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We used controlled whisker deflections to examine the response properties of 208 primary afferent neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of adult mice. Proportions of rapidly adapting (RA, 47%) and slowly adapting (SA, 53%) neurons were equivalent, and most cells had low or no spontaneous activity. We quantified angular tuning and sensitivity to deflection amplitude and velocity. Both RA and SA units fired more frequently to larger deflections and faster deflections, but RA units were more sensitive to differences in velocity whereas SA units were more sensitive to deflection amplitudes. Almost all neurons were tuned for deflection angle, and the average response to the maximally effective direction was more than fourfold greater than the average response in the opposite direction; SA units were more tuned than RA units. Responses of primary afferent whisker-responsive neurons are qualitatively similar to those of the rat. However, average firing rates of both RA and SA neurons in the mouse are less sensitive to differences in deflection velocity, and RA units, unlike those in the rat, display amplitude sensitivity. Subtle observed differences between mice and rats may reflect greater mechanical compliance in mice of the whisker hairs and of the tissue in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

Within the rat whisker-to-barrel pathway, local circuits in cortical layer IV are more sensitive to the initial timing of deflection-evoked thalamic responses than to the total number of spikes comprising them. Because thalamic response timing better reflects whisker deflection velocity than amplitude, cortical neurons are more responsive to the former than the latter. The aim of this study is to determine how deflection velocity and amplitude may be encoded by the primary afferent neurons innervating the vibrissae. Responses of 81 extracellularly recorded trigeminal ganglion neurons (60 slowly and 21 rapidly adapting) were studied using controlled whisker stimuli identical to those used previously to investigate the velocity and amplitude sensitivities of thalamic and cortical neurons. For either slowly (SA) or rapidly adapting (RA) neurons, velocity is reflected by both response magnitude, measured as the total number of evoked spikes/stimulus, and initial firing rate, measured as the number of spikes discharged during the first 2 ms of the response. Deflection amplitude, on the other hand, is represented only by the SA population in their response magnitudes. Thus, in both populations initial firing rates unambiguously reflect deflection velocity. Together with previous findings, results demonstrate that information about deflection velocity is preserved throughout the whisker-to-barrel pathway by central circuits sensitive to initial response timing.  相似文献   

Whisker plucking in developing and adult rats provides a convenient method of temporarily altering tactile input for the purposes of studying experience-dependent plasticity in the somatosensory cortex. Yet, a comprehensive examination of the effect of whisker plucking on the response properties of whisker follicle-innervating trigeminal ganglion (NVg) neurons is lacking. We used extracellular single unit recordings to examine responses of NVg neurons to controlled whisker stimuli in three groups of animals: (1) rats whose whiskers were plucked from birth for 21 days; (2) rats whose whiskers were plucked once at 21 days of age; and (3) control animals. After at least 3 weeks of whisker re-growth, NVg neurons in plucked rats displayed normal, single whisker receptive fields and could be characterized as slowly (SA) or rapidly adapting (RA). The proportion of SA and RA neurons was unaffected by whisker plucking. Both SA and RA NVg neurons in plucked rats displayed normal response latencies and angular tuning but abnormally large responses to whisker movement onsets and offsets. SA neurons were affected to a greater extent than RA neurons. The effect of whisker plucking was more pronounced in animals whose whiskers were plucked repeatedly during development than in rats whose whiskers were plucked once. Individual neurons in plucked animals displayed abnormal periods of prolonged rhythmic firing following deflection onsets and aberrant bursts of activity during the plateau phase of the stimulus. These results indicate that whisker plucking exerts a long-term effect on responses of trigeminal ganglion neurons to peripheral stimulation.  相似文献   

Whisker plucking in developing and adult rats provides a convenient method of temporarily altering tactile input for the purposes of studying experience-dependent plasticity in the somatosensory cortex. Yet, a comprehensive examination of the effect of whisker plucking on the response properties of whisker follicle-innervating trigeminal ganglion (NVg) neurons is lacking. We used extracellular single unit recordings to examine responses of NVg neurons to controlled whisker stimuli in three groups of animals: (1) rats whose whiskers were plucked from birth for 21 days; (2) rats whose whiskers were plucked once at 21 days of age; and (3) control animals. After at least 3 weeks of whisker re-growth, NVg neurons in plucked rats displayed normal, single whisker receptive fields and could be characterized as slowly (SA) or rapidly adapting (RA). The proportion of SA and RA neurons was unaffected by whisker plucking. Both SA and RA NVg neurons in plucked rats displayed normal response latencies and angular tuning but abnormally large responses to whisker movement onsets and offsets. SA neurons were affected to a greater extent than RA neurons. The effect of whisker plucking was more pronounced in animals whose whiskers were plucked repeatedly during development than in rats whose whiskers were plucked once. Individual neurons in plucked animals displayed abnormal periods of prolonged rhythmic firing following deflection onsets and aberrant bursts of activity during the plateau phase of the stimulus. These results indicate that whisker plucking exerts a long-term effect on responses of trigeminal ganglion neurons to peripheral stimulation.  相似文献   

