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We review aspects of the distributional patterns of Malagasy scorpions belonging to the endemic genus Pseudouroplectes (family Buthidae), restricted to dry forests formations in the south and southwest. One species is described here as new to science. We propose that the observed distributional pattern of members of this genus is not only a consequence of recent ecological features of the landscape, but also of historical biogeographical factors associated with the antiquity of this scorpion lineage.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and COI genes, were used to infer the evolutionary history of 47 insular and mainland populations covering most of the distributional range of the northeastern Mediterranean scorpion species Mesobuthus gibbosus. Based on the estimated divergence times of Mesobuthus lineages, the temporal frame of the genus differentiation in the northeastern Mediterranean region is placed in middle Miocene (15 million years ago). The biogeographic affinities of M. gibbosus populations point towards a mainly vicariant pattern of differentiation of the species which is consistent with the geological events that transformed the Aegean region during the period from 12 to 5 million years ago. M. gibbosus is an old northeastern Mediterranean species that has retained valuable bits of genetic information, reflecting some of the oldest vicariant events that have occurred in the area. Most importantly, the history witnessed by M. gibbosus has not been obscured by more recent palaeoevents of the region. Therefore, the case of M. gibbosus is in favour of a taxon-oriented 'perception' of the natural history of a given area.  相似文献   

The two major rhythms of the biosphere are daily and seasonal; the two major adaptations to these rhythms are the circadian clock, mediating daily activities, and the photoperiodic timer, mediating seasonal activities. The mechanistic connection between the circadian clock and the photoperiodic timer remains unresolved. Herein, we show that the rhythmic developmental response to exotic light:dark cycles, usually used to infer a causal connection between the circadian clock and the photoperiodic timer, has evolved independently of the photoperiodic timer in the pitcher-plant mosquito Wyeomyia smithii across the climatic gradient of eastern North America from Florida to Canada and from the coastal plain to the mountains. We conclude that the photoperiodic timing of seasonal events can evolve independently of the daily circadian clock.  相似文献   

Allozyme data suggest that the Rhodes population of Mesobuthus gibbosus is a hybrid population of recent origin. Namely, it is a mixture between an autochthonous population and an artificially introduced population probably from the Greek mainland. All samples were mainly composed of F1 hybrid genotypes and genotypes either fixed for autochthonous or introduced alleles. Back-cross hybrid genotypes were very rare. Mitochondrial DNA analysis, in contrast, revealed only one group of closely related haplotypes that are unique for the Rhodes populations, thus suggesting asymmetric introgression of the two marker classes.  相似文献   

Morningness and eveningness preference, an endogenous component of the circadian clock, is characterized by an interindividual difference in circadian phase and requires of humans a specific timing of behavior. The biological rhythms of morning and evening types are consequently phase shifted with fixed socioeconomic constraints. The impact of this phase shift on health is widely debated. The purpose of the authors' study was to determine the influence of morningness/eveningness preference on self-reported morbidity and health in an active population. A total of 1165 nonshift workers of the French national electrical and gas company, enrolled in the GAZEL cohort and aged 51.3+/-3.3 years, were included in this study. They replied by mail with a completed questionnaire, including morningness/eveningness preference, self-reported morbidity, subjective sleep patterns, and daytime somnolence and sleeping schedules for 3 weeks, during the spring of 1997. Annual self-reported health impairments were assessed with the annual general questionnaire of the GAZEL cohort for 1997. After adjustment for age, sex, and occupational status, morningness-like and eveningness-like participants reported a specific worse self-reported morbidity. Whereas morningness was associated with worse sleep (p = 0.0001), eveningness was associated with feeling less energetic (p = 0.04) and physical mobility (p = 0.02). These relationships were observed even in good sleepers, except for physical mobility. After adjustment for confounding variables, eveningness-like participants reported more sleep (p = 0.0004) and mood (p = 0.00018) disorders than morningness-like participants. Morningness/eveningness preference was related to specific chronic complaints of insomnia: morningness was related with difficulty in maintaining sleep (p = 0.0005) and the impossibility to return to sleep in the early morning (p = 0.0001) (sleep phase-advance syndrome); eveningness was related to difficulty in initiating sleep (p = 0.0001) and morning sleepiness (p = 0.0001). In good sleepers, morningness was related with sleep phase-advance syndrome (p = 0.0001) and eveningness with morning sleepiness (p = 0.0001). In conclusion, the expression (phase advance or delay) of the circadian clock could be related to worse self-reported morbidity and health. These findings must be verified by further epidemiological studies, but they suggest that the impossibility to return to sleep in the early morning is not only associated with age.  相似文献   

Threads of evidence from recent experimentation in retinal morphology, neurochemistry, electrophysiology, and visual perception point toward rhythmic ocular processes that may be integral components of circadian entrainment in mammals. Components of retinal cell biology (rod outer-segment disk shedding, inner-segment degradation, melatonin and dopamine synthesis, electrophysiological responses) show self-sustaining circadian oscillations whose phase can be controlled by light-dark cycles. A complete phase response curve in visual sensitivity can be generated from light-pulse-induced phase shifting. Following lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, circadian rhythms of visual detectability and rod outer-segment disk shedding persist, even though behavioral activity becomes arrhythmic. We discuss the converging evidence for an ocular circadian timing system in terms of interactions between rhythmic retinal processes and the central suprachiasmatic pacemaker, and propose that retinal phase shifts to light provide a critical input signal.  相似文献   

