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Using the method of limits and a magnitude estimation procedure, the sense of touch was examined at multiple sites on the anterior torso of normal subjects. Their performance was compared with the performance of individuals having experienced a functionally complete spinal cord transection more than 6 months prior to the tests. Near the insentient regions of the spinal cord-injured patients there was a zone wherein the threshold for light touch was elevated and variable. Within this same transition zone, estimates of the magnitude of a brushing stimulus increased as a linear function of distance from the border for approximately 12 cm away from insentient skin. Throughout the rest of the thorax, spinal cord-injured patients displayed touch thresholds 67% higher than normals and, at the same test sites, spinal cord-injured patients offered estimates of the intensity of the brushing stimulus that averaged 62% higher than normal subjects. The greater intensity of the sensations experienced by spinal cord-injured patients with even very weak stimuli and the smaller range within which they were able to scale stimulus intensity, produced a situation wherein the patients made frequent errors of judgement even on skin regions far from the body parts affected by the lesion. These observations support the hypothesis that spinal cord lesions interrupt tonic modulatory mechanisms having global influences on the sense of touch. This loss produces an elevation of the touch threshold and a reduction of the normal dynamic range of tactile sensory perception for all skin surfaces on the anterior torso.  相似文献   

The threshold to warming was measured at 10 sites on the anterior torso between the umbilicus and the clavicle of normal and spinal-cord transected individuals. In normal individuals, thresholds were higher on the thorax than on the abdomen. Men had higher and more variable thresholds than women. Magnitude estimations of supra-threshold stimuli showed that men offer verbal estimates of warmth that are about half of the size of the estimates given by women to the same stimuli. The psychometric function shows that in women, the sensation of warmth grows more rapidly than in men after starting from a higher initial value. After spinal-cord injury, thresholds for detection of warming were elevated. This effect was most noticeable within 8 cm of the anesthetic zone, but farther away, thresholds were still elevated but uniform as a function of distance, being about 30% higher than in normal individuals. After spinal-cord injury, the psychometric functions show that small stimuli elicit relatively large sensations and that these sensations grow more slowly with increasing skin temperatures than for normal individuals. Thus, for small warm stimuli spinal-cord-injured patients (both men and women) have a response similar to normal women but the slope of the psychometric function is flat, being similar to the slope observed for normal men.  相似文献   

The effects of heat-induced pain on absolute thresholds, sensation magnitudes and amplitude-difference thresholds were measured at 10 and 100 Hz. Consistent with previous results, heat-induced pain elevated the absolute thresholds by approximately 8.0 dB and lessened the magnitudes of tactile sensations during pain as compared to the non-painful condition. In contrast to these effects, the discriminability of change in the intensity of the vibrotactile stimuli was unaffected by the presence of pain indicating that the effect of pain on tactile sensations is more likely due to sensory rather than cognitive processes (i.e., attention) and that the mechanisms underlying tactile sensitivity as compared to discriminability are different.  相似文献   

Using the method of limits and a magnitude estimation procedure, the sense of touch was examined at multiple sites on the anterior torso of normal subjects. Their performance was compared with the performance of individuals having experienced a functionally complete spinal cord transection more than 6 months prior to the tests. Near the insentient regions of the spinal cord-injured patients there was a zone wherein the threshold for light touch was elevated and variable. Within this same transition zone, estimates of the magnitude of a brushing stimulus increased as a linear function of distance from the border for approximately 12 cm away from insentient skin. Throughout the rest of the thorax, spinal cord-injured patients displayed touch thresholds 67% higher than normals and, at the same test sites, spinal cord-injured patients offered estimates of the intensity of the brushing stimulus that averaged 62% higher than normal subjects. The greater intensity of the sensations experienced by spinal cord-injured patients with even very weak stimuli and the smaller range within which they were able to scale stimulus intensity, produced a situation wherein the patients made frequent errors of judgement even on skin regions far from the body parts affected by the lesion. These observations support the hypothesis that spinal cord lesions interrupt tonic modulatory mechanisms having global influences on the sense of touch. This loss produces an elevation of the touch threshold and a reduction of the normal dynamic range of tactile sensory perception for all skin surfaces on the anterior torso.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of exposure to differing light intensities for several hours during the daytime on the cutaneous vasodilatation and local forearm sweat rate induced by exercise. Seven healthy female subjects were exposed to bright light of 6000 lux (bright) or dim light of 100 lux (dim) during the daytime between 0900 hours to 1330 hours, followed by exposure to 150 lux until the test was over at 1600 hours. They spent their time in neutral conditions (29°C, 40% relative humidity) from 0900 hours to 1500 hours, and then exercised on a cycle ergometer for 30 min at 50% maximal physical work capacity. Average tympanic temparatures were significantly lower in bright than in dim from 1133 hours to 1430 hours. The onset of cutaneous vasodilatation and local forearm sweating occurred at significantly lower tympanic temperature (T ty) during exercise after bright than after dim. After exercise, the cessation of forearm sweating and the rapid change of skin blood flow occurred at significantly lower T ty after bright than after dim. It was concluded that exposure to bright light over several hours during the daytime could reduce T ty and shift the threshold T ty for cutaneous vasodilatation and forearm sweating to a lower level. Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