The response properties of 123 trigeminal ganglion neurons were studied, using controlled whisker deflections in different directions. When the distal end of the whisker was initially displaced 5.7 degrees (1 mm) from its neutral position, 81% of the cells responded with statistically more spikes/stimulus to movements in one to three of eight cardinal (45 degrees increment) directions than to the others. The more directionally selective the cell, the more vigorous was its response. On the basis of statistical criteria, 75% of the cells were classified as slowly adapting, 25% as rapidly adapting. A number of quantitative analyses indicated that slowly adapting units respond more selectively than rapidly adapting cells to the direction of whisker movement. Differences in directional sensitivities of rapidly and slowly adapting cells appear to parallel differences between their putative mechanoreceptive endings and the relationships between those endings and the vibrissa follicle's structure. Comparisons between the response properties of peripheral and central neurons in the vibrissa-lemniscal system indicate that the afferent neural signal is progressively and substantially transformed by mechanisms that function to integrate information from different peripheral receptors and from different, individual vibrissae.  相似文献   

Trigeminal ganglion neurons in adult rats adapt to periodic whisker deflections in the range of 1–40?Hz, manifested as a reduction in spike counts to progressively later stimuli in a train of pulsatile or sinusoidal deflections. For high velocity, pulsatile deflections, adaptation is time- and frequency-dependent; as in the case of thalamic and cortical neurons, adaptation is greater at higher stimulus frequencies. With slower velocity, sinusoidal movements, trigeminal ganglion cells differ from central neurons, however, by exhibiting strong adaptation even at low frequencies. For both types of stimuli, effects in trigeminal ganglion neurons were more pronounced in rats maintained during the recording session under neuromuscular blockade than in non-paralysed animals. Results are consistent with previous findings in other systems that frequency-dependent adaptation of cutaneous primary afferent neurons is affected by mechanical properties of the skin. Such effects are likely to vary depending on the nature of the whisker stimuli and physiological states that affect skin viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

Trigeminal ganglion neurons in adult rats adapt to periodic whisker deflections in the range of 1-40 Hz, manifested as a reduction in spike counts to progressively later stimuli in a train of pulsatile or sinusoidal deflections. For high velocity, pulsatile deflections, adaptation is time- and frequency-dependent; as in the case of thalamic and cortical neurons, adaptation is greater at higher stimulus frequencies. With slower velocity, sinusoidal movements, trigeminal ganglion cells differ from central neurons, however, by exhibiting strong adaptation even at low frequencies. For both types of stimuli, effects in trigeminal ganglion neurons were more pronounced in rats maintained during the recording session under neuromuscular blockade than in non-paralysed animals. Results are consistent with previous findings in other systems that frequency-dependent adaptation of cutaneous primary afferent neurons is affected by mechanical properties of the skin. Such effects are likely to vary depending on the nature of the whisker stimuli and physiological states that affect skin viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

