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环境丰容对圈养灰鹦鹉日常行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2008年1、2、6、7月通过改变食物投喂方式、给予玩具、在环境中增加带皮的树干等方式,对两只饲养于成都动物园的灰鹦鹉实施了丰容试验,观察了丰容前、后及丰容期间的行为.结果表明,灰鹦鹉的日常行为有10多种,其中发生最多的行为是休息行为,其次为观望行为以及梳理行为.统计分析表明,灰鹦鹉丰容试验中鸣叫、啃树皮的行为显著高于丰容前、后(P<0.05);丰容期间休息行为显著低于丰容前、后阶段(P<0.01).环境丰容增加了灰鹦鹉行为活动,同时还减少了咬毛、咬脚趾等不良刻板行为的发生,提高了展出效果.  相似文献   

2007年8月31日—2007年9月11日、2007年9月14日—2007年9月27日、2007年10月15日—2007年10月26日的09∶00—17∶00对成都动物园饲养的1对成年和2只幼年川金丝猴,采用目标动物取样法和瞬时扫描记录法对圈舍丰容前后的川金丝猴行为进行了观察比较。结果表明,在仿生态兽舍(环境丰容后)内,川金丝猴的跳跃、探究、攀爬和观望行为比在笼养圈舍(环境丰容前)内有显著增加,休息行为显著减少(P<0.01);成年川金丝猴搬入仿生态兽舍1个月后,雌雄梳理和行走行为较它们在旧兽舍和刚搬入新馆舍时显著增加(P<0.05),搬入仿生态兽舍1月后与刚搬入仿生态兽舍相比,休息行为发生频次的差异具有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。未成年金丝猴在12∶00—13∶00间出现运动行为低谷,其余各时段中运动行为所占比例最高;其次为休息行为,其中12∶00—13∶00休息行为达到昼间的高峰;采食高峰为09∶00—10∶00;梳理、警戒以及其他行为在各时段分布较均匀。成年金丝猴昼间行为较多的是梳理和休息行为;15∶00—16∶00运动行为所占比例较高,梳理行为10∶00—12∶00所占比例较高,休息行为在12∶00—13∶00所占比例最高,采食行为的高峰在09∶00—10∶00,警戒行为在09∶00—10∶00和15∶00—16∶00稍高,其他行为所占比例分布较均匀。幼年川金丝猴的运动、采食行为频次百分比极显著高于成年川金丝猴的运动、采食行为频次百分比(P<0.01);而梳理和警戒行为极显著低于成年川金丝猴(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

在笼养条件下,由于有限的空间和单调的笼舍结构,川金丝猴行为和生理指标发生变化,包括出现刻板行为和产生较高的粪便内应激激素。本论文旨在研究环境丰容对笼养川金丝猴日常行为以及粪便皮质醇水平的影响。于2013年8月1日至11月1日对杭州动物园内7只川金丝猴进行环境丰容后的行为观察。采用瞬时扫描法记录上午08:30-10:30和下午14:00-16:00的动物行为,并统计15种行为的发生频率。比较丰容前后每种行为的发生频率,结果表明环境丰容降低了川金丝猴的不活跃行为(P=0.021)和刻板行为(P=0.034),增加了其活跃行为频率(P=0.018)。环境丰容后,动物表现出更多的攀爬(P = 0.012)、探究(P = 0.014)和环顾行为(P = 0.010)。粪便皮质醇激素的结果表明,除1只雄性个体激素上升外,其余6只个体的粪便皮质醇含量显著下降(P=0.028)。以上结果提示环境丰容可改善川金丝猴的福利状况。  相似文献   

