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BackgroundElevated manganese (Mn) exposure impairs cognition in adults and children, but the association between Mn and cognitive function in elderly people is unclear. Previous studies have linked Mn neurotoxicity in AD to Aβ-dependent mechanisms. However, the association between Mn and plasma APP and Aβ in the general elderly population remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the association between Mn exposure and cognitive function, plasma APP and plasma Aβ in older adults.MethodsCognitive abilities in 375 men aged 60 and older in Guangxi, China were assessed using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and cognitive impairment were identified using education-stratified cut-off points of MMSE scores. Urinary Mn levels and plasma APP, and Aβ levels were measured using ICP-MS and ELISA, respectively.ResultsA total of 109 (29.07 %) older men were identified as having cognitive impairment. The median urinary Mn level was 0.22 μg/g creatinine. Urinary Mn levels were negatively correlated with MMSE scores (β = −1.35, 95 % CI: −2.65 to −0.06; p = 0.041). In addition, higher concentrations of urinary manganese were associated with a greater risk of cognitive impairment (OR = 2.03, 95 % CI: 1.14–3.59; comparing the highest and lowest manganese; p = 0.025). Moreover, plasma APP levels were inversely associated with urinary Mn levels (r = −0.123, p = 0.020), and positively associated with MMSE scores (r = 0.158, p = 0.002). Surprisingly, no correlations were observed between plasma Aβ42, Aβ40, Aβ40/Aβ42, or Aβ42/Aβ40 and urinary Mn levels and MMSE scores.ConclusionThese results suggested that Mn exposure is negatively associated with older men’s cognition and plasma APP levels, but not plasma Aβ levels.  相似文献   

Summary. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pegylated interferon-alpha (PEG-IFN-α) on the plasma citrulline/arginine ratio, regarded as an index of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, in patients with high-risk melanoma. Forty patients were randomly assigned to either PEG-IFN-α treatment (n = 22) or to observation only (control group, n = 18). The treatment group received 6 μg PEG-IFN-α/kg once a week during 8 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 3 μg/kg/wk. Blood was collected at different time points, plasma concentrations of citrulline and arginine were measured and the ratio of citrulline/arginine was calculated. Patients treated with PEG-IFN-α showed a significant decrease in the concentrations of citrulline and in the citrulline/arginine ratio during the whole study period, both compared to baseline values and to the control group. The data suggest that therapy with PEG-IFN-α results in a marked decrease in the synthesis of NO in melanoma patients.  相似文献   