(1)Microelectrodes were used to record the extracellular activity of 80 single neurons of the main cuneate nucleus (MCN) of raccoons anesthetized with either methoxyflurane or pentobarbital sodium. All 80 MCN neurons had peripheral receptive fields (RFs) that lay entirely on the glabrous surfaces of the forepaw and were responsive to light mechanical stimulation. Neurons were characterized according to the nature of their response to mechanical stimulation of their RFs, as well as to their response to electrical stimulation of the contralateral thalamic ventrobasal complex (VB). (2) All antidromically activated neurons (64% of sample) were histologically verified as falling within the clusters region of the MCN, while synaptically activated neurons (19% of sample), as well as neurons not responsive to VB stimulation (17% of sample), were located in both the clusters and the polymorphic regions. (3) Antidromically activated neurons typically responded with a single fixed-latency spike, although a few responded with a burst of 3 or more spikes. Others responded with a single antidromic spike followed by a train of synaptically activated spikes. In these latter neurons, it was often possible to block the synaptic spikes selectively. (4) MCN neurons were classed according to their response to controlled mechanical stimuli as rapidly adapting (RA), slowly adapting (SA), or Pacinian (Pc). The proportions of neurons falling into these categories did not vary significantly with the type of response to thalamic stimulation, and the overall percentages were 56% RA, 24% SA, and 20% Pc. These figures are very similar to those previously obtained in a sample of primary afferent fibers of the raccoon cervical cuneate fasciculus (L. M. Pubols and Pubols, 1973). (5) Absolute displacement, displacement velocity, and force thresholds, which ranged between 4 and 326 μm, 0.01 and 16.3 μm/msec, and 120 and 3600 mg, respectively, are comparable to those previously found for primary afferents supplying mechanoreceptors of the glabrous surfaces of the raccoon's forepaw. Neither displacement nor force thresholds differed for RA versus SA neurons; however, displacement velocity thresholds were significantly lower for SA than for RA neurons.  相似文献   

Feathered hair sensilla fringe both rami of the lobster (Homarus americanus) swimmeret. The sensory response to hair displacement was characterized by recording afferent impulses extracellularly from the swimmeret sensory nerve while deflecting sensilla with a rigidly-coupled probe or controlled water movements. Two populations of hairs were observed: "distal" hairs localized to the distal 1/3 of each ramus and "proximal" hairs near its base. Distal hairs are not innervated by a mechanosensory neuron but instead act as levers producing strain within adjacent cuticle capable of activating a nearby hypodermal mechanoreceptor. Hair deflections of 25 degrees or more are required to evoke an afferent response and this response is dependent on hair deflection direction. The frequency and duration of the afferent discharge evoked are determined by the velocity of hair displacement. Each proximal hair is innervated by a single mechanosensory neuron responding phasically to hair deflections as small as 0.2 degrees in amplitude. Deflection at frequencies up to 5 Hz elicits a single action potential for each hair movement; at higher frequencies many deflections fail to evoke an afferent response. These sensilla, which are mechanically coupled, may be activated by the turbulent flow of water produced by the swimmerets during their characteristic beating movements.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to morphine can impair performance in tasks which need sensory processing. Using single unit recordings we investigate the effect of chronic morphine exposure on the firing properties of neurons in layers IV and V of the whisker-related area of rat primary somatosensory cortex. In urethane-anesthetized animals, neuronal activity was recorded in response to principal and adjacent whisker deflections either stimulated independently or in a conditioning test paradigm. A condition test ratio (CTR) was calculated for assessing the inhibitory receptive field. In layer IV, chronic morphine treatment did not change the spontaneous discharge activity. On responses to principal and adjacent whisker deflections did not show any significant changes following chronic morphine exposure. The magnitude Off responses to adjacent whisker deflection decreased while its response latency increased. In addition, there was a significant increase in the latency of Off responses to principal whisker deflection. CTR did not change significantly following morphine exposure. Layer V neurons, on the other hand, did not show any significant changes in their spontaneous activity or their evoked responses following morphine exposure. Our results suggest that chronic morphine exposure has a subtle modulatory effect on response properties of neurons in barrel cortex.  相似文献   

Responses of 66 neurons in primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of three anesthetized monkeys (Macaca mulatto) were characterized with grating patterns of 550- to 2900-mm groove width (Gw) and 250-mm ridge width, and/or pairs of 3-mm-wide ridges (bars) spaced 1-20 mm apart. Surfaces were stroked across single fingertips at parametrically varied levels of force ('25-150 g) and velocity ('25-100 mm/sec). The average firing rates (AFRs) of many cells varied with Gw, but force and velocity altered response functions (e.g., from linear to plateau or inverted). Slowly adapting (SA) cells were more sensitive to force, rapidly adapting (RA) cells to velocity. Force and velocity affected all cells sensitive to Gw, which suggests that response independence (e.g., AFR correlated with Gw but not force or velocity) may require active touch

