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Enthalpy–entropy compensation supposes that differences in activation enthalpy ?H ? for different reactions (or, typically in biochemistry, the same reaction catalysed by enzymes obtained from different species) may be compensated for by differences in activation entropy ?S ?. At the isokinetic temperature the compensation is exact, so that all samples have the same activity. These ideas have been controversial for several decades, but examples are still frequently reported as evidence of a real phenomenon, nearly all of the reports ignoring or discounting the possibility of a statistical artefact. Even for measurements in pure chemistry artefacts occur often, and they are almost inescapable in enzyme kinetics and other fields that involve biological macromolecules, on account of limited stability and the fact that kinetic equations are normally valid only over a restricted range of temperature. Here I review the current status and correct an error in a recent book chapter.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, -galactosidase was solubilized into Aerosol OT (AOT)/isooctane reverse micelles. Kinetic data for the hydrolysis of o-nitrophenyl--D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) at different pH values and molar ratios of water to AOT (Wo) were collected. It was observed that the usual kinetic model used for -galactosidase catalysis in aqueous systems failed to represent the experimental data. A bounded water model, however, showed a better correlation between enzymatic activity and Wo. In contrast to the aqueous system, controlling the water concentration in the reverse micelles allows the rate constants for the reaction between water molecules and glycosyl-enzyme complexes to be evaluated.  相似文献   


In populations of the ciliate protozoan, Paramecium multimicronucleatum, the circadian‐clock‐con‐trolled mating reaction expressed by a limited number of cells among them feeds back to contribute to coherence of their circadian rhythms of motility and mating reaction. This eventually causes a decrease in the period of the rhythms from the entrained 24h period to a steady‐state period of about 22h, with the rate of decrease depending on the strength of the mating reaction. These results suggest that the interaction among oscillators may be one of the factors which modulate the period of a circadian clock composed of nearly identical oscillators. The clock‐controlled mating reaction provides a promising inter‐oscillator pathway for obtaining more insight into the mechanism of modulation of the period of such circadian clocks through inter‐oscillator interaction.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms by which serum levels of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) become elevated in experimental acute liver failure, a multicompartmental model of GABA metabolism has been constructed and used to simulate previously generated data on the kinetics of 3H-GABA uptake by isolated hepatocytes from normal rats and the kinetics of 3H-GABA in the plasma of normal rabbits, rabbits with galactosamine-induced acute liver failure, and rabbits with divascularized livers. Modeling analysis revealed that acute liver failure was associated with values for the mean fractional catabolic rate of GABA, plasma volume, and hepatic extraction of GABA that were 29%, 12%, and 49% less, respectively, than the corresponding control values. The defect in hepatic tissue extraction of GABA was sufficient to account for only 60% of the 10-fold increase in serum GABA levels that occurs in acute liver failure. Furthermore the 10-fold increase in serum GABA levels occured in acute liver failure before the onset of overt hepatic encephalopathy when hepatic extraction of GABA was not appreciably different from that found in normal rabbits. Thus the increase in serum GABA levels that occurs in acute liver failure cannot be attributed to a defect in hepatic extraction of GABA alone. Indeed, the modeling analysis indicated that in acute liver failure there is a 3—8-fold increase in the rate of delivery of GABA to the systemic circulation, but did not indicate its source.  相似文献   

We model the metabolism and behaviour of a developing cancer tumour in the context of its microenvironment, with the aim of elucidating the consequences of altered energy metabolism. Of particular interest is the Warburg Effect, a widespread preference in tumours for cytosolic glycolysis rather than oxidative phosphorylation for glucose breakdown, as yet incompletely understood. We examine a candidate explanation for the prevalence of the Warburg Effect in tumours, the acid-mediated invasion hypothesis, by generalising a canonical non-linear reaction–diffusion model of acid-mediated tumour invasion to consider additional biological features of potential importance. We apply both numerical methods and a non-standard asymptotic analysis in a travelling wave framework to obtain an explicit understanding of the range of tumour behaviours produced by the model and how fundamental parameters govern the speed and shape of invading tumour waves. Comparison with conclusions drawn under the original system—a special case of our generalised system—allows us to comment on the structural stability and predictive power of the modelling framework.  相似文献   


