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In this paper we describe the effects of manipulating two kinds of sensory input in neonatal rats upon the development of the macrovibrissae--that movable subset of the rodent mystacial vibrissae. In an initial study of normal whisker development, data on whisker size were obtained from neonatal, perinatal, and adult rats. Data on whisker size were also obtained from rats sustaining either neonatal sensory or motor denervation of the whiskers and from both rats and mice bilaterally enucleated as neonates (BEN). In normally reared rats, most whiskers attain their final size over the first three postnatal weeks but development of rows 6 and 7 are not completed until after the first month. In normal animals we found a significant correlation both between body weight and whisker size and between the size of a whisker and the size of its corresponding cortical barrel. Rats sustaining neonatal denervation of the whiskers have shorter and thinner whiskers as adults than normally reared animals. In both rats and mice bilaterally enucleated as neonates a subset of the macrovibrissae are significantly larger than those of normal controls but no such effect is seen if the enucleation is carried out in adults. Moreover, BEN rats exposed to a novel stimulus environment whisk at a significantly higher frequency than normally reared animals. Mechanisms which might mediate these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The testes of Syrian hamsters underwent pronounced involution within six weeks after blinding. The seminiferous tubules were devoid of all stages of spermatid development and mature spermatozoa were absent from the tubule lumina. The diameter of the Leydig cells was 25 % less than that of controls. Examination with the electron microscope revealed thick bundles of collagen fibrils interspersed between Leydig cells and surrounding Leydig cells in the blinded hamsters. The Leydig cell nuclei were shrunken and highly infolded. Lipid droplets that were often seen in normal Leydig cells were absent in the involuting Leydig cells. The size of the Golgi complex and the amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum were reduced. Results of the present experiment confirm that inactivity of the Leydig cells is the reason for the decline in serum testosterone levels in blinded hamsters.  相似文献   

为提高绵羊体细胞核移植的效率,本研究采用一种新的去核方法—化学辅助去核法,对绵羊体外成熟的卵母细胞进行去核,研究了化学诱导剂秋水仙素的处理浓度、作用时间、卵母细胞的成熟时间对去核效果及重构胚发育的影响。结果表明:1)卵母细胞在0.4μg/mL的秋水仙素溶液中分别孵育0.5h和1h,胞质突起率和去核率没有显著的差异,突起率可高达85.4%,去核率达到100%;2)0.2μg/mL或0.4μg/mL秋水仙素溶液将卵母细胞处理0.5h,对去核效果没有显著影响;3)对于体外成熟18~23h的卵母细胞,随着成熟时间的延长,盲吸法的去核率降低,但没有影响秋水仙素诱导胞质突起的比率和去核率;4)两种去核方法对重构胚的发育没有产生显著影响,但成熟21~23h卵母细胞重构胚囊胚的发育率显著高于成熟18~20h卵母细胞重构胚囊胚的发育率。综上所述,本试验优化了绵羊卵母细胞化学辅助的去核程序,利用化学辅助去核法对高卵龄的绵羊卵母细胞进行去核,提高了去核率和重构胚的体外发育率。  相似文献   

Treatment of pre-activated oocytes with demecolcine (DEM) has been shown to induce the extrusion of all oocyte chromosomes within the second polar body (PB2). However, induced enucleation (IE) rates are generally low and the competence of these cytoplasts to support embryonic development following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is impaired. Here, we explored whether short treatments with DEM or another antimitotic, nocodazole (NOC), improve IE efficiency, and determined the most appropriate timing for nuclear transfer in the cytoplasts produced. We show, for the first time, that IE can be accomplished in mouse and goat oocytes using NOC and that short treatments with DEM or NOC result in similar IE rates, which proved to be strain- and species-specific. Because enucleation induced by both antimitotic drugs is reversible, the IE protocol was combined with the mechanical aspiration of PB2s to increase permanent enucleation rates in mouse oocytes. None of the cloned mouse embryos produced from the resultant cytoplasts developed to the blastocyst stage. However, when they were reconstructed prior to the activation and antimitotic treatment, their in vitro embryonic development was similar to that of cloned embryos produced from mechanically-enucleated oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The electron microprobe microanalyser has been used to measure the concentrations of Ca, P and S in the predentine of young rat incisors. The specimens were prepared as alcohol fixed embedded ultrathin sections, unfixed vacuum embedded dry cut ultrathin sections and as thin cryostat sections. The results show the influence of preparation on the measured compositions and indicate that Ca is tightly bound to the matrix, whereas P can be easily washed out. Measurements along the dentine-predentine border demonstrated zones of Ca enrichment, the average size of which suggests that the zones could be the prestages of calcospherites. A mineralisation mechanism is discussed in which the high Ca concentration activates pyrophosphatase or ATPase before the onset of nucleation.The authors express their thanks to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support  相似文献   