Discharge intervals of many cells replicated stimulus temporal period. This temporal fidelity in SAs far exceeded examples reported for active touch. However, discharge burst duration and AFR increased with Gw, supporting a neural rate rather than temporal code for roughness. Force and velocity altered the Gw at which some cells fired once in phase to stimulus cycle (“tuning point”). Responses to bar edges suggest cortical replication of peripheral mechanoreceptor sensitivity to skin curvature, leading to this temporal fidelity in some cortical cells. Graded RA responses to Gw without obvious stimulus temporal replication may reflect early stages of integrative processing in supra- and infragranular layers that blur obvious temporal patterning and lead to a rate code correlated with spatial variation and proportional to perceived roughness  相似文献   

Evoked neural responses to tactile stimulation were recorded electro-physiologically from the mechanoreceptive afferent fibers innervating the buccal and submandibular regions of Wistar rats anesthetized with sodium thiopental. Miniature probes 200 μm in diameter were used, and data analysis was performed on the mechanosensitivity of responses to tactile stimulation in the areas innervated by the mental, mylohyoid, auriculotemporal, and cervical nerves. Mechanosensitivity of each area showed a characteristic distribution of slowly adapting (SA), rapidly adapting (RA), C-fiber (CF), and hair follicle (HF) units in individual receptive fields. The density of the SA units was high in the areas innervated by the mylohyoid and auriculotemporal nerves. The CF units were concentrated in the small dome in the area of the mylohyoid nerve and the auriculotemporal nerve, as shown by a significant response to the dynamic features of stimulation. Estimation of the current needed for tactile acuity suggests an important role of the SA fibers in the areas innervated by the auriculotemporal, mylohyoid, and cervical nerves.  相似文献   

Action potentials (APs) and impulse responses in the soma and axon of the rapidly and slowly adapting (SA) abdominal stretch receptor neurons of the crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) were recorded with single microelectrode current-clamp technique. Impulse frequency response to constant current injection was almost constant in the SA neuron while the response decayed completely in the rapidly adapting (RA) neuron. Mean impulse frequency responses to current stimulations were similar in the receptor neuron pairs. In the RA neuron additional current steps evoked additional impulses while a sudden drop in the current amplitude caused adaptation. Impulse duration was dependent on the rate of rise when current ramps were used. Adaptation was facilitated when calculated receptor current was used. Exposing the neuron to 3 mmol/l TEA or scorpion venom resulted in partly elongated impulse responses. SA neuron could continuously convert the current input into impulse frequency irrespective of previous stimulation conditions. Exposing the SA neuron to 3 mmol/l TEA or 1 mmol/l Lidocaine reduced impulse duration to large current stimulations. The SA neuron fired spontaneously if it was exposed to 5-10 mmol/l Lidocaine or 10(-2) mg/ml Leiurus quinquestriatus venom. The action potential (AP) amplitudes in the RA soma, RA axon, SA soma, and SA axon were significantly different between components of all pairs. Duration of the AP in the axon of the RA neuron was significantly shorter than those in the RA soma, SA soma, and SA axon. Diameter of the RA axon was larger than that of the SA axon. Non-adapting impulse responses were promptly observed only in the SA axons. The results indicate that the RA neuron is a sort of rate receptor transducing the rapid length changes in the receptor muscle while the SA neuron is capable of transducing the maintained length changes in the receptor muscle. The differences in firing properties mainly originate from the differences in the active and passive properties of the receptor neurons.  相似文献   

The place theory proposed by Jeffress (1948) is still the dominant model of how the brain represents the movement of sensory stimuli between sensory receptors. According to the place theory, delays in signalling between neurons, dependent on the distances between them, compensate for time differences in the stimulation of sensory receptors. Hence the location of neurons, activated by the coincident arrival of multiple signals, reports the stimulus movement velocity. Despite its generality, most evidence for the place theory has been provided by studies of the auditory system of auditory specialists like the barn owl, but in the study of mammalian auditory systems the evidence is inconclusive. We ask to what extent the somatosensory systems of tactile specialists like rats and mice use distance dependent delays between neurons to compute the motion of tactile stimuli between the facial whiskers (or 'vibrissae'). We present a model in which synaptic inputs evoked by whisker deflections arrive at neurons in layer 2/3 (L2/3) somatosensory 'barrel' cortex at different times. The timing of synaptic inputs to each neuron depends on its location relative to sources of input in layer 4 (L4) that represent stimulation of each whisker. Constrained by the geometry and timing of projections from L4 to L2/3, the model can account for a range of experimentally measured responses to two-whisker stimuli. Consistent with that data, responses of model neurons located between the barrels to paired stimulation of two whiskers are greater than the sum of the responses to either whisker input alone. The model predicts that for neurons located closer to either barrel these supralinear responses are tuned for longer inter-whisker stimulation intervals, yielding a topographic map for the inter-whisker deflection interval across the surface of L2/3. This map constitutes a neural place code for the relative timing of sensory stimuli.  相似文献   

