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After Acetabularia mediterranea cells were kept in darkness for 2–8 weeks, all the cellular processes were arrested and the algae did not grow. In particular, the transcellular electrical potential (VAB) decreased to almost zero and cytoplasmic streaming was arrested. Upon illumination with continous blue light (BL), the first events were (as with white light (WL)), immediate increase in VAB and movements of water, followed, after a lag period of 1–3 min, by transient recovery of cytoplasmic streaming which lasted about 16 min. After 10 min (earlier than in WL), the frequency of the spontaneous action potentials increased much more than in WL. Then, after 1.5–4 hr during which VAB often decreased to zero while the cytoplasmic movements stopped, both activities resumed with diurnal oscillations. BL stimulated (as WL) rRNA synthesis, migration of rRNA from nucleus towards apex and cell growth. Upon illumination with red light (RL), VAB also increased, but water movements were much less pronounced than in BL. The transient streaming phase was shorter. The spontaneous action potentials increased in frequency much later (several hr) and much less than in BL or WL. VAB did not decreased at any time and was maintained at particularly high values. Cytoplasmic streaming resumed, but showed very attenuated or no rhythm. rRNA synthesis and migration remained low. Cell growth did not resume during the experiments. By comparing our results with those of other studies relating to growth, morphogenesis and photosynthesis, we suggest that BL and RL could affect all these processes by differentially modifying the cytoplasmic concentrations of ions which may influence the functions of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm in the oxygen production of 30 individual Acetabularia cells has been studied at different temperatures. The temperature induced period variation was continuously evaluated over the whole data record of each individual cell with an advanced spectral analysis technique. The observed circadian periods of O2 production displayed a well established region of temperature compensation between 25 °C and 30 °C with a Q10, value of 0.9, whereas between 15°C and 22°C a positive temperature coefficient was measured (Q10 at 22 °C 0.9, Q10 at 20°C 0.8, Q10at 17°C 0.7).  相似文献   

Visible light synchronizes the human biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus to the solar 24‐hour cycle. Short wavelengths, perceived as blue color, are the strongest synchronizing agent for the circadian system that keeps most biological and psychological rhythms internally synchronized. Circadian rhythm is important for optimum function of organisms and circadian sleep–wake disruptions or chronic misalignment often may lead to psychiatric and neurodegenerative illness. The beneficial effect on circadian synchronization, sleep quality, mood, and cognitive performance depends not only on the light spectral composition but also on the timing of exposure and its intensity. Exposure to blue light during the day is important to suppress melatonin secretion, the hormone that is produced by the pineal gland and plays crucial role in circadian rhythm entrainment. While the exposure to blue is important for keeping organism's wellbeing, alertness, and cognitive performance during the day, chronic exposure to low‐intensity blue light directly before bedtime, may have serious implications on sleep quality, circadian phase and cycle durations. This rises inevitably the need for solutions to improve wellbeing, alertness, and cognitive performance in today's modern society where exposure to blue light emitting devices is ever increasing.   相似文献   

