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5‐Aminolevulinate synthetase activity was measured in livers of adult male rats by means of an improved assay. The enzyme exhibited a diurnal rhythm with a maximum during dark‐time. Inductions by allylisopropylacetamide during diurnal increase and decrease of enzyme activity resulted in the same amount of additionally formed enzyme.  相似文献   


The circadian change of the encephalic photosensitivity of quail has been demonstrated. In this study the diurnal variation of the retinal photosensitivity was investigated by the electroretinogram (ERG) to explore the phase relation between the retinal and encephalic systems. The b‐wave, a major component of the ERG, was used as a measure of retinal photosensitivity.
  1. In the bird maintained in LD12:12 the b‐wave amplitude of the ERG stayed at a high level for the first 10 h of the light period, and decreased abruptly around the time of light‐off. The decreased level continued until midnight. Thenceforth the b‐wave amplitude recovered progressively to the daytime level before the time of next light on.

  2. In the bird maintained in LD16:8, the decrease of the retinal sensitivity in the light phase was initiated prior to the time of expected light‐off, and the onset time of decreasing tendency was advanced by 2 h, with dark adaptation for 30 min given immediately before the ERG measurement. Upon continuous light exposure, the b‐wave amplitude always remained at low level.

  3. Periodic changes in retinal sensitivity persisted when the environmental dark phase was temporarily extended for 19 to 30 h.

These observations suggest that the diurnal rhythm of the neural retina in quail might be generated endogenously and appears to control the encephalic photosensitive system.  相似文献   

1 引  言棕背鼠平 (Clethrionomysrufocanus)是我国北方森林小型哺乳动物的重要成分 ,也是主要的林木害鼠之一 .目前 ,国内外对该鼠的生态学已有许多研究 ,太田嘉四夫[6] 在活动节律研究方面有所报道 .作者在室内不同食物条件下 ,对棕背鼠平昼夜活动节律进行了观察研究 ,现将初步结果做一报道 .2 材料与方法2 1 供试动物2 0 0 1年 8~ 10月在黑龙江省海林市林区捕获棕背鼠平带回实验室驯养 .单鼠饲养于 35cm× 30cm× 2 0cm铁丝笼中 ,供给小鼠用颗粒饲料、胡萝卜和水 ,提供棉花供鼠做巢 ,实验室温度为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,自然光照 .2 2 …  相似文献   

The diurnal activity rhythm of Clethrionomys rufocanus was studied under three different food conditions in a laboratory. The activity occurred both in the daytime and at night, but mainly at night (19:00~4:00). The mice fed with Mouse food exhibited six small peaks in their daily activity, and those fed with grass or hay exhibited seven, but the peak of the out nest night activity was 2~3 hours earlier.The activity amount of out nest was 30518.0 ±3694.9 s for those fed with grass, the next was 21811.7± 2288.0 s for those fed with hay, and the least was 15038.0±666.0 s for those fed with mouse food. The activity amount of feeding was 10867.3±1612.1 s for those fed with grass, much more than those fed with mouse food and hay. The activity amount for drinking was 988.5±79.1 s (fed with hay),568.9±60.9 s (fed with mouse food) and 139.3±47.2 s (fed with grass).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In cultures of Platymonas subcordiformis Hazen, grown in appropriate light-dark cycles, as many as 75% of the cells adhered to the surface of the glass culture vessel toward the end of the light period of each day. Cell division occurred primarily while the cells were attached. Subsequently, motile daughter cells were released into the growth medium by the rupture of the mother cell theca. The settling behavior appears to be an integral part of the life cycle being synchronized to the same extent as cell division.  相似文献   

杨玲  吴建慧  孙国荣 《植物研究》2006,26(3):313-317
人为控制环境下,对玉米幼苗叶片中电解质外渗率、MDA含量以及保护酶活性的昼夜变化同步进行了测定。结果表明:叶片电解质外渗率的昼夜变化呈现双峰曲线,分别在光照4 h和光照后黑暗4 h达到峰值;叶片中MDA含量表现为单峰的波形曲线,黑暗开始的4 h内最高;随着光照时间的延长,SOD酶、POD酶和CAT酶活性均表现出不同程度的降低,但均在16:00(光照8 h)至20:00(光照12 h)之间达到一昼夜内的最低点。随着光照后黑暗时间的延长,各保护酶活性均增加,但增加的速率不同,至次日8:00所有保护酶活性均接近光照前水平。光照和黑暗条件下,各保护酶活性差异极显著。保护酶活性的昼夜变化与叶片中的可溶性蛋白质含量并无显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为的日节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱捷  马力  陈琪  夏西聚  陈旭阳  张云宣  黄国华 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1227-1237
【目的】通过莲藕食根金花虫Donacia provostii Fairmaire成虫日活动行为节律的系统研究,以期为构建该虫的高效防控技术体系提供科学依据。【方法】采用室外单头隔离和雌雄配对饲养,将莲藕食根金花虫成虫的行为划分为离水静息、触水静息、取食、移动、交配和产卵6个类型,每30 min观察记录一次其活动行为,连续5 d,统计分析其活动行为的日节律。【结果】在时间上,莲藕食根金花虫成虫各行为在各时间点间和时间段间均存在极显著差异(P<0.001);在空间上,成虫各行为在不同位置发生的比例存在极显著差异(P<0.001)、且荇菜叶上和水面的各行为在不同时间点间存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。【结论】莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为存在时空上的差异,空间对其行为的影响较时间明显。  相似文献   

