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In our hypothesis of focal dystonia, attended repetitive behaviors generate aberrant sensory representations. Those aberrant representations interfere with motor control. Abnormal motor control strengthens sensory abnormalities. The positive feedback loop reinforces the dystonic condition. Previous studies of primates with focal hand dystonia have demonstrated multi-digit or hairy-glabrous responses at single sites in area 3b, receptive fields that average ten times larger than normal, and high receptive field overlap as a function of horizontal distance. In this study, we strengthen and elaborate these findings. One animal was implanted with an array of microelectrodes that spanned the border between the face and digits. After the animal developed hand dystonia, responses in the initial hand representation increasingly responded to low threshold stimulation of the face in a columnar substitution. The hand-face border that is normally sharp became patchy and smeared over 1 mm of cortex within 6 weeks. Two more trained animals developed a focal hand dystonia variable in severity across the hand. Receptive field size, presence of multi-digit or hairy-glabrous receptive fields, and columnar overlap covaried with the animal's ability to use specific digits. A fourth animal performed the same behaviors without developing dystonia. Many of its physiological measures were similar to the dystonic animals, but receptive field overlap functions were minimally abnormal, and no sites shared response properties that are normally segregated such as hairy-glabrous combined fields, or multi-digit fields. Thalamic mapping demonstrated proportionate levels of abnormality in thalamic representations as were found in cortical representations.  相似文献   


Neural activity was recorded in the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) of macaque monkeys during a simple feeding task. Around the border between the representations of the hand and face in SII, we found neurons that became active during both retrieving with the hand and eating; 59% had receptive fields (RFs) in the hand/face and the remaining 41% had no RFs. Neurons that responded to touching objects were rarely found. This suggests their sensorimotor function rather than tactile object recognition.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological and behavioral studies in primary dystonia suggest abnormalities during movement preparation, but this crucial phase preceding movement onset has not yet been studied specifically with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To identify abnormalities in brain activation during movement preparation, we used event-related fMRI to analyze behaviorally unimpaired sequential finger movements in 18 patients with task-specific focal hand dystonia (FHD) and 18 healthy subjects. Patients and controls executed self-initiated or externally cued prelearnt four-digit sequential movements using either right or left hands. In FHD patients, motor performance of the sequential finger task was not associated with task-related dystonic posturing and their activation levels during motor execution were highly comparable with controls. On the other hand reduced activation was observed during movement preparation in the FHD patients in left premotor cortex / precentral gyrus for all conditions, and for self-initiation additionally in supplementary motor area, left mid-insula and anterior putamen, independent of effector side. Findings argue for abnormalities of early stages of motor control in FHD, manifesting during movement preparation. Since deficits map to regions involved in the coding of motor programs, we propose that task-specific dystonia is characterized by abnormalities during recruitment of motor programs: these do not manifest at the behavioral level during simple automated movements, however, errors in motor programs of complex movements established by extensive practice (a core feature of FHD), trigger the inappropriate movement patterns observed in task-specific dystonia.  相似文献   