Treatment of in vitro matured bovine oocytes with colcemid results in a membrane protrusion that contains maternal chromosomes, which can be easily removed by aspiration. Four experiments were designed to evaluate the overall and temporal effects of conditioned medium (CM) by bovine cumulus cells on development of nuclear transfer (NT) bovine embryos and to examine the chromosomal composition and allocation of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) of the subsequent blastocysts. The nuclear transfer embryos were cultured in various CR1aa media conditioned by preculture with bovine cumulus cells. Development to the blastocyst stage in BSA-containing CM (BCM) and serum-containing CM (SCM) were similar to co-culture group (24-30%). The 24 hr-conditioned BCM yielded higher blastocyst development than 48 and 72 hr-conditioned BCM. Temporary exposure of embryos to BCM and SCM followed by CR1aa was also studied. Morula and blastocyst development were not different among the groups cultured in BCM for 72, 96, and 168 hr, but were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than groups exposed to BCM for 24 and 48 hr, respectively. Blastocyst development in SCM for 24 hr (29%), 96 hr (25%), and 168 hr (27%) were much higher (P < 0.05) than those in SCM for 48 hr (12%) and 72 hr (10%). The analyses of chromosomal composition of the resulting blastocysts indicate approximately 80% of the blastocysts cultured in CR1aa with co-culture or groups initially exposed to BCM for 24 hr followed by culture in CR1aa were diploid. However, the incidence of diploidy were only 36-60% in SCM-cultured groups and groups cultured in BCM beyond 48 hr. Conditioned media did not affect the allocation of ICM and TE in the blastocyst. No difference was found in the ratio of inner cell mass to total cells in co-culture, BCM or SCM groups (0.424, 0.441, and 0.473, respectively). In conclusion, bovine cumulus cell-CM and CR1aa with co-culture supported comparable development and blastocyst ICM:total cell ratio of bovine NT embryos. However, CM affected the blastocyst chromosomal composition and induced higher mixploidy.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine biochemical and functional (in vivo) adaptations of the rodent neonatal heart in response to a training program of endurance running. Ten day-old rats were progressively trained on a treadmill (final intensity, 21 m/min, 30% grade, 1 h/day) until 75 days of age. The training program induced 14, 57, and 24% increases in relative heart mass, skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity, and whole-body maximal O2 uptake, respectively (P less than 0.05). Cardiac myosin (ATPase) and Ca2+-regulated myofibril ATPase were both reduced by approximately 15% in trained vs. sedentary animals (P less than 0.05). In the majority of trained hearts examined, the myosin isozyme profile reflected an estimated 14 +/- 3% shift toward the V3 or low ATPase isozyme. Left ventricular functional indices during submaximal exercise, derived from a fluid-filled indwelling cannula, indicated that the trained animals maintained similar left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure, LV + the time derivative of pressure, and systemic arterial mean blood pressure compared with their sedentary counterparts. These functional parameters were maintained even though the trained animals performed with lower submaximal exercise heart rate. These findings suggest that maximal exercise capacity can be enhanced in neonatal rats even though the biochemical potential for ATP degradation in the cardiac contractile system is lowered. We speculate that the trend to maintain the myosin isozyme pattern further in the direction of the V3 isozyme in the trained neonatal rat heart may reflect a means to economize cross-bridge cycling while maintaining normal levels of ventricle performance at a given submaximal work load.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts from Brassica oleracea, B. napus, Nicotiana tobaccum and Solanum tuberosum were isolated and subjected to uttracentrifugation at 65000g for 30 min in percoll solutions containing various strengths of salt and osmotic stabilizing agents. After centrifugation, the self-generated percoll gradients were evaluated for their effectiveness in protoplast evacuolation and enucleation. The vacuoles, cell debris, evacuolated protoplasts and enucleated protoplasts were separated. Factors that affected evacuolation and enucleation in the percoll gradients were described. Mesophyll protoplasts produced by epidermis peeling and short enzyme incubation periods were more easily evacuolated and enucleated than those produced by leaf-slicing and long incubation periods. Lower centrifugal force at 25000g for 80 min was also successful in evacuolating and enucleating the mesophyll protoplasts. A green band that contained nearly pure evacuolated protoplasts, of which 45% were enucleated protoplasts, was obtained from the self-generated percoll gradient. Rhodamine 123 staining of mitochondria indicated that the evacuolated protoplasts were metabolically active and were capable of regenerating the vacuole and cell wall. Cell divisions were also observed when the evacuolated protoplasts were cultured.  相似文献   