为了摸清稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel成虫在稻田中的日活动行为节律, 采用室外单头隔离饲养的方法, 将成虫 行为分为移动、 取食、 离水静息、 触水静息和其他5个行为类型, 每30 min观察记录1次, 从2012年4月30日至5月4日连续观察5 d, 共获得7 200个行为数据。结果显示: 稻水象甲越冬成虫行为的日时间分配以离水静息行为最多(47.83%), 移动行为最少(5.64%), 各行为的时间分配存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。离水静息行为最高峰值在23:30 (72.67%), 最低值在7:30 (14.67%); 触水静息行 为最大峰值在7:30 (75.33%), 19:00还有一个小高峰(37.33%); 取食行为在15:00达到最高峰(26.67%), 在21:00达到第2个高峰 值(18.00%); 移动行为在22:00-9:00较少(0~4.00%), 从9:30开始持续增加, 在17:00达到最高峰(20.00%); 其他行为在 1.33~18.67%之间波动。离水静息、 移动、 取食和其他行为白天和黑夜存在极显著差异(P<0.001), 但触水静息行为白天和黑夜无显著 不同(P=0.834); 上午、 中午、 下午和晚上4个时间段之间各行为也有显著差异(P<0.001)。在空间上, 离水静息行为在叶片上最高 , 移动行为以水中最高, 取食行为仅发生在叶片上, 离水静息、 移动和取食在水稻不同部位存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。水中发生触 水静息、 移动和其他共3种行为, 以触水静息行为的日波动最大, 3种行为在各时刻之间有极显著差异(触水静息和移动: P<0.001; 其他: P=0.002); 叶片上发生离水静息、 移动和取食3种行为, 以离水静息和取食行为的日波动较大且在各时刻间具有极显著的差异 (P<0.001); 茎秆和瓶壁或封口纱布处主要发生离水静息和移动行为, 所占比例均不高, 但在瓶壁或封口纱布处的移动行为各时刻之 间有极显著差异(P=0.008)。水中和叶片上是行为发生的主要空间, 在水中行为的最高峰值(81.33%)与叶片上的最低值(12.00%)出 现时间相同, 为7:30, 一天中各时刻水中和叶片上的行为呈交错性变化。结果提示, 稻水象甲成虫活动行为受到时空变化的影响, 且 时间变化对其行为的影响较空间变化更为明显。  相似文献   

The circadian system influences virtually all biological functions. Understanding the impact of circadian variation on metabolism may provide insight into mechanisms of circadian-associated disorders and guide the implementation of chrono-therapy. Previous research has reported circadian variation in 7–20% of metabolites in human blood. In this study, untargeted metabolomics profiles were measured using blood of two healthy men and one healthy woman, collected every 2 h for up to 48 h under carefully controlled conditions. The pattern of variation of each metabolite over time was examined on each participant separately, using both one- and two-order harmonic models. A total of 100 of 663 metabolites, representing all metabolite categories, showed diurnal rhythmic concentrations that exceeded the Bonferroni threshold (P < 2.5 × 10?5). Overall, peak times of many metabolites were clustered during the afternoon-midnight, including the majority of amino acids, all peptides, all lysolipids and all phospholipids, whereas the majority of steroids peaked in the morning. We observed substantial inter-individual variation for both peak times and amplitudes in these three subjects. In conclusion, at least 15% of blood metabolites, representing a broad group of biological pathways, exhibit diurnal variation in three participants. The average peak times of most of these metabolites are clustered in morning or afternoon-midnight. Further work is needed to validate and extend this work in more individuals.  相似文献   

