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Paleodemographic analyses based on estimates of skeletal age at death consistently report high levels of young adult mortality with few individuals living in excess of 50 years. Critics assert these data indicate systematic underaging of adults and justifiably remark that criteria for estimating skeletal age at death may be unreliable, age determinations are too frequently based on one or two criteria alone, and adult paleodemographic age profiles often mimic the age distribution of the modern population from which an age indicator's standards were originally derived. This study reports a series of tests based on well-documented biological aging phenomena that can be used to investigate potential effects of systematic underaging in adults, assuming the skeletal population is of sufficient size to permit such tests. These include patterns of third decade sternal clavicular epiphyseal fusion, multiple age and sex criteria associated with cortical bone dynamics, and fractures known to occur throughout the entire adult ages range. These phenomena are examined here for the Libben site skeletal population where adult age at death was determined by the multifactorial summary age technique. None of the biological criteria reported here were used in the Libben summary age analysis and thus serve as an independent test of accuracy in age determination. In addition, the summary age method has recently been applied to a series of modern skeletons of known age (Todd samples 1 and 2). Age standards for criteria employed with Libben and Todd 1 were identical. Since Todd 1 displayed underaging in older adults, a second Libben age distribution adjusted for Todd 1 bias was generated for comparison. A third Libben adult survivorship profile based on a Coale and Demeny West level 3 mortality experience, considered by some to be a more realistic model for skeletal populations, was produced for comparison. For all criteria examined, original Libben summary ages provided superior concordance with known patterns of biological aging in human populations. While Libben ages adjusted for Todd 1 bias were slightly better in the third decade, both Todd 1 adjusted and Coale and Demeny West level 3 age distributions produced unrealistic patterns of biological aging for individuals greater than 35 years. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating an age-at-death distribution or paleodemographic profile from osteological data. It is demonstrated that the classical two-stage procedure whereby one first constructs estimates of age-at-death of individual skeletons and then uses these age estimates to obtain a paleodemographic profile is not a correct approach. This is a consequence of Bayes' theorem. Instead, we demonstrate a valid approach that proceeds from the opposite starting point: given skeletal age-at-death, one first estimates the probability of assigning the skeleton into a specific osteological age-indicator stage. We show that this leads to a statistically valid method for obtaining a paleodemographic profile, and moreover, that valid individual age estimation itself requires a demographic profile and therefore is done subsequent to its construction. Individual age estimation thus becomes the last rather than the first step in the estimation procedure. A central concept of our statistical approach is that of a weight function. A weight function is associated with each osteological age-indicator stage or category, and provides the probability that a specific age indicator stage is observed, given age-at-death of the individual. We recommend that weight functions be estimated nonparametrically from a reference data set. In their entirety, the weight functions characterize the relevant stochastic properties of a chosen age indicator. For actual estimation of the paleodemographic profile, a parametric age distribution in the target sample is assumed. The maximum likelihood method is used to identify the unknown parameters of this distribution. As some components are estimated nonparametrically, one then has a semiparametric model. We show how to obtain valid estimates of individual age-at-death, confidence regions, and goodness-of-fit tests. The methods are illustrated with both real and simulated data.  相似文献   

This paper goes one step beyond the age determination of the individual skeleton. It presents two methods for the reconstruction of the distribution of the age at death in a sample of skeletons. It is shown that the maximum likelihood method, in spite of certain weaknesses, is superior to the traditionally used proportional method, especially in situations when the analyzed sample consists of skeletons with very different conditions of preservation and thus age intervals of differing lengths. The maximum likelihood method eliminates a bias towards increased average age at death which is introduced by the proportional method. An analysis of an empirical example indicates that the difference between results obtained using the two methods increases with increasing age.  相似文献   

Juveniles and adults from a prehistoric Amerindian skeletal series from Tennessee are compared for differences in the means and variances of the buccolingual dimensions of their permanent teeth. While there are no significant differences in variance, it is found that juveniles exhibit significantly smaller mandibular canines, first premolars, and first molars. The results are similar to those of a previous examination of an Amerindian skeletal collection from South Dakota. There is evidence to suggest that teeth may fail to develop to their maximum genetic size potential when there is interference from exogenous chronic stressors such as malnutrition or disease. Archeological and biological evidence demonstrates that both the Tennessee and South Dakota series represent groups that suffered considerably from environmental stressors. It is suggested that those persons who suffered most were more likely to die prematurely, thus explaining why juvenile skeletons tend to have smaller teeth. The conclusion is that the examination of age variation in crown size can be a useful supplement to other osteological indicators of stress in skeletal collections. The factor of sex ratio and the implications of the results for other kinds of dental metric studies are discussed.  相似文献   