1. Body condition (defined as the relative amount of energy reserves in the body) is an animal trait with strong ecological implications. In some animal taxa (e.g. arthropods), the external volume of the body part in which most nutrients are stored (e.g. abdomen) is used interchangeably with body mass to estimate body condition, making the implicit assumption that abdomen residual volume is a good surrogate of residual mass. However, the degree of correlation between these two measures should largely depend on the density of the nutrients stored. 2. We simulated two food-supplemented experimental groups of animals, each storing a slightly different amount of lipids either in their abdomens or in their entire bodies, and explored (i) how different estimates of condition were able to detect fixed differences between the groups; and (ii) how the amount of lipids stored could affect the outcome of non-intrusive measures of condition on a dichotomous variable (e.g. survival, mating success). We found that density body condition (body mass statistically controlled for structural body size and body volume) has much greater power to detect differences between experimental groups or effects on binary response variables than do classic mass/size or volume/size condition indices. 3. Using data on Lycosa tarantula (L.), a burrowing wolf spider, we report dramatic differences among these three indices in their ability to detect sex differences in the effect of feeding treatment on body condition at maturity. In particular, a plot of residual mass against residual volume reflecting nutrient density suggests that poorly fed spiders are nutritionally unbalanced, since well-fed spiders invest in nutrients of very different density. 4. Furthermore, using data on Scathophaga stercoraria (L.), the yellow dung fly, we found that an index of density condition was better at distinguishing condition differences among three populations than were mass or volume condition estimates alone. 5. We propose that including these three surrogates of condition (mass, volume and density) will substantially improve the accuracy of non-intrusive estimates of body condition, thus providing more powerful tools with direct application in a wide range of disciplines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the influence of age, body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) of maiden Holstein–Friesian heifers before mating start date (MSD) on the rate of puberty, subsequent production and longevity and their implications with regard to farm profitability. Data were available on 871 Holstein–Friesian heifers from 48 herds. BW was recorded electronically and BCS was recorded by a single operator on a scale of 1 to 5. Heifer age was calculated as the number of days from birth to the day of visit. All of the independent variables of interest were grouped into three or four categories. Three age categories (thirtiles), four BW categories (quartiles) and four BCS categories (⩽2.75, 3.00, 3.25 and ⩾3.50) were formed. Heifers with an identifiable corpus lutuem (CL) in the presence or absence of large follicles and peri-ovulatory signs and with a plasma progesterone (P4) concentration ⩾1 ng/ml were classified as pubertal. In addition, heifers without an identifiable CL in the presence or absence of large follicles and peri-ovulatory signs but with a P4 concentration ⩾1 ng/ml were also classified as pubertal. Age, BW and BCS at MSD were all found to be significantly associated with pubertal rate (P < 0.05). Age was shown to have no practical implications on subsequent cow performance. BW at MSD was favourably associated with subsequent calving date (P < 0.05), subsequent cow BW (P < 0.001) and potential (305 days) milk fat plus protein yield (P < 0.001). BCS at MSD was found to be favourably associated with milk fat plus protein yield potential (P < 0.05) and BCS (P < 0.001) during lactation. The economic analysis undertaken indicated that larger, well-grown heifers will be more profitable because of superior production potential, all else being equal. However, because of the finding of poorer reproductive efficiency in heifers grown to more than 343 kg at MSD, heifers at ∼330 kg at MSD are deemed optimal. This will correspond to mature cow BW of ∼550 kg.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal parasites, and egg and oocyst output in the faeces of captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus yucatanensis) were recorded in Yucatan, Mexico. Feces were obtained from from January through December 1995 (ten samples every two weeks per place). Samples were processed by flotation and the McMaster techniques. Faecal cultures for L3 larvae were made by the Corticelli-Lai technique. Oocysts in faeces were cultured in 2% potassium dicromate. Seven genera were determined (Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp, Isospora spp., Eimeria spp., Trichuris spp., Strongyloides spp. and Moniezia spp.) which represent five orders. The most frequent genera were Haemonchus, Isospora and Eimeria. The genus Isospora is reported for the first time in deer of this region, although it was not possible to explain the source of this parasite. The frequency and level of faecal egg and oocyst outputs were variable during the year and increased during the rainy season. There was a positive correlation between relative humidity, environmental temperature and rainfall with the coccidia and strongylida orders. In the central zone of Yucatan the meteorological conditions during the rainy season are favourable for the development of gastrointestinal parasitism which enable an increased risk of infection for deer.  相似文献   

Flexible working hours can have several meanings and can be arranged in a number of ways to suit the worker and/or employer. Two aspects of “flexible” arrangement of working hours were considered: one more subjected to company control and decision (variability) and one more connected to individual discretion and autonomy (flexibility). The aim of the study was to analyze these two dimensions in relation to health and well‐being, taking into consideration the interaction with some relevant background variables related to demographics plus working and social conditions. The dataset of the Third European Survey on working conditions, conducted in 2000 and involving 21,505 workers, was used. Nineteen health disorders and four psycho‐social conditions were tested by means of multiple logistic regression analysis, in which mutually adjusted odds ratios were calculated for age, gender, marital status, number of children, occupation, mode of employment, shift work, night work, time pressure, mental and physical workload, job satisfaction, and participation in work organization. The flexibility and variability of working hours appeared inversely related to health and psycho‐social well‐being: the most favorable effects were associated with higher flexibility and lower variability. The analysis of the interactions with the twelve intervening variables showed that physical work, age, and flexibility are the three most important factors affecting health and well‐being. Flexibility resulted as the most important factor to influence work satisfaction; the second to affect family and social commitment and the ability to do the same job when 60 years old, as well as trauma, overall fatigue, irritability, and headache; and the third to influence heart disease, stomachache, anxiety, injury, and the feeling that health being at risk because of work. Variability was the third most important factor influencing family and social commitments. Moreover, shift and night work confirmed to have a significant influence on sleep, digestive and cardiovascular troubles, as well and health and safety at work. Time pressure also showed a relevant influence, both on individual stress and social life. Therefore, suitable arrangements of flexible working time, aimed at supporting workers' coping strategies, appear to have a clear beneficial effect on worker health and well‐being, with positive consequences also at the company and social level, as evidenced by the higher “feeling to be able to work until 60 years of age”.  相似文献   

