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质膜体是由质膜的内折或外突而形成的。Harris等”’把质膜的外突称为原生质小管(Plasmatubules),认为原生质小管是一种特化的质膜体。质膜体或原生质小管为质膜的一种异型体结构,明显增加质膜的表面积。由于植物细胞存在着细胞间短距离的物质运输,增加膜的表面积可扩大物  相似文献   

Male gametes have been studied in Sphaeroplea robusta (Chlorophyceae) using both light and electron microscopy. Mature gametes are typically biflagellate and possess a single, large mitochondrion that dominates the anterior third of the cell, directly posterior to the basal bodies. One or more microbodies are closely associated with the mitochondrion. Contractile vacuoles occur anterior to the elongated nucleus which, in fully mature gametes, possesses condensed chromatin. The reduced, starch-filled chloroplast lacks an associated eyespot and occupies a posterior position. A thin, anteriorly directed process or extension of the chloroplast parallels a portion of one of the multistranded flagellar roots. The paired basal bodies are directly opposed with no demonstrable offset, and are connected by an arched distal fiber with a highly elaborated central striated region that forms the apical cone, a feature characteristic of male gametes in most species of Sphaeroplea. Possession of a striated distal fiber, a cruciate flagellar root system (i.e. two-stranded microtubular roots alternating with multistranded roots), and directly opposed basal bodies are consistent with the alga's chlorophycean affinities.  相似文献   

中国鲎变形细胞超微结构的进一步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国鲎的变形细胞可在血液中发育成熟,根据其超微结构,可分为原始变形细胞、幼变形细胞和变形细胞三个阶段。 变形细胞受到外环境或内毒素的刺激后,第一型颗粒出现一系列变化,最终把内容物释放到细胞外。与此同时,细胞表面形成若干胞质性突起,边缘带分散断裂,质膜下和胞质性突起中出现微丝。第二型颗粒无变化,提示它们和血液凝胶化过程无直接关系。  相似文献   

宋微波  施心路 《动物学报》1999,45(3):241-245
对钩刺目-土壤纤毛虫-多核前裂虫的超微结构做了透射电镜观察。该种表现了与其他钩刺目种类相似的特征,包括体表分布的粘泡以及扁平的表膜泡,其主要细胞结构特征为:(1)-一层连续的支状内质网将虫体细胞质分成内外两部分;(2)线粒体仅密集于内层细胞质;(3)平行唇突表面的特殊的前列横微管敕纱由胞口发出,沿唇突表层向体后发出并纵行环绕于胞咽外侧,此前列横微管束明显地呈片层状构造;(4)射出体包括位于口区的两  相似文献   

翅果油树根瘤超微结构及其内生菌的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者用光学显微镜,透射电镜和扫描电镜对翅果油树(Eldaeagnus mollis D.)根瘤侵染细胞的超微结构及其内生菌的形态进行了观察研究。翅果油树根瘤中的内生菌具有五种不同的发育形态:菌丝、固氮泡囊、孢囊、孢囊孢子和拟类菌体。内生菌的这些不同形态以及它们在共生固氮中的作用,本文也作了讨论。  相似文献   

“Vampyrella-Stylodinium,” an artificial name for a predaceous organism of uncertain taxonomic position, has at least three distinct phases in its life history: the amoeboid phase, both free-floating and attached; the feeding cyst or immobile phase; and flagellated gymnodinoid swarmers. The orange free-floating amoeba has unbranched, filose pseudopodia and several contractile vacuoles. When feeding on the filamentous green alga Oedogonium, the pseudopodia shorten and rearrange. After dissolution of part of the Oedogonium cell wall, the amoeba ingests the host protoplast. Then a stalked reproductive cyst may form. This cyst changes color from green to light orange as it matures. At the time of excystment, the cyst has a smooth outer wall, a spinose inner wall, and a well-delineated phagocytic vacuole. As this vacuole moves from its central position to the cyst's periphery, the walls rupture and 2-4 amoebulae emerge. With TEM observations, the reproductive cyst is shown to be multinucleate. Each nucleus is eukaryotic in organization and possesses one nucleolus. Mitochondria have tubular cristae and no structures unique to the division Pyrrhophyta are observed. Although this stage of the life history does not have a dinokaryotic nucleus, the gymnodinoid swarmers that can emerge from the reproductive cyst, do. Like other parasites which have been assigned to the division Pyrrhophyta, “Vampyrella-Stylodinium” does not conform well to the generalized concept of a dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Peridinium balticum indicates that an eudosymbiont is present within the dinoflagellate. The structure and probable function of the organelles of both protists arc described and discussed. The origin of photosynthetic dinoflagellates from heterotrophic forms by means of a chrysophyte-like endosymbiont is postulated.  相似文献   

