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After a review of our present knowledge about the effects of proteases and protease inhibitors on cell growth and egg fertilization, the results of experiments where sea urchin and amphibian eggs were treated with two protease inhibitors (TPCK, TLCK) are described. Cleavage was hardly affected, but gastrulation quickly stopped or was incomplete. The morphogenetic abnormalities which follow can be explained by abnormal gastrulation and other factors: persistence of remnants of the fertilization membrane in sea urchin larvae and dissociation of the ectoderm cells in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   


Abstract— In order to study regulatory steps responsible for the activation of anaerobic glycolysis in the brain during hypoxia, cerebral concentrations of carbohydrate substrates and organic phosphates were measured in rats after reduction of the arterial PO2 to 23-25 mm Hg for 2, 5 and 15 min. The results demonstrated a progressive accumulation of lactate as well as of pyruvate and malate in the absence of changes in ATP, A DP, AMP, citrate and ammonia. The pattern of substrate changes obtained indicate that hypoxia is accompanied by activation of pyruvate kinase and of hexokinase, but not of phosphofructokinase. There was a progressive fall in intracellular pH and a moderate increase in the calculated cytoplasmic NADH/NAD+ ratio. The changes in pyruvate and in the NADH/NAD+ ratio may be responsible for the observed increase in the malate concentration.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration and the formation of a fertilization cone in the micropylar canal of the egg of the common carp were examined by electron microscopy. The overwhelming majority of inseminated eggs fixed without immersion in fresh water showed that the first spermatozoon had penetrated into the ooplasm before the cortical reaction had occurred, and in many cases had formed a fertilization cone to plug the micropylar canal. At this stage the sperm head was usually located at the base of the cone, and the tail part did not participate in the formation of the cone. Inseminated eggs fixed soon after immersion in fresh water showed that the elevation of the fertilization membrane and the simultaneous recession of the fertilization cone often permitted the penetration of a few supernumerary spermatozoa into the perivitelline space near the micropylar canal, but polyspermic fertilization was never observed. The mechanism of the block to polyspermy in the egg of the common carp is discussed in connection with the fertilization cone.  相似文献   

This paper presents analyses of the composition (shell, yolk, albumen) and of the quality (lipid, protein and water contents) of yolk and albumen of eggs of 25 species of seabirds belonging to the Sphenisciformes, Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, and Lari of the Charadriiformes. These data are compared with those published for species in the same orders and suborders, and the combined seabird data are compared with published data for non-seabirds. Variation in the proportionate weight of eggshell is not related to hatchling precocity but is probably due to adaptive differences in nest substratum and the agility of the incubating birds. Lipid and protein contents of yolk, and water content of albumen, are uniform in eggs of all examined species. Protein levels of albumen and water content of yolk and of entire egg contents vary greatly between taxa. Contrary to previous claims there is no simple relationship between egg composition and hatchling precocity. Differences in egg composition will probably only be clearly understood when the nutritional needs of the embryo, and of the hatchling in the time before it regularly obtains food, are known.  相似文献   

Cinemicrography of sea urchin fertilization reveals that the fertilizing sperm is one of the first sperm to attach to the egg. Just before the cortical reaction the fertilizing sperm ceases motility and then is incorporated into the egg without flagellar beating. The rate of incorporation is 5–11 μm/sec and is constant. Lytechinus pictus sperm rendered immotile by azide treatment can bind to and fertilize eggs but binding, and therefore fertilization, is blocked by azide treatment of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus gametes.  相似文献   

Ultralow temperature radioautography, suitable for the quantitative localization of diffusible solutes, was used to study the permeability of the nuclear envelope in the intact amphibian oocyte Sucrose-3H solutions were injected into mature oocytes, in volumes of 0 016–0 14% of that of the cell, and the subsequent movement of the solute was recorded. The resultant radioautographs show diffusion gradients in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and concentration gradients across the nuclear envelope Analysis of these gradients discloses that the nuclear envelope is as permeable as a comparable structure composed of cytoplasm, and is about 108 times more permeable than the oocyte plasma membrane The diffusion coefficient of sucrose in cytoplasm is 2 x 10-6 cm2/sec, or about one-third its diffusivity in pure water. This reduction can probably be accounted for by an effective lengthening of the diffusional path because of obstruction by cytoplasmic inclusions. The nuclear: cytoplasmic sucrose concentration ratio at diffusional equilibrium is about 3 05, or 1.6 times as great as expected from the water content of the two compartments This asymmetry is attributed to an unavailability of 36% of the cytoplasmic water as solvent Finally, sucrose entry into oocytes from a bathing solution was monitored by whole cell analysis and radioautography. These and the microinjection results are consistent with a model in which sucrose entry into the cell is entirely limited by the permeability of the plasma membrane. The results are inconsistent with cell models that hypothesize a short-circuit transport route from the extracellular compartment to the nucleus, and with models in which cytoplasmic diffusion is viewed as limiting the rate of solute permeation.  相似文献   