Quadriceps dysfunction is a common, chronic complication following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) that contributes to aberrant gait biomechanics and poor joint health. Vibration enhances quadriceps function in individuals with ACLR, but the duration of these effects is unknown. This study evaluated the time course of the effects of whole body vibration (WBV) and local muscle vibration (LMV) on quadriceps function. Twenty-four volunteers with ACLR completed 3 testing sessions during which quadriceps isometric peak torque, rate of torque development, and EMG amplitude were assessed prior to and immediately, 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 min following a WBV, LMV, or control intervention. WBV and LMV (30 Hz, 2g) were applied during six one-minute bouts. WBV increased peak torque 5–11% relative to baseline and control at all post-intervention time points. LMV increased peak torque 6% relative to baseline at 10 min post-intervention and 4–6% relative to control immediately, 10 min, and 20 min post-intervention. The interventions did not influence EMG amplitudes or rate of torque development. The sustained improvements in quadriceps following vibration, especially WBV, suggest that it could be applied at the beginning of rehabilitation sessions to “prime” the central nervous system, potentially improving the efficacy of ACLR rehabilitative exercise.  相似文献   

Euphorbia characias is a common myrmecochorous plant of the western Mediterranean Basin whose seeds are dispersed by ants following fruit explosion. The variation in elaiosomes’ fatty acid composition of this species was studied at three hierarchical levels (sub-individual, individual and population) in four populations from the Iberian Peninsula. We found that differences in fruit location on the inflorescence do not seem to influence the fatty acid composition of elaiosomes, providing to each propagule an equal chance of being dispersed. However, significant differences in elaiosome fatty acid composition between individuals and populations were found for most of the compounds identified. The content of oleic acid, a key mediator in the ant–seed interaction, differed widely between populations, probably reflecting geographic variations in co-adaptation between plants and their dispersers. The finding that the fatty acid composition of E. characias elaiosomes is distinct from that of the seed itself, but very similar to that of elaiosomes from unrelated species, reinforces the idea of convergent evolution in the chemical composition of these structures.  相似文献   

Germline mutations of the human patched gene, PTCH, are responsible for the nevoid basal cell carcinoma (NBCC) syndrome or Gorlin's syndrome, characterized by multiple skin cancers, internal cancers and severe developmental abnormalities. The patched gene codes for a developmental regulator protein implicated in the sonic hedgehog (SHH) signalling pathway which plays an important role in oncogenic transformation. Patched exhibits tumor suppression function and has been shown to be mutated in skin cancers isolated from DNA repair-proficient patients or from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a DNA repair-deficient syndrome.