Sub-constructs of morning–evening preference might be differentially related to polymorphisms in circadian clock genes. We previously reported significant association between a single nucleotide polymorphism in PER3 (rs2640909) and Morning but not Evening Lateness scale of the Sleep–Wake Pattern Assessment Questionnaire. To further explore such a scale-specific relationship, seven single nucleotide polymorphisms in five circadian clock genes were studied using exploratory and confirmatory samples (in total, n = 698). The association of rs2640909 with Morning Lateness scale was not replicated in the confirmatory sample but remained significant in the merged sample. Moreover, we found and confirmed an association of this scale with rs1159814 in RORα. The results provided further evidence for differential relationship of polymorphisms in circadian clock genes with morning and evening components of morning–evening preference. We also suggested possibility to take into account the pattern of geographic variation in allele frequency for prioritization of circadian clock polymorphisms in candidate gene studies.  相似文献   

The Neurospora circadian clock: simple or complex?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fungus Neurospora crassa is being used by a number of research groups as a model organism to investigate circadian (daily) rhythmicity. In this review we concentrate on recent work relating to the complexity of the circadian system in this organism. We discuss: the advantages of Neurospora as a model system for clock studies; the frequency (frq), white collar-1 and white collar-2 genes and their roles in rhythmicity; the phenomenon of rhythmicity in null frq mutants and its implications for clock mechanisms; the study of output pathways using clock-controlled genes; other rhythms in fungi; mathematical modelling of the Neurospora circadian system; and the application of new technologies to the study of Neurospora rhythmicity. We conclude that there may be many gene products involved in the clock mechanism, there may be multiple interacting oscillators comprising the clock mechanism, there may be feedback from output pathways onto the oscillator(s) and from the oscillator(s) onto input pathways, and there may be several independent clocks coexisting in one organism. Thus even a relatively simple lower eukaryote can be used to address questions about a complex, networked circadian system.  相似文献   

A variety of molecular, genomic and epidemiological evidence has linked cell cycle regulation to circadian rhythms. In a recent issue of Molecular Cell, Koeffler and colleagues show that PER1 sensitizes human cancer cells to ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis. In addition, PER1 expression was found to be downregulated in human tumors, suggesting a tumor suppressor role for the PER1 protein. The significance of PERs, clocks, and cell cycle control is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate whether the photoperiodic clocks of species possessing strongly self‐sustaining circadian clocks share identical features, we compared the full response cycle (initiation and termination of the response) in body mass and testes of the non‐migratory house sparrow (Passer domesticus) with that of the migratory redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruniceps) under Nanda‐Hamner experiments. Birds were exposed to a 36 h day (L∶D=6∶30 h), controls exposed to a 24 h day (L∶D=6∶18 h), for a period of 31 weeks. By week 18 of L∶D=6∶18 h, there was a small increase in body mass among sparrows, but not among buntings, and the testes of bunting did not grow, while those of sparrow grew slightly. The response to L∶D=6∶30 h is of particular interest. There was a rapid gain and subsequent loss in the body mass of bunting, but not of sparrows. Further, both species underwent a testicular cycle as if they were exposed to long days, but the response of sparrows was slower and hence delayed the attainment of peak testicular size. Such a differential response to exotic light cycles between these two photosensitive species, despite their similar circadian oscillatory properties (strong self‐sustainment), could suggest a species‐specific adaptation of the endogenous clock involved in photoperiodic regulation of avian seasonality.  相似文献   


The daily variations of locomotor activity, plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels and cholesterol‐LDL were studied in male Wistar rats with food ad libitum and feeding restricted to the first 4 hours of the light phase in LD 12:12..

Under LD 12:12 (light on from 9:00 to 21:00h) rats with food ad libitum were eating and moving during the dark period and the locomotor activity clearly showed a biphasic pattern with three harmonic components. Plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels increased during the light period and reached a maximum value just before the dark period whereas the acrophase of cholesterol‐LDL is found at the beginning of the light phase.

The acrophases of activity, plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels in the restricted feeding schedule rats occurred in the first three hours of lighting and the cholesterol‐LDL acrophase at the beginning of the dark phase.

These results confirm a previous report that the shift of feeding to the light phase seems to cause a concomitant phase‐shift in all the variables measured.  相似文献   

Lu SX  Liu H  Knowles SM  Li J  Ma L  Tobin EM  Lin C 《Plant physiology》2011,157(3):1537-1545
Circadian rhythms are autoregulatory, endogenous rhythms with a period of approximately 24 h. A wide variety of physiological and molecular processes are regulated by the circadian clock in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. Phosphorylation of clock proteins plays a critical role in generating proper circadian rhythms. Casein Kinase2 (CK2) is an evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine protein kinase composed of two catalytic α-subunits and two regulatory β-subunits. Although most of the molecular components responsible for circadian function are not conserved between kingdoms, CK2 is a well-conserved clock component modulating the stability and subcellular localization of essential clock proteins. Here, we examined the effects of a cka1a2a3 triple mutant on the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) circadian clock. Loss-of-function mutations in three nuclear-localized CK2α subunits result in period lengthening of various circadian output rhythms and central clock gene expression, demonstrating that the cka1a2a3 triple mutant affects the pace of the circadian clock. Additionally, the cka1a2a3 triple mutant has reduced levels of CK2 kinase activity and CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 phosphorylation in vitro. Finally, we found that the photoperiodic flowering response, which is regulated by circadian rhythms, was reduced in the cka1a2a3 triple mutant and that the plants flowered later under long-day conditions. These data demonstrate that CK2α subunits are important components of the Arabidopsis circadian system and their effects on rhythms are in part due to their phosphorylation of CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1.  相似文献   

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