It is well established that cadmium affects plasma levels of the pituitary hormones studied. However, whether the effects of the metal are dose dependent needs to be clarify. This work was designed to evaluate the possible changes in plasma levels of gonadotropins, prolactin, ACTH, GH and TSH after oral cadmium exposure in adult male rats. Plasma levels of these hormones were measured in adult male rats exposed to cadmium chloride (CdCl2) in the drinking water at the doses of 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 ppm for one month. The lower dose of cadmium increased plasma prolactin levels and higher doses of the metal (25 or 50 ppm) decreased them. There was a continuous increase of plasma ACTH levels from the lower to 25 ppm dose of CdCl2 and decreased them after to basal values with the highest dose. Plasma GH levels were increased with the dose of cadmium of 10 ppm, although the doses of 5, 25 and 50 ppm decreased them. Plasma LH levels were only reduced with the dose of 50 ppm of CdCl2, whereas those of FSH increased. Plasma TSH levels were increased with the doses of 5, 25 and 100 ppm of CdCl2. Cadmium concentration increased in pituitary with the doses of 125, 50 and 100 ppm of CdCl2. These data suggest that cadmium differentially affects the secretory mechanisms of the pituitary hormones studied depending on the dose used. The effects of the metal on prolactin and ACTH are dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Combined effects of heavy-metal contamination (Cu, Zn, and CH3Hg) and starvation were tested on common quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and used as a model for comparison with a wild common guillemot (Uria aalge) population found stranded at the Belgian coast. Appropriate heavy-metal levels were given to the quails to obtain concentrations similar to those found in the seabirds’s tissues. The contaminated animals were then starved for 4 d to simulate the evident malnutrition symptoms observed at the guillemot’s level. In such conditions, food intake and total-body weight are shown to decrease in contaminated individuals with simultaneous significant hepatic and renal increase of the heavy-metal concentrations. Like guillemots, higher heavy-metal levels were observed in those contaminated quails that had also developed a cachectic status characterized by a general atrophy of their pectoral muscle and complete absence of subcutaneous and/or abdominal fat depots. Although likely the result of a general protein catabolism during starvation, it is suggested that these higher metal levels could as well enhance a general muscle wasting process (cachectic status).  相似文献   

Influence of synthetic analogue of arginine-vasopressin (AVP), Ac-D-SPRG, on exploratory behavior and level of anxiety of white rats was investigated. Ac-D-SPRG was injected nasally in doses of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 μg/kg in the volume of 1 μl per 10 g of body weight 5 min before the testing. The analogue caused depression of orientation and exploratory activity (OEA) and increase of anxiety level in animals. The contradictory literature data provide no opportunity to conclude unambiguously on mechanisms underlying bases of regulation of anxiety level and OEA from AVP but nevertheless confirm the participation of this hormone in a given process.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of repeated bouts of supramaximal exercise on plasma adiponectin, interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels in sedentary men. Fourteen healthy, nonsmoking, and sedentary men aged between 18.4 and 21.4 years participated in the study. All the subjects performed 5 Wingate tests (WTs) with 75 g per kilogram body weight load with 2-minute intervals between the tests. Blood samples were collected at preexercise, immediately after, 15 and 60 minutes after the fifth WT. Serum and plasma samples were stored at -80°C until the time of analysis for myoglobin, adiponectin, IL-6, and TNF-α. Plasma adiponectin levels decreased, whereas IL-6 levels increased postexercise compared with that preexercise. The TNF-α levels were not changed with supramaximal exercise. In conclusion, repeated bouts of supramaximal exercise cause an inflammatory response in exercised muscle and increase in plasma IL-6 levels and decrease in adiponectin concentrations.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects of photoperiod and pinealectomy on plasma corticoid levels in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) were examined.
  • 2.2. Plasma corticoid levels differed in goldfish maintained under different photoperiod regimes, but this response varied seasonally.
  • 3.3. Pinealectomy altered the effects of photoperiod on plasma corticoid levels but this effect varied with season.
  • 4.4. Plasma corticoid levels were correlated with ovarian activity. The effects of photoperiod on plasma corticoid levels appear to be related to the influence of light on reproduction.
  • 5.5. The alteration of plasma corticoid levels in pinealectomized fish may be due to the role this organ plays in mediating photoperiod effects on gonadal activity.