The primary sensory feature represented within the rodent barrel cortex is the velocity with which a whisker has been deflected. Whisker deflection velocity is encoded within the thalamus via population synchrony (higher deflection velocities entail greater synchrony among the corresponding thalamic population). Thalamic (TC) cells project to regular spiking (RS) cells within the barrel cortex, as well as to inhibitory cortical fast-spiking (FS) neurons, which in turn project to RS cells. Thus, TC spikes result in EPSPs followed, with a small time lag, by IPSPs within an RS cell, and hence the RS cell decodes TC population synchrony by employing a phase-delayed inhibition synchrony detection scheme. As whisker deflection velocity is increased, the probability that an RS cell spikes rises, while jitter in the timing of RS cell spikes remains constant. Furthermore, repeated whisker deflections with fixed velocity lead to system adaptation – TC →RS, TC →FS, and FS →RS synapses all weaken substantially, leading to a smaller probability of spiking of the RS cell and increased jitter in the timing of RS cell spikes. Interestingly, RS cell activity is better able to distinguish among different whisker deflection velocities after adaptation. In this work, we construct a biophysical model of a basic ‘building block’ of barrel cortex – the feedforward circuit consisting of TC cells, FS cells, and a single RS cell – and we examine the ability of the purely feedforward circuit to explain the experimental data on RS cell spiking probability, jitter, adaptation, and deflection velocity discrimination. Moreover, we study the contribution of the phase-delayed inhibition network structure to the ability of an RS cell to decode whisker deflection velocity encoded via TC population synchrony.  相似文献   

The functional properties of slowly adapting (SA) afferent fibers innervating cat footpad skin were examined. Measurements were taken of receptive field area; spontaneous activity (< 1 impulse/sec); the slope of the stimulus-response curve for steady indentations up to 2 mm in amplitude; variability of the interimpulse intervals, as measured by the coefficient of variation of time interval histograms; decay of the response to steady indentation; and sensitivity to sinusoidal vibration (most sensitive at 5-10 Hz). Where comparable tests were performed on glabrous and hairy skin SA fibers, the functional properties of those in glabrous skin more closely resembled SAI fibers than SAII fibers. Additional results from glabrous skin SA fibers suggest that it is distortion of the nerve endings rather than steady indentation or compression that leads to a brisk response. On the measures described above, there appeared to be only one functional class of SA fiber innervating the cat footpad skin.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the functional properties of mammalian cutaneous mechanoreceptors is reviewed with special reference to receptors associated with the glabrous skin of the raccoon and squirrel monkey hand. Four physiologically defined mechanoreceptor types are recognized: Pacinian afferents, rapidly adapting (RA), and slowly adapting type I (SAI), and slowly adapting type II (SAII). The SAI category is divided into moderately slowly adapting and very slowly adapting (VSA) types in terms of the duration of their response to a prolonged mechanical displacement of skin. Although both RA and SA units are capable of signaling displacement ramp velocity, the pattern of discharge during ramp stimulation may vary widely among units. SAI units also code the depth of skin displacement, but there is no best-fitting function describing the relationship. Static discharge is also markedly influenced by prior ramp velocity. Both raccoon and squirrel monkey VSA units show wide variation in the regularity of their discharge during static displacement. The rate of adaptation of SAI units is less when constant force stimuli are applied to the skin than when constant displacement stimuli are applied. This is partly attributable to mechanical properties of the skin. When either constant force or constant displacement stimuli are spaced too closely in time, there is a progressive (trial-to-trial) decrement in response rate, accounted for in part by failure of the skin to recover to its initial resting level.  相似文献   