We have reviewed and analyzed in detail the different mutation spectra found on the PTCH gene in these various models. The type and distribution of mutations are quite different between germline, sporadic and XP cancers. Among the germline alterations, there is a preponderance (70%) of rearrangements compared to other tumour types analysed where less than 30% of rearrangements is observed. Typical UV-induced mutations of the patched gene are found prominently in XP basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and in particular, a significantly higher level (63%) of the UV signature tandem mutations is found compared to sporadic BCC (11%). The location of mutations along the PTCH protein delineates several important functional domains implicated in the biology of this transmembrane receptor.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the activity and fatigue of upper extremity muscles, pain levels, subject satisfaction levels, perceived exertion, and number of repetitions in Task-Specific Training (TST) compared with Robot-Assisted Training (RAT) in individuals post-stroke.MethodsTwenty sub-acute post stroke subjects (16 men; median (interquartile range) age 64.0 (71.5–57.0) years) received two 30-min treatment sessions, one TST and one RAT. Before each session, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was administered. Activity levels and fatigue of six muscles were monitored using surface electromyography and the number of repetitions was counted. After each session, the subjective assessment questionnaire of treatment, the Borg scale and VAS were administered.ResultsDuring TST, the Anterior Deltoid, Upper Trapezius and Biceps were more active, while during the RAT, the Triceps was more active. The Triceps activity increased during TST towards the end of the session. The pain levels increased after TST and the number of repetitions was higher compared to RAT. There were no significant differences in muscle fatigue, perceived physical exertion and subject satisfaction levels between both treatment sessions.ConclusionThis is the first study to explore the biomechanics of both treatment methods and might therefore shed light on the mechanisms behind their positive outcomes. Due to the differences in the biomechanics of the treatments, a combination of both treatments may be beneficial to the activation of different muscle groups, thereby contributing to the rehabilitation program post stroke.  相似文献   

Little research has been reported examining the effects of pre-cooling on high-intensity exercise performance, particularly when combined with strategies to keep the working muscle warm. This study used nine active males to determine the effects of pre-cooling the torso and thighs (LC), pre-cooling the torso (ice-vest in 3 degrees C air) while keeping the thighs warm (LW), or no cooling (CON: 31 degrees C air), on physiological strain and high-intensity (45-s) exercise performance (33 degrees C, 60% rh). Furthermore, we sought to determine whether performance after pre-cooling was influenced by a short exercise warm-up. The 45-s test was performed at different (P<0.05) mean core temperature [(rectal+oesophageal)/2] [CON: 37.3+/-0.3 (S.D.), LW: 37.1+/-0.3, LC: 36.8+/-0.4 degrees C] and mean skin temperature (CON: 34.6+/-0.6, LW: 29.0+/-1.0, LC: 27.2+/-1.2 degrees C) between all conditions. Forearm blood flow prior to exercise was also lower in LC (3.1+/-2.0 ml 100 ml tissue(-1) x min(-1)) than CON (8.2+/-2.5, P=0.01) but not LW (4.3+/-2.6, P=0.46). After an exercise warm-up, muscle temperature (Tm) was not significantly different between conditions (CON: 37.3+/-1.5, LW: 37.3+/-1.2, LC: 36.6+/-0.7 degrees C, P=0.16) but when warm-up was excluded, T(m) was lower in LC (34.5+/-1.9 degrees C, P=0.02) than in CON (37.3+/-1.0) and LW (37.1+/-0.9). Even when a warm-up was performed, torso+thigh pre-cooling decreased both peak (-3.4+/-3.8%, P=0.04) and mean power output (-4.1+/-3.8%, P=0.01) relative to the control, but this effect was markedly larger when warm-up was excluded (peak power -7.7+/-2.5%, P=0.01; mean power -7.6+/-1.2%, P=0.01). Torso-only pre-cooling did not reduce peak or mean power, either with or without warm-up. These data indicate that pre-cooling does not improve 45-s high-intensity exercise performance, and can impair performance if the working muscles are cooled. A short exercise warm-up largely removes any detrimental effects of a cold muscle on performance by increasing Tm.  相似文献   

Lead has several adverse effects on the body due to one of the environmental pollutants. We aimed to determine the effects of naringenin on the oxidative stress and the hepatic damage against lead acetate treatment in the liver of male rats. Naringenin was administered by orogastric gavage (50 mg/kg) and lead acetate was given as daily 500 parts per million in drinking water for 4 weeks. Lead and antioxidant activities were measured, and histopathological evaluation was performed in the liver. Lead concentrations, malondialdehyde, and antioxidant activity were restored by the naringenin. The grade of necrosis, hydropic degeneration, and hepatic cord disorganization was decreased by the naringenin. However, there were no differences in the degree of sinusoidal congestion, hepatic steatosis, and capsular fibrosis between lead acetate and naringenin + lead acetate groups. We can suggest that naringenin has antioxidant and chelating effects in the liver. Nevertheless, this effect is not enough against the lead acetate induced hepatic injury.  相似文献   