This is a demographic exploration of the city of Edo, which reveals the changes that accompanied its urbanization and analyzes the skeletal remains of 207 individuals from a specific site in Tokyo (Hitotsubashi), using several paleodemographic approaches. A comparison of the three methods employed herein suggests that the Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation techniques provide more plausible mortality patterns than the direct method of age estimation because the direct method of age estimation relies on published age intervals for the auricular surface and that would account for the underestimation of old people relative to the other two methods. Analyses using these new approaches indicate a short life span tendency for the people of Hitotsubashi. Although we cannot rule out methodological problems of adult-age estimation, one plausible interpretation of that life expectancy is an inadequate food supply and a poor public health situation. This study suggests that, in Tokugawa Japan, urbanization might have imposed health risks, increasing the risk of mortality. Analysis of demographic data from Hitotsubashi has refined our understanding on the impact of urbanization on the Edo period, and presents new perspectives on paleodemography in Japan.  相似文献   

Estimating adult age at death in skeletal remains is problematic, particularly in older adults. Molar wear is arguably the most reliable ageing technique for palaeopopulations, but many older adult skeletons have lost their molar teeth ante mortem, precluding its application. Resorption of the alveolar process occurs following tooth loss, and this appears to continue for a prolonged period. The current work investigates the relationship of this process to individual age in a nineteenth century AD European archaeological skeletal series of known age at death (N = 92 individuals), and discusses its potential as an age indicator. Mandibular corpus height was measured at the different molar positions. In females, reduction of corpus height with age was found at molar positions showing ante mortem loss. In both sexes, a relationship was found between age and a simple composite measure of corpus height in the molar region in those showing ante mortem loss of one or more mandibular molars. The correlation was stronger in females (r = ?0.74) than in males (r = ?0.49), appeared approximately linear, and continued into the ninth decade, the oldest age group in the study material. The results suggest that investigation of height of the posterior part of the mandibular corpus as a skeletal age indicator for individuals that have lost one or more molar teeth is merited in other palaeopopulations. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:643–652, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Field age determination of leopards by tooth wear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Age determination is an important tool in wildlife studies. Estimating the age of animals in the field using tooth wear criteria may be subject to error as a result of variations between individuals, habitats and populations. Data on age estimation of leopards and tooth wear characteristics are lacking. Nineteen leopards in Namibia were assessed for tooth eruption and wear. Between 1991 and 1995 leopards (including 13 individuals of known age) were monitored at one year intervals ('28 leopard years') to record age and tooth wear. At the age of two years leopards had fully developed dentition. Wear started with the incisors and canines, and spread to the premolars and molars. A chronology of tooth eruption and wear in relation to age is presented. Above the age of three years, male leopards showed higher frequencies of enamel flaking and canine fractures than females.  相似文献   

Many long-lived vertebrate species are under threat in the Anthropocene, but their conservation is hampered by a lack of demographic information to assess population long-term viability. When longitudinal studies (e.g., Capture-Mark-Recapture design) are not feasible, the only available data may be cross-sectional, for example, stranding for marine mammals. Survival analysis deals with age at death (i.e., time to event) data and allows to estimate survivorship and hazard rates assuming that the cross-sectional sample is representative. Accommodating a bathtub-shaped hazard, as expected in wild populations, was historically difficult and required specific models. We identified a simple linear regression model with individual frailty that can fit a bathtub-shaped hazard, take into account covariates, allow goodness-of-fit assessments and give accurate estimates of survivorship in realistic settings. We first conducted a Monte Carlo study and simulated age at death data to assess the accuracy of estimates with respect to sample size. Secondly, we applied this framework on a handful of case studies from published studies on marine mammals, a group with many threatened and data-deficient species. We found that our framework is flexible and accurate to estimate survivorship with a sample size of 300 . This approach is promising for obtaining important demographic information on data-poor species.  相似文献   

Traditional methods of estimating skeletal age at death have relied solely on the pubic symphyseal face or on this indicator combined with others in nonsystematic ways. A multifactorial method is presented that uses a principal components weighting of five indicators (public symphyseal face, auricular surface, radiographs of proximal femur, dental wear, and suture closure). This method has been tested by completely blind assessment of age in two samples from the Todd collection carefully screened for accuracy of stated age at death. Results show a marked superiority of the multifactorial method over any single indicator with respect to both bias and accuracy. This represents the first truly blind test of an age-at-death indicator or system, as the test populations were independent of the system(s) being tested, and the age, sex, and ethnogeographic origin of the individuals being assessed (as well as the compositions of the test samples with respect to these variables) were completely unknown until the tests were completed. Implications for paleodemography are discussed.  相似文献   