Data have been given to illustrate the difficulty of obtaining consistent freezing point data with a viscous fluid such as the yolk of the hen''s egg and a technique has been described for obtaining reproducible and accurate results consistently. Further freezing point data have been given which were obtained with both fertile and unfertile hen''s eggs by the use of a freezing point method previously described by the writer. These data show that there is a pronounced difference between the freezing points of the yolk and the white in contrast to data obtained by the use of the same method by Howard who found the freezing points of the yolk and the white to be the same. It was shown by freezing point determinations that even in a mixture of yolk and white osmotic equilibrium is slowly arrived at. This again emphasizes the fact established by Smith and Shepherd that since osmotic equilibrium between yolk and white is slowly arrived at, the postulation of a vital activity at the yolk membrane is unnecessary, since the steady state previously postulated need not be assumed to exist.  相似文献   

One of the more striking morphological events during egg activation is exocytosis of the cortical granules. In the frog egg, the wave of cortical granule exocytosis takes about 100 sec to traverse the animal half, and travels slower in the vegetal half. We examined cortical granule exoctyosis during activation with respect to this animal/vegetal difference. In eggs which were acquiring the ability to be activated (recovering from CO2-intoxication or undergoing meiotic maturation), animal half cortical granules became capable of responding to activating stimuli prior to vegetal half ones. Since Ca2+ is involved in exocytosis, we examined the effect of Ca2+ on cortical granule breakdown in vitro. There was no difference in sensitivity to Ca2+ of cortical granules from immature vs. mature eggs, but animal half cortical granules were more sensistive to Ca2+ than vegetal half ones. Finally, we found that prick-activation of eggs at the vegetal pole was frequently unsuccessful but would occur when external Ca2+ was raised. These experiments show that there are regional differences in the frog egg with respect to cortical granule responsiveness, and they suggest that the differences are due to Ca2+ sensitivity.  相似文献   


Unfertilized eggs of sea urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Pseudocentrotus depressus, were treated with 4–5% butyric acid-sea water for 40–60 sec so that they were activated partheno-genetically without visible cortical changes. When these insufficiently activated eggs were inseminated 90–120 min after butyric acid-treatment, they divided much earlier than the control eggs in the first cleavage cycle. In the present paper, it becomes clear that if eggs are put into m /2,000-m /16,000 DNP-sea water at 60 min after insufficient activation and 30 min later, returned to normal sea water and then inseminated, they still show acceleration of the first cleavage in the same degree as the eggs which are not treated with DNP, while if eggs are exposed to DNP for 30 min prior to the insufficient activation or within 60 min after the activation, they do not show any acceleration of the cleavage. From these results, it may be concluded that some preparations for cleavage acceleration which are arrested by DNP become ready in the eggs at an early period in the first cleavage cycle and these preparations cannot be cancelled by DNP-treatment once they have been completed.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of pericentriolar material, which was called “clusters of granular material”, in a previous paper were observed during mitosis of the sea urchin egg by electron microscopy using thick sections. At prophase, small clusters in an early stage of formation were observed near the nucleus. At prometaphase, the clusters appeared to aggregate loosely at the poles of the spindle. They formed large masses at metaphase, while at late anaphase they became reduced in size and formed an array at right angles to the spindle axis. Some clusters still remained near the karyomeres at telophase and then became closely associated with the daughter nucleus. The clusters were closely associated with the astral microtubules and spindle microtubules at prophase and prometaphase, respectively. The granular material is suggested to be a nucleating site of microtubule assembly during mitosis.  相似文献   

French-Bryant-Bryant的增生场图式调节机制被合理地作了修正,从而自洽地测决了同侧嫁接和异侧嫁接致生正常重肢的形成问题:(1)指出细胞插值生长和远向变换约束之间的平衡是一种自发对称性破损机制,会导致全区捷径插值被分区捷径插值局部地(在异侧嫁接)或整体地(在同侧嫁接)取代,分别在全区和分区极大周值差位置致生重肢.(2)关于重肢的手性和细胞来源的理论预测与实验结果吻合.(3)对于异常重肢的结构复杂性也提出了一种可行的解释.  相似文献   