Sixteen volunteers have been studied during 3–4 control nights and eight of these subjects again during four successive sleeps on 30‐h “days”;. The experiments took place in a comfortable environment provided by an isolation chamber. Rectal temperature and the sleep EEG were measured throughout. The relationship between sleep stages, particularly SWS and REM sleep, and short‐term changes in rectal temperature has been investigated during both protocols. Care was taken to correct for or remove those temperature changes that could be attributed to circadian rhythmicity or the effects of loss of masking due to being awake. Results showed that there was a small but significant effect of sleep stages, with SWS producing a fall and REM sleep a rise in rectal temperature after a delay of about 30–48 minutes. It is concluded that such spontaneous changes in sleeping subjects accord with the results of other studies which indicate that thermoregulatory reflexes to hot or cold stimuli alter in different sleep stages.  相似文献   

Factors have been investigated which govern the electrophilic reactivity of alkyl halides with thiolate anions in aqueous solution. In the series of alkyl halides studied, some are potential metal-directed affinity labels, while others are frequently used in protein modification. Previous data on the kinetics of this type of alkylation are compared with the present results. The influence of electronic, polar, and steric factors on alkyl halide reactivity is seen. The following order of reactivity for alkyl halides bearing different α substituents was observed: RCH2CH(X)COOCH3 > RCH2CH(X)CONH2 > RCH2CH(X)COOH > RCH2CH2X > RCH2CH(X)CH2OH. The metal-directed affinity labels are imidazole derivatives, some of which have substituents in their imidazole ring. The effect of the imidazole ring and of ring substitution on reactivity is seen. The nucleophilic reactivity of thiols is highly pH dependent since the thiolate anion (RS?) is the reactive species, but only minor differences emerged between different free thiolates.  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the most important parasitic infections in humans and more than two billion people are at risk every year. To understand how the spatial heterogeneity and extrinsic incubation period (EIP) of the parasite within the mosquito affect the dynamics of malaria epidemiology, we propose a nonlocal and time-delayed reaction–diffusion model. We then define the basic reproduction ratio R0{\mathcal{R}_0} and show that R0{\mathcal{R}_0} serves as a threshold parameter that predicts whether malaria will spread. Furthermore, a sufficient condition is obtained to guarantee that the disease will stabilize at a positive steady state eventually in the case where all the parameters are spatially independent. Numerically, we show that the use of the spatially averaged system may highly underestimate the malaria risk. The spatially heterogeneous framework in this paper can be used to design the spatial allocation of control resources.  相似文献   

Differential kinetic absorption spectra were measured during actinic illumination of photosystem II reaction centres and core complexes in the presence of electron acceptors silicomolybdate and ferricyanide. The spectra of samples with ferricyanide differ from those with both ferricyanide and silicomolybdate. Near-infrared spectra show temporary beta-carotene and peripheral chlorophyll oxidation during room temperature actinic illumination. Peripheral chlorophyll is photooxidized even after decay of beta-carotene oxidation activity and significant reduction of beta-carotene content in both reaction centres and photosystem II core complexes. Besides, new carotenoid cation is observed after about 1 s of actinic illumination in the reaction centres when silicomolybdate is present. Similar result was observed in PSII core complexes. HPLC analyses of illuminated reaction centres reveal several novel carotenoids, whereas no new carotenoid species were observed in HPLC of illuminated core complexes. Our data support the proposal that pigments of inner antenna are a sink of cations originating in the photosystem II reaction centre.  相似文献   

Certain Vibrio cholerae strains produce cholix, a potent protein toxin that has diphthamide-specific ADP-ribosyltransferase activity against eukaryotic elongation factor 2. Here we present a 1.8 Å crystal structure of cholix in complex with its natural substrate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). We also substituted hallmark catalytic residues by site-directed mutagenesis and analyzed both NAD+ binding and ADP-ribosyltransferase activity using a fluorescence-based assay. These data are the basis for a new kinetic model of cholix toxin activity. Further, the new structural data serve as a reference for continuing inhibitor development for this toxin class.  相似文献   