A new method for estimation of age-at-death based on the degree of suture closure is presented. The method employs simple ectocranial scoring of specific sites on the external table. Composite scores for two groups of sutures, lateral-anterior and vault systems, which are used to provide estimates of age-at-death, have been developed from a sample of 236 crania from the Hamann-Todd Collection. A variety of tests show that the lateral-anterior sutures are superior to the sutures of the vault, that ectocranial is superior to endocranial observation, and that age estimates are independent of race and sex. It is concluded that suture closure can provide valuable estimates of age-at-death in both archaeological and forensic contexts when used in conjunction with other skeletal age indicators.  相似文献   

Skeletal myogenesis by human embryonic stem cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have examined the myogenic potential of human embryonic stem (hES) cells in a xeno-transplantation animal model. Here we show that precursors differentiated from hES cells can undergo myogenesis in an adult environment and give rise to a range of cell types in the myogenic lineage. This study provides direct evidences that hES cells can regenerate both muscle and satellite cells in vivo and are another promising cell type for treating muscle degenerative disorders in addition to other myogenic cell types.  相似文献   

仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断及年龄结构特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据苏铁类植株体残存的营养叶叶基数、开花痕数以及生长单元发生率等茎干特征, 建立了仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断方法,计算出该种群年龄. 进一步采用年龄结构图、年龄分布 曲线和曲线估计等方法,从基株和无性系水平探讨了仙湖苏铁种群的年龄结构特征.年龄结构 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;年龄分布曲线和曲线估计结 果则表明仙湖苏铁无性系和基株种群均为衰退种群. 综合3种方法的分析结果,仙湖苏铁 种群为衰退种群,必须采取一定措施予以保护.  相似文献   

Skeletal maturity in Danish schoolchildren assessed by the TW2 method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skeletal maturity was assessed from hand-wrist radiographs in a sample of 3,817 Danish schoolchildren aged 7 to 18 years using the new version of the bone-specific Tanner-Whitehouse scoring system, the TW2 method. In most of the age groups in both sexes the distributions of the bone maturity scores displayed marked departures from normality; percentiles for the scores were therefore counted from the raw data. On the average, over the total age range, the differences between the age equivalents (bone ages) for the fiftieth percentile and chronological age were close to zero in both sexes, indicating good agreement with the British standards. However, in the individual age groups, and in particular at adolescence, characteristic divergences from the standards occurred, apparently reflecting the developmental spurt.  相似文献   

Visually seriated radiographs of the proximal femur, proximal humerus, clavicle, and calcaneus from 130 individuals from the Hamann-Todd collection were examined as indicators of skeletal age at death. The clavicle demonstrated the most consistent relationship to age in both sexes. The same radiographs were also seriated by size-normalized optical density as a means of establishing relative radiolucency. In this context, visual seriation proved superior. The four sites studied showed strong divergence in response to age. Since each was sampling bone response from the same individual, it is concluded that bone loss is highly site specific. This demonstrates the individual character of specific skeletal sites. Visual inspection of clavicular radiographs, seriated on a populational basis, provides age estimates that are comparable to anatomical age indicators and provides independent estimates of skeletal age when included in the summary age method (1985: Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68:1–14).  相似文献   