环境丰容对早期发育阶段许氏平鲉趋礁行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宗航  董建宇  张雪梅  张秀梅 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8223-8233
采用实验生态学方法,观测了不同环境丰容水平下培育的许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegelii)仔、稚、幼鱼的趋礁行为反应,统计分析了两种结构模型礁对实验鱼的诱集效果,初步探究了环境丰容对实验鱼趋礁行为的影响。结果显示:许氏平鲉仔、稚、幼鱼具有明显不同的行为习性与趋礁行为特性,未放入模型礁前,稚鱼在水槽中分布较分散,仔、幼鱼则集中于水槽四周阴影区域,中央区域分布极少;放入模型礁后,仔、稚鱼在礁区的平均分布率无显著变化(P0.05);幼鱼则由1.11%分别增大至47.78%(塔型礁)和54.44%(管型礁)(P0.01),随着个体生长发育,其趋礁性显著增强。环境丰容25 d(即48日龄的稚鱼),对实验鱼群体重心与模型礁的平均距离D_(gr)、个体与模型礁的平均距离D_(fr)、个体间的平均距离D_(ff)及实验鱼在水槽中央区域(VI区)的平均分布率均无显著影响(P0.05)。环境丰容47 d(即70日龄的幼鱼),未放入模型礁前,高水平丰容组(EH组)幼鱼在VI区的平均分布率显著高于空白对照组(C组)(P0.05),低水平丰容组(EL组)与C组、EH组均无显著差异(P0.05),各处理组D_(gr)与D_(fr)大小顺序为:EL组C组EH组;放入模型礁后,各处理组幼鱼在模型礁区域(VI区)的平均分布率:EL组C组EH组,Dfr与Dff大小顺序为:EL组C组EH组;表明低水平环境丰容可有效增强许氏平鲉幼鱼的趋礁行为,减小幼鱼"胆量",这对于提高放流幼鱼在野外的存活率具有重要意义。旨在探讨环境丰容这一行为驯化手段,对于增强早期发育阶段许氏平鲉趋礁行为的可行性,为增殖放流苗种的高效健康培育及增殖型人工鱼礁的选型提供参考。  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫食物丰容对其行为影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2006年3、4、7、8月选用成都动物园圈养的两只雄性大熊猫进行了3 种以食物不同投喂方式的丰容试验,即在其生活环境中分别加入装有食物的PVC管和轮胎以及冰冻食物,采用瞬时取样法对其行为变化进行观察,并对所有刻板行为采取行为取样法进行观察记录.结果 表明,冰冻食物丰容显著增加了大熊猫与运动相关的行为,而轮胎和PVC食物丰容对大熊猫的日常行为影响不显著,但是3种丰容方式对减少刻板行为发生频次有不同程度的积极作用.  相似文献   

为了探究环境丰容和食物丰容对岩羊行为和活动节律的影响,于2017年3月—7月,以上海动物园的5只雌性岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)为研究对象,设计环境丰容和食物丰容试验,利用瞬时扫描法对岩羊进行行为学观察,分析岩羊丰容前后昼间行为的变化。结果表明:经过环境丰容,岩羊的运动行为和反刍行为显著增加,卧息行为和其他行为显著减少,取食行为无明显变化。在环境丰容基础上,开展食物丰容后,运动行为明显减少,取食行为明显增加。卧息行为有所减少、反刍行为和其他行为有所增加,但变化均不明显。丰容后岩羊的昼间活动节律也发生了变化。取食行为呈现2个高峰期(8:00—11:00和15:00—18:00),取食行为普遍提高;运动行为在13:30—17:30时段较丰容前提前一个小时左右发生;卧息行为有相似的波动规律,但丰容后其昼间发生频次在16:00之前均降低;反刍行为波动最大,呈现出明显的2个高峰期(6:00—9:00和10:00—15:00)。试验表明,在进行环境和食物丰容后,岩羊的活动增加,优化了时间分配,福利状况得到了有效改善。  相似文献   

目的观察环境丰容对长期单笼圈养食蟹猴行为学的影响。方法 30只食蟹猴(雌雄各半)随机均分为对照组(A组,n=15)和环境丰容组(B组,n=15),分别圈养在规格为0.7 m×0.8 m×0.9 m(宽×长×高)的单笼内。对照组单笼内仅设有食槽和饮水器,面向墙壁;环境丰容组置于另一个房间,单笼内除设有食槽和饮水器外,还有吊环、不锈钢球以及增加采食难度的小石块和塑料瓶,单笼对面设有镜子(猴子能看到自己和邻近的同类),同时间隔播放模拟海水声、雷鸣雨声及鸟叫声等自然音响。实验周期3个月,期间由固定观察员于上午和下午各观察记录一次食蟹猴出现的异常行为,如吸指(趾)、吮生殖器、刻板转圈、踱步、自伤、拔毛癖、嗜粪癖等。结果随着时间的延长,2组单笼圈养食蟹猴均出现不同程度的异常行为,其中对照组的异常行为发生率明显高于环境丰容组(P0.05)。结论环境丰容对降低长期单笼圈养食蟹猴异常行为有显著影响。  相似文献   