Climatic changes are projected to result in rapid adaptive events with considerable phenotypic shifts. In order to reconstruct the impact of increased mean water temperatures during past decades and to reveal possible thermal micro‐evolution, we applied a resurrection ecology approach using dormant eggs of the freshwater keystone species Daphnia galeata. To this end, we compared the adaptive response of D. galeata clones from Lake Constance of two different time periods, 1965–1974 (“historical”) versus 2000–2009 (“recent”), to experimentally increased temperature regimes. In order to distinguish between genetic versus environmentally induced effects, we performed a common garden experiment in a flow‐through system and measured variation in life‐history traits. Experimental thermal regimes were chosen according to natural temperature conditions during the reproductive period of D. galeata in Central European lakes, with one additional temperature regime exceeding the currently observable maximum (+2°C). Increased water temperatures were shown to significantly affect measured life‐history traits, and significant “temperature × clonal age” interactions were revealed. Compared to historical clones, recent clonal lineages exhibited a shorter time to first reproduction and a higher survival rate, which may suggest temperature‐driven micro‐evolution over time but does not allow an explicit conclusion on the adaptive nature of such responses.  相似文献   

A rigorous kinetic model describing the stepwise triglyceride hydrolysis at the oil–water interface, based on the Ping Pong Bi Bi mechanism using suspended lipase having positional specificity, was constructed. The preference of the enzyme to cleave to the ester bonds at the edge and the center of the glycerol backbone of the substrates (tri-, di- or monoglyceride) was incorporated in the model. This model was applied to the experimental results for triolein hydrolysis using suspended Porcine pancreatic lipase (an sn-1,3 specific lipase) and Candida rugosa lipase (a non-specific lipase) in a biphasic oil–water system under various operating conditions. In order to discuss the model’s advantages, other models that do not consider the positional specificity of the lipase were also applied to our experimental results. The model considering the positional specificity of the lipase gave results which fit better with the experimental data and described the effect of the initial enzyme concentration, the interfacial area, and the initial concentrations of triolein on the entire process of the stepwise triolein hydrolysis. This model also gives a good representation of the rate for cleaving the respective ester bonds of each substrate by each type of lipase.  相似文献   


Disclosures that this decade has had the five hottest years ever recorded globally raise concern that extreme temperatures might be associated with higher mortality. An analysis of fluctuations in annual cause‐specific deaths, seasonal temperatures, and annual income per capita in Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington, Utah, North Carolina, and Mississippi, 1930 to 1985, suggests that, on the contrary, a temperature increase throughout the year was associated with fewer deaths from all causes combined, including deaths from infectious diseases, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, pneumonia, and influenza. An average temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit was associated with a more than 2 per cent decline in deaths from pneumonia and influenza. The only category of deaths showing no significant association was death from malignant neoplasms. Compared to spring, summer, and fall temperature fluctuations, unusually cold winter temperatures had the strongest fatal effects, but only in North Carolina and Mississippi. The greatest cumulative temperature effects on mortality were found in the same two states. Controlling for annual fluctuations in income per capita did not influence the relationship between temperature and mortality. There was evidence suggesting that the level of wealth ameliorated the fatal effects of extreme temperatures. In conclusion, unusually warm weather was followed by fewer deaths; unusually cold weather, by more deaths.  相似文献   

The relationship between temperature and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol(DPIP) photoreduction activity in chloroplast fragments isolatedfrom spinach grown at different temperatures was investigatedin the temperature range from –25 to 25?C. Two break points in the slope of the Arrhenius plot of the Hillreaction were observed at –9 and 11?C in chloroplast fragmentsisolated from spinach grown at low temperatures (0–10?C).These breaks were not affected by an uncoupler. In chloroplastfragments from spinach grown in a higher temperature range (10–30?C),only one break point was observed at –9?C. The other breakpoint at around 10?C appeared after treatment with detergent.Both break points were completely abolished by fixing the chloroplastfragments with glutaraldehyde. The break at around 10?C in chloroplast fragments isolated fromspinach grown at lower temperature was interpreted as due toacclimation rather than chilling sensitivity. (Received September 6, 1977; )  相似文献   

We compared the effect of uncertainty in dose‐response model form on health risk estimates to the effect of uncertainty and variability in exposure. We used three different dose‐response models to characterize neurological effects in children exposed in utero to methylmercury, and applied these models to calculate risks to a native population exposed to potentially contaminated fish from a reservoir in British Columbia. Uncertainty in model form was explicitly incorporated into the risk estimates. The selection of dose‐response model strongly influenced both mean risk estimates and distributions of risk, and had a much greater impact than altering exposure distributions. We conclude that incorporating uncertainty in dose‐response model form is at least as important as accounting for variability and uncertainty in exposure parameters in probabilistic risk assessment.  相似文献   

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