The delicate tuning of digit forces to object properties can be disrupted by a number of neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. One such condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a compression neuropathy of the median nerve that causes sensory and motor deficits in a subset of digits in the hand. Whereas the effects of CTS on median nerve physiology are well understood, the extent to which it affects whole-hand manipulation remains to be addressed. CTS affects only the lateral three and a half digits, which raises the question of how the central nervous system integrates sensory feedback from affected and unaffected digits to plan and execute whole-hand object manipulation. We addressed this question by asking CTS patients and healthy controls to grasp, lift, and hold a grip device (445, 545, or 745 g) for several consecutive trials. We found that CTS patients were able to successfully adapt grip force to object weight. However, multi-digit force coordination in patients was characterized by lower discrimination of force modulation to lighter object weights, higher across-trial digit force variability, the consistent use of excessively large digit forces across consecutive trials, and a lower ability to minimize net moments on the object. Importantly, the mechanical requirement of attaining equilibrium of forces and torques caused CTS patients to exert excessive forces at both CTS-affected digits and digits with intact sensorimotor capabilities. These findings suggest that CTS-induced deficits in tactile sensitivity interfere with the formation of accurate sensorimotor memories of previous manipulations. Consequently, CTS patients use compensatory strategies to maximize grasp stability at the expense of exerting consistently larger multi-digit forces than controls. These behavioral deficits might be particularly detrimental for tasks that require fine regulation of fingertip forces for manipulating light or fragile objects.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1996,90(3-4):277-287
In a first study, the representations of skin surfaces of the hand in the primary somatosensory cortex, area 3b, were reconstructed in owl monkeys and squirrel monkeys trained to pick up food pellets from small, shallow wells, a task which required skilled use of the digits. Training sessions included limited manual exercise over a total period of a few hours of practice. From an early clumsy performance in which many retrieval attempts were required for each successful pellet retrieval, the monkeys exhibited a gradual improvement. Typically, the animals used various combinations of digits before developing a successful retrieval strategy. As the behavior came to be stereotyped, monkeys consistently engaged surfaces of the distal phalanges of one or two digits in the palpation and capture of food pellets from the smallest wells. Microelectrode mapping of the hand surfaces revealed that the glabrous skin of the fingertips predominantly involved in the dexterity task was represented over topographically expanded cortical sectors. Furthermore, cutaneous receptive fields which covered the most frequently stimulated digital tip surfaces were less than half as large as were those representing the corresponding surfaces of control digits. In a second series of experiments, Long-Evans rats were assigned to environments promoting differential tactile experience (standard, enriched, and impoverished) for 80 to 115 days from the time of weaning. A fourth group of young adult rat experienced a severe restriction of forepaw exploratory movement for either 7 or 15 days. Cortical maps derived in the primary somatosensory cortex showed that environmental enrichment induced a substantial enlargement of the cutaneous forepaw representation, and improved its spatial resolution (smaller glabrous receptive fields). In contrast, tactile impoverishment resulted in a degradation of the forepaw representation that was characterized by larger cutaneous receptive fields and the emergence of non-cutaneous responses. Cortical maps derived in the hemispheres contralateral to the immobilized forelimb exhibited a severe decrease of about 50% in the overall areal extent of the cutaneous representation of the forepaw, which resulted from the invasion of topographically organized cortical zones of non-cutaneous responses, and numerous discontinuities in the representation of contiguous skin territories. The size and the spatial arrangement of the cutaneous receptive fields were not significantly modified by the immobilization of the contralateral forelimb. Similar results were obtained regardless of whether the forelimb restriction lasted 7 or 15 days. These two studies corroborate the view that representational constructs are permanently reshaped by novel experiences through dynamic competitive processes. These studies also support the notion that subject-environment interactions play a crucial role in the maintenance of basic organizational features of somatosensory representations.  相似文献   

Detailed electrophysiological maps of the representations of trunk and adjacent body parts in area 3b and area 1 of somatosensory cortex were obtained in three macaque monkeys ( Macaca mulatta and Macaca radiata ) of either sex. A total of 211 microelectrode penetrations 250-300 &#119 m apart resulted in 1,190 recording sites. During penetrations deep into the posterior bank of the central sulcus, recordings were made every 300 &#119 m to depths of 6-7 mm until sites unresponsive to somatic stimuli were reached. Cortex was later cut parasagittally and sections were stained for cytochrome oxidase (CO) or Nissl substance. Contrary to expectations from earlier reports, the genitalia were represented lateral to the representations of the foot in cortex along the area 3b/1 border. The gluteal skin including the gluteal pads and the base of the tail were also represented in this section of cortex. Only a small region of cortex was devoted to the genitalia, and neurons in this cortex had receptive fields that were large and typically included skin of the inner thigh and belly. The lower, middle and upper trunk were represented more laterally, followed by the neck, upper head and arm. The receptive fields on the trunk were roughly the same size as those for the middle and lower trunk and slightly smaller on the upper trunk.  相似文献   

We describe methods of localizing functional regions of the mesial wall, based on 47 patients studied intraoperatively or following chronic implantation of subdural electrodes. Somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded to stimulation of posterior tibial, dorsal pudendal, median, and trigeminal nerves. Bipolar cortical stimulation was performed, and in 4 cases movement-related potentials were recorded.The cingulate and marginal sulci formed the inferior and posterior borders of the sensorimotor areas and the supplementary motor area (SMA). The foot sensory area occupied the posterior paracentral lobule, while the genitalia were represented anterior to the foot sensory area, near the cingulate sulcus. The foot motor area was anterior and superior to the sensory areas, but there was overlap in these representations. There was a rough somatotopic organization within the SMA, with the face represented anterior to the hand. However, there was little evidence of the “pre-SMA” region described in monkeys. Complex movements involving more than one extremity were elicited by stimulation of much of the SMA. The region comprising the supplementary sensory area was not clearly identified, but may involve much of the precuneus. Movement-related potentials did not provide additional localizing information, although in some recordings readiness potentials were recorded from the SMA that appeared to be locally generated.  相似文献   