食物丰容对圈养猩猩行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2007年2~4月对成都动物园圈养猩猩"铁里"进行了两个食物丰容试验,即用PVC+轮胎和圆木+轮胎试验,每期8 d,观察和记录了猩猩在丰容试验前、后以及两种丰容方式中的各种行为发生次数.结果 表明食物丰容有效地恢复了圈养猩猩的多种摄食行为,增加了猩猩的运动相关行为,减少了休息相关行为;但对刻板行为的影响不明显.  相似文献   

虎皮鹦鹉声行为的研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
蒋锦昌  徐慕玲 《动物学报》1992,38(3):286-297
本文对虎皮鹦鹉(Melopsittacus undelafus)不同声行为叫声的声学特性进行了定量分析,为地震前鸟类声行为的定量观测和鸟声学研究提供了新的资料和认识。 虎皮鹦鹉求偶、离群、受伤及其同伴叫声中变音调声段的声学特性有明显的差异。但是抗议叫声具有鸟类警戒叫声的一般特征,即都有时间图样基本相同的音节组成,每个音节含有若干个调幅脉冲列,其频带和声强都明显加宽和增大。 雏鸟不同的声行为叫声都是简单结构。与成鸟叫声相比较,尤其是抗议叫声呈现明显的发育过程。  相似文献   

于2011年对成都动物园饲养的8只成年圈养山魈进行3种食物丰容、2种环境丰容及5种食物与环境丰容试验,考察不同形式丰容方式对圈养山魈行为的影响.结果表明,第一期丰容试验(B)后,山魈的休息行为、运动行为和玩耍行为增加极显著(P<0.01),而交往行为和取食行为减少极显著(P<0.01);第二期丰容(D)后,休息行为减少极显著,交往行为增加显著,运动行为、采食行为和玩耍行为增加极显著.山魈对纯轮胎丰容方式的接触次数最少,而对食物丰容方式接触次数更多.有两种丰容方式(纯轮胎丰容和纯轮胎+纯麻袋丰容)仅持续很短的时间即失去作用,其余的丰容方式一般在第8d出现兴趣下降的现象,因此建议每种丰容方式的持续使用时间不超过8d.  相似文献   

The relationship between inadequate foraging opportunities and the expression of oral repetitive behaviors has been well documented in many production animal species. However, this relationship has been less-well examined in zoo-housed animals, particularly avian species. The expression of oral repetitive behavior may embody a frustrated foraging response, and may therefore be alleviated with the provision of foraging enrichment. In this study, we examined the effect of different foraging-based enrichment items on a group of captive red-tailed black cockatoos who were previously observed performing oral repetitive behavior. A group of six cockatoos were presented with five foraging enrichment conditions (no enrichment (control), sliced cucumber, fresh grass, baffle cages, and millet discs). Baseline activity budgets were established over a 10-day preintervention period and interventions were then presented systematically over a 25-day experimental period. This study demonstrated that the provision of foraging interventions effectively increased the median percentage of time spent foraging compared to control conditions (range, 5.0–31.7% across interventions vs. 5.0% for control), with two of the interventions; grass and millet discs, significantly decreasing the expression of oral repetitive behaviors (control = 16.6 vs. 8.3% for both grass and millet discs). Finally, a rapid-scoring method utilized by zookeepers during the study proved to be a useful proxy for the amount of time the cockatoos spent interacting with the foraging interventions and overall time spent foraging.  相似文献   

Three feeding enrichment treatments were tested in an outdoor yard used by six Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). In "Yard-toss," forage was thrown by hand over one third of the yard. In "Set-up," forage and browse were hand-scattered throughout the yard. "Set-up Enriched" was similar with the addition of either a hay- and forage-filled feeder or forage-filled boomer ball(s) suspended from a climbing structure. Each treatment was presented on 5 d. Behavior was recorded for 30 min before (baseline) and 30 min after the start of each treatment. All treatments led to more foraging and less inactivity compared with baseline (P80.05), but Yard-toss was the least effective, likely because resources were clumped and monopolized by dominant animals. In Set-up Enriched, dominant animals had the greatest increase in foraging (P=0.03), partly because they generally monopolized the suspended items, but this allowed others to forage at ground level. This separation of the animals likely explains why Set-Up Enriched led to more foraging than all other treatments (P80.05). Findings show that for these hierarchical animals, enrichment resources are most effective when distributed widely, including vertically, and that enrichment strategies must take social structure into account.  相似文献   