The marine planktonic diatom Coenobiodiscus muriformis has been reinvestigated using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy; as a result it is proposed, to transfer the species to the genus Planktoniella. The structure and formation of colonies are discussed and compared with data from an earlier study. Further details of valve and girdle baud structure have been ascertained and the exact form of the central and peripheral tubes has been described. The relationship of the present taxon to Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus is discussed.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopic examination of Cephaleuros virescens Kunze growing on leaves of Camellia sp. indicates that gametes are similar to those of Trentepohlia aurea. The gametes bear two, smooth isokont “keeled” flagella containing typical “9 + 2” axonemes and lacking scales. Flagellar insertion is apical and the parallel basal bodies overlap laterally. Each basal body is associated with a separate multilayered structure and component microtubular spline. The latter extends posteriorly beneath the plasmalemma. A nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and cytoplasmic haematochrome droplets are present. Pyrenoids and eyespots are absent. The subcellular components of C. virescens gametes are comparable to those found in gametes of T. aurea; however, the arrangement of basal bodies and multilayered structures differs slightly from that in T. aurea. Comparison of the fine structure of gametes from Cephaleuros, Phycopeltis, and Trentepohlia clearly indicates that the (1) mode of flagellar insertion, (2) morphology, number, and arrangement of multilayered structures, and (3) keeled flagella are common to these three genera and, thus far, unique among the green algae. Although flagellar insertion is apical, it is not bilaterally symmetrical (sensu stricto), nor is it asymmetrical (cf. Chara and Nitella sperms). The arrangement may be termed “reversed bilateral symmetry” and standardization of the terminology is recommended.  相似文献   

发菜的显微及亚显微结构的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜的观察、了解到一条发菜原植体大约由数十万计的念珠状细胞所组成,其藻丝多为单链,但也发现有分枝现象。整个原植体包被着厚薄不均的胶质鞘,外观粗糙,沟稜状起伏,且多裂隙。念珠状细胞为典型的原核细胞。细胞壁有三层结构,中央为色浅的核质区,四周为细胞质区其中散布着大量膜层薄而散乱的类囊体,膜上附有大量 rRNA 和藻胆体颗粒。还发现有膜层密集形如指纹的小类囊体。在细胞质中还分布着结构颗粒,多角体、聚磷酸体等嗜锇物质结构.一般细胞都具有分裂能力,方式多为横缢,先是细胞壁逐渐向中央扩展,最后将母细胞分成两个子细胞.从异形胞的结构特征来看,主要功能是渡过恶劣环境以保存物种。  相似文献   

阔口尖毛虫形成包囊期间细胞超微结构的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
顾福康  季玲妹 《动物学报》1997,43(3):227-231
阔口尖毛虫形成囊期间,细胞质内出现条带状或管产产的内质网和由不同大小的囊泡组成的包囊壁前体。并且,前体的产生与内质网有关;细胞质内发生自噬泡消化现象,这是细胞将原有结构和能量进行贮存,利用的一种重要形式;大核向细胞质突出形成阿米巴形结构,这与大核向细胞质排出部分核物质有关。  相似文献   

Fertilization in Peridinium cinctum f. ovoplamtm has been investigated at both the light and electron microscopic levels. Gamete formation occurs when vegetative cells are placed into nitrogen deficient media. The majority of gametes observed possess thin thecal plates; however, some are naked. Gametes have few chloroplasts as compared to vegetative cells, numerous membrane bounded storage bodies, many starch grains, and chromosomes which appear slightly unwound. Gamete fusion is observed to peak 7–10 days after inoculation into nitrogen deficient media. Fusion occurs in an area of the sulcus devoid of reticulate thecal plates at or adjacent to the flagellar pores. A fertilization tube is formed and proceeds to widen along the sulcus. Karyogamy occurs within the fertilization tube before plasmogamy is completed. The resulting planozygote is a two walled structure containing two longitudinal flagella. It enlarges over a 2-week period giving rise to the hypnozygote.  相似文献   