In Drosophila melanogaster, the chitinous microfibrils arising from the tips of the epidermal villi in adult cuticles remain irregular and loose in the mutant ebony (which fails in cuticular incorporation of -alanine) but closely knit and regular in normal flies. Addition of -alanine to cuticles from which nonchitinous materials have been removed with alkali converts the loose arrangement of the microfibrils to a compact and sharply delineated arrangement. -alanine also accelerates tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of N-acetyldopamine by reacting with the oxidized product of the reaction to produce an orange-red complex. Similarly, -alanine accelerates oxidation of N-acetyldopamine when these two substances are added to fluids from the hemocoel, to lead to tanning instead of normal blackening. These findings may help explain why -alanine induces tanning while inhibiting melanization in insects.This study was supported by Grant GM-18680 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   


The effects of narcosis and of telemetry transmitter implantation on core temperature and locomotor activity were investigated in female laboratory mice of various age (3, 15 and 52 weeks old). Following surgery a transient hypothermia was observed. The body temperatures measured 30 min after beginning of narcosis were lower in juvenile and in presenile mice (29.6° ±0.8°C resp. 30.0° ±0.2°C) than in adult animals (31.9° ±0.3°C). The following temperature increase was fastest in juvenile mice. Normal body temperature was reached after 6h 20’ already. Adult and presenile mice needed 8h 30’ resp. 7h 30’. The temperature increase seemed to be independent from activity behaviour of the animals. No substantial differences could be obtained whether the transmitters had room or body temperature before implantation and whether the animals were warmed after surgery by an infrared bulb or not. Probably, the temperature increase depended mainly on the elimination rate of the drug.

Normal circadian core temperature and activity rhythms reappeared on average within 5–6 days in juvenile mice and a little faster in adult (4–5 days) as well as in presenile ones (3–4 days). However, interindividual differences in recovery time were more pronounced than age‐dependent variations.

Circadian core temperature and activity patterns were quite similar in all three age classes investigated. Ontogenetic differences concern, besides changes in daily mean values, mainly a temperature amplitude increasing with age, as well as a high percentage of ultradian components in the activity pattern of juvenile mice compared to older ones.

Telemetry systems are widely used for long‐term measurements of core temperature in laboratory animals (Clement et al., 1989; Refinetti and Menaker, 1992). In our investigations of ontogenetic changes of the circadian temperature and activity rhythms in mice we used an integrated telemetry and data acquisition system (Dataquest, Data Sciences Inc., USA). It comprises implantable wireless transmitters, telemetry receivers, a consolidation matrix and a data acquisition system. The aim of a preliminary study was to analyse the effects of narcosis and transmitter implantation. The time required to recover normal values of body temperature and of locomotor activity as well as normal circadian rhythms was determined, considering also ontogenetic variations.  相似文献   

Undesirable butter-tasting vicinal diketones are produced as by-products of valine and isoleucine biosynthesis during wort fermentation. One promising method of decreasing diacetyl production is through control of wort valine content since valine is involved in feedback inhibition of enzymes controlling the formation of diacetyl precursors. Here, the influence of valine supplementation, wort amino acid profile and free amino nitrogen content on diacetyl formation during wort fermentation with the lager yeast Saccharomyces pastorianus was investigated. Valine supplementation (100 to 300 mg L?1) resulted in decreased maximum diacetyl concentrations (up to 37 % lower) and diacetyl concentrations at the end of fermentation (up to 33 % lower) in all trials. Composition of the amino acid spectrum of the wort also had an impact on diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione production during fermentation. No direct correlation between the wort amino acid concentrations and diacetyl production was found, but rather a negative correlation between the uptake rate of valine (and also other branched-chain amino acids) and diacetyl production. Fermentation performance and yeast growth were unaffected by supplementations. Amino acid addition had a minor effect on higher alcohol and ester composition, suggesting that high levels of supplementation could affect the flavour profile of the beer. Modifying amino acid profile of wort, especially with respect to valine and the other branched-chain amino acids, may be an effective way of decreasing the amount of diacetyl formed during fermentation.  相似文献   