Abstract— The ATP concentration in infant rat cerebral cortex slices which were incubated aerobically with glucose (5 m m ) as substrate was much higher than in those from the adult. The higher ATP concentration in slices from young rat was also obtained when they were incubated aerobically with pyruvate (10 m m ), dl -lactate (20 m m ) and dl -3-nydroxybutyrate (20 m m ) However, when the slices were incubated anaerobically with glucose, the ATP concentration was very low. Thus, the formation of ATP in the slices from the young rat was thought to be mainly due to their oxidative metabolism, as in those from the adult. The amounts of glycolytic key enzymes in rat cerebral cortex (hexokinase. phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase) increased with age. Glycolysis was actually shown to be less active in the cerebral slices from young rats than from the adult. In addition it is known that the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes in rat cerebrum also increase with age. Consequently, the activity with respect to ATP formation must be lower in the cerebral cortex slices from young rats than from the adult. The fact that ATP was nevertheless higher in the slices from young rats may be explained by a lower rate of degradation. Developmental increases in the amounts of Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+ -ATPase in rat cerebral cortex were greater than those of the glycolytic key enzymes. These are discussed in relation to the observation that the rate of aerobic glycolysis in slices from cerebral cortex of young rats was not increased by d -glutamate (5 m m ) and high potassium (50 m m ).  相似文献   

The changes of electrical communication between various tissues of the newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) embryo during development have been investigated by measuring electrotonic potentials at various interelectrode distances. In general, cells of the same tissue are electrically coupled from gastrulation up to closure of the neural tube. Notochordal cells, however, are an exception in that cell coupling decreases during stages 22–23 in comparison to earlier stages. Neuroectoderm cells are coupled to adjacent chorda-mesoderm cells during the initial stages of gastrulation (st. 12c). Subsequently coupling of these tissues diminishes (st. 15–16) and finally disappears (st. 22–23). The similar decrease of coupling was observed in inter-tissues of the chorda-mesoderm cells and the somitic mesoderm cells during the mesodermal differentiation. In contrast, coupling values of less than 0.1 recorded between somite cells and cells of the neural tube or epidermis still remain at st. 22–23. The neural plate cells remain coupled to the lateral ectoderm cells at st. 18 and then become insulated from the epidermis by st. 22–23, even though a coupling ratio of 0.1 remains between these tissues. These developmental patterns of coupling are discussed with respect to cellular movements of neuroectoderm and mesoderm during gastrulation, and with special reference to neural competence.  相似文献   

CELL JUNCTIONS IN AMPHIBIAN SKIN   总被引:178,自引:136,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
Cell junctions have been investigated in the amphibian epidermis, a stratified squamous epithelium, and compared to those described previously in simple columnar epithelia of mammalian cavitary organs. In adult frogs and toads, and in larvae approaching metamorphosis, belts of membrane fusion or zonulae occludentes of considerable depth are regularly found between adjoining cells of the outermost layer of the stratum corneum, binding the cells together into a continuous, uninterrupted sheet. Another set of occluding zonules appears in the second cornified layer (when such a layer is present), and a third set usually occurs in the outermost layer of the stratum granulosum. Specialized elements described as "modified" and "composite" desmosomes are encountered along the lateral and basal aspects, respectively, of the cornified cells; ordinary desmosomes and maculae occludentes (i.e., spots of membrane fusion) are found in all other strata. The usual 200 A intercellular gap is generally maintained between the cells of the stratum germinativum at the basal ends of the intercellular spaces. Hence, the intercellular spaces of the epidermis form a largely continuous network, closed to the external medium and open to the dermal interstitia. The situation is comparable to that found in columnar epithelia, except that the intercellular spaces are much more extensive, and an extracellular subcompartment (or two) apparently exists in the stratum corneum and between the latter and the stratum granulosum. The last subcompartment is usually filled with a dense substance, probably derived from discharged secretory granules. The tripartite junctional complex characteristic of lumen-lining epithelia (i.e., a zonula occludens followed by a zonula adhaerens, and desmosome) is seen only in early larvae; in adults and in larvae approaching metamorphosis, the occluding zonule is followed directly by a series of modified desmosomes. Interpreted in the light of current physiological data, these findings suggest that the diffusion of water, ions, and small, water-soluble molecules is impeded along the intercellular spaces of the epidermis by zonulae occludentes while it is facilitated from cell to cell within the epidermis by zonulae and maculae occludentes.  相似文献   

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