Leiser SC  Moxon KA 《Neuron》2007,53(1):117-133
Rats use their whiskers to locate and discriminate tactile features of their environment. Mechanoreceptors surrounding each whisker encode and transmit sensory information from the environment to the brain via afferents whose cell bodies lie in the trigeminal ganglion (Vg). These afferents are classified as rapidly (RA) or slowly (SA) adapting by their response to stimulation. The activity of these cells in the awake behaving rat is yet unknown. Therefore, we developed a method to chronically record Vg neurons during natural whisking behaviors and found that all cells exhibited (1) no neuronal activity when the whiskers were not in motion, (2) increased activity when the rat whisked, with activity correlated to whisk frequency, and (3) robust increases in activity when the whiskers contacted an object. Moreover, we observed distinct differences in the firing rates between RA and SA cells, suggesting that they encode distinct aspects of stimuli in the awake rat.  相似文献   

Spike discharge activity was recorded from low-threshold, rapidly adapting, skin mechanoreceptive afferents (RA afferents) dissected from the median (forelimb) or tibial (hindlimb) nerves in anesthetized monkeys and cats. The spike activity was evoked by delivery of controlled sinusoidal vertical skin displacement ("flutter") stimuli to the receptive field (RF). The stimuli (15-30 Hz; 30-400 mum peak-to-peak amplitude; duration 0.8-15 s) were superimposed on a static skin indentation (0.5-1.0 mm) which was either maintained continuously throughout the run or applied trial-by-trial. The neural activity and the analog signal of the position of the stimulator probe were digitized at 10 kHz resolution and stored for off-line analysis. The main goal was to determine whether changes in the RA afferent response to skin flutter stimulation may be responsible for the enhanced capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency that accompanies a relatively brief (approximately equal to 1 min) pre-exposure to such stimulation in humans. To this end, the spike train data were evaluated using methods that enabled independent measurement of entrainment and responsivity. Responsivity (response intensity) was measured as the average number of spikes/stimulus cycle, while entrainment (the degree to which evoked spike train activity is phase-locked to the stimulus) was quantitatively assessed using statistical techniques developed for the analysis of "circular" (directional) data, supplemented by methods based on the calculation of power spectra from point process data. The methods are demonstrated to enable quantification of RA afferent entrainment over a range of stimulus durations and amplitudes substantially greater than reported in previous studies. While RA afferent responsivity was found to decline to a minor extent (10-20%) both across and within stimulus trials, entrainment remained consistently high and stable, and exhibited no temporal trends or dependence on any other measured factor. The average phase angle of the entrained RA afferent response also remained stable both within and across trials, showing only a tendency to increase slightly during the initial 100-500 ms after stimulus onset. The results imply that the improved capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency that develops in response to an exposure to cutaneous flutter stimulation is not attributable to a change in RA afferent entrainment per se.  相似文献   

Spike discharge activity was recorded from low-threshold, rapidly adapting, skin mechanoreceptive afferents (RA afferents) dissected from the median (forelimb) or tibial (hindlimb) nerves in anesthetized monkeys and cats. The spike activity was evoked by delivery of controlled sinusoidal vertical skin displacement ("flutter") stimuli to the receptive field (RF). The stimuli (15-30 Hz; 30-400 microm peak-to-peak amplitude; duration 0.8-15 s) were superimposed on a static skin indentation (0.5-1.0 mm) which was either maintained continuously throughout the run or applied trial-by-trial. The neural activity and the analog signal of the position of the stimulator probe were digitized at 10 kHz resolution and stored for off-line analysis. The main goal was to determine whether changes in the RA afferent response to skin flutter stimulation may be responsible for the enhanced capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency that accompanies a relatively brief (approximately 1 min) pre-exposure to such stimulation in humans. To this end, the spike train data were evaluated using methods that enabled independent measurement of entrainment and responsivity. Responsivity (response intensity) was measured as the average number of spikes/stimulus cycle, while entrainment (the degree to which evoked spike train activity is phase-locked to the stimulus) was quantitatively assessed using statistical techniques developed for the analysis of "circular" (directional) data, supplemented by methods based on the calculation of power spectra from point process data. The methods are demonstrated to enable quantification of RA afferent entrainment over a range of stimulus durations and amplitudes substantially greater than reported in previous studies. While RA afferent responsivity was found to decline to a minor extent (10-20%) both across and within stimulus trials, entrainment remained consistently high and stable, and exhibited no temporal trends or dependence on any other measured factor. The average phase angle of the entrained RA afferent response also remained stable both within and across trials, showing only a tendency to increase slightly during the initial 100-500 ms after stimulus onset. The results imply that the improved capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency that develops in response to an exposure to cutaneous flutter stimulation is not attributable to a change in RA afferent entrainment per se.  相似文献   

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