Relationships between fatness and skeletal maturity are considered in a nationwide sample of 14,259 Belgian boys 12 through 17 years of age (The Leuven Growth Study of Belgian Boys). Absolute fatness was estimated from four skinfolds using the Drinkwater and Ross technique and from the sum of four skinfolds, and was related to skeletal maturity assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse method (I and II). In addition, comparisons were made between the fattest 5% and leanest 5% of the boys at each age level. Correlations between the indices of fatness and skeletal age and relative skeletal age (the difference between skeletal and chronological ages) are positive and generally low, ranging from 0.12 to 0.39. They tend to decrease with age from 12 to 17 years. Comparisons between the extreme groups indicate that the leanest boys are more delayed in skeletal maturity, by about 0.8 years, than the fattest boys are advanced, by about 0.5 years. Stature data for the same boys are consistent with the skeletal maturity data and thus suggest that the size differences between the extreme groups are due in part to maturity differences. Over the age span 12 through 20 years, the leanest boys are reduced in stature by about – 1.2 standard deviations, while the fattest boys are larger in stature by about +0.6 standard deviation units. The size differences, however, persist after skeletal maturity is attained so that there may be a specific role for fatness in influencing statural growth.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile age and stage at diagnosis are known to affect treatment choices and survival from colorectal cancer (CRC), few studies have investigated the extent to which these effects are influenced by comorbidity. In this study, we describe the occurrence of comorbidity in CRC cases in South Australia and associations of comorbidity with age, stage and the age-stage relationship. Furthermore, we report on the association of individual comorbidities with age and stage at diagnosis.MethodsThe South Australian Cancer Registry (SACR) provided CRC data (C18-C20, ICD-10) for 2004–2013 diagnoses. CRC data were linked with comorbidity data drawn from hospital records and health insurance claims. Logistic regression was used to model associations of comorbidity with age and stage.ResultsFor the 8462 CRC cases in this study, diabetes, peptic ulcer disease, and previous cancers were the most commonly recorded co-existing conditions. Most comorbidities were associated with older age, although some presented more frequently in younger people. Patients at both ends of the age spectrum (<50 and 80 + years) had an increased likelihood of CRC diagnosis at an advanced stage compared with other ages (50–79 years old). Adjusting for comorbidities moderated the association of older age with advanced stage. Conditions associated with advanced stage included dementia (OR = 1.25 (1.01–1.55)), severe liver disease (OR = 1.68 (1.04–2.70)), and a previous cancer (OR = 1.18 (1.08–1.28)).ConclusionComorbidities are prevalent with CRC, especially in older people. These comorbidities differ in their associations with age at diagnosis and stage. Dementia and chronic heart failure were associated with older age whereas inflammatory bowel disease and alcohol access were associated with younger onset of the disease. Severe liver disease and dementia were associated with more advanced stage and rheumatic disease with less advanced stage. Comorbidities also interact with age at diagnosis and appear to vary the likelihood of advanced-stage disease. CRC patient have different association of age with stage depending on their comorbidity status.  相似文献   

Pteridine fluorescence for age determination of Anopheles mosquitoes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The age structure of mosquito populations is of great relevance to understanding the dynamics of disease transmission and in monitoring the success of control operations. Unfortunately, the ovarian dissection methods currently available for determining the age of adult mosquitoes are technically difficult, slow and may be of limited value, because the proportion of diagnostic ovarioles in the ovary declines with age. By means of reversed-phase HPLC this study investigated the malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and An. stephensi to see if changes in fluorescent pteridine pigments, which have been used in other insects to determine the age of field-caught individuals, may be useful for age determination in mosquitoes. Whole body fluorescence was inversely proportional to age (P < 0.001, r2 > 91%) up to 30 days postemergence, with the regression values: y = 40580-706x for An. gambiae, and y = 52896-681x for An. stephensi. In both species the main pteridines were 6-biopterin, pterin-6-carboxylic acid and an unidentified fluorescent compound. An. gambiae had only 50-70% as much fluorescence as An. stephensi, and fluorescent compounds were relatively more concentrated in the head than in the thorax (ratios 1:0.8 An. gambiae; 1:0.5 An. stephensi). The results of this laboratory study are encouraging. It seems feasible that this simpler and faster technique of fluorescence quantification could yield results of equivalent accuracy to the interpretation of ovarian dissection. A double-blind field trial comparing the accuracy of this technique to marked, released and recaptured mosquitoes is required to test the usefulness of the pteridine method in the field.  相似文献   

  • 1 Mandible tip length has been used to estimate the age of individual C.problematicus Herbst caught over an altitude range of more than 700 m in northern England.
  • 2 At 100 m the great majority of females laid eggs in the summer of their emergence as adults. The female life-cycle is predominantly annual and 24% only of the egg-bearing individuals were in their second year.
  • 3 Above 250 m, most females did not reproduce until the summer of the year following emergence, giving a biennial life-cycle. 96% of egg-bearing females caught above 830 m were in their second year.
  • 4 All the males caught during the breeding season at 100 m had emerged within that calendar year and it is concluded that the male life-cycle is annual at this altitude.
  • 5 Above 250 m, 83% of the males caught during the breeding season were in their first calendar year, suggesting that recently emerged males may inseminate second year females and also that the male life-cycle is predominantly annual over the whole altitude range studied.
  • 6 At the higher temperatures of the lowland site females not only produce eggs in the year of emergence, they also produce more eggs per individual than at the higher sites. Egg production depends on food intake which involves mandible wear and individuals at the lowland site have significantly higher rate of mandible wear than at the sites above 250 m.

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