Light is necessary for life, and artificial light improves visual performance and safety, but there is an increasing concern of the potential health and environmental impacts of light. Findings from a number of studies suggest that mistimed light exposure disrupts the circadian rhythm in humans, potentially causing further health impacts. However, a variety of methods has been applied in individual experimental studies of light-induced circadian impacts, including definition of light exposure and outcomes. Thus, a systematic review is needed to synthesize the results. In addition, a review of the scientific evidence on the impacts of light on circadian rhythm is needed for developing an evaluation method of light pollution, i.e., the negative impacts of artificial light, in life cycle assessment (LCA). The current LCA practice does not have a method to evaluate the light pollution, neither in terms of human health nor the ecological impacts. The systematic literature survey was conducted by searching for two concepts: light and circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm was searched with additional terms of melatonin and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. The literature search resulted to 128 articles which were subjected to a data collection and analysis. Melatonin secretion was studied in 122 articles and REM sleep in 13 articles. The reports on melatonin secretion were divided into studies with specific light exposure (101 reports), usually in a controlled laboratory environment, and studies of prevailing light conditions typical at home or work environments (21 studies). Studies were generally conducted on adults in their twenties or thirties, but only very few studies experimented on children and elderly adults. Surprisingly many studies were conducted with a small sample size: 39 out of 128 studies were conducted with 10 or less subjects. The quality criteria of studies for more profound synthesis were a minimum sample size of 20 subjects and providing details of the light exposure (spectrum or wavelength; illuminance, irradiance or photon density). This resulted to 13 qualified studies on melatonin and 2 studies on REM sleep. Further analysis of these 15 reports indicated that a two-hour exposure to blue light (460 nm) in the evening suppresses melatonin, the maximum melatonin-suppressing effect being achieved at the shortest wavelengths (424 nm, violet). The melatonin concentration recovered rather rapidly, within 15 min from cessation of the exposure, suggesting a short-term or simultaneous impact of light exposure on the melatonin secretion. Melatonin secretion and suppression were reduced with age, but the light-induced circadian phase advance was not impaired with age. Light exposure in the evening, at night and in the morning affected the circadian phase of melatonin levels. In addition, even the longest wavelengths (631 nm, red) and intermittent light exposures induced circadian resetting responses, and exposure to low light levels (5–10 lux) at night when sleeping with eyes closed induced a circadian response. The review enables further development of an evaluation method of light pollution in LCA regarding the light-induced impacts on human circadian system.  相似文献   

Stimulation or light-saturated rates of photosynthesis in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. by blue light was eliminated by increasing dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) or by lowering pH in natural seawater. The amplitude of the circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was also diminished under these conditions, and the pH compensation points in a closed system were higher in the presence of blue light and during the circadian day. These observations suggest that blue light and the circadian clock regulate the activity of a carbon acquisition system in these plants. The inhibitor of external carbonic anhydrase, acetazolamide, reduced overall rates of photosynthesis by only about 30%, but ethoxyzolamide suppressed the circadian rhythm of photosynthesis almost completely and markedly reduced the duration of responses to blue light pulses. Similar patterns were obtained when photosynthesis was measured in strongly limiting DIC concentrations (0–0.5 mol m?3). Since blue light stimulated photosynthesis under these conditions of strong carbon limitation, we suggest that blue light activates the release of CO2 from an internal CO2 store. We propose a metabolic pathway with similarities to that of CAM plants. Non-photosynthetic fixation leads to the accumulation of a storage metabolite. The circadian clock and blue light control the mobilization of CO2 at the site of decarboxylation of this metabolite. In the presence of continuous blue light the pathway is proposed to cycle and act as a pump for CO2 into the chloroplasts. This hypothesis helps to explain a number of previously reported peculiarities of brown algal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eclosion in Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) occurs near dawn. The rhythm of eclosion persists in both darkness and constant light of high intensity (490μW cm-2) with a period close to 24h. The sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion varies greatly according to the stage of the life cycle. During larval life the free running rhythm in darkness can be phase shifted by light pulses of 100μW cm-2 intensity, with the transition from a Type 1 phase response curve to a Type 0, occurring with pulses of between 1 and 8h. Extending the last light period of LD to 24 h followed by constant darkness resets the phase of the rhythm by 12h, a transition from constant light to constant darkness initiates rhythmicity in flies made arrhythmic by being reared from eggs collected from adults maintained in constant light. After pupariation, the rhythm is relatively insensitive to light. Rhythmicity is sometimes induced by a transition from constant light to constant darkness, but the phase of the rhythm is not shifted by extending the last light period of LD before entering constant darkness. Repeated LD cycles applied after pupariation initiate and entrain the rhythm.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to explore the individual development of the circadian rhythm of human body temperature. Dailyperiodicchanges of body temperature were examined longitudinally in four infants from 3 to 18 months of age. At the 3rd month of life, the day‐night rhythm of the body temperature was obscure but at the 6th month it became moreevident. From the 12th month on, the circadian temperature rhythm with phase similar to that of the adult was discerned. However, the amplitude in circadian rhythm was significantly larger in children between 6 and 18 months of age than in the adult. These findings suggest that the adult type of circadian rhythm of human body temperature is established during the first year of life with regard to phase but not to amplitude.  相似文献   