The enucleation of oocytes to be used as host cytoplasts for embryo reconstruction by nuclear transfer is an important limiting step when cloning mammals. We propose an enucleation technique based on the removal of chromatin after oocyte activation, at the telophase stage, by aspirating the second polar body and surrounding cytoplasm. In a preliminary experiment to determine an optimal activation protocol, oocytes were matured for 26 and 30 hr and exposed for 5 min to 7% ethanol and/or for 3 hr at either 25 or 4°C. Relative to most activation treatments tested, oocytes matured for 30 hr and exposed to ethanol alone showed highest activation rates, as determined by low levels of H1 kinase activity within 90 min from exposure and high pronuclear formation (82%) after 12 hr of culture. No synergistic effect on activation rates was observed when oocytes also were exposed to reduced temperature after ethanol treatment. Microsurgical removal of the telophase-stage chromatin in a small volume of cytoplasm adjacent to the second polar body was significantly more effective in enucleating than aspiration of a larger cytoplasm volume surrounding the first polar body of metaphase-arrested oocytes (98% versus 59%; P < 0.01). Moreover, compared with a nuclear transfer protocol based on enucleation of metaphase-arrested oocytes followed by aging and cooling, more (38% versus 16%; P < 0.001) and better-quality blastocytes (126 versus 84 nuclei per blastocyst; P < 0.02) were obtained from embryos reconstructed using the telophase procedure. Higher development potential of embryos reconstructed by the telophase procedure may be attributed to (1) the selection of oocytes that activate and respond by extruding the second polar body, (2) avoiding the use of DNA dyes and ultraviolet irradiation, and (3) the limited removal of cytoplasm during enucleation. The ease with which telophase enucleation can be performed is likely to render this technique widely useful for research and practice on mammalian cloning. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:29–36, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The rat's ability to vary its whisking "strategies" to meet the functional demands of a discriminative task suggests that whisking may be characterized as a "voluntary" behavior--an operant--and like other operants, should be modifiable by appropriate manipulations of response-reinforcer contingencies. To test this hypothesis we have used high-resolution, optoelectronic "real-time" recording procedures to monitor the movements of individual whiskers and reinforce specific movement parameters (amplitude, frequency). In one operant paradigm (N = 9) whisks with protractions above a specified amplitude were reinforced (Variable Interval 30 s) in the presence of a tone, but extinguished (EXT) in its absence. In a second paradigm (N = 3), rats were reinforced on two different VI schedules (VI-20s/VI-120s) signaled, respectively, by the presence or absence of the tone. Selective reinforcement of whisking movements maintained the behavior over many weeks of testing and brought it under stimulus and schedule control. Subjects in the first paradigm learned to increase responding in the presence of the tone and inhibit responding in its absence. In the second paradigm, subjects whisked at significantly different rates in the two stimulus conditions. Bilateral deafferentation of the whisker pad did not impair conditioned whisking or disrupt discrimination behavior. Our results confirm the hypothesis that rodent whisking has many of the properties of an operant response. The ability to bring whisking movement parameters under operant control should facilitate electrophysiological and lesion/behavioral studies of this widely used "model" sensorimotor system.  相似文献   