The practicability of social enrichment for singly caged adult rhesus monkeys was examined. Twenty-nine weaned rhesus monkey infants were removed from breeding troops to avoid overcrowding and were placed with unfamiliar singly caged adults. An adult-infant pair was considered compatible when (1) the two animals started huddling with each other within the first 5 days after pair formation and (2) the infant showed no signs of depression and took its share from a limited amount of favored food. Adult-infant pairs were compatible in 90% (26/29) of cases. Compatibility depended neither on the sex, age, and origin of the adult nor on the sex of the infant. There was no evidence that partners lost interest in each other during 7–11 months of follow-up observations. Three adults exhibiting stereotypical behavior abandoned their peculiar habits after they had lived with their young companions for 4 months. It was concluded that the often-heard notion that rhesus monkeys are highly aggressive should not prevent simple attempts to provide singly caged animals with a companion.  相似文献   

Stereotypic behavior is exhibited by a wide range of captive animals. Its association with hormones, especially elevated cortisol level and lack of naturalistic stimuli in the environment, has been little studied. This study hypothesizes that stereotypic behavior is caused by stress due to lack of appropriate, naturalistic stimuli in the environment. Using four adult pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the Beijing Zoo from March–July in 2003, we tested the following predictions: 1) stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level will not change associated with the progress of reproductive state; 2) there is a positive correlation between the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level; and 3) environmental enrichment by adding a naturalistic stimulus will reduce both stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level. We did not find any significant differences in the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level but did find a significant difference in the total time engaged in displaying the stereotypic behavior among the three estrous periods. The level of stereotypic behavior was correlated with elevated fecal cortisol level. Enrichment simply by adding a naturalistic stimulus did not show significant effects on stereotypic behavior, or on fecal cortisol level. Our results supported the second prediction, but did not completely support the first and the third ones perhaps because of the small sample size. Additionally, our results showed that stereotypic behavior might be a response to a heightened level of cortisol. Zoo Biol 0:1–15, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Six Asian elephants at the Oregon Zoo were observed to determine the effects of a poured rubber flooring substrate on captive Asian elephant behavior. Room utilization also was evaluated in seven rooms used for indoor housing, including Front and Back observation areas. Data were collected in three phases. Phase I (Baseline Phase) examined elephant behavior on old concrete floors. In Phase II (Choice Phase), elephant behavior was observed in the Back observation area where room sizes were comparable and when a choice of flooring substrates was available. Phase III (Final Phase) examined elephant behavior when all rooms in both observation areas, Front and Back, were converted to rubberized flooring. Room use in both observation areas remained stable throughout the study, suggesting that flooring substrate did not affect room use choice. However, there was a clear pattern of decreased discomfort behaviors on the new rubber flooring. Normal locomotion as well as stereotypic locomotion increased on the new rubber flooring. In addition, resting behavior changed to more closely reflect the resting behavior of wild elephants, which typically sleep standing up, and spend very little time in lateral recumbence. Overall, these findings suggest that the rubber flooring may have provided a more comfortable surface for locomotion as well as standing resting behavior. It is suggested that poured rubber flooring may be a beneficial addition to similar animal facilities. Zoo Biol 0:1–11, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Though some research exists concerning general behavior and activity patterns of Walruses in zoos or aquariums, less is known about how these patterns change in response to various environmental and temporal contexts. This study presents two studies assessing behavioral changes in relation to feeding period, object enrichment (OE), and season in a social group of four Pacific Walruses at the New York Aquarium. Study 1 examined behavior in relation to feeding context (nonfeed, prefeed, postfeed); data were collected over a three‐week period, resulting in 47 observation sessions for each feeding context. Study 2 examined behavior in relation to OE and season; data were collected in two phases resulting in 12 enrichment and 9 no‐enrichment (NE) observation sessions (Phase 1), and 21 enrichment and 18 NE observation sessions (Phase 2). Study 1 showed that after feeding, oral behavior increased while social behavior and total swim frequency decreased. In Study 2, both swim frequency and social behavior were found to interact with OE and phase, while oral behavior remained constant across all conditions. As in the wild, both studies found all animals to be swimming the majority of the time. Though every animal spent much of its swim time engaged in an Individual Swimming Pattern (ISP), both studies showed that the proportion of ISP (in relation to total time swimming) remained stable across all contexts, suggesting a potential functional role of the ISPs. These results are discussed in light of the ongoing debate over the role of stereotypies in welfare assessment. Zoo Biol 29:397–404, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that by appropriate manipulation of polymer concentrations and ionic composition and concentration one can select whether charge-associated or lipid-related membrane surface properties are reflected by cell partition in dextran-poly(ethylene glycol) aqueous two-phase systems (Walter, H. (1977) in Methods of Cell Separation ((Catsimpoolas, N., ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 307–354, Plenum Press, New York). In the current experiments we have studied the partition behavior of human erythrocytes and found that not only lipid-related but also charge-associated membrane properties are altered as a consequence of cholesterol-enrichment or -depletion. Results further indicate that, just as cell partition in charged phase systems reflects membrane charge-associated properties not readily measured by means other than partition (Brooks, D.E., Seaman, G.V.F. and Walter, H. (1971) Nat. New Biol. 234, 61–62; Walter, H., Tung, R., Jackson, L.J. and Seaman, G.V.F. (1972) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 48, 565–571), cell partition in uncharged phases reflects membrane lipid-related properties also not readily measured by other means.  相似文献   