Recent questions concerning the taxonomic status of the diatom genus Gomphoneis Cleve have prompted critical examination of the valvar morphology of a species originally included in the genus. Light and electron microscopic observations on G. mammilla (Ehr.) Cl. show that the characteristics put forth by Cleve to delineate the genus are present in this taxon. Striae composed of two rows of simple areolae located in depressions on the valve and longitudinal lines formed by a broad internal axial plate were observed in G. mammilla. The presence of two apical spines on the headpole and the structure of a bilobed apical pore field located at the footpole are described, in addition to other valve features. Valve morphology of G. mammilla is compared with that of doubly-punctate Gomphonema species with the result that we recommend the two genera remain separate.  相似文献   

A strain of Gracilaria epihippisora Hoyle produces gall-like cell proliferations in culture. These growths can be excised and grown separately, where they retain an undifferentiated morphology and reach 5mm in diameter. The gall tissue consists of a single morphological cell type without any differentiation between surface and internal cells as is characteristic of normal thallus tissue. Gall cells are typically 20–40 μm in diameter and contain the usual complement of organelles and a prominent vacuole, although there are several distinct features. The large multilobed plastids have an extensive proliferation of thylakoid membranes, which form an arrangement of loops and spirals. The thallus outer cell wall layer is highly reduced. The gall growths contain intracellular virus-like particles (ca. 80 nm in diameter) that occur in discrete groups.  相似文献   

Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten, an endophyte of Magnolia grandiflora L. has been examined with light, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The discoid thalli are composed of filaments which ramify throughout the leaf tissues beneath the epidermis. Algal filaments do not penetrate host cells, but do produce black leaf spots which have been mistaken for those caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulate (Ston.) Spauld. and Schrenk. Two distinct thallus types occur, often simultaneously on a single leaf. One bears clusters of zoosporangiate branches which seasonally emerge through the ventral (and rarely, dorsal) surface of the leaf. In contrast, the other thallus type bears gametangia which break through the dorsal leaf surface. Zoosporangia and gametangia have never been found on the same thallus. The zoosporangia are smaller than, but almost identical in shape to, those of C. virescens Kunze. Simple plasmodesmata are present in crosswalls and acetolysis indicates that little or no sporopollenin is present in the cell walls. The ultrastructure of biflagellate gametes and quadriflagellate zoospores is virtually indistinguishable from that reported for C. virescens and similar to that reported for Phycopeltis and Trentepohlia. In both gametes and zoospores there are keeled flagella, overlapping and parallel basal bodies, two 3-layered multilayered structures with microtubular splines, and two medial compound microtubular roots. Pyrenoids, eyespots, flagellar and body scales, striated roots (or rhizoplasts), and distal bands are absent. Two presumptive mating structures are present in each biflagellate gamete, and flagellar collars occur in both types of motile cells. The extreme similarity in motile cell ultrastructure revealed in this interspecific comparison parallels that similarity revealed in intergeneric comparisons.  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察了开花后20天、30天和50天的甘蓝型油菜子叶叶肉细胞的超微结构。鱼雷形胚时子叶细胞中富含核糖体和内质网并开始形成脂体。蛋白质的积累迟于油脂,开花后30天时液泡中出现蛋白质体。胚成熟时细胞中大量脂体相互挤压成多边形并围绕在蛋白质体周围,少有细胞器。整个观察过程中质体始终缺乏精细的片层结构,胚成熟时细胞中质体数显著减少。对质体在胚胎发育过程中的功能及其与低亚麻酸育种的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Dictyocha fibula in exponential phase cultures displays a range of morphological variants of which the “sunburst” is most common. In this form, the perinuclear cytoplasm (perikaryon) contains an average of 72 dictyosomes, assorted vesicles, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes. Cytoplasmic processes, globose to irregular, extend on fine cytoplasmic strands from the perikaryon into an extensive, viscous wall, structureless in electron micrographs except for scattered electron-opaque leaflets near the perikaryon. Mitochondria with tubular cristae occur within the globose process and occasionally within the connecting strands. Chloroplasts, with 3-disk lamellar bands and with pyrenoids not crossed by lamellae, are confined to the cytoplasmic processes in the sunburst from. A structure which may be the “flagellum” occasionally occurs attached to the perikaryon. However, no flagellar structures containing microtubules, nor flagellar root structures, have been found.  相似文献   

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