Though rotifers play an important role in many pelagic ecosystems, there is a lack for studies on diurnal variations in feeding behaviour. Diurnal feeding rhythms of estuarine populations of Brachionus plicatilis and Keratella cruciformis f. eichwaldi and a pond population of K. cochlearis were investigated using 14C-Chlorella and 14C-labelled natural bacteria populations, respectively, as a tracer food during in situ experiments. A 51Cr/14C double tracer technique was used to determine Assimilation efficiencies. All species had about two times higher feeding rates during day than during dark hours. There was a tendency for higher values during the afternoon. No trend was found regarding diurnal changes in assimilation efficiency. Diurnally segregated niches between microphagous daytime active rotifers and nighttime active crustacean populations in pelagic ecosystems are demonstrated and their ecological significance with special regard to changes in food quality and predation pressure is discussed.  相似文献   

山西平陆越冬大天鹅日间行为模式   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
2011年12月至2012年2月和2012年11月至2013年1月,采用瞬时扫描法,对山西平陆黄河湿地越冬的大天鹅进行了日间行为时间分配和活动节律的研究。结果表明,大天鹅在越冬期的主要行为是静息、运动和取食,分别占全部行为比例的(40.5±1.4)%、(22.8±0.9)%和(18.2±0.8)%。在日间节律方面,大天鹅的取食行为呈现早晚双高峰,静息行为的高峰则出现在早上和中午。对不同地点的大天鹅的行为时间分配研究表明,大天鹅在两地的行为时间分配存在明显差异。其中,在干扰强度较大的三湾村,运动和争斗行为更多;在干扰较小的关家窝村,静息和警戒行为更多。在行为时间分配与温度变化关系的研究中,通过Pearson相关性分析发现,大天鹅的取食、运动和理羽行为与温度成显著正相关,静息和警戒行为与温度呈现显著负相关。  相似文献   

采用Tenax-TA吸附剂吸附法结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析了法国冬青和光皮桦的健康株和云斑天牛危害株挥发性物质的日节律变化,并利用触角电位技术比较分析了云斑天牛未交配雌、雄虫对法国冬青和光皮桦挥发物的触角电位(EAG)反应.结果表明:法国冬青被取食后柠檬烯、壬醛、十六烷、丙烯酸丁酯和3-甲基丁酸的含量减少,光皮桦被取食后新己烷和十六烷的含量减少;而法国冬青和光皮桦被取食后新合成了异十二烯、辛醇、吲哚、癸醛、己醛和丙烯菊酯等物质.云斑天牛未交配雌、雄成虫对光皮桦被害株挥发物的EAG反应值最大,分别为1.23和1.38 mV;对法国冬青健康株挥发物的EAG反应值最小,分别为0.95和1.01 mV.不同时段,成虫对12:00—14:00挥发成分的EAG反应值最低,与成虫野外取食行为多发生在清晨和傍晚相一致.  相似文献   

Kerodon rupestris, a Brazilian caviidae rodent, lives in dry stony places. In a first experiment, seven animals were kept in LD (250:0 lux and 400:0 lux) during 40 days in each condition. In the second, four animals were kept in LD (470 lux: red dim light) for 47 days, then in LL (470 lux) for 18 days and in DD (red dim light) for 23 days. Motor activity was continuously recorded by infrared sensors. Animals showed entrained rhythms to the LD cycle being light and dark active, with higher values in phase transitions. When the light intensity was increased, four animals increased and two reduced the activity. In LL, three animals expressed an endogenous tau of 24.4, 26.5 and 24.6 h and one was arrhythmic; in DD, two expressed tau of 23.6 and 23.7 h and one was arrhythmic. Results indicate that Kerodon rupestris circadian rhythm is affected by light intensity but it is not yet possible to determine its habit.  相似文献   