Malcolm B. Wilkins 《Planta》1984,161(4):381-384
Leaves of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi Hamet et Perrier maintained in a stream of normal air and at 15° C exhibit a circadian rhythm of CO2 uptake in continuous light but not in continuous darkness. The rhythm is unusual in that it persists for at least 10 d, and has a short period of approximately 18 h. The mechanism by which this rhythm is generated is discussed.Abbreviation PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐祖元 《生命科学》2004,16(2):104-108
昼夜节律生物钟是一种以近似24小时为周期的自主维持的振荡器,在分子水平上,该振荡器是一个由9个基因组成的转录翻译反馈环路系统。它能受外界环境影响重新设置节律,使自身机体活动处于最佳状态。除了进行自我调节外,生物钟基因还能通过调节代谢途径中特定基因表达而影响机体生理生化过程。在过去的几年里,借用遗传学和分子生物学工具,我们对哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟的分子基础有了新的认识,本文综述了这一进展,并展望了它们在研究人的昼夜节律行为异常领域的前景。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of light spectra on circadian rhythm by exogenous prolactin (PRL) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs): red, green and purple. We injected PRL into live fish or treated cultured brain cells with PRL. We measured changes in the expressions of period 2 (Per2), cryptochrome 1 (Cry1), melatonin receptor 1 (MT1) mRNAs, and MT1 proteins, and in the plasma PRL, serotonin and melatonin levels. After PRL injection and exposure to green light, MT1 expression and plasma melatonin levels were significantly lower, but the expressions of Per2 and Cry1 were significantly higher than the others. Plasma serotonin after PRL injection and exposure to red light was significantly lower than others. These results indicate that injection of high concentration PRL inhibits melatonin, and inhibited melatonin regulates circadian rhythm via clock genes and serotonin. Thus, exogenous PRL regulates the circadian rhythm and light spectra influence the effect of PRL in goldfish.  相似文献   

Light is the strongest synchronizer of human circadian rhythms, and exposure to residential light at night reportedly causes a delay of circadian rhythms. The present study was conducted to investigate the association between color temperature of light at home and circadian phase of salivary melatonin in adults and children. Twenty healthy children (mean age: 9.7 year) and 17 of their parents (mean age: 41.9 years) participated in the experiment. Circadian phase assessments were made with dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). There were large individual variations in DLMO both in adults and children. The average DLMO in adults and in children were 21:50 ± 1:12 and 20:55 ± 0:44, respectively. The average illuminance and color temperature of light at eye level were 139.6 ± 82.7 lx and 3862.0 ± 965.6 K, respectively. There were significant correlations between color temperature of light and DLMO in adults (r = 0.735, p < 0.01) and children (r = 0.479, p < 0.05), although no significant correlations were found between illuminance level and DLMO. The results suggest that high color temperature light at home might be a cause of the delay of circadian phase in adults and children.  相似文献   

We investigated how exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) under different photoperiodic conditions affected the expression of clock genes in the brain and liver of the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Three photoperiodic conditions were used: control, LD; continuous light, LL; and continuous dark, DD; the fish were exposed to three concentrations of BPA, namely 0, 10, or 100 μg/L. We measured changes in the expression of cryptochrome 1 (Cry1), period 2 (Per2), and melatonin receptor 1 (MT-R1). The levels of Cry1, Per2, and MT-R1 mRNAs decreased with increasing BPA concentration and with increasing exposure time. Expression of Cry1 and Per2 increased more in the LL group than in the LD and DD groups. However, for MT-R1, the DD group showed increased expression compared to the LL and LD groups. Our analysis shows that circadian rhythms in goldfish can be disrupted by exposure to BPA and that the response can be modified by regulating the photoperiod.  相似文献   