Thrombosis is a key factor in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease. Important biochemical constituents of the fibrinolytic system, affecting thrombosis, include tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Both t-PA and PAI-1 are determined by multiple genetic and environmental factors. We aimed to investigate whether the effects of polymorphism in genes from the renin–angiotensin, bradykinin, and fibrinolytic systems on t-PA or PAI-1 levels are dependent on environmental factors in a large population-based sample from the PREVEND study in Groningen, The Netherlands (n = 2,527). We found strong evidence (P ≤ 0.02) for interaction effects of polymorphisms from the bradykinin receptor (BDKRB2) gene and alcohol consumption on t-PA in females and males and on PAI-1 in males. Only suggestive evidence (P ≤ 0.10) was present for an interaction effect of the BDKRB2 gene and alcohol consumption on PAI-1 levels in females. Another consistent finding was evidence for an interaction between bradykinin receptor (BDKRB2) gene polymorphisms and body size as measured by body mass index and/or waist–hip-ratio. For each gender and for both t-PA and PAI-1 there was at least one BDKRB2–body size combination that exhibited suggestive (P ≤ 0.10), significant (P ≤ 0.04) and/or strong evidence (P ≤ 0.02) for interaction. In conclusion, the genetic architecture of t-PA and PAI-1 is dependent on the environmental context such as body size and alcohol use. The present study emphasizes the importance of including environmental factors in genetic analyses to fully comprehend the genetic architecture of a specific trait. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Among colonies with different foraging distances, central-place-foraging seabirds may change their foraging and reproductive efforts. We compared the body condition, meal frequency, and diving behavior of male and female Adélie penguins at two locations: Dumont d'Urville, where there was little sea ice and they foraged in open waters far from the colony; and Syowa, where there was heavy, fast sea ice and they foraged in ice cracks close to the colony. The parental mass decrease rate during the chick-rearing period was similar between colonies and between sexes. A large individual variation in meal frequency positively affected the brood growth rate, but daily underwater time did not. A weak but significant positive effect of body condition on brood growth rate was found only in males at Syowa. It was suggested that males work with better body condition than females. We propose the hypothesis that the regional difference in the distance to the feeding sites and the sex difference in body energy reserve might constrain the capacity to regulate reproductive effort.  相似文献   


Matrix metallopeptidase 2 (MMP-2) and matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP-9) are involved in the breakdown of extracellular matrix in normal physiological processes as well as in disease processes, such as cancer metastasis. We conducted this work to study the role of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in breast cancer by measuring their plasma concentrations before and after surgery. Also, to examine if their levels can reflect the stage of disease and prognosis. Forty-eight breast cancer patients and 13 patients with benign breast diseases were included in the study. MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels were measured by ELISA and semi-quantitative real-time PCR. MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels in plasma were determined by ELISA immediately before surgery and during 6 to 12 months after curative surgery. We observed a significant increase in the level of MMP-9 mRNA expression in breast cancer patients in comparison to their normal breast tissues and to tissues of benign breast disease. In all TNM tumor stages, the plasma levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were increased significantly before curative surgery in the studied patients with breast carcinoma and decreased significantly after surgery. Both MMP-2 and MMP-9 may be used as a possible marker for follow-up or as a marker that reflects the response of the disease to treatment.


A total of 200 (Large White × Landrace) sows were used in a 39-day study to evaluate the effects of feeding a non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)-hydrolysing enzyme multicomplex (Rovabio® Excel) in conjunction with a high- or reduced nutrient-density diet during lactation on sow body condition, feed intake and progeny performance. Eight sows were selected each week for 25 weeks, blocked by parity and BW into groups of four, and within the block randomly assigned to one of the four treatments (n = 50/treatment). Treatments were: (1) LND: low energy (13.14 MJ of DE/kg), low CP (15%) diet; (2) LND + RE: LND with 50 mg/kg NSP-hydrolysing enzyme; (3) HND: high energy (14.5 MJ of DE/kg), high CP (16.5%) diet; and (4) HND + RE: HND with 50 mg/kg NSP-hydrolysing enzyme. Sows were fed treatment diets from day 109 of gestation until the day of subsequent service. Between weaning and re-service, Rovabio® Excel addition to LND diets resulted in an increase in energy intake; however, a reduction was observed when supplemented to the HND diet (P < 0.05). The inclusion of Rovabio® Excel increased feed and energy intake during week 3 (days 15 to 21) of lactation (P < 0.05). Sows fed diets supplemented with Rovabio® Excel had greater back-fat depth at weaning and service (P < 0.05); however, the magnitude of change in back-fat depth during lactation and from farrowing to service was not different between treatments. Feeding the HND diet increased energy intake before farrowing, throughout lactation and during the weaning to service interval (P < 0.01); however, overall, average daily feed intake tended to be reduced (P < 0.10). At service, sows fed the HND diet were heavier than sows fed the LND diet (P < 0.05); however, the magnitude of change in BW between treatments was not different. Feeding the HND diet to sows resulted in a tendency for heavier piglets at birth (P = 0.10) that tended to grow at a faster rate and be heavier at weaning than piglets from sows fed the LND diet (P = 0.06). These results indicate that NSP-degrading enzymes offer minimal benefit to sows and their progeny when fed before and during lactation; however, increasing energy intake of sows during lactation may beneficially affect progeny.  相似文献   

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