Germline mutations of the human patched gene, PTCH, are responsible for the nevoid basal cell carcinoma (NBCC) syndrome or Gorlin's syndrome, characterized by multiple skin cancers, internal cancers and severe developmental abnormalities. The patched gene codes for a developmental regulator protein implicated in the sonic hedgehog (SHH) signalling pathway which plays an important role in oncogenic transformation. Patched exhibits tumor suppression function and has been shown to be mutated in skin cancers isolated from DNA repair-proficient patients or from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a DNA repair-deficient syndrome.We have reviewed and analyzed in detail the different mutation spectra found on the PTCH gene in these various models. The type and distribution of mutations are quite different between germline, sporadic and XP cancers. Among the germline alterations, there is a preponderance (70%) of rearrangements compared to other tumour types analysed where less than 30% of rearrangements is observed. Typical UV-induced mutations of the patched gene are found prominently in XP basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and in particular, a significantly higher level (63%) of the UV signature tandem mutations is found compared to sporadic BCC (11%). The location of mutations along the PTCH protein delineates several important functional domains implicated in the biology of this transmembrane receptor.  相似文献   

The acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) mutation affects zinc (Zn) metabolism in human fibroblasts. We hypothesize that the mutation affects the cell Zn content, which subsequently affects the activity of various zinc-dependent enzymes, such as 5′-nucleotidase. Therefore, normal and AE fibroblasts were grown in normal medium containing physiological levels of Zn (16 Μmol/L) for ∼24 h. The medium was replaced by normal medium (16 Μmol/L Zn), Zn-depleted medium (1.5 Μmol/L Zn), or Zn-supplemented medium (200 Μmol/L Zn) for another 24 h. Regardless of the Zn concentration of the growth medium, the AE fibroblasts contained significantly less Zn than normal fibroblasts grown in comparable medium. Nevertheless, growth of the fibroblasts in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium significantly increased the cell Zn content fourfold of both normal and AE fibroblasts. The activity of 5′-nucleotidase in the AE fibroblasts grown in 16 Μmol/L Zn or 1.5 Μmol/L Zn medium was also significantly lower than in normal fibroblasts. Changing the growth medium from 16 Μmol/L Zn to 1.5 Μmol/L Zn medium did not affect the activity of the enzyme in either genotype. Cells grown in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium exhibited threefold greater 5′-nucleotidase activity in AE fibroblasts, but had no affect on enzyme activity in normal cells. In summary, altering the cell Zn content of normal fibroblasts did not result in a significant change in their 5′ -nucleotidase activity. However, AE fibroblasts grown in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium exhibited recovery of their 5′-nucleotidase activity to normal levels. These results support the hypothesis that the AE mutation affects the cellular Zn content. The lower cell Zn content subsequently affects the activity of 5′-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

Several studies report on lymphocyte phenotypic and functional abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Freezing and thawing may alter functional and phenotypic properties of cells. We assessed the effect of the freezing/thawing process (F/T) on Th1 (CD3+CD4+CCR4CXCR3+CCR5+), Th2 (CD3+CD4+CCR5CXCR3CCR4+), Th17 (CD3+CD4+CCR6+CD161+), and Treg (CD3+CD4+CD25highCD127-) cell cultures in healthy controls and SLE patients. F/T was associated with decreased frequency of Th2 and Th17 cells in cultures from SLE patients but not from controls. F/T was also associated with increased frequency of apoptotic cells, as measured by annexin V labeling, in all T cell subtypes analyzed, as well as increased cell proliferation, as measured by Ki-67 labeling, in all cells except Th1 from SLE patients. Thus, F/T can have differentiated effects on T lymphocyte subtypes from SLE patients and controls, and can have significant effects on cell death and proliferation. These findings should be carefully considered when designing and interpreting studies on functional and phenotypic aspects of T lymphocytes in SLE.  相似文献   

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