The exact molecular mechanism underlying erythroblast enucleation has been a fundamental biological question for decades. In this study, we found that miR-144/451 critically regulated erythroid differentiation and enucleation. We further identified CAP1, a G-actin-binding protein, as a direct target of miR-144/451 in these processes. During terminal erythropoiesis, CAP1 expression declines along with gradually increased miR-144/451 levels. Enforced CAP1 up-regulation inhibits the formation of contractile actin rings in erythroblasts and prevents their terminal differentiation and enucleation. Our findings reveal a negative regulatory role of CAP1 in miR-144/451-mediated erythropoiesis and thus shed light on how microRNAs fine-tune terminal erythroid development through regulating actin dynamics.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the quinacrine fluorescence technique to investigate the embryonic and early postnatal development of two distinct populations of Merkel cells in the rat whisker pad and the consequences of neonatal deafferentation on their subsequent development. Annular clusters of Merkel cells first appear in the epidermis near the caudal margin of the mystacial region between embryonic days E14 and E15 at dome sites located on horizontal ridges where the primordial vibrissal follicles develop. The development of these cells progresses in a caudorostral sequence across the whisker pad as does the development of the vibrissal follicles. Each cluster eventually forms a conical ridge or collar of about 130 Merkel cells that surrounds the vibrissal hair shaft as it penetrates the overlying pad epidermis. In the vibrissae, which develop as downgrowths from the horizontal ridges at the dome sites, Merkel cells first appear (caudally) between E16 and E17 and form a cylindrical cuff within the outer root sheath; cells are added progressively until about the end of the first postnatal week when a plateau level of about 750-800 cells is reached. Following unilateral transection of the infraorbital nerve at 24-36 hr after birth, these vibrissal Merkel cells continued to develop along a time course that was indistinguishable from normal, at least over the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. In contrast, all or most of the Merkel cells that normally develop within collars or annular clusters in the pad epidermis (around both the vibrissal and intervibrissal or pelage hairs) either disappeared within a few days or failed to develop. Other light and electron microscopic procedures supported the main findings and confirmed that the denervation was successful. Thus, the vibrissal Merkel cells, like those in the glabrous hindpaw, behaved as a distinct class which develops postnatally and is maintained (at least over a 2-week period) without the presence of sensory nerves. Since both the mystacial vibrissae and glabrous hindpaw have specialized cortical representations, a possible relationship between these findings and the organization of the somatosensory cortex during development is discussed.  相似文献   

Neonatal transection results in a marked reduction of the number of trigeminal (V) ganglion cells that contribute axons to the regenerate infraorbital nerve (ION; Jacquin and Rhoades, 1985; Chiaia et al., 1987). Such lesions also produce a profound deafferentation of the V brain stem complex that appears to spare the innervation of layers I and II of subnucleus caudalis (SpC) by subtance-P-positive (SP-positive) primary afferents (Jacquin and Rhoades, 1985; Rhoades et al., 1988). In the present study, we combined retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry to determine whether neonatal transection of the ION alters the percentage of SP-positive V ganglion cells that contribute axons to this V branch upon regeneration. In V ganglia ipsilateral to the intact ION (n = 8), 11.6% ± 3.2% of the cells labeled after application of true blue (TB) to the ION were also SP-positive. In ganglia ipsilateral to the neonatally damaged nerve (n = 8), 18.6% ± 4.7% of the cells labeled after application of TB to the regenerate ION were also SP-positive (p < 0.001). We also compared the SP content of intact ganglia (n = 10) with that of ganglia ipsilateral to the damaged nerve (n = 10) by means of radioimmunoassay. The normal V ganglia contained (mean ± SD) 3496 ± 774 pg SP/mg protein. The value for the ganglia ipsilateral to the damaged nerve was 5533 ± 1746 pg SP/mg protein (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference between SP levels on the control and partially deafferented sides of the brain stem in neonatally nerve-damaged adult rats.

In one additional experiment, we injected TB into both vibrissa pads of seven rats on the day of birth prior to transection of the ION. After an 8-hr delay, the nerve on one side was then cut and allowed to regenerate, and both V ganglia were then processed for immunocytochemistry. On the nerve-damaged side, 25.8% of the TB-labeled cells were SP-positive. The value for the intact side was 12.0% (p < 0.00001). This result demonstrated that the lesion-induced change in the percentage of SP-positive ION cells was not1. the result of either late-growing axons from SP-positive ganglion cells that may have been missed by our nerve cuts or collateral sprouting into the regenerate ION by undamaged SP-positive ganglion cells.  相似文献   