The anatomical organization of the peripheral and central sensory structures of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris was investigated applying a fluorescent carbocyanine dye (DiI) as a neuronal tracer. Using whole‐mount preparations and confocal laser scanning microscopy, the pattern of primary sensory cells and pathways of their processes were traced and reconstructed in three‐dimensions. Our study shows that a ventral nerve cord ganglion receives sensory fibers from at least two adjacent segments suggesting that the peripheral nervous system is not segmental in its arrangement and the receptive‐fields of the body wall overlap in earthworms. Furthermore, our result suggests an integrative function of the basiepidermal plexus consists of sensory and motor fibers. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Capsaicin was applied to the exposed radial nerve of adult flying foxes (n = 5) and cats (n = 2) while recording in primary somatosensory cortex from a single neuron with a receptive field on digits 1 or 2. Within four minutes of application of capsaicin the borders of these receptive fields dramatically expanded. In a further four flying foxes it was shown, with subcutaneous delivery just proximal to the receptive fields, that capsaicin need affect only afferents from the region of a neuron's receptive field to induce expansion. Capsaicin applied directly to a nerve, or subcutaneously in high concentrations, is a selective neurotoxin that rapidly prevents the propagation of action potentials in most C-fibres. The result provides a partial explanation for experiments involving the specific and complete denervation of receptive fields of neurons in primary somatosensory cortex. Such denervation does not lead to unresponsiveness but to immediate sensitivity to stimulation of areas surrounding the original fields. Thus it appears that some subclass of capsaicin-sensitive C-fibres provides a primary source for the masking inhibition that normally limits the extent of the receptive fields of cortical neurons.  相似文献   

The hand is one of the most fascinating and sophisticated biological motor systems. The complex biomechanical and neural architecture of the hand poses challenging questions for understanding the control strategies that underlie the coordination of finger movements and forces required for a wide variety of behavioral tasks, ranging from multidigit grasping to the individuated movements of single digits. Hence, a number of experimental approaches, from studies of finger movement kinematics to the recording of electromyographic and cortical activities, have been used to extend our knowledge of neural control of the hand. Experimental evidence indicates that the simultaneous motion and force of the fingers are characterized by coordination patterns that reduce the number of independent degrees of freedom to be controlled. Peripheral and central constraints in the neuromuscular apparatus have been identified that may in part underlie these coordination patterns, simplifying the control of multi-digit grasping while placing certain limitations on individuation of finger movements. We review this evidence, with a particular emphasis on how these constraints extend through the neuromuscular system from the behavioral aspects of finger movements and forces to the control of the hand from the motor cortex.  相似文献   

The caudal ganglion of the leech, which provides sensory and motor innervation to the posterior sucker, represents the fusion of seven embryonic segmental ganglia. Although fused, each of the seven contributing ganglia (“subganglia”) of the caudal ganglion can be distinguished morphologically and functionally. The roots from each subganglion carry the axons of mechanoreceptors homologous to “touch” cells found in the segmental ganglia and the subesophageal compound ganglion. The receptive fields supplied by the touch cells of the caudal ganglion are uniquely arranged and reveal the modified segmentation of the circular posterior sucker. Extensive overlap of sensory innervation occurs between adjacent segments of the sucker, beyond the overlap characteristic of the homologous cells of body segments. It thus appears that the touch receptors of the caudal ganglion are less restricted than receptors of the segmental ganglia with regard to their territories of innervation. The caudal ganglion has additional unique properties that establish it as a distinct integrative center of the leech CNS.  相似文献   