沙蟋Gryllus firmus是一种翅多型性的昆虫, 是研究种内迁飞和生殖调控的模式生物。本研究应用高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)、 气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对沙蟋长翅(有飞行能力)和短翅(无飞行能力)雌虫飞行肌内保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)和脂肪酸进行了定性定量分析。结果表明: 在温度28℃, 光周期16L∶8D条件下, 第5和第7日龄的沙蟋长翅雌虫飞行肌中JH的滴度具有明显的昼夜节律, 在飞行前(即关灯前)4 h, JH的滴度分别由386.52±68.40 ng/g和630.36±37.26 ng/g增加至1 327.53±277.98 ng/g和1 685.77±143.95 ng/g, 与短翅型SW相比分别增加了约3.4倍与2.7倍 (P<0.05)。而相同日龄的短翅雌虫及第1日龄的两型雌虫均无明显的节律变化。进一步在第5和7日龄的长翅雌虫中发现了一个16C的脂肪酸--14-甲基十五烷酸, 也具有节律变化且与JH节律出现的时间相吻合, 而在无飞行能力的沙蟋中没有发现这种现象。实验还证明JH滴度的增加和节律不是由飞行肌的重量或者飞行肌重量比的变化所致。这些发现有助于探讨和了解保幼激素对飞行调控的内在机理。  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in the concentrations of major organic compounds occurred in xylem fluid extracted from Lagerstroemia indica L. The concentration of amino acids and the N/C ratio was at a maximum and that of organic acids was at a minimum between 1230 and 2030 h. Since the concentrations of total organic nitrogen, total amino acids and most individual amino acids (but not organic acids or sugars) were also proportional to xylem tension two experiments were performed to discern whether variations in chemistry were a consequence of diurnal changes in moisture stress. In the first experiment, L. indica , exposed to variable levels of moisture stress during midday, manifested an increase in organic acids and a reduction in the N/C ratio. In the second experiment, chemical profiles of xylem fluid were collected and compared for plants exposed to a natural photoperiod, constant darkness or continuous light at noon and midnight. After 1 day amino acids increased in concentration during midday for all treatments; the variation was greatest (10-fold) for plants in constant darkness where xylem tension varied from 0.20 to 0.25 MPa. Only plants exposed to continuous light lost a diurnal rhythm after 3 days. Thus, the circadian rhythm was endogenous, terminated in continuous light and was not mediated by changes in moisture stress. Glutamine accounted for most of the diurnal variation in total amino acids, organic nitrogen and the N/C ratio in xylem fluid.  相似文献   


The input of environmental time cues and expression of circadian activity rhythms may change with aging. Among nonphotic zeitgebers, social cues from conspecific vocalizations may contribute to the stability and survival of individuals of social species, such as nonhuman primates. We evaluated aging-related changes on social synchronization of the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) in a social diurnal primate, the common marmoset. The activity of 18 male marmosets was recorded by actiwatches in two conditions. (1) Experimental – 4 young adult (5 ± 2 yrs of age) and 4 older (10 ± 2 yrs of age) animals maintained under LD 12/12 h and LL in a room with full insulation for light but only partial insulation for sound from vocalizations of conspecifics maintained outdoors in the colony; and (2) Control – 10 young adult animals maintained outdoors in the colony (5 animals as a control per age group). In LL, the CAR of young adults showed more stable synchronization with controls. Among the aged marmosets, two free-ran with τ > 24 h, whereas the other two showed relative coordination during the first 30 days in LL, but free-ran thereafter. These differences were reflected in the “social” phase angles (ψon and ψoff ) between rhythms of experimental and control animal groups. Moreover, the activity patterns of aged animals showed lower social synchrony with controls compared to young adults, with the time lags of the time series between each experimental group and control group being negative in aged and positive in young adult animals (t-test, p < 0.05). The index of stability of the CAR showed no differences according to age, while the intradaily variability of the CAR was higher in the aged animals during LD-resynchronization, who took additional days to resynchronize. Thus, the social modulation on CAR may vary with age in marmosets. In the aged group, there was a lower effect of social synchronization, which may be associated with aging-related changes in the synchronization and generation of the CAR as well as in system outputs.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2012,29(12):1638-1645

The effect of constant light and constant darkness on intraocular pressure (IOP) in goats has not been investigated. We hypothesized that IOP variations would differ between goats kept under a cycle of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness (LD), constant darkness (DD), and constant light (LL). To test this hypothesis, goats were exposed to these conditions for five days (LD, 30 goats; DD, 10 goats; LL, 10 goats). IOP was measured by applanation tonometry at 9 a.m. (beginning of photophase in LD) and 9 p.m. (beginning of scotophase in LD) on the fourth and fifth days of exposure. We found that changes in mean IOP from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. differed significantly between groups (χ2(2) = 23.04, p < .0001). Most goats in LD showed a regular pattern of higher IOP in the morning and lower IOP in the evening, whereas those in DD and LL did not follow this pattern. In LD conditions, mean IOP was 2.4 mm Hg lower at 9 p.m. than at 9 a.m. (95% confidence interval for the difference (CI): ?2.8 to ?1.9 mm Hg, p < .0001). In DD conditions, mean IOP did not differ between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. (CI: ?0.9 to 0.8 mm Hg, p = .90). In LL conditions, it was 0.6 mm Hg lower at 9 p.m. (CI: ?1.5 to 0.2 mm Hg, p = .12). Our results indicate that IOP in goats kept in LD is higher in the morning than in the evening, and that IOP variations are reduced in goats kept in DD and LL. These results suggest that exposure to alternating periods of light and darkness is important for maintaining rhythmic variations in IOP in this species.  相似文献   

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