We have studied the pattern for resetting the circadian rhythm in the spontaneous motor activity of the crayfish. Spontaneous motor activity was recorded continously at a constant temperature and under free running conditions in complete darkness. The effect of single light pulses applied at different circadian times, on the circadian rhythm of motor activity was measured in both transient stage and steady state. The results led us to construct a phase‐transition curve and phase‐response curve which were analyzed to obtain information about the oscillators which underlie the circadian rhythm of motor activity.  相似文献   

Background: Persuasive evidence for circadian programs in non-photosynthetic bacteria other than cyanobacteria is still lacking, we aimed to investigate the circadian rhythm of specific growth rate in Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, one of the important prokaryotes. Methods: To grow E. coli under different light and dark conditions. When the growth entered into the stationary phase, we stopped the culture and obtained the viable counts by MTT assay every 3 h. The specific growth rates (SGRs) were calculated and analyzed with cosinor method for potential rhythms. Results: Single cosinor method revealed that the SGR of E. coli displayed rhythmic variations with a period of around 24 h both under light/dark cycles and under constant darkness. The best-fitting periods and best-fitting cosine curves were acquired. Conclusions: The SGR of E. coli (ATCC 25922) in a culture medium with limiting substrates in the stationary and death phases displayed rhythmic variations with a period of around 24 h under light/dark cycles and constant darkness conditions.  相似文献   

蚤蝇是重要的法医昆虫,同时是实验室中遗传、发育和生物测定等研究的重要对象。然而,蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为及其在脑部的神经网络目前还不清晰。本文通过捕获本地蚤蝇并对其进行分子鉴定,研究了蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为,同时表征了蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元和多巴胺神经元。结果表明:蚤蝇在12h光照∶12h黑暗(12L∶12D)条件下不存在对开灯前或关灯前的活动预期,其双峰活动模式是对开关灯的光反应行为。在全黑暗(DD)条件下蚤蝇内源活动周期接近24h。黑腹果蝇神经肽PDF抗体免疫显示蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元4~5个,不像黑腹果蝇一样存在明显的神经轴突。在睡眠行为上,蚤蝇雄虫和雌虫在整体活动强度、睡眠节律模式、总睡眠上均没有明显差异。相反,雄虫总睡眠次数和晚上睡眠次数低于雌虫,而总睡眠持续时间、晚上睡眠持续时间、总入睡时间和晚上入睡时间高于雌虫。此外,影响睡眠的重要多巴胺神经元在蚤蝇脑部的分布与黑腹果蝇类似。  相似文献   

近日节律是生物界普遍存在的一种生理现象,而内源性生物钟是产生近日节律的物质基础,它能使生物体感知并适应环境中的光、温度和食物等周期信号,从而使生物体与外界环境保持周期同步。研究表明,葡萄糖、胆固醇、腺苷、咖啡因、维生素A和视黄酸等营养物质能通过各自不同的方式调控哺乳动物的生物钟,影响其近日节律的信号输出。本文概述了至今为止研究发现的各类与生物钟信号调控相关的营养物质及功能的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

利用灯光控制害虫是蔬菜害虫绿色防控的重要手段.本研究探讨了蓝光对黄瓜烟粉虱种群及黄瓜营养物质、次生代谢物、抗性相关酶的影响.结果 表明:在直接驱避试验条件下,蓝光对烟粉虱成虫有较强的驱避作用,光照强度越大、照射时间越长,对烟粉虱的驱避作用越强.在相同光强和光照时间下,直射光较透射光的驱避作用强.其中,1200 lx的蓝...  相似文献   

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