Earlier studies recording single neuronal activity with bilateral receptive fields in the primary somatosensory cortex of monkeys and cats agreed that the bilateral receptive fields were related exclusively to the body midline and that the ipsilateral information reaches the cortex via callosal connections since they are dense in the cortical region representing the midline structures of the body while practically absent in the regions representing the distal extremities. We recently found a substantial number of neurons with bilateral receptive fields on hand digits, shoulders-arms or legs-feet in the caudalmost part (areas 2 and 5) of the postcentral gyrus in awake Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). I review these results, discuss the functional implications of this bilateral representation in the postcentral somatosensory cortex from a behavioural standpoint and give a new interpretation to the midline fusion theory.  相似文献   

Until now, the equilibrium-point hypothesis (λ model) of motor control has assumed nonintersecting force-length characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex for individual muscles. Limited data from animal experiments suggest, however, that such intersections may occur. We have assumed the possibility of intersection of the characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex and performed a computer simulation of movement trajectories and electromyographic patterns. The simulation has demonstrated, in particular, that a transient change in the slope of the characteristic of an agonist muscle may lead to temporary movement reversals, hesitations, oscillations, and multiple electromyographic bursts that are typical of movements of patients with dystonia. The movement patterns of three patients with idiopathic dystonia during attempts at fast single-joint movements (in the elbow, wrist, and ankle) were recorded and compared with the results of the computer simulation. This approach considers that motor disorders in dystonia result from faulty control patterns that may not correlate with any morphological or neurophysiological changes. It provides a basis for the high variability of dystonic movements. The uniqueness of abnormal motor patterns in dystonia, that precludes statistical analysis across patients, may result from subtle differences in the patterns of intersecting characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex. The applicability of our analysis to disordered multijoint movement patterns is discussed. Received: 26 July 1993/Accepted in revised form: 22 December 1993  相似文献   



A stimulus approaching the body requires fast processing and appropriate motor reactions. In monkeys, fronto-parietal networks are involved both in integrating multisensory information within a limited space surrounding the body (i.e. peripersonal space, PPS) and in action planning and execution, suggesting an overlap between sensory representations of space and motor representations of action. In the present study we investigate whether these overlapping representations also exist in the human brain.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We recorded from hand muscles motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by single-pulse of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) after presenting an auditory stimulus either near the hand or in far space. MEPs recorded 50 ms after the near-sound onset were enhanced compared to MEPs evoked after far sounds. This near-far modulation faded at longer inter-stimulus intervals, and reversed completely for MEPs recorded 300 ms after the sound onset. At that time point, higher motor excitability was associated with far sounds. Such auditory modulation of hand motor representation was specific to a hand-centred, and not a body-centred reference frame.


This pattern of corticospinal modulation highlights the relation between space and time in the PPS representation: an early facilitation for near stimuli may reflect immediate motor preparation, whereas, at later time intervals, motor preparation relates to distant stimuli potentially approaching the body.  相似文献   

(1) The fine details of the motor organization of the forelimb, face, and tongue representation of the baboon (Papio h. anubis) primary motor cortex were studied in four adult animals, using intracortical microstimulation (ICMS). (2) A total of 293 electrode penetrations were made. ICMS was delivered to 10,052 sites, and of these, 6,186 sites were verified to have been located within the grey matter. Motor effects were evoked from 30% of these sites. (3) The baboon motor cortex is confined, in large part, to the cortical tissue lying along the anterior bank of the central sulcus. When the electrode penetrations were confined to the precentral gyrus, few sites were capable of evoking movement when stimulated by currents of 40 microA or less. (4) The details of the motor maps varied among the four animals; nonetheless, a general topographic organization existed, with the tongue musculature being represented most laterally, followed by a medial progression of the face, digits, wrist, forearm, and shoulder. Within the representation of a given body part, the muscles were organized as a mosaic, wherein the same muscle was multiply represented. (5) A zone of unresponsive cortex was observed to lie consistently between the face and forelimb representation in all four animals. Repeated electrode penetrations within the unresponsive zone failed to elicit muscle contractions even with stimulating currents as high as 80 microA. (6) Our results suggest that the baboon motor cortex is topographically organized; however, embedded within this overall pattern lies a fine-grained mosaic incorporating multiple representations of the same muscle.  相似文献   