While it recently has been demonstrated that it is possible to modify the phenotypic expression of murine dystrophy (dy/dy) (i.e., prevent myofiber loss) by subjecting the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of 14-day-old dy/dy mice to transient neonatal denervation (Moschella and Ontell, 1987), the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon has not been determined. Since it has been suggested that the effects of dystrophy vary according to fiber type, the fiber type frequency in 100-day-old normal (+/+) and dy/dy EDL muscles subjected to transient neonatal denervation has been determined by immunohistochemical analysis of their myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. This frequency has been compared with that found in the EDL muscles of 14 -and 100-day-old unoperated +/+ and dy/dy mice, in order to determine whether the reinnervation of transiently denervated neonatal muscle results in a preponderance of fibers of the type that might be spared dystrophic deterioration. In unoperated dy/dy muscle there is a progressive decrease in the frequency and in the absolute number of fibers that express MHC2B, with 100-day-old dy/dy muscles having ~32% of the number of myofibers fibers containing MHC2B as is found in age-matched +/+ muscles. The number of fibers containing the other fast isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X) is similar in +/+ and dy/dy muscles at this age, indicating that fibers with MHC2B are most affected by the dystrophic process. Reinnervation following transient neonatal denervation of both the +/+ and the dy/dy EDL muscles results in a similar decrease (~62%) in the number of myofibers containing MHC2B and an increase in myofibers containing the other fast MHC isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X). The selective effect of dy/dy on fibers containing MHC2B and the sparing of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscle (which contains a reduced frequency of fibers containing MHC2B) are consistent with, although not direct proof of, the hypothesis that alterations in the fiber type may play a role in the failure of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscles to undergo dystrophic deterioration. Evidence is presented suggesting that neurons that supply myofibers containing MHC2B may be at a selective disadvantage in their ability to reinnervate neonatally denervated muscles. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Several factors have been proposed to account for poor motor recovery after prolonged denervation, including motor neuron cell death and incomplete or poor regeneration of motor fibers into the muscle. Both may result from failure of the muscle and the distal motor nerve stump to continue expression of neurotrophic factors following delayed muscle reinnervation. This study investigated whether regenerating motor or sensory axons modulate distal nerve neurotrophic factor expression. We found that transected distal tibial nerve up-regulated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) mRNA, down-regulated neurotrophin-3 and ciliary neurotrophic factor mRNA, and that although these levels returned to normal with regeneration, the chronically denervated distal nerve stump continued to express these neurotrophic factors for at least 6 months following injury. A sensory nerve (the cutaneous saphenous nerve) sutured to distal tibial nerve lowered injury-induced BDNF and GDNF mRNA levels in distal stump, but repair with a mixed nerve (peroneal, containing muscle and cutaneous axons) was more effective. Repair with sensory or mixed nerves did not affect nerve growth factor or neurotrophin-3 expression. Thus, distal nerve contributed to a neurotrophic environment for nerve regeneration for at least 6 months, and sensory nerve repair helped normalize distal nerve neurotrophic factor mRNA expression following denervation. Furthermore, as BDNF and GDNF levels in distal stump increased following denervation and returned to control levels following reinnervation, their levels serve as markers for the status of regeneration by either motor or sensory nerve.  相似文献   

This study describes the encapsulation of the local anaesthetic lidocaine (LDC) in large unilamellar liposomes (LUV) prepared in a scalable procedure, with hydrogenated soybean phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol and mannitol. Structural properties of the liposomes were assessed by dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis and transmission electron microscopy. A modified, two-compartment Franz-cell system was used to evaluate the release kinetics of LDC from the liposomes. The in vivo anaesthetic effect of liposomal LDC 2% (LUVLDC) was compared to LDC 2% solution without (LDCPLAIN) or with the vasoconstrictor epinephrine (1:100 000) (LDCVASO), in rat infraorbital nerve blockade model. The structural characterization revealed liposomes with spherical shape, average size distribution of 250?nm and low polydispersity even after LDC incorporation. Zeta potential laid around –30?mV and the number of suspended liposomal particles was in the range of 1012 vesicles/mL. Also the addition of cryoprotectant (mannitol) did not provoke structural changes in liposomes properties. In vitro release profile of LDC from LUV fits well with a biexponential model, in which the LDC encapsulated (EE%?=?24%) was responsible for an increase of 67% in the release time in relation to LDCPLAIN (p?<?0.05). Also, the liposomal formulation prolonged the sensorial nervous blockade duration (~70?min), in comparison with LDCPLAIN (45?min), but less than LDCVASO (130?min). In this context, this study showed that the liposomal formulations prepared by scalable procedure were suitable to promote longer and safer buccal anaesthesia, avoiding side effects of the use of vasoconstrictors.  相似文献   

The loss of epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding activity on cultured murine 3T3 cells exposed to EGF (EGF receptor down regulation) was determined in colchicine treated cells, cytochalasin B treated cells, and untreated cells. Neither colchicine nor cytochalasin B altered the affinity of the receptor for EGF, but colchicine decreased maximal EGF binding activity by 20%. The maximal extent of EGF receptor down regulation was similar in colchicine treated cells and cytochalasin B treated cells, but the rate of receptor down regulation was higher in cytochalasin B treated cells. Cytoplasts produced by subjecting cytochalasin B treated cells adhering to the substratum to centrifugal force responded to EGF with nearly normal down regulation kinetics. The results suggest that the cytoskeleton is not obligatorily involved in EGF-induced EGF receptor down regulation.  相似文献   

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