The enrichment of organic matter is of great significance to the formation of source rocks, while its mechanism in the Chang 7 Member (Chang 71, Chang 72, and Chang 73 periods) of the southwestern Ordos Basin has not been studied in depth. Forty-eight samples obtained from Chang 7 Member were subjected to rock pyrolysis, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, and determination experiments of major and trace elements to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the source rock, to reconstruct the sedimentary environment, and to analyze the factors of the organic matter enrichment. The results showed that the average total organic carbon (TOC) contents were 0.70%, 5.48%, and 7.70% for Chang 71, Chang 72, and Chang 73, respectively. From Chang 73 to Chang 71 period, the contents of TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and P2O5 represented a gradual increase of terrigenous input and a gradual decrease in volcanism; the Chemical Alteration Index and the Sr/Cu values reflected warm and humid paleoclimate conditions with a gradual decrease in temperature; the V/(V+Ni) and the Mo-U covariation revealed an anoxic environment with a weakened reduction; and the P/Ti-Cu/Ti model indicated a gradual decrease in paleoproductivity. The linear relationship between indicators of paleoenvironment and TOC indicated that a small amount of terrigenous input, volcanism, warm and humid climate and reducing conditions were more conducive to the enrichment of organic matter; thus we propose a Chang 73 organic matter enrichment production model and a Chang 71 organic matter enrichment preservation-dilution model.  相似文献   

Amanda Shyne 《Zoo biology》2006,25(4):317-337
This meta‐analysis reports the effect enrichment has on the occurrence of stereotypic behavior exhibited by captive zoo mammals. The analysis also identifies which types of enrichment are most effective, which groups of animals benefit the most, and which types of stereotypes are most affected by environmental enrichment. The analysis included 54 studies that yielded 63 effect size statistics. Fifty‐seven of sixty‐three effect sizes went in the predicted direction (90%), with the animals participating in less stereotypic behavior during the enrichment condition than in the baseline condition. The mean effect size (correlation coefficient r) was 0.46. The combined P‐value using both fixed and random effects methods was reveled to be <0.0000001. A file drawer N‐value was calculated to identify the number of unretrieved studies (with a combined effect size of zero) that would be needed to nullify the results of this analysis. The file drawer N‐value was 1,726, suggesting that it is highly unlikely that the significant results reported in this analysis are nullified by studies that remain in file drawers. Based on these results it was concluded that enrichment substantially reduces the frequency of stereotypic behavior exhibited by mammals living in zoo environments. Zoo Biol 0:1–21, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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