In both intact (4 animals) and lesioned (2 preparations with contralateral motor cortex ablation and 1 animal with transection of the rostral two thirds of the corpus callosum) cats, three different types of efferent zones were identified in the face motor cortex by the technique of microstimulation: contralateral, ipsilateral and bilateral efferent zones. The three types of efferent zones had different organizational features such as location, thresholds of effective sites and latencies of motor responses. Mean thresholds of effective sites from ipsilateral and bilateral efferent zones in lesioned animals were not significantly higher than those in intact preparations. In both intact and lesioned animals, neurons endowed with contralateral, bilateral and ipsilateral receptive fields were isolated from the three types of efferent zones.  相似文献   

A goal of sensory coding is to capture features of sensory input that are behaviorally relevant. Therefore, a generic principle of sensory coding should take into account the motor capabilities of an agent. Up to now, unsupervised learning of sensory representations with respect to generic coding principles has been limited to passively received sensory input. Here we propose an algorithm that reorganizes an agent''s representation of sensory space by maximizing the predictability of sensory state transitions given a motor action. We applied the algorithm to the sensory spaces of a number of simple, simulated agents with different motor parameters, moving in two-dimensional mazes. We find that the optimization algorithm generates compact, isotropic representations of space, comparable to hippocampal place fields. As expected, the size and spatial distribution of these place fields-like representations adapt to the motor parameters of the agent as well as to its environment. The representations prove to be well suited as a basis for path planning and navigation. They not only possess a high degree of state-transition predictability, but also are temporally stable. We conclude that the coding principle of predictability is a promising candidate for understanding place field formation as the result of sensorimotor reorganization.  相似文献   

Fast adaptations in the functional organization of primary sensory cortex are generally assumed to result from changes of network connectivity. However, the effects of intrinsic neuronal excitability alterations due to the activation of neighboring cortical representational zones, which might as well account for the changes of cortical representative maps, have been paid little attention to. In a recent experiment (Braun et al. 2000b) we showed by neuromagnetic source imaging that random or fixed sequence stimulation of three digits of both hands led to stimulation-timing-induced changes in primary somatosensory (SI) cortical maps. The distance between the cortical representation of thumb and middle finger became significantly shorter during the fixed sequence stimulation. The analysis on the time course of the cortical map changes revealed that these reorganizations occurred within minutes and were fully reversible. The previously reported results were interpreted as the involvement of a superordinate center responsible for detecting and activating the appropriate maps. Here we present an alternative parsimonious explanation that is supported by a computational model. Based on the experimental evidence, we developed a simple model that took intrinsic neuronal excitability together with subthreshold activation into account and assumed partial cortical overlap of the representational zones of neighboring digits. Furthermore, in the model the neuronal excitability decayed slowly with respect to the stimulation frequency. The observed cortical map changes in the experiment could be reproduced by the two-layer feed-forward computational network. Our model thus suggests that the dynamic shifts of cortical maps can be explained by the state and time course of intrinsic neuronal excitability and subthreshold activation, without involving changes in network connectivity.  相似文献   

The pathophysiology of various types of dyskinesias, including dystonias, is poorly understood. Clinical and epidemiological studies in humans revealed that the severity of dyskinesias and the frequency of paroxysmal forms of the disease are altered by factors such as the onset of puberty, pregnancy, cyclical changes and stress, indicating an underlying hormonal component. The dystonic phenotype in the dt(sz) hamster, a genetic animal model of paroxysmal dystonia, has been suggested to be based on a deficit of striatal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and changes in the GABA(A) receptor complex. In this animal model, hormonal influences seem to be also involved in the pathophysiology, but an influence of peripheral sex hormones has already been excluded. Possibly, neurosteroids as endogenous regulators of the GABA(A) receptor may be critically involved in the pathophysiology of dystonia in this animal model. Therefore, in the present study, the effects of the neurosteroids allopregnanolone acetate and allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC), representing positive modulators of the GABA(A) receptor, as well as of the negative GABA(A) receptor modulators pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), on severity of dystonia were examined in dt(sz) hamsters after acute intraperitoneal injections. Allopregnanolone acetate and THDOC exerted a moderate reduction of dystonia, whereas pregnenolone sulfate and DHEA had no significant effects. Although the effects of allopregnanolone acetate and THDOC were moderate and short-lasting, the present results suggest that changes in neurosteroid levels might be involved in the initiation of dystonic episodes. Future studies have to include measurements of brain neurosteroid levels as well as of chronic neurosteroid administrations to clarify the pathophysiological role and therapeutic potential of neurosteroids in dystonia.  相似文献   

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