 nm gave the highest biomass of hairy roots (5.73 g dry wt cells l–1 medium) and artemisinin content (31 mg arteminsinin g–1 dry cells) which were, respectively, 17% and 67% higher than those obtained under white light.  相似文献   

Hypochlora alba (Dodge) is a specialist grasshopper that lives and feeds almost exclusively on the sage brush Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., a plant mostly avoided by the generalist grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabr.). Analysis of leaves, seed heads, and glandular trichomes by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed 1,8-cineole, camphor and borneol to be the major monoterpenes and achillin the major sesquiterpene lactone. These terpenoids increased over the growing season and were two to five times more concentrated in the seed heads than in the leaves. Gustatory choice tests showed a feeding stimulant(s) for H. alba to be present in extracts of A. ludoviciana and A. carruthii Wood, a closely related species that H. alba will feed upon, but not in a non-host species, A. filifolia Torr. This stimulant activity was found in a fraction containing primarily monoterpene hydrocarbons. Other fractions containing sesquiterpene lactones had antifeedant activity against M. sanguinipes. Tests with achillin showed the average foliar levels (ca. 2% dry weight) to be above the rejection threshold of the generalist (0.5%) but below that of the specialist (4%). Reproductive tissue contained average levels greater (ca. 7%) than the rejection threshold of either species.
Résumé Hypochlora alba Dodge, orthoptère spécialiste, consomme presque exclusivement A. ludoviciana, plante produisant des terpènes en grandes quantités dans ses trichomes glandulaires. Cette plante n'est pas consommée par des orthoptères généralistes, comme Melanoplus sanguinpes Fabr. L'analyse d'extraits et de fractions de la plante en chromatographie en phase gazeuse associée à la spectrométrie de masse a révélé de nombreux monoterpènes (1,8-cinéole, camphre, bornéol et autres) et une grande quantité d'achilline, lactone sesquiterpène. Ces terpènes étaient 2 à 5 fois plus concentrés dans les organes reproducteurs de l'armoise que dans ses organes végétatifs. La concentration de terpènes dans les feuilles augmente de la plante jeune jusqu'à la maturité. Les plantes ont présenté une grande variabilité en concentrations relative et totale en terpènes. L'influence des terpènes dans la régulation du comportement alimentaire du spécialiste et du généraliste a été examinée par des tests de choix gustatif sur des disques de membrane. Des extraits de A. ludaviciana et de A. carruthii Wood,-espèce très voisine que H. alba peut consommer-, contenaient un (ou plusiers) phagostimulants de H. alba, tandis que A. filifolia Torr., espèce non consommée, n'en contenait pas. Cette activité stimulatrice était éluée dans la moins polaire des 5 fractions, qui contenait principalement les hydrocarbones monoterpènes. La prise de nourriture de M. sanguinipes a été stimulée par des extraits des 3 armoises examinées, et par les 3 premières fractions de A. ludoviciana, tandis que ses 2 dernières fractions, contenant les lactones sesquiterpènes, ont présenté une action phagodissuasive. Des tests avec l'achilline, principale lactone sesquiterpène, ont montré que sa concentration moyenne dans les feuilles (2% du poids frais) était supérieure au seuil de rejet du généraliste (0,5%), mais inférieure à celui du spécialiste (4%). La concentration moyenne des organes reproducteurs (7%) était supérieure au seuil de rejet des deux espèces.

Dedifferentiated and differentiated tissue cultures ofArtemisia annua L. for artemisinin production were carried out. The calluses were initiated on MS medium supplemented with sucrose (30 g l-1), myoinositol (100 mg l-1) and RT vitamins. The auxins used were naphtaleneacetic acid (NAA), indoleacetic acid (IAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d). These were added to the basal medium either singly or in combination. The best results were obtained with 2.4-d (4.5 M : 0.02 d-1) and NAA (5.4 M : 0.06 d-1). Cell suspensions were established on the same media without agar. Suspension cultures showed different morphological characteristics according to the plant growth regulator supplied. Organized cultures were initiated from callus obtained on 2,4-d (4.5 M) and from bud cultures. Medium containing 6-benzylaminepurine (BA) (8.9 M)+NAA (0.54 M); Zeatin (45.62 M)+NAA (5.37 M) or BA (8.9 M) stimulated both organogenesis in callus (frequency of induction =50%) and semi-organized tissue in shoot buds. BA (13.32 M)+NAA (1.08 M) or BA (13.32 M) only stimulated multiple shoot cultures (frequency of induction =80%). Regarding artemisinin content, while the values obtained were 1.13 and 0.78 mg gDW-1 in primary callus, artemisinin was not detected in cell suspension and only traces of it were found in multiple shoot cultures.  相似文献   

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